Vol 1 MPanel Road TN 48

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E Tender Notice no – 02/2024-25

Tender No -48




Volume -1 :- General Conditions & Technical Specification

Volume -2 :- Price Bid

Dy.Municipal Commissioner
Rajiv Gandhi Bhavan,
North Zone Zonal Office,
Memco, Ahmedabad.


E Tender Notice no – 48/2024-25

Tender No -48




Volume -1
General Conditions & Technical Specification

Dy. Municipal Commissioner (North Zone)

Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation.
Rajiv Gandhi Bhavan , Memco – Naroda Road,



Volume -1
General Conditions & Technical Specification

I NOTICE INVITING E- Tender Notice No-
TENDER (NIT) 02/2024-25
II Memorandum of Work
III Invitation For Bids (IFB)
IV Terms & Condition
VI Technical Specification
VII Form of BID

DOWNLOADING OF TENDER THE WEBSITE : - As per Notice Inviting Tender.


LAST DATE OF ONLINE SUBMISSION OF :- As per Notice Inviting Tender.


LAST DATE OF PHYSICAL SUBMISSION :- As per Notice Inviting Tender.

OF TENDER ( Encloses as asked)

OPENING OF TENDER :- As per Notice Inviting Tender.


Municipal Commissioner invites percentage rate sealed Bids from the reputed, experienced &
registered contractors of approved class for the work mentioned below.
2. Minimum Eligibility Criteria Contractor registered with AMC or Government of Gujarat
or with other state Government, Semi Government Bodies or
with Central P.W.D. and having experience in similar type
of works & who are capable of carrying out similar type of
work are eligible.
3. Time Limit If the Work less than 10 lacs – 2 Months
Work 10 to 15 lacs – 3 Months
Work 15 to 20 lacs – 4 Months
Work 20 to 25 lacs – 5 Months
If the Work more than 25 lacs – 5 Months
4. Bid Deposit/Earnest money Rs.1,00,000/- to be submitted in the form of D.D. in favour of
Municipal Commissioner, Ahmedabad
5. Bid fee Rs.3600/-in the form of D.D in favour of Municipal
(Non refundable) Commissioner, Ahmedabad.
6. Bid documents to be downloaded From As per Notice Inviting Tender, www.nprocure.com,
from website www.amc.nprocure.com
7. Last date of receiving Bid. Dt. 18/11/2024 up to 17;00 hrs The tenders received after this
date and time will not be entertained under any circumstances.
8. Submission of EMD. Tender fee Dt: 19/11/2024 at 17.00 Hrs
and other Documents
9. Date of Opening of Bid Dt: 21/11/2024 at 11.00 Hrs
10. Mode of sending the Bid By RPAD or Speed Post or courier or by hand delivery only
Documents in duplicate. addressed to Asst. Manager North Zone, 1 st floor, A.M.
i.e. two sets Office,Rajiv Gandhi Bhavan, Naroda Road, Memco,
11 Bid validity period 120 Days
12 Defect liability period As per type of work and norms of AMC
13 Compensation for delay After completion of original time limit 10 % of the amount of
remaining works shall be charged as liquidated damages
(penalty) or the amount as decided by Municipal
14 Water, Electricity Contractor shall have to make his own arrangements for water
and electricity for the purpose of work at site at his own
15 Terms, Condition, & All general condition of contract of Form B1 condition of
Specification contract shall be applicable.

Conditional Bids will not be accepted. Municipal Commissioner reserves the rights to reject
any or all the Bids without assigning any reasons thereof.

ltuk^ :- (1)vhevºt lk-28 <&t ltKktFt<t vhevºt lk 32 <t.7/7/2017 îtht <t.1/7/2017 vAe
cnth vtzJtbt ytJuj/ytJlth xuLzhbt (bxehegÕm + juch mÃjtg mt&u) G.S.T lt ltuxeVefuNl

bwsc G.S.T sgt jtdw vz<tu ntug ðgt mœhnw ftblt cezhu G.S.T ltuxeVefuNl bwscle
yuÃjefucujexe ægtlbt htFe xuLzhlwk cezekd fhJtlw hnuNu.

(2) ftuLx[t¾xhu fboathe CrJ»g rl^e mkdXl yk<do< vtu{rJzLz Vkz hSMx[uNlle lfj hsw fhJtle
hnuNu.yLg&t <ulu fthKu ftuRvK «¹l WœTCJu <tu <ule sJtcœthe ftuLx[t¾xhle ntuJt ctc<u ftuLx[tfxhu
ltuxtuhtRÍ Yt.100/- MxuBv vuvh Wvh ctknu^he hsw fhJtle hnuNu.

(3) ftuLx[t¾xhu btlleg bwÏgbkkºte yu«uLxem gtuslt ctc<u bnuhctl Bgwrlrmvj frbNlh mtnuc©elt
mhfgwjh lkk-41 <t-09-11-2021 bwsc The Apprentices act,1961 ylÔgu <uytulwk
Employes ltufheœt<t <hefu hSMx[[uNl VhSgt< fhtJe <uytulwk hSMx[[uNlle ftuve hsw fhJtle

Signature of contractor with seal Dy. City Engineer-2

Date (North Zone)

Bid submitted to

 Asst.Manager (North Zone )

Zonal Office
1 st floor, A.M. Office,
Rajiv Gandhi Bhavan,
Naroda Road, Memco,

Note: Bidder can submit his bid for RCC work & Paver Block for North Zone.

Signature of contractor with seal Dy. City Engineer-2

Date (North Zone)

General terms & conditions

1. A booklet of FORM B-1 of Gujarat State Roads & Building Department / Water
Resources Department with the latest correction slips may be referred. (only
English version)
2. In the specification “as directed" / "approved" shall be taken to mean "as directed /
"approved" by the Engineering in charge.
3. Wherever a reference to any Indian standard appears in the specifications, it shall
be taken to mean as reference to the latest edition of the same of force on the date
of agreement.
4. In "Mode of measurement" in the specifications wherever a dispute arises in the
absence of specific mention for a particulars point / aspect, the same in the
relevant Indian Standards shall be referred to.
5. All measurement and computations, unless otherwise specified shall be carried out
nearest to the following limits :-
i) Length, width and depth, Height 0.01 Meter
ii) Areas 0.01 Sq.mts.
iii) Cubic contents 0.01 Cu.mts.
In recording dimensions of work, the sequence of length, width and height
(Depth) or thickness shall be followed.
6. Definite particulars covered in the items of work, though not mentioned or
elucidate in its specifications shall be deemed to be included therein.
7. Approval of the samples of various materials given by the Engineer in charge or
AMC's Consultant shall not absolve the contractor from the responsibility of
replacing defective materials brought on site or materials used in the work found
defective at a later date. The contractor shall have no claim to any payment or
compensation whatsoever on account of any such materials being rejected by the
Engineer in charge.
8. The contractor’s rate for the item of work shall be for the work completed in all
9. All materials including those of electrical shall be got approved by the Engineer in
charge/ Architect before using them in the work.
10. Materials as and when rejected by the Engineer in charge or AMC's Consultant
shall be removed from the site of work within 24 hours.

11. All work shall be carried out in a manner applying the best technique.
12. All tools, templates, machinery and equipment for correct execution of the work
as well as for checking lines, levels, alignment of the works & all precautionary
measures during execution shall have to be kept in sufficient numbers and in good
working condition at the site of the work.
13. Special modes of the construction not adopted in general Engineering practice, if
proposed to be adopted by the contractor shall be considered only if the contractor
provided satisfactory evidence that such special mode of construction and
completion of work to the required strength and quality. Acceptance of the same
by the Engineer in charge shall not however, absolve the contractor from the
responsibility of any adverse effect and concordance of adopting the same in the
course of exaction or completion of the work.
14. The contractor shall be responsible for observing the rules and regulation imposed
under the "Minor Mineral Act", and such other laws and rules prescribed by the
Government from time to time.
15. All necessary safety measures and precautions (incl. those laid down in the
various relevant Indian Standard) shall be taken to engrave the safety of men,
materials and machinery on the work and also of the work itself.
16. Quantity may increase or decrease looking to the quantum of actual work for
which no any claim shall be entertained by A.M.C.
17. Contractor shall have to execute extra item as per terms and conditions of AMC if
18. The work in general shall be carried out as per standard specifications of the
relevant items to be executed & as per the instruction of Engineer in charge & as
per the guidance of AMC's Consultant for this project.
19. The general terms & conditions of the contract shall be applicable & shall be
binding on the contractor. The contract agreement shall have to be executed
between AMC & the agency to which work is awarded for execution.
20. The time limit shall be reckoned after 10 days from the date of issue of the written
work order to the contractor or actual possession of site. No time extension will be
granted under any circumstances.
21. In case of any ambiguity in specifications mentioned in this Bid, the interpretation
given by City Engineer of A.M.C. will be final and binding to the Contractor.
22. The quantities of items in BOQ (Bill of Quantities) may vary in case of necessity

23. Water Supply: The contractor shall arrange at his own cost, a suitable supply of
piped water for the construction of the works and provide a satisfactory supply of
potable water for drinking, washing, sanitation and cleaning down. The contractor
will be responsible for all the costs where applicable of connection, meter
installation, water consumed, water required for testing purposes, disconnection
and the laying, maintenances and ultimate removal of any distribution system
around the site.
24. Electricity: Electric supply will be made available at the site by the Corporation
but the contractor must make his own arrangements with the Corporation and
Electricity Supply Authorities and with other contractors to connect and to take a
supply from such services, paying all costs in connection therewith.
The Contractor shall be entitled to use supply Electricity as may be available on
the site for purpose of the work and shall pay such charges as is fixed by the
appropriate supply Authorities.
In case there is any delay in supply of power site of any interruption or fault in the
power during the work. No compensation shall be paid for idle labor staff,
machineries and for use of diesel operating sets etc. as the case may be.
25. Contactor shall submit all the valid/certified documents in support of their
initial/eligibility criteria mentioned above along with the bid. They shall have also
to submit the income tax clearance certificate and solvency certificate.
26. No advance such as machinery advance, mobilization advance or materials
advance will be given.
27. Conditional Bid will not be accepted.
28. The contractor shall get the electrical works executed through the authorized
Government approved licensed electrical person or firm in appropriate category in
accordance to contractual provisions.
29. The electrical works shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the directives
issued by Engineer in charge.
30. Contractors shall not have any dispute or claim for any kind of compensations
(i) If the quantity stipulated in the Bid items varies or the scope of work
changes & thereby total amount of work increases/ decreases.
(ii) If the works gets delayed/ postpones for some administrative/ technical
decision what so ever.
31. In case of any dispute, decision of Municipal Commissioner shall be final and
binding on the contractors.
32. All pages shall be signed by the bidder before submitting the bid.

33. Bid which do not fulfill all or any of conditions or are submitted incomplete in
any respect will be rejected. Municipal Commissioner reserves the rights to
increase/decrease the scope of work. No any claim to that effect shall be
entertained. The Municipal Commissioner also reserves the right to reject any or
all the Bids without assigning any reason thereof.
34. 1% of the billed amount for work done this work shall be deducted from each
running account bills of the contracts in accordance with the provisions of the
building and other construction workers welfare Cess Act 1996. (Govt. of Gujarat
G.R.No. CWA-2004-841-M-3 Dated 30-01-2006)
35. As per AMC’s Finance department circular no.38/ Dt.21/11/2022 and approval of
competent authority, rate of all the items are taken without GST and prevailing
GST will be payable.
36. Compaction o the PCC executed under this tender shall be ompacted by plate
compactor machine only. No Compaction by hand rammer will be allowed by the
department. No seperat payment will be given for the same.

Signature of contractor with seal Dy. City Engineer-2

Date (North Zone)

ybœtJtœ Bgwrlrmvj ftuvtuohuNl
bntldh muJtmœl - W•th Ítul
W•th Ítul Ítulj ytuVem,
htSJ dtk^e CJl, buBftu, ybœtJtœ.


