2 Runway Runoff
Content 3
2 Introduction
4 LCK Cuvette Test System
13 Accessories for Cuvette Tests
14 Liquid Reagents
16 Powder Pillows
18 Swiftests
19 Accuvacs
20 Addista Multi-Parameter Standard Solutions
21 Single Parameter Standard Solutions
22 Sample Preparation
23 Accessories
45 Electrochemistry
46 Calibration Standards
48 HQD Benchtop Meters
49 HQ Series Portable Meters
50 Intellical Probes: pH & ORP
52 Intellical Probes: O2, Conductivity & ISE
54 Pocket Testers
55 Electrode Accessories
56 Titralab AT1000 Series
58 Automatic Samplers
59 Turbidity Standard Solutions
60 Turbidimeter Quick Reference Guide
62 Lico Spectral Colorimeter
63 QP1680 TOC/TN Analysers
64 Instrument Service
66 Hach Services
67 Order Online: Hach Webshop
68 Contact Us
4 LCK Cuvette Test System
LCK Cuvette Test System 5
LCK Cuvette Test System 7
DR1900: Portable VIS Spectrophotometer, DR3900: Benchtop VIS Spectrophotometer, DR6000: Benchtop UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
Please note: Some methods require reagent blanks. For these, the number of tests varies.
Bold: Test corresponds to ISO standard
-: product is not subject to classification; GHS hazard code descriptions: see page 13
8 LCK Cuvette Test System
DR1900: Portable VIS Spectrophotometer, DR3900: Benchtop VIS Spectrophotometer, DR6000: Benchtop UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
Please note: Some methods require reagent blanks. For these, the number of tests varies.
Bold: Test corresponds to ISO standard
-: product is not subject to classification; GHS hazard code descriptions: see page 13
LCK Cuvette Test System 9
DR1900: Portable VIS Spectrophotometer, DR3900: Benchtop VIS Spectrophotometer, DR6000: Benchtop UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
Please note: Some methods require reagent blanks. For these, the number of tests varies.
Bold: Test corresponds to ISO standard
-: product is not subject to classification; GHS hazard code descriptions: see page 13
LCK Cuvette Test System 11
DR1900: Portable VIS Spectrophotometer, DR3900: Benchtop VIS Spectrophotometer, DR6000: Benchtop UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
Please note: Some methods require reagent blanks. For these, the number of tests varies.
Bold: Test corresponds to ISO standard
-: product is not subject to classification; GHS hazard code descriptions: see page 13
LCK Cuvette Test System 13
Liquid Reagents
Reagent solutions, economic liquid reagent tests and
rapid liquid systems
Reagent tests for the determination of numerous
parameters required in drinking, waste and process
water applications as well as product control and
monitoring. A cost-effective solution for your high-
volume testing and serial analysis.
Part Parameter Measuring range Method Method Quality Number DR DR DR DR GHS
number number control of tests 900 1900 3900 6000 Hazard
2458200 Ammonia 0.02 - 2.50 mg/L NH3-N Nessler 8038 250 GHS05,
2242200 Cadmium 0.7 - 80 µg/L Cd Dithizone 8017 1402442 60 - 100 GHS06,
2556900 Chlorine, free 0.02 - 5.00 mg/L Cl2 DPD 10059 1426810, 450 GHS07
HPT210 Chlorine, free 0.02 - 2.00 mg/L DPD 2630020, 100 GHS05
HPT310 Chlorine, free + 0.02 - 2.00 mg/L Cl2 DPD RS 2630020, 100 GHS05
total 1426810
2557000 Chlorine, total 0.02 - 5.00 mg/L Cl2 DPD 8370 2630020, 450 GHS05,
1426810 GHS07
LCW510 Chlorine/Ozone 0.1 - 1.5 mg/L Cl2 / O3 DPD 100 GHS07
(round cuvette)
2242300 Chlorine dioxide 0.01 - 1.00 mg/L ClO2 Chlorophenol Red 8065 100 GHS05,
HPT240 Chlorine dioxide 0.02 - 0.50 mg/L ClO2 Amaranth Method 100 -
2651600 Cobalt, Nickel 0.01 - 2.00 mg/L Co PAN 8078 2150342, 100 GHS05,
1417642 GHS07,
44449 Fluoride 0.02 - 2.00 mg/L F SPADNS 8029 29153 125 GHS05,
2257700 Formaldehyde 3 - 500 µg/L CH2O MBTH 8110 100 GHS05,
2603100 Hardness 8 - 1000 µg/L CaCO3 Chlorophosphonazo 8374 2833449 100 GHS05,
2319900 Hardness, Ca and 0.05 - 4.00 mg/L Ca as Calmagite Colorimetric 8030 218710 100 GHS05,
Mg CaCO3 GHS07
179032 Hydrazine 4 - 600 µg/L N2H4 p-Dimethylamin 8141 100 GHS05
LCW025 Hydrazine 0.01 - 2.0 mg/L N2H4 4-Dimethylamin- 60 GHS05
LCW058 Hydrogen 1 - 10 g/L H2O2 Peroxomolybdate 40 GHS05
230149 Iron 0.009 - 1.400 mg/L Fe FerroZine 8147 1417542 500 GHS05,
- 1000 GHS06,
LCW021 Iron 0.005 - 0.25 mg/L Fe Iron(II) ions react with 50 GHS05
FerroZine to form a violet
complex compound
2375000 Lead 5 - 150 µg/L Pb LeadTrak 8317 1426210 20 GHS05,
Liquid Reagents 15
Part Parameter Measuring range Method Method Quality Number DR DR DR DR GHS
number number control of tests 900 1900 3900 6000 Hazard
2651700 Manganese 0.006 - 0.700 mg/L Mn PAN 8149 1279142 50 GHS05,
LCW532 Manganese 0.005 - 0.5 mg/L Mn 1-(2-pyridylazo)- 50 GHS02,
2-naphthol (PAN) GHS05,
LCW032 Manganese 0.2 - 5 mg/L Mn Formaldoxime LCA706 50 GHS05,
(round cuvette or 10 mm GHS06,
rectangular cuvette) GHS07,
2658300 Mercury 0.1 - 2.5 µg/L Hg Cold Vapour Concentration 10065 1419542 25 GHS03,
2657512 pH 6.5 - 8.5 pH Colorimetric Phenol Red 50 -
2076049 Phosphate, ortho 0.3 - 45.0 mg/L PO4 Molybdovanadate 8114 2109210 250 GHS05,
2244100 Phosphate, ortho 0.23 - 30.00 mg/L PO4 Amino Acid 8178 2109210 100 GHS05,
2076032 Phosphate, ortho 0.3 - 45.0 mg/L PO4 Molybdovanadate 8114 2109210 50 GHS05,
LCW250 Reducing agent 0.05 - 1.0 mg/L DEHA Iron Reduction Method 100 -
2553500 Silica 3 - 1000 µg/L SiO2 Heteropoly Blue 8282 110649 100 GHS05,
2581400 Silica 3 - 1000 µg/L SiO2 Heteropoly Blue 8282 110649 40 GHS05,
2678500 Silica 3 - 1000 µg/L SiO2 Heteropoly Blue 8282 110649 250 GHS05,
LCW028 Silica 0.01 - 0.8 mg/L SiO2 Molybdenum Blue 50 -
2244500 Sulphide 5 - 800 µg/L S2- Methylene Blue 8131 100 GHS05,
LCW053 Sulphide 0.1 - 2.0 mg/L S2- Dimethyl-p-phenyl 25 - 49 -
HPT430 Sulphite 0.1 - 5.0 mg/L SO3 Hach Method 2267410 100 GHS07
LCW054 Sulphite 0.1 - 5.0 mg/L SO3 Hach Method 2267410 100 -
2244600 Tannin & Lignin 0.1 - 9.0 mg/L as Tannic Tyrosine 8193 100 GHS05,
Acid GHS07,
2790800 Trihalomethanes 10 - 600 µg/L CHCl3 THM Plus 10132 50 - 99 GHS05,
2244700 Volatile acids 27 - 2800 mg/L HOAc Esterification 8196 100 GHS05,
DR900: Multi-parameter Colorimeter, DR1900: Portable VIS Spectrophotometer, DR3900: Benchtop VIS Spectrophotometer, DR6000: Benchtop UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
-: product is not subject to classification; GHS hazard code descriptions: see page 13
16 Chemistries
Powder Pillows
Low price methods with long shelf life
Powder Pillows 17
DR300: Single parameter Colorimeter, DR900: Multi-parameter Colorimeter, DR1900: Portable VIS Spectrophotometer,
DR3900: Benchtop VIS Spectrophotometer, DR6000: Benchtop UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
GHS hazard code descriptions: see page 13
18 Chemistries
The right amount of DPD with the Swiftest
The Swiftest is a powder dispenser that releases the correct amount of
DPD (N,N-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine) at the press of a button.
