Grammar Sparkle 8
Grammar Sparkle 8
Grammar Sparkle 8
Teacher's Manual
Grammar Sparkle-8
3. She hoped to win the online quiz.
1. Sentences and Phrases
4. She loves to draw.
A. Underline the subject and circle the predicate in the F. Underline the adjective phrases and circle the nouns
following sentences. they are modifying. The first one has been done for
1. My parents and my brother have gone to Goa. you.
2. She met her teacher. Adjective Phrases Noun Modifying
3. Neeru has come first in the race. 1. in the pink dress The lady
4. The man gave him a bag. 2. on duty that day The watchman
5. The earth revolves around the sun. 3. from mumbai The participant
6. Barking dogs seldom bite. 4. fresh and tasty These mangoes
B. Circle the direct object and underline the indirect 5. who was studying here Bobby
object, if any, in the following sentences.
G. Underline the adverb phrase and circle the verb it
1. Please accept my apology .
modifies. Also, write its kind (manner, time, place)
2. She gave me a good advice .
3. She has a wooden horse . Adverb Phrase Verb Modifying
4. The teacher told them a story. in a generous manner
1. accept defeat
5. She taught Mukul English. (manner)
6. I gave a pen to him. with all my heart
2. supported
7. Please pass me the salt.
indoors nowadays
8. He gave me a gift. 3. to spend
C. Circle the complements, if any, in the following
sentences. 4. in those days (time) to keep
1. His mother was very sick. 5. healthy lifestyle (time) to spend
2. Puneet is a polite child. H. Circle the phrases in the following sentences and
3. John bought a wrist watch for himself . identify whether they are adjective, adverb, and noun
4. The man seems tired. phrases.
5. Aamir Khan nailed his role in Dangal . 1. The book, with illustrations , is expensive.
6. The teacher scolded the student . noun phrase
7. They are playing cricket . 2. The test will be held today . adverb phrase
8. She looks beautiful in her blue dress . 3. My friend, from Dubai , is with me. adjective phrase
D. Identify the given sentences as imperative, declarative, 4. We found him in the living room . adverb phrase
exclamatory, or interrogative and add punctuation 5. I love to write poems . noun phrase
marks accordingly at the end. 6. I looked for the pen in every possible place .
1. What is your opinion on this topic? Interrogative adverb phrase
2. I cannot believe him to be the murderer! 7. The carpet is made in India . noun phrase
8. The women, in black coat , is my friend.
3. What a beautiful view of the mountains! Exclamatory
adjective phrase
4. Elephants have a good memory. Assertive
9. She is a girl of five years . adjective phrase
5. Cats catch mice. Assertive
6. What a wonderful day it is. Assertive Listening Skills
7. The early bird catches the worm. Assertive Listen to your teacher carefully and write the following.
8. Dhoni is a great cricketer! Exclamatory Declarative
E. Underline the noun phrase in the following sentences. 1. Offering to help someone is divine.
1. Can you read the printed matter? 2. Unquestionably, the world is full of woe.
2. I heard a loud roar.
Noun clauses triangle heart advice work
1. the agonies of humankind word shopping patience freedom
2. the cursed ones E. Name the kind of gender of the nouns given below.
Conversation Corner 1. ball common
Look at the picture and describe it to your partner. Your 2. maid-servant feminine
partner should respond and also identify the kind of
statement spoken by you. 3. washerman masculine
Wow! What a beautiful scene Exclamatory 4. stag masculine
Have you been to a place like this? Interrogative 5. queen feminine
These are sample answers. Please accept all relevant 6. waiter neuter
responses. 7. table common
6. ‘These are our new toys,’ said the children.
3. Pronouns
7. This is what you must do.
A. Fill in the blanks with personal pronouns. 8. These are important topics.
1. I kept my watch somewhere. Now I can’t remember F. Fill in the blanks with distributive pronouns.
where I kept it.
1. Each of us sleeps before twelve.
2. Aruna said to Jacob, ‘Why are you disturbing me?’
2. All of the parks were available.
3. My friends wrote me letters. But we did not reply to
3. Each of the ten girls was allowed to participate in
my letters.
the trials.
4. Mohit is very careful. He does his work very neatly.
4. Each of us was having any luck.
5. The painter is finishing his painiting. We must not
5. Everyone got a different present.
disturb him.
6. I don’t like either of the two sisters.
B. Fill in the blanks with relative pronouns.
7. Each of the flowers has a different colour.
1. She was a girl who it was difficult to know well.
8. I shall buy all of the watches.
2. The first person who I saw in the club was Anita.
G. Fill in the blanks with indefinite pronouns.
3. He has sold the house which he built last year.
1. None of singers was worth listening to.
4. The man who I helped has cheated me.
2. Nothing can be done now.
5. I don’t like the mischief which he has done.
3. Can someone come along with me?
6. If you can’t do it, then there are others who can do it.
4. Please put everything in perfect order.
7. He used to read aloud to his wife whose eyesight
was failing. 5. A good film is enjoyed by everyone.
8. The car, which was stolen, has been found. 6. Are you looking for anything?
9. This is the boy who helped me cross the road. 7. I went to look for apples, but there were none.
10. The girl, who called today, is my classmate. 8. No one came when I was out; I do not know who it
C. Fill in the blanks with interrogative pronouns.
H. Fill in the blanks with reciprocal pronouns.
1. What would you prefer, mango juice or a banana
shake? 1. The father advised all his children to help each other.
2. Who is that girl with a kind heart? 2. The old man said to his four children, ‘You should
love one another.’
3. What can I do for you?
3. Ruhi and Aamir like each other very much.
4. Which is that car?
4. The two cousins greeted each other .
5. What did he do the whole day?
5. Both the students are helping each other .
6. What is the main raw material used in the paper
industry? Conversation Corner
7. Which is the longest river in India? Take turns with your partner to read the passage below
8. Who has spoken last? sentence for sentence. One of you should read the
sentence with the blank and the other one should fill in
D. Fill in the blanks with reflexive or emphatic pronouns.
the blank. Fill in the blanks in the following passages with
1. We have built this house ourselves. suitable pronouns.
2. The old man fell down and hurt himself. I went to the Moon Temple in Olympia. There were many,
3. We are going to meet the President himself. many people, but many of them utterly wild. As soon
4. The girl looked at herself in the mirror. as I began speaking, They began thrusting to and fro;
determined to throw me down from the podium where I
5. She wrote the book herself.
stood. They did so once or twice; but I went up again and
6. The candle burned itself out. continued my speech. They then started throwing stones;
7. The girls enjoyed themselves. at the same time they got upon the podium behind me
E. Fill in the blanks with demonstrative pronouns. to push me down; on which I could not but observe, how
God is there even in the minutest circumstances. One man
1. ‘Was that your scooter?’ he asked.
was screaming just at my ear when a stone struck him on
2. ‘This is my study,’ he said. the chest, and he was still.
3. This sounds very funny. Another man was forcing his way down to him till another
4. Those are juicy apples. stone hit him on the mouth, it bounced back, the blood
5. This was a very cruel joke. ran down, and it came no further. The third, being close
to him, stretched out his hand and all of a sudden, a sharp E. Fill in the blanks with few, a few, little, or a little.
stone came upon his wavering head. He shook his head 1. Almost everybody hates him. A few people like him.
and was very quiet till I concluded my speech and went
2. We tried to kill all the rats. But few are still left.
3. He spent money like water. So there was no money
4. Determiners left for his old age.
4. The test is so difficult that only few students manage
A. Fill in the blanks with a or an where necessary. Put (O) to clear it.
where articles are not required. 5. If you give me a little help, I can clear the
1. Draw an angle of 90°. examination.
2. She looks after O sick people. F. Fill in the blanks with much or many.
3. Aamir hopes to be a leader. 1. Hurry up! We don’t have much time.
4. He drove the car at sixty kilometres an hour. 2. Many trees were uprooted in the storm.
5. Why do you want a chance? 3. Did he spend much money?
6. In my spare time, I like to play X cricket. 4. The baby doesn’t drink much milk.
7. It does not rain in X winter. 5. Does he have many books?
B. Fill in the blanks with a, an, or the where necessary. 6. There weren’t many people in the auditorium.
1. I saw a film last Sunday. The film was about a small Listening Skills
girl and a witch who was very wicked.
Listen to your teacher reading out a passage with incorrect
2. I am going to the neighbourhood market to buy a determiners. Write the correct determiners in the space
cooler. provided.
3. We buy rice from the grocery store near our house. Amritsar in Punjab has become a major tourist hub. Many
4. Why didn’t you switch off the fan? visitors come as tourists and some people come to work
5. Where is the toilet, please? here. But whatever the reason they have, almost every
6. He switched off all the lights, locked the house, and visitor goes to see a change of guards at a Wagah Border.
went for a walk. This is one of the greatest attractions of Amritsar. Another
is the Jallianwala Bagh. Then, there is the Golden Temple.
7. My friend is writing a book. The book will be People visit it every day to seek blessings and find peace.
published next year.
8. He went to a book store to buy some books. Have Fun
C. Fill in the blanks with a, an, or the where necessary. Rewrite these incomplete sentences by inserting
Put (O) wherever not required. determiners, given in right column, in the right places: An
example has been given.
1. I have an account in The State Bank of India.
1. Both the girls have gone to the computer lab.
2. We dined at the Hotel Taj yesterday.
2. Could you carry these bags for me?
3. O rabbits O are very cute animals.
3. I have to go to the bank this afternoon.
4. Which is the longest railway platform in India?
4. I am afraid I haven’t got much money left.
5. Have you got a good book on O Botany?
5. People enjoy going to the theatre.
6. O wood is used for making O furniture.
6. They live in a big new bungalow.
7. The elephant is the largest land animal.
7. You can buy any sweets at the Bengali Market.
8. What is the thing you are saying?
8. I would like to buy some books.
9. The Rajasthan canal flows through O Rajasthan.
9. I would like to buy those bags, please.
10. O Diwali comes either in O October or O November.
D. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences using some 5. Adjectives
or any.
1. I wished to buy that bat, but I didn’t have any A. Underline the adjectives in the following passage.
money. The golden-beaked woodpecker is a very pretty bird.
2. He bought some shirts. It is black and pale-yellow in front; its sides are spotted
black and white and it has a lovely golden back with a
3. Did the baby drink some milk?
yellowish hue with black markings. Both the male and
4. Please give me some information on silkworms. female birds have black tails, but there is a red patch
5. They haven’t got any children. on the head of the male and also a red crest, while the
female has only the red crest.
The woodpecker has a long, strong, pointed bill which 2. The children made much noise. numeral
it uses to peck holes in the bark of trees. When it
manages to make a hole, the woodpecker puts it’s 3. I saw the match in the packed
long sticky tongue inside to get at the insects. But its stadium.
favourite food is the large black ant(s) found on the 4. The roads were muddy
trees and on the ground. Woodpeckers also eat fruits. because of heavy rains.
The mother bird lays three white glossy eggs in the 5. The food was very delicious. quality
6. We saw two films yesterday.
hollow of a tree between March and August.
B. Underline the adjectives in the following sentences and
7. We had enough time. quantity
tell their kind.
8. Whose notebook is kept there? demonstrative
Kind of Adjective
9. My father was angry with me. possessive
1. Neither boy gave the correct
quality 10. Neither boy gave the correct
answer. distributive
C. Write the comparative and superlative degrees of the following adjectives:
Positive Comparative Superlative Positive Comparative Superlative
hateful more hateful most hateful silly sillier silliest
hard harder hardest mean meaner meanest
terrible more terrible most terrible delicious more delicious most delicious
stupid more stupid most stupid generous more generous most generous
famous more famous most famous polite politer politest
serious more serious most serious painful more painful most painful
mysterious more mysterious most mysterious valuable more valuable most valuable
enjoyable more enjoyable most enjoyable green greener greenest
nice nicer nicest busy busier busiest
quiet quieter quietest brilliant more brilliant most brilliant
wonderful more wonderful most wonderfull cheap cheap cheapest
fine finer finer white whiter whitest
D. Complete the following sentences using the correct 3. The Mississipi is the largest river in the world.
degree of comparison of the adjectives given in the 4. The elephant largest land animal.
5. December 22 is the coldest day.
1. This year’s question paper was easier than the
6. Akhil is one of best football players.
last year’s. (easy)
7. Muhammad Ali is the best boxer in the world.
2. Very few hotels are as more expensive as
the Taj. (expensive) 8. No metal is more expensive than as gold.
3. This house is not as bigger as that one. (big) 9. Her marks are not better than mine.
4. Leh is one of coldest cities in India. (cold) 10. My grandmother is not as older than my
5. Prem Singh was adjudged best athlete of
the year. (good) 11. Very few countries are colder than Russia.
