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An Upper Miocene Siliciclastic-Carbonate

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Facies (2012) 58:191–215

DOI 10.1007/s10347-011-0276-y


An Upper Miocene siliciclastic-carbonate ramp: depositional

architecture, facies distribution, and diagenetic history (Capo
Vaticano area, southern Italy)
Pierparide Gramigna • Davide Bassi •

Franco Russo

Received: 25 January 2011 / Accepted: 8 October 2011 / Published online: 30 October 2011
Ó Springer-Verlag 2011

Abstract During the Late Miocene, the marginal areas of the Miocene Mediterranean phytogeographic patterns. The
the Mediterranean Basin were characterized by the devel- absence of non-skeletal grains (ooids and green algae), the
opment of mixed siliciclastic-carbonate ramps. This paper paucity of Porites patch reefs, the rare occurrence of pri-
deals with a temperate siliciclastic-carbonate ramp (late mary marine cementation, all confirm that the studied ramp
Tortonian–early Messinian in age) which crops out in the was poorly lithified within a warm–temperate setting. The
Capo Vaticano area, Southern Apennines (Italy). Carbonate flat depositional profile of the ramp can be related to the
components are mainly represented by calcitic skeletal absence or paucity of primary marine carbonate cements.
fragments of coralline red algae, bryozoans, bivalves, and
larger foraminifera, whereas corals, brachiopods, echino- Keywords Siliciclastic-carbonate ramp  Facies analysis 
derms, and planktonic foraminifera are subordinate. In the Coralline red algae  Late Miocene  Calabria 
studied ramp, the depositional geometries of the main unit, Southern Italy
the ‘Sabbie gialle ad Heterostegina’, show a gradual
steepening from low/middle (dip about 2–5°) to steep slope
settings (up to 25°). The microfacies observations, the Introduction
quantitative analyses of the main biogenic components as
well as the rhodolith shapes and growth forms allowed the During the early Messinian (Late Miocene), before the
differentiation between the middle and the outer ramp Messinian Salinity Crisis, circum-Mediterranean areas
depositional setting and the refining of the stratigraphic were characterized by extensive reef complexes and
framework. The middle ramp is characterized by coralline rhodalgal platforms (e.g., Esteban 1996; Martı́n et al. 1996;
red algal debris packstone facies often associated with Brachert et al. 1998; Betzler et al. 2000; Cunningham and
larger foraminiferal floatstone/packstone facies, while the Collins 2002; Gläser and Betzler 2002; Cornée et al. 2004;
outer ramp is characterized by rhodolith floatstone/rud- Reuter et al. 2006). In the central Mediterranean Basin,
stone facies. These facies pass basinward into typical open- several Upper Miocene rhodalgal platforms are unrimmed
marine deposits (planktonic foraminiferal facies). The and show coral patch reefs in the shallower parts of the
taxonomic composition of the coralline red algal assem- depositional system (Grasso and Pedley 1988; Saint Martin
blage points to a temperate paleoclimate and emphasizes and Andrè 1992; Pedley 1996; Pomar 2001a; André et al.
In Neogene rhodalgal platforms, the coralline red algal
P. Gramigna (&)  F. Russo
assemblages differ in taxonomic composition similarly to
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi della
Calabria, Ponte Pietro Bucci Cubo 15b, 87100 Arcavacata di Recent shallow water counterparts of the western and
Rende, Italy central Mediterranean basin (e.g., Braga and Aguirre 2001;
e-mail: [email protected] Bassi et al. 2006; Braga et al. 2009a). These assemblages
also show distinct rhodolith growth-form zonation in the
D. Bassi
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, Università degli Studi di slope break/distal ramp transitional settings (Benisek et al.
Ferrara, via Saragat 1, 44122 Ferrara, Italy 2009). The taxonomic composition of coralline algae is

192 Facies (2012) 58:191–215

constrained by paleobathymetry and paleoclimatic settings. brackish fauna (gastropods, Crassostrea oyster banks) in-
In the western and central Mediterranean, the taxonomic terfingering with the upper unit, which is represented by
change in coralline algal floras from tropical to temperate uncemented shell concentrations and poorly cemented
carbonate settings is probably the regional expression in sandstones. These sandstones form a lenticular bodies a few
fossil assemblages of the climatic/biogeographic distribu- meters thick characterized by bipolar low-angle sedimentary
tion of coralline algae during the Late Neogene (Braga and structures and are interpreted as flood tidal deltas (Neri et al.
Aguirre 2001). 2005). The upper siliciclastic deposits know as ‘Arenarie a
Crustose coralline red algae (Corallinales, Sporolithales, Clypeaster’, characterized by light-grey sandstones with
Rhodophyta) can grow as free-living forms (rhodoliths) marine fossil assemblages (Clypeaster sp., molluscs, shark
constituting extensive beds worldwide over broad latitu- teeth, and marine vertebrates such as sea cows), overlie the
dinal and depth ranges (e.g., Adey 1986; Minnery 1990) in ravinement surface and pass offshore into the hemipelagic
pure carbonate settings. Rhodoliths, however, can be also Orbulina marls (‘Marne ad Orbulina’; Rao et al. 2007).
very common in siliciclastic-carbonate depositional sys- These two siliciclastic units are bounded by a diachronous
tems (mixed systems), in different shallow-water (e.g., thin pebble lag, which represents a ravinement surface cut-
tidal channels as well as in reefs; Adey and MacIntyre ting paralic deposits and testifying the landward migration of
1973; Bosence 1983; Perrin et al. 1995; Foster 2001) and the marine siliciclastic units (Neri et al. 2005; Gramigna et al.
deeper-water (e.g., Minnery 1990; Iryu et al. 1995; Mat- 2008). These units show a rapid development from paralic to
suda and Iryu 2011) environments. coastal/marine environments. Small coral patch reefs, a few
An upper Tortonian–lower Messinian siliciclastic-car- meters in thickness, grew directly on the crystalline base-
bonate ramp developed on a small granitic island in the ment and interfinger with the siliciclastic deposits.
southern Calabria region, central Mediterranean Basin A downlap surface, marking the Upper Tortonian/Lower–
(southern Italy). The ramp deposits are characterized Middle Messinian boundary, separates the above light-grey
mainly by two coralline algal facies that mark different sandstones from the informal stratigraphic unit ‘Sabbie
ramp settings. This depositional system, characterized by gialle ad Heterostegina’ (Barbera and Tavernier 1990;
the scarcity of primary cements and pervasive carbonate Papazzoni and Sirotti 1999), which differs from the under-
dissolution typical of non-tropical settings, shows gently lying sandstones in having a higher carbonate content and in
dipping geometry (\1°), which in the distal slope changes higher diversified biotic assemblages characterized by cor-
toward a steep geometry (25°). Dissolution processes were alline algae, larger foraminifera (e.g., Heterostegina papyr-
also inhibited by the fine terrigenous component and the acea), echinoids, brachiopods, and bryozoans (for a detailed
cementation was preserved. The new record of an Upper foraminiferal account see Papazzoni and Sirotti 1999). Low
Miocene siliciclastic-carbonate ramp in the central Medi- diversity coral patch reefs, some tens of meters in thickness
terranean area (1) allows a paleoenvironmental setting to and a few hundred meters in width, are also present (Romano
be reconstructed, in which coralline red algal debris et al. 2007). This unit, widespread across the study area, is
accumulated and rhodoliths and larger foraminifera grew, characterized by a general basinward increase in thickness
and (2) leads to a refinement of the paleophytogeographic (from 20 to 50 m) and variation in depositional geometries
coralline algal distribution within the western and central (from 2° to 25° in dip angle). The depositional system is,
Mediterranean areas during the Neogene. therefore, considered to represent a distally steepened ramp
(Gramigna et al. 2008). The ‘Sabbie gialle ad Heterostegina’
unit is overlain by the hemipelagic Orbulina marls, which
Geological setting represent the Middle–Late Messinian drowning of the Capo
Vaticano Peninsula (Rao et al. 2007).
The study area on the Capo Vaticano Peninsula in western
Calabria (southern Italy) lies in the central Mediterranean
Basin (Fig. 1). Since the late Tortonian, this peninsula rep- Materials and methods
resents a small granitic island separated eastward from the
Catena delle Serre domain by the Plio-Pleistocene Mésima Rhodoliths are very rare in the ‘Arenarie a Clypeaster’
Basin, delimited to the south by the Gioia Tauro Basin, and unit, whereas they are very abundant as rhodolith beds in
surrounded by shallow-water siliciclastic-carbonate deposits the ‘Sabbie gialle ad Heterostegina’ unit. Detailed analysis
(Gramigna et al. 2008; Gramigna 2009). The Upper Torto- of these rhodolith beds have been performed in different
nian deposits are separated into a lower and upper sediment areas. A total of five stratigraphic sections, in which the
package by a ravinement surface. The lower package, about ‘Sabbie gialle ad Heterostegina’ unit is well represented by
50 m thick, is stratigraphically subdivided into two units rhodolith beds, were measured in the Capo Vaticano area
(Fig. 2). The lower unit consists of dark clayey sands with a (Fig. 1): Caria (CA), Briatico (BR), Tropea (TR), Santa