It contains enough reagent for 250 chlorine tests (free or total chlorine). As
a practical, attractively priced alternative, the Swiftest is ideal for laboratories
with a high sample throughput, and for analysis in the field.
DR300: Single parameter Colorimeter, DR900: Multi-parameter Colorimeter, DR1900: Portable VIS Spectrophotometer,
DR3900: Benchtop VIS Spectrophotometer, DR6000: Benchtop UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
GHS hazard code descriptions: see page 13
Swiftests + Accuvacs 19
Analysing without pipetting
The secret of the Accuvac is the vacuum in the sealed glass cuvette
containing a measured amount of reagent. The test is carried out by
immersing the tip of the Accuvac in the sample, then breaking it by
applying moderate pressure. The vacuum draws the sample into the
cuvette, whilst ensuring thorough mixing. The resulting colour is
measured visually or photometrically.
DR300: Single parameter Colorimeter, DR900: Multi-parameter Colorimeter, DR1900: Portable VIS Spectrophotometer,
DR3900: Benchtop VIS Spectrophotometer, DR6000: Benchtop UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
GHS hazard code descriptions: see page 13
20 Addista Standard Solutions
Multi-parameter standards for Analytical Quality Assurance
Part number For the following cuvette tests / parameters Part number For the following cuvette tests / parameters
LCA700 LCK304 Ammonium, 0.015-2.0 mg/L NH4-N LCA708 LCK338 Total Nitrogen, 20-100 mg/L TNb
LCK311 Chloride, 1-70 mg/L Cl LCK514 COD, 100-2000 mg/L O2
LCK228 Potassium, 5-50 mg/L K LCK1014 COD, 100-2000 mg/L O2
LCK328 Potassium, 8-50 mg/L K LCK350 Phosphate (total), 2-20 mg/L PO4-P
LCK348 Phosphate (ortho), 0.5-5.0 mg/L PO4-P LCA709 LCK138 Total Nitrogen, 1-16 mg/L TNb
LCK1414 COD, 5-60 mg/L O2 LCK614 COD, 50-300 mg/L O2
LCK238 Total Nitrogen, 5-40 mg/L TNb LCK349 Phosphate (total), 0.05-1.5 mg/L PO4-P
LCA701 LCK306 Lead, 0.1-2.0 mg/L Pb LCK342 Nitrite, 0.6-6.0 mg/L NO2-N
LCK321 Iron, 0.2-6.0 mg/L Fe LCA7201) Traceable to Standard Reference Materials from NIST.
LCK329 Copper, 0.1-8.0 mg/L Cu LCI400 COD (ISO 15705), 0-1000 mg/L O2
LCK337 Nickel, 0.1-6.0 mg/L Ni APC400 COD (ISO 15705), 0-1000 mg/L O2
LCK353 Sulphate, 150-900 mg/L SO4 APC114 COD, 150-1000 mg/L O2
LCK360 Zinc, 0.2-6.0 mg/L Zn APC303 Ammonium, 2-47 mg/L NH4-N
LCA702 LCK301 Aluminium, 0.02-0.5 mg/L Al APC338 Total Nitrogen, 20-100 mg/L TNb
LCK308 Cadmium, 0.02-0.3 mg/L Cd APC340 Nitrate, 5-35 mg/L NO3-N
LCK313 Chromium (VI), 0.03-1.0 mg/L Cr APC350 Phosphate, 2-20 mg/L PO4-P
LCK313 Chromium (total), 0.03-1.0 mg/L Cr LCA7211) Traceable to Standard Reference Materials from NIST.
LCS313 Chromium trace, 0.005-0.25 mg/L Cr LCI500 COD (ISO 15705), 0-150 mg/L O2
LCK353 Sulphate, 150-900 mg/L SO4 APC500 COD (ISO 15705), 0-150 mg/L O2
LCA703 LCK049 Phosphate (ortho), 1.6-30 mg/L PO4-P APC314 COD, 15-150 mg/L O2
LCK114 COD, 150-1000 mg/L O2 APC304 Ammonium, 0.015-2.0 mg/L NH4-N
LCI400 COD, 0-1000 mg/L O2 APC138 Total Nitrogen, 1-16 mg/L TNb
LCK303 Ammonium, 2-47 mg/L NH4-N APC339 Nitrate, 0.23-13.5 mg/L NO3-N
LCK311 Chloride, 1-70 mg/L Cl APC349 Phosphate, 0.05-1.5 mg/L PO4-P
LCK339 Nitrate, 0.23-13.5 mg/L NO3-N 28331491) Ammonia 15 mg/L NH3-N
LCK350 Phosphate (ortho), 2-20 mg/L PO4-P Nitrate 10 mg/L NO3-N
LCK353 Sulphate, 150-900 mg/L SO4 COD 500 mg/L O2
LCK386 TOC, 30-300 mg/L C Phosphate 10 mg/L PO4
LCA704 LCK153 Sulphate, 40-150 mg/L SO4 Sulphate 400 mg/L SO4
LCK305 Ammonium, 1-12 mg/L NH4-N TOC 161 mg/L C
LCK311 Chloride, 1-70 mg/L Cl 28332491) Ammonia 2.0 mg/L NH3-N / 2.1 mg/L NH4-N
LCI500 COD, 0-150 mg/L O2 Nitrate 4.0 mg/L NO3-N
LCK314 COD, 15-150 mg/L O2 Phosphate 2.0 mg/L PO4
LCK340 Nitrate, 5-35 mg/L NO3-N COD 25 mg/L O2
LCK349 Phosphate (ortho), 0.05-1.5 mg/L PO4-P Sulphate 50 mg/L SO4
LCK385 TOC, 3-30 mg/L C TOC 8 mg/L C
LCA705 LCK014 COD, 1000-10000 mg/L O2 1)
Standard only, without round robin test solutions
LCK302 Ammonium, 47-130 mg/L NH4-N
LCK311 Chloride, 1-70 mg/L Cl
LCK387 TOC, 300-3000 mg/L C
LCA706 LCK521 Iron trace, 0.01-1.0 mg/L Fe
LCK529 Copper trace, 0.01-1.0 mg/L Cu
LCK537 Nickel trace, 0.05-1.0 mg/L Ni
LCW032 Manganese, 0.02-5.0 mg/L Mn
LCA707 LCK341 Nitrite, 0.015-0.6 mg/L NO2-N
LCK614 COD, 50-300 mg/L O2
LCK348 Phosphate (total), 0.5-5.0 mg/L PO4-P
Standard Solutions 21
Standard Solutions
Single parameter standards for Analytical Quality Assurance
Sample Preparation
Accessories 23
Quick reference guide
Specific Technology IBR+ Automatic test recognition, IBR+ Automatic test recognition,
lot control and expiry date check lot control and expiry date check
RFID for easy method update, RFID for easy method update,
sample ID and Certificate of Analysis sample ID and Certificate of Analysis
Link2sc Data exchange with Link2sc Data exchange with
SC controller SC controller
Q+ Quality Assurance Function to schedule Q+ Quality Assurance Function to schedule
and document QA with pass/fail indication and document QA with pass/fail indication
Supported Chemistry LCK Cuvette Tests, Hach chemistries LCK Cuvette Tests, Hach chemistries LCK Cuvette Tests, Hach chemistries
Wavelength range 190 - 1100 nm 320 - 1100 nm 340 - 800 nm
Preprogrammed methods 240 220 220 (Please note: LCK Cuvette Tests can be
evaluated, but without 10-fold rotational
measurement and barcode reader.)