6. I have more money is my pocket than Suresh. (much) 12. Panipat is one of the cleanest cities in the country.
7. Madhya Pradesh is the largest state in India. (large) Conversation Corner
8. Kapil Dev is one of the greatest bowlers in Take turns with your partner to form sentences using the
the world. (great) given adjectives.
E. Complete the following sentences using positive, a. Sahil has a red cotton shirt.
comparative, or superlative forms of suitable adjectives b. Mr Rawat is a strong old man.
together with other words.
c. ‘Guide’ is an old Indian movie.
1. Do you know which is the biggest of the world?
d. The farmer has a small rectangular field.
2. Very few cities in the world are bigger Delhi.
e. Sanjeev is a tall strong young man.
Grammar Game 6. Can you help the old woman?
Find as many adjectives as you can in the word grid below: 7. Can she count the stars?
F G I O T S Z F B R A V E O B I G B H X 8. I cannot understand anything when I am upset.
A A N X O F F R U O W N S T J N H H N F D. Fill in the blanks with may, may not, might, or might
O H H T H I S I S O M E O A Z C G E W S not.
1. The shops will be closed on Monday because the
union leader died on Sunday.
L M M N P E S L O Y A L S I R T Y X J L 2. He has not worked hard enough. He might not
clear the exam.
U G R E C L E V E R K D E R D N U H C U 3. He might not come to the party. He is unwell.
D O E N G C R L B X S W E C O P J S A M 4. You might be allowed to take your bags.
R S I O V P A P E D I R T Y M M L K W A 5. My father said to me that I may use his car.
6. May I leave my suitcase here?
I P K H R T Z F L W H B N D V N Q W E C E. You are talking about your family’s future plans. But you
S S W T W O F O E P Q I A N P D Y I F L don’t know what is going to happen. Use may/might to
T K A H E R I R V X X Z H I N G B O Y Q express these plans, as in the following example.
S L E E H H R I E X U U Z K X A E F W Q 1. How long is your father going to stay in Mumbai?
L D U S H V S E R O O P H S C A A G Y A I don’t know, but he might stay for 2 weeks .
Q L H E A L T H Y R O O D K S O M A W J 2. How are you going to the railway station?
I don’t know, but we might take a cab .
3. When is your father going to buy a car?
6. Verbs and Auxiliaries
I don’t know, but he might buy one next year .
A. Underline the verbs in the following sentences, and say 4. How is your family going to spend the summer
whether they are transitive or intransitive. vacations?
1. He cut the cake. Transitive I don’t know, but we may go to Shimla .
2. Did she like the watch? Intransitive 5. Which stream are you going to choose after class
3.The children were swimming in the table. Transitive 10th?
4. Sanchita cleaned the room. Transitive I haven’t yet decided, but I might go for commerce .
5. He boiled the water. Transitive F. Fill in the blanks with will, will not, shall, or shall not.
6. Do you often use typewriter? Transitive 1. The Rajdhani Express will leave from platform No. 2.
7. The robbers broke the fence. Transitive 2. I will attend to the matter after lunch.
8. I can't find my bag. Transitive 3. I don’t think he will come.
B. Underline the auxiliary verbs in the following sentences. 4. All right, I shall take the job.
Also mention the main verbs they are helping. 5. What will you have for breakfast?
1. delivered Main verbs 6. The market will be closed on Monday.
2. does Auxiliary, like Main verbs 7. I shall not meet you in the evening.
3. Did Auxiliary, come Main verbs G. Fill in the blanks with would, would not, should, or
4. has Auxiliary, should not.
5. was Auxiliary 1. She promised that she would not be late.
6. has Auxiliary 2. He said that he would lend me some money.
7. are Auxiliary 3. Would you like to try on this jacket?
8. is Auxiliary 4. We should keep our surroundings clean.
C. Fill in the blanks with can, cannot, could, or could not. 5. When I was a boy, I would go for a walk every day.
1. Can your grandmother read books? 6. I would like to have a talk with your parents.
2. Can I borrow your bicycle? 7. Would you give me this pen, please?
3. I am sorry I cannot understand you. H. Fill in the blanks with must, must not, ought to, ought
4. Can I use your car today? not (to).
5. We cannot meet you because we missed the bus. 1. We ought not touch the live wires.
2. Children must not eat too many sweets. 3. You should revise your answers in the spare time.
3. You ought not_ be rude to old people. 4. You should prepare well for your exams. You should
4. We must help the poor. not get nervous during the exams. You should not
5. You must not travel without a ticket.
5. When you are walking, you should cross the road at
6. The doctor said that I must do more exercise.
the zebra crossing only.
7. I must write that letter before going to bed.
6. You should walk or cycle short distances instead of
I. Rewrite the following sentences using the modals given driving.
in the list.
7. You should not throw away your old toys. You should
1. I have a request. May I ask you a question? pass them on to others for reuse.
2. May I go now?
Listening Skills
3. You can go now.
Listen to your teacher carefully and write the types of the
4. The train may arrive late. following verbs he/she has used.
5. Can you to swim across the river? 1. auxiliary 2. auxiliary 3. intransitive 4. modal
6. My grandpa could read without glasses even at
Conversation Corner
Play the role of a shopkeeper and a customer with your
7. He cannot go out.
partner. After each dialogue, point out the type of verb
J. Fill in the blanks with may, might, can, could, should, used.
Shopkeeper : Can I help you? Modal
1. The world was anxious to see how well India would
Customer : I would need eggs and bread. Modal
play in the World Cup.
Shopkeeper : I don’t have eggs. Intransitive
2. Before I could give you my answer, I have to tell you
a story. Customer : Okay, can I have paneer? Modal
3. We tried our best but the dispute could not be Shopkeeper : Sure. Here you go. Transitive
settled. These are sample answers. Please accept all relevant
4. You should have dinner with me before you go. responses.
6. The thief broke the window enter the house. (enter) 4. They continued talking . Object
7. I would rather drink milk. (drink) 5. Accidents are caused by carelessness. Object
8. Please arrange for a taxi to collect us after the 6. Traveling costs a lot of money.
movie. (collect) G. Fill in the blanks by adding to where necessary before
9. I dare not go far away. (go) the infinitives given in brackets.
10. I have good many things to do at school. (do) 1. I want to help (help) you.
C. Circle the participles (verbal adjectives) in the following 2. You do not seem to know (know) how the game is
sentences. played.
1. He looks like a tired man . 3. We should not put (put) it off.
2. They have a self-cleaning robot . 4. They needn’t punish (punish) him.
3. I have two grown-up children . 5. I am singing to keep (keep) my spirits up in this
4. My father is a retired judge . moment of sadness.
5. Physics is an interesting subject . 6. She did not let him to go (go) out and play (play).
6. She nursed the wounded puppy . 7. I need only have (have) snatched it from my
7. All the hungry people were fed.
8. Robin Hood came to know (know) what the Sheriff
8. The doctor told me to eat boiled vegetables .
had said.
D. Fill in the blanks with correct participle forms of the
9. The emperor was anxious to find (find) out what his
verbs given in brackets.
courtiers were planning to do (do).
1. She has pleasing manners. (please)
10. The man was made to sit (sit) in the chair.
2. The old man had a worried look on his face. (worry)
H. Underline the gerunds in the following sentences.
3. They came to a deserted field. (desert)
1. Painting is a good hobby for everyone.
4. The defeated team was given the second prize.
2. Kite flying is loved by children.
3. Sky-diving is a thrilling sport.
5. They took the injured child to hospital. (injure)
4. Most girls possess the art of writing neatly.
6. She invited us to their newly built house. (buy)
5. Learning makes a man perfect.
7. They bought a tin of ripe strawberries like this.
(ripe) 6. The girl was praised for doing the work regularly.
8. The stolen bag was recovered by the police. (steal) 7. Swimming is a very good exercise.
9. It was an exciting journey. (excite) 8. Thinking doesn’t make a man perfect.
10. She was wearing a newly stitched shirt. (stitch) 9. She is fond of playing cricket.
E. Fill in the blanks using the participle forms of the 10. Playing is good for health.
appropriate verbs from the box. Listening Skills
1. A glider is a flying machine without an engine. Listen to your teacher. Write the kind of verb infinitive,
2. The mind of Hamza is full of exciting stories. participle, gerund forms for each sentence.
3. My uncle is setting up a new printing press. 1. He is good at repairing iPods.
4. He works as an editor in a publishing house. 2. I hate meeting strangers. (meet)
5. This is a book on speaking English. 3. She gave me a burnt cake to eat. (burn)
6. The waiting room was crowded with passengers. 4. He has sent a written message. (write)
7. She was caught with the stolen money. 5. Canned food is not always good to eat. (can)
8. An escalator is a moving staircase. 6. Please remember to post this letter. (post)
9. The doctor has told him to change his eating
habits. 8. Verbs— The Present Tense
10. We are short of training workers. A. Given below is the schedule of Mrs Veena Kashyap, the
F. Circle the gerunds in the following sentences and tell Principal of your school.
whether they are used as subjects or objects. At 7:00, Mrs Veena Kashyap reaches the school. At 7:30,
1. Singing is my favourite hobby. Subject she addresses the assembly. At 8:00, she takes round
2. She saved the puppy from drowning. Object of the school. Between 8:30 to 10:00, she meets parents
3. We believe in working hard. Object and other visitors. At 10:00, she takes tea break. From
10:30 to 12:30 she meets the students and teachers and surgery last week.
discusses plans with the Student Council Members. At 2. We have been planning (plan) to go to the Red Fort
12:30, she takes lunch. Between 1:00 to 2:30, she meets since yesterday.
administrative officers to discuss issues.
3. Mrs. Nita has been baking (bake) delicious cookies.
B. Write the negative forms of these sentences. She has been cooking (cook) some special dishes
1. Ram does not help his father in the kitchen. as well for today’s tea party.
2. I am not tired. 4. My mother has been working (work) late hours for
3. People are not following the traffic rules. entire month which has been affecting (affect) her
health since long.
4. Aarti is not helping her friends in need.
5. Rajdeep and Aslam have been planning (plan) to
5. Vijay does not cooperate with his classmates.
open a gym in their neighbourhood.
C. Write a short paragraph about your sister/brother
G. Write questions to the answers below using the simple
describing her/his habits, hobbies, likes, and dislikes
present or present continuous tense.
using the simple present tenses. Use the words given in
the list. 1. Janet : Do you know him ?
My brother’s name is Uday. His play hockey. He Anjali : He’s Aamir Khan aka Mr. Perfectionist, the
watches English movies and Korean TV serials. He eats actor.
sandwiches and drinks juice. He spends his holidays Janet : Is he from Mumbai?
and weekends by sleeping. He likes English and Maths. Anjali : Yes, he’s from Mumbai.
This is a sample answer. Please accept all relevant Janet : Have you see his acting?
Anjali : Oh yes! I have.
D. Rewrite the following sentences by changing the tense
2. Aamir : Where are you going for your holidays?
to the present perfect tense.
Anurag : We are going to Srinagar.
1. My mother has tried to make me drink milk regularly.
Aamir : Where are you going ?
2. We have planned to buy you a bicycle.
Anurag : We are staying at Hotel Trident.
3. Have the tickets for the movie been bought by
father? H. Complete the following conversations using the verbs
given in brackets.
4. Who has presented a speech on the occasion of
Teacher’s Day? 1. Mother : What are you doing?
5. Neha and Tanu have done their project work Paridhi : I am completing my assignment .
together. (complete/assignment)
6. We have helped our teacher to organize the Raunak : No, mother. She has actually played games
Republic Day programme. for half an hour. (play/games)
7. My brother has skipped regularly. 2. Vidya : Father, what are you doing ? (do)
E. Complete the sentences with the verbs given in Father : Why are you shouting ? (shout) I’m
brackets. Use simple present tense for the first blank listening (listen) to the news.
and present continuous tense for the other blank. Vidya : There is a lizard lying (lie) on my bed!
1. We usually eat dinner at about 9:00 PM. I am Father : Why are you scared (scare) of lizard?
eating it early tonight as I have some work to do. Vidya : They look (look) scary, father, Please get it
(eat) off.
2. Now I see what he means. Suresh is seeing his Father : Give me a minute, I am coming (come).
mother off at the station this evening. (see)
I. Complete the following using the verbs given in the
3. Manoj speak English well, but not Hindi. He is brackets.
speaking to his friend in broken Hindi. (speak)
1. I do not want (not want) to hear any excuses. You
4. Radha always does her homework as soon as she should take part (You, take part) in the cultural
takes her lunch. However, today she is doing it late programme.
as she is unwell. (do)
2. Do you believe (you, believe) me?
5. His father gives him a special gift every year. This
3. Why is the baby crying (the baby, cry)? Does it not
year, he is giving him gift. (give)
(it, not like) rides?
F. Use present perfect continuous tense form of the verbs
4. Raghav, are you listening (you, listen) me?
given in brackets.
