Cant Sell Read This Book Eng Final

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Can’t sell,
Read this

Learn how to become an
effective Persuader.

Written By: Mo’men Amin

Table of Content:
1- Introduction.
2- About the author.
3- Objectives.
4- How to stay motivated.
5- Sales definitions.
6- History of sales.
7- Why people buy.
8- Feature Vs Benefit.
9- Value.
10- Price Vs Cost.

11- Sales by Trust.
12- The Pyramid of trust.
13- The importance of Persona.
14- Effective closing techniques.
15- Overcoming objections.
16- The infinite referrals.
17- The continuous learning
18- Important Books and Sales
19- The Code of learning.

As a person who works in any field which has
interaction with other people, we often find
ourselves in a situation that we need to sell or in
other words persuade the decision maker to take the
action which serves in our favor, and it doesn’t have
to be selling a product or a service, but actually sales
extend to almost every interaction between two or
more persons to reach a specific goal, so you will
always find yourself in a situation that you need to
persuade but you just can’t do it well, so you end up
losing the opportunity, in this book I will take you in
a journey to reveal the persuasion and sales
techniques that will help you overtime to be a better
persuader/Seller, so you will continue reading the
book till the end as this book is like a mathematical
equation so if you skipped or missed any of the
inputs, you will end up with a completely incorrect
output. And as a matter of fact, you will enjoy this
book and refer it also to your friends so don’t forget,
I’m watching you. o_^. Enjoy …..Mo’men Amin

About the Author:
My Name is Mo’men Mohamed Amin, Born in 1994 in the
city of Tanta, Egypt. My Father Peace upon his soul was an
owner of a grand super market, selling different goods
starting from the hair-clips to the internally-manufactured
Cheese, we as a family lived in the same building that had
the super market, so why am I mentioning that? You will
understand in a minute so don’t rush things :D .Due to my
father profession and the location of the store I was able to
be exposed to the process of selling good since I literally
started to understand the world around me, I was in an
environment all based on sales and customers getting in and
out of the store that I spent most of my day in, before I even
join school.
One of the first Quotes I heard from my father was “ People
will come again if your tongue is sweet “ excuse me for this
expression as its translated from Arabic urban language but
this sentences I didn’t understand the big value of it until I
worked in multinational company and I found that it’s all
based on this sentence that my 50 Years old dad told me
when I was five which in business language it’s called
Customer Satisfaction .So after working in this store for 12
years starting from the age of 6 with small tasks to managing
the whole store at the age of 16 then at the age of 18 I
traveled to the city of Alexandria to study Nuclear &
Radiological engineering in Alexandria university.
After 3 years in college I started to be back in business in
parallel, but in the form of a Knowledge seller (Science
teacher) for 1 year however after that I decided to hit the
corporates world and joined a multinational company for
customer service and sales outsourcing. Without planning
from my side from all accounts of customer service which is
dozens of them in the company where do you think I
landed? A sales account :D.
At the beginning I wouldn’t lie I was anxious that I will be
selling as it has been years since I sold goods and also, I will
sell using a foreign language as I will be selling to Canadian
customers however to be honest things got better rapidly
after I shadowed with tenure sales reps who has been doing
this for years and in the 2nd month I was competing on the
top seller place. During 2.5 years as sales rep I was taking
different courses in sales from many celebrities in sales
coaching and attending sales sessions for reputable sales
coaches and read sales books that I will add some of it in the
references section.
Then I became a Mentor for the account and from this point
I started to share the sales knowledge to other sales
representatives on a wider scale and witnessed huge

improvement in their sales numbers and that was using only
the theory that I developed which is called the pyramid of
trust that you will find in the pyramid of trust section, and
did that for 9 month then again promoted to become a sale
team leader until I wrote this book for almost 3 years.
On the side I work as business development manager for
startups for 2 years.
During these 6 years while working in a corporates I was
collecting knowledge and best practices in sales and
persuasion and until now every time I come across a new
sales book, session or video I tend to learn and will keep the
continuous learning going forever and that’s my main advise
to the person who will actually read this part which I’m sorry
it was this long. Keep learning

