Every Writer Draft 4
Every Writer Draft 4
Every Writer Draft 4
Every Writer 1
Every Writer 2
Every Writer 3
Every Writer 4
Don’t Look For Us
by Christine LaChance
Archive: LC-ECHO-114 couldn’t help but believe there vanished. I don’t know where
Transmission Delta Delta Phi
Every Writer 5
“I’ve seen enough of this
planet to know something
else; There is nothing else out
here, nothing but those
strange faces. Floating eyes
and fangs
Every Writer 6
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Every Writer 10
‘Oh, wrong word! Vacation! green hair and a dull pinkish now approached normal… for
Not invasion, stupid language. human. Finally, two people discussing a faster
sounds the same… anyway… than light trip in a broken
That’s the word.’ ‘It’s my holiday, but my rental flying saucer. Then she
ship is awful, things keep spoiled it, unholstered that
‘A cup of tea, perhaps?’ How falling off. It never points gun. I leapt away, scythe held
English could I get? How where I want to go. I wanted high.
inane, spoken to a creature the Galaxy’s pleasure resort of
from space. She nodded. Tea Arcturus.’ ‘It’s not a weapon! It’s my
and biscuits followed in my repair kit, to fix the steps. It
kitchen. ‘Um.’ I replied. jabbed my side, honest.’ She
dropped the gun/screwdriver,
Vacation or not, I kept the and I made more tea.
We talked. She was… well…. a
scythe by my side. She chef in an alien version of
watched my tea making McDonald’s. I commiserated, ‘I must fix the steps and
distrustingly. Well, how could having done similar myself. everything. Can I stay? Can
we trust each other, a bright- She’d saved hard for this we trust each other.’ she asked
green alien girl, with long holiday. Our conversation
Every Writer 11
through a mouthful of She looked happier. Her ‘Um’. I said.
chocolate digestive. gun/screwdriver now sat on
my plate. ‘Can we go shopping?’
As I opened some wine, my
hand strayed near that We talked a while. Evening ‘Yes… I mean no. You’ll
raygun/screwdriver. She turned to night. She looked frighten everyone.’
grabbed it. tired. I said,
‘You said it’s a screw driver. I ‘Tomorrow I help with the
was just looking.’ spaceship. How does this
thing work?’ ‘What about the beach?’
‘It might not be.’ Then, ‘You
cut vegetation with that ‘It really isn’t a weapon, ‘Same thing.’ I could imagine
scythe.’ unless you are a loose screw.’ this bright green thing
arriving at the seafront with
everyone screaming and
‘So?’ I nodded. It felt light and running like ‘War of The
flimsy, Worlds’.
‘I’m green, see, a plant, a
chlorophyll based life form. ‘How can we trust each other? ‘Watch a movie?’ Was she
To plants, that’s a frightening reading my mind? Who knew?
weapon.’ ‘Well you animal types have a
habit of eating us plant types.’ ‘I’ll get a takeaway.’
‘Sorry.’ I dropped the scythe She giggled, ‘Little green
outside, through the window. aliens at home eat animals…’
‘And more alcohol please. My
name is Alien Bloom. Better
call me Aileen’
‘Aileen Bloom?’
Every Writer 12
‘Sex?’ I was aghast.
Every Writer 13
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Every Writer 17
10,000,000 souls; their
streets 300 feet wide, their
houses 1000 feet in height;
with a temperature the same
in all seasons; with their lines
of aërial locomotion crossing
the sky in every direction! If
they would but picture to
themselves the state of things
that once existed, when
through muddy streets
rumbling boxes on wheels,
drawn by horses—yes, by
horses!—were the only means
of conveyance. Think of the
railroads of the olden time,
and you will be able to
appreciate the pneumatic
tubes through which to-day
one travels at the rate of 1000
miles an hour. Would not our
contemporaries prize the
telephone and the telephote
more highly if they had not
forgotten the telegraph?
Singularly enough, all
these transformations rest
upon principles which were
perfectly familiar to our
remote ancestors, but which
they disregarded. Heat, for
instance, is as ancient as man
himself; electricity was known
IN THE YEAR 2889 3000 years ago, and steam
1100 years ago. Nay, so early
as ten centuries ago it was
By Jules Verne and marvel. To them all seems known that the differences
Michel Verne natural. Could they but duly between the several chemical
appreciate the refinements of and physical forces depend on
civilization in our day; could the mode of vibration of the
Little though they seem they but compare the present etheric particles, which is for
to think of it, the people of with the past, and so better each specifically different.
this twenty-ninth century live comprehend the advance we When at last the
continually in fairyland. have made! How much fairer kinship of all these forces was
Surfeited as they are with they would find our modern discovered, it is simply
marvels, they are indifferent towns, with populations astounding that 500 years
in presence of each new amounting sometimes to should still have to elapse
Every Writer 18
still, which takes the living
force from the accumulator,
and, on the simple pressure of
a button, gives it back to space
in whatever form may be
desired, whether as heat,
light, electricity, or
mechanical force, after having
first obtained from it the work
required. From the day when
these two instruments were
contrived is to be dated the
era of true progress. They
have put into the hands of
man a power that is almost
infinite. As for their
applications, they are
numberless. Mitigating the
rigors of winter, by giving
back to the atmosphere the
surplus heat stored up during
the summer, they have
revolutionized agriculture. By
supplying motive power for
aërial navigation, they have
given to commerce a mighty
impetus. To them we are
indebted for the continuous
production of electricity
before men could analyze and His admirable discovery led to without batteries or dynamos,
describe the several modes of many another. Hence is of light without combustion or
vibration that constitute these sprung a pleiad of inventors, incandescence, and for an
differences. Above all, it is its brightest star being our unfailing supply of
singular that the mode of great Joseph Jackson. To mechanical energy for all the
reproducing these forces Jackson we are indebted for needs of industry.
directly from one another, those wonderful instruments
and of reproducing one the new accumulators. Some Yes, all these wonders
without the others, should of these absorb and condense have been wrought by the
have remained undiscovered the living force contained in accumulator and the
till less than a hundred years the sun's rays; others, the transformer. And can we not
ago. Nevertheless, such was electricity stored in our globe; to them also trace, indirectly,
the course of events, for it was others again, the energy this latest wonder of all, the
not till the year 2792 that the coming from whatever source, great "Earth Chronicle"
famous Oswald Nier made as a waterfall, a stream, the building in 253d Avenue,
this great discovery. winds, etc. He, too, it was that which was dedicated the other
invented the transformer, a day? If George Washington
Truly was he a great Smith, the founder of the
more wonderful contrivance
benefactor of the human race. Manhattan "Chronicle,"
Every Writer 19
should come back to life to- unable to maintain itself at the news of the day.
day, what would he think the high level of its name. Furthermore, each subscriber
were he to be told that this Pressed on all sides by rival owns a phonograph, and to
palace of marble and gold journals of a more modern this instrument he leaves the
belongs to his remote type, it was continually in task of gathering the news
descendant, Fritz Napoleon danger of collapse. Twenty whenever he happens not to
Smith, who, after thirty years ago its subscription list be in a mood to listen directly
generations have come and contained but a few hundred himself. As for purchasers of
gone, is owner of the same thousand names, and then single copies, they can at a
newspaper which his ancestor Mr. Fritz Napoleon Smith very trifling cost learn all that
established! bought it for a mere trifle, and is in the paper of the day at
originated telephonic any of the innumerable
For George
journalism. phonographs set up nearly
Washington Smith's
newspaper has lived Every one is familiar
generation after generation, with Fritz Napoleon Smith's Fritz Napoleon Smith's
now passing out of the family, system—a system made innovation galvanized the old
anon coming back to it. When, possible by the enormous newspaper. In the course of a
200 years ago, the political development of telephony few years the number of
center of the United States during the last hundred years. subscribers grew to be
was transferred from Instead of being printed, the 85,000,000, and Smith's
Washington to Centropolis, Earth Chronicle is every wealth went on growing, till
the newspaper followed the morning spoken to now it reaches the almost
government and assumed the subscribers, who, in unimaginable figure of
name of Earth Chronicle. interesting conversations with $10,000,000,000. This lucky
Unfortunately, it was reporters, statesmen, and hit has enabled him to erect
scientists, learn his new building, a vast
Every Writer 20
edifice with four façades, each principles, and they breathe Paris mansion. The telephote!
3,250 feet in length, over an atmosphere freed from the Here is another of the great
which proudly floats the micro-organisms that triumphs of science in our
hundred-starred flag of the formerly used to swarm in it; time. The transmission of
Union. Thanks to the same hence they live longer than speech is an old story; the
lucky hit, he is to-day king of their forefathers and know transmission of images by
newspaperdom; indeed, he nothing of the innumerable means of sensitive mirrors
would be king of all the diseases of olden times. connected by wires is a thing
Americans, too, if Americans but of yesterday. A valuable
Nevertheless, and
could ever accept a king. You invention indeed, and Mr.
notwithstanding these
do not believe it? Well, then, Smith this morning was not
considerations, Fritz
look at the plenipotentiaries niggard of blessings for the
Napoleon Smith's mode of life
of all nations and our own inventor, when by its aid he
may well astonish one. His
ministers themselves was able distinctly to see his
iron constitution is taxed to
crowding about his door, wife notwithstanding the
the utmost by the heavy strain
entreating his counsels, distance that separated him
that is put upon it. Vain the
begging for his approbation, from her. Mrs. Smith, weary
attempt to estimate the
imploring the aid of his all- after the ball or the visit to the
amount of labor he
powerful organ. Reckon up theater the preceding night, is
undergoes; an example alone
the number of scientists and still abed, though it is near
can give an idea of it. Let us
artists that he supports, of noontide at Paris. She is
then go about with him for
inventors that he has under asleep, her head sunk in the
one day as he attends to his
his pay. lace-covered pillows. What?
multifarious concernments.
She stirs? Her lips move. She
Yes, a king is he. And in What day? That matters little;
is dreaming perhaps? Yes,
truth his is a royalty full of it is the same every day. Let us
dreaming. She is talking,
burdens. His labors are then take at random
pronouncing a name—his
incessant, and there is no September 25th of this
name—Fritz! The delightful
doubt at all that in earlier present year 2889.
vision gave a happier turn to
times any man would have This morning Mr. Fritz Mr. Smith's thoughts. And
succumbed under the Napoleon Smith awoke in now, at the call of imperative
overpowering stress of the toil very bad humor. His wife
duty, light-hearted he springs
which Mr. Smith has to having left for France eight from his bed and enters his
perform. Very fortunately for days ago, he was feeling
mechanical dresser.
him, thanks to the progress of disconsolate. Incredible
hygiene, which, abating all the though it seems, in all the ten Two minutes later the
old sources of machine deposited him all
years since their marriage,
unhealthfulness, has lifted the this is the first time that Mrs. dressed at the threshold of his
mean of human life from 37 office. The round of
Edith Smith, the professional
up to 52 years, men have journalistic work was now
beauty, has been so long
stronger constitutions now begun. First he enters the hall
absent from home; two or
than heretofore. The of the novel-writers, a vast
three days usually suffice for
discovery of nutritive air is apartment crowned with an
her frequent trips to Europe.
still in the future, but in the enormous transparent cupola.
The first thing that Mr. Smith
meantime men today In one corner is a telephone,
does is to connect his
consume food that is through which a hundred
phonotelephote, the wires of
compounded and prepared Earth Chronicle littérateurs
which communicate with his
according to scientific in turn recount to the public
Every Writer 21
in daily installments a have simply to make use of other component parts of the
hundred novels. Addressing hypnotism, electrical or journal, are classified
one of these authors who was human, which gives one a automatically according to an
waiting his turn, "Capital! two-fold being, setting free ingenious system, and reach
Capital! my dear fellow," said the witness-personality so the hearer in due succession.
he, "your last story. The scene that it may see, understand, Furthermore, the hearers are
where the village maid and remember the reasons free to listen only to what
discusses interesting which determine the specially concerns them. They
philosophical problems with personality that acts. Just may at pleasure give attention
her lover shows your very study yourself as you live from to one editor and refuse it to
acute power of observation. day to day, my dear Last. another.
Never have the ways of Imitate your associate whom I Mr. Smith next
country folk been better was complimenting a moment addresses one of the ten
portrayed. Keep on, my dear ago. Let yourself be reporters in the astronomical
Archibald, keep on! Since hypnotized. What's that? You department—a department
yesterday, thanks to you, have tried it already? Not still in the embryonic stage,
there is a gain of 5000 sufficiently, then, not but which will yet play an
subscribers." sufficiently!" important part in journalism.
"Mr. John Last," he Mr. Smith continues "Well, Cash, what's the
began again, turning to a new his round and enters the news?"
arrival, "I am not so well reporters' hall. Here 1500
pleased with your work. Your reporters, in their respective "We have
story is not a picture of life; it places, facing an equal phototelegrams from
lacks the elements of truth. number of telephones, are Mercury, Venus, and Mars."
And why? Simply because you communicating to the "Are those from Mars
run straight on to the end; subscribers the news of the of any interest?"
because you do not analyze. world as gathered during the
Your heroes do this thing or night. The organization of this "Yes, indeed. There is a
that from this or that motive, matchless service has often revolution in the Central
which you assign without ever been described. Besides his Empire."
a thought of dissecting their telephone, each reporter, as "And what of Jupiter?"
mental and moral natures. the reader is aware, has in asked Mr. Smith.