Facies (2012) 58:191–215 193

Fig. 1 Geological map and locations of the studied sections in the Capo Vaticano area. The stratigraphic sections represent the ‘Sabbie gialle ad
Heterostegina’ unit that was deposited on a ramp setting (CA Caria; BR Briatico; TR Tropea; SD Santa Domenica di Ricadi; CV Capo Vaticano)

Domenica di Ricadi (SD), and Capo Vaticano (CV). The Vaticano section represents the southernmost stratigraphic
Caria section is located between the localities Caria and section and occurs between the localities Santa Domenica
Spilinga, on the right side of Brattirò stream, a few kilo- di Ricadi and Capo Vaticano, along the road to the For-
meters west of the Santa Domenica di Ricadi coast. The micoli beach.
Briatico section crops out along the coastline at about Facies analysis of the studied material was based on field
12 km southeast of Pizzo Calabro. The Tropea section observations and on microfacies analysis of thin-sections
occurs at the base of Tropea village, along the mole. The (ca. 5 9 5 cm). Statistical analysis of the sedimentary suc-
Santa Domenica di Ricadi section has been measured and cessions are based on point counting of 200 points in 26 thin-
sampled along the road leading to the Riace bay. The Capo sections (3 9 2.5 cm in size) representative of the

194 Facies (2012) 58:191–215

Fig. 2 Schematic stratigraphic

setting of the upper Neogene
deposits in the Capo Vaticano

distinguished facies. Samples for analysis of the biogenic intermediate, minimum). To determine primary particle
components were collected at different localities (Fig. 3), shape the TRI-PLOT software was applied (Graham and
including additional data derived from various localities Midgley 2000). Coralline algal growth-form terminology
(such as Cessaniti and Zungri), to best represent the distally follows Woelkerling et al. (1993).
steepened ramp. The counted biogenic constituents are cor- Family, subfamily, and generic circumscriptions follow
alline red algae, corals, bryozoans, brachiopods, and benthic Woelkerling (1988), Verheij (1993), Braga et al. (1993,
and planktonic foraminifera. Echinoids, mollusks, and ser- 2009a), Aguirre and Braga (1998), Harvey et al. (2003),
pulids are minor biogenic constituents of the fossil assem- Braga (2003), and Iryu et al. (2009).
blage. In addition, for each sample the terrigenous
siliciclastic/carbonate percentage ratio was calculated.
These data were used to run a cluster analysis (Ward’s Stratigraphic sections
method). For distribution maps of the biogenic components,
the average value of each biogenic component was interpo- Caria section (CA)
lated through GRID (Kriging method) and with contour
charts using Surface package and then plotted in a geo-ref- The Caria section (N38°390 21.1500 , E15°540 1.5600 , on the
erenced map of the study area. WGS84/UTM system) is about 30 m thick (Fig. 4). The
The geochemical and diagenetic analyses were carried lower part of the succession consists of a 3-m-thick med-
out using an EDAX energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer ium- to fine-grained sandstone with signs of bioturbation.
linked to a Cambridge 360 scanning electron microscope. Sedimentary structures are represented by poorly preserved
Rhodolith morphology was assessed in the studied sec- planar laminations. These sandstones are overlain by yel-
tions along the coastline of the Capo Vaticano area, between low–brown sandstones (up to 25 m thick) characterized by
Pizzo Calabro and Santa Domenica di Ricadi (Figs. 1, 4). two coarsening-upward cycles that evolve from coralline
Representative rhodoliths were sampled and described in red algal debris packstone (with fruticose coralline frag-
terms of sphericity, outer growth form, inner arrangement, ments) to rhodolith floatstone (Fig. 5a). Locally, centime-
and taxonomic composition. Rhodolith sphericity has been ter-thick pockets or meter-thick lenses, mainly composed
determined using the triangular diagram (Sneed and Folk of larger foraminiferal rudstone/packstone and echinoid
1958), according to the three main axes (maximum, wackestone, are also present.

Facies (2012) 58:191–215 195

Fig. 3 Digital terrain model of the Capo Vaticano Peninsula showing the measured and sampled stratigraphic sections and the provenance of the

The yellow–brown sandstones are overlain by white coralline algal debris packstone is 10 m thick and occurs in
siltstones/mudstones, about 3 m in thickness, which are the lower part of the section (Fig. 7c). Sedimentary struc-
characterized by rhodolith beds (Fig. 5b). The rhodoliths tures are represented by large-scale cross-bedded sandstones
are commonly arranged along foresets of large-scale trough and hummocky cross-stratification (Fig. 7b). The coralline
cross-stratified beds. The matrix generally consists of bio- algal debris passes upwardly and laterally into clinostratified
clastic wackestone. rhodolith rudstone/floatstone, 20 m in thickness. Clinoforms
dip generally 25° basinwards (Fig. 8). Ostreid banks, some
Briatico section (BR) meters in thickness, are also present.