Special thanks to:

My Father Peace upon his soul: Mohamed Amin.
Mohamed Makki – Co-worker for his helpful hints in
my early stage.
Mohamed Dawood – Co-worker: First representative
I shadowed with and learned the basics of sales.My
Company: Concentrix which I learned a lot in it and
from its free university courses
After reading this book, you will learn:

 How to gain the other person trust


 Show value in what you are pitching.

 Effective closing techniques.

 Getting over objections.

 Getting more sales by referrals from your


 Differentiate between features and


 Ways of keeping yourself motivated to


 Sources of sales and persuasion skills


How to Stay Motivated
I would like to start with this topic as its the core base that
will make you apply what we will do next and give you the
power along the journey. So, let’s start.
First you need to have a healthy sleeping cycle so at least try
to sleep from 6-7 hours daily and not less than that and if
you have issues sleeping I would recommend that you try
relaxation ways, apps (White noise apps and relaxation
music, etc. or if it’s something chronic you will need a
therapist help so please don’t delay that.
Second: Ask yourself why to do what you do and what is the
motive that makes you leave bed every day to go to work or
whatever you need the persuasion skills for. If the answer is I
don’t know or just to afford my living, please get up now and
grab a paper or a notebook or a digital note and answer the
following questions:
1- What is the thing that I truly desire the most and can’t
reach yet?
2- What do I need to do to reach this desire/Goal?
3- How long will it take to reach on the current rate to
reach it?

4- How long will it take if I double my money or
persuasion rate?
5- What milestones can I segment it into?
After you answer these questions then take the Goals and
write it or print it with a font as big as you can and hang it in
a place which is daily viewable for you and have a copy in
front of your bed and in your workplace then write below it
“I can do it”. Before you start working, make it a routine to
look at these goals and remind yourself with it Then once
you achieve even the smallest milestone on it. mark it has
done and celebrate the achievement and reward yourself
and then move to achieve the next goal in the milestones.

Sales Definitions
Let’s start our conversation about sales by defining what
does it mean. The most recognized definition of sales is the
process of the exchange of good or services in exchange for
money or another service, This previous definition is not
wrong and there is no right or wrong in this manner
however in my point of view the sales is the process of
exchange of anything with anything for example goods and
services for money or other services, hardworking for
recognition, Ideas for fame, Politics for power, news for
fame and many other exchange processes.

Sales is based on either the ethical way of persuasion and

the non-ethical way which is manipulation and the
difference between persuasion and manipulation is like the
difference between two zebras in the zoo you can’t tell if its
white with black straps or black with white straps so I guess
what I mean that its actually the same ways and
methodologies however the ethical intention behind it is
what differentiate between the two .

The history of Sales
Sales can be ordered as the 3rd oldest profession for
mankind after hunting and farming that after people started
to have ownership of certain food and goods they started to
exchange goods with each other until the invention of
currency in its different forms like golden, silver coins and
other forms of currency till the current moment that we
have reached the point of digital currency. However, the
modern sales process was established back in 17th century
by one of America’s longest active insurance companies and
started the role of a sales person who sells insurance for the
company in return of commission on sales closed. And it
kept developing till we reached todays methods of sales with
is much more complex and depends deeply on the
psychological understanding that we have nowadays about
what makes people take the buying decision.

Why People Buy
Before starting why people buy I want first to speak about
the types of people when they are thinking about buying or
exposed to sales person and to be on the same page there
are many categorizations for customers however I will use
the one I find simple:

1- The Buyer: This type is the customer who like to buy

anything that come across him even if he doesn’t need
it, just for the sack of ownership however this
customer you shouldn’t target when you are
preparing your sales pitch and techniques as its rarely
found and in continuous decrease over time.