Cuvette compatibility Rectangular: 10, 20, 30, 50 mm, 1 inch Rectangular: 10 mm, 50 mm, 1 inch Rectangular: 10 mm, 1 inch
Round: 13 mm, 1 inch Round: 13 mm, 1 inch Round: 13 mm, 1 inch
Optional: 100 mm rectangular cell with
additional adapter
Display 7 TFT WVGA colour touchscreen 7 TFT WVGA colour touchscreen Graphical display 240 x 160 pixel
(LCD, b/w, backlit)
Operating mode Transmittance (%), Absorbance and Transmittance (%), Absorbance and Transmittance (%), Absorbance and
Concentration, Scanning Concentration, Scanning Concentration
Photometric Measuring ± 3 Abs (wavelength range 340 - 900 nm) ± 3.0 Abs (wavelength range 340 - 900 nm) 0 - 3 Abs (wavelength range 340 - 800 nm)
Photometric Accuracy 5 mAbs @ 0.0 - 0.5 Abs 5 mAbs @ 0.0 - 0.5 Abs ± 0.003 Abs @ 0.0 - 0.5 Abs
1 % at 0.50 - 2.0 Abs 1 % at 0.50 - 2.0 Abs
Wavelength resolution 0.1 nm 1 nm
Spectral Bandwidth 2 nm 5 nm
Optical System Reference beam, spectral Reference beam, spectral Reference beam, spectral
Source lamp Tungsten (VIS), Deuterium lamp (UV) Gas-filled Tungsten (visible) Xenon Flash
Data Logger 5000 measured values (Result, Date, Time, 2000 measured values (Result, Date, Time, 500 measured values (Result, Date, Time,
Sample ID, Operator ID) Sample ID, Operator ID) Sample ID, Operator ID)
Interfaces USB type A (2), USB type B, Ethernet, RFID USB type A (2), USB type B, Ethernet, RFID USB type Mini IP67 (with optional module)
module module
Power Supply 110 - 240 VAC, 50 - 60 Hz 110 - 240 VAC, 50 - 60 Hz 110 - 240 VAC, 50 - 60 Hz
(Optional module required.
May not be available in all regions.)
4x AA size Alkaline
4x NiMH rechargeable battery
Dimensions (H x W x D) 215 mm x 500 mm x 460 mm 151 mm x 350 mm x 255 mm 98 mm x 178 mm x 267 mm
Weight EU 11 kg 4.2 kg 1.5 kg
Colorimeters 25
Quick reference guide
SL1000 SL250
DR900 DR300 SL1000 / SL250
Multi-parameter Colorimeter Single parameter Colorimeter Portable Parallel Analyser (PPA)
Your Benefits
• Saves time and costs
• Increases productivity and flexibility
• Highest precision and accuracy due to automated
• Parallel execution of different samples and methods
• Reliable by complete traceability of results
• High safety standard
• Cost effective for 20 or more tests per day
Technical data
Detector DR3900 Spectrophotometer
Measurement method Automatic LCK Cuvette Test (13 mm test tube); 10 times measurement and 2D barcode
Number of sample positions 24 (optional 48 and 100)
Number of cuvette positions 160
Number of reagent positions 12
Number of heating positions Standard heater: 2 x 24 (optional 2 x 48)
High temperature heater (optional): 3 or 6
Temperature Selectable: 40°C, 100°C, 110°C, 120°C, 148°C, 150°C (and 170°C with HT heater)
Dispenser Calibrated Hamilton Dispenser 1 mL
Dosing system (reagent) Reagent - pipette tips
Dosing system (sample) Sample - PTFE sheathed needle, ID 2 mm, stirrer with 9 mm paddle
Calibration Range 0.2 - 2.0 mL
Compressed air pressure 5 bar
Power supply 230 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Dimensions (H x W x D) 950 mm x 1290 mm x 840 mm
Weight 150 - 170 kg
Subject to change without notice.
AP3900 27
APC304 Ammonium 0.015 - 2.0 Indophenol Blue ISO 7150-1, DIN 38406 E5-1, LCA700 100 GHS05,
mg/L NH4-N UNI 11669:2017, ISO 23695 LCA721 GHS07,
APC303 Ammonium 2 - 47 Indophenol Blue ISO 7150-1, DIN 38406 E5-1, LCA703 100 GHS05,
mg/L NH4-N UNI 11669:2017, ISO 23695 LCA720 GHS07,
APC114 COD 150 - 1000 Dichromate ISO 6060-1989, LCA703 100 GHS05,
mg/L O2 DIN 38409-H41-H44 LCA720 GHS06,
APC314 COD 15 - 150 Dichromate ISO 6060-1989, LCA704 100 GHS05,
mg/L O2 DIN 38409-H41-H44 LCA721 GHS06,
APC500 COD 0 - 150 Dichromate ISO 15705 LCA704 100 GHS05,
mg/L O2 LCA721 GHS06,
APC400 COD 0 - 1000 Dichromate ISO 15705 LCA703 100 GHS05,
mg/L O2 LCA720 GHS06,
APC339 Nitrate 0.23 - 13.5 2.6-Dimethylphenol DIN 38405 D9-2, LCA703 100 GHS02,
mg/L NO3-N ISO 23696-1 LCA721 GHS05,
APC340 Nitrate 5 - 35 2.6-Dimethylphenol DIN 38405 D9-2, LCA704 100 GHS02,
mg/L NO3-N ISO 23696-1 LCA720 GHS05
APC341 Nitrite 0.015 - 0.6 Diazotisation EN ISO 26777, LCA707 100 GHS07
mg/L NO2-N DIN 38405 D10
APC342 Nitrite 0.6 - 6.0 Diazotisation EN ISO 26777, LCA709 100 GHS07
mg/L NO2-N DIN 38405 D10
APC138 Nitrogen total 1 - 16 Koroleff Digestion EN ISO 11905-1, LCA709 50 GHS02,
(LATON) mg/L TNb (Peroxodisulphate), and ISO23697-1 LCA721 GHS05,
Photometric Detection with GHS07,
2.6-Dimethylphenol GHS08
APC238 Nitrogen total 5 - 40 Koroleff Digestion EN ISO 11905-1, LCA700 50 GHS02,
(LATON) mg/L TNb (Peroxodisulphate), and ISO23697-1 GHS05,
Photometric Detection with GHS07,
2.6-Dimethylphenol GHS08
APC338 Nitrogen total 20 - 100 Koroleff Digestion EN ISO 11905-1, LCA708 50 GHS02,
(LATON) mg/L TNb (Peroxodisulphate), and ISO23697-1 LCA720 GHS05,
Photometric Detection with GHS07,
2.6-Dimethylphenol GHS08
APC348 Phosphate / 0.5 - 5.0 Phosphormolybdenum Blue EN ISO 6878-1-1986, LCA700 100 GHS05,
Phosphate, ortho mg/L PO4-P DIN 38405 D11-4 LCA707 GHS07,
APC349 Phosphate / 0.05 - 1.5 Phosphormolybdenum Blue ISO 6878-1-1986, LCA704 100 GHS05,
Phosphate, ortho mg/L PO4-P DIN 38405 D11-4 LCA709 GHS07,
LCA721 GHS08
APC350 Phosphate / 2 - 20 Phosphormolybdenum Blue ISO 6878-1-1986, LCA703 100 GHS05,
Phosphate, ortho mg/L PO4-P DIN 38405 D11-4 LCA708 GHS07,
LCA720 GHS08
APC chemistries are available for the popular wastewater parameters. They are perfectly adapted to the way the AP3900 works. In addition
many standard LCK Cuvette Tests can also be analysed with the robot, e.g. Surfactancts, Permanganate Index, Organic Acids, Formaldehyde,
Free Cyanide or Chloride. Contact your local Hach expert to learn more.
28 UV-VIS Spectrophotometer
Your Benefits
• Improved laboratory efficiency – more than 240 pre-
programmed methods directly available
• Comparable and reliable results – with the approved
LCK Cuvette Tests
• Transparent working processes in every situation –
with access to all raw data
• Integrated Quality Assurance – with function for
scheduling, evaluation, documentation
• Optimised data management, LIMS compatible
• Traceability back to the sampling point by means
of RFID technology
DR6000 29
Order Information
Part number Description
LPV441.99.00011 DR6000 UV-VIS spectrophotometer with RFID technology The UV-VIS spectrophotometer delivers top performance for both routine laboratory
tasks and demanding photometry applications.
LQV156.99.10011 LOC100 RFID set for sample identification The set contains: 1 RFID locator LOC100, 15 sample RFID tags in 5 colours, 5 location
RFID tags and 2 operator RFID tags.
LZV566 USB barcode hand-scanner For automatic identification (ProID) of norm and individual barcodes.
LQV157.99.30001 SIP10 Sipper set for DR6000 with 1 cm quartz cell Sipper set for flow through applications in UV range.
LQV157.99.20001 SIP10 Sipper set for DR6000 with 1 inch round cell Sipper for pour through applications. With dual path length 1 inch/cm round cell,
USB cable and pump tubing.
LZV935 DR6000 application software for drinking water analysis The drinking water analysis software LZV935 is a compilation of all spectrophotometric
applications that are relevant for drinking water analysis.
LZV936 DR6000 application software for brewery analysis The brewery analysis software LZV936 is a compilation of all spectrophotometric
applications that are relevant for brewery analysis.