5. What does Kanika wear (Kanika wear) for the party?
1. My father has been resting (rest) at home after his
6. Is she cooking (she, cook) the dinner or should I B. What were you doing at the following times? Write one
cook (I, cook) it myself? sentence either using past continuous or simple past,
7. How much does it cost (cost) to fly to Kaula as required. The first one has been done for you.
Lumpur? 1. I was getting ready for a party.
8. Tarannum is starting (start) a new venture just now. 2. I was eating a snack.
9. The elephant is pulling (pull) the heavy log by the 3. I was sleeping.
roadside. 4. I was studying.
10. Jane is expecting (expect) better results. 5. I was exercising.
11. Why are you irritating (you, irritate) the mother? 6. I was playing.
12. The project has been completed (complete) a few C. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of past tense of
hours ago. the verbs given in brackets.
Listening Skills 1. I was cycling (cycle) home yesterday when suddenly,
Listen to your teacher carefully and write the tense of each a woman came (came) in front of me. I was going
sentences which he/she has spoken. (go) quite fast but luckily, I managed (manage) to
stop in time and did not hit (not/hit) her.
1. Ruffians have been shouting slogans for two hours.
2. I saw (see) Kader in town yesterday but he did not
2. Sneha has been working in this bank as a cashier since
see (not/see) me. He looked (look) the other way.
3. I met (meet) Anil and Anjali at the airport a few
3. The principal have himself been looking into the
weeks ago. They went (go) to Barcelona and I went
allegations since 2018.
(go) to France. We had (have) a chat while we were
4. Dense fog has been disrupting many rail and air waiting (wait) for our flights.
services for three days.
4. I was walking (walk) along the road when suddenly,
5. Hans Amundsen has been taking the students to the I heard (hear) a sound of walking feet behind me.
Antarctica for three years. Somebody was following (follow) me. I was scared
Conversation Corner and I started (start) to run.
Take turns to talk to your partner about whatever is D. Put the verb into the correct form — past perfect or
happening in the classroom at this moment. Remember to simple past. The first one has been done for you.
use all the forms of the present tense while doing so. 1. “Was Mr. Sood at the party when you arrived?” No,
Students are making noise. The teacher is absent. Some he had gone (go) home.
girls are laughing. The blackboard has been wiped clean. 2. I am sorry for being late. My bike had broken
Some boys are running. Karan is laughing. (break) down on the way.
This is a sample answer. Please accept all relevant responses. 3. On reaching home, I fell very tired I had gone (go)
straight to bed.
9. Verbs— The Past Tense 4. Marco Polo told (tell) people strange stories about
the things he had seen (see) in China.
A. Fill in the blanks with the simple past tense form of the
verbs given in brackets. 5. By 6:15, most of the spectators had taken (take)
their seats in the auditorium.
1. On my way to school, I (a) noticed (notice) a man
who was having coffee. As his cab (b) came (come), E. Read the situations and write sentences ending with
he (c) finished (finish) his coffee and (d) put (put) before. Use the verb given in brackets.
the mug on the ground. Then he (e) got in (get in) 1. A man walked into the lobby. He was a complete
the taxi. It (f) was (be) an expensive mug but he stranger to me. (see)
(g) did not care (do not care) for it. It (h) puzzled I had not seen him before.
(puzzle) me. 2. The child sitting next to me in the plane was very
2. After some weeks, I again (a) saw (see) the same nervous. It was his first flight. (fly)
man. This time also, he (b) drank (drink) his coffee The child had not flown before.
(c) put (put) the mug on the ground and (d)
boarded (board) the cab. I (e) wanted (want) to ask 3. Sameer played chess yesterday. He wasn’t very good
him that why he (f) left (leave) the mug behind. Just at it because it was his first game. (play)
then. I (g) saw (see) a beautiful dog picking the mug Sameer had not played chess before.
in his mouth. The dog (h) carried (carry) the mug 4. Last year we went to France. It was our first time
back home. there. (be)
We had not gone there before.
F. Fill in the blanks with for or since. 5. I had difficulty in keeping pace with my sister
1. It had been raining since afternoon. because she was walking (walk) very fast.
2. He had lived in France since 1999. 6. It was very noisy next door. Our neighbours are
having (have) a party.
3. The house was very dirty. We hadn’t cleaned it for
ages. Conversation Corner
4. Had you been learning Spanish for a long time? Take turns to read the following passages out to your
5. Since September, the weather had been quite partner. Your partner needs to fill in the blanks correctly.
pleasant. 1. Yesterday afternoon, Rashmi (a) was going (go)
G. Rewrite the following sentences using the past perfect to the station to meet Rita. When she (b) reached
continuous tense with the time expressions given in (reach) there, Rita (c) had already been waiting
brackets. (already/wait) for her. Her train (d) had arrived
(arrive) early.
1. Ruffians had been shouting slogans for two hours.
2. Last night, I (a) had just gone (just/go) to bed and (b)
2. Sneha had been working in this bank as a cashier
was reading (read) a book when all of a sudden, I (c)
since 1987.
heard (hear) a noise. I (d) got up (get) up to see what
3. The principal had himself been looking into the it was but I (e) did not see (not/see) anything. So, I (f)
allegations since 2018. went (go) back to bed.
4. Dense fog had been disrupting many rail and air 3. Mother had to go to Spain last week, but she almost (a)
services for three days. missed (miss) the flight. She (b) was standing (stand)
5. Hans Amundsen had been taking the students to in the queue at the check-in-desk when she suddenly
Antarctica for three years. (c) realised (realise) that she (d) had left (leave) her
H. Complete the sentences with use/used to along with a passport at home. Fortunately, she didn’t live very far
suitable verb. from the airport, so she (e) had (have) time to take a
taxi home to get the passport. She (f) got (get) back to
1. It only takes me 30 minutes to reach Kashmere Gate the airport just in time for her flight.
since the new flyover has opened. It used to take
more than an hour. Have Fun
2. I rarely climb trees now but I used to climb them Use the sentences in Column A to complete the
when I was a child. paragraphs in Column B.
3. Inder used to ride a scooter, but last year he sold it 1. I tried to phone Jasper this evening but there was no
and bought a car. answer. She had gone out.
4. Ruhanika Jha used to be my best friend but we 2. We arrived at work in the morning and found that
aren’t friends any longer. somebody had broken into the factory during the
night. So, we called the police.
5. There used to be a tea stall opposite this restaurant
but it closed a long time ago. 3. Yesterday, Shivani received a phone call from Preeti.
She was very surprised. She had written many times
6. We came to live in Bhopal in 2004. We used to live but Preeti had never replied .
in Lucknow earlier.
7. My father doesn’t drink coffee now. Earlier, he used 10. Verbs— The Future Tense
to drink 15 cups a day.
I. Fill in the blanks with the suitable form of the verb A. Complete these sentences expressing future using will
given in brackets. or going to.
1. When we entered the dining hall, we found 1. The flight is soon going to arrive.
everyone sitting with their mouths full. They were 2. All my friends are going to come home for dinner
eating (eat). on my birthday.
2. Sabbir and I were good friends. We have known 3. We will have a farewell party for the seniors.
(know) each other for a long time. 4. We are going to buy a beautiful gift for our class
3. We were extremely tired at the end of the journey. teacher on the Teacher’s Day.
We had been travelling (travel) for more than 24 5. The time is almost over. The bell will ring any
hours. moment.
4. Ira lives in Guwahati. She has been living (live) there 6. The situation is tense. I will inform the police.
all her life. 7. Mohit has joined an IAS coaching center. He is
going to be an IAS officer.
B. Read the situations and complete the dialogues. Use These are sample answers. Please accept all relevant
going to with the words given in brackets. answers.
1. Aamir : This food is awful, isn’t it?
Anjali : Yes, it’s disgusting. I’m going to
11. Adverbs
complain (complain) to the chef. A. Pick out the adverbs in the following sentences and
2. Father : There are no cakes. Do you want some mention their kind.
candies? 1. He will certainly come today. degree
Child : No, I am not going to have (not/have) 2. When did she post the letter? interrogative
anything else.
3. Why did you not complain to the principal?
3. Abdul : I’ve chosen a name for my baby sister. interrogative
Aunt : Really? What are you going to (you/ 4. The flight left early. time
call) her?
5. The girl gave slow replies. manner
4. Mr. Kapoor : Can you make sure that Mrs. Kapoor
gets the message? 6. He went to the village where he was born.
Secretary : Yes, I am going to tell (tell) her as soon
as she arrives in the office. 7. I shall positively reach at five. manner
5. Madhu : I hear you’ve got an offer letter for the 8. My brother worked very hard for the examination.
job. manner
Ajay : That’s right, but I am not going to B. Fill in the blanks with suitable adverbs.
accept (not accept) it. 1. My uncle has promised to send a gift to me
6. Nagarjuna : Are you going out this time? tomorrow.
Nakul : No, I am going to write a letter (write 2. The doctor examined the patient carefully.
letter) to my family. 3. How did you find out my address?
C. Fill in the blanks using will be + verb + ing or would 4. He is really a good speaker.
have + past participle. 5. How many movies have you seen?
1. I cannot meet you tomorrow evening as I will be 6. I go to my village once a year.
sleeping (I/sleep) at that time. 7. Anwar got up late today.
2. Call me after 9 PM. I would have reached (I/reach) 8. He was literally sorry for what he had done.
home by then.
C. Choose the appropriate word from brackets and fill in
3. Do you think you will be doing (you/still/do) the the blanks.
same job in twenty years time?
1. They mounted their bicycles and sped back as fast
4. Tomorrow noon, we’re going to have our Maths as they could. (fast/fastly)
exam from 3 o’clock to 6 o’clock. So, at 5 o’clock,
will be writing (we/write) our paper. 2. The children waited patiently for their parents to
return. (patient/patiently)
5. Sunny is on an outstation tour and is spending his
money carelessly. If he continues like this, 3. We had a very comfortable journey. (comfortable/
he would have spent (he/spend) all his money even
before the end of this holiday. 4. He spoke nervously at the meeting. (nervous/
6. If you need any help, will be staying (I/stay) at the
Leela Palace until Sunday. 5. The visitors got up quickly . (quick/quickly)
D. Imagine it is year 2075. Pick out five things done by the 6. Rajesh was thoroughly disappointed. (thorough/
people and five things that will have happened. Take thoroughly)
turns with your partner and discuss. 7. It continued to rain steadily for the whole day.
1. Moon becomes a holiday destination. (steady/steadily)
We will be holidaying there. 8. He gave a cordial welcome to the newcomers.
2. Colonisation of Jupiter is the next idea.
D. Rewrite the sentences by pacing the adverbs/adverb
We will be launching space rockets. phrases given in brackets in the correct position in
3. Robots serve as servants to human beings. each sentence.
They would be replacing maid servants. 1. My uncle spoke to me twice this morning.
4. People look young even when they are old. 2. She never misbehaves in the class.
We will never be looking old.
3. Devyani beautifully sang at the party. 3. She says that she has forgotten the keys at home.
4. The car has been repaired carefully. 4. She promised me that my dues will be cleared.
5. They will reach here at five tomorrow. C. State whether the highlighted words form a noun
6. She wept bitterly. clause (NC) or a noun phrase (NP).
7. The match will be played tomorrow at five at the 1. He knew of the monitor’s absence. NP
National Stadium. 2. He told me of his selection as the head boy of the
8. Yugant can lift this box. He is not strong enough. school. NP
3. He knew that the monitor was absent. NC
Conversation Corner
4. I wanted a clear answer. NP
Take turns with your partner to form adverbs from the
following adjectives. 5. He told me that he was chosen the head boy of the
school. NC
Take turns with your partner to form adverbs from the
D. State whether the highlighted words are adjective
following adjectives.
clauses (AC) or phrases (AP).
patiently usually wisely busily
1. She likes goods made in China. AP
wonderfully intelligently cleverly hardly
2. The book, that is lying on the table, is a gift from my
nearly truly uncle. AC
generously innocently nobly certainly 3. She is a woman with a generous heart. AP
really punctually safely regularly 4. We met Bumrah who took six wickets against
Grammar Game Chennai Super Kings. AC
Given below are jumbled parts of sentences. Frame 5. She is the girl who scored a century in the match.
sentences by rearranging the parts of each sentence. AC
1. They looked at each other anxiously. 6. We went to the showroom where the annual auction
was taking place. AC
2. I don’t like this a bit.
Listening Skills
3. Was the noise coming from my apartment?
4. We enjoyed the film greatly.
Listen to your teacher. Write the adverb clauses that you
5. She put her arms on the table gently.
1. He did the homework as he was told by the teacher.
6. It snowed very heavily in Shimla last Tuesday.
2. She behaved as if she had won a fortune.
7. He prepared his speech very carefully.
3. When the cold wind started blowing, we came inside
the house.