2- The penny pincher: This Is a customer who will not

pay a cent unless he finds it highly desired by him and
always want to feel that he saved more than what he
paid, this type of customer you should be very
accurate in numbers with and stressful on savings.
However, this segment is important, and you should
always include in your pitch ways to handle this type.

3- The Hesitant: This customer is not usually a decision

maker and he doesn’t like to take risks however he

also doesn’t want to lose good opportunities and he
usually buy based on recommendation from a trusted
person and this type is frequently found so you should
be also prepared to earn his trust and take for him the
buying decision.

4- The Shopper: This customer is highly educated about

the market and the competitors and will mostly
compare your product with competitors’ products, so
you need to be more educated about the strength
points of your product or whatever you are trying to
sell over the other products in the market.
Now let’s move to talk about why people by. You can have a
great product, service, idea or whatever you are trying to sell
however it’s not sold enough, its full of features however
people don’t buy features they buy benefits, now let’s
discuss what is the difference between feature and benefit.

Features Vs Benefits
The feature can be a specification in your product, details of
your idea, options in your service and you can list the
features of what you are selling and that’s great however a
feature doesn’t sell by itself it has to be translated into a
benefit for your customer, how can you do that?
You need to ask in the customer’s behalf this question
“What’s in it for me?“ and the answer to this question varies
from customer to another, your role here is to identify the
wins in what you are trying to sell to this specific customer
or segment of customers you are trying to sell, let me give
you an example.
Let’s say that you sell mobile phones and you keep talking to
your customer about how great the phone is and that its
camera is 1000 MP and it’s for a reasonable price and he
says I’m not interested and when you ask him why he says I
don’t like to take photos at all am actually on the road the
whole day, so here the mistake done is that you focused on
a key feature in your product which is the camera however
it’s not a benefit for this customer but actually if you asked
him during pitching if he likes taking photos and he said no
you could simply ask what is the best feature you would like
to have if you are looking to get a phone? and at that point
he may say I need big long lasting battery because I’m on the

road everyday so here the benefit for him is the large
battery so that’s the win for him and where you should focus
on while pitching but that doesn’t mean that you will neglect
the other features, of course not, you will pitch everything
properly however tend to ask questions that personalize the
feature to become a benefit for the customer, another
example, you have a great project however when you go and
pitch it to the quality manager all what you spoke about is
that it will save money and you didn’t highlight the impact
from quality respective.
So, in conclusion the feature becomes benefit when it
relates well to the person buying it, solving a problem, filling
a need, satisfying a desire and so on. So again, before
thinking what’s in it for you from selling, you must ask what
is in it for the customer purchasing from you.

In the morning you face a salesperson in the street offering
you to buy a pencil for 10$, usually the price of a pencil is 50
cents, will you ever consider buying it unless you are
donating money? Of course not. But what if he started by
saying “I have a great offer on a special pencil this pencil tip
and core is made from a special material that will make it
last for 10 years and it comes with a grantee for that and
instead of 20$ it’s for 10$ only”. Now you will start
considering buying it. So let’s compare what happened in
the two scenarios, the first scenario the person selling the
product just offered a fly offer which doesn’t make you feel
the value against the money that you will pay, however the
second scenario the sales person showed you why is it worth
the money and also made it feel that you are saving if you
buy It now instead of later. However to be honest the value
relates definitely to the need and the benefit so there is no
fixed value, Video games console might be worth paying
more than $1K however for you it wouldn’t worth spending
$1 as you don’t like games so at the end the value is relative
however your part as a salesperson is to make sure to show
every single feature and benefit that might be valuable for
your customer .

