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Important Terminologies which focus on Simple Ways to Lead Yourself

Leadership 1. Know your Values and Stick to Them. the

Leader- An individual appointed as a leader ones with real values and ethics are the
must understand himself honestly, what he most trustworthy leaders. Find ideals that
knows and what he can do. reverberate with your philosophy,
Sets the company, organization a temperament, and creeds to become an
specific vision, motivates employees, guides effective leader. People tend to be drawn
worker through the cycle of work, and creates instinctively to somebody who has a dream,
morale. intent and dignity. One who treats people
Followers- Different people expect different respectfully and is empathetic to their
leadership styles. a newly-employed deserves needs. Make sure that you know what type
more supervision than an accomplished of leader you want to become. Personal
subordinate does. beliefs in leadership, core values,
Communication- Being a leader, you lead by implementation of those values help leaders
bidirectional communication. A great deal of become successful.
that is nonverbal. 2. Move Towards Purpose
Situation- Every situation is different. You can't be a leader unless you have a
Everything you do in one situation isn't clear intention to help you through the dark
automatically going to work in another. times. The aim at the end of a tunnel is like
Training- is a structured lesson designed to a light; a hope that keeps us going. One
give people the knowledge and skills to has to spend time questioning the real
perform a task. intent or inspiration behind being a leader.
Coaching- is a process designed to help the As a leader, you can inspire, guide, and
employee develop more expertise and resolve encourage your subordinates to achieve
obstacles to improving job performance. larger objectives. If you have a clear
purpose, then you can make sure the team
Concept of Leadership is aligned with a common purpose.
 Process an individual influences others and 3. Keep Improving Yourself
guides the organization in a manner that Great leaders are working hard to improve,
makes it more cohesive and coherent. expand and evolve into better versions of
 Leadership is the practice of driving people to them. Whether you've just started leading
achieve goals. or you've been a veteran in your place,
make it a point to learn something new by
*leadership plays an important role in success and
going back home.
•leaders do this by providing many means of shaping
4. Make Mistakes But Never Make The Same
the actions of subordinates. Mistake Twice

'It's a process whereby an individual influences "All leaders make mistakes. They are a part
others and guides the organization in a manner that of life. Successful leaders recognize their
makes it more cohesive and coherent. errors, learn from them, and correct their
faults."- John C. Maxwell