Our feelings, you must front of him a set of
remember, are far more commutators, which enable "Nothing as yet. We
complex than all that. In real him to communicate with any cannot quite understand their
life every act is the resultant desired telephotic line. Thus signals. Perhaps ours do not
of a hundred thoughts that the subscribers not only hear reach them."
come and go, and these you the news but see the "That's bad," exclaimed
must study, each by itself, if occurrences. When an Mr. Smith, as he hurried
you would create a living incident is described that is away, not in the best of
character. 'But,' you will say, already past, photographs of humor, toward the hall of the
'in order to note these fleeting its main features are scientific editors. With their
thoughts one must know transmitted with the heads bent down over their
them, must be able to follow narrative. And there is no electric computers, thirty
them in their capricious confusion withal. The scientific men were absorbed
meanderings.' Why, any child reporters' items, just like the in transcendental
can do that, as you know. You different stories and all the calculations. The coming of
Every Writer 22
Mr. Smith was like the falling "At least," answered passed into the next hall, an
of a bomb among them. Cooley, "on the face which she enormous gallery upward of
"Well, gentlemen, what presents to us. As for the 3200 feet in length, devoted
is this I hear? No answer from opposite side, who knows?" to atmospheric advertising.
Every one has noticed those
Jupiter? Is it always to be "Ah, the opposite side!
enormous advertisements
thus? Come, Cooley, you have You think, then," remarked
reflected from the clouds, so
been at work now twenty Mr. Smith, musingly, "that if
large that they may be seen by
years on this problem, and yet one could but—"
the populations of whole cities
—" "Could what?" or even of entire countries.
"True enough," replied This, too, is one of Mr. Fritz
"Why, turn the moon
the man addressed. "Our Napoleon Smith's ideas, and
science of optics is still very in the Earth Chronicle
defective, and through our "Ah, there's something building a thousand
mile-and-three-quarter in that," cried the two men at projectors are constantly
telescopes—" once. And indeed, so engaged in displaying upon
confident was their air, they the clouds these mammoth
"Listen to that, Peer," seemed to have no doubt as to advertisements.
broke in Mr. Smith, turning to the possibility of success in
a second scientist. "Optical When Mr. Smith to-day
such an undertaking.
science defective! Optical entered the sky-advertising
science is your specialty. But," "Meanwhile," asked department, he found the
he continued, again Mr. Smith, after a moment's operators sitting with folded
addressing William Cooley, silence, "have you no news of arms at their motionless
"failing with Jupiter, are we interest to-day?" projectors, and inquired as to
getting any results from the "Indeed we have," the cause of their inaction. In
moon?" answered Cooley. "The response, the man addressed
"The case is no better elements of Olympus are simply pointed to the sky,
there." definitively settled. That great which was of a pure blue.
planet gravitates beyond "Yes," muttered Mr. Smith, "a
"This time you do not Neptune at the mean distance cloudless sky! That's too bad,
lay the blame on the science of of 11,400,799,642 miles from but what's to be done? Shall
optics. The moon is we produce rain? That we
the sun, and to traverse its
immeasurably less distant might do, but is it of any use?
vast orbit takes 1311 years,
than Mars, yet with Mars our What we need is clouds, not
294 days, 12 hours, 43
communication is fully rain. Go," said he, addressing
minutes, 9 seconds."
established. I presume you the head engineer, "go see Mr.
will not say that you lack "Why didn't you tell me Samuel Mark, of the
telescopes?" that sooner?" cried Mr. Smith. meteorological division of the
"Now inform the reporters of scientific department, and tell
"Telescopes? O no, the this straightway. You know him for me to go to work in
trouble here is about— how eager is the curiosity of earnest on the question of
inhabitants!" the public with regard to these artificial clouds. It will never
"That's it," added Peer. astronomical questions. That do for us to be always thus at
news must go into to-day's the mercy of cloudless skies!"
"So, then, the moon is
positively uninhabited?" Mr. Smith's daily tour
asked Mr. Smith. Then, the two men through the several
bowing to him, Mr. Smith
Every Writer 23
departments of his newspaper Indian Ocean? Then, what is would but open a campaign
is now finished. Next, from the use of threats? Is war on our behalf—"
the advertisement hall he possible in view of modern "And for what object?"
passes to the reception inventions—asphyxiating
chamber, where the shells capable of being "Simply for the
ambassadors accredited to the projected a distance of 60 annulment of the Act of
American government are miles, an electric spark of 90 Congress annexing to the
awaiting him, desirous of miles, that can at one stroke United States the British
having a word of counsel or annihilate a battalion; to say islands."
advice from the all-powerful nothing of the plague, the Though, by a just turn-
editor. A discussion was going cholera, the yellow fever, that about of things here below,
on when he entered. "Your the belligerents might spread Great Britain has become a
Excellency will pardon me," among their antagonists colony of the United States,
the French Ambassador was mutually, and which would in the English are not yet
saying to the Russian, "but I a few days destroy the reconciled to the situation. At
see nothing in the map of greatest armies?" regular intervals they are ever
Europe that requires change. addressing to the American
"True," answered the
'The North for the Slavs?' government vain complaints.
Russian; "but can we do all
Why, yes, of course; but the that we wish? As for us "A campaign against
South for the Latins. Our Russians, pressed on our the annexation that has been
common frontier, the Rhine, eastern frontier by the an accomplished fact for 150
it seems to me, serves very Chinese, we must at any cost years!" exclaimed Mr. Smith.
well. Besides, my government, put forth our strength for an "How can your people
as you must know, will firmly effort toward the west." suppose that I would do
oppose every movement, not
only against Paris, our capital, "O, is that all? In that anything so unpatriotic?"
or our two great prefectures, case," said Mr. Smith, "the "We at home think that
Rome and Madrid, but also thing can be arranged. I will your people must now be
against the kingdom of speak to the Secretary of State sated. The Monroe doctrine is
Jerusalem, the dominion of about it. The attention of the fully applied; the whole of
Saint Peter, of which France Chinese government shall be America belongs to the
means to be the trusty called to the matter. This is Americans. What more do you
defender." not the first time that the want? Besides, we will pay for
Chinese have bothered us." what we ask."
"Well said!" exclaimed
Mr. Smith. "How is it," he "Under these "Indeed!" answered
asked, turning to the Russian conditions, of course—" And Mr. Smith, without
ambassador, "that you the Russian ambassador manifesting the slightest
Russians are not content with declared himself satisfied. irritation. "Well, you English
your vast empire, the most "Ah, Sir John, what can will ever be the same. No, no,
extensive in the world, I do for you?" asked Mr. Sir John, do not count on me
stretching from the banks of Smith as he turned to the for help. Give up our fairest
the Rhine to the Celestial representative of the people of province, Britain? Why not
Mountains and the Kara- Great Britain, who till now ask France generously to
Korum, whose shores are had remained silent. renounce possession of Africa,
washed by the Frozen Ocean, that magnificent colony the
the Atlantic, the "A great deal," was the complete conquest of which
Mediterranean, and the reply. "If the Earth Chronicle cost her the labor of 800
Every Writer 24
years? You will be well forth is likewise in readiness winsome naïveté. "Where
received!" here, for notwithstanding the have I been, you ask? Why, at
difference of hours, Mr. Smith my dress-maker's. The hats
"You decline! All is
and his wife have arranged to are just lovely this season! I
over then!" murmured the
take their meals suppose I forgot to note the
British agent sadly. "The
simultaneously. It is delightful time, and so am a little late."
United Kingdom falls to the
thus to take breakfast tête-à-
share of the Americans; the "Yes, a little," growled
tête with one who is 3000
Indies to that of—" Mr. Smith; "so little that I
miles or so away. Just now, have already quite finished
"The Russians," said Mrs. Smith's chamber has no breakfast. Excuse me if I leave
Mr. Smith, completing the occupant. you now, but I must be
"She is late! Woman's going."
"Australia—" punctuality! Progress "O certainly, my dear;
"Has an independent everywhere except there!" good-by till evening."
government." muttered Mr. Smith as he
turned the tap for the first Smith stepped into his
"Then nothing at all dish. For like all wealthy folk air-coach, which was in
remains for us!" sighed Sir in our day, Mr. Smith has waiting for him at a window.
John, downcast. done away with the domestic "Where do you wish to go,
"Nothing?" asked Mr. kitchen and is a subscriber to sir?" inquired the coachman.
Smith, laughing. "Well, now, the Grand Alimentation "Let me see; I have
there's Gibraltar!" Company, which sends three hours," Mr. Smith
through a great network of mused. "Jack, take me to my
With this sally the tubes to subscribers'
audience ended. The clock accumulator works at
residences all sorts of dishes, Niagara."
was striking twelve, the hour as a varied assortment is
of breakfast. Mr. Smith always in readiness. A For Mr. Smith has
returns to his chamber. subscription costs money, to obtained a lease of the great
Where the bed stood in the be sure, but the cuisine is of falls of Niagara. For ages the
morning a table all spread the best, and the system has energy developed by the falls
comes up through the floor. this advantage, that it does went unutilized. Smith,
For Mr. Smith, being above all away with the pestering race applying Jackson's invention,
a practical man, has reduced of the cordons-bleus. Mr. now collects this energy, and
the problem of existence to its Smith received and ate, all lets or sells it. His visit to the
simplest terms. For him, alone, the hors-d'oeuvre, works took more time than he
instead of the endless suites of entrées, rôti, and legumes had anticipated. It was four
apartments of the olden time, that constituted the repast. He o'clock when he returned
one room fitted with was just finishing the dessert home, just in time for the
ingenious mechanical when Mrs. Smith appeared in daily audience which he
contrivances is enough. Here the mirror of the telephote. grants to callers.
he sleeps, takes his meals, in
"Why, where have you One readily
short, lives.
been?" asked Mr. Smith understands how a man
He seats himself. In the through the telephone. situated as Smith is must be
mirror of the phonotelephote beset with requests of all
is seen the same chamber at "What! You are already kinds. Now it is an inventor
Paris which appeared in it this at the dessert? Then I am needing capital; again it is
morning. A table furnished late," she exclaimed, with a some visionary who comes to
Every Writer 25
advocate a brilliant scheme shall have succeeded in on rails and to change it into a
which must surely yield solving the problem. Indeed, watering-place. The profit, of
millions of profit. A choice has it may take only a few days." course, would be enormous.
to be made between these Mr. Smith, captivated by the
"And then?"
projects, rejecting the scheme, bought a half-interest
worthless, examining the "Then, sir, I shall in it.
questionable ones, accepting simply have determined the
"As you are aware, sir,"
the meritorious. To this work absolute. All I want is money
began applicant No. 3, "by the
Mr. Smith devotes every day enough to carry my research
aid of our solar and terrestrial
two full hours. to a successful issue."
accumulators and
The callers were fewer "Very well," said Mr. transformers, we are able to
to-day than usual—only Smith. "And what will be the make all the seasons the
twelve of them. Of these, eight practical outcome of your same. I propose to do
had only impracticable discovery?" something better still.
schemes to propose. In fact, "The practical Transform into heat a portion
one of them wanted to revive outcome? Why, that we shall of the surplus energy at our
painting, an art fallen into be able to produce easily all disposal; send this heat to the
desuetude owing to the bodies whatever—stone, poles; then the polar regions,
progress made in color- wood, metal, fibers—" relieved of their snow-cap,
photography. Another, a will become a vast territory
physician, boasted that he had "And flesh and blood?" available for man's use. What
discovered a cure for nasal queried Mr. Smith, think you of the scheme?"
catarrh! These impracticables interrupting him. "Do you
pretend that you expect to "Leave your plans with
were dismissed in short order.
manufacture a human being me, and come back in a week.
Of the four projects favorably
out and out?" I will have them examined in
received, the first was that of a the meantime."
young man whose broad "Why not?"
forehead betokened his Finally, the fourth
intellectual power. Mr. Smith advanced announced the early solution
$100,000 to the young of a weighty scientific
"Sir, I am a chemist," chemist, and engaged his problem. Every one will
he began, "and as such I come services for the Earth remember the bold
to you." Chronicle laboratory. experiment made a hundred
"Well!" The second of the four years ago by Dr. Nathaniel
"Once the elementary successful applicants, starting Faithburn. The doctor, being a
from experiments made so firm believer in human
bodies," said the young
long ago as the nineteenth hibernation—in other words,
chemist, "were held to be
century and again and again in the possibility of our
sixty-two in number; a
repeated, had conceived the suspending our vital functions
hundred years ago they were
reduced to ten; now only idea of removing an entire city and of calling them into action
all at once from one place to again after a time—resolved to
three remain irresolvable, as
another. His special project subject the theory to a
you are aware."
had to do with the city of practical test. To this end,
"Yes, yes." Granton, situated, as having first made his last will
"Well, sir, these also I everybody knows, some and pointed out the proper
will show to be composite. In fifteen miles inland. He method of awakening him;
a few months, a few weeks, I proposes to transport the city having also directed that his
Every Writer 26
sleep was to continue a "Yes," was the reply. "Yes; and at what hour
hundred years to a day from "How are you?" will you arrive?"
the date of his apparent death, "I am feeling well." "About eleven, I
he unhesitatingly put the suppose."
theory to the proof in his own "Good! Let me see your
person. Reduced to the tongue. All right! Your pulse. "Eleven by Centropolis
condition of a mummy, Dr. Regular! And your appetite?" time, you mean?"