Price Vs Cost
If you think that price and cost is the same thing, you
might need to think again as price is the amount of
money, time or effort that you need to spend to get
something for the first time, however cost is the amount
of money, time or effort you spend to get the thing, then
spend again to keep it functioning over a specific period
of time, I know that might be confusing a bit so let’s
elaborate by an example, Let’s say that you purchased a
brand-new bike from a reputable store for the price of
$1000 however it comes with two years warranty so the
$1000 that you paid is the only thing you will pay for it for
the next two years, however if you purchase the bike
from a second hand store for the price of $500 however
it’s not warranted and it will cost you monthly
maintenance of $50 a month to change tires or get
screws changed and so on, so if you keep this bike for
two years then then it’s cost = (500+50*24) which is
$1700 which is more than the cost for the brand new
warranted bike so when the customer is objecting that
price is high then ask him if he is concerned about the
price or the cost and show that cost for what you are
selling is going to be lower than cost of a lower price
product that will need continuous spending.
Sales by Trust
Imagine yourself walking in the mall and a sales
representative is standing by the door of a cloth store
and offering you to get in as they have great sale on high-
quality clothes. The probability for you to get in the store
and buy something is not high and most probably you will
just continue walking. Next day you are setting with a
friend who just purchased a new shirt and it looks so neat
and high quality and when you asked him how much it
cost to get it, he said a very good price, the following
question will be “where did you get it?”, his answer is the
X store in the Y mall that you were actually in yesterday,
and the sales man asked you to get in but you didn’t,
however now you want to take your friend and go to the
store and check for something and most probably you
will buy something from there. So now let’s ask the
important question which is why did you take the advice
of your friend and you didn’t take the sale man advice?
The answer is trust, you definitely trust your friend’s
recommendation however you don’t trust the advice
from the stranger although the sale man is more expert
in his product more than your friend, so the most solid
way of sales is based on earning your customer trust, we

will talk about how to quickly gain the customer trust in
the next section which we will be going through a theory I
formulated called the pyramid of trust which Is applied
by different people and proven to be very efficient and it
will lead you to more sales, customer satisfaction, loyalty
and also referrals by the customer himself without you
even asking, so please have your coffee or tea ready and
give me your undivided attention in the next section as
it’s the most important part of this whole book, Are you
ready? let’s go.

The Pyramid of trust
The theory of the pyramid of trust was named in this way
as it’s formed of 5 stages that needs to be built in the
same way the pyramid is built, step by step, and you can’t
skip a step of it or the pyramid will not be built, so I will
show you now a diagram of the pyramid of trust then we
will explain each part in details.

Let’s discuss now each step that we must follow to build the
pyramid of trust.
1-Warm welcome: in this stage we are first introduced to
the customer or the person we are looking to persuade so
it’s the first impression time. This stage is very vital and will
either help you continue building or destroy the whole thing,
so we need to be very carful with it. Start always by smiling
to the other person before the conversation starts and after
it starts try to keep the smile on unless something requires a
different emotion to be shown and by the way this doesn’t
have to be a face to face interaction to keep the smile as
even over the phone the customer or the other person can
sense your facial expression from your voice so if you have a
straight face or bored face or angry face automatically your
tone of voice will expose the way you feel and the way you
look, why do we need to keep the smile? because when you
smile in someone face he gets the impression that you are
delighted to speak to or help him, so he will start helping you
helping him by being more comfortable to provide you with
data that will help you in your process. Again, the usage of
the tone of voice and the facial expressions is vital so we will
also speak about the healthy way and the common mistakes
in using your tone and face using the following diagram.

Scenario 1: You will find the person started his interaction
with a very low tone however his tone got higher over the
interaction time and some people may say what’s wrong
about that? he is getting more enthusiastic over time so it
should be good, actually no it’s not good because the hidden
message delivered here to the other person is ”I wasn’t
interested to help or talk and then something triggered me
to get more enthusiastic” which will make the person feel
that there is something fishy happening here or that you
found out that there is something in it for you, that’s why
you got interested and enthusiastic, here the customer loses
his trust In the other person and most likely wouldn’t buy or
at least he will buy after investigating again that all info
provided is correct, then call someone else to buy.