LZV937 DR6000 application software for enzymatic food analysis The software LZV937 is a compilation of enzymology tests manufactured by R-Biopharm
AG, Darmstadt that can be performed with spectrophotometer DR6000 and carousel
insert LZV902.99.00001.
LZV938 Remote operating software The operating software for the photometer allows the instrument to be controlled
remotely using a PC.
LZV902.99.00001 Carousel holder 7 x 1 cm for DR6000 Cell holder with 7 positions to measure mini series or enzymatic methods.
LZV902.99.00011 Carousel holder 5 x 1 inch for DR6000 Cell holder with 5 positions to measure mini series or enzymatic methods.
LZV537 Validation filter kit for spectrophotometer For validation of DR spectrophotometers. Consists of filters for checking the absorbance
accuracy, stray light, and wavelength accuracy. Designed for use with the standard
10 mm cell holder.
A23778 Replacement halogen bulb
A23792 Replacement deuterium bulb
Carousel holder for 10 mm cuvettes, Test filter set for internal quality control and validation of
e.g. for enzymology tests DR spectrophotometers. Consists of filters for checking the
absorbance accuracy, stray light, and wavelength accuracy.
30 VIS Spectrophotometer
Your Benefits
• Traceability starts with sampling: Samples are • Alignment of laboratory and process analysis with
encoded and identified with RFID Link2sc: Adjustment of process on-line value and
• IBR+ increases the reliability of your measurement lab reference
values: A 2D barcode on the cuvette delivers lot • Data transfer is simple via USB or Ethernet
number and expiry date
• Rapid data updates: The RFID labeling allows
a touchless data transfer
• Quality assurance made easy with AQA+: Definition
and documentation of QA procedures, retrieval of
Certificates of Analysis
During the rotating ten times measurement process using the IBR+ barcode reader,
the DR3900 immediately picks up all the information on the cuvette.
DR3900 31
1 4
The LOC100 RFID locator (4) transfers the data associated with the sample location (1) and user RFID tags (2) to the sample RFID tag (3). RFID
technology uses tags as data carriers. The DR3900 Spectrophotometer (5) automatically reads the sample data from the sample RFID tag (3);
sample location, sampler taker, date, time etc.
Order Information
Part number Description
LPV440.99.00001 DR3900 Spectrophotometer with RFID technology High-performance VIS spectrophotometer with RFID technology for reliable and traceable
measurement results of routine analysis and user applications.
LPV440.99.10001 DR3900 RFID spectrophotometer / LOC100 Kit High-performance VIS spectrophotometer with RFID technology for reliable and traceable
measurement results of routine analysis and user applications; sample identification set included.
LQV156.99.10011 LOC100 RFID set for sample identification The set contains: 1 RFID locator LOC100, 15 sample RFID tags in 5 colours,
5 location RFID tags and 2 operator RFID tags.
LZV566 USB barcode hand-scanner For automatic identification (ProID) of norm and individual barcodes.
LQV157.99.10001 SIP10 Sipper set for DR3900 with 1 inch round cell Sipper for pour through applications with spectrophotometer DR3900.
With dual path length 1 inch/cm round cell, USB cable and pump tubing.
LPZ440.99.00007 Replacement halogen bulb
32 VIS Spectrophotometer
DR1900 33
Order Information
Part number Description
DR1900-02L DR1900 Portable Spectrophotometer Includes: portable spectrophotometer, printed basic instrument manual, dust cover, 1-inch square matched
glass sample cells, AA alkaline batteries 4/pk, and a four-type adapter set
2990700 Backpack for portable metersm The adjustable divider system allows you to create customised compartments to organise equipment just the
way you like it.
LZV537 Validation filter Kit For validation of DR spectrophotometers. Consists of filters for checking the absorbance accuracy, stray light,
and wavelength accuracy. Designed for use with the standard 10 mm cell holder.
LZV804.99.00001 Power Module for DR1900 The Power Module with universal power supply allows the instruments to connect to line power.
LZV813.99.00001 USB + Power Module for DR1900 This module adds further functionality to the instrument allowing the user to transfer data, operate the instrument
on line power (100-240 VAC, 50-60 HZ) and Charge NiMH batteries (2971304), perform firmware updates, quickly
enter Sample and User IDs with the optional barcode scanner (LZV566).
LZV566 USB barcode hand-scanner For automatic identification (ProID) of norm and individual barcodes.
Please note: LCK Cuvette Test evaluation possible, but without barcode
reading & 10 fold measurement feature.
34 Water Cycles
Absorption 5 Iron 1
Alkalinity 1, 2, 3, 6, 11 Manganese 1
Aluminum 1, 2, 3 Microbial Load (ATP) 1, 2, 6, 7, 8
Ammonium 1, 4, 11 Molybdenum 6
Ammonium/Monochloramine (only UK) 2 Nitrate 1, 11
Automatic Sampling 1, 7, 8, 11 Oil in Water 1, 3, 4, 7, 8
Chloride 3, 4, 6, 9, 10 Organic Acids 11
Chlorine 1, 2, 3, 6, 11 ORP / Redox 1, 2, 4, 6, 11
Chlorine Dioxide 2 Oxygen Scavengers 3, 4, 6
COD Baseline Monitoring 7, 8 Ozone 2
Color 5, 7, 8 Permanganate 2
Conductivity 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 pH / Temperature 1 - 11
Corrosion Parameters (Iron, Copper) 3, 4 Phosphate 2, 3, 4,11
Cyanide 9, 10 Production plant specific contamina- 7, 8
tions: event / baseline monitoring
Degassed Conductivity 3, 4
Production specific quality control 5
Disinfectants (Chlorine, Chlorine 7, 8 parameters (e.g. salt, Bitter Units,
Dioxide, Ozone) own methods)
Dissolved Hydrogen 3 SAC 1, 2
Dissolved Oxygen 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 11 Silica 3, 4, 6
Fluoride 9, 10 Sludge Level 1, 2, 11
Hardness 1, 3, 6 Sodium 3, 4,6
Analysis Solutions 35
Process steps
1 Source Water Intake
2 Source Water Processing & Treatment
3 Pure & Ultra-Pure Water Treatment & Polishing
4 Hot Water, Steam & Power Generation
5 Environmental, production line &
Quality Control laboratories
6 Cooling Water Conditioning / Make Up Water
7 Cooling Water Return
8 Condensate Return
9 Production Wastewater Discharge &
Wastewater Pretreatment
10 Sewer Management
11 Biological Wastewater Treatment Plant
Area Description
Wastewater Analysis Laboratory Analysis: COD, TOC, AOX, Ammonium, Phosphate, Cyanide, Sulphide, Sulphate, Silver,
Chromium, Mercury
Online analyis: Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Temperature, Ammonium, Nitrate, Level
Environmental Centre 37
Further processing to
produce silver coins.
Acid to recycling.
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User safety
Clear legible labelling in compliance with EU directives
All safety information is on the packaging
The cuvette serves as transport, reaction, measurement
and disposal vessel
Your Benefits
• Rugged construction: Dustproof, waterproof,
• Designed for use in the field: True handheld analysis For technical data see Quick Reference Guide on page 25
for use anywhere
• Easy to use: Menu driven, step-by-step analysis
• Reliable results without a main connection:
Improved user interface allowing quick selection
of tests
• Configured for immediate use: Pre-programmed,
ready to use out of the box
Order Information
Part number Description
9385200 DR900 Robust portable datalogging colorimeter Portable and robust, micro-processor-controlled colorimeter with power-saving
LED technology. Pre-programmed with 90 Hach Methods.
4942500 Case assy, DR800 and DR900 colorimeter Suitcase for keeping and transport of colorimeter, accessories and reagents.
2722000 Case, soft 11.5 H x 2.5 D x 11.5 W Instrument carrying case, soft-sided with shoulder strap
2763900 DR/Check absorbance standard Kit Standard set (4 pcs) for checking of the photometric accuracy
Colorimeters 39
For decades, Hach has continued to provide premium
chemistries and colorimetry instrumentation, provid-
ing dependable, accurate measurements.
Simple, intuitive operation reduces potential manual
error, ensuring accurate measurement data you can
trust, time after time. Larger display with improved
backlight makes reading measurements in all condi-
tions even easier.
Rugged, waterproof (IP67) design withstands what-
ever conditions you encounter in the field or on the
road (drops, extreme temperatures, rain and dirt).