Faithburn was coffined and "Only passably good." "Yes."
laid in a tomb. Time went on.
September 25th, 2889, being "Yes, the stomach. "Good-by, then, for a
the day set for his There's the rub. You are over- little while," said Mr. Smith as
resurrection, it was proposed worked. If your stomach is out he severed communication
to Mr. Smith that he should of repair, it must be mended. with Paris.
permit the second part of the That requires study. We must Dinner over, Dr.
experiment to be performed think about it." Wilkins wished to depart. "I
at his residence this evening. "In the meantime," said shall expect you at ten," said
"Agreed. Be here at ten Mr. Smith, "you will dine with Mr Smith. "To-day, it seems,
o'clock," answered Mr. Smith; me." is the day for the return to life
and with that the day's As in the morning, the of the famous Dr. Faithburn.
audience was closed. You did not think of it, I
table rose out of the floor.
Left to himself, feeling Again, as in the morning, the suppose. The awakening is to
take place here in my house.
tired, he lay down on an potage, rôti, ragoûts, and
You must come and see. I
extension chair. Then, legumes were supplied
shall depend on your being
touching a knob, he through the food-pipes.
established communication Toward the close of the meal, here."
with the Central Concert Hall, phonotelephotic "I will come back,"
whence our greatest maestros communication was made answered Dr. Wilkins.
send out to subscribers their with Paris. Smith saw his wife, Left alone, Mr. Smith
delightful successions of seated alone at the dinner- busied himself with
accords determined by table, looking anything but examining his accounts—a
recondite algebraic formulas. pleased at her loneliness. task of vast magnitude, having
Night was approaching. "Pardon me, my dear,
to do with transactions which
Entranced by the harmony, for having left you alone," he
involve a daily expenditure of
forgetful of the hour, Smith said through the telephone. "I
upward of $800,000.
did not notice that it was was with Dr. Wilkins." Fortunately, indeed, the
growing dark. It was quite
dark when he was aroused by "Ah, the good doctor!" stupendous progress of
mechanic art in modern times
the sound of a door opening. remarked Mrs. Smith, her
makes it comparatively easy.
"Who is there?" he asked, countenance lighting up.
Thanks to the Piano Electro-
touching a commutator. "Yes. But, pray, when Reckoner, the most complex
Suddenly, in are you coming home?" calculations can be made in a
consequence of the vibrations "This evening." few seconds. In two hours Mr.
produced, the air became Smith completed his task.
"Very well. Do you Just in time. Scarcely had he
come by tube or by air-train?" turned over the last page
"Ah! you, Doctor?" when Dr. Wilkins arrived.
"Oh, by tube."
Every Writer 27
After him came the body of poor Faithburn is dead, at
Dr. Faithburn, escorted by a least he is sleeping," he
numerous company of men of continued. "I wish I could get
science. They commenced some sleep. I am tired out,
work at once. The casket Doctor, quite tired out! Do
being laid down in the middle you not think that a bath
of the room, the telephote was would refresh me?"
got in readiness. The outer "Certainly. But you
world, already notified, was must wrap yourself up well
anxiously expectant, for the before you go out into the
whole world could be eye- hall-way. You must not
witnesses of the performance, expose yourself to cold."
a reporter meanwhile, like the
chorus in the ancient drama, "Hall-way? Why,
explaining it all viva voce Doctor, as you well know,
through the telephone. everything is done by
machinery here. It is not for
"They are opening the me to go to the bath; the bath
casket," he explained. "Now will come to me. Just look!"
they are taking Faithburn out and he pressed a button. After
of it—a veritable mummy, a few seconds a faint rumbling
yellow, hard, and dry. Strike was heard, which grew louder
the body and it resounds like and louder. Suddenly the door
a block of wood. They are now opened, and the tub appeared.
applying heat; now electricity.
No result. These experiments Such, for this year of
are suspended for a moment grace 2889, is the history of
while Dr. Wilkins makes an one day in the life of the
examination of the body. Dr. editor of the Earth Chronicle.
Wilkins, rising, declares the And the history of that one
man to be dead. 'Dead!' day is the history of 365 days
exclaims every one present. every year, except leap-years,
'Yes,' answers Dr. Wilkins, and then of 366 days—for as
'dead!' 'And how long has he yet no means has been found
been dead?' Dr. Wilkins of increasing the length of the
makes another examination. terrestrial year.
'A hundred years,' he replies."
The case stood just as
the reporter said. Faithburn
was dead, quite certainly
dead! "Here is a method that
needs improvement,"
remarked Mr. Smith to Dr.
Wilkins, as the scientific
committee on hibernation
bore the casket out. "So much
for that experiment. But if
Every Writer 28
Every Writer 29
Winners of 2nd Place:
our 50 Word Jeff Christopher Fleming 3rd Place:
Sci Fi The flying saucer wobbled on Kristina Hutchinson
Contest! landing, its green occupant
approached. It was an anniversary gift and
His right tentacle held a the trip of a lifetime. Economy
1st Place Winner: metallic object possibly a class. Four star
weapon, his left a book. Was accommodations and
Kate Riley this invasion, was Earth to breakfast included.
die? Shocked when first seeing the
He consulted the book, raised saucer shaped object in the
My mother is dying. The sun that right tentacle, I cringed,
sets as I travel to her. On the Air Force hangar and the pilot
he said, with green skin, Estelle
eight-hour road trip, I’m ‘Can I borrow a spanner?’
guided by the universe, with shrugged.
the moon and stars lighting “Que sera sera!”
the way. Deer watch from the It would be a holiday,
side of the road. A UFO nonetheless!
appears, gliding parallel to my
car for the final approach.
Every Writer 30
Also included: The metallic sphere executed 3rd Place Winner:
a series of spiral maneuvers as
Angelyn Gumbs it ascended into thick clouds. Farah Ali
Every Writer 31
Also included: Avery Azad The darkness crept in, closing
in around her as she realized
sylvia ashby lazy afternoon she was not alone in the
slowly consuming the sweet abandoned asylum. The
mango and kiwi screams of tortured souls
clouds crossing the moon echoed through the halls.
a sudden shift in the wind Barely audible above the
nothing lasts but change sound of her own pounding
heart, she could hear the
Gloria Watts echos of distant footstep
50 Word getting closer.
Tonight the sky glows
The stars sparkle and the
Horror Closer….
moon glows Contest
The sky is alight tonight. 3rd Place
Jesus Chameleon Wendy Montoya
1st Place Winner:
dark energy form February 9, 2023 at 12:20 pm
yet unknown matter of course Paul Bahou
the dollar builds up Empty
The world ended on a
Dennis White She’s in pain as she lay back;
if only the doctors had
The world ended on a listened, she wouldn’t be here
Blood on land and sea, Tuesday, consumed in atomic in the first place. Her eyes
The price of hate and power, fire. Skin and civilization flicker to the team of nurses
Only love can heal. burning; the Mona Lisa and standing next to the scalpel
the pyramids, dust. But I that would soon rip into her
Bo Jung survived, me in the bunker. belly to remove the piece of
Me and the mutants, pustule her that creates life.
arms pounding on safety
Awake in the dark glass. Bang, bang, bang. They
Hear lights and see sounds hunger. They want my Also Included:
Yet my pulse is mute rations; they want me.
Josh Taylor
Remona Winston 2nd Place:
March 4, 2023 at 2:06 pm
stuttering each word Adam Gooch
bullying scars in my mind The echoes of my hoarse
best vocalist won screams reverberated
January 21, 2023 at 9:05 am
throughout the darkness of
the pocket dimension. I
slammed my fists against
Every Writer 32
nothing as I watched through Loved
the sliver of a window. This 6 Word By Another
false version of me smirked as
he loaded a moving truck with Memoir
my wife, my kids, my life.
Contest Also included:
Wendy Montoya James L Jackson
Note on this contest: This was
one of the hardest contests we
Darkness Please haunt me, I miss you.
have ever judged. There were
so many amazing entries, and
I found another bloody bite I was very moved by the Jennifer Zink
on my arm, I wondered why writing in this contest. I am
as I slide open the shower honored to read all of these. Was RAPED when I was ten.
curtain grabbing a face towel, We had to pick winners, but
that’s when I saw her bloody again, all of the entries were
wonderful. We will run B. Lynn Goodwin
lips. I smiled at my reflection
slowly closing the curtain another of these contests
remembering that I am the soon. If you liked them please I want you to love me.
Demon. I am her; she is me. come back and post again. I
love reading your work!
Joesph Baker
Paul Bahou
1st Place Winner: YEARS AT WAR HAVE
The diagnosis BROKEN ME
White walls glowed beneath Angelyn Gumbs
florescent lights, the chatter of Half of her absent,
nurses peripheral. The she slouched.
My first time online dating
oncologist moves with quiet app.
haste. He sits on the chair 2nd Place:
opposite mine, clipboard
flipping open. It’s positive,
stage 4, spread to organs,
terminal. I don’t hear what
follows as he’s off to the next Told I couldn’t…
room. I sit, numb. … but I did…
3rd Place:
Laura Howard
Set Free
Every Writer 33
Below are the top 11 science time. Most people know this, intellectual frontier for
fiction short stories everyone and a quick Google search will humankind, this story should
should read, but here are a reveal this to anyone. I be first. Everyone knows AI,
few things to remember about included the slightly lesser everyone knows our questions
this list before I get hate mail. known The Last Question. about it, and Asimov’s take
First, I could not get this list The fantastic story here is as fresh as the day it
under 11. I tried to get it to 10, exemplifies a type of science was written. It is a must-read.
but it was impossible! So it fiction you don’t get to see or The story is very short. You
stands at 11. Second, no read every day. can easily find the audio on
author is on the list more than YouTube.
once. Asimov and Clark
dominate many lists; we all 1 “The Last
know we can read their works 2 “The Sentinel”
to find great science fiction. I Question” By
am treating this list like by Arthur C.
someone who has just shown
Isaac Asimov
Clarke (1951)
up and wants to learn more (Science Fiction
about science fiction stories.
These stories do that. Third, Quarterly, 1956) The story would influence the
Nightfall is missing from this movie 2001: A Space Odyssey.
list. Asimov’s story Nightfall is Still in the news today, we are
With AI being one of the most debating the existence of
widely regarded as the talked about technologies
greatest short story of all extraterrestrials, and this
today, possibly the last
Every Writer 34
story asks some critical 4 “The Fly” by 6 “Button,
questions. It, too, is brief, and
anyone wanting to know George Button” by
something about science
fiction should be familiar with Langelaan (1957, Richard
Playboy) Matheson (1970)
Yes, back then, some people I’m counting this one as
3 “To Serve Man” read Playboy for the articles. science fiction because it has a
The Fly has been made into box with a button. Every
by Damon 100 different versions. Two person has heard this
movies and a Simpsons philosophical question, if you
Knight. (1950, episode have brought this had a button you could push
story into the public that would give you
Galaxy Science consciousness, but it’s more $100,000, but someone
Fiction) than that. A new technology
we all want, teleporting, and
would die, would you push it?
It’s so famous; you should
what can go wrong? Everyone know the origin of this
If you ask a group of people loves that story, and it’s question. This story sees it
today (let’s say on social influenced countless other play out.
media) what might happen if stories.
aliens come to Earth, many in
the group are sure to shout
out, “It’s a cookbook!” This
story is one of the most
famous of all time, thanks to 5 “A Sound of 7 “Harrison
its development into a 1962
episode of the Twilight Zone.
Thunder” by Ray Bergeron” by
The story and the episode Bradbury Kurt Vonnegut
differ but come to the same
conclusion. If a 70-year-old
Does time travel exist? Can it
(1961, The
story still pops into people’s
be done? Will we someday go Magazine of
minds today, it has to be one
back to our pasts and then to
of the greats. The story itself
is well crafted and a great
our future? Bradbury does Fantasy and
what he is masterful with this
story; he makes it seem like Science Fiction)
an everyday thing. You’ve
seen this story repeated over Everyone is equal; the
and over again in different government makes it that
forms. Seeing the spark of so way. It is science fiction satire
much we already conjecture in the way only Vonnegut
about is a must-read. could write it. It is a haunting
story that tells us to be careful
about what you wish for.
Though the story isn’t as
famous as others, tv shows
Every Writer 35
and movies have replicated it. 9 “I, Robot” by
It’s a question you get to in
our modern society if you Eando Binder 11 “Examination
push things too far.
(1939 issue of Day” by Henry
Amazing Stories) Slesar (1958,
8 We can Playboy)
So no, this isn’t the I, Robot
remember it for with the 3 laws. That is a Are you too smart for your
collection of stories by Issac
Whole Sale Asimov named for this short
own good? This story has the
creepiness of a horror film but
story. The story that has the 3
Philip K. Dick laws in it is “Little Lost Robot”
all the tech of science fiction.
It, too, was an episode in the
(1966, The (1947) (novelette), but this
story greatly influenced
1980s run of The Twilight
Zone. It is less famous than
Magazine of Asimov. The story matches other stories on this list, BUT
somewhat with the I, Robot many similar movies don’t
Fantasy & (2004 movie). It’s a great give credit. They may be
story that captures the idea
Science Fiction) that not all artificial
different enough not to have
to, but a film like Idiocy
intelligence wants to rule the (2006) certainly plays on all
No science fiction list is world. the same thoughts and fears.
complete without Philip K. The story deserves more
Dick. He is a giant among sci-
fi writers as prolific as 10 “The Cold credit and more attention; it
is a must-read.