The only thing that sets a leader different

Importance of Self-Leadership from a great leader is that he never makes
1. Self-leadership allows leaders or senior the same mistake twice. Note also that on
officers, who undergo very little or no the back of disappointment always comes
supervision, to prepare and set targets on the greatest successes. Trying new stuff,
their own, as well as to control their own and doing things that challenge your
self to execute such plans. comfort zone, is important. You might end
2. For lower-level employees or up making mistakes whilst doing so.
subordinates, who cannot always be sure Everyone does. So over them there's no
of the kind of governance or leaders they need to be ashamed.
may face in their careers, self- 5. Lead By Example
management enables them to become None is easier than leading from the front.
effective and efficient workers under any Not only is it a brave thing to do but it is a
leadership they may encounter, be it very leading thing. Perhaps that's why they
laissez faire, free-rule, democratic or all find it toughest. The only thing that can
autocratic. turn you into a leader is when you begin to
3. Self-leadership helps make individual act like one.
decision- makers proactive, focused, and
autonomous. People who do not have a
strong sense of self- leadership tend to feel
that they are not in control of themselves,
frequently lose concentration and easily Character Traits of a Leader
get frustrated. 1. HONESTY AND INTEGRITY
"The supreme quality of leadership is them the plan for achieving the goal, it
unquestionably integrity. Without it, no will be very difficult for you to get the
real success is possible, no matter results you want if you don't. You can
whether it is on a section gang, a never be a good leader because you
football field, in an army, or in an can't effectively express your message
office."-Dwight D. Eisenhower 34th to your team Words have the potential to
President of United States get people motivated and make them do
the unthinkable. If you are making
Honesty and integrity are two key effective use of them, you can also
ingredients that make for a good leader. achieve better results.
How can you expect honesty from your 6. DECISION-MAKING CAPABILITIES
followers when you yourself lack these
qualities? Leaders flourish when they A leader should have the ability to take
hold to their core values and beliefs and the decision at the Leader time, in
this won't be possible without ethics. addition to futuristic vision. Leaders take
2. CONFIDENCE actions that having profound impact on
You should be comfortable enough to be the people. A leader should think long
an effective leader and ensure people and hard before taking a decision but
obey your orders. If your own decisions stand by once the decision is made.
and values are uncertain, otherwise your Although most leaders make their own
subordinates will never obey you. You decision it is highly recommended that
must be oozing with confidence as a consult key stakeholders before you
leader, display some assertiveness in make a decision. After all, they will
order to gain the respect of your benefit from your decisions or in from
subordinates. This doesn't mean you them.
should be overconfident, but at least you 7. ACCOUNTABILITY
should show the degree of confidence
needed to make sure your followers | "A good leader takes little more than
trust you as a leader. his share of the blame and little less
3. INSPIRE OTHERS than his share of the credit."- Arnold H.
"If your actions inspire others to dream
more, learn more, do more and become Make sure each of the subordinate is
more, you are a leader."- John Quincy responsible for what they do. Give them
Adams a pat on the back if they do well but
when they fail make them realize their
Probably the hardest thing a leader has mistakes and work together to improve.
to do is persuade others to comply. It Holding them to account for their actions
can only be so if by setting a good will create a sense of duty among your
example you inspire your followers. subordinates and they will be more
They look up tough, and see how you serious about the organization.
react to you when the going gets the 8. DELEGATION AND EMPOWERMENT
situation. They'll follow you, when you
handle it well. As a leader, you should You just can't do it all, right. Focusing on
think positive and your actions will make key responsibilities is vital to a leader,
this positive approach clear. When you while leaving the rest to others.
succeed in empowering your Empower and delegate the duties to
subordinates, you can easily resolve your followers. When you try to
every obstacle now and in the future. micromanage your subordinates, a lack
4. COMMITMENT AND PASSION of trust will grow and, more importantly,
you won't be able to focus on important
The team looks up to you and you'll things, as you should. Delegate the
have to be enthusiastic about that too if subordinate's duties and see how they
you want them to give their all. If your do. Provide them with all the resources
team sees you're getting your hands and support they need to attain the
dirty, they'll give their best too. It will target and give them an opportunity to
also help you gain your subordinates bear responsibility.
'confidence and instill new energy in 9. CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION
your team members, which will make
them perform better. When they believe "Innovation distinguishes between a
you are not fully committed or lack leader and a follower."- Steve Jobs
motivation, then inspiring your followers
to achieve the goal would be an uphill In order to get ahead to today's
task for you as a leader. environment, a leader must be creative
5. GOOD COMMUNICATOR and at the same time. That helps you
As a leader you have to communicate and your team stand out from the crowd,
your vision clearly to your team and tell is creative thinking and relentless
creativity. Think about coming up with Con: Constantly trying to achieve consensus
unique ideas out of the box and among a group can be inefficient and, in some
transforming those ideas and goals into cases, costly.
reality. innovative 5. Autocratic Leadership
Autocratic leadership exists on the opposite
As Leaders, empathy with your followers side of the spectrum from democratic
will grow Don't adopt a dictatorial style, leadership.
and utterly lack empathy. You'll fail to You can think of this as a "my way or the
connect more directly with your highway" approach.
followers. Knowing the followers' issues,
and experiencing their pain, is the first Autocratic leaders view themselves as having
step towards becoming effective leaders absolute power and make decisions on behalf
Even that is not enough until you work of their subordinates. They dictate not only
hard and provide the appropriate what needs to be done, but also how those
solution for your followers. tasks should be accomplished.

