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Name: Prosenjit Biswas

Reg. No: 2022200545

Subject: MS114

Question 1
(a) Management is the art and science of getting the objective of the organization accomplished through
and with people- Discuss.

The main objective of management is to secure maximum outputs with minimum efforts & resources. An
effective manager must combine experience (i.e. art) with principles of management (i.e. science) in order
to achieve the desired objectives of the organization. Management is because it involves adapted
knowledge and skill. It depends on human common sense and understanding. Sometimes it is not possible
to determine the cause and effect relationship between variable factors. It cannot be universally applied as
a certain decision may be effective for a certain organization but not so much for another organization.
Management is a science because it involves scientific techniques. It uses a step-by-step control process.
Some aspects of management can be universally applied. It teaches the know-how of doing things. These
two aspects of management are not mutually exclusive but complementary. A good manager knows the
concepts and principles of management and also how to apply them in unique situations and utilize
human, material & financial resources in such a manner that would result in best possible outcome.

(b) Mintzberg described ten major roles that managers play within the organization. Discuss any three of
these roles and give one practical business example of a manager operating in each role that you have

Mintzberg described ten major roles that managers play within the organization. Some of these roles are:

a) Leader – A manager has to provide leadership for their team, or department or perhaps their entire
organization. A manger has to supervise the performance and responsibilities of everyone in the group. For
example, in an IT firm the CEO will act as the leader. If a software engineer is not performing well, he will
advise the engineer on how to improve his performance.

b) Monitor – In this role the manager has to regularly seek out information related to their organization and
industry and look for relevant changes in the environment. They will also monitor their team, in terms of
both their productivity, and their well-being. For example, in a factory, the manager will make sure that the
factory workers are working at a certain level. If a worker is being careless he will take the necessary
actions. If a worker is not feeling well, the manger will make sure that the worker is getting enough time to

c) Resource Allocator – A manger needs to determine where organizational resources are applied most
efficiently and effectively. This involves allocating funding, as well as assigning staff and other
organizational resources. For example, in bank a manager has to assign the best for person to do a certain
job. He has to determine how many employees should work in the as the bank teller, loan processor,
mortgage consultant, investment representative etc.
Question 2
(a) What is a "core competency"? How is it related to a competitive advantage? Give an example of each
concept from an industry other than PC's or specialty supermarkets.

The core competency of an organization refers to knowledge, skills or resources that constitute its
"defining strength." Each organization has its unique “strength”, and therefore it is not easily replicated
by other organizations. Core competencies are knowledge, skills or resources that give businesses a
competitive advantage. If companies are able to develop their core competencies, they have a greater shot
at beating out the competition and reaping the benefits. For example, let us consider McDonald’s, an
American-based multinational fast food chain. Its core competency is providing convenience when people
need and want to eat fast food at prices that are competitive and provide best value for the customer's
money. Another competitive advantage of McDonald's is its emphasis on consistent quality, food
production and the use of high-quality raw materials worldwide. The global recognition associated with
the McDonald’s brand itself is also one of McDonald's competitive advantages.

(b) Define MBO. Describe the benefits and weakness of MBO and ways to overcome them.

Management by objectives (MBO) is a strategic management model that aims to increase organizational
performance by clearly defining objectives that are agreed to by both the organization and workers.

a) Employees are proud of their work and are given goals they know they can achieve that are aligned with
their strengths, competencies and educational experience.
b) Greater communication between management and employees.
c) Assigning personalized goals gives employees a sense of value, increasing their performance and loyalty
to the company.

a) Because the MBO focuses on objectives and targets, it often overlooks other parts of a business.
b) Increased pressure on employees to meet targets within a specified time frame.
c) Employees are encouraged to achieve objectives by all means necessary, which means shortcuts may be
taken and the quality of the work may be compromised.
Question 3
(a) Define strategic planning? What are the steps involved in strategic planning?