Asimov. We Can Remember It
for Whole Sale was made into Equations” by
several movies, the main ones Tom Godwin
being Total Recall and Total
Recall the remake. If you ever (1954,
ask what would happen if they
could change our memories, Astounding
you’ve wondered about this
story. It has a great setting Magazine)
and characters and is a must-
read. This story is one of my all-
time favorites. It was made
into several tv shows and
movies. The story is basically
about a stowaway who gets
herself into a bad situation.
This story has a coldness that
is like the coldness of science
and technology. In the end,
it’s just about the numbers. It
is a must-read.
Every Writer 36
Here are the Top 10 Science highly recommend it if you
Fiction books I love. I’m not are a science fiction fan but 2. Ready Player 1
making anything other than a have yet to read Frankenstein.
personal top 10 list here. I like I don’t know if this is a deep
sci-fi, but I’m not well versed science fiction novel, but I
in it like I am with horror or loved it. The movie was
literary fiction. Don’t take me terrible, but the book was one
wrong. I love sci-fi, but I just the most fun reads I have ever
haven’t ever gotten deep into experienced. I was a little boy
the genre. It’s my loss, I in the 80s, so it feels
know, but here are 10 science like someone wrote this
fiction novels I love and have book for me. The giant
read repeatedly. robots, Pac-Man,
cartoons, and all the
references just took me
1. Frankenstein back to my childhood.
Science fiction-wise,
Being a big horror fan, I there are many books
would be crazy about what is I’m sure that do “living
arguably the first science in a virtual world” much
fiction novel ever written. better than this one, but
The story and characters are it doesn’t matter. Ready
great. This novel has become Player One was just an
even more relevant with the amazing escape from
recent explosion of AI. I reality for me.
Every Writer 37
3. Dune is a fantastic read. I don’t
want to give too much away
lot in this little book. It’s early
science fiction; I know it’s not
because this book is revealed for everyone, but I really
Again I don’t have to say a lot gradually throughout the enjoyed it and have returned
about Dune. It was ripped off novel. I don’t want to say what to it many times.
repeatedly by many science it’s about. If you like science
fiction writers, including fiction, you’ll love this book.
George Lucas. It’s an epic I’ve seen a couple of people 7. Cat’s Cradle
read with inventive and thick complain about the ending.
characters and writing. It has The ending is perfect. The Ice-Nine is a world-ending
been an influence on every book is well written, and I chemical weapon being
space opera since its never asked about plot holes mishandled repeatedly, and
publication. It’s not only a or thought characters were one man’s quest to find the
book that made history; it’s a too flay or cliché. I highly truth. Cat’s Cradle is one of
book that still is in the recommend it. I love this those books that makes us
creative fabric of novels book. think deeply about how
written today. If you love sci- science can go wrong. Are we
fi, you’ll love Dune. trying to destroy ourselves?
6. Dr. Jekyll and It’s a fun and easy read
4. Punch Escrow Mr. Hyde because the chapters are
mostly short. This book was
one of the first science fiction
This book was a surprise. I Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is a books I ever read, and even
picked it up online, just thin, dense, fast read. The though it is a dark satire, it
looking for an indie novel, and first time I read this book, I still fueled my curiosity to
it sucked me right in. In the was in my 20s. I was in read more. So if you are not a
not-too-far future, people are college, and it was a quick hardcore science fiction fan,
using teleporters, and read, but I” m not sure I was
computers are all voice ready at the time to fully
controlled. People believe understand Robert Louis
their particles fly through the Stevenson’s prose. For
air to get to a separate instance, “I learned to
location; in reality, their recognize the thorough and
persons are being incinerated primitive duality of man; I
seconds after their doubles saw that, of the two natures
are created on the other side. that contended in the field of
What happens when there is a my consciousness, even if I
malfunction and replicas are could rightly be said to be
made? The story is funny and either, it was only because I
has a good bit of suspense. I was radically both.” As all
enjoyed The Punch Escrow. good science fiction should,
Stevenson is talking about
the nature of humans and
5. Dark Matter our struggles with ourselves. this book might be an
If all the worst parts of you excellent place to start,
Dark Matter is my favorite became a person, aren’t they IMHO.
book on the list. Dark Matter already a person? There is a
Every Writer 38
8. Andromeda 10. Neuromancer
Strain The granddaddy of all
cyberpunk novels and
An “outbreak of a deadly influencer of The Matrix
extraterrestrial movies and countless other
microorganism” is being futuristic dystopian minds in
investigated by a group of the machine stories,
scientists. I just picked this Neuromancer is addictive and
book up cold. I didn’t know necessary. I won’t say a lot
what it was about. Michael about it other than that. It’s
Crichton blew me away. It’s on every top 10 science fiction
just one of the fun reads, novel list, so I would say go
much like the Stand, but more ahead and read it. You won’t
science, less fiction, oddly. I be disappointed.
enjoyed it, and it’s a much
shorter read than some other
virus-centered books.
9. 1984
I had to put 1984 on the list,
and though it’s not all science
fiction, the book set the tone
for so many other dystopian
novels; I just had to be on my
list. The book is a page-turner
until you get to the middle,
and there is a long
explanation of all of the
jargon and procedures in
society, but other than that,
Orwell’s creation is ingenious.
I return to this book ever-once
to see if were are there yet.
Lots of predictions in the book
are, of course, entirely
accurate. Everyone should
read this book, if you like sci-
fi or not.
Every Writer 39
Mission Statement: Belfry Literary Journal seeks to publish voices that bring us together and
share stories centered around the human experience. We’re looking for strong voices and
writing that grabs a reader from go and doesn’t stop.
All genres of poetry and prose welcome for submission. Please do not submit more than one
piece of prose and three pieces of poetry until you have heard back from us.
All types of writing, from poetry to non-fiction to short stories, are accepted for submission.
Every Writer 43
“Damn micro-meteorites,” Walt. “You keeping eye on Walt imagined himself
Walt mumbled, loud enough your Holo-Watch? Walt … are gradually spiraling toward the
to be heard by someone else – you there? Never mind – I moon below. “I found the
if he had a working coms link. know your mind’s on the job, hole, buddy – no telling what
But there would be no excuses so let me do all the talking.” else I’ll find.”
– he either completed the job
on time or he didn’t. His heart Walt’s mind wandered as he Back in the ship John re-
sank as he surveyed the imagined the death spiral he considered his last
damaged area. The tiny rock might very soon find himself statements. “But I’ve got to
had punctured the ship’s in, then snapped back to the think of the ship. I can’t leave
outer skin and left the task at hand. “I know what us too close too close to IO to
guidance system inoperable. Compu-Star’s saying. John. pull out of low orbit with the
Walt had seen what such Time-Task-Management, my fuel we have left. Switching to
impacts could do to intricately foot … I still have this job to manual’s dangerous … we
ordered arrays of wiring and do. Forty-minutes before could …”
Navi-Com boards before – ignition, it tells us – that was
like what a cigar burn did to how long ago? And we’ve got
the woven threads and Walt recalled the panic when
how much time left? Then he and John realized how
carefully applied dyes of a silk Auto-Ignite fires … what a life
scarf. He unlatched the self- little time there was to repair
… what a job … what a the ship. The forty-minute
contained Accu-Torch from universe.”
his tool belt and tested the time frame was back when he
Flexi-Tether – it felt secure. started, but collecting tools,
“Keep going,” said John. putting on a space suit,
“Don’t let your mind wander; getting through the air lock,
“How are you doing out there’s not a second to lose. If finding the rupture in the
there?” asked John. you’re still out there when hull, that all took a good part
ignition commences, the ship of the time he started with
“Decaying orbits are a bitch,” will lurch up … I hope it’s up and now he had to survey the
said Walt, “They’re like bad … your tether will snap … damage, cut through the
dreams where you know you’ll be left in this orbit. If ship’s metal skin and effect
you’re in one but you can’t you don’t get the damage some sort of temporary
wake up. They keep fixed Auto-Nav won’t know repair. He knew that fixing a
accelerating and they’re final,” where it’s going … we could smashed, burned-out
as he thought of the forty- end up in deep space or guidance system with hand
minute time window he’d heading straight down into IO tools and a torch was a joke.
started out with. The cold and … or …or … Jupiter. Wish I As he began to cut a hole
the terror he felt kept him was out there to help you, around the charred metal, the
talking, so as not to feel so buddy,” his last statement Holo-Watch in his visor
alone. “It’s okay if you don’t sounding less convincing than projected a 3-D pocket watch,
talk, John … I know you’re anything he’d said in a long about six inches across. It
listening and don’t want to time. “You know I want to looked like gun metal and it
interrupt my concentration … switch to manual,” he had bright yellow markings
better this way.” announced “and I’d do it for and a black second hand.
you, buddy … save you from
“Hurry up,” said John, Auto-Ignite … give you more “Twenty-four minutes” the
sounding almost as worried as time, but we could end up ….” holographic watch announced
Every Writer 44
in its pleasing female alto “Twenty-one minutes,” would aggravate the freezing
voice, along with a chime at announced the holographic temperature and lack of
one of its prescribed three- watch. oxygen that were already
minute intervals. compromising his ability to
“Cutting a hole around the function. As he held out his
Walt didn’t sound like a name damaged area,” announced right arm and looked at the
for a Space-Patrol ranger, but Walt, sounding hopeful for burned wires of the guidance
he’d been stuck with it all his the first time. “You should see system, a spray of red ice-
life – funny he should worry this John – gyroscopes and bubbles blasted out of the tiny
about a thing like that now, attitude control rockets and hole in his suit, reminding
with his life and John’s on the they look okay. I can’t believe him of a retro rocket firing.
line, not to mention one aging our luck … only two wires and The blood from his wound
United-Space-Service ship. one Navi-Com board look was being forced out by the
This job was just a little too fried … most of the meteorite air pressure still in his suit
important for his mind to be must’ve missed all the and instantly frozen into ice
wandering and he wondered complicated circuits … crystals.”
why he had such trouble connections … gyros. Look
concentrating. “Must be a lack here – it shattered on one of “Eighteen minutes,”
of oxygen,” he thought. the ship’s supporting beams. announced the Holo-Watch.
With a little luck I can …” “The atmospheric ‘pressure
“Check your oxygen regulator, will be out of my suit,” cried
Walt,” said John. “What’s it “Auto-Ignite’s started the Walt. “I’ll suffocate and freeze
say? Space Patrol’s fault, count-down, Walt,” said John. … before I hear the ‘twelve
that’s what it is … nobody That means just twenty minutes’ warning at this rate.”
checks these suits anymore … minutes left … God … how’re
hardly anybody does space you doing out there? Walt? Walt instinctively reached
walks. Our luck, all right … (pause) OK, I know you’re over with his left hand to
flying around IO … halo of working hard out there, don’t cover the hole in his suit but
meteorites … can hit you any have time to talk. Just keep at before his hand could get
second. Not as scary as a it, buddy.” there the spray stopped. He
decaying orbit around Jupiter, stared in disbelief then
though.” He imagined “Glad John’s not out here,” realized enough blood had
crashing into a planetary body thought Walt. “Just get in the coagulated around the tiny
at high speed and thought way … he’s lucky he can just hole to block it and that the
“let’s face it, dying is dying, no push buttons to pilot a ship … pressure inside his suit held
matter which orb you smash never could fix anything. Ow!” the blood in place the way the
into … just our luck, to be he yelled as he felt a searing atmospheric pressure inside a
spiraling into the most pain in his right forearm. He’d ship would seal an Insta-
volcanically active moon in never felt anything like it Patch against any hull breach
the solar system; perhaps before; it was like a bullet and small enough to fix from
we’ll be hurled into the open a branding iron combined. He inside the ship. There was still
mouth of an erupting realized it could only be enough air in his suit for him
volcano.” another micro-meteorite, one to breathe and he went back
most likely the size of a grain to work.
of sand, but big enough to
make a hole in his suit that “Fifteen minutes.”
Every Writer 45
“Amazing,” thought Walt, other wire when he thought “Five minutes,” said the Holo-
“how complex most of these … he felt his Flexi-Tether cord Watch, now counting down in
jobs are … how simple … this holding him back. one-minute intervals.
one … is. We’ll just slide out
the damaged board … plug in “Nine minutes.” “Suppose this god-damned
this new one … some Holo-Watch is running late?”
soldering.” It was the kind of thought Walt, and then he
thing he’d done in secondary Walt carelessly let his Acu-
school, while learning to fix Torch swing freely on its own practically shouted “Don’t let
tether to his utility belt and Auto-Ignite …” He made a
the antique receiving devices
called “radios” and “TV’s” that yanked a little too hard on the conscious effort to calm down.
main tether. As he grabbed “No worries,” he said as he
taught him basic electronics, turned toward the hatch and
not to mention the mother the torch, he turned it on
accidentally and didn’t even reached for the Flexi-Tether.
boards that taught him how
early computers worked. notice it cut through a loop of “These tethers always have
the main tether, which was slack in them,” as he
coiling like a whip in the continued to glide away from
“Walt? Walt? What’s going on middle of a lash. Walt was the ship. His eyes bulged
out there,” pleaded John. “I now connected to his ship when he saw the cut end
put in a call for help. I sent a only by the guidance system dangling and flailed to grab it,
Mayday to anyone within wire he held in his left hand which only made him spin, as
hailing distance. I’m using full but still managed to use the he continued to float further
power to broadcast, Walt – Accu-Torch to inject hot from the ship. In the middle
even Earth should pick it up. solder onto the other frayed of one of his rotations Walt
The space station’s gotta hear wire. From inside the ship managed a brief look back at
it too – why the hell don’t they John could see the cut tether the ship and saw John at the
answer us? I know – they’re as he screamed “Walt – your port side window, standing
too far away to help us with main tether’s cut! For God’s there helpless. In his panic
the time we’ve got left … but sake, don’t let go of anything Walt was distressed even
they could at least answer.” … grab the part that’s still more by the Holo-Watch as it
connected to the ship.” continued to count down in
“Twelve Minutes,” chimed the one-minute intervals.