The Briatico section (N38°430 37.7300 , E16°20 16.8400 ) shows a Santa Domenica di Ricadi section (SD)
considerable lateral facies change. A rhodolith rudstone/
floatstone with bioclastic debris matrix, overlying the irreg- This section (N38°400 13.2000 , E15°520 09.5800 ) is 40 m
ular granitic basement and about 1.5 m in thickness, inter- thick. The base of the section is characterized by an
fingers with conglomeratic wedges characterized by well- interval, 10 m in thickness, showing several fining-upward
rounded pebbles and bioclastic carbonate matrix (Fig. 6). cycles, each of which evolves from micro-conglomerate to
fine to medium sand with local clay levels. Planar or low-
Tropea section (TR) angle laminations, commonly discontinuous because of
mottling, are present. Molluscs dominate, particularly
The Tropea section (N38°400 49.1000 , E15°540 04.0700 ), about small-sized ostreids. Fine to medium sand with a con-
50 m thick, consists of a succession of coralline red algal glomerate (8 m) that fills concave-upward festoons overlie
debris packstone and rhodolith rudstone/floatstone. The the fining-upward cycles. An erosional surface marks the

196 Facies (2012) 58:191–215

Fig. 4 Stratigraphic sections and facies succession of the upper Tortonian–lower Messinian mixed siliciclastic-carbonate deposits in the Capo
Vaticano Peninsula, southern Italy (see Fig. 1 for the geographic locations of the stratigraphic sections)

boundary between these fine to medium sands and the unit overlies the siliciclastic unit and is mainly character-
overlying ‘Arenarie a Clypeaster’ unit. This erosional ized by a coralline algal bindstone, up to 4 m thick, which
surface consists of a few-dm-thick lag characterized by tops the section.
well-rounded pebbles derived from the basement or
reworked from previous intervals. The ‘Arenarie a Clyp-
easter’ unit, few meters in thickness, is represented by a Facies of the ‘Sabbie gialle ad Heterostegina’ unit
conglomerate with local sigmoidal high-angle lamination.
The boundary between the ‘Arenarie a Clypeaster’ and the A facies analysis has been performed of the ‘Sabbie gialle ad
overlying ‘Sabbie gialle ad Heterostegina’ unit is com- Heterostegina’ unit representing the maximum carbonate
monly irregular. production in the studied Upper Miocene succession. This unit
generally reaches 30–40 m in thickness and is widely dis-
Capo Vaticano section (CV) tributed throughout the study area, measuring 15 km in length
and 24 km in width. Seven facies were distinguished: coral
The section (N38°390 24.5300 , E15°510 15.0700 ), about 6 m in floatstone, coralline red algal debris packstone, bryozoan
thickness, lies above a siliciclastic unit (‘Arenarie a Clyp- wackestone, larger foraminiferal facies, rhodolith rudstone/
easter’) from which it is separated by a thin horizon, purple floatstone, coralline algal bindstone, and planktonic forami-
in color, characterized by a bryozoan wackestone, rich in niferal facies. The rhodolith rudstone/floatstone and coralline
iron oxide, interpreted as a hardground surface (Gramigna red algal debris packstone occur commonly in almost all
et al. 2008; Fig. 9). The ‘Sabbie gialle ad Heterostegina’ sections, while the other facies are subordinate and/or occur

Facies (2012) 58:191–215 197

only locally. Facies interpretations and localizations within by Lithophyllum gr. pustulatum (subfam. Lithophylloideae)
the ramp depositional system are illustrated in Fig. 10. and Spongites fruticulosus Kützing (subfam. Mastophoroi-
deae). Rare Sporolithon cf. molle (Heidrich) (family Sporo-
Coral floatstone lithaceae) is also present (Fig. 12). This facies, occurring in
the Caria and Tropea sections, underlies the rhodolith rud-
The coral floatstone facies, generally varying from 30 to stone/floatstone facies. It occurs laterally to the larger fora-
50 m in thickness and up to 100 m in width, is represented miniferal facies (Heterostegina floatstone/packstone) and is
by isolated small patch reefs, in which corals represent associated with the serpulid packstone facies.
50–60% of all components (Fig. 11b). Coralline red algae
(15.6%), bryozoans (15.6%), and benthic foraminifera Bryozoan wackestone
(11.4%) are common. This facies occurs in the inner sector
of the study area (in a quarry near Vibo Valentia town; This facies, which is 10 m thick, consists of bryozoan
Grasso et al. 1996). Sediment matrix consists of a micrite wackestone with a fine bioclastic micritic matrix. Bry-
mixed with fine terrigenous components infilling the intra- ozoans, represented by branching and nodular forms gen-
particle void spaces, whereas the siliciclastic content is erally 2 mm in diameter, constitute 50–60% of the total
generally low. The coral assemblage is dominated by components. Subordinate constituents are coralline algae
Porites calabricae, Tarbellastrea reussiana, Solenastraea (15.8%), brachiopods (13.2%), benthic foraminifera (1.2%)
desmoluinsi, and subordinate Siderastrea crenulata and very well preserved and rarely fragmented solitary
(Romano et al. 2007). Corals are also preserved as boulders corals. Glauconite grains are also common. Brachiopod
in the upper part of the Santa Domenica stratigraphic beds, a few centimeters in thickness, mainly composed of
section. Corals are mostly branched, usually with dissolved Aphelesia sp. and Terebratula sp., are also present. This
or re-crystallized skeletons. Subordinate components are facies, occurring in the Capo Vaticano and Briatico sec-
bivalves, celleriporiform bryozoans, encrusting coralline tions, shows a basinward increase in thickness and areal
algae, and serpulids. Benthic foraminifera are represented extension. In the Briatico section, the facies overlies the
by rare miliolids. This facies is locally intercalated between rhodolith rudstone/floatstone facies, while in the Vibo
the coralline red algal debris packstone facies. The coral Valentia area it overlies the coral floatstone facies.
floatstone facies is overlain by, and passes laterally into,
the bryozoan wackestone facies, considered to be Pliocene Larger foraminiferal facies
in age (Grasso and Pedley 1994).
The larger foraminiferal facies, a few meters in thickness, is
Coralline red algal debris packstone characterized by bioclastic floatstone/packstone with larger
foraminiferal tests (54.3%, mainly Heterostegina papyracea
This facies consists of meter-thick beds characterized by and Amphistegina sp.). Bioclastic coralline debris packstone
fragmented fruticose red algae with low amounts of rhodolith (20.5% of corallines) with wackestone matrix is also locally
fragments and siliciclastic grains. Sandy mud with rare bio- present. Fragments of larger foraminifera occur commonly
clasts represents the sedimentary matrix. Coralline algal in the matrix. Larger foraminiferal tests may show identical
fragments are commonly abraded. Small (1.2–2.5 cm in orientation. Nodular bryozoans (13.6%) in association with
diameter), sub-spheroidal rhodoliths with a slight tendency to larger foraminifera form locally a centimeter-thick, red iron
become sub-ellipsoidal are rare (Fig. 11). Rhodolith inner oxide horizon. In the packstone matrix specimens of Het-
arrangement is generally laminar or, less commonly, with erostegina are commonly rimmed by isopachous fibrous-
high constructional void spaces. The matrix consists of fine bladed cement. Locally serpulid grainstone/packstone,
carbonate silt. Fragments of pectinid bivalves are also present consisting of siliciclastic grains and occasionally micrite rich
whereas algal crusts are more common up-section. Locally, of terrigenous components and mainly dominated by Dit-
decimeter-thick beds of fruticose red algae (Fig. 7b, c) alter- rupa sp., may be very common. This facies occurs exclu-
nate with larger foraminiferal packstone (lowermost part of sively in the lower part of the Caria section. This facies is
the Tropea section). Coralline red algae are the dominant intercalated between the rhodolith floatstone/rudstone
components (52.5%). Subordinate biogenic components are facies, the coralline red algal debris packstone facies, and the
characterized by benthic foraminifera (6.0%), whereas echi- coralline algal bindstone facies.
noids, barnacles, molluscs (mainly ostreids, commonly
grouped in meter-thick banks, and pectinids) and serpulids are Rhodolith rudstone/floatstone
rare. Sedimentary structures consist mainly of large-scale
cross-lamination or discontinuous and poorly preserved pla- This facies consists of rhodolith rudstone/floatstone, which
nar laminae. The coralline red algal assemblage is dominated increases in thickness from up to 2 m in the upper part of