12. Clauses
4. He came late because he didn’t hear the alarm.
A. Identify the main clauses (MC), subordinating clauses 5. I wake up before my father wakes me up.
(SC), and coordinating clauses (CC) wherever they
Conversation Corner
occur. The first one has been done for you.
Talk to your partner. Your partner needs to say what the
1. You can’t come in (MC) while I am busy in the
adjective, adverb, and noun clauses are.
meeting. (SC)
We’re looking for a cultural event where there are activities
2. The bus broke down (MC) so I reached office late.
for everyone. The guitar, which Bhavesh used to play,
is broken now. Tarun and Bhavesh can form a band with
3. Shanaya had a nice basket (MC) that was full of toys. whomever they choose. Although Niyati sings well, she
(SC) would not be a part of this band. She is in the choir.
4. Learn to write neatly (MC) as I showed you This is a sample answer. Please accept all relevant answers.
yesterday. (SC)
5. My father wanted to watch the match (MC) but my 13. Relative Clauses
brother was keen to watch a play. (SC)
6. Anu bought the pencils MC and I bought the pens. A. Add the correct linker em who, which, what, whose, etc.
(MC) to complete the given sentences.
B. Underline the noun clauses in the following sentences. 1. A teacher is a person who teaches students.
2. The girl, who was injured, is in the hospital.
1. How the team lost the match is a mystery.
3. A chemist is a person who sells medicines.
2. Finding that he was not at home, I went to the
nearby park in search of him. 4. We went on a school trip to Srinagar, which is in
Jammu & Kashmir.
5. A thermometer is an instrument which tells us 5. We saw some people whose houses had been burnt
about the temperature of our body. by the mob.
6. An escalator is a moving stairway which carries 6. I met a child who knows you.
people up and between floors. 7. This is the only school where sports is a part of the
B. Complete these sentences rephrasing the relative syllabus.
clauses from the list without using who, which, and
that. 14. Verb Forms in Conditional Sentences
1. What is the name of the movie that you’re going to
see.? A. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
2. Have you finished the work that you had to do? 1. If you heat metals, they will expand (expand).
3. Some of the friends who I invited to the party 2. We would be (be) ready if you come at five.
couldn’t come. 3. If you try one more time, you will succeed
4. We ate lunch at a restaurant which the travel agent (succeed).
suggested. 4. If I knew his whereabouts, I would have told you
5. I like the necklace which Ritu is wearing. (tell) you.
6. The showroom that she wanted to visit was closed 5. I wouldn’t do that if I were (be) you.
when she reached there. 6. If I would have been living (live) in America, I would
7. Have you found the necklace which you had lost? earn a lot of money.
8. The car that we hired ran at a high speed. 7. If we don’t hurry (not, hurry), we’ll be late to the
C. Complete these sentences rephrasing the relative
clauses from the list with a preposition. 8. If I were rich, I would travel (travel) round the world.
1. What was the name of the inn where we stayed? 9. If they would have come (come), I would have
called you.
2. Are these the keys which you have been looking for?
10. If I call (call) him, he might have come.
3. I didn’t get the job that I applied for.
11. If we started (start) now, we would get there by 12
4. I enjoy my job; I like the people that I work with. o’clock.
5. Khan will prove to be a trustworthy friend. He is 12. If you had run fast, you would have caught (catch)
someone whom you can rely on. the bus.
6. Here is the bag that you have been looking for. 13. I’ll see him if I am (be) free.
7. Who was the woman who I saw you with? 14. If it hadn’t rained, we would have played (play)
D. Fill in the blanks with that or what. football.
1. You can take anything that is inside the bag. 15. If she comes (come) today, I’ll ring you up.
2. Why do we blame the government for everything Conversation Corner
that goes wrong?
Work in pairs. Ask and answer these questions to your
3. I don’t agree with what you’ve just said. partner.
4. Tell me what you want and I’ll try to get it for you. 1. If I missed the school bus, my father would have had to
5. Nobody can believe what you have just told. drop me to school.
6. Nobody can believe the news that the boy has just 2. If a dog bit me, I would have to see a doctor.
given. 3. If I travelled on a train without a ticket, the TT would
7. Parents give their children everything that they have caught me.
want. 4. If you leave ice in the sun, it melts.
Listening Skills 5. If I had won lottery of 1 crore, I would have been able to
Listen to your teacher. Fill in the blanks with who/whose/ buy a house.
whom/where. 6. If I found a chest full of coins in a cave, I would help the
1. An orphan is a child whose parents are dead. poor.
2. A cemetery is a place where dead people are buried. 7. If your bicycle is stolen, you register a complaint.
3. What’s the name of the man whose son is your 8. If you drink very chilled water, you would get a sore
classmate? throat.
4. The contestant, for whom we voted, was elected the These are sample answers. Please accept all relevant
MLA. responses.
Listening Skills 4. Many people were waiting on_ the platform.
1. Type 1 2. Type 1 3. Type 2 5. The temperature rose to 40 degree Celsius.
4. Type 2 5. Type 3 6. Type 0 6. The baby walked between his father and mother.
7. He rested his bike against a tree.
15. Subject–Verb Agreement 8. My aunt works at a private bank.
A. Choose the correct option where subject agrees with B. Fill in the blanks with at, in, on, from, to, since, for, by,
the verb. until, or during.
1. Some of the carrots are rotten. 1. Our school opens in July.
2. Gupta and Company has hired the playground 2. I shall wait for a reply from you on Monday.
for the ceremony. 3. There was pin drop silence after the President’s
3. A driver and the children are on their way. speech.
4. Neither my son nor her daughters is working. 4. We waited for you from 6 o’clock till 8 o’clock.
5. Either of the songs is used. 5. Have you ever remained without food for six days?
B. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verbs. 6. The first test match begins on 10th April.
1. Either the apples or a papaya is available. 7. I shall try to finish this work by next weekend.
2. Neither the document nor the locker keys is here. 8. There were no aeroplanes in the 19th century.
3. Five kg of flour is collected in a drum. 9. How can you arrange this money in such a short time.
4. The data collected is absolutely authentic. 10. We haven’t visited our village since 2010.
5. A bouquet of red roses is my favourite. 11. We shall be meeting again at 4 o’clock.
6. My aunt and uncle are arriving in the evening. 12. Did anyone ring up during my absence?
7. Neither Garry nor his friends is interested in 13. They haven’t written to each other in years.
singing. 14. The cold weather may last on Wednesday.
8. Many people are on the stage. 15. We hope the coat will be ready on Sunday.
9. Nothing is possible nowadays. C. Fill in the blanks with into, along, across, towards, by,
10. A cruise and a steamer are means of water or with.
transport. 1. He was arrested by the police.
11. Breaking and entering is against the law. 2. The intruder ran across the garden.
12. Both the cottage as well as its surroundings are 3. They have built a new bridge across the Yamuna.
charming. 4. The baby ate the bananas with her own hands.
C. Choose the correct option and fill in the blanks. 5. The fastest way to travel from Delhi to Mumbai is by
1. The books and notebooks were (was/were) kept on air.
the table. 6. We went to Vivekanand Memorial by a ferry.
2. Many of those people are (is/are) participating. 7. I have never travelled by an express train.
3. Most of the girls has (has/have) achieved the merit. 8. The house lay along the road.
4. Your hands and arms weighs (weigh/weighs) the 9. When he saw the bus, he ran towards it.
10. Travelling up the hill by a bike is very exhausting.
5. Flute and violin makes (make/makes) an amazing
D. Fill in the blanks using the prepositions to, in, for, and
6. Several members of the union goes (go/goes) on a
1. She has difficulty in playing with her left hand.
strike in this season.
2. They have made all the preparations for the
7. Everybody plans (plan/plans) their future.
16. Prepositions 3. The girls showed a keen interest in the new
A. Fill in the blanks with at, in, an, to, above, below, 4. There was no improvement in his health.
between, among, or against. 5. What is the difference between a lion and a tiger?
1. My friend lives at 5/1, Akbar Road. 6. There was a sudden rise in temperature yesterday.
2. He lives in Narela, a village near Delhi. 7. We have found a solution to this problem.
3. He failed because his marks were below 33%. 8. She had no faith in his promises.
E. Fill in the blanks using the prepositions in, for, and to. 2. He visited the library several times but he did not
1. Rajesh is poor in mathematics. find the book he wanted.
2. He is slow in doing sums. 3. He was very poor still he used to give food to
3. I will be polite to all.
4. Rina likes to read story books as well as biographies
4. A dog is faithful to its master.
of great people.
5. You should be sorry for your mistake.
5. He is lazy whereas his elder brother is very active.
6. Sushil is obedient to his parents.
6. Neither the teachers nor the students enjoyed the
7. I am new in this city. magic show.
8. This watch is similar to your watch. C. Complete these sentences by adding conjunctions
Listening Skills given in brackets and few words of your own.
Listen to your teacher speaking sentences with incorrect 1. The film had no genuine plot but it was still
prepositions. Write the correct ones in the blanks below. entertaining.
1. with 2. at 3. at 4. for 2. The village was developed still it lacked a hospital.
5. of 6. from 3. She performed badly in the debating round and lost
the competition.
Conversation Corner
4. Mother is going out with friends but father is staying
Talk to your partner using as many sentences with the at home.
same preposition as you can!
5. The students have to either stay in class or in their
There is a pen in my bag. There is one on your desk to. Keep activity rooms.
it in the drawer so that it is handy. You will need it for the
These are sample answers. Please accept all relevant
spelling test at 10 AM on Wednesday.
This is a sample answer. Please accept all relevant responses.
D. Fill in the blanks with that if whether.
Grammar Game 1↓ 1. He told her that the Taj Mahal was the best place
Fill in the blanks to A T 2↓ he had ever been to.
complete the crossword. O F 3↓ 2. She asked me if I was fine.
R O 3. He asked me if I was going to reach early.
U P O N 4. She said that she would be on leave today.
M E. Join these sentences using the conjunctions given in
17. Conjunctions 1. The ground was wet therefore they did not play
A. Fill in the blanks with suitable conjunctions from the list.
2. The house looks as good as new since it was painted
1. Manoj liked the trousers a lot, so , he decided to recently.
buy them.
3. The teacher did not pardon him as he did not
2. Rita hadn’t eaten anything therefore she gobbled apologise for troubling other children.
up all the food.
4. He has few friends as he is a shy boy.
3. Ram and Mohan were punished.
5. The old man was upset because the children laughed
4. Either you go out or I will. when he fell on the road.
5. It was very dark outside but she did not get scared. 6. The box was too heavy as a result he could not lift it
6. Keep the door closed or the dog will run out. on his own.
7. Is Mr Kapoor at home or is he at work? 7. You must leave for your home since you are getting
8. I sat facing the mountain and admired its beauty. late.
9. Anjali was invited to the farewell function but she 8. Ramesh was ill so he could not come to the club.
did not attend it. F. Complete the following sentences with ideas of your
10. I went to the book store and bought pens. own and the conjunctions given in brackets.
B. Use conjunctions given in the brackets to join the given 1. She carried her spectacles to the library in order that
sentences. she can read.
1. She can either go to the college by bus or she can 2. She kept all the jewellery in the locker lest it gets
go by an auto rickshaw. stolen.
3. He took the umbrella so that he doesn’t get wet. 5. I told him that I did not like his manners. compound
4. She drank some milk so that she gets energy. 6. I don’t know where Nehruji was born. simple
5. I kept the clothes in the cupboard lest they become 7. I called him but he did not come. compound
dirty again. 8. I lost my match but my friend won his match.
These are sample answers. Please accept all relevant compound
responses. 9. I do not know what he wants. simple
G. Fill in the blanks with conjunctions from the given list. 10. Although we were late, we were allowed into the
1. Either he is funny or he is mentally ill. class. complex
2. Though she worked hard, yet she could not top 11. He said that the meeting was held yesterday.
her section. complex
3. Both Mrs and Mr Sharma like reading. 12. If electricity fails, we shall be in trouble. complex
4. She worries not only for her parents but also for 13. Do you know where the post office is? simple
her grandparents. B. Underline the adjective clauses in the following
5. Either you take a break or you continue studying. sentences and mention the nouns/pronouns they
Grammar Game
1. The man to whom you were talking came yesterday.
Complete the following sentences with ideas of your own
the man
and use the conjunctions given in the brackets.
2. The boy, who was injured, is in hospital. The boy
1. The boy was thrilled therefore he clicked a lot of selfies.
3. Have you found the key which you had lost? the key
2. She took out her umbrella because it was raining.
4. What is the name of the girl whose dress you
3. The intruder came through the window as the door
borrowed? the girl
was locked.
5. Where is the pen that I bought yesterday? the pen
4. He went to the party though he was not dressed.
6. Do you know the person who stole my purse? the
5. My mother likes to debate with people whereas I like
to keep shut.