Holo-Watch. “Six minutes,” warned the
Holo-Watch. “Four minutes.”
“It’s getting dicey, here, Walt.
Auto-Nav’s dead and Auto- “Repair’s done,” cried Walt. There wasn’t time for John to
Ignite’s getting very unhappy. “Forget your stupid warning,” retrieve and enter the codes
C’mon buddy … get back to he said, looking at the Holo- necessary to activate the
the ship, will you? I can’t …” Watch, I’ve done it!” he said, Auto-Ignite’s manual override
with a surge of pride as he let subsystem, don a suit, prepare
“We’re getting there,” said go of the wire. “John! There’s and activate a Mini-Rocket,
Walt, practically shouting. just enough time for me to get propel himself outside the
“Burned-out board replaced, back to the ship … don’t take ship, locate and retrieve Walt,
one wire soldered, tho’ it’s off without me.” bring him back to the ship
sloppy … it’ll hold, I guess.” and still expect to save them.
Walt was reaching for the The whole thing would take
too long – by then the time
Every Writer 46
window would have expired, having to answer for the loss which came from outside the
both ship and rangers of his crewmate. control room.
irretrievably lost to their
decaying orbit and heading “Two Minutes.” “More meteorites,” thought
for the surface of IO. Saving John “Much bigger … they’ll
himself and the ship was the destroy the ship … I’m done
only thing John could do now, Just for a second Walt
imagined he saw a flash of for.”
and even in his despair Walt
knew he’d do the same thing light, coming from nowhere in
in John’s place. In his last particular outside his suit, He felt a bump and heard a
look at the ship Walt probably his semi-conscious hiss from just outside the
imagined John at the window, mind playing tricks on him, control module – something
mouthing the words “I’m like one of those “out-of- that couldn’t be happening,
sorry,” just before Auto-Ignite body” experiences people unless an object like a
fired the engines. Fortunately, used to report, before it was meteorite had breached the
Walt was far enough away understood that under stress outer air lock. “Outer air
from the ship and its engines the brain releases chemicals lock’s gone,” he babbled, then
to avoid being burned to a which induce such “what the …?” as he felt and
crisp. “Not much of a hallucinations. heard another bump then a
consolation,” he thought, “but second hiss, which meant the
better than nothing.” With the“One Minute.” air lock door was closing, the
air left in his suit … hell, he air lock itself was re-
might live another … pressuring and it dawned on
This last warning was louder him that somebody was
than all the others and it entering the ship. A minute
“Three minutes,” heard Walt. sounded final. As he began to later the control room door
slip into unconsciousness the burst open and two Space-Tek
In his last minutes of last thing Walt saw was the rangers burst in, carrying
consciousness Walt managed pocket watch, now larger and Walt, causing John to unlock
a few clear thoughts through spinning around in front of his seat belt and jump up. One
his panic. He imagined his his face then stopping and of them said “I’m Al – and
suit’s Astro-Life-Guard, disappearing, accompanied by that’s Tim,” as he got Walt’s
monitoring his life signs and the announcement: helmet off, while Tim dashed
beaming them out into space. over to the ship’s control
Then a less pleasant thought “Time’s Up!” panel, looked at the read-outs
hit him – was Astro-Life- and started working the
Guard working any better controls as John stood aside
than the Local-Com that – he Back in the ship, John and stared.
had by now surmised by the strapped himself into one of
total lack of response from the seats in front of the
Al reached into the
John – deserted him early on? control panel as he watched Emergency-Medi-Gear kit
the Auto-Ignite clock count
down toward zero and waited attached to his belt and
“Two minutes,” and the voice for the ship’s engines to fire. produced a syringe and a vial.
was louder now. Walt He expected to feel the He quickly injected Walt with
imagined John, standing sudden jolt of acceleration, adrenaline and other
before the United-Space- but nothing happened. chemicals to oxygenate his
Service examining board, Instead, he felt a sharp bump, blood and revive him. “I’m
Every Writer 47
sure he’s oxygen deprived,” working. It signaled the IO
said Al, “but the body has a Space Station over a half hour
few minutes before any ago and it took us that long to
serious brain damage occurs. get here at top speed. Your
Hopefully we got to him in ship didn’t respond to any of
time.” our messages and that’s how
we knew you were both in
John looked frantic: “this trouble – now brace
orbit … we’re going to die,” he yourselves.”
managed to blurt out.
All four men felt the rush of
Tim continued to work the acceleration as the ship pulled
controls then turned to face out of low orbit and headed
John as Walt started to moan, for the space station circling
meaning he was waking up. IO.
“Your Auto-Ignite’s not
working either,” said Tim. Doug Dawson hails from
That’s why the engines didn’t Brooklyn, New York, wrote
fire up. I know we’re in low extensively for the US Defense
orbit, but the ship’s clock Dept. and as a freelancer had
appears to be functioning numerous articles and fiction
perfectly. It just ran down a published by car and trade
minute ago and there’s always magazines (“Vette Vues,”
a safety margin of a few “Corvette Enthusiast,”
minutes before it’s too late to “Corvette,” “The Big Reel”).
pull out. I just put the ship on He holds degrees in music
total manual control. The and computer science, studied
engines will fire in about fiction writing at Johns
thirty seconds, so strap Hopkins University and has
yourselves in – I’m going to had his short stories
pilot this ship back to the published by Academy of the
space station. There are way Heart & Mind, Ariel Chart,
too many things broken Aphelion Webzine, Literary
around here to let you guys Yard, Scars Publications (8
remain in orbit in this old rust stories), The Scarlet Leaf
bucket and who knows what Review, Goats Milk and
else the meteorites might have others and poetry accepted by
damaged? Our Rescue- Page & Spine and Short-
Rocket’s securely docked onto Humor.
your ship so we’re all set to go.
By the way, your coms are out
too – the only way we knew to
come out here for a rescue
was the Astro-Life-Guard in
your guy’s suit … that must be
one of the only things still
Every Writer 48
Dear Grandfather Gerard, Being out of touch for so long misunderstanding or an
you wouldn’t know, but I have imagined slight, the potential
I hope you don’t mind me been an ordained priest in the for violence is real enough
calling you that, but it’s how Church of the Everlasting for and a huge sword with
we referred to you all these a number of years. As a man glowing runes that as you
years. We assumed you were of the cloth I can not accept describe as “a drinker of
dead; lost in the war with so an ancient sword that draws souls” could turn the tide as
many others. Your letter was unholy powers from shall we they say. I spoke to Gerri and
full of news, and we hunger say “the dark side”. A 600 Zinni and they are just thrilled
for more. Especially about year old broadsword carrying by the idea and will gladly
your “whole new family”. a blood curse would be truly assume the stewardship and
unacceptable. responsibilities that come
with the sword. Their address
There is much news here of is listed below.
course, and I promise to share My sister Geraldine is first
more in my next letter, but officer on a merchant
business first. I must decline spacecraft that travels a Till next time, In faith and
your offer to bequeath our circuitous route through the prayer,
family’s legendary sword on to outer mining colonies and
me. alien worlds. She and her -Fr. Charles Metronome
partner Zinnia find
themselves from time to time
in difficult situations. Be it a
Every Writer 49
Every Writer 50
So here is my list of the Top dialogue, and everything. The The Terminator is still surging
10 Science Fiction Movies by characters are well down. The through the internet after
Script. There are a lot of entire script is terrific. It has almost 40 years. Anytime you
amazing Science Fiction both great character arcs and get into a discussion online
movies out there. These, I a message about humankind. about AI, you’ll find someone
think have the best writing, The striking symbolism at the will bring up Skynet. The
best dialogue, and best beginning, and the star baby, movie and the storyline are
character development. If you are all fantastic movie tropes iconic. Cameron worked on a
haven’t seen these movies, I at that point. The movie meager budget and created a
highly recommend them. influenced all space movies to film that has stood the test of
come. time. Again the commentary
on humans is very telling. The
1 2001 by Writers: characters, dialogue setting,
Stanley Kubrick, 2 The Terminator and script work so well. It’s a
Cameron, Gale
Based on the 1964 Novel of Anne Hurd, 3 Blade Runner
the same name by Arthur C.
William Wisher Writers: Hampton
Clarke. Kubrick was a genius.
There is no doubt about this.
Fancher, David
2001 A Space Odyssey is a Created out of the fevered
masterpiece of visuals, plot, dream of James Cameron’s
Every Writer 51
Webb Peoples, 5 The Martian scenes. Neo was taking
instruction on a cell phone to
Philip K. Dick Writers Drew Godd his being pulled into the
and Andy Weir outside world, so many
original ideas have almost
Based on Phil K. Dick’s Do
Androids Dream of Electric become a cliche, but at the
Based on Andy Weir’s time of the movie, they were
serialized novels about a man completely new. Are we living
stranded on Mars, I don’t in a simulation? If we are, I
Probably one of the greatest think anyone would have hope it’s the Matrix.
science fiction movies of all guessed he would be such a
time, Blade Runner set the smash hit. The movie captures
standard for visuals in science so much of the novel, making 7 Inception
fiction films. It even surpasses what could be very dull
Star Wars in its setting and movements exciting or even
Christopher Nolan
effects. With the storyline of triumphant. Matt Damon
androids being alive or not does a great job in this movie, Christopher Nolan is a genius.
and the ending of final but the script pulls him His original scripts were all
empathy, the movie is an through by keeping the action Memento, The Dark Knight
outstanding piece of going when there isn’t any Trilogy, The Prestige,
filmmaking. action. This movie could have Dunkirk, Interstellar, and
been like Castaway, but it Tenet. Interstellar and The
does not. It’s an intense piece Prestige could be on this list if
4 Alien Writers Dan of movie-making that keeps it weren’t for how great
O’Bannon, Ronald the drama and suspense going Inception is. The movie is all
from the beginning until the sci-fi, even though so little of
Shusett end. it shows up in the film. The
characters, conflict, plot,
Dan O’Bannon needs to get original concept, and
the credit he deserves. He also
6 The Matrix everything about the movie
wrote Total Recall and Return Writers Lilly are original, feel fresh, and
suck you in. You couldn’t ask
of the Living Dead. With the
characters, setting, plot, and
WachowskiLana for a better movie script to
theme, the movie is a tight Wachowski guide you through all the
unsanded background scenes.
script. Characters and
conflicts are tightly
constructed and presented to The Matrix was an Original
the audience. The film is a work by the Wachowskis, but
thrill ride at the same time as it was said Gibsons’
being a clever piece of exciting Neuromancer heavily
writing. There are plenty of influenced them; The Matrix
plot twists here, and is a science fiction movie that
O’Bannon manages to make changed all films. I know the
them all questions at the heart visual effects changed movies,
of modern science fiction. but when you watch this
movie again, there are so
many inventive ideas and
Every Writer 52
Every Writer 53
On the Last Day George Moore’s poetry has appeared in The Atlantic,
Poetry, North American Review, Colorado Review,
by George Moore Arc and Stand. His recent collections are Children’s
Drawings of the Universe (Salmon Poetry 2015) and Saint
after João Cabral de Melo Neto Agnes Outside the Walls (FutureCycle 2016). A finalist for
The National Poetry Series and nominated for eight
Pushcart Prizes, he has taught literature and writing at the
On the last day of the world University of Colorado, Boulder, and now lives on the
I’ll walk the dog along the shore south shore of Nova Scotia.
Every Writer 55
The Beloved
R.L Marcelain
Author Bio
R. L. Marcelain is a thirty-six-year-old wife
and mother. She was born and raised in
Burlington. She attended Grand Canyon
University, where she studied Psychology.
She was born into a talented family beginning
with her grandfather who performed musically
in a traveling jazz band. Since a child, she
frequently participated in local talent clubs
throughout her life for singing and acting. She
discovered her love for writing while attending
high school by writing stories, poems, and
music as a stress reducer. Currently, she
works in education and is set to begin work
for “Kelly’s Educational Services” in Denver
Colorado next month. She spends her free
time caring for animals and writing romance,
fantasy, and thriller novels. Spending time
with her family, and singing with her 7-year-
old son. Gardening, baking, and cooking with
her husband. Creating her own skincare
tutorials, (sugar/sea salt scrubs). She is
planning to return to school for her Master’s
degree in Creative Writing.