198 Facies (2012) 58:191–215

Facies (2012) 58:191–215 199

b Fig. 5 Capo Vaticano Peninsula. a Planar and cross-bedded rhodolith ellipsoidal in shape, ranging in size from 5 to 9.8 cm, and
rudstone/floatstone facies at the top of the Caria section. b Fragmented showing massive inner arrangements with warty outer
lumpy and fruticose corallines constituting the coralline red algal
debris facies at the base of the Caria section growth forms. In the lower part of the Caria section, an
echinoid wackestone with benthic foraminifera (Heteroste-
gina sp., Cibicides sp. and Elphidium sp.) dispersed in a
the Caria section to up to 40 m in the upper part of the bioclastic matrix and a micritic cement, forms a dm-thick
Tropea section. bed.
At the Caria section, the rhodolith rudstone/floatstone At the Briatico section, this facies is about 3 m thick and
facies is represented by several rhodolith accumulations, occurs just above an erosional surface. The matrix is mixed
in which rhodoliths are generally spheroidal and sub- carbonate-siliciclastic with the carbonate content being

Fig. 6 Capo Vaticano Peninsula. a The rhodolith floatstone/rudstone an irregular surface. b Well-rounded, meter-thick granitic boulder
facies above an irregular Hercynian crystalline basement (hb) (gb) occurring at the base of the rhodolith floatstone/rudstone facies.
represents a transgressive lag at the base of the Briatico section. c Detail of the rhodolith deposit (rod) with scattered ostreid shells
Prograding carbonate deposits (CU, coarsening-upward trend) cover (ostr)

200 Facies (2012) 58:191–215

Fig. 7 Capo Vaticano

Peninsula. a Sub-spheroidal
rhodolith with lumpy outer
growth forms within the
siliciclastic sediment matrix;
rhodolith floatstone/rudstone
facies, Santa Domenica di
Ricadi section. b Partially
preserved hummocky cross-
stratification in coralline red
algal debris packstone, lower
part of the Tropea section.
c Coralline red algal debris
packstone characterized by
well-fragmented branched red
algae, lower part of the Tropea

Facies (2012) 58:191–215 201

Fig. 8 Capo Vaticano Peninsula: the ‘Sabbie gialle ad Heterostegi- and facies succession of (c) in the Tropea section. Note that the
na’ unit in ramp depositional setting. a Sigmoidal clinoform with a clinoforms in the rhodolith floatstone/rudstone facies representing the
basinward dip of 25°, outcropping at the base of the Tropea village. ramp slope sector are interfingering in the middle ramp with large-
b Detailed sketch of the clino-stratified body. c 3D view and scale cross-laminated coralline algal debris packstone
orthogonal outcrop to that illustrated in a. d Interpretative drawing

higher. Rhodoliths are spheroidal in shape with a massive tendency to sub-discoidal (minimum diameter 4 cm,
laminar concentric internal structure (Figs. 13, 14a) and a maximum diameter 8 cm). Internally, they exhibit con-
diameter of 6.5–10 cm. Rhodolith nuclei are commonly centric laminae, with high constructional void spaces and
granite pebbles and bioclasts. Biogenic components are rep- fruticose growth forms (Figs. 7a, 14a, b).
resented by echinoids (Clypeaster sp., Echinolampas sp.), At the Tropea section, the rhodolith rudstone/floatstone
brachiopods (Terebratula sp.), bryozoans, and ostreids. facies is represented by spheroidal and sub-spheroidal rho-
At the Santa Domenica di Ricadi section, coral bound- doliths with a tendency to become sub-discoidal (Figs. 13,
stone pebbles and algal boulders (up to 1 m or more in 14d). The rhodoliths, ranging in diameter from 8.5 to 12 cm,
diameter) are locally scattered in the rhodolith rudstone/ show massive and laminar inner arrangement with warty
floatstone. In this section the rhodoliths, ranging in diam- growth forms. Corallines (51.0%) are the dominant biogenic
eter from 9.5 cm (short axis) to 11 cm (long axis), are components, while bryozoans (12.3%) and molluscs are
generally spheroidal and sub-spheroidal in shape with a subordinate. Sedimentary structures are planar or low-angle

202 Facies (2012) 58:191–215

Fig. 9 Capo Vaticano Peninsula, southern Italy. a Coralline algal bindstone facies associated with purple-colored hardground surface (hd) at the
top of the Capo Vaticano section. b, c Microfacies with Amphistegina sp. (amph) and bryozoans (bry). Scale bar 1 mm

lamination to through cross-bedding. The matrix is generally crustose layer a few meters thick. Locally, coralline algal
composed of fine packstone/wackestone with micritized packstone occurs. Rhodoliths are spheroidal/sub-spheroidal
remains of encrusting foraminifera, coralline algae, and in shape with subordinate sub-ellipsoidal/sub-discoidal
molluscs. The rhodoliths are generally spheroidal, subordi- shapes (CV section; Fig. 13) and an average diameter of
nately sub-ellipsoidal and sub-discoidal. Outer growth forms 7.5–10.5 cm. The outer morphology is warty and lumpy.
consist of lumpy or warty protuberances and laminar/mas- The internal structure consists of concentric laminae with
sive internal structures. Rhodolith nuclei consist generally of low constructional void spaces. The associated benthic
very small quartz grains, small pebbles from the granitic fauna is represented by bryozoans (6.6%), benthic foram-
basement, and occasionally bioclasts. The coralline assem- inifera (5.0%), Clypeaster sp., serpulids, brachiopods, and
blage is dominated by Mesophyllum lichenoides (Ellis) molluscs (large pectinids such as Macrochlamys sp.).
(subfamily Melobesioideae) whereas Spongites fruticulosus Fragmented coralline algae are also present. The sedi-
Kützing (subfamily Mastophoroideae) and Lithophyllum cf. mentary structures are represented by planar beds (parallel
incrustans Philippi (subfamily Lithophylloideae) are sub- to bedding) or a low-angle crustose coralline framework
ordinate (Fig. 12). This facies occurs in the upper part of the (Fig. 9a). Locally serpulids (Ditrupa sp.), accounting for
Caria, Briatico, Santa Domenica di Ricadi and Tropea sec- up to 90% of the components, form packstone layers a few
tions. The facies, within which locally echinoid wackestone centimeters in thickness. Ditrupa tubes are generally
and serpulid packstone occur, is intercalated between the slightly compacted, broken and only locally show a pre-
coralline red algal debris packstone facies, the bryozoan ferred orientation. Interparticle voids are filled by bio-
wackestone facies, and the larger foraminiferal floatstone/ clastic wackestone and siliciclastic grains (mainly quartz
packstone facies. and feldspar). This facies occurs in the upper part of the
Capo Vaticano section where the coralline algal bindstone
Coralline algal bindstone forms a tabular body and lies on a larger foraminiferal
packstone horizon, rich in iron oxides (Fig. 9b, c). Coral-
The coralline algal bindstone consists of superimposed line algal bindstone laterally passes into the rhodolith
encrusting coralline algal thalli (52.8%), which produce a rudstone/floatstone facies. Coralline red algae (52.8%)