1. Wvhtuf< xuLzhtu su <u Jdobtk btLg hSMx[uNl ^htJ<t ftuLx[tfxh©eytuyu ChJt.

2. xuLzhle rlg< xuLzh Ve <&t R.yub.ze. ck^ fJhbtkk Wvh lt mhltbu ÁcÁ / hSMxh yu.ze./ MvezvtuMx/ fwhegh&e
rlg< mbgbtk btufjJtlt hnuNu.
3. ftuLx[tfxh©eytuyu xuLzhle mt&u BGþrlrmvj btLg hSMx[uNlle/ dJobuLx hSMx[uNlle ftuve, (xuLzh ftuve <&t yLg
vwhtJt mt&u) yawf mtbuj fhJtle hnuNu ylu fJh Wvh xuLzh lkch <&t ftuLxufx lkch sYh MvÐ œNtoJJtltu hnuNu.ck^
fhJh Wvh xuLzh ltuxem lkch, xuLzh lkch, ftblwk ltb <&t, ftuLx[[tfxhle mkM&tlwk ltb <&t ftuLxufx lkc< yJ~g
œNtoJJtlt hnuNu. su ftuLx[tfxh©eytuyu hSMx[uNl heLgw fhtJuj l ntug <u ftuLx[tfxh©eyu xuLzh ChJt lnek.
4. ftuLx[tfxhtuyu xuuLzhbt cukfl wltb, Ft<t lkch, btRfh lkch ylu mhltb wMvÐ yûthtubtk jFJw.
5. xuLzh Ve vu ytuzoh / zebtLz z[tVx&e aqfJJtle hnuNu. œhuf xuLzh œeX yjd xuLzh xuLzhVe ChJtle hnuNu.
6. ytuAe hfble xuLzh Ve, R.yub.ze. fu xuLzh Ve, R.yub.ze. ÂJltlt xuLzhtu hœct<j (fuLmj) dKtNu.
7. xuLzh mt&u BþfJtbtk ytJ<e yluoMxble, xuLzhle hfblt 1% «btKu cukf duhLxe / zebtLz z[tVx / vu ytuzoh &e s
MJefthJtbtk ytJNu. œhuf xuLzh œeX yjd R.yub.ze. ChJtle hnuNu. R.yub.ze. hfb Yt. yuf fhtuz mwDele ykœtS<
hfblt ftb btxu htufzt, rzbtLz z[tVx, vu ytuzoh fu cukf duhkxelt MJYvbtk <&t Yt. yuf fhtuz&e Wvhle ykœtS< hfblt
ftb btxu R.yub.ze.le hfb btºt rzbtLz z[tVx, vu ytuzoh fu ckuf duhkxelt MJYvbtk ytvJtle hnuNu.
8. cukf duhuLxe btºt ybœtJtœ Nnuhle s MJefthJtbtk ytJNu.
9. xuLzh Ve <&t R.yub.ze.le hfblt ze.ze.le vtA¤ ftuLx[tfxh©eyu vtu<tle mkM&tlwk ltb <&t btuctRj lkch yJ~g
jFJtltu hnuNu.
10. Nh<e xuLzhtu hœ ct<j dKtNu.
11. stu xuLzhbtk MvÐ WÕjuF fhtguj ntug <tu atubtmtlu fthKu Ft<tfeg MËalt yLJgu ßgthu ßgthu ftb ck^ htFJtLþk &tg <u
mbglu ftble BþÆ<btk bshu ytvJtbtk ytJNu. vhkðþ yt yLJgu ftuE CtJ J^thtu ytvJtbtk ytJNu lne. sule ltuk^
xuLzhhu juJe.
12. xuuLzhtu ftuEvK fthK ytÃgt rmJtg MJefthJt fu lrnk MJefthJt <ule mkÃËKo m•tt BGþrlrmvj frbNlh©ele hnuNu.

13. xuLzhbtk stu ftuR mwDtht JDtht ntug <tu <u ykd xuLzh Ch<t vnujt AuÕju ÂœJmu rlg< JucmtRx y&Jt fauheyu sYhe
<vtm fhelu s xuLzh btufjJw.
14. mefgtuhexe zevtuÍex/ vVtuboLm duhuLxele hfb Yt. yuf fhtuz mwDele ykœtS< hfblt ftb btxu htufzt, rzbtLz z[tVx, vu
ytuzoh fu cukf duhkxelt MJYvbtk <&t Yt. yuf fhtuz&e Wvhle ykœtS< hfblt ftb btxu mefgtuhexe zevtuÍex/ vhVtuboLm
duhkxele hfb btºt rzbtLz z[tVx, vu ytuzoh fu ckufduhkxelt MJYvbtk ytvJtle hnuNu.
15. ytuljtRl yul-«tufgwh JucmtRx vh&e ChJtlt &<t xuLzhbtk ftuLx[tfxh/ yusLmeyu xuLzhle ntzo ftuvebtk CtJ Cgto
Jdhle mne mefft fhe mcbex fhJtle hnuNu. stu <ubtk CtJ Chuj nNu <tu <uJt xuLzh hœ fhJtbtk ytJNu.
16. mœh xuLzhle ytRxbtult CtJtu ltKt Ft<t lt mhfgwjh lk.38, <t.21/11/22 <&t mûtb m•ttle b¤uj bkswhe
bwsc GST rmJtg dKºtebtk juJtbt ytJuj <&t «Jo<btl rlgb bwsc GST awfJJt vtºt &Nu su&e <btb cezomu <u
bwsc dK<he fhe xuLzhtu ChJtlt hnuNu.
17. mœh xuLzh yk<od<lt ftb mkjøl y.Bgw.ftu.btk vJo<btl <btb rlgbtu/mhfgwjhtu jtdw vzNu <ubs JF<tu JF< &lth
mw^thtytu vK jtdw vzNu. sule ltuk^ jR xuLzhtu ChJtlt hnuNu.

zebtLz z[tVx “BgwÂlÂmvj fÂbNlh, ybœtJtœ” lt ltbltu fZtJJtu.

Signature of contractor with seal Dy. City Engineer-2

Date (North Zone)

1. Scope of Bid
1.1 The Municipal Commissioner, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (referred to as
Employer in these documents) invites sealed bids for the work (as defined in these
documents and referred to as “the work”) detailed in the table given in the Invitation
for Bid (hereinafter called as IFB.) from competent bidder.
2.0 Eligible Bidders
2.1 The Invitation for Bids is open to all eligible bidders meeting the eligibility criteria as defined
in this tender.
2.2 An enterprise / company may only participate in the bidding process if they are legally and
financially autonomous, operate under commercial law and are not a dependent agency of
the Employer.
Even though the bidders meet the above mentioned qualifying criteria, they are
subject to be disqualified if they have,
• Made misleading or false representations in the forms, statements, affidavits and
attachments submitted in proof of the qualification requirements; and/or
• Record of poor performance such as abandoning the works, not properly
completing the contract, inordinate delays in completion, litigation history, or
financial failures etc. or debarring from AMC work etc.
• Tampered the bid document in any manner.
• Colluded with other prospective bidders for this work to arrive at quoted prices
for the purpose of restricting competition.
• Indulged in inducement of any official of AMC and/or their consulting engineer
and other advisors in any manner whatsoever.
• Proposal not submitted in accordance with this tender.
• During validity of the proposal, or its extended period, if any, the bidder changes
his commercial terms.
• The bidder qualifies the proposal with his own conditions.
• The E.M.D. is not deposited in full and in the manner as specified in the clause of
Earnest Money Deposit.
• The tender is in a language other than English or dose not contains its English
Translation in case of other language adopted for tender preparation.
• The tender documents received are not duly signed by authorized person.
• Tenderer will be disqualified if the hard copy (Original and Duplicate) of tender
documents are not submitted physically.
• The validity of tender is less than what is stated in the tender.
• Any of the page or pages of tender is/are removed or replaced.
• Any condition which affect the cost.
• If it is joint venture.
4.0 Bidders shall not have any dispute or claim for any kind of compensation in case of,

• If the quantity stipulated in the tender items varies or the scope of work changes and
thereby total amount of work increases / decreases up to any extent.
• If the works gets delayed / postponed for some administrative / technical decision

• If the items stipulated in the tender shall not be executed as per site condition/
requirements. No claim shall be entertained for the same.
• No idle charges shall be paid to contractor for machinery and man power if remain
idle and no claim shall be entertained for the same.
5.0 Content of Bidding Documents
5.1 The set of bidding documents comprises the documents listed below and addendum
(if any) issued.
1. Notice inviting e-Tender
2. Special conditions of Contract
3. Instructions to Bidders
4. Conditions of Contract
5. Technical Specifications
6. Bill of Quantities
6.0 Amendment of Bidding Documents
6.1 Before the deadline for submission of bids, the Employer may modify the bidding
documents by issuing addendum.
6.2 Any addendum thus issued shall be part of the bidding documents and shall be
placed on website websitewww.nprocure.com; https://tender.nprocure.com/ or
ahmedabadcity.gov.in/tender notice The prospective bidder shall refer to website to
check any addendum before 24 hours of opening of bids. AMC will not give any
advertisement for the same.
6.3 To give prospective bidders reasonable time in which to take an addendum into
account in preparing their bids, the Employer may, at his desecration, extend as
necessary the deadline for submission of bids.
6.4 Prospective bidders should attach the addendum made for the work & if fails to do
so than also the changes made through such addendum shall be applicable & bound
to the bidder.
7.0 Language of the Bid
All documents relating to the bid shall be in the English or Gujarati language only.
8.0 Documents comprising bid
Whole tender shall be submitted before Date Mention in NIT. Each bidder must
upload the scanned copies of all the documents including below-mentioned
certificates along with the submission of online bidding:
• Scanned copy of Tender Fee
• Scanned Copy of EMD
• Scanned Copy of Required Registration Certificate
Failure to submit / upload online whole tender document and the above certificates/
documents shall make the bid non-responsive. Also incomplete tender documents
shall not be considered as a valid tender. Technical evaluation will be executed as
per online submitted document only if failure for uploading the document by bidders
then bids will be consider non responsive.

9.0 Bid Prices

• The contract shall be for the whole works as described in Bill of Quantity
including the schedule-B based on the percentage rate in the Bill of
Quantities submitted by the bidder.

• All duties, taxes (exculding GST), and other levies payable by the contractor
under the contract, or for any other cause shall be included in the rates,
prices and total Bid Price submitted by the Bidder, except otherwise stated
in the Bid document. Any change in prevailing taxes and duties at the time
of bid due date, shall be paid / deducted at actual as per Employer/AMC
Account department decide. If Employer will not compensate as per Any
change in prevailing taxes and duties and other levies then payable by the
contractor under the contract and any other reasons.
• The percentage rate and bid price quoted by the bidder shall be fixed up to
the completion of Work and shall not be subject to adjustment on any
account, except where expressly specified, otherwise, in the contract.
10.0 Currencies of Bid and Payment
The currency of bid and payment shall be in Indian Rupees. All payments shall be
made in Indian Rupees.
11.0 Bid Validity
11.1 90 days from the last date of submission of Tender. it should be valid for 90 days
from the last date of online tender submission. A bid valid for a shorter period shall
be rejected by the Employer as non-responsive.
11.2 In exceptional circumstances, prior to expiry of the bid validity (90 days), the
Employer may request that the bidders may extend the period of validity for a
specified additional period. The request and the bidders' responses shall be made in
writing or by cable. A bidder may refuse the request without forfeiting his bid
security. A bidder agreeing to the request will not be required or permitted to
modify his bid, but will be required to extend the validity of his bid security for a
period of the extension, and in compliance with Clause in all respects.
12.0 Earnest Money / Bid Security
12.1 The Bidder shall furnish, a Bid Security of the amount as shown in IFB as part of his
bid, in the form of D.D. or pay order or Bank Guarantee in favour of Municipal
Commissioner, Ahmedabad valid for 90 days from the date of Price bid Openning of

Finance dept. circular No - 10 Dt.05/08/2024

(A) Guarantee issued by following banks will be accepted as SD/EMD on

permanent basis.

All Nationalized Banks

(B) Guarantees issued by following banks will be accepted as SD/EMD for

the period up to March- 31, 2025. The validity cut-off date in the GR is
with respect to the date of issue of Bank Guarantee irrespective of the
date of termination of Bank Guarantee.

1. Commercial Banks :-
1. A U Small Finance Bank
2. Axis Bank
3. Bandhan Bank
4. City Union Bank
5. CSB Bank
6. DBS Bank India Limited
7. DCB Bank
8. Equitas Small Finance Bank
9. Federal Bank
10. HDFC Bank
11. HSBC Bank
12. ICICI Bank
13. IDBI Bank
14. IDFC First Bank
15. IndusInd Bank
16. Jana Small Finance Bank
17. Karnataka Bank
18. Karur Vysya Bank
19. Kotak Mahindra Bank
20. South Indian Bank
21. Tamilnadu Mercantile Bank
22. Utkarsh Small Finance Bank

2. Co-operative and Rural Banks Of Gujarat :-

1. The Ahmedabad Mercantile Co-operative Bank Limited
2. Kalupur Commerical Co-operative Bank Limited
3. Nutan nagrik Sahakari Bank Limited
4. Rajkot Nagarik Sahakari Bank Limited
5. Saraswat Co-operative Bank
6. SVC Co-operative Bank
7. The Cosmos co-opretive Bank
8. Baroda Gujarat Gramin Bank
9. Saurashtra Gramin Bank
10. The Gujarat State Co-Operative Bank
11. The Mehsana Urban Co-operative Bank Limited

12. The Surat District Co-operative Bank
13. The Surat Peoples Co-operative Bank

Special Note: The issuing branch of all bank guarantees shall of Ahmedabad City
25. Joint venture and subcontracting shall not be allowed under this

Seal and Signature of the Bidder Dy. City Engineer-2

(North Zone)

