Assessment of english language learning
Chavarria Arias Fabricio Ulises
Instrument of assessment diagnostic, formative and summative
Martinez Castro Melissa Iveth.
Juarez Moreno, Lidia Samali .
Villalobos González Gabriela Elizabeth .
Friday, November 01st, 2024.
Tool: Basic English Assessment for Evaluating the Four Skills
Part -1 students
F) G) H) Phenomenon I) J) innovative
Facilitate Collaboration Cultural
c) He ability to be maintained over the long term without depleting resources; ecological balance.
Universidad de oriente(Univo)
Diagnostic assessment : ( speaking) Date:__________________________
Student's name.____________________________________________________
Teacher: Villalobos Gonzalez Gabriela Elizabeth
Course: English basic
General information
In pairs, act out a dialogue in english about what you do in your free time. Follow the steps below to
create your script.
What is your favorite activity to do in your free What is your favorite activity to do in your free
time? time?
Describe the activity. Describe the activity.
Why do you like it? Why do you like it?
How often do you do it? How often do you do it?
Student b: Student a:
Listen to student a and take notes. Listen to student b and take notes.
After student a has finished speaking, ask at least After student b has finished speaking, ask at
two questions about their activity. least two questions about their activity
Part 1 student
Total: 40 minutes
Introduction: 5 minutes
Writing: 15 minutes
Reading and sharing: 20 minutes
Introduction :
(5 minutes): explain the activity and provide an example story with blanks.
Writing (15 minutes): distribute the story with blanks for students to fill in creatively.
Reading and sharing (20 minutes): students share their stories and discuss the
different versions.
The story
Last weekend was really exciting! On saturday, i woke up early and decided to go to the
____park______ (1). I wanted to see the ____________ (2) because i had heard it was amazing.
After that, i met my friends at the _____________ (3). We played ________________ (4) and
enjoyed the sunshine. For lunch, we ate _____________ (5), which is my favorite food!
In the afternoon, we went to the __________________ (6) to watch a movie. The film was
about a _ (7) that went on an adventure. It made us all laugh and cheer.
At the end of the day, we went back home feeling very _________________ (8) because we
had so much fun. I hope next weekend will be just as great!
The next morning, i woke up and remembered how much fun we had. I wanted to do
something special again, so i called my friends to see if they wanted to join me at the
__________________ (9) for a picnic. Emma suggested we bring some _________________ (10) to
share, and lucas said he would bring his favorite ______________ (11).
When we arrived at the park, we found a nice spot near a _________________ (12). The
weather was perfect, and we could hear the______________ _ (13) singing in the trees. After
setting up our picnic blanket, we took out our food and enjoyed the ________________ (14)
While we ate, we talked about our favorite ______________ (15) and what we wanted to do
next weekend. After lunch, we decided to play some games. We played _______________
(16) and even had a mini race to see who was the fastest.
Later, we saw some kids flying ________________ (17) and decided to join them. It was so
much fun watching the colorful kites soar in the sky. After a while, we got tired and sat
down on the grass to rest.
As the sun began to set, we knew it was time to pack up. We were all a little
__________________ (18) but happy. Before leaving, we took a group photo to remember the
day. I felt grateful to have such amazing friends and couldn’t wait for our next adventure.
On the way home, we talked about all the fun we had and made plans for the next
weekend. I hope it will be just as exciting, with more games, laughter, and great food.
There’s nothing better than spending time with friends!.
Part 1 student
Universidad de oriente
Diagnostic assessment ( listening) Date:___________________
Student's name:____________________________________________________________
Teacher: Villalobos Gonzalez Gabriela Elizabeth
To assess students' ability to understand auditory information in english and select
the correct answers based on what they hear.
Course: English basic
Tructure:listening comprehension
Indication:comprehension of specific details,ability to identify relevant information
and skill in distinguishing between true and false statements.
Type of exam: listening comprehension
Duration: 30 minutes
Number of questions: 6
Description of Activity: listening
Students will listen to a recording with questions in english and select the correct
answer, is format ,true/false.
4)andrea has a new order to place, even bigger than the last one.
5)junko can extend the payment terms on the last order to 60 days.
Scoring Section
Does not understand the Understands some ideas, but Understands the text
Content Comprehension
meaning of the text lacks clarity completely and accurately
Story is confusing and Basic story with limited Well-structured, coherent,
Creativity and Coherence
disorganized coherence and creativity and creative story
Incorrect or very limited Basic use, with some Correct and varied
Vocabulary Usage
vocabulary use grammatical errors vocabulary usage
Scoring Section
Results Analysis
Total Score:
Sum points from each activity.
Evaluation Categories:
Medium (6-10 points): Good performance in some skills, needs improvement in others.
Final Reflection.
Provide specific recommendations for improvement in each skill based on individual student results.