For technical data see Quick Reference Guide on page 25
Order Information
Part number Description
LPV445.99.00110 DR300 Pocket Colorimeter, Chlorine, Free + Total
LPV445.99.01110 DR300 Pocket Colorimeter, Bromine
LPV445.99.02110 DR300 Pocket Colorimeter, Nitrate
LPV445.99.03110 DR300 Pocket Colorimeter, Dissolved Oxygen
LPV445.99.04110 DR300 Pocket Colorimeter, Ozone
LPV445.99.06110 DR300 Pocket Colorimeter, Phosphate
LPV445.99.09110 DR300 Pocket Colorimeter, Zinc
LPV445.99.10110 DR300 Pocket Colorimeter, Molybdenum, LR/HR
LPV445.99.12110 DR300 Pocket Colorimeter, Chlorine & pH
LPV445.99.15110 DR300 Pocket Colorimeter, Manganese, HR
LPV445.99.16110 DR300 Pocket Colorimeter, Iron, TPTZ
LPV445.99.22110 DR300 Pocket Colorimeter, Iron, Ferrover
LPV445.99.25110 DR300 Pocket Colorimeter, Aluminium
LPV445.99.26110 DR300 Pocket Colorimeter, Monochloramine/Free Ammonium
LPV445.99.40110 DR300 Pocket Colorimeter, Ammonium
LPV445.99.51110 DR300 Pocket Colorimeter, Chlorine Dioxide
LPV445.99.62110 DR300 Pocket Colorimeter, Chlorine, Free + Total, MR
Wavelength-specific DR300 Pocket Colorimeters. Program custom methods and calibrations on two channels.
LPV445.99.50110 DR300 Pocket Colorimeter, 500 nm
LPV445.99.52110 DR300 Pocket Colorimeter, 528 nm
LPV445.99.60110 DR300 Pocket Colorimeter, 600 nm
40 Portable Parallel Analysers
Less variability
Avoid manual steps that can introduce variability,
even when performed by experienced testers.
Automation and internal temperature control make
the entire process consistent and repeatable, while
applying the same processes and reagents as current
Hach methods.
Less headache
A single instrument combines colorimetric and electro-
chemical testing in a field Kit that requires fewer bulky
accessories. There are no powder pillows or glass vials
For technical data see Quick Reference Guide on page 25
to handle. All chemicals and processes are entirely
contained inside the Chemkey.
Faster testing
Perform up to four colorimetric and two probe-based
measurements in parallel, and complete the entire
test suite in 25 % of the time. Improve efficiency by
completing more tests on site with faster results.
Chemkey technology
Chemkey reagents contain the same chemicals and
execute the same process steps that you have
trusted for decades – now delivered in a simple, SL1000 (left) with four Chemkey ports and SL250 with one Chemkey
self-contained package. port. Both additionally feature two connectors for Intellical probes.
SL1000, SL250 41
Chemkey Reagents
Part Parameter Measuring Range Number of SL250 SL1000
number tests
9429000 Free Chlorine 0.04 - 4.00 mg/L Cl2 25
8499300 Free Chlorine 0.04 - 4.00 mg/L Cl2 300
9429100 Total Chlorine 0.04 - 10 mg/L Cl2 25
8499400 Total Chlorine 0.04 - 10 mg/L Cl2 300
9429400 Monochloramine 0.04 - 4.00 mg/L Cl2 25
9429600 Ammonia, Free; Monochloramine Free Ammonia: 0.05 - 0.50 mg/L NH3-N 50
Monochloramine: 0.04 - 4.00 mg/L Cl2
9429300 Nitrite 0.005 - 0.600 mg/L NO2-N 25
9425200 Total Ammonia 0.05 - 1.50 mg/L NH3-N 25
8791900 Ammonia, Free & Total; Monochloramine Free Ammonia: 0.05 - 0.50 mg/L NH3-N 50
Total Ammonia: 0.05 - 1.50 mg/L NH3-N
Monochloramine: 0.04 - 4.00 mg/L Cl2
9429200 Copper 0.06 - 5.00 mg/L Cu 25
8636000 Dissolved Iron 0.05 - 3.00 mg/L Fe 25
8636100 Alkalinity, HR 200 - 700 mg/L CaCO3 25
8636200 Alkalinity, LR 20 - 200 mg/L CaCO3 25
8636300 Hardness 90 - 750 mg/L CaCO3 25
8636400 Hardness 3 - 100 mg/L CaCO3 25
8636500 Orthophosphate 2.0 - 30.0 mg/L PO4 25
8636600 Orthophosphate 0.20 - 4.00 mg/L PO4 25
8635200 Peracetic Acid 0.04 - 50.0 mg/L PAA 25
9759000 pH pH 6.3 - 9.0 25
9878000 Fluoride 0.10 - 4.0 mg/L F 25
3007000 Manganese, HR 0.10 - 25.0 mg/L Mn 25
9879000 Zinc 0.10 - 6.0 mg/L Zn 25
Order Information
Part number Description
LPV443.99.10002 SL1000 Portable Parallel Analyser (PPA)
Includes: SL1000 meter, carrying case, 1 instrument sample cup, 2 electrode sample cups, rechargeable battery, battery charger, hand strap,
instrument manual, and USB cable.
LPV443.99.20002 Full SL1000 Portable Parallel Analyser (PPA) Kit
Includes basic instrument package plus: 1 pH electrode, 1 conductivity electrode and 1 box each of Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine, Monochloramine,
Nitrite and Free Ammonia Chemkeys
LPV443.99.11002 SL250 Single-Port Portable Parallel Analyser (PPA) with carrying case, 250 V power cables and manual
9427900 Chlorine Verification Chemkey
9436800 System Verification Chemkey
9374200 Car charger for SL1000/SL250
42 Thermostats
Your Benefits
• Saves time in the analysis of COD, Total Nitrogen,
Total Phosphorus, and heavy metals
• Automatic fast cooling
• Variable digestion time and temperature for
special digestions
• COD results in just 35 minutes
The special construction of the
HT200S allows fast heating
and cooling times for up to twelve
cuvettes or reaction vessels.
Technical data
Heating programmes Pre-programmed for 100 °C, HT and COD mode and freely selectable 40-170 °C, 5-240 min
User programmes 9 free temperature/time
Heating rate from 20 °C to 148 °C in 8 minutes
Temperature stability ± 1 °C in conformity with EN, ISO, EPA methods
Operating temperature range 10 - 45 °C
Max. operating humidity 90 %
Number of cuvettes 12
Power supply 230 V +5 %/-15 %, 50 Hz, 1300 VA
Dimensions (H x W x D) 330 mm x 300 mm x 430 mm
Weight 10 kg
Subject to change without notice.
Order Information
Part number Description
LTV077 HT 200S High temperature thermostat Heating block with HSD technology (High Speed Digestion)
for extremely fast digestion of samples
OHA104 Reduction insert for 13 mm cuvettes
Thermostats 43
LT200 Thermostat
For standard and special digestions
Your Benefits
• Great flexibility
• Excellent reproducibility
• Simple to use
Order Information
Part number Description Schematic
LTV082.99.21002 LT200-2 Dry thermostat with 2 blocks, 15 x 13 mm, 6 x 13 mm / 4 x 20 mm
Quick Reference Guide
SIP10 Sipper
For pour through applications
Part number Description DR DR Lico TL TU
3900 6000 690 23xx 5200
LQV157.99.00001 SIP10 Sipper for DR3900 Basic instrument without accessories.
LQV157.99.10001 SIP10 Sipper Set for DR3900 with 1 inch round cell With dual path length 1 inch/cm round cell,
USB cable and pump tubing.
LQV157.99.20001 SIP10 Sipper Set for DR6000 with 1 inch round cell With dual path length 1 inch/cm round cell,
USB cable and pump tubing.
LQV157.99.30001 SIP10 Sipper Set for DR6000 with 1 cm quartz cell For applications in UV range. With 1 cm flow
through cell, quartz.
LQV157.99.60002 SIP10 Sipper Pump for TL23 Series Turbidimeter
LQV157.99.50001 SIP10 Sipper, sample pump set for TU5200 plus
process head
DR3900: VIS Spectrophotometer, DR6000: UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Lico 690: Colour Colorimeter, TL23 Series & TU5200: Turbidimeter
Electrochemistry 45
Meters, probes and calibration solutions for laboratory and field use
The Hach electrochemistry portfolio provides the right solution for your testing needs, backed
by years of innovation and technical support. Whether you require a simple, dedicated pH meter
and electrode or an advanced, expandable, multi-parameter system, Hach has your answer.
pH Buffer Solutions
Calibration Standards 47
Dissolved Oxygen
Luminescent (LDO)
BOD Sensor (with LDO)
Enclosure rating IP54 IP54 IP54
Internal result storage 500* 500* 500*
Sensor Inputs 1 1 2
Outputs USB to PC / flash stick USB to PC / flash stick USB to PC / flash stick
Resolution 0.1/ 0.01/ 0.001 0.1/ 0.01/ 0.001 0.1/ 0.01/ 0.001
GLP features
PC data transfer software Included Included Included
Battery requirements 4, AA 4, AA 4, AA
AC and USB operation
*Expanded storage with external USB storage device. Subject to change without notice.