7. She works for a company which makes biscuits. a
6. Rakshit understood the chapter well so hhe explained
it to me.
8. His mother, who is ninety, is very active. his mother
These are sample answers. Please accept all relevant
responses. C. Underline the adverb clauses in the following
sentences and mention the type of each clause.
Conversation Corner
1. She burnt her hand while she was cooking. time
Take turns with your partner to join these sentences using
2. Keep it where you feel it safe. place
conjunctions given in brackets.
3. Somebody knocked at the door when he sat down
1. As soon as the door opened, a boy peeped inside.
for lunch. time
2. Since he left the town long ago, we have no knowledge
4. You would have met him if you had come early. time
of his where abouts after that.
5. Unless he takes the medicine regularly, he will not
3. She kept the packet somewhere where she forgot.
get well. manner
4. People followed the MLA wherever he visited.
6. You must write to me as soon as you reach your
5. He woke up when the alarm rang. village. time
6. I was scared as it was dark outside. 7. It’s not possible to go out until it stops raining. time
7. I called him when he was leaving the country. 8. Hardly anyone believes him since he has a habit of
telling lies. quantity
18. Simple, Compound, and Complex Sentences
9. She looked happy because she had attempted all the
A. Identify and write whether the following sentences are questions correctly. manner
simple, compound, or complex. 10. He will be unhappy wherever he goes. place
1. The monkey fell to the ground. simple D. Underline the noun clauses in the following sentences
2. Though he was hungry, he did not eat much. and mention whether they are subjects or objects of
complex the verbs.
3. Don’t waste your time. simple 1. Success largely depends on how hard one works.
4. I know a person who loves old cars. compound
2. Do you know who is coming? object 2. Kanyakumari, which is the southernmost tip of the
3. She said that the train might be late. object Indian Peninsula, is the spot where the Indian Ocean,
the Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea meet.
4. He did not know how far the station was. object
3. Mangalore, which is a bustling port and an enchanting
5. Do you know when the train will arrive? object
beach, is a sea-side city lying 357 km from Bengaluru.
6. What she wants is not clear. subject
4. Marina Beach, which is in Chennai, is the second longest
7. Can you repeat what I said? object beach in the world.
8. We wish that we win the world cup. object 5. Rameswaram, which is a couch-shaped island, extends
E. Given below are some groups of clauses. Rearrange over an area of 62 km.
these groups of clauses to write one complex sentence 6. Bali Ghat, which is 8 km north of Puri, is one of the most
in each case. wonderful beaches in India.
1. Mike Tyson, who was born in 1966, became the 7. Kovalam, which is near Trivandrum, is famous for its
undisputed heavy weight boxing champion of the beautiful sunset.
world when he was just 21 years of age.
8. Chilika Lake, which is a lovely lake, is in Odisha.
2. Mahatma Gandhi, who married at 13, spoke against
the cruel custom of child marriage but no one 19. Synthesis of Sentences
opposed it.
3. There is little to see in this ancient town of Kangra, A. Combine the following sentences into single sentences
which is almost 18 km from Dharamshala, but at one using conjunctions — therefore, and, not only... but
time, it was an important place. also, neither... nor, so, however, but, although, or yet.
4. In Uttar Pradesh, which is India’s most populous 1. There was heavy downpour yet the flight left on time.
state and where only 40 of women are literate, nearly 2. There was a surplus supply of onions therefore, the
half the girls married in a year are under 15. price of onions shot up.
5. Mr. Nelson Mandela was asked which party he 3. Both Madhav and Kanak cried.
planned to vote as he moved towards a verandah 4. She had rehearsed well so she recited the poem well.
where the ballot box was kept.
5. She was given both a treat and a gift.
Conversation Corner 6. Although the man is rich yet he is a miser.
Using the information given below about some diseases, 7. The car was old so it broke down midway.
take turns with your partner to make sentences using
relative clauses. B. Read the following sentences and combine them using
clauses as mentioned in brackets.
1. Mumps which is an infectious disease is found generally
among children. 1. Paridhi could solve the sum easily with a sharp mind.
2. Migraine, which is a severe and frequently occurring 2. Ballu is a hardworking farmer which everyone knows
headache, affects one side of the head. that.
3. Chickenpox, which is specially found in children, is 3. She is the singer who has sung many chart busters.
marked by slight fever and spots on the skin. 4. He learnt to swim. He was not scared of water.
4. Diabetes is a disease which impacts absorption of sugar 5. You will succeed soon which we know.
in the body. 6. We live in a cottage which has a thatched roof.
5. Epilepsy, which is a nervous system disorder, causes fits C. Read the following sentences and use a participle or an
and unconsciousness. infinitive to combine them as indicated in brackets.
Listening Skills 1. Surrendering, he agreed to our terms.
Listen to your teacher and write the type of each adverb 2. She is too ill to attend the meeting.
clause spoken by him or her. 3. Being excited, he jumped and shouted.
1. time 2. time 3. time 4. time 4. He donates money to help the poor.
5. time 6. place 5. Having lost the battle, the soldiers retreated.
Grammar Game D. Read the following sentences and combine them into
Make sentences with adjective clauses using the single sentences by using a preposition or an adverb.
information about some beautiful beaches in South India 1. She bought many dresses with many pairs of shoes.
given below. The first sentence has been done for you. 2. Unfortunately, the train collided with another train.
1. Vattakotai, which is a good picnic spot, lies 6 km from 3. The driver was fined for ignoring the red light.
Kanyakumari. 4. He broke the window pane naughtily.
E. Combine the following sentences into single sentences 4. Elephant is the largest animal.
by using a noun or a phrase in apposition. The first one 5. The Shatabdi Express is the fastest train.
has been done for you.
6. No other monument is as beautiful as the Taj.
1. Delhi, the capital of India, has many world famous
7. A ship is the largest of all boats.
8. My sister is not taller than I am.
2. My father, a scholar, loves to read scriptures.
B. Change the following sentences into the passive voice.
3. The building, sky scraper, was completed in the
previous month. 1. Milk is sold at eight rupees a litre by them.
4. Pandit Birju Maharaj, a classical dancer, has 2. Was your address known to him?
performed in many countries. 3. This house was built by whom?
5. My neighbour, a friendly lady, cooks delicious food. 4. The chief guest was garlanded by us.
F. Combine the following sentences into single sentences 5. Aamir was selected the Captain by them.
by using an adverb. The first one has been done for 6. One’s elders should be respected by one.
7. This oil is used for cooking by us.
1. He fought bravely against the enemy in the war.
8. The bridge is being repaired by them.
2. Rohan quickly wrote the correct answer.
C. Change the following sentences into the active voice.
3. He will certainly attend the meeting.
1. Who was driving the car?
4. I met my classmate yesterday unexpectedly.
2. They set the car on fire.
5. My friend got angry suddenly.
3. We used mustard oil for cooking.
Conversation Corner 4. Rain has damaged the bridge.
Take turns with your partner to read the following 5. Close the hospital.
sentences and combine them to form single sentences.
6. Anu is cooking fish.
1. Being, exhausted sat beneath the tree.
7. I can do the work in two days.
2. Clapping, we entered the hall.
8. Who discovered America?
3. This is the book. I forgot in the library.
D. Rewrite the following sentences without the adverb too.
4. Being was framed, the picture was put up on the front
1. The tea was very hot to drink.
2. The lesson was very difficult to understand.
5. She exercises every morning as she wants to stay fit.
3. The room is too small to accommodate five people.
6. Having painted well, the girl was rewarded.
7. Aamir fell from the stairs and a fractured arm. 4. It is never late to make amends.
5. He is so short that he cannot touch the ceiling.
Listening Skills
E. Rewrite the following sentences using the adverb too.
Listen to your teacher and combine the two sentences
that you hear. 1. This door is too old to be repaired.
1. They are pretty. They are intelligent. 2. He was too old to climb the stairs.
2. Farmers use modern methods of cultivation. They wish 3. The watch is too costly to buy.
to produce more food grains. 4. They were too foolish to keep their mouths shut.
3. The boy complained to the teacher. His watch had 5. He is too slow to reach in time.
been stolen.
F. Rewrite the following sentences by using the
4. Mr. James is a doctor. His wife is a doctor. highlighted words as indicated in brackets.
5. This is the hotel. Our meetings used to take place here. 1. He was sincerely in love.
G. Change the following sentences as indicated in brackets. Conversation Corner
1. It is too cold! Take turns with your partner and convert the following
2. The news is too good! simple sentences to complex sentences.
3. He is wise. 1. The daughter sat by the grave which belonged to her
4. Alas! We have lost the match.
2. This is the way which leads to the river.
5. Sigh! If only I could dance like a peacock.
3. Wait till the time that the sun sets.
6. I wish I were a king.
4. I prayed that she gets a long life.
7. I wish I could get a hot cup of tea.
5. This is a bracelet which is golden.
8. It is a lovely night.
6. They will beat the child so much that it leads to his death.
H. Change the following sentences as indicated in brackets.
7. Aruna lost the book which is this.
1. Get roses from an apple tree.
8. I doubt his that quality of his which is honesty.
2. One cannot forget Gandhiji.
3. Nobody likes such a stupid man. Listening Skills
4. Everyone cannot be pleased. Listen to your teacher and convert the complex sentences
that you hear to simple sentences.
5. Nobody is immortal.
1. He was happy to find his watch.
6. Winter days are shorter than summer days.
2. I kept singing till summer.
7. Has everyone heard of Netaji?
3. She is undoubtedly intelligent.
8. No one will accept such a rude behaviour.
4. I want brave girls.
I. Change the following sentences as indicated in
brackets. 5. We parted a decade ago.
1. She did not accept my invitation. 6. He neglected his lessons despite our warnings.
2. Nile is the longest river.
21. Active Voice and Passive Voice
3. She is happy with you.
4. As soon as he saw the tiger, he did not run away. A. Change the following sentences into the passive voice.
5. Just as we reached the theatre, the film began. 1 The shop will be closed by them tomorrow.
6. Delhi is less crowded than Kolkata. 2. The roads are being repaired by them.
7. The book is not too difficult to read. 3. The patient was being examined by the doctor.
J. Convert the following simple sentences into compound 4. Elders must be respected by us.
sentences. 5. The prize might be won by him.
1. He must go and finish the work. 6. A new bridge has been built by them over the river.
2. You must work hard and win the prize. B. Change the following sentences into the passive voice
3. He could not work hard for his was unwell. in two ways. An example has been given.
4. It was sunset but I could not finish the work. 1. The watchman was given a letter by the postman.
5. It was sunset but they had not completed the work. A letter was given to the watchman by the postman.
6. He gave me money and a book to read. 2. They awarded him a prize for his bravery.
7. He walked very fast so that he could catch the train. A prize was given to him by them.
8. I heard the noise and left the bed. He was awarded a prize for his bravery by them.
9. He was poor yet he was happy. 3. Her father gave her a new shirt.
10. He was unwell so he could not come to school. A new shirt was given to her by her father.
K. Convert the following compound sentences into simple She was given a new shirt by her father.
sentences. 4. The manager paid the workers their salaries on time.
1. The clouds started raining, the birds dispersed. The workers were paid their salaries on time by the
2. The boy died after meeting with an accident. manager.
3. The man behaved strangely that it pained me. The salaries of the workers were paid on time by the
4. Being greedy, he was punished. manager.
5. The accident happened even after all the care. 5. Dipika offered her help.
She was offered help by Dipika.
Help was offered to her by Dipika. two road accidents in different parts of the city on Friday
6. They showed us a movie. night.
A movie was shown to us by them. A 23-year old man was killed (kill) and two others were
injured (injure) when an auto-rickshaw, in which they were
We were shown a movie by them.
travelling (travel), overturned and fell (fall) into a ditch in
7. His aunt bought him a camera. the Rohini area in the early hours. The police said that the
He was bought a camera by his aunt. accident took (take) place near the BSF camp at about
A camera was bought for him by his aunt. 2 AM. While Parth Tiwari died (die) on spot, Kishan Lal,
23 and Ramesh, 25 was admitted (admit) to Safdarjung
8. My aunt gave flowers to Mary.
Flowers were given to Mary by my aunt.
In the second accident, Mohammed Kafeel and Sunil were
Mary was given flowers by my aunt. killed (kill) when a DTC bus ran (run) into their scooter
C. Change the following sentences into the passive voice. near DPS Mathura Road in South Delhi.
1. Has my umbrella been seen by anyone? The police arrested (arrest) the bus driver, Hukum
2. The car cannot be parked by you here. Choudhary, on charges of causing death due to rash and
negligent driving.
3. Why have you been fined by them?
4. Too much sugar should not be eaten by Rina. 22. Reported Speech
5. All the questions were easily answered by Anu.
6. The soup is being tasted by the cook. A. Change the following sentences into indirect speech.
7. Stamps were bought by them. 1. The boy said that his father was working abroad.
8. His passport was lost by him. 2. Karim told me that I was right.
D. Change the voice in the following sentences. 3. He told me that he would help me.
1. They have not washed the floors.
4. Anwar told them that they were absent from the
class the previous day.