Facies (2012) 58:191–215 203

Fig. 10 2D facies interpretation of the Upper Tortonian–Lower Messinian mixed siliciclastic-carbonate depositional system of the Capo
Vaticano area (see text for further details)

represent the prevailing biotic component whereas bry- ramp. Nonetheless the planktonic foraminiferal wackestone
ozoans (6.6%) and benthic foraminifera (5.0%) play only a can be present as matrix in all the above described facies.
minor role. The taxonomic analysis of the coralline red
algal assemblage is in progress.
Spatial distribution of biogenic constituents
Planktonic foraminiferal facies
Coralline red algae (rhodolith and branched red algae) are the
This facies, about 10 m thick, is characterized by wacke- primary carbonate producers of the ‘Sabbie ad Heteroste-
stone/mudstone with well-preserved planktonic foraminif- gina’ unit. Their maximum relative abundance (69.8%,
eral tests which represent 86% of the total bioclastic Table 1) occurs in the sample of the Briatico section, and the
content. Subordinate components are small benthic lowest abundance in the sample from the inner Capo Vati-
foraminifera (17.6%), bryozoans (7.6%), echinoderms cano promontory (1.9%). In the middle sector of the study
(3%), and molluscs (1%). Whereas the micrite content area (Caria), coralline red algae are dominant components
increases, abundance of siliciclastic particles decreases (55.0%) together with small benthic foraminifera (6.0%).
compared to other facies such as the coral floatstone, the Coral fragments are common in both inner (34.4%, Cessaniti
rhodolith rudstone/floatstone, the coralline red algal debris area) and outer sectors (55.0%, Santa Domenica di Ricadi).
packstone and the larger foraminiferal floatstone/pack- Bryozoans (13.4–19.2%; nodular or branching), together
stone. Intra-particle void spaces are filled with glauconite with coralline red algae, are the main components of the
or micrite. This facies occurs in the upper part of all sec- outer sector. Planktonic foraminifera gradually increase in
tions and overlies all facies in the different sectors of the abundance from outer (Tropea 0.7%, Briatico 2.5%) to inner

204 Facies (2012) 58:191–215

Fig. 11 Distribution maps of the main biogenic components in the the coralline red algae decrease in abundance from the Caria–Capo
Upper Tortonian–Lower Messinian ‘Sabbie gialle ad Heterostegina’ Vaticano area (a) to Briatico where larger foraminifera (e) are
unit in the Capo Vaticano area. The geo-referenced maps show that dominating

Facies (2012) 58:191–215 205

Fig. 12 Capo Vaticano Peninsula. a Lithophyllum cf. incrustans multiporate conceptacles, Briatico section. e Spongites fruticulosus
Philippi, tangential and oblique sections of conceptacles, Caria Kützing, longitudinal sections of uniporate conceptacles, upper Caria
section. b Lithophyllum gr. pustulatum (Lamouroux) Foslie, oblique section. f Sporolithon cf. molle (Heydrich) Heydrich, longitudinal
section of a conceptacle in a lamellate thallus, lower Caria section. c, sections of compartments grouped in sori, Briatico section. Scale bar
d Mesophyllum lichenoides (Ellis) Lemoine, longitudinal section of 0.5 mm in c, 0.2 mm in a–b, d–e, and 0.1 mm in f
encrusting/foliose thalli showing the thick coaxial ventral core and the

206 Facies (2012) 58:191–215

Fig. 13 Comparative triangular diagrams of rhodolith shapes occur- the Caria section, respectively; BR Briatico, TR Tropea, SD Santa
ring in the rhodolith rudstone/floatstone facies, in the coralline red Domenica di Ricadi, CV Capo Vaticano. See Fig. 1 for geographic
algal debris packstone and in the coralline algal bindstone facies from locations of the sections. Shape classification according to Sneed and
the different sections. CA1, CA2, lowermost and uppermost part of Folk (1958)

ramp sectors (44.6% in Cessaniti, 55.9% in Zungri). Bra- observed in the distal sector of the ramp. These cements are
chiopods are always subordinate components showing the always mixed with fine terrigenous sediments: EDS analysis
maximum value at the Briatico section (13.2%) where the revealed significant contents in Si and Al (mainly clay min-
contribution of terrigenous supply is low. erals, Fig. 16). The peculiar preservation of the primary
marine cements, due to the lack or scarcity of porosity of the
fine terrigenous sediments, made the deposits of the distal
Diagenetic features ramp sector hard and lithified. Organisms with aragonitic
skeletons (i.e., corals and gastropods) are very commonly
The mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sediments representing dissolved and their original structure is preserved as moulds
the ‘Sabbie ad Heterostegina’ unit show (a) a lack of pri- with dark micritic envelopes.
mary marine cementation and (b) the ubiquitous presence
of pervasive dissolution phenomena. The cements consist
mainly of detritic micrite partially lithified and, subordi- Discussion
nately, of isopachous cements and aggrading microsparite.
Locally, late diagenetic dissolution phenomena such as The Capo Vaticano ramp: depositional architecture
vugs are common. and facies distribution
Isopachous cements consist of thin acicular-fibrous crystals
(about 10 lm long), which border carbonate grains and cav- In the Capo Vaticano area, the distribution of the ‘Sabbie
ities and are strongly re-crystallized. Detrital micrite consists gialle ad Heterostegina’ unit is characterized in the inner
of thin and short crystallites (up to few microns) made up of sector of the study area by low angle depositional geometries
low-Mg calcite (Fig. 15a–d). Microsparite cements (grain (about 2°–5° in dip angle) and in the distal sector by sig-
dimensions about 15–35 lm) has been observed in the moidal clinoforms dipping 25°. This depositional geometry
intraparticle void space (Fig. 15) or, more rarely, filling mould points to a gradual depth gradient of the depositional profile
cavities. Locally these microsparite cements aggraded to from middle to ramp slope settings, respectively. The sedi-
sparite (Fig. 15a, b). Significant cementation has been mentary wedges pinch out landwards and slowly increase in