Scenario 2: You can notice here that the person started the
interaction with a high tone then he started falling during
the interaction time which provides a hidden message to the
recipient that “when i knew what you want i started to lose
interest” which gives a message that you don’t care about
what is the best for him, you only care about what’s in it for
you, so the recipient loses his trust in you and most probably
will finish the conversation without taking what you offer or
most probably you won’t even reach the point of pitching as
the customer will start shutting the conversion down.

Scenario 3: You can notice here that the tone of voice

started as high and was preserved as high tone with very
small variations up and down during the contact to match
with different emotions, like (Empathy, commending,
congratulating, Excusing, etc.) so here we can say that this is
the correct way to use with the recipient as it gives a
message that you are willing to help and consistent however
you are not monotone and interacting effectively with each
Another thing which is very important is the usage of voice
stops and how to use your voice nodes to highlight certain
words that you want to stress on or you want to show how
great is it, how low it is for example “ You will get a ( with
high tone) $200 Saving and (with low tone) you will only pay
$10 a month “ here your tone represent the saving as

something big and the cost as something minor, which make
the customer get the message you are trying to provide and
stress on the benefits more than the cons, Actually you can
say the same exact words and make it give different
meanings only by using the stops and the tone. So, if you say
everything in the same way to the recipient mostly he will
get bored and will not memorize the things that you want
him to memorize.

2- Care: This stage is very vital step also for building the
pyramid of trust as in this stage you need to deliver the
message to the recipient, that you genuinely care about him
so much and that you will help him reach the best option for
him not for yourself or the organization you represent, and
we have a commonly used term we use to describe that
which is make the person feel that you are his Advocate and
you do that, first by listening very well to what the other
person is saying, its even better that you take notes of what
he said then recap to him what you understood to show him
that you have been listening carefully to him, that will make
him feel that you truly care to understand what he want,
then you assure help using strong words of assurance after
recapping for Ex ( “You know what you came to the right
person”, ”definitely I can help you with that”, ”Rest assure
that I will take care of that for you”, etc.) these strong
assurance words will make him feel that you care for what
he want and that you are accountable person and truly
willing to help, which is going to help you gain more trust
and that will help you later when you provide the solution,
he will feel that you are providing the solution that serves in
his best interest, because he knows that you care about him
more than anything else. Some common mistakes that
people make during a sale or persuasion process is
interrupting the recipient, which leads to his frustration and
feeling that you don’t care about what he say, but you just
care about what you want to say, which is a big relation
destroyer, another mistake is when you say something
different from what he told you by assuming that, this is the
issue or what he want, which makes him feel that you
haven’t been listening carefully which is also a relation
destroyer that you need to avoid during the interaction with
your recipient.

3- Knowledge: This part is Important too, as it gives you a big
portion of trust from the recipient, by making him feel that
he is speaking to someone who knows what he is speaking
about. Its highly necessary before you start an interaction of
sales or persuasion that you, study the thing that you are
pitching extremely well to be able to answer all questions
that might arise during the conversation, be confident while
you are answering without stumbling and that’s not only
about the strength points of your pitch but also the weak
points of what you are pitching, and how to answer each
point in a way that serves in your favor. For Ex (Competitors,
Market price average, quality differences, Cost vs revenue,
etc.) and if you can answer these questions before or once it
arise so you will have higher credibility with the recipient, as
he will have this feeling that I’m speaking to an expert, so
later on he will take the solutions you are providing as its
coming from an expert who knows better. Common mistake
that occurs and negatively impact the knowledge trust is
using non-certain language like “should, could, might, may,
etc.), which shows that you don’t know for a fact that what
you are pitching is true, or you don’t trust its effectiveness,
However it should be replaced by words like “ Will, going to ,
definitely works, must, etc.) these words show how you are
confident about what you are pitching and that you trust
that it works.