HQ Meters 49
All HQ Portable models are available as meter only or as bundles complete with probes and accessories
in a transport box. Visit our website for more details and additional accessories.
50 Intellical Probes
Intellical Probes: pH
Special feature Double junction reference Double junction reference For semi-solid media/samples General purpose.
Clean water samples.
Application Clean & Dirty Samples Clean & Dirty Samples Piercing / Semi-Solids Clean Samples
Electrode type Non-Refillable Gel Reference Non-Refillable Gel Reference Non-Refillable Gel Reference Non-Refillable Gel Reference
Element Element Element Element, semi-liquid gel
Measuring range pH 2 - 14 pH 2 - 14 pH 2 - 12 pH 0 - 14
Accuracy ±0.02 pH ±0.02 pH ±0.02 pH ±0.02 pH
Temperature range 0 - 50 °C 0 - 50 °C 0 - 60 °C 0 - 80 °C
Dimensions (D x L) 12 mm x 175 mm 46 mm x 223 mm 6 mm x 182 mm 12 mm x 175 mm
Sensor type pH Glass pH Glass pH Glass pH Glass
Sensor material Epoxy Zeonor/ Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Epoxy
Reference system Ag/AgCl Ag/AgCl Ag/AgCl Ag/AgCl (double junction)
Junction Open Junction Open Junction Porous Pin & Open Junctions Porous Pin Junction
Filling solution - - - -
Part number PHC10101 PHC10105 PHC10801 PHC20101
Special feature Double junction reference Double junction reference High-alkalinity samples
Application Low Ionic Strength & Clean & Dirty Samples High Performance (-10 to 100 °C) High Performance/
Dirty Samples High Alkalinity
Electrode type Refillable Reference Element Refillable Reference Element RedRod / Refillable Reference RedRod / Refillable Reference
Element Element
Measuring range pH 0 - 14 pH 0 - 14 pH 0 - 14 pH 0 - 14
Accuracy ±0.02 pH ±0.02 pH ±0.01 pH ±0.01 pH
Temperature range 0 - 50 °C 0 - 50 °C -10 - 100 °C 0 - 100 °C
Dimensions (D x L) 12 mm x 175 mm 12 mm x 175 mm 12 mm x 200 mm 12 mm x 200 mm
Sensor type pH Glass pH Glass pH Glass pH Glass
Sensor material Zeonor Zeonor Glass Glass
Reference system Ag/AgCl Ag/AgCl Red Rod Red Rod
Junction Open Junction Porous Pin Junction Porous Pin Junction Porous Pin Junction
Filling solution 2.44 M KCl solution (#2965026) 3 M KCl solution saturated with Saturated KCl (#25118026) Saturated KCl (#25118026)
AgCl (#2841700)
Part number PHC28101 PHC30101 PHC70501 PHC705A01
pH, ORP 51
Special feature Low Ionic Strength Media Surface Measurements Dirty Media Clogging Media
Application Low Ionic Strength & Surface measurement Very Dirty Samples Extremely Dirty Samples
Dirty Samples - Annular Ring
Electrode type RedRod / Refillable Reference RedRod / Refillable Reference RedRod / Refillable Reference RedRod / Refillable Reference
Element Element Element / High Flow Element / High Flow
Measuring range pH 0 - 14 pH 0 - 12 pH 0 - 14 pH 0 - 14
Accuracy ±0.01 pH ±0.01 pH ±0.01 pH ±0.01 pH
Temperature range -10 - 100 °C -10 - 100 °C -10 - 100 °C -10 - 100 °C
Dimensions (D x L) 12 mm x 200 mm 12 mm x 200 mm 12 mm x 200 mm 12 mm x 200 mm
Sensor type pH Glass pH Glass pH Glass pH Glass
Sensor material Glass Glass Glass Glass
Reference system Red Rod Red Rod Red Rod Red Rod
Junction Annular Junction Annular Junction Annular Junction, High Flow Reverse Sleeve Junction
Filling solution Saturated KCl (#25118026) Saturated KCl (#25118026) Saturated KCl (#25118026) Saturated KCl (#25118026)
Part number PHC72501 PHC72901 PHC73501 PHC74501
Special feature Flat disc sensor for easy cleaning. Flat disc sensor for easy cleaning. Flat disc sensor for easy cleaning.
Application High Performance (0 to 80 °C)
Electrode type RedRod / Refillable Reference Non-Refillable Gel Reference Non-Refillable Gel Reference Refillable Reference Element
Element Element Element
Measuring range pH 0 - 14 ±1200 mV ±1200 mV ±1200 mV
Accuracy ±0.02 pH ±0.02 mV or 0.05 %, ±0.02 mV or 0.05 %, ±0.02 mV or 0.05 %,
whichever is greater whichever is greater whichever is greater
Temperature range 0 - 80 °C 0 - 80 °C 0 - 80 °C 0 - 80 °C
Dimensions (D x L) 12 mm x 200 mm 12 mm x 175 mm 46 mm x 223 mm 12 mm x 175 mm
Sensor type pH Glass Platinum disc Platinum disc Platinum disc
Sensor material Glass Epoxy Epoxy / Stainless Steel Epoxy
Reference system Ag/AgCl Ag/AgCl Ag/AgCl Ag/AgCl
Junction Porous Pin Junction Open Junction Open Junction Porous Pin Junction
Filling solution 3 M KCl (#2756559) - - 3 M KCl solution saturated with
AgCl (#2841700)
Part number PHC80501 MTC10101 MTC10105 MTC30101
52 Intellical Probes
Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Laboratory Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Rugged Outdoor BOD Laboratory
Electrode type Luminescent Dissolved Oxygen Luminescent Dissolved Oxygen Luminescent Dissolved Oxygen
Measuring range 0.05 - 20.0 mg/L (ppm) 0.05 - 20.0 mg/L (ppm) 0.05 - 20.0 mg/L (ppm)
1 - 200 % saturation 1 - 200 % saturation 1 - 200 % saturation
Accuracy ±0.1 mg/L from 0 to 8 mg/L ±0.1 mg/L from 0 to 8 mg/L ±0.05 mg/L from 0 to 10 mg/L
±0.2 mg/L for greater than 8 mg/L ±0.2 mg/L for greater than 8 mg/L ±0.1 mg/L for greater than 10 mg/L
Temperature range 0 - 50 °C 0 - 50 °C 0 - 50 °C
Dimensions (D x L) 29 mm x 191 mm 46 mm x 223 mm 15.875 mm x 215 mm
Sensor type Lumiphore Lumiphore Lumiphore
Sensor material Polycarbonate / ABS Polycarbonate / ABS / Stainless Steel Polycarbonate / ABS
Part number LDO10101 LDO10105 LBOD10101
O2, Conductivity, ISE 53
Special feature Easy-to-replace membrane modules. Dry storage & fast response time. Dry storage & fast response time.
No replacement membranes. No replacement membranes.
Electrode type Non-Refillable Gel Reference Element, Non-Refillable Dritek Gel Reference Element Non-Refillable Dritek Gel Reference Element
Replaceable membrane
Measuring range 0.01 mg/L (5x10⁻⁷ M) - 14 g/L (1 M) as 0.018 mg/L (10⁻⁶ M) - 9 g/L (0.5 M) as 0.1 mg/L (3x10⁻⁶ M) - 35.5 g/L (1 M)
NH₃-N Ammonium Chloride
Accuracy ±0.02 mV or 0.05 %, whichever is greater ±0.02 mV or 0.05 %, whichever is greater ±0.02 mV or 0.05 %, whichever is greater
Temperature range 5 - 50 °C 0 - 50 °C 5 - 50 °C
Dimensions (D x L) 12 mm x 175 mm 12 mm x 175 mm 12 mm x 175 mm
Sensor type pH Glass with replaceable NH₃ Solid-state PVC membrane Solid-state crystal membrane
sensitive membrane
Sensor material Epoxy Epoxy Epoxy
Reference system Ag/AgCl Ag/AgCl Ag/AgCl
Junction Double Annular Junction Double Junction (ceramic Porous Pin and Double Junction (ceramic Porous Pin and
annular porous PTFE) annular porous PTFE)
Filling solution 0.1 M NH4Cl (#4447226) - -
ISA required Ammonia ISA (#4447169) Ammonium ISA (#2980699) Chloride ISA (#2318069)
Part number ISENH318101 ISENH418101 ISECL18101
Special feature Dry storage & fast response time. Dry storage & fast response time.