Any bid not accompanied by an acceptable Bid Security shall be rejected by the
Employer as non-responsive. Any bid having bid security for lesser value and shorter
validity period shall be treated as non-responsive.
(a) The bid security of the unsuccessful bidders, except for L1, L2 and L3 bidders will
be returned as promptly as possible.
(b) The bid security of the successful bidder, along with second and third lowest
tenders, will be returned when the successful bidder has furnished the required
security deposit and signed the agreement.
The Bid Security of the Successful Bidder will be discharged when the bidder has
signed the Agreement and furnished the required security deposit.
The Bid Security shall be forfeited, if the Bidder withdraws the Bid after Bid opening
during the period of Bid validity; in the case of a successful Bidder, if the Bidder fails
within the specified time limit to sign the Agreement; or Furnish the required
security deposit. commence the work after signing the agreement within 15 days No
interest shall be paid by the owner on any tender guarantee. The issuing branch of
the bank guarantee shall be of Ahmedabad City only.
Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit should be executed on non-judicial
Stamp papers of requisite value in accordance with the stamp Act applicable to that
particular state of Indian Union, where executed.
The executing officers of the bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Bid Security shall
clearly indicate in (block letters) his name, designation, Power of Attorney No. /
Signing Power No. etc.
Each page of the bank guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit shall be duly
signed/initialed by the executing officers and the last page shall be signed in full,
indicating the particulars as aforesaid under the seal of the Bank.
13.0 Alternative Proposal by Bidders
Bidders shall submit offers that comply with the requirements of the bidding
Documents. Alternatives will not be considered, unless specifically asked for by the
14.0 Format and Signing of Bid
• The Bidder shall prepare one original copy of the documents comprising the bid as
described in (Section:II instruction to bideer) of these Instructions to Bidders, bound
with the volume containing the ‘Technical Bid in separate parts and clearly marked
"ORIGINAL" and "DUPLICATE" as appropriate. In the event of discrepancy between
them, the original shall prevail.
• The original and duplicate of the Bid shall be typed or written in indelible ink and
shall be signed by a person or persons duly authorized to sign on behalf of the
Bidder. All pages of the Bid where entries or amendments have been made shall be
initialed by the person or persons signing the bid.
• Pages of tender documents shall be initialed by the bidder with company’s seal.
• The Bid shall contain no alterations or additions, except those to comply with
instructions issued by the Employer, or as necessary to correct errors made by the
bidder, in which case such corrections shall be initialed by the person or persons
signing the bid.
• Sufficiency of bid: The bidder shall be deemed to have satisfied himself as to the
correctness and sufficiency of the bid, all of which shall, cover all his obligations

under the contract and all matters and things necessary for the proper execution and
completion of Works and the remedying of the defects therein.
15.1 Complete Bids (including Technical bid and necessary documents) must be received
by the Employer at the address specified in bid information not later than the date
indicated on the face sheet of the document. In the event of the specified date for
the submission of bids declared a holiday for the Employer, the Bids will be received
up to the appointed time on the next working day. The Bidder is further required to
submit Documents in Physical Form on or before the Bid Due Date and before the
time of submission as specified in NIT, at the following address:- Assistant
Manager(North West zone), Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, North West Zone,
Zonal Office", Nr. Atithi Hotel, Bodakdev Ahmedabad.
15.2 AMC assumes no responsibility for inability of a bidder to submit bids through (n)
procure e-tendering portal on account of delay in submission at bidder's end. Bidder
shall ensure that they submit the bid well before the "Due Date & Time of Bid-
Submission". AMC shall not be responsible if bidder is not able to submit the bid on
account of failure in network/internet connection or any other technical reason.
15.3 The Employer may extend the deadline for submission of bids by issuing an
amendment in accordance with (Section:II: Instruction to bidder) Clause 12.0, in
which case all rights and obligations of the Employer and the bidders previously
subject to the original deadline will then be subject to the new deadline.
15.4 All bidders are requested to see the website of (n) procure /
www.ahmedabadcity.gov.in, https://tender.nprocure.com/ for corrigendum.
15.5 Any Bid received by the Employer after the deadline prescribed in NIT will be
rejected and returned unopened to the bidder.
16.0 Late Bids
Any Bid received by the Employer after the deadline prescribed in NIT will be
returned unopened to the bidder.
17.1 Bid shall not be modified by the bidder after the deadline for submission of bids.
17.2 Withdrawal of a bid during the interval between the deadline for submission of bids
and the expiration of the period of bid validity specified in NIT may result in the
forfeiture of the Bid Security pursuant to (Section:II: Instruction to bidders)
17.3 If during Tender validity period, the bidder withdraws his tender, the tender security
(Earnest Money Deposit) shall be forfeited.
18.1 The Employer will open all the Bids received (except those received late), in the
presence of the Bidders or their representative who choose to attend. In the event
of the specified date of Bid opening being declared a holiday for the Employer, the
Bids will be opened at the appointed time and location on the next working day.
18.2 Bids for which acceptable notice of withdrawal has been submitted pursuant shall
not be opened and shall be returned.
18.3 The amount, form, and validity of the bid security furnished with each bid will be
announced. If the bid security furnished does not confirm to the amount and validity
period as specified in the NIT, and has not been furnished as specified, the remaining
technical bid will be returned to the bidder terming it as non-responsive.
18.4 Representatives of the bidders (maximum of two) who choose to attend may attend
the online opening of the bids on the Place, date & time as mentioned above.
The bidders or their representatives who are present shall sign attendance sheet
evidencing their attendance.

18.5 (i) Subject to confirmation of the bid security by the issuing Bank, the bids
accompanied with valid bid security will be taken up for evaluation with respect
to the qualification Information and other information furnished in Part I of the
bid pursuant.
(ii) After receipt of confirmation of the bid security, the bidder will be asked in
writing to clarify his bid, if necessary, with respect to any rectifiable defects.
(iii) The bidders will respond in not more than 4 working days of issue of the
clarification letter.
(iv) On receipt of these clarifications AMC finalise the list of responsive bidders
whose financial bids are eligible for consideration.
19.1 Notwithstanding anything contained in this Bid, the Authority reserves the right to
accept or reject any Application and to annul the Bidding Process and reject all
Applications/ Bids, at any time without any liability or any obligation for such
acceptance, rejection or annulment, and without assigning any reasons therefore. In
the event that the Authority rejects or annuls all the Bids, it may, in its discretion,
invite all eligible Bidders to submit fresh Bids hereunder.
19.2 The Authority reserves the right to reject any Application and/ or Bid if:
(a) at any time, a material misrepresentation is made or uncovered, or
(b) the Applicant does not provide, within the time specified by the Authority,
the supplemental information sought by the Authority for evaluation of the
If such disqualification/ rejection occur after the Bids have been opened and
the Highest Bidder gets disqualified/ rejected, then the Authority reserves
the right to:
(i) invite the remaining Bidders to match the Highest Bidder/ submit their Bids in
accordance with the TENDER; or
(ii) take any such measure as may be deemed fit in the sole discretion of the
Authority, including annulment of the Bidding Process.
19.3 In case it is found during the evaluation or at any time before signing of the
agreement or after its execution and during the period of work, that one or more of
the pre-qualification conditions have not been met by the Applicant, or the Applicant
has made material misrepresentation or has given any materially incorrect or false
information, the Applicant shall be disqualified forthwith if not yet appointed as the
Concessionaire either by issue of the LOA or entering into of the Concession
Agreement, and if the Applicant/SPV has already been issued the LOA or has entered
into the Concession Agreement, as the case may be, the same shall, notwithstanding
anything to the contrary contained therein or in this TENDER, be liable to be
terminated, by a communication in writing by the Authority to the Applicant,
without the Authority being liable in any manner whatsoever to the Applicant and
without prejudice to any other right or remedy which the Authority may have under
this TENDER, the Bidding Documents, the Concession Agreement or under applicable
19.4 The Authority reserves the right to verify all statements, information and documents
submitted by the Applicant in response to the TENDER. Any such verification or lack
of such verification by the Authority shall not relieve the Applicant of its obligations
or liabilities hereunder nor will it affect any rights of the Authority hereunder.
20.1 The Employer and the successful bidder shall enter into a Contract Agreement as per
AMC’s policy within 28 days after the successful bidder (hereinafter called the

Contractor) receives the Letter of Acceptance, unless they agree otherwise, subject
to furnishing the performance security as laid down in ITB Clause before signing the
Agreement with the Employer.
20.2 Upon issue of ‘Letter of Acceptance’ to the successful Bidder, the Employer will
promptly notify the other Bidders that their Bids have been unsuccessful and release
their Earnest Money Deposit/Bid Security.
21.1 Within 15 days of receipt of the Letter of Acceptance, the Successful Bidder shall
deliver to the Employer a security deposit in the form of Bank Guarantee / Demand
Draft / cheque for an amount equivalent to 5% of the Contract Price valid for the
period of valid till 90 days beyond Date of completion of work. The Security Deposit
shall be payable in 15 days from date of receipt of LOA failing which interest @4%
per annum will be charged by AMC.
21.2 The security deposit shall be in the form of a Bank Guarantee in the name of the
Employer, from Ahmedabad branch of any Banks mentioned in the revalent clause of
this tender documents.
21.3 This security deposit shall be released only after the clearance of final bill including
pre & post Audit.
21.4 Interest @ 4 % per annum shall be deducted from contractor in case of late
submission of Bank guarantee or late renewal of bank guarantee for the number of
days delayed for submission or discontinuity of the bank guarantee.
21.5 Bank Guarantee to be submitted in the prescribed format enclosed and shall be
same verbatim as per the format. Bank Guarantee shall be submitted on right value
of stamp paper and for correct value of contract.
21.6 Failure of the Successful Bidder to comply with the requirements of revalent Sub-
Clause shall constitute sufficient grounds for cancellation of the award and forfeiture
of the Bid Security.
21.7 In case of any contract amendment during execution of the contract enhancing value
of the contract the BG value shall be enhanced accordingly. Validity of BG shall be
commercial terms and conditions of the tender.
21.8 All compensation or other sums of money payable by the Contractor to the Employer
under the terms of this Contract or any other contract or on any other account
whatsoever may be deducted from Security Deposit. Also in the event of the
Contractor's Security Deposit being reduced by reasons of such deductions, as
aforesaid, the Contractor shall, within 15 days of receipt of notice of demand from
the Engineer-in-Charge, make good the deficit in Security Deposit.
21.9 Should there arise any occasion under the Contract due to which the periods of
validities of Bank Guarantees as may have been furnished by the Contractor from
time to time, are required to be extended/renewed, the Contractor shall get the
validity periods of such guarantees extended/renewed, and furnish these to the
Engineer-in- Charge one month before the expiry date of the aforesaid Guarantees
originally furnished failing which the existing Bank Guarantees shall be invoked by
the Engineer – in – charge. Also in case of any deficit in securities on any account as
might occur or is noticed, the Contractor shall forthwith recoup/replace the same
with acceptable Security Deposit.
21.10 The Bank Guarantee shall be extended within the expiry dates wherever activities as
per contract are not completed in all respects.
21.11 The successful bidder to whom ‘LOA’ has been issued shall enter into an agreement
at Employer’s office within 15 days of LOA.
22.0 Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

The Employer will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the Bidder
recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in
competing for the contract in question and will declare the firm ineligible, either
indefinitely or for a stated period of time.
The bidder and their respective officers, employees, agents and advisers shall
observe the highest standard of ethics during the bidding process. Not with standing
anything to the contrary contained herein, the Employer may reject any bid without
being liable in any manner whatsoever to the bidder if it determines that the bidder
has, directly or indirectly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt practice,
fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice in
the bidding process.
Without prejudice to the rights of the Employer under relevant Clause hereinabove,
if an bidder is found by the Employer to have directly or indirectly or through an
agent, engaged or indulged in any corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive
practice, undesirable practice or restrictive practice during the bidding process, such
bidder shall not be eligible to participate in any tender issued by the Employer during
a period of 2 (two) years from the date such bidder is found by the Employer to have
directly or indirectly or through an agent, engaged or indulged in any corrupt
practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive
practice, as the case may be.
For the purposes of this Clause, the following terms shall have the meaning
hereinafter respectively assigned to them:
(a) “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting, directly
or indirectly, of anything of value to influence the actions of any person
connected with the bidding process (for avoidance of doubt, offering of
employment to, or employing, or engaging in any manner whatsoever, directly or
indirectly, any official of the Employer who is or has been associated in any
manner, directly or indirectly, with the bidding process or has dealt with matters
concerning the Contract or arising there from, before or after the execution
thereof, at any time prior to the expiry of one year from the date such official
resigns or retires from or otherwise ceases to be in the service of the Employer,
shall be deemed to constitute influencing the actions of a person connected with
the bidding process); engaging in any manner whatsoever, whether during the
bidding process or after the award or after the execution of the Contract, as the
case may be, any person in respect of any matter relating to the Works, who at
any time has been or is a legal, financial or technical adviser of the Employer in
relation to any matter concerning the Works;
(b) “Fraudulent practice” means a misrepresentation or omission of facts or
suppression of facts or disclosure of incomplete facts, in order to influence the
bidding process;
(c) “Coercive practice” means impairing or harming or threatening to impair or
harm, directly or indirectly, any person or property to influence any person’s
participation or action in the bidding process;
(d) “undesirable practice” means establishing contact with any person connected
with or employed or engaged by the Employer with the objective of canvassing,
lobbying or in any manner influencing or attempting to influence the bidding
process; and
(f) “Restrictive practice” means forming a cartel or arriving at any understanding
or arrangement among bidder with the objective of restricting or manipulating a
full and fair competition in the bidding process.

