Cranedge Profile
Cranedge Profile
Cranedge Profile
Technical expertise
empowered with technology
Cranedge is a team of over 200 specialists possessing in-
depth knowledge of various material handling equipment of
different makes. The team, while rendering services to
different customers, has also meticulously compiled data of
over 35000 cranes of different makes, transforming it into a
vast 'Knowledge Bank'. All our team members are equipped
with tabs connected to the central CMMS server. They can
quickly access the required data while on the site anywhere
in the world. Thus, they are empowered better to serve you
efciently and in the most precise manner.
group company logistics and large team, all support our commitment to
ensure the highest uptime of your equipment.
Crane Health Assessment
Material handling equipment experiences tremendous wear
and tear during its life cycle.
Preventive health check-ups are important for a long and
healthy life of the equipment to ensure high productivity and
Life Cycle mmendations from our technical experts, will empower you
with the right information about the condition of your crane.
This enables you to reach an informed decision and select
Victims of a
serious accident Facing frequent
Subjected to breakdowns
rigorous duty cycles
Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMC)
In addition to regular health checks, your cranes require a Our AMC cover all components of your cranes to ensure their
structured preventive maintenance plan. It will ensure that integrity and ability to perform at all levels of use. Moreover,
they provide trouble-free operation while being in a healthy covering your cranes under a Cranedge AMC gives you
condition. Annual Maintenance Contracts from Cranedge timely inputs on the health of worn out parts, so that you can
have been developed based on our experience with over be well prepared for replacements, rather than being caught
6500 crane installations across the globe in almost every off guard and suffer production downtime. Planning your
conceivable industry. spares inventory also becomes much more convenient,
saving your time and money. You can dene your own
performance parameters which will be analysed by
Cranedge to give a detailed crane performance report. This
will ensure identication and elimination of problems at an
early stage. An AMC is an assurance of maximum possible
uptime and it ensures high levels of productivity.
Other Services
Cranedge has built a valuable knowledge
base in the material handling domain to
keep your cranes running optimally. This is a
culmination of our hands-on experience
across varied applications and on all major
makes of cranes.
Our specialists will be happy to help you
customise from an exhaustive range of
services designed for different work
environments and workplace demands.
MORE for
Your Cranes
Your business needs are likely to change over time and it is
not always possible to predict them when you buy equip-
ment. Similarly, you should be able to reap the benets of
technological advancements during the life cycle of the
equipment, without incurring additional capex.
Cranedge has developed a range of services that strikes a
balance between getting MORE out of your equipment and
meeting the demands of highly competitive business
ways to keep your Improve
cranes up to date service life
Modernisation Overhauling
Cranedge offers quick and cost-effective ways to keep your A thorough technical assessment by Cranedge experts
cranes up to date. Be it retrotting VFD drives or radio remote allows for accurate identication of the measures to be taken
controls, ask Cranedge how to best simplify modernisation of to improve the service life of the equipment.
existing cranes with the latest technology. Overhauling involves complete refurbishment or replace-
ment of electrical components, drives and other critical
components. Cranedge certies your rejuvenated cranes for
Bring back your Enhance capacity
cranes to original as your business
condition expands
Upkeep &
As with all machinery, your cranes may
require replacement of parts or wear & tear
items. Cranedge helps you identify, and
install the best quality spare parts.
Considering the volume of cranes under our
care, we maintain a healthy stock of spares,
so that you are never left waiting for a vital
Moreover, our team of experts helps you
develop parts that are not available in the
market or required specically for your
Cranedge also supplies a wide range
of accessories for safety and ease of
handling that makes owning, running and
maintaining your cranes simpler.
Proper training of the crane operator who is the
ultimate user of the crane, goes a long way in
ensuring its safe and reliable operations.
Our commitment to keeping your cranes produ-
ctive does not end with servicing them.
Our specially designed training programmes
enable operators to make optimal use of your
cranes, ensure safe operations and perform
periodic audio & visual checks to identify areas
that require attention.
Beyond training your end users, Cranedge can
help you with performance planning, develop-
ment of crane KPIs and performance reporting.
Rope Condition Monitoring
Selection of an appropriate wire rope and
maintenance of its health are of prime
importance for long service performance of
your crane. A wire rope usually weakens with
overuse and can pose a threat of an accident.
It can break while handling loads or may result
in uneven lifting. This makes periodic
inspections a part of routine check-up.
Cranedge has developed an innovative
method to check wire rope for its strength,
rotational stability, exibility, structural ability
and spooling behaviour. A portable, non-
destructive inspection equipment using
magnetisation technique for wire rope allows
quick identication of any deterioration before
it becomes a hazard. Our expert team checks
the wire rope through ROMON and suggests
corrective actions for:
Resistance to abrasion,
Strength Flexibility crushing, fatigue, rotation
and corrosion
Rail Monitoring
For safe and smooth operation of your cranes, perfect levels, It helps to ensure that crane components and sub-
track straightness and parallelism of the tracks are components have increased reliability and endurance,
extremely important. Tracks ensure longer life and safe resulting in maximum availability of your equipment.
operations of cranes and their components. RAMON is used to check alignment of rails in terms of span
Cranedge offers a specialised and technologically and water levels and identify misalignment. This advanced
advanced crane rail monitoring system – RAMON for smooth technique eliminates human error arising out of manual
crane installations. intervention, saving valuable resources like time and money.
