Work Phone: _____________________________ Driver’s License No. _______________ Home Phone: _____________________________ D.O.B. ____ / ____ / ______ Email Address: ____________________________ Present Employer: _________________________ How long? _______________________ Salary: $ __________________ weekly___/biweekly___/monthly___/annual___ (check one) Are you or your spouse currently pregnant? ______ How did you hear about our office? ______________________________________________ Have you retained any other attorney on this matter prior to coming to our office? (if yes, please provide name, date retained, and reason to discontinue representation) ___________________________________________________________________________ Have you ever been arrested? ____ If so, when and what for? _________________________ Have you ever been involved in a DCF case? _____ SPOUSE/BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND/OTHER PARTY INFORMATION: Name: _______________________ Soc. Sec. No.: ____-___-____ D.O.B. ___/___/______ Home Address: ______________________________________________________________ City: _____________________________ State: _______________ Zip Code: ___________ Are they represented by counsel? ____ If so, name of attorney: _______________________ Employer’s Name (if any): _____________________________________________________ Date of employment: _________________ Occupation: _____________________________ Salary: $ __________________ weekly___/biweekly___/monthly___/annual___ (check one) Have they ever been arrested? ____ If so, when and what for? _________________________ Have they ever been involved in a DCF case? _____ CHILDREN’S INFORMATION (from this relationship): Name Soc. Sec. No. Place of Birth D.O.B. Living with: Sex: M__/__F M__/__F M__/__F M__/__F ASSETS OF VALUE (if dissolution of marriage) DEBTS (if dissolution of marriage) Home: Mortgage: Other real property: Mortgage: Vehicle: Car Loan: Vehicle: Car Loan: RV: Credit Card: Boats: Credit Card: Motorcycle/ATV: Credit Card: Retirement account: Other: Retirement account: Other: Other asset: Other: OTHER ISSUES: Dissipation/wasting of marital assets? ____ Gambling? ____ Pornography? ____ Alcohol/drugs? ____ Other:__________________ GLP Family v.02-24