(g) “False documents” during If any documents found false/fake then Municipal
Commissioner/AMC has right to take any action/penalty/punishment against
The applicant should provide accurate information on litigation and/or arbitration
resulting from Contractors completed or under execution by him over last five years.
If the details of Litigation History are hidden by the Bidder and later on it comes to
the knowledge of the Employer, the Bidder shall be disqualified for the proposed
work and other appropriate actions shall be taken against the bidder.

24.0 In the event of any discrepancy the following order or precedence should apply
In the event of any discrepancy in the several documents forming the contract or in
any one document,the following order of precedence should apply.
(a) Dimension and quantities:- (i)Schedule-B of the Tender form (ii) specification (iii)
On drawing,figure dimensions,unless obviously incorrect,will be followed in
preference to scaled dimensions.
(b) Desription: (I) Schedule-B of the Tender form,(II) specification,(III) Drawings.
In the case of effective description or ambiguity,the Engineer-in-charge is entitled to
issue further instructions directing in what manner the work is to be carried out.The
contractor cannot take any advantage of any apparent error or omission in drawings
or specifications and the Engineer-in-charge shall be entietled to make corrections
and interpretations as necessary to fulfil plans and specifications.
The Engineer-in-charge shall have power to make any alterations in or addition to the
original specifications, drawings, designs and instructions that may appear to him to be
necessary or advisable during the progress of the work and the contractor shall be bound to
carry out the work in accordance with any instructions in this connection which may be
given to him in writing signed by the Engineer-in-charge and such alternation shall not
invalidate the contract and additional work which the contractor may be directed to do in
the manner above specified as part of the work shall be carried out by the contractor on the
same conditions in all respects on which he agreed to do the main work and at the same
rate as out by the contractor on the same conditions in all respects on which he agreed to
do the main work and at the same rate as are specified in the tender for the main work.

Seal and Signature of the Bidder Dy.City Engineer-2 (NZ)

Date: Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

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bu.Bgwrl.frbNlh©e, ybœtJtœ Bgwrl. ftuvtuhuNllt mhfgwjh lk.-81, <t.26.02.2015 bwsc <btb

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bswhtulwk dwsht< rcÕzekd yuLz y^h fLmx[fNl Jfombtk hSMx[uNl fhtJJwk VhSgt< Au.

Instruction to Bidders

The scope of work includes the Paver Block.


The Municipal commissioner for and on behalf of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

here in after referred as AMC will receive Bids for the work as per the specifications and
schedule of prices in the Bid document. The Bids shall be opened in the office of the City
Engineer in the presence of Bidders or their representatives who remain present. The Municipal
Commissioner reserves the right to reject the lowest or any other or all Bids or part of it which in
the opinion of the AMC does not appear to be in its best interest and the Bidder shall have no
cause of action or claim against the authority or its officers, employees, successors or assignees
for rejection of his Bid.


Bids shall be submitted in English and all information in the Bid shall also be in
English, Information in any other language shall be accompanied by its translation in English.
Failure to comply with this may make the Bid liable to rejection.


Work shall be allotted to empanelled contractors registered in concern class with respect
to the amount of work.

The Bidders shall furnish following information and documents along with the Bids.
i. The Bidders experience in the fields relevant to this contract.
ii. The Bidders financial capacity/resources and standing over at least 5 (five) years
iii The Bidder's present commitments (jobs on hand) as per statement
iv The Bidder's capability and qualification of himself and his regular staff etc.
as per statement
v Plants and Machinery available with the Bidder


Bid documents and set of drawings shall comprehensively be referred before Biding.
The several section form in the document are the essential parts of the contract and a
requirement occurring in one shall be as binding as though occurring in all, they are to be
taken as naturally, explanatory and describe and provide for complete works.
The Bid documents shall be submitted in two sets.


At this own expense and prior to submitting his Bid, each Bidder shall (a) examine
the contract documents (b) Visit the site and determine local condition which may affect the
work including the prevailing wages and other pertinent cost factors. (c) Familiarize himself
with all central, state and local license required for the work and (d) correlate his observation,
investigation and determinations with the requirements of the Bid documents, site & subsoil


Copy of the Bid Document should be completed, legible in ink or ball pen, checked
in a responsible manner, signed, stamped and returned together with the Bid security bond by
the stipulate date. This shall form the part of Bid documents which
the Bidder is required to complete.

The form of Bid, including the Appendices enclosed thereto, Bid security bond and
the Bid summary shall be submitted duly signed and stamped.

All the pages in which entries are required to be made by the Bidder are contained in
the Bid documents and the Bidder shall not take out or add to or amend the text of any of. the


Each Bid must be accompanied by, a receipt of deposit as Bid guarantee in the form
of Earnest money mentioned on relevant page. Any Bid not accompanied by a Bid guarantee
in the form of earnest money deposited for the sum stipulated in the Bid's document will be
summarily rejected. The earnest money deposit shall be paid with the Bid by D.D. payable at
Ahmedabad without which the Bid shall not be considered as valid. EMD in the form of
Demand Draft.

The Earnest Money Deposit will be returned to the unsuccessful Bidders after an
award has been finalised.

The Earnest Money Deposit (Bid Guarantee) will be forfeited in the event, the
successful Bidder fails to accept the contract and fails to submit the "Performance Guarantee
Bonds to the Owner as stipulated in this Bid documents within ten days (10 days) after
receipt of notice of award of contract.

Bank Guarantee shall also be acceptable for S.D. After allocation of actual work OR
5% of the work amount should be DEDUCTED & deposited as Security deposit from
the first Running bill & shall be returned after completion of the work .

No interest shall be paid by the owner on any Bid guarantee.


Latest Income Tax clearance Certificates must accompany with the Bid without which
the Bid is liable to be summarily rejected. The income tax clearance certificate obtained from
the income tax officer shall clearly indicate the income tax circle/ward district and the
reference number of the assessment along with the assessment year.


Bidders are requested to submit the Bid Documents on following lines.

Volume containing following documents

i. Bid security bond (Earnest Money)

ii. Certificate as registered contractor with Government of Gujarat or appropriate

iii. Bid's financial capability and standing over at least past five years.
iv. Current Income Tax Clearance Certificate.
v. Bidder's experience in the field relevant to this contract.
vi. Bidder's present commitments.
vii. The technical ability and qualifications of the Bidder. Details of technical personnel
with their qualification & experience.


The validity period of the Bid submitted for this work shall be of hundred & twenty
(120) calendar days from the date of opening of the Bid and that the Bidder shall not be
allowed to withdraw or modify the Bid offer on his own during the validity period. The
Bidder will not be allowed to withdraw the Bid or make any modification or addition in the
terms and conditions on his own Bid .If this is done then the owner shall, without prejudice to
any other right or remedy, by at liberty to reject the Bid and forfeit the earnest money deposit
in full.


If the Bid is made by an individual, it shall be signed with his full name above his
current address. If the Bid is made by proprietary firm, it shall be signed by the proprietor
above his name and name of his firm with his current address.

If the Bid is made by a firm in partnership, it shall be signed by all the partners of the
firm above their full names and current address, or by a partner holding the power of attorney
for the firm, in which case a certified copy of the power of attorney shall accompany the Bid.
A certified copy of the partnership deed, current address of all partners of the firm shall also
accompany the Bid.

If the Bid is made by limited company or a limited corporation, it shall be submitted

duly signed by an authorized person holding the power of attorney, & shall accompany the
Bid. Such limited company or corporation may be required to furnish satisfactory evidence
of its existence before the contract is awarded.

If the Bid is made by a group of firms, the sponsoring firm shall submit complete
information pertaining to each firm in the group and state along with the bid as to which of
the firms shall have the responsibility for Biding and for completion of the contract
documents and furnish evidence and responsibilities for completion of contract documents.
The full information and satisfactory evidence pertaining to the participation of each member
of the group of firm in the Bid shall be furnished along with the Bid.

All witness and sureties shall be persons of status and probity and their full names,
occupations and address shall be stated below their signature. All signatures in the Bid
document shall be dated.


If during Bid validity period, the Bidder withdraws his Bid, the Bid security (Earnest
Money Deposit) shall be forfeited.


Bidder shall carefully examine the Bid Document and fully inform themselves as to
all the conditions and matters which may in any way affect the work or the cost thereof.
Should a Bidder find errors, omissions or discrepancies from the specifications or other
documents or should be in doubt as to their meaning, he should at once address query to the

City Engineer, AMC. The correct interpretation of the same will be placed on AMC website
as addendum.




Modification of specifications and extension of the closing date of the Bid, if required
will be made by an addendum. These shall be signed and shall form a part of Bid. The Bidder
shall not add to or amend the text of any of the documents except in so far as may be
necessary to comply with any addendum.

Addendum or corrigendum conveying any change or correction in respect of the
work shall form the part of the contract documents. The full consideration shall be given to
such addendum or corrigendum before submission of Bid duly filled in by the contractor.
Therefore, the contractors shall have to watch such addendum or corrigendum published
by AMC through its website www.ahmedabadcity.gov.in or www.nprocure.com,
www.amc.nprocure.com . Bidders shall verify the number of addendum issued at least 48
hours before Bid submission date and enclose the same with the Bid documents, failing
which the Bids shall be liable for rejection and no any complaint in respect to this shall be
entertained under any circumstances.


All charge on account of excise duties, terminal tax, sales tax and Govt. duties / tax
etc. on material procured for the works from any source shall be borne by the contractors. No
(P) or "C" or "D" form shall be supplied by AMC for this purpose.


In comparing Bids, the AMC shall consider factors such as the time of completion,
efficiency and reliability of construction method proposed, compliance with the specification,
relative quality, the operation, maintenance and replacement cost of structure and plant and
also the qualifying criteria for the evaluation of Bids.


The completion period / time limit mentioned in this schedule is to be reckoned from
the date of issue of work order to the date by which physical completion of the work take
place. The completion period / time shall be in accordance with the calendar months.


Bid shall be termed to be under consideration from the opening of the Bid until such
time any official announcement or award is made. While Bids are under consideration,
Bidder and their representative or other interested parties are advice to refrain from
contracting by any corporation personnel or representative on matters related to the Bids
under study. The AMC representative if necessary will obtain clarification on Bids by
requesting such information from any or all the Bidder, either in writing or through personal
contacts may be necessary. The Bid will not be permitted to change the substance of his Bid

after Bids have been opened. This includes any post Bid price revision. Non compliance with
his provision shall make the Bid liable for rejection.


The Bidder must understand clearly that the prices quoted are for the total works or
the part of the total works quoted for inclusive of all costs of materials, labour, equipment,
supervision, other services, and royalties etc. and also inclusive of the Govt. taxes. No claim
for additional payment beyond the prices quoted for will be entertained. The Bidder will not
be entitled subsequently to make any claim on any ground.
As per AMC’s Finance department circular no.38/ Dt.21/11/022 and approval of
competent authority, rate of all the items are taken without GST and prevailing GST will be


The terms of payment are defined in the general terms and condition of contract. The
AMC shall not under any circumstances relax these terms of payment and will not consider
any alternative payment terms. Bidder should therefore in their own interest note this
provision to avoid rejection of their Bids.


Award of the contract or the rejection or Bids will be made within the Bid validity
period stated in the notice inviting Bids.

After all contract contingencies are satisfied and the notice of award is issued, the
successful Bidder shall execute the contract agreement within 10 days and shall furnish the
bond as required herein. The contract agreement shall be executed, in form stipulated by the
If Bidder receiving the notice of award fails or refuses to execute the contract
Agreement within the stated time limit or refuse to furnish the Bond as required herein, the
owner may annual his award and declare the Bid security forfeited and will take action as
deemed fit.

A corporation, partnership firm or other consortium acting as the Bidder and receiving
the award shall furnish evidence of its existence and evidence that the officer signing the
contract agreement and bonds for AMC, partnership firm or other consortium acting as the
Bidder is duly authorized to do so.


The successful Bidder shall be required to execute the contract agreement within 10
days of receipt of intimation to execute the contract, failing which the AMC will be entitled
to annual the award and forfeit the earnest money deposit. The person to sign the contract
document shall be as per AMC’s policy.


The Bid shall be disqualified and will not be taken for consideration if
a. The envelope does not show on the outside the reference of bid and thus gets
opened before the due date of opening.

b. The Bid Security Deposit is not deposited in full and in the manner as
specified i.e. Earnest Money Deposit.
c. The Bid is in a language other than English or dose not contains its English
Translation in case of other language adopted for Bid preparation.
d. The Bid documents received are not duly signed by authorized person.
e. The general performance data for qualification is not submitted fully.
f. Bidder does not agree to payment terms.

The Bid may further be disqualified if,

a. The Completion schedule offered is not consistent with the completion schedule
defined and specified in Bid document.
b. The validity of Bid is less than what is stated in the Bid.
c. Any of the page or pages of Bid is/are removed or replaced.
d. All corrections or posted slips are not initialed by Bidder.
e. Any erasure is made in the Bid.
f. Any condition which affect the cost.