Part 1
Student's name_____________________________________________________________
Teacher: juarez moreno, lidia samali
Instrument components
1. Quizzes
For example
1-)how do you think learning english has impacted your daily life?
2-)what are the biggest challenges you have faced when learning english and how have
you overcome them?
3-)what techniques or resources do you find most effective in improving your english
4-)how do you feel about communicating in english compared to your native language?
5-)what aspects of english do you find most interesting or attractive, and why?
6-)how do you think mastering english could influence your job opportunities in the
7-)what differences have you noticed between the english spoken in class and the
english you hear in real life?
8-)how can you integrate learning english into your daily routine more effectively?
Part 3
2. Evaluation rubrics
For example:
Part 4
A (excellent): 90-100
B (good): 80-89
C (satisfactory): 70-79
D (pass): 60-69
F (failed): 0-59
3. Learning diaries
The class diary is an individual record where each student captures their personal
experience in the different activities they have carried out, whether during a learning
sequence, a block or a school year. It is used to express comments, opinions, doubts and
suggestions related to the activities carried out.
Serve as input to verify the level of achievement of the learnings. Procedure to prepare
a class diary, the following elements must be considered:
• define the periodicity of the diary, that is, for how long it will be carried out and for
what purpose. (select what will be included in the diary, how and for what.
• promote reflection between peers and teacher-student, about the content of the diary.
On the other hand, the class diary is a recommended instrument for self-assessment
and reflection on the learning process itself, because it allows achievements and
difficulties to be identified. The periodic review of the class diary provides information
about each student. Some questions that can guide students in preparing the class diary
are: what did i learn today?
What did i like the most and why? What was the most difficult?
What do i need to learn about the topic and how can i do it?
Concept maps
They are hierarchical structures by different levels of generality or conceptual
inclusivity. In a concept map, concepts are represented by ovals called nodes, and
linking words are expressed in labels attached to lines or arrows that relate the
Universidad de oriente
Speaking Activity:
General information
Participants: individual students
Indication: Each student must bring a photo of their favorite pet and present it to
the rest of the class. They will have to describe and explain it, why is it important to
them? How did they know it? How does it make them feel?
Total time: 45 minutes
Introduction: 5 minutes
Speaking: 25 minutes
Explain in the answer: 15 minutes
Part 2
Fluency and Speaks fluently Speaks with Speaks with Speaks with difficulty;
coherence with clear and good fluency; some fluency; responses are often unclear
well-organized responses are responses may or disorganized.
responses. mostly be partially
coherent with disorganized.
minor lapses.
Vocabulary Uses a wide range Uses a good Uses limited Uses very basic vocabulary
richness of vocabulary range of vocabulary; with limited variety.
effectively. vocabulary may rely on
with some repetition.
Total points____________/_____________
Universidad de oriente
Date: ___/____/____
Students name:_________________________________
Total time: 45 minutes
Introduction: 5 minutes
Writing: 30 minutes
Reading: 10 minutes
Introduction 10 minutes
Each of the students must read the written paragraph describing themselves and be
able to listen to others in how they use the basic vocabulary in the english language
Rubric for summative assessment
Universidad de oriente
Basic english
Name: ____________________________________________Date:___________
Objective: evaluate the student's ability to express ideas clearly and coherently in
basic english, using correct grammatical structures, appropriate vocabulary and a
logical organization of the text.
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Fair (2) Needs improvement
Grammar The use of grammar must The use of grammar There are several Grammatical errors
be correct and varied, with is generally correct, grammatical errors are frequent and
very few or no although there are that affect the make it difficult to
grammatical errors. some errors that do clarity of the text, understand the text.
not affect but you can still
understanding much. understand the
Vocabulary The vocabulary is varied The vocabulary is The vocabulary is The vocabulary is
and appropriate to the mostly adequate and limited and inadequate or
level, demonstrating a varied, although it repetitive, but insufficient, making
good command of basic could be expanded in mostly suitable for it difficult to clarify
expressions in english. some parts. the level. the message.
Organization The ideas are organized in The ideas are The organization is The ideas are very
a clear and logical way, organized and confusing or disorganized,
with a coherent structure understandable, disordered, which without a clear
of introduction, although they could makes it difficult to structure, which
development and be more coherent in understand ideas. prevents the
conclusion. some points. understanding of the
Spelling and Spelling and punctuation There are some There are several Spelling and
punctuation are accurate, with very few spelling and spelling and punctuation errors
or no errors. punctuation errors, punctuation errors are numerous and
but they do not affect that affect the make it difficult to
the understanding of clarity of the text. understand the text.
the text.
Content The answer is fully The answer covers The answer covers The answer does not
developed and covers all most of the required some required cover the required
the required points. points, but it could points, but points or is irrelevant
develop further. superficially or to the topic.