In the 1860s, Hunter Eldridge is a military veteran with a tumultuous homelife and a
fraught relationship with his father. When he returns to London, Hunter reluctantly visits
the family bookstore, dreading an encounter with his loathsome father. Upon entering he
sets eyes on the enchanting Eliza Carlisle. They fall deeply in love-soul mates to the core-
and spend fifteen years happily married before tragedy strikes. On Hunter’s birthday, after
enjoying a wonderful night with family, he and Eliza are out for a leisurely stroll when a
horrific creature of the night attacks them. Eliza is murdered, while Hunter is transformed
into a vampire. In this new state, he finds a mentor in his father’s peculiar business partner
Garret Wilkins. Hunter also eyes a suspect in his tragic attack and vows revenge. Over the
next century, Hunter must rebuild his life as an immortal. He is lucky enough to find love
again after years of loneliness and despair. Endless time allows him to unravel the mystery
of reincarnation, while struggling with a darker side of56himself. In Hunter’s continued thirst
Every Writer
for vengeance, he realizes death is only the beginning as he reveals a small piece of a
bigger event that is about to grip the country.
The God Protocol: Dragon
D. L. Wilburn Jr.
Author Bio
Eoin McDonald
Author Bio
Surfieron is an inhabitable planet in the W26 area of space. It was discovered back in 2017,
and it was shown to have signs of liquid water. When the first explorers arrived they found
other groups of humanoid species living there. Some were primitive others had
technological advancements. Soon settlers arrived with high ideals. They were Onewayers.
Since then a thriving community has evolved with people coming from all over the Earth; as
Earth disintegrated under meteor showers, the division and dissension of society, and
plagues. Five generations later have we learned anything? As society developed on
Surfieron, and the settlers grappled with what resources were available, people were faced
with new problems and different circumstances. Weather patterns were foreign to the new
settlers. The indigenous natives were of a totally different disposition from what they had
ever encountered. What resources and equipment they had brought with them soon ran out
or wore out. Thankfully, ingenious and industrious Onewayers were also in the mix of
travelers. Not all ideologists were opposed to industry, as ideology gave way to reasoning.
The reasoning of survival. Over a periodEvery Writer
of time, 58 of the indigenous population
intermingled with the Onewayers. Cliques were set up and new prejudices showed their
head. There were advantages and disadvantages. Five generations on, the evolved
population was considered acceptable but there was a class system evolving as well. Many
never considered politics as a necessity.
Dear Manusha
Anupama Ravindran Menon
Author Bio
Born and brought up in the humble suburbs of old Seremban
town, Anupama Ravindran Menon, @Anu, is your regular girl
next door. Having graduated from the prestigious Manipal
University under the Malaysian Defense Ministry Scholarship,
she started training as an intern shortly afterwards & began
serving as a doctor in the Malaysian Armed Forces. As much as
Anu is a passionate young doctor blooming in her field, she
awes art in its every form, be it music, dance, writing, painting or
creative work. After obtaining a Distinction award in the
University of New South Wales English Assessment at the age
of 13, she began exploring into the writing part of herself. She
was apart of multiple national essay writing competitions and
privileged to be shortlisted for the Prestigious Dublin Literature
Writing competition in 2004. After winning her first prize in the
International Notion Press Short Stories competition 2017, she
was published as a joint author alongside 19 other writers in
Plotpourri, an anthology of short stories. As an upcoming painter,
she had also successfully done her first solo painting exhibition
entitled Hridhaya:Language of Heartbeats in 2018. As medicine
is her ultimate field of passion & to answer her call of duty, she
was given the opportunity to serve under the United Nation’s
(UN) flagship in a peacekeeping operation in Lebanon in 2019-
2020 (UNIFIL). She was a part of an entourage of the Malaysian
Battalion 850-7 who actively serve in this region over decades.
Apart from being a United Nations ambassador & a doctor in
field, she was also the Gender Focal Point representative of the nation & become an active part of the
COVID-19 crisis team under the tutelage of UNIFIL Medical HQ & WHO. She represented Malaysia in
a few international virtual symposiums to present regarding the adversities & challenges of COVID-19
in operational areas, namely by Vietnamese Defence & UNDPKO & CUNPKO of India. To honour the
contributions, she was awarded with the United Nations Peace Keeping Medal and other honorary
certificates. She is also currently a nominee for NE8x ® Litfest 2023 Award & Author of the Year 2023
award. She also won first runner up in the recent 7th Indie Author’s Championship 2023 by
NotionPress publications.
Every Writer 59
Every Writer 60
Writers James V. 1984 movie is a beautiful epic
film with great characters and
Hart, Michael a great storyline. The movie
Goldenberg, Carl diverges from the book a lot,
but those invented ads
Sagan capture some of the feelings of
the original work. I’m also
Based on Carl Sagan’s 1985 including the 2021 version in
novel of the same name, this. The movie sticks to the
Contact speaks to some truth book more closely, but they’ve
about humanity that many done a fantastic job. The
sci-fi scripts miss. We can’t script is thick with it.
travel faster than light to go
and meet others in the 10 Total Recall
universe; maybe they will
have to come to us. It also Writers Philip K.
puts us uniquely positioned to Dick, Ronald
measure our Faith with
Science. This script has a lot Shusett, Dan
going on, and it’s all O’Bannon
masterful. Some people watch
this movie once and walk
away, but give it a second Dan O’Bannon once again
chance, and you’ll see a lot writes a masterful script that
more going on here than once twists and turns until the
it first appears on the screen. unexpected ending. The
Faith in god. Faith in Science characters are well-developed,
and the fundamental question and the movie keeps you
of Faith in humanity. guessing about what’s real
and not real. Even after you
finish the film, you may
9 Dune Writers wonder if you know the
Frank Herbert, story’s reality. There are some
cheesy lines for Arnold in the
David Lynch movie, but honestly, that
shows more skill on
Dune 1984/2021/2023 O’Bannon’s part. It’s a great
script, and the movie sucks
you in from beginning to end.
Dune the novel is hailed as
one of the greatest pieces of
Science fiction of all time. Star
Wars famously stole many of
its more “intellectual” ideas
from it. Odd that Spice is a
drug in both universes.
Anyway, the story from the
Every Writer 61
THE DOOR IN THE WALL shadowy atmosphere that to use—experiences it was
wrapped about him and the otherwise impossible to tell.
pleasant bright things, the Well, I don’t resort to that
I dessert and glasses and explanation now. I have got
napery of the dinner we had over my intervening doubts. I
One confidential evening, not shared, making them for the believe now, as I believed at
three months ago, Lionel time a bright little world quite the moment of telling, that
Wallace told me this story of cut off from every-day Wallace did to the very best of
the Door in the Wall. And at realities, I saw it all as frankly his ability strip the truth of his
the time I thought that so far incredible. “He was secret for me. But whether he
as he was concerned it was a mystifying!” I said, and then: himself saw, or only thought
true story. “How well he did it!. . . . . It he saw, whether he himself
isn’t quite the thing I should
He told it me with such a was the possessor of an
have expected him, of all
direct simplicity of conviction people, to do well.” inestimable privilege, or the
that I could not do otherwise victim of a fantastic dream, I
than believe in him. But in the Afterwards, as I sat up in bed cannot pretend to guess. Even
morning, in my own flat, I and sipped my morning tea, I the facts of his death, which
woke to a different found myself trying to ended my doubts forever,
atmosphere, and as I lay in account for the flavour of throw no light on that. That
bed and recalled the things he reality that perplexed me in much the reader must judge
had told me, stripped of the his impossible reminiscences, for himself.
glamour of his earnest slow by supposing they did in some I forget now what chance
voice, denuded of the focussed way suggest, present, convey comment or criticism of mine
shaded table light, the —I hardly know which word moved so reticent a man to
Every Writer 62
confide in me. He was, I caught and intensified. It And it came into his life early,
think, defending himself reminds me of what a woman when he was a little fellow
against an imputation of once said of him—a woman between five and six. I
slackness and unreliability I who had loved him greatly. remember how, as he sat
had made in relation to a “Suddenly,” she said, “the making his confession to me
great public movement in interest goes out of him. He with a slow gravity, he
which he had disappointed forgets you. He doesn’t care a reasoned and reckoned the
me. But he plunged suddenly. rap for you—under his very date of it. “There was,” he
“I have” he said, “a nose . . . . .” said, “a crimson Virginia
preoccupation—” creeper in it—all one bright
Yet the interest was not
“I know,” he went on, after a always out of him, and when uniform crimson in a clear
amber sunshine against a
pause that he devoted to the he was holding his attention
white wall. That came into the
study of his cigar ash, “I have to a thing Wallace could
impression somehow, though
been negligent. The fact is—it contrive to be an extremely
I don’t clearly remember how,
isn’t a case of ghosts or successful man. His career,
apparitions—but—it’s an odd indeed, is set with successes. and there were horse-chestnut
leaves upon the clean
thing to tell of, Redmond—I He left me behind him long
pavement outside the green
am haunted. I am haunted by ago; he soared up over my
door. They were blotched
something—that rather takes head, and cut a figure in the
yellow and green, you know,
the light out of things, that world that I couldn’t cut—
not brown nor dirty, so that
fills me with longings . . . . .” anyhow. He was still a year
they must have been new
short of forty, and they say
He paused, checked by that
now that he would have been fallen. I take it that means
English shyness that so often
in office and very probably in October. I look out for horse-
overcomes us when we would chestnut leaves every year,
the new Cabinet if he had
speak of moving or grave or
lived. At school he always beat and I ought to know.
beautiful things. “You were at
me without effort—as it were “If I’m right in that, I was
Saint Athelstan’s all through,”
by nature. We were at school about five years and four
he said, and for a moment
together at Saint Athelstan’s months old.”
that seemed to me quite
College in West Kensington
irrelevant. “Well”—and he He was, he said, rather a
for almost all our school time. precocious little boy—he
paused. Then very haltingly at
He came into the school as my learned to talk at an
first, but afterwards more
co-equal, but he left far above abnormally early age, and he
easily, he began to tell of the
me, in a blaze of scholarships was so sane and “old-
thing that was hidden in his
and brilliant performance. Yet fashioned,” as people say, that
life, the haunting memory of a
I think I made a fair average
beauty and a happiness that he was permitted an amount
running. And it was at school of initiative that most children
filled his heart with insatiable
I heard first of the Door in the scarcely attain by seven or
longings that made all the
Wall—that I was to hear of a
interests and spectacle of eight. His mother died when
second time only a month
worldly life seem dull and he was born, and he was
before his death.
tedious and vain to him. under the less vigilant and
To him at least the Door in the authoritative care of a nursery
Now that I have the clue to it,
Wall was a real door leading governess. His father was a
the thing seems written
through a real wall to stern, preoccupied lawyer,
visibly in his face. I have a
immortal realities. Of that I who gave him little attention,
photograph in which that look
am now quite assured. and expected great things of
of detachment has been
Every Writer 63
him. For all his brightness he He went right past the door, everything was beautiful there
found life a little grey and dull
and then, with his hands in .....
I think. And one day he his pockets, and making an Wallace mused before he went
wandered. infantile attempt to whistle, on telling me. “You see,” he
strolled right along beyond
He could not recall the said, with the doubtful
the end of the wall. There he
particular neglect that inflection of a man who
enabled him to get away, nor recalls a number of mean, pauses at incredible things,
the course he took among the dirty shops, and particularly “there were two great
that of a plumber and
West Kensington roads. All panthers there . . . Yes,
decorator, with a dusty
that had faded among the spotted panthers. And I was
disorder of earthenware
incurable blurs of memory. not afraid. There was a long
pipes, sheet lead ball taps,
But the white wall and the wide path with marble-edged
pattern books of wall paper,
green door stood out quite flower borders on either side,
and tins of enamel. He stood
distinctly. and these two huge velvety
pretending to examine these beasts were playing there with
As his memory of that remote things, and coveting,
a ball. One looked up and
childish experience ran, he passionately desiring the came towards me, a little
did at the very first sight of green door. curious as it seemed. It came
that door experience a
Then, he said, he had a gust of right up to me, rubbed its soft
peculiar emotion, an
emotion. He made a run for it, round ear very gently against
attraction, a desire to get to
the door and open it and walk lest hesitation should grip him the small hand I held out and
again, he went plump with purred. It was, I tell you, an
in. And at the same time he
outstretched hand through enchanted garden. I know.
had the clearest conviction
that either it was unwise or it the green door and let it slam And the size? Oh! it stretched
behind him. And so, in a trice, far and wide, this way and
was wrong of him—he could
not tell which—to yield to this he came into the garden that that. I believe there were hills
attraction. He insisted upon it has haunted all his life. far away. Heaven knows
where West Kensington had
as a curious thing that he It was very difficult for
suddenly got to. And
knew from the very beginning Wallace to give me his full
somehow it was just like
—unless memory has played sense of that garden into
coming home.
him the queerest trick—that which he came.
the door was unfastened, and There was something in the “You know, in the very
that he could go in as he moment the door swung to
very air of it that exhilarated,
chose. behind me, I forgot the road
that gave one a sense of
I seem to see the figure of that lightness and good happening with its fallen chestnut leaves,
its cabs and tradesmen’s carts,
little boy, drawn and repelled. and well being; there was
I forgot the sort of
And it was very clear in his something in the sight of it
mind, too, though why it that made all its colour clean gravitational pull back to the
discipline and obedience of
should be so was never and perfect and subtly
home, I forgot all hesitations
explained, that his father luminous. In the instant of
and fear, forgot discretion,
would be very angry if he went coming into it one was
forgot all the intimate realities
through that door. exquisitely glad—as only in
rare moments and when one of this life. I became in a
Wallace described all these moment a very glad and
moments of hesitation to me is young and joyful one can be wonder-happy little boy—in
with the utmost particularity. glad in this world. And another world. It was a world
Every Writer 64
with a different quality, a lines, the finely-modelled chin He mused for awhile.
warmer, more penetrating of her sweet kind face—asking “Playmates I found there.
and mellower light, with a me questions in a soft, That was very much to me,
faint clear gladness in its air, agreeable voice, and telling because I was a lonely little
and wisps of sun-touched me things, pleasant things I boy. They played delightful
cloud in the blueness of its know, though what they were games in a grass-covered
sky. And before me ran this I was never able to recall . . . court where there was a sun-
long wide path, invitingly, And presently a little dial set about with flowers.
with weedless beds on either Capuchin monkey, very clean, And as one played one
side, rich with untended with a fur of ruddy brown and loved . . . .
flowers, and these two great kindly hazel eyes, came down “But—it’s odd—there’s a gap
panthers. I put my little hands a tree to us and ran beside me, in my memory. I don’t
fearlessly on their soft fur, looking up at me and remember the games we
and caressed their round ears grinning, and presently leapt played. I never remembered.
and the sensitive corners to my shoulder. So we went Afterwards, as a child, I spent
under their ears, and played on our way in great long hours trying, even with
with them, and it was as happiness . . . .” tears, to recall the form of that
though they welcomed me He paused. happiness. I wanted to play it
home. There was a keen sense all over again—in my nursery
of home-coming in my mind, “Go on,” I said.