As a contract security the Bidder to whom the award is made shall furnish a security
deposit for the amount of 5% of the contract price to guarantee the faithful performance,
completion and maintenance of the works of the contract in accordance with all condition and
terms specified herein and to the satisfaction of the Engineers-in charge and ensuring the
discharge of all obligations arising from the execution of contract in one of the forms
mentioned below.

a) In cash or demand draft of approved nationalized Bank in favor of the Municipal

Commissioner AMC amount of 5% of the Contract value as per format.

b) In form of B.G. of any nationalized bank amount of 5% of contract value


c) 5% of the work amount should be DEDUCTED & deposited as Security deposit

from the first Running bill & shall be returned after faithful performance, completion
and maintenance of the works of the contract.


The successful Bided shall have to enter into an agreement on a non-judicial stamp
paper as per the form of the agreement approved by the AMC. The cost of stamp paper and
adhesive stamp shall be borne by the contractor.


Specific reference in the specification to any material by manufacturer's name, or

catalogue shall be constructed as establishing a standard or quality and performance and not
as limiting competition and the Bidder in such cases, may at his option freely use other
products which are equivalent or higher than the quality mentioned in standard specifications.
These products shall be got approved by the Engineer in charge before their use by the


Bid documents are not transferable.


The owner will not defray expense incurred by Bidders in Biding.


The Bid for the work shall remain valid for a period of 120 calendar days from the
date of opening of the Bids for this work and that the Bidder shall not be allowed to withdraw
or modify the offer in his own during the period. If any Bidder withdraws or makes any
modifications or additions in the terms and conditions of his own Bid, then the AMC shall
without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be liberty to reject the Bid and forfeit the
earnest money in full.


Municipal Commissioner reserves the right to waive any qualifying criteria or

information in any Bid as a special case and to reject any or all Bids without assigning any
reason thereof. He also reserves the right to vary the quantities of items or group of items
and the quantum of work as specified in the schedule of prices as may be necessary in the
interest of public at large for which no any claim shall be entertained.


All materials, equipment and spare parts thereof shall be new, unused and originally
coming from manufacturer's plant to the AMC. The rebuilt or overhauled equipment
/materials will not be allowed to be used on works


The owner reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, to waive any informality or
irregularity in any Bid without assigning any' reason. The owner further reserves the right to
withhold issue of work order even after agreement and no additional payment will be made to
the successful Bidder on account of such withholding. The owner is not obliged to give
reasons for any such action.

Municipal Commissioner reserves right to increase / decrease the scope of work &
also split the Bid in two or more contracts without assigning any reason even after the work is


No mobilization advance or advance on machinery will be given.

IT .36
The contractor shall have to carry out the work in accordance with the detailed
specifications. No condition will be entertained. The conditional Bid will be rejected.

IT 37
The contractor will have to construct shelter for storing valuable materials like cement
etc. The contractor shall arrange for construct, maintain and afterwards remove and reinstate
any temporary access required for and in connection with the execution at the work at his
own cost. Reinstatement shall include restoring the area of the access route to at least the
degree of safety stability drainage & appearance that existed before the contractor entered the

IT 38
In the event of any discrepancy the following order or precedence should apply

(a)Dimension & quantity

(1) Bid form
(2) Drawing
(3) Specification

on drawing; figures dimension unless previously incorrect will be followed in preference to

select dimension.

(1) Bid form
(2) Drawing
(3) Specification

In case of defective description as ambiguities, the Engineer in-charge shall issue

further instruction or clarification or direction as to which manner the work is to be carried
out. The contractor shall comply with such instructions strictly.

Irrelevant mistakes, discrepancies or errors made through over sight by AMC leading
to misunderstandings shall be got corrected properly by the contractor from City Engineer.

IT –39
Proper procedure shall have to be taken by contractor at all the time during the
progress of the work, failing which the contractors shall be held responsible for all damages
to the work under execution or to any property or to lives of persons during the work in
progress and also during the defect liability period.

All work shall be measured by standard method as per rules & customs of AMC.
The decisions of engineer-in-charge as to what is usual method in use will be final
binding on the contractor.

IT –41
Bid once accepted shall be binding on the contractor even if the formal agreement is
not signed / executed.

The contractor shall have to give in writing the date of completion of work within a
fortnight from date of work completed by him otherwise the date noted on record by
department shall be reckoned as final & no excuse as representation in that behalf shall be
granted at later date.

IT –43
Specimen signature of contractor will be cross checked whenever the contractor
receives the payment from the account section of AMC or in case of representative of the
contractor receiving the payment, he shall have to produce the letter of authority from the
contractor who has signed the contract agreement.

IT 44
The details / contents / information mentioned in the Bid document may be read as
final binding on the contractors. Any difference found in Form B-1 in regards to these
related items may be treated as cancelled

Signature of contractor with seal Dy. City Engineer-2

Date (North Zone)


Reference :


The above may be referred of the printed booklets of PWD which may also be available
from Gujarat Book Stores, Sector-21, Gandhinagar 382 021.
01. The work shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant specifications
contained in PWD Hand Book Vol. I & II with the correction slips from time to
time or the latest addition.

Signature of contractor with seal Dy. City Engineer-2

Date (North Zone)

General Technical Specification Section

Item No. 1 Box cutting the read surface in all sorts of soil, murrum to proper slope & camber for
making a base for road work including removing the excavated stuff & depositing on
the road side as directed upto 50.00 mt. Lead.

Any soil which generally yields to the application of pickaxes and shovels, spades, rakes or any such
ordinary excavating implement or organic soil, gravel, silt, sand turf loam, clay, peat etc. falls under this
category. For materials and workmanship for earthwork and excavation, relevant specification IS: 3764 &
IS 1200 (Part I) shall be followed.
The depth of the excavation shall be as per the item description.
Clearing the Site:
The site where the Development has to be carried out shall be cleared and all obstructions, loose stones,
materials and rubbish of all kind, bush; wood and all type trees shall be removed, as directed.
The materials so obtained shall be the property of the Client and shall be conveyed and stacked as
directed, within 50-m. lead. The roots of the trees coming in the sides of the trenches shall be cut and
coated with hot Bitumen.
All types of trees, woods etc. which requires prior permission of Govt./ Forest Authority / Municipal
Commissioner, before cutting shall be cut after obtaining such permission from them. It shall be the
Client's responsibility to obtain such permission from the respective authorities.
The rate of site clearance is deemed to be included in the rate of earthwork, for which no extra will be
Setting out:
After cleaning the site, the centerline of the central verge & other constructions will be given by the
Engineer-in-charge. The Contractor shall assume full responsibility for alignment, elevation and
dimension of each and all parts of the work. Contractor shall supply labours, materials, etc. required for
setting out the reference marks and bench marks made of MS angle iron and embedded in 1:2:4 CC.
They shall maintain the same as long as required and directed.
The excavation shall be carried out in true line and level and shall have the width and depth, as shown
in the drawings or as directed. The Contractor shall do the necessary shoring and strutting or shall
provide necessary slopes to a safe angle or steps, as required or directed, at his own cost. No extra
payment shall be made for such precautionary measures, taken. The bottom of the excavated area
shall be leveled both longitudinally and transversely, as directed, by removing excess soil and watering,
as required. No earth filling will be allowed for bringing it to level, if by mistake or any other reason,
excavation is made deeper or wider than shown on the drawings or as directed. The extra depth or
width shall be made up with sand filling, as specified for the bottom level of the subsequent finishing at
the cost of the Contractor or as directed by Engineer-In-Charge.
The Contractor shall at his own expense and without extra charge make provision of supporting all
utility services, lighting the excavated areas, separating and stacking serviceable materials neatly,
shoring, timbering, strutting, bailing out water either sub-soil or rainwater, including pumping at any
stage of the work. Excavated areas shall be kept free of water while masonry or concrete or relevant
base works are in progress and till the Engineer-in-charge considers it necessary.
Disposal of the Excavated Stuff:
The excavated stuff of the selected type shall be used in filling the excavated areas wherever required
inlayers, including ramming and watering, ensuring proper compaction etc. complete.
The Contractor shall remove the balance of the excavated quantity from the site of work, to a place,
as directed and for all lift.
The lead is the shortest practical route and not necessarily the route actually taken. The decision of
Engineer-In-charge shall be final in this regard.
Mode of Measurement and Payment:
The measurement of excavation of excavated area shall be made according to the sections shown
on the drawing or as per sections given by the Engineer-in-charge. No payment shall be made
for surplus excavation made in excess of above requirements or due to stepping and sloping back as
found necessary, on account of conditions of soil and requirements of safety.
The rate shall include for clearing the site, surface dressing, making layout for road, fixing permanent
grid points with MS iron posts, embedded in C.C. 1:2:4, placed sufficiently away from the existing traffic
lines and establishing bench marks etc.
The rates shall include for necessary shoring, timbering and strutting for protection of sides of the
excavated area, pumping out rain or surface water at any stage of construction so as to keep the
excavated area dry, to the satisfaction of the /Engineer-in-charge.
The rate shall include leveling and ramming the bottoms of excavations to receive concrete, etc.

including trimming to slope wherever necessary etc. complete.
In filling clods bigger than 50 mm. shall not be allowed. Only consolidated measurements of filling shall
be paid. Consolidation to be done by mechanical compactor as per relevant item.

The mode of payment for this item shall be on Cmt. Basis

Item No.2 Conveyance charge of earth, lime, murrum, building rubbish, manual garbage, sludge,
excavated rock , fly ash, aggregate of any kind including Spredimg & Levelling Etc.

The surplus earth, which is left on site after refilling and proper watering of the trenches, shall be
carted away up to a distance within lead upon kmts. All surplus earth should be carted away immediately
after the instruction or orders of the engineer in charge within 24 hours. The surplus earth shall be
spread at the site shown where it is carried. If the work is not carried out by the contractor as above AMC
may carry out the same at the risk and cost of contractor and the same may be deducted from the dues to
the contractor in any form.
The measurement of the surplus earth shall be paid for as per arithmetical calculations. Nothing
extra shall be paid for the bulk age of the excavated earth.
The mode of payment for this item shall be on Cmt. Basis

Item No. 3 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:3:6 (1- Cement : 3- coarse sand : 6- hand
broken stone aggregates 40 mmnominal size) and curing complete excluding cost of
formwork in (A) Foundation and Plinth (R&B SOR 2023-24, Building work For
Ahmedabad City, Page No.52, Item No.5.3.2)
Before starting the concrete the bed of the foundations trenches shall be cleared of all loose materials and watered
and rammed as directed. The proportion of cement, sand and hand broken stone aggregates shall be one part of
cement, 3 parts of coarse sand, 6 parts of hand broken stone aggregates and shall so measured by volume. The
concrete shall be mixed in a mechanical mixer at the site of work. Hand mixing may however be allowed for smaller
quantity of work if approved by the Engineer-incharge. When hand mixing is permitted by the Engineer-in charge
in case of breakdown of machinery’s and in the interest of the work. it shall be carried out on a water tight platform
and care shall be taken to ensure that mixing is continued until the mass is uniform in colour and consistency. The
quantity of water shall be sufficient to produce a dense concrete of required workability for the purpose. The
concrete shall be handled from the place of mixing to the final position in not more than 15 minutes by the method
as directed and shall be placed into its final position, compacted and finished within 30 minutes of mixing with
water i.e. before the setting commences. The concrete shall be laid in layers of 15 cms. to 20 cms. The concrete shall
be rammed with heavy iron rammers and rapidly to get the required compaction and to allow all the gaps to be
filled with mortar. After the final set, the concrete shall be kept continuously wet, if required by pounding for a
period of not less than 7 days from the date of placement The concrete shall be measured for its length breadth and
depth, limiting dimensions to those specified on plan or as directed.

Mode of measurements shall be on CMT basis

Item No.4 Providing and laying cement concrete 1:5:10 (1- Cement : 5- Coarse sand : 10- hand
broken stone aggregates 40 mm nominal size) and curing complete excluding cost of
formwork in (A) Foundation and Plinth

Before starting the concrete the bed of the foundations trenches shall be cleared of all loose materials and watered
and rammed as directed. The proportion of cement, sand and hand broken stone aggregates shall be one part of
cement, 5 parts of coarse sand, 10 parts of hand broken stone aggregates and shall so measured by volume. The
concrete shall be mixed in a mechanical mixer at the site of work. Hand mixing may however be allowed for smaller
quantity of work if approved by the Engineer-incharge. When hand mixing is permitted by the Engineer-in charge
in case of breakdown of machinery’s and in the interest of the work. it shall be carried out on a water tight platform
and care shall be taken to ensure that mixing is continued until the mass is uniform in colour and consistency. The
quantity of water shall be sufficient to produce a dense concrete of required workability for the purpose. The
concrete shall be handled from the place of mixing to the final position in not more than 15 minutes by the method
as directed and shall be placed into its final position, compacted and finished within 30 minutes of mixing with
water i.e. before the setting commences. The concrete shall be laid in layers of 15 cms. to 20 cms. The concrete shall
be rammed with heavy iron rammers and rapidly to get the required compaction and to allow all the gaps to be
filled with mortar. After the final set, the concrete shall be kept continuously wet, if required by pounding for a
period of not less than 7 days from the date of placement The concrete shall be measured for its length breadth and
depth, limiting dimensions to those specified on plan or as directed.