Deeply study on Leadership Styles Pro: Decisions are often made quickly and
1.transactional Leadership (telling) strategically, and teams are kept on track as a
> I give you this, and you give me that result.
>dish out instruction to their team members,
and use different awards or penalties to Con: Employees can feel ignored, restricted,
recognize or punish their response. and in the absolute worst of cases-even
Pro. Confusion and guess work are eliminated, abused.
because tasks and expectation are clearly
mapped out by the leader. 6. Bureaucratic Leadership
Con. Due to rigid environment and
expectations, creativity and innovation may be Bureaucratic leadership goes "by the book," so
stifled. to speak. With this leadership style, there's a
2. Transformational leadership prescribed set of boxes to check in order to be
> seek to change the businesses or group in a true leader.
which they lead by inspiring their employees to
innovate. For example, bureaucratic leaders have
>making improvement and fining better ways to hierarchical authority-meaning their power
get things done, and as a result they inspire comes from a formal position or title, rather
and empower other people to own their work. than unique traits or characteristics that they
Pro. Leaders establish a high level of trust with possess.
their employee and rally them around a shared
vision or end goal. They also have a set list of responsibilities, as
Con. In environments where existing process well as clearly-defined rules and systems for
are valued, this desire to change things up can how they'll manage others and make decisions.
ruffle some feathers. They just need to follow that road map that's
3.Servant Leadership laid out for them.
>Serve first lead second.
>they channel majority of their energy into Pro: There's plenty of stability. Since this is a
finding ways that they can help others. systematized approach to leadership, things
> They prioritize the needs of other people remain constant even through personnel
above their own. changes and other shifts that threaten to rock
Pro. Boasts morale and leads to a high level of the boat.
trust, result to a better employee performance.
Con. Constantly pushing your own needs and Con: It's tempting to fall into the "we've always
priorities to the backburner isn’t something that done it this way" trap. This approach can be
comes as second nature for most of us. inflexible and neglect to leave room for
4.Democratic Leadership creativity or ideas from employees.
> participative leadership
> emphasize working together, value ideas and 7. Laissez-Faire Leadership.
input from others, and encourage discussion
about those contributions. This is a French term that translates to "leave it
be," which pretty accurately summarizes this
They aren't handing down orders from on high, hands- off leadership approach. It's the exact
and instead take a much more collaborative opposite of micromanagement.
approach to getting things done.
Laissez-faire leaders provide the necessary
Pro: Creativity and innovation are encouraged, tools and resources. But then they step back
which also improves job satisfaction among and let their team members make decisions,
employees and team members. solve problems, and get their work
accomplished-without having to worry about
the leader obsessively supervising their every Sometimes, this is seen as beauty, elegance,
move. or appreciation. You like the individual and you
want to do things for him or her.
Pro: This level of trust and independence is
empowering for teams that are creative and 6. Informational Power - Providing information
self- motivated. to others which leads to thinking or acting in
a new way.
Con: Chaos and confusion can quickly ensue
especially if a team isn't organized or self- Analyze and Discuss Values Formation in
directed. Leadership
Integrity - Acting consistently with
8. Charismatic Leadership honesty and strong moral principles, even
when faced with difficult choices.
Rather than encouraging behaviors through Accountability - Taking responsibility for
strict instructions, these leaders use eloquent one’s actions and decisions, and being
communication and persuasion to unite a team transparent with others about the
around a cause. They're able to clearly lay out outcomes.
their vision and get others excited about that Fairness- Treating all individuals and
same goal. situations impartially and without
Pro: Charismatic leaders are very inspirational favoritism, ensuring justice and equity.
and effective at getting an entire group Respect - Valuing and honoring the
invested in a shared objective. dignity, rights, and perspectives of others,
regardless of differences.
Compassion - Showing empathy and
Con: Due to their intense focus, it's easy for
concern for the well-being of others,
these leaders to develop "tunnel vision" and
especially when making decisions that
lose sight of other important issues or tasks
affect them.
that crop up.
Courage - Having the strength to do what
is right, even in the face of fear, adversity,
Six Points of Leadership Power or opposition.
1. Coercive Power- Power that is based on Humility- Recognizing one’s limitations,
fear. being open to feedback, and valuing the
contributions of others.
A person with coercive power can make things Vision - Having a clear sense of direction
hard for humans. These are the people you and purpose, and inspiring others to work
wish to avoid being angry with. Employees who toward shared goals.
work under a coercive boss are unlikely to Commitment* - Demonstrating dedication
commit themselves, and are more likely to to the mission, values, and goals of the
resist the manager. organization, and following through on
2. Reward Power Compliance achieved on the promises. ### 10. Trustworthiness -
basis of the ability to distribute rewards which Being reliable and dependable, building
others find important. confidence in others through consistent
and ethical behavior.
Might give people special benefits or Inclusiveness- Encouraging diversity and
incentives. Trading favors with him or her might ensuring that all voices are heard and
seem beneficial. considered in decision-making.
Adaptability - Being open to change and
3. Legitimate Power - The power a person flexible in approach, while staying true to
receives in an organization's formal hierarchy core values.
as a consequence of his or her role.
Ethics in Leadership
The person has the right to expect you to HOW TO BECOME AN ETHICAL LEADER?
comply with valid demands, given his or her
status and your job responsibilities. a. Define and Align Your Values