Leaders of a company develop their future vision and determine their organization's goals and objectives
through the process of strategic planning.
Depending on the sort of business and the level of granularity necessary, there are a plethora of different
approaches to strategic planning. Most strategic planning cycles can be summarized in these five steps:
Identify. Determining a company's existing strategic position is the first step in a strategic planning cycle.
Here, stakeholders evaluate the company and its surroundings using the current strategic plan, which
includes the mission statement and long-term strategic goals.
Prioritize. The next step is for strategic planners to define goals and initiatives that are consistent with the
organization's mission and goals and will help the company progress in that direction. Planning
establishes priorities for the most significant, pertinent, and urgent goals out of many possible ones.
Develop. This is the core goal of strategic planning, in which several parties work together to develop the
actions or strategies required to realize a certain strategic aim. This could entail developing multiple
tactical business plans for the short term that are aligned with the overall strategy.
Implement. Once the strategic strategy has been created, it is time to implement it. For this, there needs
to be open communication within the business in order to develop roles, make investments, modify
procedures and rules, and set up measurement and reporting.
Update. Every so often, a strategic plan is reviewed and updated to reflect shifting business conditions
and new opportunities, reevaluating goals and priorities. Quarterly quick assessments of metrics and
annual revisions to the strategic plan are both possible.
(b) Identify and discuss the "four building blocks" of competitive advantage. For each, give an example of
a company that you feel uses these building blocks successfully.

The four building blocks of competitive advantage are:

1. Organizational Efficiency: Managers must be able to measure precisely how many units of input (raw
materials, human resources, etc.) are used to produce one unit of output in order to judge how efficiently
they are employing organizational resources. Additionally, they must be able to count the units of outputs
(goods and services) they generate.
2. Quality: In the modern marketplace, rivalry frequently centers on raising the caliber of products and
services. For instance, in the auto market, cars compete against one another in terms of features, designs,
and dependability for each price range.

3. Innovation: Strategic planning can increase an organization's degree of innovation.

When managers design an organizational environment where people feel empowered to be creative and
where authority is dispersed to employees so that they feel free to experiment and take risks, successful
innovation occurs.
4. Customer responsiveness: Lastly, strategic managers may make their firms more customer responsive by
creating a control system that enables them to assess how well employees who interact with customers are
doing their duties. Monitoring an employee's behavior can assist managers in identifying methods to
improve an employee's performance level, perhaps by highlighting areas where skill development might be
beneficial or by identifying new processes that enable people to do their jobs more effectively.

Question 4
(a) Some organizations design reporting relationships in which an employee reports to two superiors
instead of to only one superior. As a result, this employee may have access to two managers who have
different skills and expertise. Such a practice, however, can easily create serious problems for the
employee. Discuss three of these problems that can occur under this management structure and explain
why a reporting relationship to a single superior is a better way to design an organization.

Many serious problems may rise due to multiple managers. Some of them are:

a) Uncertain priorities: Different skills and expertise may lead the two managers to have different
priorities. For example, one manager may value quality of work, whereas another manager may prioritize
problem solving skill. This may also lead to slower decision-making before projects receive approval as
both managers have to agree.

b) Potential for miscommunication: When multiple people assign the tasks to employees and review their
work, it can be challenging to maintain clear instructions without miscommunication. It may be difficult
to determine an organized method for streamlining work and thus can affect the productivity of the

c) Different management styles: It's possible to have two managers with contrasting management styles.
This can be confusing to the employees to understand what each manager expects from them. It may also
lead to vastly different performance reviews.

A single a single superior is a better way to design an organization because they can be more decisive and
ensure consistency throughout the company profile.

(b) Max Weber's principles of management theory within a bureaucracy have had a great impact upon the
management actions of many large organizations. Discuss three disadvantages of management under a
bureaucracy in terms of what can result if the principles are not applied in an appropriate manner.

Three disadvantages of management under a bureaucracy are:

1. Poor efficiency of services and goods: A bureaucracy makes a ton of rules and laws that must be adhered
to. Processes and systems are slowed down as a result. Workloads can be made more difficult by the
addition of new rules and laws at almost any time. This can entail completing more forms, adhering to new
filing requirements, or undergoing new evaluations. Although it fosters safe productivity, the procedure
puts a cap on people's and departments' actual capacity for productivity.

2. Red tape: By its very nature, bureaucracy abides by a specific set of guidelines. This results in a lack of
flexibility and frequently results in inefficiencies and delays in delivery of services. As a result, government
agencies have developed into money-wasting, ineffective mazes of red tape. As a result, government
bureaucracies no longer exhibit knowledge and diligence. Additionally, this red tape wastes tax dollars,
obstructs accountability, and works against the public good.

3. Paperwork increases the cost of materials: Even a very simple job requires a great deal of red tape. As a
result, the process of carrying out work in a bureaucratic system is costly because it is based on the old
traditional model of administration and not on modernized methods. Each annual budget includes the cost
of paper, printer, ink and computer equipment. They also depreciate in value after a certain period.
Consequently, bureaucracy can be cumbersome and rules and regulations are often under more pressure on
annual budgets than the end result.

Question 5
(a) Discuss three conflict management strategies focused on individuals that managers can use to reduce
or eliminate conflict within organizations. Give a specific business example of how each of these
strategies could be used by a manager in a specific situation of your choosing.