Mode of measurements shall be on CMT basis

Item No. 5 :- Providing, supplying and fixing pre cast C.C. blocks (M-20) edge kerb having size of
75 x 300 x 300 mm depth and as per design conveying it to the site, jointing into C:M
1:3 and racking out the joints incl. necessary excavation of asphalt, soil etc. completed.
( App Rate )
Providing, supplying and fixing pre cast C.C. blocks (M-20) edge kerb having size of 75 x 300 x 300 mm
depth and as per design conveying it to the site, jointing into C:M 1:3 and racking out the joints incl.
necessary excavation of asphalt, soil etc. completed. ( App Rate )

Item No.6 :- Supplying and fixing of 300 mm-L x 150 mm-B x 380 mm-H Kerb block for Footpath
in M-20 grade using 20mm nominal size black trap aggregate of Sevaliya/Timba or
equivalent quality for pre-cast blocks, reasonably exposed finish/ formwork , mould
with well equipped with vibratory system for kerb stones of approved design
including curing, etc. complete, including the cost of formwork etc. complete. The
rate shall also include necessary cutting of asphalt, fixing the Kerb stones in line and
level on 5 cm thick sand bedding with necessary equipments and materials. The rate
shall also include the flush pointing in CM (1:3) for all joints of the kerbstones.
Filling of zari alone the sides of the kerb stone fixed with Bituminous concrete
Bituminous concrete / C.C. mixed in proper position to flush with the road surface as
directed by Engineer in change to form a portable mixture..

Trenches of specified width and depth shall first be mode along the edges of the wearing course of the
road or along the line of pave block flooring to receive the restraint block.
The bed of the trenches shall be compacted manually with steel rammers or a firm and even surface and
then stones shall be set in sand bedding
The edge restraint blocks shall be laid with their length running parallel to the paving edge, true in line
and gradient.
The joints of blocks shall be not more than to mm and filled with the CM 1:2 (1 cement : 2 fine sand/)
which shall be cured for 7 days.
The edge shall be restored and all surplus earth including rubbish etc. disposed off as directed by the
engineer in charges.
Length of the finished work shall be measured in running meter along the edge of the paving correct to a
cm. Rate The rate shall include the cost of the materials and labour including stone of specified materials
involved in all the operation described above.

Item No.7 :- Providing and Laying of Rubber Moulded Paver Block Grey/Coloured 60 mm thick, M-
35 Grade of any size ; shape (Usually Uni-Paver Blocks) using black trap good quality
aggragate of 20 mm nominal size for footpath, parking areas, service lanes and other
areas as mentioned in the drawing / instruction of Engineer-in-Charge and/or his
authorized representative. Cost includes formworks using rubber mould, Rate
providing and laying paver blocks as per required grading and specification. The paver
block shall be mechanically compacted. The work of paving blocks shall be executed in
line and level by skill mason of flooring work only. It should be laid in such a way that
the no cutting of the paver block to be necessary. if cutting of paver block necessary
then it should be cut by machine only and carting. The finished surface of the paver
block shall have resonably good, plain finished. Paver blocks shall be compacted and
shall be relaid if necessary. Gravel or such type of materials shall not be allowed for
production. Laying on 50 mm thick sand bedding.
Laying on 50 mm thick sand bedding.

1 Scope of work :

Excavation and compaction up to 300 mm in height for footpath paving in all sorts of soil murrum including
sorting outs and stacking of useful materials stuff up to 50mt.

The scope of work includes manufacturing, supplying, and lying of precast paver blocks at various Retail outlets.
The work includes: Verification of the existing site condition and advising our project in charge to lay suitable base
course if required. Contractors are required to satisfy themselves with quality of sub grade, sub-base course before
the paver blocks are laid and suggest strengthening if required.

Clearing the site by removing all obstacles such as stones, debris etc. for laying of paver blocks. Manufacturing of
paver blocks in your plant as per requirements in technical specification enclosed. Supplying of paver blocks at site,
including handling at both ends.

Laying of paver blocks at site as per requirement in technical specification on 50 mm thick sand bedding, within
shortest possible time the site is public place hence care should be taken to ensure that the routine activities should
not be disturbed. The job of laying may required to be carried out during night also.

Testing of paver blocks shall through reputed Govt. /Non Govt. Test house only and submission of test results as
per requirements in Technical Specifications. AMC reserves the right to carryout test at random. Cost for such tests
to be borne by party. The contractor shall guarantee that all material and components designed, fabricated,
supplied, and laid by him shall be free from any type of defect due to faulty material and/or workmanship/erection
for a period of One year from the date of completion of work. However, the contractor one year's shall render free


2 Paver Block Manufacturing Facilities:

The Paver Block shall be made in factory with following minimum facilities:

2.1 Concrete Block making Machines:

The machine should be capable of producing high quality Paver Blocks by obtaining high level of compaction by
application of hydraulic compaction and also by high intensity vibration to the moulds. The machine should have
automatic control panel
for uniformity in strength.

2.2 Concrete Batching & Mixing Plant: (Not essential)

The concrete Mix Design should be followed for each batch of materials. The concrete ingredient should be mixed
in concrete Batching & Mixing plant with minimum capacity of 30 cum/hour. The plant should equipped with
automatic control panel for maintaining water cement ratio from batch to batch to obtain concrete of uniform
quality and strength. The plant should be equipped with adequate mechanism for mechanized loading of raw
materials into mixer and conveyor belt for transportation of concrete from mixer to concrete block making
machine to maintain quality of wet cement.


2.3 The factory should have well designed curing area to ensure adequate curing of paver blocks.

2.4 Laboratory (Desirable but not essential) :

The testing equipment should have required in the Laboratory as per the following:
A Compression testing machine of adequate capacity.
Other tools and equipment for testing raw materials and paver blocks.
Systematic record of test results of various paver blocks manufactured in the factory.
Concrete Mix Design for various grade of concrete used for making of paver blocks.

3 Specifications For Coloured Paver Blocks:

Coloured concrete paver blocks shall be manufactured as per attached specifications using or equivalent approved
colour Pigment of “BAYER” Make “BAYFERROX IRONOXIDE PIGMENTS” with minimum colour pigment of 3% by
weight of cement. The colour shade shall be “RED” as selected by AMC before commencement of the work. White
cement shall be used for colored pavers to obtain the desired colour shade. The job also includes providing 50 mm
thick sand bedding to match the shade of the paver block.

The colour of the paver block shall be guaranteed against fading of colour for period of 12 months from the date of
laying of the same at site.
All other technical specifications & Procedure for testing, laying & sampling of coloured pavers will be as per

4 Pavers Block Characteristics:

The concrete pavers should have perpendicularities after release from the mould and the same should be retained
until the laying. The surface should be reasonably smooth and of anti skid and anti glare type. The paver should
have uniform chamfers to facilitate easy drainage surface run off. The pavers should have uniform interlocking
space of 2mm to 3mm to ensure compacted sand filling after vibration on the paver Surface. The concrete mix
design should be followed for each batch of materials separately and automatic batching plant is to be used to
achieve uniformity in strength and quality. The pavers shall be manufactured in single layer only. Skilled labour
should be employed for laying blocks to ensure line and level of laying, desired shape of the surface and adequate
compaction of the sand in the joints. The pavers shall be of cement gray colour without any pigment & for coloured
pavers refer “specifications for coloured pave`” The pavers are to be skirted all round with kerbing using solid
concrete blocks of size 150mm X 250mm X 380mm. The kerbing should be embedded for 100mm depth. The
concrete used for kerbing shall be cured properly for 7 days minimum.

5 Paver Block Dimensions:

Thickness 60 mm
Shape Unipaver, I shape or directed by Dy.C.E.
Chamfer 4mm to 6mm along top edges
Colour Natural cement grey colour without use of any pigment.
For coloured pavers refer “specifications for coloured pavers”
Dimensional Tolerance (+/-) 2mm for length & width,
(+/-) 3mm for Height (Thickness)

6 Testing of Paver Blocks :

SR. NO. * TEST Average Values Frequency

1. Compressive Strength Min. 35 N/Sq mm for 60mm thick

250 Smt / 1 Test
2. Flexural Strength Minimum 4.5 N/Sq mm
3. Abrasion Resistance Maximum 1.5
4. Water Absorption Maximum 5.80%

* Sampling and testing procedure as per enclosed specifications

7 Sampling and Testing Procedure for Paver Blocks

Sample Size:

INTERNAL – Average of minimum 3 samples per 5000 Blocks.

7.1 Sampling for Testing

Sampling of Paver blocks.

Method of sampling :
Before laying paver blocks, each designated section comprising not more than 50000 blocks, shall be divided into
ten approximately equal groups. Three blocks shall be drawn from each group.

Marking and identification :

All samples shall be clearly marked at the time of sampling in such a way that the designated section of part
thereof, and the consignment represented by the sample, are clearly defined.

The sample shall be dispatched to the approved test laboratory taking precaution to avoid damage to the paving in
transit. Protect the paving from damage and contamination until they have been tested. The testing shall be carried
as soon as possible, after the sample has been taken. As soon as practicable after sampling. The samples shall be
stored in water at 20 degree C  5 degree C for 24 hours prior to testing.

The item is to be executed as per instructions and to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-in-Charge and/or his
authorized representative using Rubber mould and Table vibrator for Kerb instead of mechanical press system.

Extra rate for excavation of asphalt payment of any thickness including demolishing the asphalt carpet, metal,
soling etc. complete with stacking the materials as directed. The road surface of asphalt shall carefully be opened to
full width as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and/or his authorized representative.

Excavation area shall be properly identified and marked in rectangular shape. The road crust shall be opened up to
entire depth i.e. including soling. All the materials shall be separately deposited in such a way and in places as may
be determined by the Engineer-in-Charge and/or his authorized representative. In case rubble not being so
deposited or being mixed up with the excavated materials will not be allowed for refilling. The cost of materials
shall be charged from the contractor. The decision of the C.E. shall be final and binding to the contract

For detailed specification for Laying of Paver Block on sand bedding, refer R & B Department booklet for General
Technical Specification for building works.

The rate shall be for a unit of SMT

Item No.8 Providing and laying in position Ready Mixed M 200 grade concrete for reinforced cement
conctere work , using cement content as per approved Design Mix manufactured in fully
automatic batching plant and transported to site of work in transit mixer for a lead up to 10
kms having continuous agitated mixer, manufactured as per mix design of specified grade for
reinforced cement concrete work including pumping of R.M.C. from transit mixer to site of
laying, excluding the cost of centering shuttering finishing and reinforcement including cost
of admixtures in recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate/ retard setting of
concrete, improve workability without impairing strength and durability as per direction of
the Engineer - in - charge. Without Fly Ash (Min cement level as per latest IS 456 shall be

Item No. 9 Providing Formwork of ordinary timber planking so as to give a rough finish including
centering shuttering strutting and propping etc.
Providing Formwork of ordinary timber planking so as to give a roughfinish including centering
shuttering strutting and propping etc. Height of propping and centering below supporting floor
to ceiling not exceeding 4 M. and removal of the same for in situ reinforced concrete and plain
concrete work in. (A)Foundations Footings Bases of Columns etc. and Mass concrete.

Mode of measurements shall be on SMT basis

Item No. 10 Providing TMT Bar FE 415 reinforcement for R.C.C. work including bending, binding and placing in
position complete upto floor two level (R&B SOR 2023-24, Building work For Ahmedabad City, Page
No.54, Item No.5.4.11)

For relevant Specification of Item as per item description & instruction of Engineer-in-Charge and/or his authorized
Mode of measurements shall be on Kg basis.

Item No. 11 P/A Trimix with dewatering machine and floater machine on constructed RCC work incl.cost of
machine and labour etc comp as directed.
Providing & Applying Trimix with dewatering machine and floater machine on constructed RCC work incl.cost
of machine and labour etc comp as directed. As directed by engineer in charge.