Facies (2012) 58:191–215 207

Fig. 14 Upper Tortonian–Lower Messinian rhodolith rudstone/float- and sub-discoidal rhodoliths are subordinate. Rhodolith outer growth
stone facies in the slope ramp sector of the Capo Vaticano area; forms range from warty to lumpy protuberances, whereas the internal
Briatico (a), Santa Domenica di Ricadi (b, c) and Tropea (d) sections. structure is massive or laminar. Encrusting thalli may also be present.
Rhodoliths are generally spheroidal in shape, whereas sub-ellipsoidal Scale bar 1 cm

thickness basinwards. The entire facies succession is thus margins of the Messinian Mediterranean Basin. These coral
interpreted as a deepening and a backward facies-stacking facies suggest marine settings under local sea-level oscilla-
succession in the Capo Vaticano area. Carbonate production tions (Braga et al. 1990, 2009a; Pomar and Ward 1994;
significantly increases toward the NW (Tropea and Santa Reinhold 1995; Grasso et al. 1996). The more distal (basin-
Domenica di Ricadi sections) whereas terrigenous silici- ward) coral remnants of the coral floatstone facies may
clastic input shows peaks in the proximal area, near the reflect reworking processes by storms. Porites coral float-
possible siliciclastic source (e.g., Monte Poro and Catena stone, associated with rhodalgal deposits, were also recog-
delle Serre; Fig. 11g, h). The geo-referenced maps of the nized below the fair-weather wave-base of non-coeval mixed
Capo Vaticano area show that the benthic assemblages are siliciclastic-carbonate ramps (Cherchi et al. 2000; Brandano
mainly characterized by coralline red algae, bryozoans, and et al. 2010). In the study area, coral patch reefs were iden-
larger foraminifera (Fig. 11a, c, e). tified within the coralline red algal debris packstone facies
On the middle ramp the coralline red algal debris pack- and they often are overlain by and pass laterally into the
stone is associated with the larger foraminiferal floatstone/ bryozoan wackestone facies.
packstone (Fig. 11b) and serpulid packstone, while the The coralline red algal debris packstone facies with the
rhodolith floatstone/rudstone facies and the coralline algal subordinate serpulid packstone is mainly distributed in the
bindstone facies occur in the ramp slope setting and basin- easternmost part of the study area (CA and TR sections)
ward pass into the planktonic foraminiferal facies. The coral where the corallines account for up to 50–55% of the skeletal
floatstone facies developed only in the shallower inner sector components. This facies, characterized by highly frag-
of the study area (near the town Vibo Valentia) and marks mented fruticose corallines together with planar lamination
approximately the paleo-coastline, near the inlet or the and locally hummocky cross-stratification, is interpreted as
paleo-gulf defined by the crystalline basement (Fig. 11b). maërl deposits, which at present are widespread in shallow-
Comparable and coeval (early Messinian) coral-framework water carbonate platforms from the Mediterranean Sea to the
facies dominated by Porites sp., together with Siderastrea Arctic Ocean (Bosence 1983). The depositional depth is
sp. and Tarbellastrea sp., have been recognized in peripheral below the fair-weather wave base in the Mediterranean area

208 Facies (2012) 58:191–215

Table 1 Point counting data of the main biogenic components

Location Lat (UTM/ Long (UTM/ Coralline Corals Bryozoans Brachiopods Larger Planktonic Carbonate grains
WGS 84 WGS 84 red algae benthic forams versus
33 N) 33 N) (%) forams siliciclastics

Santa N38°400 13.2000 E15°520 09.5800 37.1 55.0% – – – – 92.1/7.9%

di Ricadi
Caria N38°390 21.1500 E15°540 10.5600 52.5 0.0% 19.2% – 6.0% 7.2% 84.9/15.1%
Zungri N38°390 00.1900 E15°580 48.4200 10.1 4.8% 7.8% – 15.7% 55.9% 84.2/15.8%
Capo N38°390 24.5300 E15°510 15.0700 52.8 – 6.6% 1.9% 5.0% – 66.3/33.7%
Cessaniti N38°390 08.5000 E16°20 2.5900 1.9 1.9% 7.6% – 17.6% 44.6% 73.6/26.4%
Vibo N38°380 23.4200 E16°20 16.2100 15.6 34.4% 15.6% – 11.4% 7.3% 84.3/15.7%
Briatico N38°430 15.5000 E16°10 19.9300 20.5 – 13.6% – 54.7% 2.5% 91.3/8.7%
(San Leo)
Briatico N38°430 37.7300 E16°20 16.8400 69.8 1.2% 3.6% 13.2% 1.2% 1.2% 90.2/9.8%
0 00
Pizzo N38°44 57.87 E16°110 6.9600 15.8 – 18.8% – 27.7% 12.8% 75.1/24.9%
Tropea N38°400 49.1000 E15°540 04.0700 51.0 30.2% 13.4% 0.9% – 0.7% 96.2/3.8%
Bold values represent the maximum percentage of each category

(Pérès and Picard 1964; Carannante et al. 1988). The echi- et al. 1978). The abundance of Ditrupa worm tubes is
noid wackestone horizons, locally associated with coralline characteristic of facies developed in high- to moderate-
red algae debris packstone, was deposited above the fair- energy and well-oxygenated conditions (Lukasik et al.
weather wave-base and represent occasional storm layers 2000; Bassi and Nebelsick 2010). Serpulid worm tubes
(e.g., Kroh and Nebelsick 2010). The echinoid fragments together with coralline red algae and encrusting bryozoans
stem from in situ mechanical fragmentation and abrasion of may erect biostromes in middle/outer ramp settings (Bo-
Clypeaster and Echinolampas skeletons. sence and Pedley 1982).
The coralline red algal debris packstone facies gradually The bryozoan wackestone facies along with the bra-
grades laterally into the larger foraminiferal facies and chiopod beds increases basinward in abundance. Well-
passes seawards into the rhodolith rudstone/floatstone developed Miocene counterparts of this facies have been
facies. The larger foraminiferal facies is characterized by described by Betzler et al. (2000) and Puga-Bernabéu et al.
rotaliid forms such as the nummulitid Heterostegina. (2007) from southern Spain. Similarly, the shallower part
Present-day Heterostegina is a symbiont-bearing larger of the Capo Vaticano middle ramp was colonized by
foraminifer that lives attached to hard substrates in water branching bryozoans. Such a middle-ramp setting is in
depths ranging from 0 to 90 m (Langer and Hottinger good accordance with the paleoenvironmental distribution
2000). Since the preferred orientation of the autochthonous of brachiopods such as Aphelesia bipartita and Terebratula
larger foraminiferal tests suggests sorting by currents sinuosa which, associated with a coralline algal rhodolith
generated by storms or deep tidal currents (Aigner 1985; bioherm, are common in the Upper Coralline Limestone
Jorry et al. 2006), the larger foraminiferal facies developed Formation in the Miocene of Malta and Gozo (Pedley
in the middle ramp sector of the study area (Caria section 1976) and in the late Tortonian–late Messinian deposits of
and landward of Briatico). Similar facies, e.g., those the Neogene Guadalquivir Basin (Toscano-Grande et al.
described from the Upper Miocene middle ramps of 2010). The presence of glauconite grains dispersed in the
Menorca and central Crete as isolated sedimentary bodies micritic matrix of the bryozoan wackestone facies suggests
of Heterostegina and Amphistegina with low-angle through cooler water conditions than the shallower facies probably
cross-bedding, associated with rhodolith deposits, have due to upwelling currents (Johnson and Baldwin 1986).
been interpreted as subaqueous dunes or shoals (Pomar The rhodolith rudstone/floatstone facies is well distrib-
2001a; Pomar et al. 2002; Kroeger et al. 2006). In the uted in the northwestern part of the study area (sections
middle ramp setting, often associated with coralline red CA, BR, TR, SD; Fig. 3). This location confirms that the
algal packstone and larger foraminiferal floatstone, the main siliciclastic input was confined to the southeastern
serpulid packstone facies is characterized by worm tubes of part of the Capo Vaticano area as stated above for the coral
Ditrupa that indicate soft and unstable substrates (Barbera floatstone facies (Fig. 11). The rhodolith rudstone/