4-Rapport: The rapport means harmonious relationship
between two parties that understand each other and have a
good communication, we often refer to it as the bridge and I
will explain in the following figure why we call it the bridge.

In the above diagram it shows the journey that you take to

build this rapport, it’s called the bridge as it takes you from
the stranger zone to the edge of the friend zone of the
recipient, so he starts to trust you as semi-friend not as a
stranger, and the bridge between the two zones is built by
applying the previous steps of the pyramid which is Warm
Greeting/tone of voice, Care and Knowledge, however the
glue that binds all these stages together is the friendliness
and ice breakers, like speaking about off or in topic
interesting subjects, about his personal preferences and try
to find similarities between both of you, make him feel
familiarity about you, that you belong to his league. And of
course the conversation has to start with ice breakers like
(how are you doing) and if you got an answer that it’s just

fine or not bad or any negative feelings you try to elevate his
mood, by wishing a great wish for Ex “I hope it gets better
and better for you as you deserve the best” and many other
ice breakers that elevate the recipient mood and allow you
to have a nice and delightful conversation, so the recipient
starts to get you out of the stranger zone all the way to the
semi-friend zone.
5-Trust: This Is the last stage of the pyramid and the goal of
the pyramid itself, which at this point the recipient has high
trust level for you, what you pitch him will not be considered
as an offer or a sale, but will be considered as a friend’s
recommendation which is more likely to be accepted as we
demonstrated in the example at the beginning of the sales
by trust section in page 12.Also if you reach this point of
trust with the recipient it will give you much power to use
more advanced techniques, like Giving the recipient the
permission to buy your product or idea, here you might ask
how am I the one who gives him the permission? Actually
when you reach this point of trust, then you pitch it well, the
other person may say No, which actually means I’m still not
sure that I want that, so at this point you can simply say
“trust me on that and take it” or “I will take it if I were you”
with relief words to like “you are not taking a risk”, ”you will
not regret this investment” and so on, and he with a very
high probability will take your advice, and accept what you
pitch, that’s only If you reach this point of trust.

The Importance of
The persona is a highly impactful factor in how persuasive
you are, the persona means the perception other people
perceive you with, however it’s something either you create
by yourself or it’s created for you based on your choices and
decisions during interacting with people. One can have more
than one persona depending on the way you interact with
different audiences.
Let’s explain more, The way you talk, dress and interact with
others is what defines your persona for you audience,
example, if you dress in a neat way and talk in a polite tone,
words and facial expression most of the time to a certain
group of people so the persona you have for them is that
you are a polite and well-mannered person however you
might be acting differently when you are with a different
group of people, let’s say when you are with friends playing
football you just wear something comfy and it doesn’t
matter if it looks good or not and while playing you get angry
and use inappropriate language so most probably the people
who usually see you in the place you play in will have a
different opinion about your politeness and manners, So
simply the persona is built about you by the way people
perceive you based on the way you interact with people. So,
let’s ask the right question now, why is persona important
for me? Well, persona is a vital weapon for your persuasion
effectiveness, because if your persona doesn’t serve your
subject of persuasion, then you will need higher effort to
make your persuasion effective. Now ask yourself these
 What Persona do I want to build?
 Does the way I dress help me build this persona?
 Does my tone of voice help?
 Does my body language and facial expressions help?
 If something is not helping my persona, so what right
looks like, how can I make it right?
After answering these questions, then you need to move to
the challenging part, being consistent in applying what right
looks like, so remind yourself always about you goal and how
important is this persona for achieving your goal.