—by myself. No! All I
and when presently a tall, fair “I remember little things. We remember is the happiness
girl appeared in the pathway passed an old man musing and two dear playfellows who
and came to meet me, among laurels, I remember, were most with me . . . . Then
smiling, and said Well?’ to and a place gay with presently came a sombre dark
me, and lifted me, and kissed paroquets, and came through woman, with a grave, pale
me, and put me down, and led a broad shaded colonnade to a face and dreamy eyes, a
me by the hand, there was no spacious cool palace, full of sombre woman wearing a soft
amazement, but only an pleasant fountains, full of long robe of pale purple, who
impression of delightful beautiful things, full of the carried a book and beckoned
rightness, of being reminded quality and promise of heart’s and took me aside with her
of happy things that had in desire. And there were many into a gallery above a hall—
some strange way been things and many people, some though my playmates were
overlooked. There were broad that still seem to stand out loth to have me go, and ceased
steps, I remember, that came clearly and some that are a their game and stood
into view between spikes of little vague, but all these watching as I was carried
delphinium, and up these we people were beautiful and away. ‘Come back to us!’ they
went to a great avenue kind. In some way—I don’t cried. ‘Come back to us soon!’
between very old and shady know how—it was conveyed to I looked up at her face, but
dark trees. All down this me that they all were kind to she heeded them not at all.
avenue, you know, between me, glad to have me there, Her face was very gentle and
the red chapped stems, were and filling me with gladness grave. She took me to a seat in
marble seats of honour and by their gestures, by the touch the gallery, and I stood beside
statuary, and very tame and of their hands, by the her, ready to look at her book
friendly white doves . . . . . welcome and love in their as she opened it upon her
“And along this avenue my eyes. Yes—” knee. The pages fell open. She
girl-friend led me, looking pointed, and I looked,
down—I recall the pleasant marvelling, for in the living
Every Writer 65
pages of that book I saw upon me like a shadow and spectacles who stopped and
myself; it was a story about kissed my brow. spoke to me—prodding me
myself, and in it were all the first with his umbrella. ‘Poor
“But the page did not show
things that had happened to little chap,’ said he; ‘and are
the enchanted garden, nor the
me since ever I was born . . . . you lost then?’—and me a
panthers, nor the girl who had
London boy of five and more!
“It was wonderful to me, led me by the hand, nor the
And he must needs bring in a
because the pages of that book playfellows who had been so
kindly young policeman and
were not pictures, you loth to let me go. It showed a
make a crowd of me, and so
understand, but realities.” long grey street in West
march me home. Sobbing,
Kensington, on that chill hour
Wallace paused gravely— conspicuous and frightened, I
of afternoon before the lamps
looked at me doubtfully. came from the enchanted
are lit, and I was there, a
“Go on,” I said. “I garden to the steps of my
wretched little figure, weeping
understand.” father’s house.
aloud, for all that I could do to
“They were realities—yes, they restrain myself, and I was“That is as well as I can
must have been; people weeping because I could not
remember my vision of that
moved and things came and return to my dear play-fellows
garden—the garden that
went in them; my dear who had called after me, haunts me still. Of course, I
mother, whom I had near ‘Come back to us! Come back
can convey nothing of that
forgotten; then my father, to us soon!’ I was there. This
indescribable quality of
stern and upright, the was no page in a book, buttranslucent unreality, that
servants, the nursery, all the harsh reality; that enchanted
difference from the common
familiar things of home. Then place and the restraining things of experience that hung
the front door and the busy hand of the grave mother at
about it all; but that—that is
streets, with traffic to and fro: whose knee I stood had gone
what happened. If it was a
I looked and marvelled, and —whither have they gone?” dream, I am sure it was a day-
looked half doubtfully again time and altogether
He halted again, and
into the woman’s face and extraordinary dream . . . . . .
remained for a time, staring
turned the pages over, H’m!—naturally there
into the fire.
skipping this and that, to see followed a terrible
“Oh! the wretchedness of that questioning, by my aunt, my
more of this book, and more,
return!” he murmured. father, the nurse, the
and so at last I came to myself
hovering and hesitating “Well?” I said after a minute governess—everyone . . . . . .
outside the green door in the or so. “I tried to tell them, and my
long white wall, and felt again father gave me my first
“Poor little wretch I was—
the conflict and the fear. thrashing for telling lies.
brought back to this grey
“‘And next?’ I cried, and world again! As I realised the When afterwards I tried to tell
would have turned on, but the fulness of what had happened my aunt, she punished me
cool hand of the grave woman to me, I gave way to quite again for my wicked
delayed me. ungovernable grief. And the persistence. Then, as I said,
shame and humiliation of that everyone was forbidden to
“‘Next?’ I insisted, and listen to me, to hear a word
public weeping and my
struggled gently with her about it. Even my fairy tale
disgraceful homecoming
hand, pulling up her fingers books were taken away from
with all my childish strength, remain with me still. I see
again the benevolent-looking me for a time—because I was
and as she yielded and the ‘too imaginative.’ Eh? Yes,
page came over she bent down old gentleman in gold
Every Writer 66
they did that! My father eight or nine it may have familiar to me, and behold!
belonged to the old been. Do you remember me as there was my long white wall
school . . . . . And my story was a kid at Saint Athelstan’s?” and the green door that led to
driven back upon myself. I the enchanted garden!
whispered it to my pillow—my “The thing whacked upon me
pillow that was often damp “I didn’t show any signs did I
suddenly. Then, after all, that
and salt to my whispering lips in those days of having a
garden, that wonderful
with childish tears. And I secret dream?”
garden, wasn’t a dream!” . . . .
added always to my official
and less fervent prayers this II He paused.
one heartfelt request: ‘Please “I suppose my second
God I may dream of the He looked up with a sudden experience with the green
garden. Oh! take me back to smile. door marks the world of
my garden! Take me back to difference there is between
my garden!’ “Did you ever play North-
West Passage with me? . . . . . the busy life of a schoolboy
“I dreamt often of the garden. No, of course you didn’t come and the infinite leisure of a
I may have added to it, I may my way!” child. Anyhow, this second
have changed it; I do not time I didn’t for a moment
know . . . . . All this you “It was the sort of game,” he think of going in straight
understand is an attempt to went on, “that every away. You see . . . For one
reconstruct from fragmentary imaginative child plays all thing my mind was full of the
memories a very early day. The idea was the idea of getting to school in
experience. Between that and discovery of a North-West time—set on not breaking my
the other consecutive Passage to school. The way to record for punctuality. I must
memories of my boyhood school was plain enough; the surely have felt some little
there is a gulf. A time came game consisted in finding desire at least to try the door
when it seemed impossible I some way that wasn’t plain, —yes, I must have felt
should ever speak of that starting off ten minutes early that . . . . . But I seem to
wonder glimpse again.” in some almost hopeless remember the attraction of
direction, and working one’s the door mainly as another
I asked an obvious question. way round through obstacle to my overmastering
“No,” he said. “I don’t unaccustomed streets to my determination to get to
remember that I ever goal. And one day I got school. I was immediately
attempted to find my way entangled among some rather interested by this discovery I
back to the garden in those low-class streets on the other had made, of course—I went
early years. This seems odd to side of Campden Hill, and I on with my mind full of it—
me now, but I think that very began to think that for once but I went on. It didn’t check
probably a closer watch was the game would be against me me. I ran past tugging out my
kept on my movements after and that I should get to school watch, found I had ten
this misadventure to prevent late. I tried rather desperately minutes still to spare, and
my going astray. No, it wasn’t a street that seemed a cul de then I was going downhill into
until you knew me that I tried sac, and found a passage at familiar surroundings. I got to
for the garden again. And I the end. I hurried through school, breathless, it is true,
believe there was a period— that with renewed hope. ‘I and wet with perspiration, but
incredible as it seems now— shall do it yet,’ I said, and in time. I can remember
when I forgot the garden passed a row of frowsy little hanging up my coat and hat . .
altogether—when I was about shops that were inexplicably
Every Writer 67
. Went right by it and left it that in some way it was said. “Well, then Carnaby
behind me. Odd, eh?” against the rules to tell him, suddenly called me a young
He looked at me thoughtfully. but I did. He was walking part liar and disputed with me
“Of course, I didn’t know then of the way home with me; he when I said the thing was
was talkative, and if we had true. I said I knew where to
that it wouldn’t always be
not talked about the find the green door, could
there. School boys have
enchanted garden we should lead them all there in ten
limited imaginations. I
have talked of something else, minutes. Carnaby became
suppose I thought it was an
and it was intolerable to me to outrageously virtuous, and
awfully jolly thing to have it
there, to know my way back to think about any other subject. said I’d have to—and bear out
So I blabbed. my words or suffer. Did you
it, but there was the school
ever have Carnaby twist your
tugging at me. I expect I was a “Well, he told my secret. The
arm? Then perhaps you’ll
good deal distraught and next day in the play interval I
understand how it went with
inattentive that morning, found myself surrounded by
me. I swore my story was true.
recalling what I could of the half a dozen bigger boys, half
There was nobody in the
beautiful strange people I teasing and wholly curious to
school then to save a chap
should presently see again. hear more of the enchanted
from Carnaby though
Oddly enough I had no doubt garden. There was that big
Crawshaw put in a word or so.
in my mind that they would Fawcett—you remember him?
Carnaby had got his game. I
be glad to see me . . . Yes, I —and Carnaby and Morley
grew excited and red-eared,
must have thought of the Reynolds. You weren’t there
and a little frightened, I
garden that morning just as a by any chance? No, I think I
behaved altogether like a silly
jolly sort of place to which one should have remembered if
little chap, and the outcome of
might resort in the interludes you were . . . . .
it all was that instead of
of a strenuous scholastic “A boy is a creature of odd starting alone for my
career. feelings. I was, I really believe, enchanted garden, I led the
“I didn’t go that day at all. The in spite of my secret self- way presently—cheeks
next day was a half holiday, disgust, a little flattered to flushed, ears hot, eyes
and that may have weighed have the attention of these big smarting, and my soul one
with me. Perhaps, too, my fellows. I remember burning misery and shame—
state of inattention brought particularly a moment of for a party of six mocking,
down impositions upon me pleasure caused by the praise curious and threatening
and docked the margin of of Crawshaw—you remember school-fellows.
time necessary for the detour. Crawshaw major, the son of
“We never found the white
I don’t know. What I do know Crawshaw the composer?—
is that in the meantime the who said it was the best lie he wall and the green door . . .”
enchanted garden was so had ever heard. But at the “You mean?—”
much upon my mind that I same time there was a really “I mean I couldn’t find it. I
could not keep it to myself. painful undertow of shame at would have found it if I could.
telling what I felt was indeed a
“I told—What was his name?
sacred secret. That beast “And afterwards when I could
—a ferrety-looking youngster
Fawcett made a joke about the go alone I couldn’t find it. I
we used to call Squiff.”
girl in green—.” never found it. I seem now to
“Young Hopkins,” said I. have been always looking for
Wallace’s voice sank with the it through my school-boy
“Hopkins it was. I did not like keen memory of that shame.
telling him, I had a feeling “I pretended not to hear,” he
Every Writer 68
days, but I’ve never come smoking a cigarette, and no sweet to me, very fine, but
upon it again.” doubt thinking myself no end remote. My grip was fixing
of a man of the world, and now upon the world. I saw
“Did the fellows—make it
suddenly there was the door, another door opening—the
the wall, the dear sense of door of my career.”