Facies (2012) 58:191–215 209

Fig. 15 Capo Vaticano Peninsula. Thin-section photographs showing grains (sg) cemented by micrite/microsparite with solution cavities
the main diagenetic features of the siliciclastic-carbonate deposits. (sc). Outer ramp: e, f Siliciclastic grains (sg) cemented by micrite
Inner ramp: a, b Coralline algal grain (ag) surrounded by microsp- (m) with very fine terrigenous components. a, c cross-polarized light;
arite/sparite cement; note the high porosity due to dissolution and e transmitted light; b, d, f epifluorescence UV image. Scale bars
aggrading diagenesis of the original micrite cement. c, d Siliciclastic 0.2 mm in e–f 0.1 mm in a–b, c–d

floatstone facies increases in thickness seaward, from the morphologies characteristic of low-energy environments
Caria section to the Tropea section. Rhodoliths in this (e.g., Braga and Martin 1988; Bassi et al. 2006, 2009b,
facies are well preserved and exhibit shapes and growth- 2010). These calm-water conditions are supported by depth

210 Facies (2012) 58:191–215

Fig. 16 SEM photographs showing the main diagenetic features of (m); c Flaky argillaceous grains are the main components of the
the siliciclastic-carbonate deposits. a Very fine mixed terrigenous/ terrigenous fraction in mixed sediments. d Isopachous phreatic
carbonate sediment between siliciclastic components; the presence of cement filling dissolution cavities is common especially in the inner
siliciclastic grains is indicated mainly by the Si and Al content; the ramp. Scale bars 0.2 mm in d, 0.1 mm in a, 0.02 mm in b, and
EDS microanalysis was performed in the area marked by the white 0.002 mm in c
square. b Fine terrigenous components (t) mixed with micrite cement

estimates inferred from the depth distribution of similar Upper Miocene deposits of Menorca (Pomar et al. 2002)
modern Mediterranean coralline algal assemblages (Litho- and in the Guadix Basin (Puga-Bernabéu et al. 2010).
phyllum cf. incrustans, Spongites fruticulosus, Mesophyl- Rhodoliths dominate the ramp-slope sector (northwestern
lum lichenoides), which are located in the infralitoral sector of the study area) down to the platform edge. Their
setting (Bressan and Babbini 2003). The peripheral sector common association with coralline red algal debris pack-
of the study area (Tropea, Briatico, S. Domenica di Ricadi) stone suggests a backstepping style of ramp setting. Within
represent the maximum basinward development of the a shallow-water paleo-bay a distally steepened ramp
rhodolith rudstone/floatstone facies. Sigmoidal clinostrati- formed during the late Tortonian–early Messinian in
fied beds, representing the ramp slope setting, interfinger southeastern Spain (Martı́n et al. 2004). In this setting lack
with the middle ramp facies characterized by large-scale of cementation of the skeletal grains contributed to sedi-
cross-bedding, interpreted as submarine dunes. Compara- ment mobilization and re-deposition in the slope sectors,
ble ramp architectural characters have been described in where they formed prograding sigmoidal geometries that

Facies (2012) 58:191–215 211

decrease in thickness downslope. Analogous cool-water Valentia; Fig. 11b), the lack of hermatypic corals and
carbonate platforms formed also in several shallow-water calcareous green algae must be interpreted as indicative of
settings of the western Mediterranean Sea (Alboran Ridge, water temperatures below ca. 20°C. The presence of Het-
the Bay of Oran, and the southern shelf of Mallorca) during erostegina and Amphistegina in the deposits, however,
the Pleistocene-Holocene interval. There rhodolith con- indicates minimum water temperatures of about 16–17°C
centrations filled basement irregularities, pass basinward (e.g., Betzler et al. 1995, 1997; Hohenegger et al. 2000;
into mollusc-bryozoan facies, and form a highstand pro- Langer and Hottinger 2000). In the Italian Apennines and
grading wedge (Betzler et al. 2011). islands (e.g., Sardinia, Corsica) several Oligocene–Mio-
The steeply dipping (up to 25°) slope deposits are rep- cene ramps show dominant non-tropical assemblages and
resented by the coralline algal bindstone facies made up of very few photozoan contributors (Mutti et al. 1997; Vecsei
encrusting growth forms and spheroidal and subordinately and Sanders 1999; Brandano and Corda 2002; Ferrandini
sub-ellipsoidal/sub-discoidal rhodoliths arranged in planar et al. 2002; Bassi et al. 2010).
beds (upper part of Capo Vaticano section). This facies is This non-tropical paleoclimate setting is in good
locally associated with a bryozoan-Amphistegina-rich wa- accordance with the taxonomic diversity of the coralline
ckestone horizon (interpreted as hardground surface; red algal assemblages, being represented by the subfamily
Gramigna et al. 2008) deposited at the transition between Lithophylloideae (Lithophyllum gr. pustulatum, Lithophyl-
the middle ramp and the ramp slope. A similar coralline lum cf. incrustans), subfamily Mastophoroideae (Spongites
bindstone, up to ca. 4 m in thickness and several kilometers fruticulosus), subfamily Melobesioideae (Mesophyllum
wide, has been described from the Miocene of Malta lichenoides), and the family Sporolithaceae (Sporolithon
(Bosence 1983). cf. molle). In shallow-water environments lithophylloids
In conclusion, the middle ramp sectors are characterized are the most abundant coralline algae in the temperate in-
by fruticose coralline debris associated with spheroidal fralittoral assemblages in the Mediterranean (i.e. Cormaci
rhodoliths characterized by high constructional voids, et al. 1985; Giaccone et al. 1985; Bressan and Babbini
while in the slope sectors spheroidal rhodoliths show 2003; Bassi et al. 2009a). The other species are extant
diverse growth forms and a laminar or massive internal species in the Mediterranean and occur between the inf-
structure. ralitoral and circalitoral areas (Bressan and Babbini 2003;
The deepest part of the study area is represented by the Braga and Bassi 2007). These calm-water conditions are
planktonic foraminiferal facies, in which planktonic supported by depth estimates inferred from the depth dis-
foraminifera generally account for up to 60% of the total tribution of similar modern Mediterranean coralline algal
biogenic components. The planktonic foraminiferal facies, assemblages (Lithophyllum cf. incrustans, Spongites fruti-
together with the bryozoan wackestone facies (and asso- culosus, Mesophyllum lichenoides) which are located in the
ciated brachiopod horizons), extended and evolved through infralitoral setting (Bressan and Babbini 2003; Braga et al.
space and time, from the outer (Briatico section) to the 2009b).The coralline assemblage confirms, therefore, a
inner studied sectors (Vibo Valentia localities), overlap- warm temperate setting for the studied Upper Miocene
ping the shallower and older facies. deposits.
It is worth noting that the studied warm temperate Upper
Paleoclimate setting Tortonian–Lower Messinian deposits are coeval with those
constituting the carbonate units in the Betic basins,
The identified Upper Miocene benthic assemblages pre- Southern Spain (Ruegg 1964; Braga and Aguirre 2001;
served in the studied shallow-water deposits are indicative Braga et al. 2006). As suggested by Braga and Aguirre
of a non-tropical, temperate setting for the Capo Vaticano (2001), during the Late Neogene Mediterranean coralline
area. These assemblages are typical of the rhodalgal- red algae were arranged along climatic belts. The sub-
bryomol association (e.g., Lees and Buller 1972; Carann- tropical/tropical-temperate climatic oscillations in southern
ante et al. 1988; Carannante and Simone 1996; Halfar et al. Spain during the Late Neogene have been interpreted as the
2000). Such biotic assemblages lack tropical end members result of southward and northward displacements of the
such as abundant ooids and aggregate grains, hermatypic climatic belts, following climatic changes and related to
corals and calcareous green algae (e.g., Pedley and Car- glacio-eustacism (Martı́n and Braga 1994; Brachert et al.
annante 2006). The occurrence of rhodalgal-bryomol 1996; Martı́n et al. 1999). During cooler periods, the region
deposits in very shallow water in all the described sections was inside the temperate climatic belt, as at present-day,
clearly indicates that they cannot be deep-water sediments which extended eastwards. The present study, therefore,
coeval with coral reefs that supposedly developed in extends the phytogeographic pattern of the shallow-water
shallow-water areas and later were eroded. Although warm-temperate corallines towards the central Mediterra-
locally coral patch-reefs were identified (near Vibo nean area during the Late Neogene.