4. Expert Power - Influence based on special Consider the morals you were raised with:
skills or knowledge.
"Treat others how you want to be treated"
Experience and knowledge give the person
respect. Expert influence is the most firmly and "Always say "thank you,"
regularly connected to productive output of
subordinates. "Help those who are struggling," etc.

5. Referent Power Influence based on But as you evolve, and as society progresses,
individual or desirable possession of wealth or traditions alter, often causing changing values.
personal traits. Ask yourself what matters to you as a person,
and then align that with your leadership goals.
It not only reflects your honesty in describing
your beliefs, it also inspires the colleagues to identify what they are doing well. Then
do the same, building a shared vision for all incorporate it into their own style of leadership.
h. Care for Yourself so you are able to Care for
b. Champion the Importance of Ethics Others

An ethical leader's job is to focus on the overall As the saying goes, "You can't pour from an
significance of ethics, including ethical empty cup." The cornerstone for strong
standards and other ethical issues, and how leadership is to have a calm and competent
those factors that influence society. As an disposition. This can be done by ensuring that
ethical leader, educating peers about ethics is you, as a person, are focused on fulfilling your
crucial, particularly in cases where they face an own needs such as sleep, nutrition and a true
ethical issue at work. relationship with loved ones.

c. Hire People with Similar Values It may seem easy to devote time to self-care,
but ultimately it's crucial to improving your
Although your views need not be identical to leadership abilities. The leader who is happy
those of your workers, you should be able to and satisfied with life seeks peace and
establish common ground with them. This often fulfillment for those they lead.
starts with the hiring process and is sustained
through a declaration of vision. The 4-V Model of Ethical Leadership
aims to reconcile internal beliefs and values for
d. Promote Open Communication the common good with external behaviors and
Each subordinate is different although they
share similarities. Be open with every decision The four V'S stand for:
you make, and seek input from your team. It
makes you become a better leader and helps 1. Values
you feel more comfortable in expressing your
thoughts or concerns with your subordinates. 2. Vision,
Collecting input from your team will help you
improve as a leader and will push the 3. Voice, and
organization forward.
e. Beware of Bias 4. Virtue

As people, many of us have antiquated or

mistaken convictions, subconscious or
otherwise. Every leader wants to admit to their
shortcomings but failure to practice self-
awareness will lead to detrimental effects
Everyone has prejudice, but you haven't been
called on for the longest time, because you've
never really been tested. Leaders need to look
at themselves and be honest in fact having
prejudices that can impinge on the feeling of
ease at work of another person. For you to
build and maintain better relationships with
your subordinates, be an open-minded leader.

f. Lead by Example

Leading by example is a noble attribute of a

leader. The best way to ensure an ethical
organization is to lead by example. It is
important to remember as an ethical leader,
that actions always speak louder than words.
People are more likely to judge others, rather
than what they say, based on how they
behave. Ethical leaders may begin to earn the
respect of their peers by practicing and
demonstrating the use of ethical, truthful, and
unselfish conduct to subordinates.
g. Find Your Role Models

In history, there are many leaders, doing a little

study of strong, powerful leaders and trying to

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