2. This is the first time Rohan has won an online
5. The man told Kalam that he had not sent him the
3. These huts have been built with mud and hay.
6. Ahmed told his father that he was preparing for his
4. A doctor is treating me. lesson.
5. There is no meeting held today. 7. He told me that he did not see the boy going.
6. They are painting our gate red. 8. They told me that I had done well.
7. The poor old man is being starved by you. B. Change the following sentences into indirect speech.
8. This poem has been written by our teacher. 1. Boys said that it had been raining since morning and
Conversation Corner that they could not play that day.
Take turns to convert the following sentences into the 2. She told him that she was leaving then and should
passive voice. return after two hours.
1. Second-hand books are bought and sold by us. 3. The girl told me that her father went to the market
and brought toys for her.
2. Young boys and girls are required as shop assistants by
4. My father told me that he feared that he had caught
a cold again.
3. The trespassers shall be prosecuted by us.
5. His brother told me that he was not going to attend
4. Children below five are not allowed by us. the meeting that day.
5. Cameras are not allowed inside by us. 6. She told him that love begets love.
6. All kinds of pressure cookers and gas stoves are 7. The teacher told the boys that he shall give them a
repaired by us. test in English that day.
7. Seats are booked by us here. 8. My friend told me that she was going to her house
8. Vehicles are not allowed by us beyond this point. then and that she would call me the next day.
Have Fun C. Change the following sentences into indirect speech.
Fill in the blanks in the following newspaper report with 1. Her friend asked her if she could spare her book for
correct active or passive voice forms of the verbs given in her for a week.
brackets. 2. She asked him if she could do anything for him and
New Delhi: Three persons were killed and two injured in if he would mind her extending help to him.
3. His mother asked him if we would come home in the 11. The leader bid farewell to his countrymen.
evening on time. 12. The boy said that he wished he were a king.
4. His friend asked him if he had not warned you 13. The old lady blessed the son to live long.
against this beforehand.
F. Change the direct speech into reported speech.
5. John asked his sister if it was not a surprise to see Choose the simple past tense form of ask, say, or tell.
her friend there that day.
1. John said, I love this city.’
6. The doctor asked his patient if he was taking the
2. Priya said, ‘We should be nice to others.’
medicine prescribed to him regularly.
3. He said, ‘Boys, you should waste their money.’
7. She asked me if I knew how to swim and if I would
you accompany her to the pool. 4. She said, ‘Everyone loves me.’
8. The stranger asked the lady if she had ever been to 5. She said, ‘He works in a bank.’
Delhi. 6. Seema said, ‘She didn’t have a laptop.’
D. Change the following sentences into indirect speech. 7. Kanika said, ‘She didn’t go to the gym very often.’
1. The old man asked the child why he broke that 8. She said, ‘They didn’t travel much.’
window pane. 9. He said, ‘They like working in Kochi.’
2. The teacher asked the boys what they were doing 10. She said, ‘I never get up early on Sundays.’
there and why did they not go to their classrooms.
Conversation Corner
3. Her brother asked her what present he should bring
for her when he returned from Mumbai. Take turns with your partner and change the following
sentences into indirect speech.
4. The rich man asked the beggar why he didn’t do any
work and if he did not feel ashamed of begging alms 1. The landlord ordered his servant to go away and leave
from others. the room at once.
5. Boys asked the teacher when they intended to start 2. She told her maidservant to bring her a glass of water.
the class that day. 3. The priest advised the boys to not waste their time.
6. The traveller asked the cab driver how long it would 4. Mother suggested her son work hard lest he should
take to reach the destination and if he could drive fail.
the cab faster. 5. The doctor instructed the patient to quit smoking.
7. The customer asked the shopkeeper the price of that 6. The clerk told the man to not disturb him and to mind
article and requested him if he could give him two of his own business.
7. The officer commanded the peon to let the visitor
8. The old lady asked me if I could tell her where this come in.
road lead to and if I could guide her through the
8. The father suggested to his son that they should go
way to the railway station.
out for a walk.
9. The priest asked where that young lady came from.
9. The girl requested her friend to show her her purse.
10. Shylock asked Portia how she could call him a cheat
10. The man advised me to wait for our turn.
and if she would not pay him his dues according to
the deed. Listening Skills
E. Change the following sentences into indirect speech. Listen to your teacher carefully and change the sentences
1. The woman exclaimed that it was a beautiful child it which you hear into direct speech.
is. 1. The boy said that he was happy with his results.
2. His aunt exclaimed that it was a pleasant surprise to 2. She said that she had baked a cake.
see him there. 3. He said that everyone had equal rights.
3. Hamlet exclaimed that he was so unlucky that he 4. Roshni said that she might meet his friends that day.
could not find out any solution.
5. Heeru said that she was the best mother in the world.
4. The captain exclaimed that the boys had done well.
5. The leader exclaimed that they had lost the game. 25. Punctuation
6. Boys exclaimed that they had won the match.
A. Use appropriate punctuation marks in the following
7. She exclaimed that the weather was beautiful. sentences.
8. Father exclaimed that she was a lazy fellow. 1. Grandparents are best friends for some children.
9. The cobbler exclaimed that he was so stupid. 2. Sun goes around the earth.
10. The captain wished his friends a good morning.
3. They neither read wrote nor shared the document 9. My aunt has been advised to give up smoking.
with me. 10. We’ll look after your grandparents when you are
4. In a distant land, there lived a beautiful couple. away.
5. It was my uncle who took me, Peter, Suzanne, and B. Circle the transitive phrasal verbs and underline the
Julia to Rome for the art gallery, not my father. intransitive phrasal verbs in the following sentences.
6. Bob invited his friends Anya, Aryan, Rahul, Garima to 1. Some thieves have broken into the bank.
the seminar; but Garima was occupied so Freya went 2. He came to pick me up at the airport.
instead of her.
3. She made up the story.
7. Sorry to disturb you! Can I share the notes with you?
4. We get up at 7 o'clock.
8. Is there any benefit to expecting anything from
5. Just put down his address in the diary.
6. They have set up their business in Kolkata.
9. ‘Well done Nadima!’ praised her teacher. ‘You have
topped the university. I’m proud of you.’ 7. The teacher pulled him up for coming late to school.
10. Having lost all my money, I went to the bank 8. She gave all her money away.
manager and asked for an enquiry. 9. Shut up I am busy solving my sums.
11. We’ve watched this movie last week; my sister 10. Don't forget to turn the television off.
didn’t like it. C. Choose a participle (adverb or preposition) from the
12. Sania’s dog helped her neighbour in catching the list to complete the phrasal verbs in the following
thief. sentences. You can use a participle more than once.
13. The class was told to read about the 3 R’s of the 1. I am going to pick her up at the airport.
environment. 2. I must go to the shop because we’ve run out out
14. She began to count one, two, three, four… till she food.
reached ten. 3. I’m not going to put up with their fighting any
15. Add two teaspoons of tea powder and sugar into longer.
the boiling pan. 4. Hurry up ! We’ve no time to waste.
B. Punctuate the following paragraph. 5. I couldn’t solve the riddle. So, I gave it up .
It is very easy to wash clothes. First of all, a cup of some 6. This house belongs to me.
good quality detergent powder is mixed in a bucket. It
7. She looks down on people who are rude.
is whisked well so that the powder dissolves into a rich
lather. Now dirty clothes are soaked and left in soapy 8. You will regain your health if you cut down on junk
water for half an hour. After half an hour, the clothes food.
are rubbed with hands. A little dry powder is rubbed on 9. The chemical blew up in smoke.
extra dirty parts of the clothes. The solution is squeezed 10. Before attempting the question paper, he read up
out of the clothes and then the clothes are rinsed in the questions carefully.
clean water at least twice. Extra water is squeezed from
11. Please put off the AC when you are not in the
the clothes and then they are spread in the sun for
12. My name was crossed out from the register when I
26. Phrasal Verbs was absent from school for more than a month.
13. The merchant has warned to shut down the factory
A. Replace the highlighted words in the sentences with if the workers refused to accept the new rules.
appropriate phrasal verbs from the list. 14. The curtains don’t go with the sofa set.
1. Yesterday, I ran into one of my old classmates all of a
sudden. 27. Forming Verbs from
2. Cholera has broken out in the city. Adjectives and Nouns
3. My younger brother takes after me.
A. Make verbs from the following nouns and adjectives.
4. The topic for the debate was brought up by the
secretary of the debating society. 1. verse converse
5. She has given up her studies. 2. wide widen
6. The rains have set in the northern part of the city. 3. circle encircle
7. A decision has been taken to pull down this building. 4. sympathy sympathise
8. He took off his shoes before entering the mosque. 5. equal equal
6. fool befool befriend
7. fright Let’s befriend the new student.
8. joy Listening Skills
Listen to your teacher and form verbs with the words you
9. sharp sharpen hear.
10. beauty beautify 1. encage 2. befool 3. justify 4. classify
11. apology apologise 5. exemplify 6. criticise
12. sweet sweeten
28. Words Often Confused
13. danger endanger
A. List words with the same pronunciation as the following.
14. large enlarge
15. magnet chord cord feat feet later letter
pail pale alter altar gate gait
16. general generalise
need knead profit prophet died deed
B. Fill in the blanks with verb forms of the words given in great grate loan lone quiet quite
board bored grown groan bale bail
1. We must purify water before drinking. (pure)
rode road bridle bridal hail hale
2. The pant was very loose. I have asked the tailor
to tighten it. (tight) B. In each of the following sentences, a few words have
3. She is quite wise. It is not easy to befool him. (fool) been incorrectly spelt. Find out these words and
correct the spellings.
4. The knife is blunt. You must sharpen it. (sharp)
1. She is on the second floor.
5. You must utilise your vacation to prepare for
the test. (utility) 2. The assembly was addressed by the principal.
6. You will enjoy watching this film. (joy) 3. He fell down the stairs and broke his arm.
7. The teacher should encourage the children 4, They went to the church and knelt before the altar.
to work hard. (courage) 5. The teacher complimented the students for their
8. The bridge has become very narrow. They excellent performance.
must widen it. (wide) C. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct words from the
list given below.
Conversation Corner
1. Butter is sold at this dairy.
Take turns with your partner to form verbs using the
following words. Then, make sentences using the words. 2. He likes quiet surroundings.
able 3. Dessert was served soon after the dinner.
I am not able to lift this box. 4. Wait for me at the gate.
sharpen 5. The price of petrol has gone up.
Please sharpen my pencil. D. Fill in the blanks with the correct words from the
broaden brackets.
Rohit needs to broaden his horizon. 1. You should always drink clean water.
fertilise 2. Nancy is always on time. She is very punctual.
Please fertilise the land with rich soil. 3. We saw a dead body floating down the river.
realise 4. My sister’s handwriting is very illegible.
Anurag has not realised his mistake. 5. The telephone was invented by Graham Bell.
apologise E. In each of the following sentences, one word has been
Please apologise to Mohit. incorrectly used. Identify the word and replace it with
frighten the correct word.
Don’t frighten the baby! 1. Amitabh Bachchan is a very popular film star.
peace 2. In winter, Delhi is very cold.
Madhu has made peace with the situation. 3. We hired two coolies to carry our luggage.
enslave 4. We could not go out because of the stormy weather.
The British had enslaved Indians for many years.
5. He denied that he knew about the thief.
6. My mother drives the car carefully. C. Join words in Column 1 to suitable words in Column 2
7. Dr Manmohan Singh is an eminent scholar. to make compound adjectives. Write them in Column
3. Also add suitable nouns to them. One has been
29. Spellings done for you.
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3
A. Choose the correct words from brackets.
old fashioned an old-fashioned person
1. Food, clothing and shelter are our basic necessities.
2. Sir Issac Newton was a great mathematician. absent white an absent-minded man
3. They have an affordable range of clothes in their short eating a shorthand typist
shop. man aged a man-eating tiger
4. He has to undergo surgery for the wound in his good handed a good-looking woman
brand hand a brand new book
5. I want his assistance in completing this project.
middle handed a middle-aged woman
6. She looked gorgeous in the red dress.
narrow minded a narrow-minded report
7. The jewel of the crown was found.
snow red a snow white handkerchief
8. The essential ingredients for making rice pudding
are kept here. single minded a single-handed effort
9. He is eligible to apply for this job. blood looking a blood red jewel
10. That boy enjoys immense popularity. part new a part-time developer
B. Circle the correct spelling. left time a left-handed writer
1. begger beggar begar
2. business buisness busines 31. Proverbs
3. assistente assistant asistant
A. Write the proverb for the following meanings. The first
4. prosidure procedure procejure
one has been done.
