Food Forwardthe Greenhouse in Ten Years PDF
Food Forwardthe Greenhouse in Ten Years PDF
Food Forwardthe Greenhouse in Ten Years PDF
The greenhouse
in ten years
From circular, local cultivation to ingredient farms
In short
While the industry is well on its way to become circular, there are a
few bottlenecks we still need to overcome if we want to truly close
our production cycles. The sector’s main challenge is to manage the
in- and outgoing (material) flows in the greenhouse, including those of
fertilizers and CO2. Additionally, greenhouses also have high energy
needs and too much plastic is currently being used and thrown away
in the sector. How can we overcome these bottlenecks?
Food Forward: The greenhouse in ten years
For Wouter Verkerke, Peter Spoor and Sander van Golberdinge the future is crystal clear: within ten years
the horticultural industry will be circular. Local cultivation will become more prominent, the ingredient farm
will be a new business model and it’s likely that in just a few years we will be able to buy exotic fruits from
the Netherlands in our own supermarkets. These developments will allow production cycles to become
shorter and truly closed. But how is the horticultural industry going to make this transition?
In this Food Forward we discuss the bottlenecks and possible solutions for this transition with three experts
from the sector: dr. Wouter Verkerke, senior scientific researcher at the Business Unit Horticulture at the
Wageningen University & Research (WUR), Peter Spoor, Director Applications and Development at Grodan
and Sander van Golberdinge, Public Affairs Manager at Grodan.
Demand for healthy, “The horticultural sector is the most kept at a minimum and we mostly
safe and sustainable food promising sector when it comes to use biological crop protection
While the horticultural sector is the sustainable production of products.
making the transition to a circular healthy food. We grow out of the
economy, the demand for healthy, soil on growing media solutions, so Because of this, I think our sector
safe and sustainably produced food we can control all the elements in is best positioned to meet the
will increase as well. The good news order to produce clean and safe increasing demand for healthy, safe
is that the horticultural industry has vegetables and fruit. With this and sustainable food as the first,
already taken great steps to meet production method the use of water or maybe even the only, industry.”
this demand. Van Golberdinge: and nutrients in the greenhouse is
Food Forward: The greenhouse in ten years
Food Forward: The greenhouse in ten years
5. Local cultivation
Besides from finding solutions to
the above mentioned bottlenecks,
Verkerke, Spoor and Van
Golberdinge expect the sector will
also develop more in the area of
local cultivation in the coming
years. Van Golberdinge: “If we keep
on importing vegetables and fruit
from countries across the globe, we
will continue to have a negative
footprint on the environment.
Food Forward: The greenhouse in ten years
6. New (exotic) crops Verkerke also anticipated this new “We don’t have the ambition to
As the sector moves towards more development and is now business take over other countries’ full
local cultivation, it’s likely we will development manager of the production processes with this
also see an increase of new crops in “Greenhouse Pharmacy” program. project. But if we can ensure a
different indoor facilities, according Verkerke: “In the Netherlands, we small, but guaranteed and constant
to the three experts. Spoor: “Crops are crazy about exotic fruits like amount of these types of fruit from
are increasingly being taken out of papayas and mangos, but we still the Netherlands, we foresee less
the soil as more advanced growing import them by plane from remote fluctuations in prices. This delivery
techniques, such as vertical farming, countries. Because of this, these security will bring stability in the
are being developed. At Grodan we fruits continue to have a high food chain, which in turn has a
investigate how we can adjust our CO2-footprint. In the Greenhouse positive effect on guaranteeing
growing media solutions so Pharmacy we carry out different food security and safety,” according
strawberries and lettuce can be trials to grow exotic fruits and to Verkerke.
grown optimally on our substrates.” ingredients in a Dutch greenhouse.
For example, Grodan is currently A great example is our
involved in a trial at Proefcentrum collaboration with Sunfresh, which
Hoogstraten, where strawberries are published the first results of
grown on stone wool growing papayas grown in the greenhouse
media solutions. earlier this year,” he shares
Food Forward: The greenhouse in ten years
The ingredient farm Ready for the future Want to know more?
On top of all this, Verkerke’s team Verkerke, Van Golberdinge Take a look at the website
is also testing the possibilities of and Spoor all agree that the of WUR and read more about
growing ingredients for the food horticultural industry is going to the Greenhouse 2030 and the
and pharma industry, such as make a huge transition in the Greenhouse Pharmacy.
medicinal cannabis, aloe vera, coming ten years. Circularity will
vanilla and chili peppers. Verkerke: be a license to operate, as well as Read more about Grodan’s
“I think the ingredient farm is going a revenue model for many Dutch recycling service on Grodan’s
to be a new booming business. growers. During this transition, website.
At the moment, some ingredients collaboration in the sector is crucial.
do not reach Europe or have a By forming coalitions between
bad quality. different players, the sector will
prepare itself for the future. And
By growing certain ingredients in the good news is: the horticultural
greenhouses in the Netherlands, sector is already a pioneer when it
you are assured a high quality, comes to sustainable, clean and
clean production process so it safe food production. According
makes sense we will have to start to the three experts, the sector’s
producing these types of entrepreneurial spirit and
ingredients ourselves as well. And knowledge will definitely contribute
we are actually able to do this. The to this transition in the coming
available solutions are endless and years and will ensure that existing
I am sure the Netherlands, with its systems and processes are
extensive knowledge of the sector, redesigned to enable a transition
can play an important role in this”. to a circular economy.
Food Forward: The greenhouse in ten years
Peter Spoor
Peter Spoor is Director Applications and Development at Grodan and heads
the team of researchers at the international company. His team studies
different aspects and methods that can improve Grodan’s products and
production processes and make them more sustainable.
Food Forward: The greenhouse in ten years
About Food
In Food Forward papers, Grodan highlights current
developments and trends in horticulture by talking
to various experts. By discussing their perspectives,
Grodan provides more background information about
topical issues and contributes to social discussions
concerning our current food production system.
Grodan levert innovatieve en duurzame steenwolsubstraat-
oplossingen aan de professionele tuinbouw, gebaseerd op
het Precision Growing-principe. Deze oplossingen worden
onder andere toegepast bij de teelt van groenten en bloemen,
zoals tomaten, komkommers, paprika’s, aubergines, rozen en
gerbera’s. Grodan levert steenwolsubstraten in combinatie met
advies op maat en innovatieve tools om telers te ondersteunen
bij Precision Growing. Dit vergemakkelijkt een duurzame
productie van gezonde, veilige en smakelijke versproducten
voor de consument.
Rockwool BV / Grodan
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t +31 (0)475 35 30 20
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