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Try Out Asas Ganjil Grade 7

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Hello, my name is KETUT. I was born on the 4th of June 14. Haira : Hello,are you a new student?
2004. I am a student of SMPN 1 Denpasar. I live on Hasnida : Yes, I am. My name is Hasnida.
Garuda street no 68. My house is only 1 km from school. I Haira : I’m Haira. __ Hasnida?
have a bicycle, it is my favourite vehicle. So I ride my Hasnida : I ‘m from Jakarta.
bicycle to go everywhere. My favourite colour is blue. I A. How are you C. What is your name
like to eat Betutu chicken. Nice to meet you!! B. Where are you from D. Where do you live
1. How old is Ketut ? 15. Your mother’s mother is your .....
A. 10 B. 11 C. 12 D. 14 A. grandmother C. uncle
2. Where does he come from ? B. aunt D. sister
A. Lampung C. Jogyakarta 16. Your mother’s brother is called your .....
B. Padang D. Bali A. queen C. uncle
3. What is his favourite food ? B. aunt D. brother
A. KFC C. Fried fish
B. Betutu chicken D. Pecel lele Hello! There are five people in my family: My father or my
4. How does Ketut go to school ? dad, my .... or my mom, my elder brother, my liltle sister,
A. By bike C. By car and my self. My father is Mr. Rajali. He’s a teacher. My
B. By bus D. By train mother is Mrs, Kurnia. She is a nurse. My big .... is Hasan.
5. What is his hobby ? He is a student of SMA Perjuangan. My little ... is Rosa.
A. Cycling C. Dancing She’s still in kindergarten.
B. Painting D. Gardening 17. The best answer for the paragraph above are?
6. I .... not hungry A. sister, mother, brother
A. are C. am B. father, mother, sister
B. is D. do C. mother, brother, sister
7. Mother : I need two eggs and some frying oil. D. brother, mother, sister
Daughter : What do you ... to prepare, mom?
Mother : An omelet. Mrs Yoana is from Padang, but (18)... lives and works in
A. dislike C. want Indramayu. She teaches English at Merdeka Junior High
B. hate D. buy School. She is a very kind teacher. (19) .... husband is a
8. Diah : Miss. Lusi ... speak Japanese. lawyer. He comes from Medan. They have a son.
Asih : You know, she has lived in Japan for years. 18. A. She B. They C. He D. We
A. can not C. can 19. A. Her B. My C. His D. your
B. will D. will not 20. Arrange the following sentences into a good order!
1. No, I have not
Look! These are our school uniforms. The hats are 2. I am Ronald
white and blue. The ... (9)... is white. The belt is black. 3. Hi... have we meet before?
The ...(10)... is blue. The shoes are black. On Monday, 4. So, who are you?
I usually wear a blue tie. 5. Oh I am sorry ... I am Roy
9. A. shorts B. skirts C. shirts D. pants A. 1-2-3-4-5 C. 3-1-4-2-5
10. A. shirts B. shocks C. sleeves D. trousers B. 2-3-4-5-1 D. 4-5-1-2-3
11. Linda : “Hello, My name is Linda. 21. Arini : What time do you get up every day?
Rania : I’m Rania. Sinta : I usually ... at 5 o’clock.
A. What are you? C. Where do you live? A. got up C. gets up
B. What is your name? D. How old are you? B. get up D. have got up
12. Tito : Azwar, this is my sister Haira. 22. Adi : That’s a nice pet bird!
Azwar : Hi, Haira. Nice to see you. Anton : .... I just got it at a pet shop.
Haira : Hello, Azwar. .... A. sorry C. oh, thanks
A. Nice to see you too C. thank you B. see you later D. you’re welcome
B. I like you D. I’m fine
13. Good morning, I’d like to introduce myself. ... I am a Hi friends, this is my daily activities for a week after
student of SMP HarapanBangsa. school. On Mondays , I join an English club. On
A. My name is Max Bae. Tuesdays, I learn to cook in the kitchen. On
B. B Max Bae is good name. Wednesdays, I play badminton. On Thursdays, I read
C. You can call me Max Bae. my favourite stories. On Fridays, I visit my
D. Max Bae is a clever student. grandparents. On Saturdays, I go jogging. On Sundays,
I go to supermarket to have window shopping.
23. On what days does the writer do sports ? 33. Arman. : Hello Mansyur. How are you?
A. Wednesday and Saturday Mansyur : I am fine, and you?
B. Tuesday Arman : I am fine too. What a surprise to meet you
C. Monday and Friday here. What are you doing here? Are you
D. Sunday on vacation?
24. What does the writer do on Tuesday ? Mansyur: Yes, oups. That’s the whistle for my train.
A. She plays football See you!
B. She helps her parents Arman : ....
C. She makes pudding Where does the conversation take place?
D. She goes jogging A. in the class room C. at the bus station
25. Today is Wednesday, what day was yesterday ? B. at the library D. at the railway station
A. Sunday C. Monday 34. Which one that suitable to fill in the blank of dialogue?
B. Tuesday D. Friday A. certainly. C. Bye, take care
26. Today is Wednesday, tomorrow will be ......... B. fine D. Fine
A. Tuesday C. Thursday
B. Friday D. Saturday Hi! My name is Mariana. These are my friends at school.
27. The brother of your mother is called ..... Their names are Elizabeth and Helen. My favorite subject
A. nephew C. uncle is Math and English. Math is at 8:30 on Monday. English is
B. aunt D. brother at 10:15 on Tuesday. Elizabeth’s favorite subject is
28. Rudi : I’m Rudi. ..... History. History is at 9:15 on Wednesday. Helen’s favorite
Ani : my name is Ani subject is art. Art is 12:00 on Friday.
A. Nice to meet you
B. What’s your name? 35. What is Mariana’s favorite subject on Tuesday?
C. See you later A. English C. History
D. Thank you B. Math D. Art
29. Arrange the sentences into a good dialogue. 36. “These are my friends at school.”
1. Hello, Dewi! The word my refers to ....
2. Hello, Mr. Hartawan. Nice to meet you A. the writer’s friend C. Elizabeth
3. His name’s Hartawan B. Mariana D. Helen
4. Nice to meet you, Riska. 37. Juan : Hi! Carlos. ....
5. Hi, Riska Carlos : Fine, thanks!
6. Riska, this is my father. A. How’s life? C. Hello!
A. 5–1–4–3–2–6 B. 5–1–3–6–2–4 B. Morning! D. Good bye!
C. 5–1–6–3–2–4 D. 5–1–2–3–6-4 38. X : It’s getting dark. ... the light, please!
Y : All right!
Our school has a library. It is between the school A. put off C. get out
office and the laboratory. Our librarian is Mr. Pranata. B turn on D. shut down
Mr. Pranata is in his office. It is in the library. He is
sitting behind his desk. He is numbering the new Mrs Yoana is from Padang, but .. (40).. lives and works in
books. He is a busy and hard working librarian. Our Indramayu. She teaches English at Merdeka Junior High
school library opens everyday but Sunday. It starts at School. She is a very kind teacher. ...(41)... husband is a
8 a.m. and stops at 2 p.m. On Friday, it closes earlier, lawyer. He comes from Medan. They have a son.
usually at 11 o’clock. There are some students in the
library now. Some are looking for books. The others 39. A. She B. They C. He D. We
are reading magazines, newspapers or books. 40. A. Her B. My C. His D. your