5. okasion ocation occasion
1. Where one door shuts, another opens.
6. discution descusion discussion
2. Watch the doughnut and not the hole.
7. wollen woolen woollen
3. You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours.
8. bouque bouquet boquet
4. You can’t fit a round peg in a square hole.
9. ankal ankel ankle
5. Look before you leap.
10. meter miter metere
6. Money talks.
30. Compound Nouns and 7. Half a loaf is better than none.
Compound Adjectives 8. All roads lead to Rome.
9. It takes two to tango.
A. Pick up one word from column 1 and combine it with
10. Easy come, easy go.
another word from column 2 to make compound
nouns. Write them in column 3. 11. God helps those who help themselves.
1. dining room 8. washing machine 12. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
2. zebra crossing 9. light tea 13. Barking dogs seldom bite.
3. green house effect 10. police station 14. You should know which way the wind is blowing.
4. armed forces 11. black tea 15. No gain without pain.
5. first aid 12. news bulletin B. Write true or false for the following proverbs.
6. match box 13. box disc 1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T
7. bag pack 14. money 5. T 6. F 7. T 8. F
B. Complete the following webs to make compounds 9. F 10. T 11. F 12. T
nouns. 13. F 14. F 15. F
1. table – manners, maths, candle-lit, four-foot, folding, Listening Skills
portable Listen to your teacher speaking some proverbs. Write the
meaning of each proverb.
2. book – store, mark, address, stall, shelf, case
1. Actions speak louder than words.
3. house – boat, guest, doll, dog, bird, farm
What someone actually does means more than what 5. a. reality b. distinctive
they say they will do. C. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions
2. All good things must come to an end. that follow.
Accept that even enjoyable experiences cannot last for Answer the following questions.
ever 1. b. drink from it
3. A watched pot never boils. 2. b. save the ant
Time seems to drag endlessly when you’re waiting for 3. b. a hunter was about to shoot it
something to happen
4. c. to point a gun at something or someone
4. Beggars can’t be choosers.
5. c. biting the hunter
People with no other options must be content with
what is offered
34. Report Writing
33. Reading Comprehension A. You are Gagan/Himani Thakkar, a student of Duke
Public School. Write a report in 150–200 words for the
B. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions
local newspaper describing a traffic jam in which you,
that follow.
along with others, were stuck for hours.
Answer the following questions.
Gagan Thakkar
1. d 2. b
Head Boy
3. c 4. c
Duke Public School, February 2023: It is prevalent in
5. a. inexorable b.salubrious our area that lot of several cars, bikes, cycles, and even
C. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions pedestrians are not able to move for a few hours in
that follow. pick hours. And unfortunately, the condition of traffic
Answer the following questions. is not improving. The situation is that office goes find
1. a 2. b it very difficult to reach the office on time. Typically, 20
minutes of a journey takes two hours. Due to massive
3. d 4. d traffic during pick hours, it is very tough to commute.
5. d Office goers face enormous difficulties as they need to
D. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions reach the office on time. There is a lot of construction
that follow. work going on the road. The vendors have covered the
Answer the following questions. entire footpath.
1. a 2. d People are walking on the street. It is one of the reasons
to occupy the space. It creates obstacles to moving
3. b 4. a
vehicles. Vehicles can be seen parking anywhere on
5. c the road. We are helpless about how to commute in
Exercises pick hours in our city. Drivers are less bothered about
traffic rules. Buses stop here and there to bring a lot of
A. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions
passengers. There is a lot of news about broadening the
that follow.
road and creating new bridges, but there is no progress
Answer the following questions. on the ground. We are scarred to travel on this road in
1. b. They trap heat and increase temperature. pick hours.
2. a. The temperature of the earth will increase. To resolve this traffic jam problem government should
3. a. human activities deploy more traffic officers, so traffic rules should be
4. d. All of these followed. Apart from that government should take strict
action against illegal parking, illegal vendor, and any
5. a. structure b. isolating nuisance that creates a traffic jam in our city.
B. Read the passage carefully and answer the questions This is a sample answer. Please accept all relevant
that follow. responses.
Answer the following questions. B. You are the Head Boy/Girl of your school. Write a report
1. b. to project curiosity as a potent motivating factor in 150–200 words describing the Independence Day
2. b. spirit of enquiry celebrations that took place in your school.
3. c. People motivated by curiosity do not need other Ronit Verma
motives to guide them. Head Boy
4. d. spiritual reality is the ultimate goal of humans DPS Bhuvaneswar, 6th March 2023: D.P.S. School,
through action
Bhubaneswar celebrated its 75th Independence Day enthusiasm and zeal of the students to learn was the
on Thursday. The event consisted of speeches from main driving factor.
eminent personalities like the Police Commissioner, the The chief guest distributed the certificates of
Assistant Superintendent of Police and other dignitaries. participation among the students. The competition
There were also programmes like dances, songs, a street ended on a positive note. There was an atmosphere of
play, and a parade. learning and growing together.
The event started with the Principal of the school, the This is a sample answer. Please accept all relevant
Assistant Superintendent of Police, and the B.D.O. responses.
hoisting the national flag. After the flag hoisting, the
D. Your school recently organised an Environment Week
students of the four different houses started their march
to discuss how we can save the environment. As the
past and saluted the National Flag. After the march
Associate Editor of your school magazine, write a report
past came to an end, the students of grades 9-11 put
on the event in about 150-200 words.
together a street play of how various freedom fighters
fought the British army and sacrificed themselves for Varun Khurana
the freedom of India. The brilliant act managed to bring Head Boy
everyone to the brink of tears. This act also ended up DAV School, 7th June 2023: DAV organised Environment
being the highlight of the day. Day celebrations on June 5, 2021. The Principal and Vice
The school choir team did a phenomenal job by Principal of the school, along with the other faculty
singing the famous song, “Aye Mere Vatan Ke Logo’ members, participated in the program in full spirit. The
on this auspicious day. Following this, the student aim behind organising Environment Day was to create
host welcomed the Police Commissioner, B.D.O. and awareness among people about the importance of
other dignitaries to distribute prizes to the students keeping the environment clean as well as saving it. And
who had performed exceptionally well in studies and for this purpose, the school administration decided to
sports throughout the year. The Principal also asked the conduct a “Plant 100 trees” drive. Mr Akhil Agnihotri, the
Assistant Superintendent of Police to say a few words District Magistrate, was invited as the chief guest for the
on the occasion and he motivated the students to work event. He, along with the Principal of the school, planted
for their country when they grow up. The event came to five trees on the school premises.
a close with the National Anthem. Students of the junior classes were asked to make posters,
This is a sample answer. Please accept all relevant banners and pamphlets on the theme of Environment
responses. Day. All the students participated in the program with
C. You are the editor of your school magazine. Your much enthusiasm. The Principal also announced that
school recently organized an inter-school essay writing the three best posters would be selected and kept in the
competition for classes 8 to 10. Write a report in 150– School Board for the year, and the students would be
200 words describing the event. given prizes and certificates for the same. After the trees
were planted, the District Magistrate gave a speech on
Rani Singh
how our environment helps us in our daily life, and why
Associate Editor we should all work together to protect the environment.
Glory School, 6th March 2023: An inter-school essay He also shared alarming facts about the changes that
writing competition was celebrated by Queen’s School, might happen in the future due to the degradation of
Amravati in the school’s auditorium. Essay writing is a the environment.
very sensitive form of self-expression. It is a harmonious Finally, after the speech, as promised by the Principal,
blending of ‘thought’ and ‘expression’. It is considered the three best poster makers were given prizes and
to be the most effective writing which encourages and certificates by the District Magistrate. The Principal
enhances critical thinking and helps the students/ in thanked everyone for their presence and concluded the
organising thoughts and improving communication day’s programme.
skills. To express their world of imagination, an Inter-
This is a sample answer. Please accept all relevant
class ‘Essay Writing Competition’ was organized by DPS,
Amravati on 3rd May 2021. The competition aims to
allow the students of classes I to X to voice their ideas
on different topics.
35. Itinerary Writing
The competition began with the welcome speech for Read the sample itinerary
the chief guest, Mrs Shweta Nair, a renowned writer 26th October
and poet. About 200 students across grades took part
in the competition. All the arrangements including 10 AM: Reached Ooty
desks and blackboards were done in advance. Special Afternoon: Relaxing massage followed by a steam bath
care was given to hygiene and sanitation. The immense Evening: Watched the sunset and did boating
Night: Back to the hotel and enjoyed seafood for dinner Morning: Went to the golden temple. What a wonderful
27th October and peaceful feeling it was.
Morning: Slept through Afternoon: Had lunch at the hotel and went to the
Jalianwala Bagh.
Afternoon: Head out, coconut-based lunch
Evening: Freshened up at the hotel, had dinner and
Evening: Shopped for authentic spices, textiles,
chocolates, South silk sarees, and oils.
3rd October:
Night: Dinner
Back home
This is a sample answer. Please accept all relevant
28th October
Morning: Visited the Botanical Garden, Pine forest, and
the Pykara falls 36. Letter Writing
Afternoon: Back to the Coimbatore airport for our flight
back home A. Write a letter to the MCD officer requesting him to get
Night: Back home with a lot of wonderful memories! the garbage cleaned from your locality.
This is a sample answer. Please accept all relevant R-51, T.N Nagar
responses. Coimbatore
A. Read the travelogues below and create itineraries for 17 March 2023
both of them. The Editor
1. News Today
20th September Mumbai
Morning 10 AM: Reached Goa via the Mumbai-Goa I am Abhijit Singla studying in class VIII-F of Glory
Vistadome train. What a beautiful train it was, with glass School, Mumbai. I am writing this letter to you to bring
windows and a glass ceiling! Beautiful sights on the way to your notice that there is a garbage dump for the last
Afternoon: Checked in to the hotel and rested for a bit two weeks outside the main gate of Hemkunt colony
Late afternoon: Went to a seaside cafe to have something where I live.
to eat as we were hungry The dump attracts flies, insects, eagles, and dogs and
21st September thus disturbs the residents and spoils their peace.
Moreover, this can also spread a lot of diseases and
Morning: Had breakfast affect the air quality of our area. People are not bothered
Mid-morning: Took the complimentary spa offered by about it and keep throwing more and more waste into
the hotel it. The stench has become unbearable for us and our
Afternoon: Explored the beaches such as Baga beach, pets.
Miramar beach, and the Calangute beach Hope you will publish this letter at the earliest so that
Evening: Did street shopping and bought t-shirts, jute the concerned authorities can take the necessary action
bags, and junk jewellery. on this issue.
22nd September This is a sample answer. Please accept all relevant
Morning: Ate a lavish brunch at the hotel and returned responses.
to Mumbai by car. What a trip it was! B. Write a letter to your family doctor asking him for
This is a sample answer. Please accept all relevant detailed reports of your grandmother’s illness so that
responses. he may be treated in a city hospital.
2. R-19/1, Panscheel
1st October, Delhi
Morning: Reached Amritsar and were in our hotel by 10 26th May 2023
AM! Dear Dr Harsh
Afternoon: Slept through the afternoon. Hope this letter finds you well. I hope that your work is
Evening: Went to the Wagah border to watch the beating progressing well.
retreat. Our hearts filled with pride and patriotism on I am writing to you to request detailed reports, CT scans,
seeing our soldiers. and X-ray reports for my grandmother Mrs Lajwanti
Late Evening: Had dinner - the famous Amritsari fish, Devi. Since you have been treating her for the longest
Dal Makhani, and Butter chicken! So yummy! time, you would have all her medical records. We have
approached the City Hospital and the doctors there
2nd October:
have advised her to go in for surgery. This is a sample answer. Please accept all relevant
Please let me know when I can come and collect the responses.
reports. E. Write a letter to the Customer Relations Executive of
Yours faithfully Victoria Springs Water Company complaining about
not receiving the water supply for the past 4 days and
requesting them to cancel your further order for water.
This is a sample answer. Please accept all relevant
11 April 2023
Mr Abhishek Rai
C. Write a letter to your friend offering your condolences
on the passing away of his grandmother. Customer Relations Executive
R-19/1, Panscheel Victoria Springs Water Company
Delhi Nariman Vihar
26th May 2023 Bengaluru - 550099
Dear Ragini, Subject: Complaint about the water supply. Ref
Hope this letter finds you well. I have been busy with my
annual examinations which is why I am writing after so Dear Mr Rai,
many days. I am writing to inform you that I have not received
I heard that your grandmother passed away recently potable water for the past 4 days. The reference ID
after battling with a terminal illness. I understand that of my account is 90821345 and the account is in the
this would be a tough time for you and your family. I name of Mr DL Rai.
remember that you were very close to her and would be I raised a dispute with the customer services
disturbed and shattered by her passing away. All I can department and even left a message on the website’s
say in this tough time is that time is the biggest healer chatbot. But I have still not received the water, nor has
and that you should pray for her peace. any customer service representative contacted me. I
I will visit you soon to offer my condolences in person. have my previous water bill and a one-year advance.
