Lec 26
Lec 26
Lec 26
Mouthparts are primarily adapted for chewing. Mandibles are very well developed. In bees
both labium and maxillae are integrated to form the lapping tongue.
Thorax is modified for efficient flight. Pronotum is collar like. Mesothorax is enlarged.
Metathorax is small. Both prothorax and metathorax are fused with mesothorax.
Wings are stiff and membranous. Forewings are larger than hindwings. Wing venation is
reduced. Both forwings and hindwings are coupled by a row of hooklets (hamuli) present
fused with metathorax. The first pair of abdominal spiracles is located in the propodeum.
The second segment is known as pedicel which connects the thorax and abdomen.
Metamorphosis is complete. Often the grub is apodous and eucephalous. Larva is rarely
eruciform. Pupa is exarate and frequently enclosed in a silken cocoon secreted from
labial glands.
Sex is determined by the fertilization of the eggs. Fertilized eggs develop into females and
males are produced from unfertilized eggs. Males are haploid and females diploid.
(Chalastogastra) (Clistogastra)
5. Ovipositor is saw like and suited for Ovipositor is not saw like and is suited for
piercing the plant tissue piercing in para sitic groups or for stinging
in other groups
I.Suborder : SYMPHYTA
The ovipositor is saw toothed and suited for slicing the plant tissue.
papillae (reduced antenna) three pair of thoracic legs and 6-8 pairs of abdominal legs.
Prolegs lack crochets. They are external feeders on foliage. Larvae while feeding usually
have posterior part of the body coiled over the edge of the leaf.
Mustard sawfly : Athalia lugens proxima is a defoliator of mustard and cruciferous vegetables.
2. ICHNEUMONIDAE ( Ichneumonflies)
Ovipositor is arising anterior to the tip of abdomen. It is often longer than the body and
Larvae are mostly parasites and less frequently hyperparasites. They are solitary
parasites. They spin cocoons in or outside the host. Eriborus trochanteratus is an exotic
Pupation occurs in silken cocoons either externally on the host or away from the host in
groups. Bracon brevicornis is mass multiplied and released for the control of coconut
Tetrastichus israelli is a gregarious pupal parasite commonly used for the control of
Trichogramma sp. is extensively used in the biological control of sugarcane moth borers.
8. EVANIIDAE (Ensign wasps)
Gaster is short, compressed and attached to the propodeum by the slender petiole. It is
Male is apterous.
Female is winged.
Blastophaga pesenes develops in the capri fig (wild) and pollinates symyrna fig (edible cultivated
Lateral extensions of the pronotum reach the point of insertion of wings and do not form rounded
Abdomen is conical
They construct nest with `wasp paper', a substance made from fragments of chewed
are stored in the cells of their nests. Eggs are suspended by a filament from the top of the
Petiole is slender.
Nests are constructed by using mud or dug out in ground. They use insects and spiders to
provision their nests. Eggs are laid on the paralysed or killed host.
They are social insects with three castes viz., queen, males and workers. Workers are
sterile females and they form the bulk of the colony. Exchange of food materials between
adults and immature insects is common. After a mating flight queen alone finds a suitable
nesting site. Wings break near the abscission suture near the base are nipped off by
mandibles. Egg laying is started after divesting the wings. Usually the queen does not
forage for food. During the initial phase of nest building it lives entirely on fat body
Mouthparts are chewing and lapping type. Mandibles are suited for crushing and shaping
Legs are specialized for pollen collection. Scopa (pollen basket) is present on hind tibia.
They are social insects with three castes viz., queen, drone and workers. Temporal
Pollen gathering hairs (scopa) are present on the venter of the abdomen.
They cut circular or crescent shaped pieces of leaves of rose, redgram, guava etc. The cut
pieces of leaves are used for preparing leaf lined cells. The provision for the brood
Rose leaf cutter bee: Megachile anthracena is a pest on rose, redgram and guava.
15. XYLOCOPIDAE (Carpenter bees)
Pollen baskets are absent in hindlegs. But brushes of hairs are present on hinglegs.
They build nests in dead logs and in live branches. They tunnel in all directions. They do
not feed on wood. The tunnel is partitioned into several cells, separated by cemented
wood chips. Pollen and nectar are placed in each cell together with one egg. The larvae
Adults are not aggressive and do not sting. They visit flowers and take nectar often by
simply biting through the base of the flower instead of sipping from the top.