Design Smart Water Quality Monitoring System Using IOT: Shraddha N.Nagarale
Design Smart Water Quality Monitoring System Using IOT: Shraddha N.Nagarale
Design Smart Water Quality Monitoring System Using IOT: Shraddha N.Nagarale
Abstract—Water is the most precious and valuable because it’s a basic need of all the human beings but, now a
day’swater supply department are facing problem in real time operation this is because less amount of water in
resources dueto less rain fall. With increase in Population, urban residential areas have increased because of
this reasons water hasbecome a crucial problem which affects the problem of water distribution, interrupted
water supply, waterconservation, water consumption and also the water quality so, to overcome water supply
related problems and make system efficient there is need of proper monitoring and controlling system. In this
project, we are focusing on continuous and real time monitoring of water supply in IOT platform. Water supply
with continuous monitoring makesa proper distribution so that, we can have a record of available amount of
water in tanks, flow rate, abnormality indistribution line. Internet of things is nothing but the network of
physical objects embedded with electronics, sensors, software, and network connectivity. Monitoring can be
done from anywhere as central office. Using Adafruit as free sever data continuously pushed on cloud so we can
see data in real time operation. Using different sensors with controller and arduino as Minicomputer can
monitor data and also control operation from cloud with efficient client server communication.
Keywords—Smart Water Quality Monitoring; Internet of Things; Remote Sensing.
Date of Submission: 13-04-2022 Date of acceptance: 29-04-2022
Water is the primary need of all living beings and living without water is impossible. With the
advancement of technology and industrialization, environmental pollutions have become a major concern.
Water pollution is one of the most serious types of this environmental pollution. Our lives depend on the quality
of water that we consume in different ways, from juices which are produced by the industries. Any imbalance in
the quality of water would severely affect the humans’ health and at the same time it would affect the ecological
balance among all species. Water quality refers to the chemical, biological, radiological and biological
parameters of the water .The essential parameters of the water quality vary based on the application of water.
For example, for aquariums, it is necessary to maintain the temperature, pH level, Water Level, Total Dissolved
Solid, and the level of the water in a certain normal range in order to ensure the safety of the fish inside the
aquarium. For the industrial and household applications, however, some parameters of the water are more
essential to be monitored frequently than the others, depending on the usage of the water.
Drinking water is becoming more harmful and contaminated due to urbanization, industrialization and
increase in population. Hence there is need of better methodologies for monitoring the water quality. For
examining the water quality manual efforts were required for testing. Such approaches take longer time and no
longer to be considered efficient. By focusing on the above issues our model develop a low cost system for real
time monitoring of the water quality in IOT environment. 18 | Page
Design Smart Water Quality Monitoring System Using IOT
To understand how this revolution took shape we have to travel back to the 1900’s with a profound
prediction from a well renowned inventor Nicolai Tesla in which he stated that the world will be wirelessly
connected to a single brain. Every invention starts with a simple thought, that’s all it takes to define history.
Alan Turing, the inventor of the computer, spoke about machines having sensors and humans teaching the
machines, what we know today as Artificial Intelligence (AI). Then came the World Wide Web (www), the
flow of information that is available to the public and this was exactly what was missing to realise Teslas
prediction. The term itself “internet of things” was coined in 1999 by Kevin Ashton for linking the idea of
sensors with the internet .
The IoT journey has taken over a century to see light and it will undoubtedly not stop here.It might be
difficult to see the significance of the IoT but every advancement made is to make everyday life simpler and
safer. 19 | Page
Design Smart Water Quality Monitoring System Using IOT
In general water quality monitoring system consists of various sensors such a pH sensor, turbidity
sensors, temperature sensors, conductivity sensors, humidity sensors and many other sensors. Fig.1 shows the
general block diagram of smart water quality monitoring system. As shown in the figure, core controller forms
the heart of the system. All the sensors are connected a core controller and this controller controls theoperation,
gets data from sensors, and compares it with that of the standard values and sends the values to the concerned
end user or authorities through wireless modules
In general water quality monitoring system consists of various sensors such a pH sensor, turbidity
sensors, temperature sensors, conductivity sensors, humidity sensors and many other sensors. shows the general
block diagram of Digen smart water quality monitoring system. As shown in the figure, core controller forms
the heart of the system. All the sensors are connected a core controller and this controller controls the operation,
gets data from sensors, and compares it with that of the standard values and sends the values to the concerned
end user or authorities through wireless modules. 20 | Page
Design Smart Water Quality Monitoring System Using IOT
Water Pollution is a major threat to any country, as it affects health, economy and spoils bio- diversity.
In this work, causes and effects of water pollution is presented, as well as a comprehensive review of different
methods of water quality monitoring and an efficient IoT based method for water quality monitoring has been
discussed. Although there have been many excellent smart water quality monitoring systems, still the research
area remains challenging. This work presents a review of the recentworks carried out by the researchers in order
to make water quality monitoring systems smart, low powered and highly efficient such that monitoring will
becontinuous and alerts/notifications will be sent to the concerned authorities for further processing. The
developed model is cost effective and simple to use (flexible). Three water samples are tested and based on the
results, the water can be classified whether it is drinkable or not.
As a future directive, the suggestion is to use latest sensors for detecting various other parameters of
quality, use wireless communication standards for better communication and IoT to make a better system for
water quality monitoring and the water resources can be made safe by immediate response.
The authors would like to express sincere thanks to Management and Principal of Tulsiramji Gaikwad-
Patil College of Engineering and Technology Nagpur,Head of the Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering, Tulsiramji Gaikwad-Patil College of Engineering and Technology Nagpur, India,
and all those who supported us directly and indirectly during the project.
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