Item No. 12 : Making 15 mm groove in RCC work on road and filling it with polysulfied selant and finished it
good incl.all labour charges etc comp as directed

Making 15 mm groove in RCC work on road and filling it with polysulfied selant and finished it good incl.all
labour charges etc comp as directed. As directed by engineer in charge.
The mode of measurement shall be on Rmt of basis

Item No. 13:- Repairing damaged M.H. and raising M.H. up to road level incl. removing damaged brick work
and repairing by brick masonry in C.M. 1:5 and plaster in C.M. 1:3 and fixing C.I. steps and
existing MH sheet cover, removing the debris from MH and carting the same as

directed.(a)upto 0.15mt.(@Two coarse)(b)upto to 0.35mt.(@Four coarse (c)upto 0.65
mt.(@seven Coarse)
This item relates to repairing work of above item of machine hole with fixing existing seat at top & fixing pre-cast FRC
cover (medium duty) repairing up to 2.00 mt. depth. This item relates to repairing existing machine hole of 1.40 x 1.00 or
1.00 x 0.75 mt. size with removing first existing seat & cover including demolishing existing loose masonry work up to
from GF level to depth if specified & up to same height brick work in CM 1:5 shall be completed & after of that work
plastering work in CM 1:3 shall also be done. Rate including fixing existing or new (if not there) C.I. steps shall fixed at
time of masonary work. After completion of brick work & plastering same machine hole seat & cover fixing at top &
casted it in C.C. 1:2:4 etc. Measurements shall be given on no. of basis up to 2.00 mt. depth work.
For detailed specification refer R & B Department booklet for General Technical Specification for building works.
Items also includes:
1. Proper Barricading to avoid accidents.
2. Removal of debris from site.
3. Compaction of Bitumen by Roller.
4. Applying tack coat before laying of Hotmix material.
The mode of payment for this item shall be on No. Basis.
Item No.14:- Providing F.R.C. MH seat cover incl. carting to the work site etc. comp. Directed.
a. F.R.C. Extra Heavy Duty (EHD-35) Machine hole Covers. Cover : 728mm ø & 100 mm thick circular cover,
35.00 MT load design, 100x2mm MS flat allround, 16mm ø plain round bar for lifting the cover & should be fitted with
plastic cups.
Cover shall be well casted and having good finishing. It shall be made from M300 grade. Concrete with more than
0.5% fiber by weight of concrete as mention in IS:12592:2002. Three coats of Black bituminous / anticorrosive paint
must be applied on back side of covers. Each cover and frame shall be marked with manufactures trade mark /
loading grade, month and year of manufacturing (marking shown in IS:12592:2002). The cover should be embossed
with chequered design. Transportation expenses will be borne by the contractor. IS:12592:2002 shall be followed for
Production and Testing of Frame and cover. The sectional weight of concrete of each item should be 2400 to 2500
The rate shall be for a unit of per Nos.

F.R.C. Strom Water Grating Grating(Jali): 740 x 740 x 90mm square jali, 10:00 MT load design, 90x2mm MS flat
(As Per Central stores circular No. 11 /2022-23 Dt.14.3.2023)
For detailed specification refer clause No. 24.35 of R & B Department booklet for General Technical Specification for
building works.
The contractor shall be responsible for any loss or damage to the catch pit up to the end of work. He shall also be
responsible for the cleaning all bituminous material from the catch pit.
The rate shall be for a unit of one No.
ITEM NO.15 : Provdg. & laying S.W. Gully trap with brick masonry chamber & water tight G.T.Stone
including fixing of cover Square mouth trap

Provdg. & laying S.W. Gully trap with brick masonry chamber & water tight G.T.Stone including fixing of cover
Square mouth trap 100 mm x100 mm size P-Trap As directed by engineer in charge.

The mode of measurement shall be on No of basis

Item No.:- 16 Leveling or orientation of existing gully trap chamber incl.nece. masonry in CM (1:6) and
plaster in CM (1:3) etc. using old GT stone and cover etc.comp..
Leveling or orientation of existing gully trap chamber incl.nece. masonry in CM (1:6) and plaster in CM (1:3)
etc. using old GT stone and cover etc.comp..
Item No. 17. Extra rate over item of excavation of earth for excavation of asphalt pavement / RCC of
thickness up to 0.20 meter including demolishing the asphalt carpet, metal, soiling/cutting
Reinforcement etc. comp. with stacking the material as directed. (a) up to 0.20 meter thickness
(By Manual) (b) 0.20 to 0.30 meter (By any type of Breaker Machine or R.C.C.Cutter
machine including cost of operator, fuel & transportation etc complete. (c) 0.30 meter &
above (By any type of Breaker Machine or R.C.C.Cutter machine including cost of operator,
fuel, & transportation etc complete.

The Item shall be carried out as per Item description and as per instruction of Engineer-in-Charge and/or his
authorized representative.
The rate includes the cost of excavation of bituminous macadam i.e. bituminous layers only like DBM, BC etc
including the labours, tools, equipment and all other incidental expenses. Non Bituminous Sub-layer/Sub base are
not considered in this item.
Work shall be carried out manually or by Machinery as per site requirements.
The mode of payment for this item shall be on Smt. Basis.

Item No. 18:- Removing any kind of pavement incl stacking of serviceble material disposal of unserviceble material
with 50 meter lead and lift. (Without GST)

The mode of measurement shall be on smt of basis

Item No.:- 19 Dismantling tiled or stone floors laid in mortar including stacking of serviceable
material and disposal of uservicalble material with all lead and lifts.(AMC SOR)
The mode of measurement shall be on smt of basis

Item No.:- 20 Demolition & disposal of unservisable material with all lead and lift for
unreinforeced concrete. (AMC sor)
The mode of measurement shall be on cmt of basis

Item No.:- 21 Demolition of brick work & stone masonry including stacking of serviceable
materials and disposal of unserviceable materials with all lead and lift (1) In cement mortar. (AMC
The mode of measurement shall be on cmt of basis

Item No.:- 22 Demolition including stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of unserviceable
materials with all lead and lift. (I) R.C.C work.
The mode of measurement shall be on cmt of basis

Item No.:- 23 Providing and fixing Name Plate of MLA (If any MLA budget used in work)
The mode of measurement shall be on No.of basis

Forms of BID


Where as
(Hereinafter called the Tenderer) is desirous and preferred to tender for works in
accordance with the term and conditions of tender for the work EMPANELMENT OF
. 1. Therefore. We hereby affirm that -we are guarantors on behalf of the Tenderer up to
total rupees………………..(in words............................................) Rs. (in figures) and we
undertake to pay to Municipal Commissioner, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, A'bad.
Specified tip to his first written demand, without demur without delay and without the
necessary of a previous of judicial or administrative procedures and without the necessity
of a previous of judicial or administrative procedures and without the necessity to prove to
the Bank the defects or short comings or debits of the contractor any sum within the limit
of Rs.....................................................

2. We further agree that the Guarantee herein contemned shall remain in full force and effect
during the period that would be taken for the acceptance of tender. However unless a demand
of claim under this guarantee is made on its in writing on or before the (Date to be specified
will not be less than 180 days from the stipulated date of receiving the tender) we shall be
discharge from all liabilities under the guarantee thereafter

3. We undertake not to revoke the guarantee during it currency except with the previous
consent of the Municipal Commissioner, Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, A' bad in

4. We lastly undertake not to revoke the guarantee for any charge in constitution of the
Tenderer or of the Bank.
Signature & Seal of Guarantor ...........................
Bank Address ......................................................
5. The contractors shall have to furnish income tax clearance certificate before his tender is
accepted and intimate assessment number and ward under which he is assessed.

6. Copies of certificate as regards previous experience, if any, must accompany the tender.

6. List of approved banks - .As per ANNEXURE – 1

Seal and Signature of the Bidder Dy. City Engineer-2 (N.Z)



(Clause 37 of Section I Volume 1)

Whereas M/s ____________________________________________________have been

Awarded a contract dated_ __________________ TENDER DOCUMENT FOR
AHMEDABAD as specified in the tender by the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation.
Whereas the said M/s __________________________________________has approached Us
___________________________________________Bank to provided a PERFORMANCE
GUARANTES BOND to the AMC for the work undertakes by M/s.
________________________ and Whereas. We, the
_____________________________Bank have agreed to provided such a PERFORMANCE
GUARANTEE BOND. Now therefore, we the_ ______________________Bank provided
the following Performance Bank, Guarantee by way of these Bond to the AMC.

1. The contract value of the contract provided to M/s. _____________________by the AMC
in Rs. _ __________. This guarantee in the nature of PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE is
provided so as to ensure and indemnify the AMC for full and proper performance of the
contract by M/s.______________________
the _______________________________Bank hereby indemnify the AMC for all losses and
/ or damages to the road surface which would be laid or resurface by
M/s.________________________ and such PERFORMACE GUARANTEE would include
any damage to hot mixes, dense bituminous macadam asphalt, concrete, seal coat, concrete
blocks, road markings, signage, steel structures which may be suffered by the AMC as a
result of defective production of mixes, because of poor workmanship, or at all, by way of
this bond, we the _________________________________Bank agree and promises that in
the eventuality of the contractors M/s.
__________________________________________not repairing or remeding the Problem,
loss or damage to the road surface we shall indemnify and pay the AMC such expenses,
losses and damages that may be incurred by the AMC, as a result of the AMC getting the
work done itself or from the other source.

2. We _______________________________ Bank agree and understand that the decision as

to whether any losses or damages to the project have taken place or not and / or whether the
work suffers from poor workmanship or not will be taken by the Commissioner of AMC and
on the Commissioner's decision regarding such losses or damages or defect whatsoever being
so notified by the AMC to us, We shall immediately take steps and ensure that
M/s.__________________________________ faithfully and diligently carry out the
necessary remedial steps to the full satisfaction of the Commissioner of the AMC. The
opinion of the Commissioner as to whether full and complete remedial steps, to the full
satisfaction the Commissioner of the AMC has been taken or not, will be that of the AMC.
For the purpose, of arriving at such decision as aforesaid it will be open to the Commissioner
of the AMC in case he so desires, to delegate this power to subordinate like the city Engineer
to take appreciate decision and the decisions referred to above will be deemed to be properly
take and as if taken by the Commissioner of the AMC. In the eventually of
M/s.______________ not taking remedial action to the almost satisfaction of the
Commissioner of AMC. The AMC will be entitled to get the work done itself or from
sources. On the Commissioner of the AMC notifying to us the total expenses incurred for this
purpose. We hereby expressly have under taken to pay the AMC the said amount forth with

and in any case not less than 7 days from taken to pay the AMC the said binding the amount
indicted by the Commissioner of the AMC and our obligation to pay such amount will be
continuing of the AMC and our obligation irrespective of any dispute of differences that may
arise between us and M/s. _____________________________ of between the AMC and M/s.
3. The contract value is Rs. __________________________. This PERFORMANCE
GURANTEE is limited to 5% of the said contract value and accordingly it comes to Rs.
_______________________ our liability will be in all cases be limited to
4. We agree and undertake that this PERFORMANCE GURANTEE will be valid for a period
of five years and one month from the date when the contract work is completed by the
M/s._____________________________________. The Commissioner of the AMC notify
such completion that to us. In case, no such completion it is notified, this performance
guarantee will be a valid from five years from the date of execution of this agreement. The
Performance Guarantee will come into effect from such completion date. In case however,
the contract of several parts it will be opened to the Commissioner to indicate separate
completion dates for separate part and to simultaneously indicate a break up of the contract
value equivalent to the separate part. In which case the PERFORMANCE GUARNATEE to
extent of the different completion dates. It is expressly understood that the considering this
period of five years and one month, the date by which the Corporation, intimate the Bank
about the losses, damages or problems as the case may be, shall be considered as long as such
intimation is within a period of five years and one month from the completion date. We the
___________________ Bank will be liable, irrespective of whether the remedial actions or
lack thereof has taken place after the period of the five years and one month.
5. We _________________________________ Bank agree that the PERFORMANCE
GUARANTEE which is continuing guarantee will be binding, and enforceable against us
irrespective of any difference / disputes between the AMC and M/s.
__________________________of between us and M/s._________________________
and irrespective of any change or variation or execution time or any forbearance or waiver
made or grant by the AMC to M/s.___________________________________.
6. In case any disputes arise as to the interpretation or implementation or implementation of
this PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE, the matter shall be referred to the sole arbitration of
he Commissioner of AMC whose decision in the matter will be final. In case any resource to
any court of law is necessitated, the appropriate Civil Court in the Ahmedabad along will
have Jurisdiction.

Date: Signature of Contractor


THIS AGREEMENT made the ____ day of _______, 20__ between Ahmedabad Municipal
Corporation ………………..(here in after called “the Employer”) of the one part and
____________________________________________ (here in after called “the Contractor”)
of the other part.
WHEREAS the Employer is desirous that certain works should be executed by the
Contractor, viz. ________________________________________________________
____________________________________________ and has accepted the bid by the
contractor for the execution and completion of such works and the remedying of any defects
therein at a contract price of Rs.______________ (Rupees _________________

1. In this Agreement, words and expressions shall have the same meanings as are respectively
assigned to them in the Conditions of Contract hereinafter referred to.

2. The following documents shall be deemed to form and be read and construed as part of
this Agreement, viz.:
a) the Letter of Acceptance;
b) the General Conditions
c) The Financial Condition
d) the Technical Specifications;
e) the Priced Bill of Quantities; and
f) other documents forming part of the contract.

3. In consideration of the payments to be made by the Employer to the Contractor as here in

after mentioned, the Contractor hereby covenants with the Employer to execute and complete
the Works and remedy any defects therein in conformity in all respects with the provisions of
the Contract.

4. The Employer hereby covenants to pay the Contractor in consideration of the execution
and completion of the Works and the remedying of defects therein the Contract Price or such
other sum as may become payable under the provisions of the Contract at the times and in the
manner prescribed by the Contract. IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this
Agreement to be executed the day and year first before written.