No replacement membranes. No replacement membranes.
Electrode type Non-Refillable Dritek Gel Reference Element Non-Refillable Dritek Gel Reference Element Refillable Reference Element
Measuring range 0.01 mg/L (5x10⁻⁷ M) - 19 g/L (1 M) 0.1 mg/L (7x10⁻⁶ M) - 14 g/L (1 M) NO₃-N 0.023 mg/L (1x10⁻⁶ M) - 23 g/L (1 M) Na⁺
Accuracy ±0.02 mV or 0.05 %, whichever is greater ±0.02 mV or 0.05 %, whichever is greater ±0.02 mV or 0.05 %, whichever is greater
Temperature range 5 - 50 °C 0 - 50 °C 0 - 50 °C
Dimensions (D x L) 12 mm x 175 mm 12 mm x 175 mm 12 mm x 175 mm
Sensor type Solid-state crystal membrane Solid-state PVC membrane pH Glass
Sensor material Epoxy Epoxy Zeonor
Reference system Ag/AgCl Ag/AgCl Ag/AgCl
Junction Annular Junction (PTFE) Double Junction (ceramic Porous Pin and Double Porous Pin Junction
annular porous PTFE)
Filling solution 0.02 M NH₄Cl (#2965126)
ISA required Fluoride ISA (#258999) Nitrate ISA (#2984799) Sodium/Potassium ISA (#4451569)
Part number ISEF12101 ISENO318101 ISENA38101
54 Pocket Testers
Pocket Pro+ pH Pocket Pro+ ORP Pocket Pro+ Multi 1 Pocket Pro+ Multi 2
Parameter pH, Temp ORP, Temp Conductivity, TDS, Salinity, Temperature pH, Conductivity, TDS, Salinity,
Operating 0 - 50 °C 0 - 50 °C 0 - 50 °C 0 - 50 °C
temperature range
Range 0.00 - 14.00 pH -999 to +999 mV Cond: Auto-ranging pH: 0.00 - 14.00
(0.0 - 199.9 µS/cm; 200 - 1999 µS/cm; Cond: Auto-ranging (0.0 - 199.9 µS/cm;
2.00 - 19.99 mS/cm) 200 - 1999 µS/cm; 2.00 - 19.99 mS/cm)
TDS: Auto-ranging (0.0 - 99.9 ppm; TDS: Auto-ranging (0.0 - 99.9 ppm;
100 - 999 ppm; 1.00 - 10.00 ppt) 100 - 999 ppm; 1.00 - 10.00 ppt)
Sal: Auto-ranging (0.00 - 10.00 ppt; Sal: Auto-ranging (0.00 - 10.00 ppt;
0.00 - 1.00 %) 0.00 - 1.00 %)
Temp: 0.0 - 50°C Temp: 0.0 - 50°C
Accuracy ± 0.01 pH 2 mV Cond: ± 1 % pH: ±0.01 pH
TDS: ± 1 % Cond: ±1 %
Sal: ± 1 % TDS: ±1 %
Temp: ± 0.5°C Sal: ±1 %
Temp: ±0.5 °C
Resolution 0.01 pH 1 mV Cond: 0.1 µS/cm from 0.0 - 199.9 µS/cm; pH: 0.01 pH
1 µS/cm from 200 - 1999 µS/cm; Cond: 0.1 µS/cm from 0.0 - 199.9 µS/cm;
0.01 mS/cm from 2.00 - 19.99 mS/cm 1 µS/cm from 200 - 1999 µS/cm;
TDS: 0.1 ppm from 0.0 - 99.9 ppm; 0.01 mS/cm from 2.00 - 19.99 mS/cm
1 ppm from 100 - 999 ppm; TDS: 0.1 ppm from 0.0 - 99.9 ppm;
0.01 ppt from 0.00 - 10.00 ppt 1 ppm from 100 - 999 ppm;
Sal: 0.01 ppt from 0.00 - 10.00 ppt; 0.01 ppt from 0.00 - 10.00 ppt
0.01 % from 0.00 - 1 % Sal: 0.01 ppt from 0.00 - 10.00 ppt;
Temp: 0.1°C 0.01 % from 0.00 - 1 %
Temp: 0.1°C
TDS factor Adjustable; 0.71 default Adjustable; 0.71 default
Battery requirements 4, AAA 4, AAA 4, AAA 4, AAA
Casing IP rating IP67 IP67 IP67 IP67
Backlight Yes Yes Yes Yes
Part number 9532000 9532100 9532700 9532800
Replacement sensor 9532001 9532101 9532701 9532801
Accessories 55
Sensor maintenance & HQ Series accessories
Proper electrode maintenance, storage and first use, ensures faster measurements, optimum accuracy and
extend the lifetime of the electrode.
Your Benefits
• Reliable titration results: Eliminates operator
interpretation and manual processes with
automatic titration to quickly deliver accurate
and repeatable results.
• Pre-programmed titration methods detect
end points and eliminate manual calculations
to make results easier to achieve without
advanced programming.
• Simple setup and titration: Application-specific
functions to eliminate complex titration setup
and analysis. Hach’s unique application Kits make
it quick for anyone to set up and operate a test.
Technical data
Titration types Potentiometric (zero & imposed current), amperometric, colorimetric
Titration modes Sample, blank, sample with blank, QC sample, QC sample with blank
Parameter mV/pH, Conductivity, Temperature
Resolution mV/pH: ±0.1 mV / ±0.001 pH
Conductivity: ±0.5 % of reading
Temperature: ±0.3 °C
Sample stand Integrated, magnetic stirring, beakers up to 250 mL
Burette motor resolution 20,000 steps with electronic µstepping technology (128 µsteps/step)
Data storage Last 100 samples, QC & blank analyses, last 10 calibrations
Date, Time, Operator IDs, Sample IDs
Data logger On USB flash drive, CSV format, Excel compatible
Password Protection Yes, user defined protected elements
Operating Interface Soft keypad (silicone)
Power requirements 100 - 240 VAC, 50 - 60 Hz
Dimensions (H x W x D) 220 mm x 400 mm x 360 mm
Weight 4 kg
Subject to change without notice.
Titralab AT1000 57
Application Packages
Titrator Model AT1102 AT1112 AT1122 AT1222 KF1121
Burette for Titrant 1 1 1 2 1
Integrated Peristaltic Pump 0 1 2 2 2
Maximum Number of Applications 5 5 5 10 5
Water Applications
AP0001.AT1102 pH/Alkalinity in Water
AP0002.AT1102 pH/Alkalinity & Conductivity in Water
AP0003.AT1112 Ca & Mg Hardness (ISE) in Water
AP0005.AT1222 pH/Alkalinity & Hardness (ISE) in Water
AP0009.AT1112 Chlorides in Water
Food & Beverage Applications
AP0008.AT1102 pH, Total Acidity in Food & Beverage
AP0010.AT1112 Salt in Food Products
AP0011.AT1222 pH, Total Acidity & Chlorides in Food & Beverage
AP0012.AT1122 Free & Total SO2 in Wine
AP0013.AT1222 pH, Total Acidity, Free & Total SO2 in Wine
Petrochemical Applications
AP0015.AT1102 TAN (Total Acid Number) in Petrochem
AP0016.AT1102 TBN (Total Base Number) in Petrochem
AP0017.AT1112 R-SH (Thiol) in Petrochem
AP0018.AT1102 Br2/I2 index in Petrochem
Environmental Applications
AP0006.AT1102 FOS/TAC (Biogas)
AP0007.AT1122 Free & Total Chlorine, Chlorine Dioxide, Sulphite (AUTOCAT)
Moisture Content Application (Karl Fischer)
AP0014.KF1121 Moisture Content (Karl Fischer)
Application Packages for use with Titralab AT1000 Series titrators contain all elements except reagents to make it quick and easy for everyone to set up and operate a test.
The Titralab AS1000 series sample changer is used in connection with AT1000 Series titrators and TM1000 PC Software
to automatically perform sample series analyses.
58 Automatic Samplers
Automatic Samplers
Portable and stationary samplers for consistent analysis
Among the sources of error in analytical results, the impact manual sampling mistakes and
incorrect storage and transport temperatures is sometimes underestimated. Automatic
samplers help you obtain an accurate and representative sample for subsequent analysis
with your Hach laboratory equipment, ultimately leading to accurate reporting.