212 Facies (2012) 58:191–215

Destructive diagenesis in the mixed paleogeographic and paleoenvironmental settings of the

siliciclastic-carbonate ramp central Mediterranean Basin.
The studied mixed siliciclastic-carbonate unit (‘Sabbie
Seafloor marine cements are generally rare or absent in most gialle ad Heterostegina’) was deposited on a flat-ramp
non-tropical Cenozoic deposits (Nelson et al. 1988; James depositional profile with a gradual and basinward steep
and Bone 1989, 1991; Martı́n et al. 1996; Knoerich and Mutti increase. The steep slope of the ramp, observable in the
2006) in contrast to tropical carbonate counterparts (James distal sector of the study area, is characterized by sigmoidal
and Choquette 1990; Tucker 1990; Franseen et al. 1996; clinoforms, dipping 25° basinward. Benthic biogenic
Brachert et al. 2001, 2002, 2006; Pomar 2001a, b), which are assemblages are represented by fragments of originally
generally characterized by a higher abundance of aragonitic calcitic skeletons mainly of bryozoans, coralline red algae,
cements and grains. In tropical carbonate settings wide- larger foraminifera, and bivalves. Rhodolith morphology,
spread cementation makes the platforms syndepositionally in addition to facies analysis and biotic distribution, per-
rigid, which is evidenced by the steepness of their slopes. mitted to distinguish the different ramp sectors. In the
In contrast, in transitional or cool-water climatic settings middle ramp setting (deep infralittoral zone) coralline red
homoclinal ramps predominate. The low-angle platform algal debris with Heterostegina subaqueous dunes and
depositional profiles are the consequence of widespread serpulid biostrome occur. The ramp slope is characterized
carbonate dissolution (destructive diagenetic processes) and by thick rhodolith deposits, which pass basinwards into
a low cementation rate (Smith and Nelson 2003). In mixed planktonic foraminiferal wackestone/mudstone. Spheroidal
siliciclastic-carbonate settings the ramps are distally steep- rhodoliths with low constructional void spaces grew on the
ened and fine siliciclastics accumulate in their outer part ramp slope, while sub-discoidal and sub-ellipsoidal rho-
preventing the dissolution of the reduced cementation doliths occur in the coralline algal bindstone below the
(Sanders 2003; Dix and Nelson 2006). slope-break zone with lower water turbulence. The com-
The diagenetic events observed in the siliciclastic-car- position of the coralline red algal assemblage, pointing to a
bonate ramp of the Capo Vaticano promontory, related to warm-temperate paleoclimate, underlines the phytogeo-
the ‘Sabbie ad Heterostegina’ unit, are the following: graphic pattern of the shallow-water temperate corallines,
which extended from the western (southern Spain) to the
(a) weak lithification of micrite soon after its deposition;
central Mediterranean area during the late Neogene.
(b) in the inner part of the ramp, micrite generally
Rare syn-depositional marine cements and micrite related
aggraded to microsparite/sparite (Fig. 15a, b) fol-
to the post-depositional processes indicate a long residence
lowed by widespread dissolution with the formation
time of the ramp within the marine phreatic realm. Fine
of pores and small voids (Fig. 15c, d); in contrast, in
terrigenous components mixed with carbonate grains, which
the outer part of the ramp, dissolution was prevented
increase toward the distal areas of the depositional system,
by the accumulation of very fine terrigenous compo-
made these sediments more impermeable to diagenetic flu-
nents (Figs. 15e, f, 16a–c) which isolated the carbon-
ids. Therefore, dissolution processes operated with different
ates from the diagenetic fluids;
speed: (a) in the inner part of the ramp system, where the fine
(c) a late diagenetic phase with further dissolution
terrigenous input was low, dissolution processes were
phenomena and the deposition of phreatic-meteoric
common and pervasive; (b) in the outer ramp the increase of
cements filling cavities (Fig. 16d).
fine terrigenous components slowed down the destructive
In conclusion, the general absence of primary marine diagenesis. All diagenetic features point to a temperate
cements implies that cementation of the ramp occurred depositional setting. The differential cementation/dissolu-
during shallow burial. The differential cementation/disso- tion phenomena constrained the depositional profile of the
lution phenomena constrained the depositional profile mixed siliciclastic-carbonate deposits. A gently dipping
shaping the mixed siliciclastic-carbonate body as follows: geometry occurs in the inner ramp sector where dissolution
the inner ramp, where the dissolution process was more processes were more active, while a basinward prograding
active, gently dips, while the distal slope shows a prograding geometry developed in the distal slope where dissolution was
geometry dipping 25° basinward, where the late dissolution partially inhibited by the fine terrigenous component and
was partially inhibited by the fine terrigenous component. cement was preserved. The case study highlights how low
platform depositional geometries are mainly related to
destructive diagenetic phenomena, typical of non-tropical
Concluding remarks
The Upper Miocene sedimentary succession cropping out Acknowledgments This study is a synthesis of the PhD thesis by
in the Capo Vaticano Peninsula allowed to refine the PG. The research was funded by local research funds of the Università

Facies (2012) 58:191–215 213

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