“Beastly . . . . . Carnaby held a unforgettable and still He stared again into the fire.
council over me for wanton attainable things. Its red lights picked out a
lying. I remember how I
“We clattered by—I too taken stubborn strength in his face
sneaked home and upstairs to
by surprise to stop my cab for just one flickering
hide the marks of my
until we were well past and moment, and then it vanished
blubbering. But when I cried
round a corner. Then I had a again.
myself to sleep at last it wasn’t
queer moment, a double and
for Carnaby, but for the “Well”, he said and sighed, “I
divergent movement of my
garden, for the beautiful have served that career. I have
will: I tapped the little door in
afternoon I had hoped for, for done—much work, much hard
the roof of the cab, and
the sweet friendly women and work. But I have dreamt of the
brought my arm down to pull
the waiting playfellows and enchanted garden a thousand
out my watch. ‘Yes, sir!’ said
the game I had hoped to learn dreams, and seen its door, or
the cabman, smartly. ‘Er—
again, that beautiful forgotten at least glimpsed its door, four
well—it’s nothing,’ I cried.
game . . . . . times since then. Yes—four
‘My mistake! We haven’t times. For a while this world
“I believed firmly that if I had much time! Go on!’ and he was so bright and interesting,
not told— . . . . . I had bad went on . . . seemed so full of meaning and
times after that—crying at
“I got my scholarship. And the opportunity that the half-
night and wool-gathering by
night after I was told of that I effaced charm of the garden
day. For two terms I
sat over my fire in my little was by comparison gentle and
slackened and had bad
upper room, my study, in my remote. Who wants to pat
reports. Do you remember?
father’s house, with his praise panthers on the way to dinner
Of course you would! It
was you—your beating me in —his rare praise—and his with pretty women and
sound counsels ringing in my distinguished men? I came
mathematics that brought me
ears, and I smoked my down to London from Oxford,
back to the grind again.”
favourite pipe—the a man of bold promise that I
formidable bulldog of have done something to
III adolescence—and thought of redeem. Something—and yet
that door in the long white there have been
For a time my friend stared wall. ‘If I had stopped,’ I disappointments . . . . .
silently into the red heart of thought, ‘I should have
the fire. Then he said: “I never missed my scholarship, I “Twice I have been in love—I
saw it again until I was will not dwell on that—but
should have missed Oxford— once, as I went to someone
seventeen. muddled all the fine career who, I know, doubted whether
“It leapt upon me for the third before me! I begin to see I dared to come, I took a short
time—as I was driving to things better!’ I fell musing cut at a venture through an
Paddington on my way to deeply, but I did not doubt unfrequented road near Earl’s
Oxford and a scholarship. I then this career of mine was a Court, and so happened on a
had just one momentary thing that merited sacrifice. white wall and a familiar
glimpse. I was leaning over “Those dear friends and that green door. ‘Odd!’ said I to
the apron of my hansom clear atmosphere seemed very myself, ‘but I thought this
Every Writer 69
place was on Campden Hill. time with all these new up by telephone, and set off at
It’s the place I never could political developments—when once in his cousin’s motor. We
find somehow—like counting I ought to be working. Odd, got in barely in time, and on
Stonehenge—the place of that isn’t it? But I do begin to find the way we passed my wall
queer day dream of mine.’ life toilsome, its rewards, as I and door—livid in the
And I went by it intent upon come near them, cheap. I moonlight, blotched with hot
my purpose. It had no appeal began a little while ago to yellow as the glare of our
to me that afternoon. want the garden quite badly. lamps lit it, but unmistakable.
Yes—and I’ve seen it three ‘My God!’ cried I. ‘What?’ said
“I had just a moment’s
times.” Hotchkiss. ‘Nothing!’ I
impulse to try the door, three
answered, and the moment
steps aside were needed at the “The garden?”
most—though I was sure “No—the door! And I haven’t
enough in my heart that it “‘I’ve made a great sacrifice,’ I
gone in!”
would open to me—and then I told the whip as I got in. They
thought that doing so might He leaned over the table to all have,’ he said, and hurried
delay me on the way to that me, with an enormous sorrow by.
appointment in which I in his voice as he spoke.
thought my honour was “Thrice I have had my chance “I do not see how I could have
done otherwise then. And the
involved. Afterwards I was —thrice! If ever that door
next occasion was as I rushed
sorry for my punctuality—I offers itself to me again, I
to my father’s bedside to bid
might at least have peeped in swore, I will go in out of this
I thought, and waved a hand dust and heat, out of this dry that stern old man farewell.
Then, too, the claims of life
to those panthers, but I knew glitter of vanity, out of these
were imperative. But the third
enough by this time not to toilsome futilities. I will go
seek again belatedly that and never return. This time I time was different; it
happened a week ago. It fills
which is not found by seeking. will stay . . . . . I swore it and
Yes, that time made me very when the time came—I didn’t me with hot remorse to recall
it. I was with Gurker and
sorry . . . . . go.
Ralphs—it’s no secret now you
“Years of hard work after that “Three times in one year have know that I’ve had my talk
and never a sight of the door. I passed that door and failed with Gurker. We had been
It’s only recently it has come to enter. Three times in the dining at Frobisher’s, and the
back to me. With it there has last year. talk had become intimate
come a sense as though some “The first time was on the between us. The question of
thin tarnish had spread itself night of the snatch division on my place in the reconstructed
over my world. I began to the Tenants’ Redemption Bill, ministry lay always just over
think of it as a sorrowful and on which the Government was the boundary of the
bitter thing that I should saved by a majority of three. discussion. Yes—yes. That’s
never see that door again. You remember? No one on all settled. It needn’t be talked
Perhaps I was suffering a little our side—perhaps very few on about yet, but there’s no
from overwork—perhaps it the opposite side—expected reason to keep a secret from
was what I’ve heard spoken of the end that night. Then the you . . . . . Yes—thanks!
as the feeling of forty. I don’t debate collapsed like thanks! But let me tell you my
know. But certainly the keen eggshells. I and Hotchkiss story.
brightness that makes effort were dining with his cousin at “Then, on that night things
easy has gone out of things Brentford, we were both were very much in the air. My
recently, and that just at a unpaired, and we were called position was a very delicate
Every Writer 70
one. I was keenly anxious to inconceivably petty alone—grieving—sometimes
get some definite word from worldlinesses weighed with near audibly lamenting—for a
Gurker, but was hampered by me in that crisis.” door, for a garden!”
Ralphs’ presence. I was using Then he turned on me with a
the best power of my brain to IV
sorrowful smile, and,
keep that light and careless speaking slowly; “Here I am!”
talk not too obviously directed I can see now his rather pallid
he said.
to the point that concerns me. face, and the unfamiliar
I had to. Ralphs’ behaviour “Here I am!” he repeated, sombre fire that had come
since has more than justified “and my chance has gone into his eyes. I see him very
my caution . . . . . Ralphs, I from me. Three times in one vividly to-night. I sit recalling
knew, would leave us beyond year the door has been offered his words, his tones, and last
the Kensington High Street, me—the door that goes into evening’s Westminster
and then I could surprise peace, into delight, into a Gazette still lies on my sofa,
Gurker by a sudden beauty beyond dreaming, a containing the notice of his
frankness. One has sometimes kindness no man on earth can death. At lunch to-day the
to resort to these little devices. know. And I have rejected it, club was busy with him and
. . . . And then it was that in Redmond, and it has gone—” the strange riddle of his fate.
the margin of my field of “How do you know?”
vision I became aware once They found his body very
more of the white wall, the “I know. I know. I am left now early yesterday morning in a
green door before us down the to work it out, to stick to the deep excavation near East
road. tasks that held me so strongly Kensington Station. It is one
when my moments came. You of two shafts that have been
“We passed it talking. I passed say, I have success—this made in connection with an
it. I can still see the shadow of vulgar, tawdry, irksome, extension of the railway
Gurker’s marked profile, his envied thing. I have it.” He southward. It is protected
opera hat tilted forward over had a walnut in his big hand. from the intrusion of the
his prominent nose, the many “If that was my success,” he public by a hoarding upon the
folds of his neck wrap going said, and crushed it, and held high road, in which a small
before my shadow and it out for me to see. doorway has been cut for the
Ralphs’ as we sauntered past. convenience of some of the
“Let me tell you something,
“I passed within twenty inches Redmond. This loss is workmen who live in that
of the door. ‘If I say good- direction. The doorway was
destroying me. For two
night to them, and go in,’ I left unfastened through a
months, for ten weeks nearly
asked myself, ‘what will misunderstanding between
now, I have done no work at
happen?’ And I was all a- two gangers, and through it he
all, except the most necessary
tingle for that word with made his way . . . . .
and urgent duties. My soul is
Gurker. full of inappeasable regrets. At My mind is darkened with
“I could not answer that nights—when it is less likely I questions and riddles.
question in the tangle of my shall be recognised—I go out. It would seem he walked all
other problems. ‘They will I wander. Yes. I wonder what the way from the House that
think me mad,’ I thought. people would think of that if night—he has frequently
‘And suppose I vanish now!— they knew. A Cabinet walked home during the past
Amazing disappearance of a Minister, the responsible head Session—and so it is I figure
prominent politician!’ That of that most vital of all his dark form coming along
weighed with me. A thousand departments, wandering the late and empty streets,
Every Writer 71
wrapped up, intent. And then
did the pale electric lights
near the station cheat the
rough planking into a
semblance of white? Did that
fatal unfastened door awaken
some memory?
Was there, after all, ever any
green door in the wall at all?
I do not know. I have told his
story as he told it to me. There
are times when I believe that
Wallace was no more than the
victim of the coincidence
between a rare but not
unprecedented type of
hallucination and a careless
trap, but that indeed is not my
profoundest belief. You may
think me superstitious if you
will, and foolish; but, indeed,
I am more than half
convinced that he had in
truth, an abnormal gift, and a
sense, something—I know not If you're contemplating the manuscript to agents, and if
what—that in the guise of wall choice between self- that avenue doesn't yield
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passage of escape into another grappling with the question:
and altogether more beautiful What Do You Sacrifice with
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book? In this updated article,
say, it betrayed him in the we'll delve into the Opting for self-publishing
end. But did it betray him? advantages and potential means taking on tasks
There you touch the inmost pitfalls of self-publishing totraditionally handled by
mystery of these dreamers, help you determine if it's thepublishers, whether they are
these men of vision and the right path for you. small, medium, or large.
imagination. We see our Editing, formatting, and
world fair and common, the It's crucial to keep your cover design services are
hoarding and the pit. By our options open when you've typically provided by
daylight standard he walked invested significant time and publishers, but when you
out of security into darkness, effort in writing your book. self-publish, these
danger and death. But did he The recommended approach responsibilities fall on your
see like that? involves initially attempting shoulders. Additionally, you
to secure literary may relinquish a degree of
representation from an agent. prestige associated with
Take the time to shop your traditional publishing,
Every Writer 72
though this often has proofreading focuses on 4. Pricing Setting an
minimal impact on sales but rectifying errors in your appropriate price for your
remains a consideration for manuscript, such as grammar book demands thorough
some. and spelling. While many research. Strike a balance
hired editors can perform this between competitive pricing
Steps to Navigate Self-
task, you can start with an AI and fair compensation for
editor to minimize the need your efforts.
for extensive proofreading
1. Editing Your Book Editing and reduce costs.
5. Marketing Effective
is arguably the most
marketing is indispensable
challenging aspect of self-
1. Cover and Artwork for sales success. Building a
publishing, involving two
Securing an appealing book target audience is essential,
essential types:
cover is crucial, and you may but delving into various
need to enlist the help of a marketing avenues, such as
1a. Content Editing Content professional unless you social media, real-world
editing is a critical phase in possess graphic design skills. promotion, and even
self-publishing. It's essential Book covers significantly newspaper advertising,
to recognize that you can't influence sales, so investing requires substantial effort
effectively edit your own in a captivating design that and research.
work. Finding an experienced accurately represents your
editor is not easy and work is vital.
6. Sales Goals Establishing
requires a keen eye,
sales targets and goals
objectivity, and an
understanding of the craft. To 2. Selecting Your Publishing necessitates a business-
Platform Choosing the right oriented mindset. If you lack
compensate, seek feedback
platform for publishing is experience in sales,
from beta readers who can
review your work and provide pivotal. While Amazon is a conducting thorough
popular choice, conducting research is vital. If possible,
insights. Gathering multiple
research and seeking advice seek guidance from someone
perspectives helps identify
from fellow authors can help with expertise in this area.
what's working and what
you determine which
platform aligns best with
your book's subject matter Navigating the Self-
and target audience. Publishing Journey
After receiving feedback,
you'll need to decide which
suggestions to incorporate
3. Formatting and Uploading Self-publishing entails
and what to discard. This
The publishing platform you numerous responsibilities,
iterative process is why far more than initially meets
multiple rounds of editing are select will dictate formatting
requirements. Carefully the eye. Before embarking on
essential – recurring
follow the guidelines to this journey, carefully
feedback patterns indicate consider the aforementioned
areas needing improvement. format and upload your work,
ensuring no unintended steps. Some authors rush into
changes occur during the self-publishing without
process. adequate preparation and
1b. Proofreading Distinct
subsequently find themselves
from content editing,
Every Writer 73
scrambling to catch up.
Initially, you might prioritize
merely having your book in
print, but keep in mind that
each step in this process is
essential. Over time, your
objectives may evolve from
mere publication to desiring
readership and financial
success. Plan meticulously to
ensure a smoother and more
successful self-publishing
Every Writer 74
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