Benets It enables supervisors to take precise readings at close
Periodic rail monitoring helps avoid situations like: intervals along with graphical interpretation of reports,
which can be presented immediately.
Premature wear & tear of wheels and shafts
Cranedge offers a complete solution for both, the rail system,
Unpredicted crane downtime
using RAMON as well as the correction required.
Cost-driven repairs or replacements
Modied crane being used at
the world’s largest irrigation project,
preventing the need for additional capex
Span increased from 18.7m to 50m
SWL limited to 25t using load limiter
Erection &
Cranedge complements the design and manufacturing
experience of ElectroMech with awless erection and
commissioning expertise.
We engage with our customers right from the review of
blueprints and oor plans till the cranes are handed over for
use. Hassle-free, safe, time-bound and cost-effective
installation is our prime concern for both, rst-time
customers as well as customers with prior experience of
crane erection and commissioning.
Our large team of crane specialists possess experience to
install cranes in difcult terrains and climatic conditions.
With such experience, they are able to overcome site
challenges to ensure time-bound completion.
Services for
Coker Cranes
(in association with Taim Weser)
Services for
Metallurgical Process
(in association with Taim Weser)
Steel and metals being a vital sector for any economy has special material handling
needs too. For continuously operating plants, reliable, 24x7 operations of cranes are
vitally important. In most cases, these cranes operate constantly in high temperature
zones and/or aggressive acidic environments. This results in faster wearing out of critical
components, and periodic checks become essential. These heavy-duty, specialised
cranes have unique construction. Maintenance and repairs of these cranes require
process knowledge and expertise.
In association with Taim Weser, we bring to you a wide range of services for your steel duty
cranes across the entire value chain – from ore and scrap handling to downstream
applications like galvanising and foundry.
Services for
Forklifts & Lift Trucks
Cranedge offers expert aftersales services for various types of forklifts and lift trucks. By
availing these services, you can ensure that your equipment is maintained in good
operating conditions at any given time, resulting in higher uptime and productivity.
Cranedge services are available to suit every requirement – inspection, spares, repairs
and Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMC). Our AMC for a eet of lift trucks ensure that
your equipment is inspected periodically for proper functioning of all the moving as well as
stationary parts. This avoids costly breakdowns and subsequent repairs. Regular
maintenance also increases the life of the equipment while minimising downtime.
Cranedge is an exclusive service partner for Yale® forklifts and lift trucks offered in India by
ElectroMech. Through this association, we have developed the competence required for
maintenance of forklifts, lift trucks and advanced warehousing equipment of any make. It
also allows us quick access to a large inventory of spares and the vast knowledge bank of
Yale®, developed over a century.
Your warehouse
operates 24X7.
Why not your forklifts?
Services include
Annual Maintenance Contracts (AMC)
Breakdown Visits
Health Check-ups
Operator Training
Products for
safety and
ease of handling
Cranedge has an array of products and services that help
ensure safe, smooth and hassle-free operations of your
cranes. These products can be easily tted to your existing
cranes to experience many new advanced features. They
allow the operator to master complete control of the
equipment and enhance its performance.
Slip Ring to Squirrel Cage Motors
Several conventional cranes, especially those more than a Jerk-free transition from micro speed to full speed
decade old, are tted with slip ring type motors. Replacing Brakes are applied at almost zero speed
them with squirrel cage motors offers several advantages. Enhanced life of brakes and brake liners
The most signicant of them is that squirrel cage motors can
Ease of connection with other devices with universal
be easily paired with VFD (Variable Frequency Drive). By
communication protocol
using the VFD controller, you can experience the following
advantages: Cranedge has replaced slip ring type motors of several
cranes with squirrel cage motors and the customers are
Smooth start and stop
experiencing enhanced productivity apart from other
Smooth acceleration and deceleration
Flexibility in setting micro speed
Effective use of IoT for maximising productivity
and minimising downtime
Recognising the importance of fail-safe operations of cranes Statistics related to crane operations such as number of
for higher productivity and safety, companies lay great operating hours, start-stops, etc.
emphasis on predictive and proactive maintenance. Time remaining for end-of-design-life of critical
Cranedge has developed EMote while keeping this components and their current health status
particular requirement in mind. Pareto analysis of critical warnings and alerts
EMote is helpful in remote diagnostics of crane health and The information is displayed in easy-to-understand formats
offers remote support for maintenance. Various sensors and such as graphs and tables. Such data can be accessed,
condition monitoring devices tted on the crane collect and shared and analysed for proactive and preventive
transmit data in real time. Such data can be easily accessed maintenance.
by the customer and the Cranedge team through a portal to Critical alerts are sent via messages or emails to all
make an informed decision about maintenance. Promptly stakeholders. EMote helps in effective maintenance of
attending to such maintenance issues helps in improving multiple cranes at different locations.
productivity and workplace safety. By using EMote, the Cranedge team is able to provide remote
EMote generates real-time data on the operation and support for appropriate crane operations as well as for
condition of cranes based on several parameters such as: troubleshooting. This way, you have access to expert advice
Number of incidences of non-adherence to safety norms 24x7 and at any remote location.
and crossing critical limits such as motor overheating,
crane overloading, etc.
Trusted by
the best
Industries served
Non Renewable Energy Nuclear Power Oil & Gas Paper & Pulp
& Chemicals
Expert aftersales
support for
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