Three conflict management strategies are:

1. Accommodating: This method of dispute resolution involves the agreement of one party, giving the
other party exactly what it needs to solve the problem. In some cases, accommodating can be an
appropriate resolution to conflict. For example, one employee thinks that the coffee machine should be
placed in the meeting room but other thinks that it should be placed in the recreation area. Neither of their
opinion on the matter is not very strong. So, it is often easier to comply. This method allows the manager
a chance to resolve a problem in the short term while working toward a long-term solution.

2. Avoiding: This method involves simply ignoring the fact that there may be a conflict. People tend to
avoid conflict when they do not wish to engage in it. Avoiding allows them to ignore that there is a
problem. For example, one employee is consistently late but his quality of work is exemplary. So, he is
unable to fire the employee. The manager may be very frustrated with the employee’s lack of punctuality.
In this situation avoiding conflict can be an appropriate response. However, avoidance can require more
effort than merely facing the problem and can cause friction between the manager and the employee.

3. Reconciling: It seeks a mutual agreement to settle a dispute. Both parties willingly forfeit some of their
conditions in the interest of reaching an agreement. This can be a quick way to resolve a conflict without
it becoming a bigger issue. Compromise can also be used as a temporary method to avoid conflict until
the parties involved can implement a more permanent solution. For example, two departments within a
given company are responsible for launching a new product. Department A is in charge of the technical
specifications of the product and Department B – Marketing. Both have high operating standards and are
interdependent. Department A cannot complete the technical development, until they obtain feedback
from actual customers, and Department B cannot market the "dry" product. The solution will be for the
managers of the two departments to lower their working standards and reach a common agreement on the
release of the Beta version of the product. In this way, we see how the exemption to the rules applies
depending on the parties concerned. It is appropriate to compromise when it would not be possible to
make both sides completely happy while still moving forward.
(b) What is "integrative bargaining"? Why should managers prefer it over "distributive negotiation"?
Describe how a manager should facilitate integrative bargaining.

Integrative bargaining is a negotiating strategy in which the parties work together to reach a "win-win"
solution to their dispute. This strategy emphasizes the development of mutually beneficial agreements based
on the interests of the litigants. Interests include the needs, wishes, concerns and fears that are important to
each party. These are the reasons behind why people are involved in a conflict. In general, integrative
negotiation is preferred over distributive negotiation because integration builds long-term relationships and
facilitates collaboration in the future. This allows each negotiator to leave the bargaining table with the
impression of having won. Distributive bargaining, for its part, leaves one party the loser. A manager can
facilitate integrative bargaining by enforcing common goals. Each party should benefit in a way that is only
possible by working together. The manager should encourage the employees to have faith in their ability to
solve problems. The manager should help foster trust among the negotiators. The manager should create an
environment in which the employees are able to accurately exchange information in spite of conflict

Question 6
(a) Why is it important to understand communication in day to day communications in business operations?
Explain the 7 C of communications.

Business communication is important for conveying clear and strong messages about strategy, client
service and branding. Good communicators are essential for the company's profitability and reputation.
Employees who communicate well and understand the company's vision form better teams and help make
the company successful. Good communication helps prevent misunderstandings and conflicts and
improves customer service.

Completeness - Full disclosure is required. All the facts required by the audience should be

Conciseness - Communicate what you want to convey in words as little as possible without sacrificing
the other Cs of communication. Conciseness is a necessity for effective communication.

Consideration - Effective communication should consider the audience's views, background, state of
mind, level of education, etc.

Clarity - Clarity means focusing on a particular message or goal at a time, rather than trying to do too
much at once.

Concrete - Concrete communication involves being specific and clear rather than unclear and general.
Concreteness strengthens the confidence.

Courtesy - Courtesy in the message implies that the message must display the sender's expression along
with the recipient's respect. The sender of the message should be sincerely polite and not at all biased.

Correctness - Correctness in communication implies that there are no grammatical errors in

(b) Explain Postures and Gestures of the body language.

Gesture refers to movement of a part of the body, while posture refers to the way the body is placed when
a person is seated or standing. Gestures may be used to indicate behavior and emotions. People use many
gestures when they speak which they might not be aware of while using them. Sometimes people use
gestures to replace words and phrases. The meaning of gestures can also differ depending on the culture
and religion. What is regarded as positive gestures in some cultures and countries can be regarded as
impolite and offensive in another culture. A person's gestures can reveal a lot about his confidence, mood,
attitude and alertness.
Question 7
(a) Write a sales letter informing the customer regarding the monsoon/winter sale that is
being offered by your company.
(b) Differentiate between: Reports and Minutes; Verbal and non-verbal communication; and Horizontal
and diagonal communication

Reports and minutes: The main difference between minutes and report of a meeting is that minutes are more
detailed, and a report only covers the main points. The minutes do not refer to the measurement of time;
rather, they refer to the minutiae of what happened at the meeting.