I request you to kindly stop any water supply to this
Yours lovingly
account and refund my advance.
I look forward to your reply and hope you will handle
This is a sample answer. Please accept all relevant the matter with promptness.
D. Write an application to your principal to allow you to
Ravi Paritosh
use the school bus from a new area as you have shifted
into a new locality. 13/91 F-Residences
A-25, Shri Kumar Vihar Bengaluru – 550090
Rohini This is a sample answer. Please accept all relevant
9 May 2023
The Principal 37. Article Writing
Kendriya Vidyalaya
Patel Nagar A. Write an article on the topic ‘Impact of Social Media in
a Student’s Life’.
Subject: Regarding using the school bus
Social media is a powerful tool expanding exponentially
Dear Sir, and can significantly influence our society. Social media
I am Preeti Gulati studying in class VIII-A. I am writing is a resource that is incredibly powerful, inexpensive, and
this letter to you to bring to your notice that I have available. If you want to increase sales and profitability
recently relocated to Rohini. Consequently, I would seriously, you will need to consider this technology
request to be allowed to use the school bus (Route 23) as part of your marketing plan. The goal of social
for coming to and going from school. media content is to automate the creation of content,
Please add the bus fee to my annual fee and let me performing actions based on specific criteria in your
know in case any advance needs to be paid. database without human intervention. Social media
Hope you will do the needful and oblige. can be a fantastic tool for your business. It is a powerful
way to connect with customers and market your brand.
Yours faithfully When used correctly, it can also increase sales and
Preeti Gulati brand engagement. Social media will positively impact
Class VIII-A your business if you use it as a resource for customer
service, marketing, and reaching out to potential clients. available on the internet. They allow users to quickly
Social media urges to spend more time on social and easily find information that is of genuine interest
media than with other people in real life. When people or value, without the need to wade through numerous
spend too much time with their phones, they become irrelevant web pages. There is a lot of filtering to do -
socially isolated and depressed. The most prominent three years ago in 2004 the number of pages in Google’s
disadvantage is the continuous need for personal index exceeded the number of people on the planet,
information to use social media. This makes it easier for reaching a staggering figure of more than 8 billion.
hackers and identity thieves to steal your information. This is a sample answer. Please accept all relevant
This is a sample answer. Please accept all relevant responses.
responses. D. Your school magazine has invited articles on the topic
B. Write an article for your school magazine emphasising of ‘Importance of Sports’. Write an article on the topic
the need to integrate art in all the subjects taught in in about 150–200 words.
schools. Write an article in about 150-200 words. Sports are very essential for every human life which
Art is creativity… whatever form it is, art has been a part keeps them fit and fine and has physical strength. It has
of the human experience since our early times, evidence great importance in each stage of life. It also improves
of this are paintings on rocks and stones dotted across the personality of people. Sports keep our all organs
several continents, folk songs, artefacts and monuments alert and our hearts become stronger by regularly
from ancient times. Essentially art is about creativity, playing some kind of sports. sports have always been
it is intricately bound with the senses in a process of given priority from old ages and nowadays it has
perception, interpretation and communication of become more fascinating. Due to the physical activity
ideas, thoughts and emotions. Although art tends blood pressure also remains healthy, and blood vessels
to be viewed as a pastime activity, studies show that remain clean. Sugar level also reduces and cholesterol
proficiency and knowledge in arts develop individuals comes down through daily activity. Different people
in diverse ways for the benefit of the individual and have different interests in sports but the action is the
society. By understanding how art works, the child same in all sports. Sports are becoming big channels to
learns to be inquisitive and observing, combining each make more capital/money day by day and the number
component to create the art piece or performance of people is also increasing. By playing sports even at a
the child learns to reason, as he/she continues and young age you can also be better and free from some
successfully creates art pieces or performances he/she diseases. By playing sports lung function also improves
develops his/her power of imagination, intuition and and becomes healthy because more oxygen is supplied.
confidence, ultimately forming his/her outlook and Sports also improve bone strength even in old age. Just
personality. Studies show that children involved in arts like a diet of healthy nutrients is needed for nourishing
at this early stage of their lives generally perform well in the body, playing sports holds great significance in
school including in subjects such as mathematics and enhancing our lives, especially for growing children.
science, they are also very friendly and grow to develop As a student, one has to face many challenges, and
charismatic personalities. playing sports helps them cope with the exam pressure
This is a sample answer. Please accept all relevant and prepares them for further challenges by providing
responses. them with physical and mental strength. Children who
are indulged in physical activities sustain good values
C. You are Hemant. You are given an article to write on the
of mutual respect and cooperation. Playing sports
topic ‘The Importance of the search engine- Google.’
teaches them skills such as accountability, leadership,
Google is named after the mathematical word “googol,” and learning to work with a sense of responsibility and
described as the value represented by one followed by confidence.
100 zeros. Google is the leading Internet search engine;
This is a sample answer. Please accept all relevant
its main service provides customers with targeted
search outcomes chosen from over 8 billion web pages.
Both Stanford dropouts, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, E. Today, festivals are celebrated to show off wealth rather
developed Google search technology from a college than enjoyment. Write an article on the same. Use the
project. Thus, an insight into Google Essay discusses clues given below. (120-150 words)
how Google works and came into existence. Google as Festivals are very important. They make us forget our
a search engine provides a better customer experience cultural and religious differences. They unite people and
to knowledge-base readers. Instead of readers trying to they come together for the sole purpose of celebration
find an article using a pre-defined category, they can and happiness. Other than that, festivals also help us
use the search functionality to get the right content. embrace our culture and religion. They are very helpful
Readers can search using keywords and search engine in breaking the monotony of life. It is not about spending
brings relevant article in no time! Search engines money but more about coming together as a family.
essentially act as filters for the wealth of information Moreover, people look forward to festivals all around
the year. Festivals spark joy and give people something Carrying an umbrella when it rains is a matter of
to look forward to. In addition, people also repair their horse sense.
homes and paint them to look brand new. It beautifies These are sample answers. Please accept all relevant
the look of the locality. In short, festivals fill our lives responses.
with colours and enthusiasm. They bring us closer every
D. Look at the words and phrases given below. Rearrange
year and eliminate any feelings of communal hatred.
them to form meaningful sentences.
Further, they strengthen the bonds of the community
and remove the malice from people’s hearts. Therefore, (a) Soil is the uppermost layer of the earth.
festivals are quite important and must be celebrated (b) Plants provide food which supports all the living
with passion. things on this planet.
This is a sample answer. Please accept all relevant (c) Thus, soil is the foundation of all life on this Earth.
responses. (d) People tend to look at you the way you look at
Review – 1 (e) Tejas was brought up in an orphanage run by a
A. Read the following paragraph carefully and answer the workhouse.
questions that follow. E. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verb given in
1. Sachin Tendulkar was talking to the media the brackets.
members. A burglary (a) took (take) place last night in the
2. India won the match. house of Mr Gupta. After some time, a police inspector
(b) visited (visit) his house and (c) found (find)
3. The match was played ICC Champions Trophy. how the thieves (d) managed (manage) to (e)
4. According to Sachin, it would be a matter of great enter (enter) the house. He also (f) enquired
pride for India to give a tough fight against Pakistan (enquire) from the entire family what they were doing
in the final. at that time.
5. Sachin hoped that India plays well in the final and F. Complete the passages using suitable conjunctions.
wins the ICC Champions Trophy. When the teacher entered the class, (a) most
B. Change the following statements first to questions and students were busy talking to each other. Hardly, (b)
then to negative sentences. any work was being done. So, the teacher wrote (c)
1. I don’t have to submit my project by Monday. some sentences on the board and asked the
Do I have to submit my project by Monday? students if (d) any of them could punctuate the
2. We will not accompany you to the station.
G. Complete the passages using ‘some’ or ‘any’.
Will we accompany you to the station?
When the teacher entered the class, (a) some
3. They will not attend the seminar every weekend. students were busy talking to each other. Hardly, (b)
Will they attend the seminar every weekend? any work was being done. So, the teacher wrote (c)
4. The restaurant is not located in the beautiful valley some sentences on the board and asked the students
of flowers. if (d) any of them could punctuate the sentences.
Is the restaurant located in the beautiful valley of H. Change the following sentences into the passive voice.
flowers? 1. The house was being built by the men.
5. The masked man did not steal the jewellery from the 2. A cake was made by my sister.
locker. 3. An award-winning novel was written by her.
Who stole the jewellery from the locker? 4. The bridge was blown up by the terrorists.
C. Use the following idioms in your own sentences to 5. The rat was killed by the cat.
explain their meanings. I. You are Rahul/Rachna, the Sports Secretary of Raja City
1. Raining cats and dogs Public School, Ghaziabad. Write an application to your
I cannot go out. It is raining cats and dogs. principal to arrange for a friendly match in the school.
2. Hand over fist You are Rahul/Rachna, the Sports Secretary of Raja City
Public School, Ghaziabad. Write an application to your
We were making money hand over fist.
principal to arrange for a friendly match in the school.
3. Red letter day
35-A, Laxmi Nagar
The end of the financial year used to be a red-letter
day for investors.
9 May 2023
4. Horse sense
The Principal F. Circle the direct object and underline the indirect
Raja City Public School object, if any, in the following sentences.
Ghaziabad 1. Please bring me a glass of water.
Subject: Regarding arranging a friendly match in the 2. She gave a book to me.
school 3. The class listened to the story with full attention.
Dear Ma’am, 4. He has a cemented house.
I am Rachna Gupta studying in class VIII-A. I am the 5. Father gave the guard his salary.
Sports Secretary of the school. I am writing this letter G. Pick out the nouns from the following passage and
to request you to arrange for a friendly basketball categories them into different kinds.
match at the school
Proper – Friday
Our basketball team will get the necessary practice and
Common – hill, land, man, flesh
motivation with the annual championships around the
corner. The cheerleaders, volunteers, and teaching staff Abstract – concern
would also get a trial run to host the championship H. Fill in the blanks with personal pronouns.
smoothly. 1. I kept my watch somewhere. Now I can’t remember
Hope you will do the needful and oblige. where I kept it.
Yours faithfully 2. Aruna said to Jacob, “Why are you disturbing me?”
Rachna Gupta 3. My friends wrote us letters. But we did not reply to
Class VIII-A their letters.
This is a sample answer. Please accept all relevant 4. Varun is very careful. He does his work very neatly.
responses. 5. The painter is finishing his painting. We must not
disturb him.
Review – 2 I. Kabbadi is a game which is becoming popular worldwide.
Write an article on the same using the given clues. (120-
A. Read the following paragraph about Albert Einstein 150 words)
and answer the questions that follow.
Kabaddi is a sport that needs energy, dedication and
1. Einstein was born in Germany. skill. Playing Kabaddi requires a lot of strength and
2. He was born on 14 March 1879. intelligence. Originating in the rural parts of India,
3. He received his higher education from the University the sport has earned worldwide recognition and
of Zurich. viewership. The game of Kabaddi is played between two
4. He is widely known for his Theory of Relativity teams. Each team has seven players. The match is based
on the body weight and age of the players. A straight
5. He received the Nobel Prize in 1921. line is drawn in the middle of the court to separate the
6. Write the synonyms of the following words. two teams. The line is called “pala”. The team winning
a. widely famously the toss gets to play first. When the referee or umpire
b. assistant apprentice blows the whistle, the games begin. A player goes to
the other side crosses the pala, and continuously chants
B. Complete the passages using suitable modals. “kabaddi-kabaddi”. Post this; he tries to touch a player
Rohit : (1) May I use your phone, Mohit? My parents from the opposite side. The players must try to escape or
are out of town and (2)won’t not be back until evening. capture him and keep him in their court. If the opponent
So, I need to know where the house keys are. team succeeds in capturing him, the player is declared
C. Fill in the blanks using the correct word. “dead”. However, if the player is successful and returns
We were (1) highly (high/highly) impressed by her to his side, his team scores a point, and the player he has
talent. I expect her to rise very (2) high (high/highly) in touched from the opponent team is declared “dead”.
her career. The dead players have to step outside the game and
cannot participate in the game anymore. The defending
D. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of verbs given in team players can hold their hands like a chain to catch
brackets. the opponent. The game of Kabaddi lasts for 40 minutes
1. After lunch, I continued to do my homework. (do) and is divided into sessions of 20 minutes each. There
2. Tell me your story. I’m very interested to hear about is a five-minute break in between the two halves. The
it. (hear) team with the highest score wins the game.
4. The amazing movie has won many awards. (amaze) This is a sample answer. Please accept all relevant
5. The interesting book has won the award this year. responses.