Industrial area
Typical locations where automated sampling is • Various design options promote versatility:
required are the sewer system, the inlet and outlet Samplers can be installed in situations with extreme
of municipal and industrial wastewater treatment conditions, e.g. toxic environments.
plants, plant process stage monitoring and environ- • Automatic samplers provide a range of temperatures
mental monitoring. at which sampling can be performed (-40 °C to 50 °C)
Hach offers the most comprehensive range of and preserved (at 4 °C). Preservation of the collected
samplers available on the market. Our product range captured sample is essential for accurate laboratory
encompasses both peristaltic and vacuum pump analysis.
technologies, steel and PE plastic enclosures, station- • Various bottle configurations and options in glass or
ary and portable capabilities. PE available: Flexibility allows the user to ensure
that samples are compliant with different regulatory
Your benefits
• All samplers conform to ISO 5667.
• Automatic sampling in event, time or flow paced
intervals: Difficulties in ensuring that manual
sampling is representative often lead to incorrect or
incomplete understanding of process effectiveness.
Turbidity Standards 59
Stablcal Stabilized Formazin Standards are true formazin dilutions developed for use in any turbidimeter.
With proprietary manufacturing technology, Hach prepares Stablcal standards in precise concentrations
for conventional turbidimeters. Stablcal standards are equivalent in performance to formazin primary
standards, but require no special preparation, saving precious time.
Bottle Sealed vial for portable Vial for TU Series Sealed vial kit for benchtop instruments
60 Turbidimeters
Quick Reference Guide
Turbidimeters 61
Your Benefits
• All important colour scales included in one instrument
• Simple integration into the laboratory network
through Ethernet connection
• High level of measurement reliability through
a comprehensive set of test aids
• Easy handling thanks to automatic cuvette recognition,
big touch user interface and disposable cuvettes with
only 2-3 mL sample volume
Technical data
Model Lico 620 Lico 690
Color Scales Iodine, Gardner, Hazen, ASTM D 156 (Saybolt), Iodine, Gardner, Hazen, ASTM D 156 (Saybolt), ASTM D 1500, CIE-Lab*, dLab*,
ASTM D 1500 dE*, HunterLab, European, US and Chinese Pharmacopoeia (EP, USP, CP),
ASTM D848 Acid Wash Test, ASTM D1925 Yellowness Index (ASTM D5386),
AOCS Cc13e, BS 684 Ly/Lr, ADMI, ICUMSA, EBC, ASBC, Hess-Ives
Memory 400 colour readings 3000 colour readings; 100 colour references; 1000 photometric values;
20 wavelength scans; 20 time scans
Spectral scan -
Sipper (optional) -
Optical System 0° / 180° rectilinear 0° / 180° rectilinear
Wavelength Range 380 nm - 720 nm 380 nm - 720 nm
Part number LMV187.99.20001 LMV187.99.40001
Part number Description Part number Description
LZM282 Addista Set of 6 certified standard colour solutions LZM130 Rectangular cuvettes, 50x10 mm, plastic, 50 pcs
LZM339 Lico test filter set LZM381 Rectangular cuvettes with cap, 50x10 mm, plastic, 20 pcs
LZM354 Lico starter set (includes LZM282, 10 sample cells of each LZM368 Replacement cell compartment, 50 mm rectangular
11 mm and 50 mm) LQV157.99.30001 SIP10 Sipper set, 1 cm, Quartz
LZM369 Adapter for cuvettes Z (Lico 6xx)
LYY621 Round cuvettes, 11 mm, glass, 560 pcs
LZP045 Rectangular cuvettes, 10x10 mm, glass, 3 pcs
LYY214 Rectangular cuvettes, 10x10 mm, plastic, 1000 pcs
TOC/TN Analyser 63
Your Benefits
• Direct sample injection eliminates sample contact
with valves and the built-in injection syringe, which
minimizes the risk of sample carry-over.
• Large diameter sample aspiration tubing can
handle particles up to 800 μm, expanding possible
applications and reducing clogging.
• Integrated stirrer for each sample position homoge-
nizes particle-containing samples before injection.
• Small footprint with integrated 65-position auto-
sampler requires less space in the laboratory
(an auto-sampler with 96 positions is also available
as an alternative).
• Simple operation, data analysis and system diagnosis
thanks to an intuitive software package.
Technical data
QP1680-TOC QP1680-TOC/TNb QP1680-TNb
Oxidation method Catalytic combustion at 680 °C Catalytic combustion at 720 °C Catalytic combustion at 720 °C
Measurement method NDIR (non-dispersive Infrared Detection) TOC: NDIR, TN: Chemiluminescence Chemiluminescence
Analysis time Approx. 3 minutes Approx. 4 minutes Approx. 3 minutes
Measuring range TC, TIC, NPOC: 0 - 30000 mg/L TC, TIC, NPOC, TNb: 0 - 30000 mg/L TNb: 0 - 30000 mg/L
Detection limit TC, TIC, NPOC: 50 µg/L TC, TIC, NPOC: 50 µg/L, TNb: 20 µg/L TNb: 20 µg/L
Norms TOC / NPOC: ASTM D7573, EN 1484, EPA 415.1, TOC / NPOC: ASTM D7573, EN 1484, TNb: ASTM D8083, EN 12260,
EPA 9060A, ISO 8245, SM 5310B, NEN-ISO 20236 EPA 415.1, EPA 9060A, ISO 8245, ISO 11905-2, NEN-ISO 20236
SM 5310B, NEN-ISO 20236; TNb:
ASTM D8083, EN 12260, ISO 11905-2,
NEN-ISO 20236
Power supply 100 - 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 16 A 100 - 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 16 A 100 - 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 16 A
Dimensions (H x W x D) 440 mm x 380 mm x 700 mm 440 mm x 380 mm x 700 mm 440 mm x 380 mm x 700 mm
Order Information
Part number Description Part number Description
LPV448.99.00001 QP1680 TOC Analyser, with auto sampler, 65 positions SMSYS503000 Solids Module for QP1680 TOC/TNb Analyser
LPV448.99.00501 QP1680 TOC Analyser, with auto sampler, 96 positions SMKIT503000 Solids Module Starter Package for QP1680 TOC/TNb
LPV448.99.01001 QP1680 TOC/TNb Analyser, with auto sampler, 65 positions
LPV448.99.01501 QP1680 TOC/TNb Analyser, with auto sampler, 96 positions
LPV448.99.02001 QP1680 TNb Analyser, with auto sampler, 65 positions
LPV448.99.02501 QP1680 TNb Analyser, with auto sampler, 96 positions
SMKIT500000 QP1680 TOC/TNb Starter Package
SMKIT501000 QP1680 Consumables Kit, 2500 analysis
SMKIT501100 QP1680 Consumables Kit, 5000 analysis
SMKIT501200 QP1680 Consumables Kit, 10000 analysis
64 Instrument Service
Instrument Service
Service Partnership for all Laboratory Instruments
Your Benefits
• Maximise instrument uptime
• Ensure data integrity
• Maintain operational stability
• Reduce compliance risk
• Eliminate unplanned expenses
Protection Plus Central Field Plus Service Central Plus Premium Plus Warranty Plus
Maintenance Service Service Service
Performance Calibration/
Routine Maintenance
Performance Repair
Elevate Advanced
Performance Maintenance
Wear Parts
Parts included
Spare Parts
On Site*
Service Location
Hach Service Centre
*Specific instruments must be shipped to the Hach Service Centre for repair.
Instrument Service 65
With Hach, you receive instruments, reagents and services from a single source –
offering expertise from development to maintenance. Our experienced team
can provide you with expert advice to find the best solution for your application.
Service & Support Automatic Samplers Laboratory Instruments & Inhouse Engineering
Reagents Team
Hach Solutions & Services 67
Your benefits:
• Expert advice from the first contact until long • Round Robin tests for LCK Cuvette parameters
after purchase • Certified buffers and standard solutions
• Detailed needs analysis for your situation and • Proficiency test
operation requirements
• Hazard information
• Complete knowledge of regional specific needs
• Customer trainings (in person or online)
• Solutions to meet the requirements of your industry
• Maintenance and repair service by factory-trained,
• Results that will ensure quality and save time certified technicians
Hach E-Shop
Gain more time for essentials! Registered Hach users experience the
following online ordering benefits:
• View and track orders: Monitor your orders and convert quotes
in a few clicks
• Adjust recurring orders: Easily make changes to your upcoming orders
• Save your favourites: Create a list of favourite products and save time
when reordering
• Visit our support portal for expert answers to your technical questions
Register now
68 Contact Us
Contact Us
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Contact us to place an order, request product information, technical support, arrange a service plan
or service engineer visit. Enquire about our training courses and workshops. We can also provide the
recycling of your used reagents.