30. What is Mr. Pranata? The best punctuation for this paragraph are ....
A. a laboratory assistant C. a headmaster My name is Daniel. I am French. I live in a small town. I
B. a teacher D. a librarian work in a hotel but I do not live in the hotel I live with my
31. Activities in the library is the topic of paragraph .... parents My home is near the hotel so I walk to work every
A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1 day.
32. What time does the school library begin?
A. 11 a.m. B. 10 a.m. C. 8 a. m D. 2 a.m.
Male birds are usually more beautiful than female birds.
The peacock is a good example. The male peacock is 51. Annisa : Why did not you call me last night?
one of the most beautiful birds in the world. It is deep Dayu : .... I forget it.
blue and green in color. Its long green tail feathers have A. I am so sorry C. Good bye
eye spots. Each spot is green, black, and gold. In contrast, B. Yes, it is D. How are you
the peahen, a female peacock, is smaller. She is brown 52. Udin : Can I borrow your pencil?
and green in color. Beni : Sure here it is.
Udin : Thank you
41. The text tells us about ... Beni :. ......
A. bird C. animal A. I am very sorry C. Good bye
B. peacock D. female bird B. Thank you D. Don’t mention it.
42. Diana is stepping on someone’s foot in the bus. 53. Lina : What is ... . ?
Diana : .... Zeni : My name is Zeni
Someone: Yeah. It’s OK. A. Your name C. His name
A. Hallo! C. Thanks! B. Her name D. Their name
B. See you! D. Oops, sorry 54. Galang : Hi, Dennis. Are you coming to the football
My name is Regina. I am from German. I live in a small Dennis : Hi, Galang. Yes, I’m coming to the football
town. I am not married. I ...(44)... with mother and game.
father, my sister , Heidi and my brother, Rudolf. I ...(45) ... Galang : Ok, then. See you there. Goodbye.
in a department store. I sell writing paper, Dennis : ....
envelopes, ballpoints, pencils and colored postcards. A. Bye C. Good night
B. Good day D. Hi
43. A. go B. live C. look D. take 55. I.... not hungry
44. A. leave B. work C. stay D. take A. are C. am
B. is D. do
Nancy, a housewife, is quite a busy woman. She does
many things: washes clothes, cleans the house, cooks,
buys food, and plans things for her family. She is really
the housekeeper and the driver for all of them. Her days
quite long. She has got three children. Lousie and Dick,
seven and nine years old, are in school now, but Tommy,
only three years old, isn’t. He goes to nursery school two
morning a week. These two mornings are very nice for
Nancy. Sh uses this time to read and rest a little.
45. How many children does Nancy have?
A. 4 B.3 C. 2 D. 1
46. “These two mornings are very nice for Nancy”.
The opposite of nice is ....
A. interesting B. good C. bad D. annoying
47. The main idea of this paragraph is ....
A. her days are quite long
B. She has got 3 children
C. Nancy is a housewife
D. Nancy is a busy woman
48. Father : It’s getting hot in this room. Switch on ...,
Daughter : Sure.
A. the fan C. the light
B. the heater D. the refrigerator
50. Y : Do you like to eat meat?
X : No. I ... it.
A. like B. love C. dislike D. enjoy

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