Effective closing
On this section we will discuss how to be more effective in
closing the sale or the persuasion. After you build your
pyramid and start pitching and explaining everything about
whatever you are pitching, you reach the point of pitch
closing where you have to add the call of action which is for
example “ So lets ship that to you”, ”let’s go ahead and start
this project”, “Go ahead and vote for me” this is called the
assumptive closing technique, which in it you are showing to
the recipient that you are 100% confident about what you
are pitching to the point that you know his decision is Yes,
and you are moving forward with that to close the deal.
Another effective way of closing is the alternating options,
and this option you can use, if what you are pitching includes
multiple options, so you close your pitch with giving him the
option to choose only from the options you provided, for
example “So you will go with plan A or Plan B” in this
scenario the customer actually has 3 options to pick from,
which are (Plan A, Plan B , No ) however while you are
closing, you only gave him the options to accept one of your
two options that you want him to choose from, and that’s in
the worst case scenario as a probability that he choose No
will be 33.33%, however if you close with a YES or NO
question, so you give only two options, so the No probability
here is 50% which is worse probability than using the
alternating options.
But remember not to overwhelm your recipient with too
much options and too much details, as people tend not to
take an immediate decision if lots of options are available
and will step back and say let me think about It or let me
revise all the options again and get back to you. So, make it
simple and clear and assumptive and you will close more.
Also another effective closing way is to make your pitch very
inclusive, that it actually answer most of the questions that
might arise after you pitch, also overcome expected
rejections that might arise after you pitch, which will help
you close better with a single pitch and have less back and
forth, however to develop your pitch to pursuit perfection
you need to keep updating your pitch always to be more
inclusive, learn from the objections you got before and try to
include the answers to It within your pitch, try after each
unsuccessful attempt to detect what went wrong and
damaged your sale or persuasion, fix it in the next time you
are pitching, so instead of being frustrated of the rejection
think about why it got rejected? and when did the customer
take the rejection decision? also ask your recipient about
what he didn’t like to gather data about what could have
been even better, to enhance your attempt next time.

Rejection. One of the biggest fears of humans generally is
the fear of rejection and the fear of failure. This fear is
always holding us back from trying different things that can
make our lives much better, however we don’t do it because
we are afraid of rejection or failure, and that’s actually not
only in sales or persuasion only but also in relationships
between people, How many times that you held your
emotions and didn’t reveal it to the other person because
you are afraid of rejection, how many times that you didn’t
put yourself together and go to your manager and tell him
about an idea that you think it will make things better,
however you stepped back due to the fear of rejection, now
I will tell you that quote from a movie called Ghost rider,
before he drives to a big jump with his bike he say “You can’t
live in fear” this quote is so true.
When you live in fear from what could happen, so you don’t
even attempt, then you will never go anywhere. Let’s not
deviate from our topic too much. One of the key skills that
you have to develop as a sales person or a persuader, that
you are not afraid of rejections but the opposite, you
actually take every rejection as an opportunity to learn, and
make your pitch even better to get more acceptance rate,
and when you make a pitch always put in your mind that
from each 10 times of offering, you will get 9 No and 1 Yes,
then when you develop your pitch better you will start to get
more Yes, like 2 Yes and 8 No, at the point you reach the
50% acceptance rate, you are now an expert in sales and
closing and if you are getting 60% acceptance rate, then you
are now reaching the point of being a sales and persuasion
magician, but if you expect that you will ever get 100%
acceptance rate and your pitch is not going to be rejected,
then think again as this is completely non-realistic, and
always remember, the more NO you get the more YES you
Now Let’s talk about how to change the No into Yes, First
before you reach the point of overcoming objections, you
have to make sure that you reached the level of trust with
the recipient that allow you to rebuttal with him, without
making him feel that you are pushy as there is a very fine
line between overcoming objections and sounding pushy, so
trust here is very crucial not only trust but also the way you
will approach the recipient with your rebuttal, and the best
way here is AAR and the AAR means Absorb, Acknowledge,
Rebuttal and I will explain how to do each stage in a smooth

