UCSP Second Quiz

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Second Quiz in UCSP

Name: _________________________________________ Grade: ____________________ Score:


IDENTIFICATION: Identify the term or concept being described below.

____________________1. He is an English naturalist who proposed the theory of evolution

by natural selection.

____________________2. This is a theory which claims that all species are related and
gradually change overtime.

____________________3. This is a mechanism of evolution which supposes that organisms

that are more adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and pass on the
genes that aided their success.

____________________4. This is the idea that human culture change-that is, changes in
socially transmitted beliefs, knowledge, customs, skills, attitudes, languages, and so on.

____________________5. This stage of cultural evolution occurred during Paleolithic period,

2 million years ago.

____________________6. This stage of cultural evolution occurred about 12,000 years ago
during Neolithic era.

____________________7. This stage of cultural evolution occurred 5,000 years ago where
people learn intensive agriculture.

____________________8. A stage of human evolution when people learn to use fire and
dwell on caves.

____________________9. During this stage of human evolution, believed to be the first

maker of stone tools.

____________________10. They are also called the modern man of human evolution.

Savagery Barbarism Civilization Homo erectus

Homo Habilis Homo sapiens Charles Darwin Cultural evolution

Evolution Theory Natural Selection

II. Identify the following phenomenon as to what stages of cultural evolution. Choose
from Savagery, Barbarism, or Civilization.

______________________1. Pottery

______________________2. Capitalism

______________________3. Patriarchy
______________________4. Hunting

______________________5. Bow and Arrow

______________________6. Communal ownership

______________________7. Social strtification

_______________________8. Plant domestication’

______________________9. Indiscriminate mating

______________________10. Promiscuous band

______________________11. Political state

______________________12. Use of iron

______________________13. Animal domestication

______________________14. Discovery of fire

______________________15. Industrialism

______________________16. Gathering fruits and nuts

______________________17. Monogamy

______________________18. Polygamy

______________________19. Fishing

______________________20. Flaked stone tools

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