Signed, sealed, and delivered by the said Employer and the Contractor in the presence


On behalf of Ahmedabad Municipal
On behalf of M/s.
1 1

2 2

Binding Signature of the Employer:

Sample Form for updating - qualification information

ltu^ :- vhevºt lk-28 <&t ltKktFt<t vhevºt lk 31 <t.7/7/2017 îtht <t.1/7/2017

vAe cnth vtzJtbt ytJuj /ytJlth xuLzhbt (bxehegÕm + juch mÃjtg mt&u) G.S.T lt
ltuxeVefuNl bwsc G.S.T sgt jtdw vz<tu ntug ðgt mœh nw ftblt cezhu G.S.T
ltuxeVefuNl bwscle yuÃjefucujexe ægtlbt htFe xuLzhlwk cezekd fhJtlw hnuNu.


(1) Conditional tenders will not be accepted in any case. Municipal Commissioner reserves the
rights to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reasons thereof.

(2) The authorized signatory holding Power of Attorney shall only be the Digital Signatory. In
case authorized signatory holding Power of Attorney and Digital Signatory are not the
same, the bid shall be considered non-responsive.

(3) Circular no.32 of Finance department for GST is Applicable.

Name of work : Construction of R.C.C. Road & Paver Block in different private societies
under 70:20:10 scheme of diff. Wards of North Zone in Ahmedabad City
Sr.No. Item Rate Unit
in Rs.
Construction of R.C.C. Road, Rate includes necessary excavation
upto 0.35 mt. , conveyance charges upto 5 km lead, 100 mm thick
P.C.C. 1:3:6, 150 mm thick Ready Mix Control Concrete M-20,
TMT Bars as per design, Formwork of sides, Finishing with the
P/A Trimix with floater machine & Making 15 mm groove as per
1 design distance in RCC work on road and filling it with polysulfide Rs.1300.00 Smt
selant and finished it good, necs. asphalt/rcc Cutting, Rate also
includes Supllying and fixing of FRC HD 35 MT seat cover and
also raising / repairing of M.H. /C.H incl. heav all labour charges etc
comp as directed (Details item description as per seprate sheet
Providing and laying 60 mm thick M-35 grad rubber moulded paver
block, Rate includes necessary excavation upto 0.30 mt. ,
conveyance charges upto 5 km lead, 100 mm thick P.C.C. 1:5:10,
2 necessary edge kerb fitting, rate also includes raising / repairing of Rs.900.00 Smt
M.H. /C.H. as per inst. of engineer in Charge as directed
(Details item description as per sepreat sheet attched)

% Above
In words

% Below
In words

Note: Contractor Should quote unit rate mentioned as above. The payment will be made on actual
item wise execution as per the abstract attached here with and the same % rate will be
applicable for individual items as mention in abstract.

Signatures of contractor with seal Dy. City Engineer-2

Date (North Zone)




Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation

RCC Work/Paver Block - Abstract
Name of Work: Construction of R.C.C. Road & Paver Block in different private societies under
70:20:10 scheme of diff. Wards of North Zone in Ahmedabad City
Sr.No. Item Description Rate in Rs. Per

Box cutting the road surface to proper slope and

camber for making a base for road work including
1 127.13 Cmt
removing the excavated stuff and depositing on the
road side slope as directed upto 200 Mt.lead
Conveyance charge of earth, lime, murrum, building
rubbish, manual garbage, sludge, excavated rock , fly
ash, aggregate of any kind etc complete up to 10.0 KM
a) Lead up to 1 Km. 23.39 Cmt.
b) Lead From 1Km to 2 Km. 30.94 Cmt.
c) Lead From 2 Km to 3 Km. 38.37 Cmt.
d) Lead From 3 Km to 4 Km. 45.52 Cmt.
e) Lead From 4 Km to 5 Km. 52.42 Cmt.
f) Lead From 5 Km to 10 Km. 78.54 Cmt.
g) Lead From 10 Km to 15 Km. 104.65 Cmt.
Providing and laying cement concrete 1:3:6 (1- Cement 2976.00
: 3- coarse sand : 6- hand broken stone aggregates 40
mmnominal size) and curing complete excluding cost
3 of formwork in (A) Foundation and Plinth (R&B SOR CMT
2023-24, Building work For Ahmedabad City, Page
No.52, Item No.5.3.2)
Providing and laying cement concrete 1:5:10 (1- 2492.51
Cement : 5- Coarse sand : 10- hand broken stone
4 aggregates 40 mm nominal size) and curing complete Cmt.
excluding cost of formwork in (A) Foundation and

Providing, supplying and fixing pre cast C.C. blocks
(M-20) edge kerb having size of 75 x 300 x 300 mm
5 depth and as per design conveying it to the site, jointing 195.54 Rmt
into C:M 1:3 and racking out the joints incl. necessary
excavation of asphalt, soil etc. completed. ( App Rate )
Supplying and fixing of 300 mm-L x 150 mm-B x 380
mm-H Kerb Block for Footpath in M-20 grade using 20
mm nominal size black trap aggregate of
Sevaliya/Timba or equivalent quality for pre-cast
blocks, reasonably exposed finish/ formwork , mould
with well equipped with vibratory system for kerb
stones of approved design including curing, etc.
complete, including the cost of formwork etc. complete.
The rate shall also include necessary cutting of asphalt,
6 fixing the Kerb stones in line and level on 5 cm thick 350.89 Rmt
sand bedding with necessary equipments and materials.
The rate shall also include the flush pointing in CM
(1:3) for all joints of the kerbstones. Filling of zari
alone the sides of the kerb stone fixed with Bituminous
concrete mixed in proper position as directed by
Engineer in change to form a portable mixture. In any
case Gravel or such type of materials shall not be
allowed for production.
a)Laying on 5 cm thick Sand Bedding.
Providing and Laying of Rubber Moulded Paver Block
Grey/Coloured 60 mm thick, M-35 Grade of any
size;shape (Usually Uni-Paver Blocks) using black trap
good quality aggragate of 20 mm nominal size for
footpath, parking areas, service lanes and other areas as
mentioned in the drawing/instruction of engineer in
charge. Cost includes formworks using rubber mould,
Rate providing and laying paver blocks as per required
grading and specification. The paver block shall be
mechanically compacted. The work of paving blocks
7 501.60 Smt
shall be executed in line and level by skill mason of
flooring work only. It should be laid in such a way that
the no cutting of the paver block to be necessary. if
cutting of paver block necessary then it should be cut
bymachine only and carting. The finished surface of the
paver block shall have resonably good, plain finished.
Paver blocks shall be compacted and shall be relaid if
necessary. Gravel or such type of materials shall not be
allowed for production. Laying on 5cms thick sand

Providing and laying in position Ready Mixed M 200 4793.10
grade concrete for reinforced cement conctere work ,
using cement content as per approved Design Mix
manufactured in fully automatic batching plant and
transported to site of work in transit mixer for a lead up
to 10 kms having continuous agitated mixer,
manufactured as per mix design of specified grade for
reinforced cement concrete work including pumping of
R.M.C. from transit mixer to site of laying, excluding
the cost of centering shuttering finishing and
reinforcement including cost of admixtures in
recommended proportions as per IS: 9103 to accelerate/
retard setting of concrete, improve workability without
impairing strength and durability as per direction of the
Engineer - in - charge. Without Fly Ash (Min cement
level as per latest IS 456 shall be maintained)
Providing Formwork of ordinary timber planking so as
to give a rough finish including centering shuttering
strutting and propping etc. Height of propping and
centering below supporting floor to ceiling not
9 exceeding 4 M. and removal of the same for in situ 99.79 SMT
reinforced concrete and plain concrete work in.
(A)Foundations Footings Bases of Columns
etc. and Mass concrete. (Item Code : 09001AA, SOR
2021-22, R & B Ahmedabad City
Providing TMT Bar FE 415 reinforcement for R.C.C. 66.59
work including bending, binding and placing in
10 position complete upto floor two level (R&B SOR KG
2023-24, Building work For Ahmedabad City, Page
No.54, Item No.5.4.11)
P/A Tremix with dewartering machine and floater
machine on constructed CC work for finishing the
surface as per requirement. The rate including all
11 54.00 SMT
machinaries, labor, loading, unloading, transportaion
etc complete as per direction given by engineer in
Making 15 mm. Groove in RCC work on road & filling
12 it with polysulfied selant & finished ot good incl. all 30.00 Rmt
labour charges etc. comp.as directed.
Repairing damaged M.H. and rasing M.H. up to road
level incl. removing damaged brick work and repairing
by brick masonry in C.M. 1:5 and plaster in C.M. 1:3
and fixing C.I. steps and existing MH sheet cover,
removing the debris from MH and carting the same as
(A) up to 0.15 mt. (@ Two Coarse) 728.82 No
(B) up to 0.35mt. (@ Four Coarse) 1155.44 No.
(C) up to 0.65 mt. (@ Seven Coarse) 1786.49 No
Providing F.R.C. MH seat cover incl. carting to the
14 work site etc. comp. Directed.

(SET cover and frame) F.R.C. Extra Heavy Duty
[EHD-35] Machinehole Covers & Frame- 560mm ø
clear opening, The dimension of frame and cover as per
a 3354.74 SET
mentioned in Amend No.1 to IS 12592 : 2002 table 1
(As Per Central stores circular No. 11 /2022-23
(SET cover and frame) F.R.C. Heavy Duty [HD-20]
Machinehole Covers & Frames- 560mm ø clear
opening, The dimension of frame and cover as per
b 3255.62 SET
mentioned in Amend No.1 to IS 12592 : 2002 table 1
(As Per Central stores circular No. 11 /2022-23
(SET cover and frame) F.R.C. Medium Duty [MD-10]
Machinehole Covers & Frames- 560mm ø clear
opening, The dimension of frame and cover as per
c 2355.28 SET
mentioned in Amend No.1 to IS 12592 : 2002 table 1
(SET cover and frame) (As Per Central stores circular
No. 11 /2022-23 Dt.14.3.2023)
(SET cover and frame) F.R.C. Medium Duty [MD-10]
Chamber Covers & Frame- 600 x 450 mm clear
opening, The dimension of frame and cover as per
d 2254.98 SET
mentioned in Amend No.1 to IS 12592 : 2002 table
1(As Per Central stores circular No. 11 /2022-23
(SET cover and frame) F.R.C. Light Duty [LD-2.5]
Machinehole Covers & Frames 560mm ø clear
opening, The dimension of frame and cover as per
e 1915.14 SET
mentioned in Amend No.1 to IS 12592 : 2002 table 1
(As Per Central stores circular No. 11 /2022-23
F.R.C. Strom Water Grating Grating(Jali): 740 x 740 x
90mm square jali, 10:00 MT load design, 90x2mm MS
f flat allround, 1354.64 No.
(As Per Central stores circular No. 11 /2022-23
Providing and fixing S.W. Gully Trap with C.I. Grating
brick masonry chamber and water tight C.I. cover with
frame of 300mm x 300mm size(inside) with standard
15 1127.81 No.
weight.(i) Square mouth traps. (A) 100mm x 100mm
size P type. (SOR 2021-22 Item no-24.19 page no-218)

Leveling or orientation of existing Gully Trap chamber

16 incl.nece. masonry in CM (1:6) and plaster in CM (1:3) 71.43 No.
etc. using old GT stone and cover etc.comp.

Extra rate over item of excavation of earth for

excavation of asphalt pavement of thickness upto
0.20 meter including demolishing the asphalt
17 carpet, metal, soiling etc. comp. with stacking the
material as directed. (As per Road ARC tender 22-23)

a up to 0.20 meter thickness (By Manual) 71.10 smt

0.20 to 0.30 meter (By any type of Breaker
b Machine or R.C.C.Cutter machine including cost 177.76 smt
of operator, fuel & transportation etc complete.
0.30 meter & above (By any type of Breaker Machine 311.08 Smt
c or R.C.C.Cutter machine including cost of operator,
fuel, & transportation etc complete.
Removing any kind of pavement incl stacking of
18 serviceble material disposal of unserviceble material 12.32 Smt
with 50 meter lead and lift. (Without GST)
Dismantling tiled or stone floors laid in mortar
including stacking of serviceable material and disposal
19 27.44 Smt
of uservicalble material with all lead and lifts.(AMC
Demolition & disposal of unservisable material with all
20 lead and lift for unreinforeced concrete. (AMC sor) 348.10 Cmt
Demolition of brick work & stone masonry including
stacking of serviceable materials and disposal of
21 unserviceable materials with all lead and lift (1) In 314.50 Cmt
cement mortar. (AMC SOR)

Demolition including stacking of serviceable materials

22 and disposal of unserviceable materials with all lead 604.74 Cmt
and lift. (I) R.C.C work.
Providing and fixing Name Plate of MLA (If any MLA
23 budget used in work) 350.00 No

Note: As per AMC’s Finance department Circular No.38, Dt.21/11/022 and approval of competent authority, rate
of all the items are taken without GST and prevailing GST will be payable Separately.

Contractor’s Quoted Rate: -

…………………………..% Above in words …………………………..……………

.....……………………… % Below in words …………………………..……………

Net Quoted Tender Amount Rs.(Rupees

Seal and Signature of the Bidder Dy. City Engineer-2

Date: North Zone


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