Verbal and non-verbal communication: When communicating verbally, people express their thoughts, ideas
and feelings orally or in writing. Non-verbal communication involves other methods, like facial
expressions, gestures, etc.

Horizontal and diagonal communication: Horizontal communication is the relay and exchange of
information between same-level departments. Diagonal Communication is the communication among
employees at different levels in an organization. For instance, the communication between the director
and a sales manager can be classified as diagonal communication.

Question 9
Describe the major issues in cross-cultural communication.

The main issues of cross-cultural communication are:

1. Language
Although English is regarded as the common international language of business, not every business
globally uses English on a regular basis. Employees may have more difficulty when communicating in
English, which can lead to misunderstandings when taking direction, understanding level of urgency and
communicating issues or concerns.

2. Stereotyping
These are assumptions made about a group of people and are applied to individuals irrespective of their
personal characteristics because of their affiliation with a certain group. Prejudging an individual can lead
to misconceptions and barriers to communication.

3. Body Language
Body language, includes all the communication through the non-verbal channel. This can include how we
greet others, how we sit or stand, our facial expressions etc. The pressure of body language can especially
be felt in emotional situations where body language usually prevails over words.

4. Emotional display
What is considered an appropriate display of emotion can differ from culture to culture. In some countries,
you can imagine what misunderstandings can arise if a businessperson displays strong emotion in the
company of employees who feel that such behavior is out of place.
5. Ethnocentrism
It is a tendency to judge other groups according to standards and values of one’s own group. Ethnocentric
value not only act as communication barrier but can hinder one’s morale and productivity.

Question 10
(a) Describe the role of technology in business communication.

Technology is the mechanical application of the rules of science in performing human activities.
Technological development has changed the human lives dramatically. It brings dynamism, happiness and
prosperity in human lives and makes their lives easy and simple.

Recent development in business is the gift of technological advancement. Information technology has
turned the whole world into a single family and has opened a new horizon in business. The role of
technology in business communication is discussed below:

Quick transmission of information: The greatest advantage of electronic communication is the quick
transmission of information. With the help of electronic media, one can send information to a distant
receiver just within a few seconds.

Transmitting large volume of information: People can send large volume of information with the help
of electronic devices. Through e-mail, one can attach writings of hundred pages easily.

Making instant business decision: With the help of electronic communication, managers can take
instant or quick decisions. With a click of computer, they can obtain information at anytime from
anywhere in the world. This helps in making quick decision and ensures better management of business.

Lowering communication cost: Electronic communication not only saves time but also money.
Electronic communication such as e-mail requires less cost than the traditional means of posting a letter.

Wide coverage: Through electronic communication, one can transmit information to many receivers who
are located in different places. With the help of electronic devices like satellite, people conquered distance
and the whole world has now turned into a global village.

Communication with distant people: Electronic communication provides the opportunity of interactive
communication with distant people. Video conferencing, for example, allows interactive communication
even though the participants are geographically dispersed. It saves travel cost, time, and energy.

Easy preservation of information: Electronic devices can store huge volume of information that can be
used in time of need. As a result, the use of manual files is decreasing day by day.

Managing operations globally: In modern days, businesses are becoming global. More and more
businesses are dispersing their operations across the globe. Management of geographically dispersed
business operations is possible only through electronic communication.
(b) What is meant by a blog? What factors can add to write a go od blog post.

A blog is an online journal or informational website displaying information in reverse chronological order,
with the latest posts appearing first, at the top. It is a platform where a writer or a group of writers share
their views on an individual subject.

The factors that make a good blog post are:

1. Magnetic headline: The headline of a blog post needs to be magnetic. It needs to pull people in.

2. Compelling lead: The first sentence or short paragraph of your blog must compel visitors to read your
second paragraph—you want to draw your readers in.

3. Appealing graphics: To make your pages more aesthetically beautiful, it is a fantastic idea to
incorporate visuals into your blog posts to help illustrate points and break up text in the body of articles.

4. Relevant internal link: Every new post you publish should have links to existing items on your website.
Would a real estate salesperson only show a potential customer one room of a house? Of course not, and
keep in mind that one of your key objectives is to persuade visitors to stay on your website.

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