First step which is absorb, In this stage you need to absorb
the objections of the customer, listen to his rejection
without breaking the smile on your face, by listening
carefully to the objection the customer has, and make sure
not to do any impulsive reaction, or change the tone of voice
that you have been pitching with, then you do the
Acknowledge, which is simply you show the recipient that
you understand his point of view, and why he rejected, for
example “ Oh I totally understand where you are coming
from that you ..(rejection reason) “ then you go to the
rebuttal stage after you acknowledge “However I want just
to let you know that ….(rebuttal). By following these simple
steps the conversation will be much smoother, customer
wouldn’t feel that you are pushy, however it will allow you
to either get a Yes or a second No, at this point from the
tone of voice of the recipient and his facial expression, you
need to identify does this No means I m not sure or it’s a
definite no ,if it means I m still not sure, then there is a room
for another rebuttal, but if it’s a definite No, then you should
acknowledge and don’t try to rebuttal again, as It will be
very risky of the recipient getting frustrated that you are
being too pushy. Always remember that each No you get
gets you closer to the YES, so never lose hope.

The infinite referrals
In this part we are actually harvesting the previous parts
efforts, which in this case the customer that you built the
trust with and sold him something, or persuaded him with
something, will be your access point to his community, as
once the recipient has been persuaded and sold with
integrity, he will recommend you for other people who need
what you are pitching, however in order not to be forgotten
and at the same time offer unique service of sales or
persuasion, try to dedicate time to follow up on your
successful sales and persuasions, check if they are facing any
problems about what you sold them, make sure they are
happy with what they bought from you, and that will do two
things for you, first you remind them with yourself not to be
forgotten, also make them feel that you are providing
excellent after sale service, you care about the satisfaction
of your customers or recipient, you can also during this
follow up ask if the recipient know someone who might be in
need for what you offer, if they really trust you they will
provide you with the contacts for the other people, they will
also recommend you to the other people once they find a
need for your services, that will get you infinite referrals
with each new person you serve.

The continuous
One of the most important things for a sales person or a
persuader is the continuous learning journey, never think
that you had enough learning, that you are a good persuader
and sale person and that you don’t need the learning
anymore, with each new cultural change occurs to the
society the ways of sales and persuasion needs also to
change to be more adaptive to the new generations
ideology, and understand what is interesting for the people
you are dealing with and there will be new sales techniques
that works with the new culture, so you will need always to
be up to date with the latest technology and the latest sales
and persuasion techniques, to be able to keep up with the
So always when you come across a learning opportunity,
seize it and keep gathering as much knowledge as you can
from each sales book ,persuasion books, online video
sessions and audio books that you will find available on the
internet as well, so instead of listening to music you can also
listen to sales and persuasion books, on your phone or while
you are driving so try to develop the habit of continuous

learning and use the latest technologies to make this easier
and less time consuming.

Important Books and

Sales Coaches
Important books:
1- The one-minute sales person by Johnson spencer and Larry Wilson
2- The psychology of selling by Brian Tracey
3- Persuasion the art of getting what you want by Dave Lakhani
4- How moved my cheese by Johnson spencer

Important Coaches:
1- Brain Tracey. 3-Zig Ziglar.
2- Grant Cardon.

The code of learning
After you read this book and understand the
knowledge sharing in it, you have to make sure that
you also share the knowledge you learnt, the extra
inputs you had by yourself with the people who will
find it useful in your community, as the whole human
civilization is founded on the idea of sharing the
knowledge and experience to accelerate the process
of skilling, so someone else can start from where we
ended and add new knowledge and skills, that will be
helpful for the next generations and also the humanity
benefit, so hereby you will promise that you will share
this knowledge that you learned with whoever in need
for it .

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this
book and hopefully you found it useful and can put it
into practice, I highly appreciate feedbacks and
constructive criticism so please if you have a feedback
or you need help or advise don’t hesitate to reach me
on the following contact info:

Email: [email protected]
Phone: +201023488555

All Copyrights reserved to the author

Author Name: Mo’men Mohamed Amin

Mo’men Amin


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