The Use of Flashcards To Improve Vocabul

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(A Classroom Action Research for the Fourth Year Students of
MI Duren Bandungan in the Academic Year of 2009 / 2010)

Submitted to the examiners in partial fulfillment
Of the requirement for degree of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (SpdI)

Aschurotun Nadziroh



Jl. Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721
Website : E-mail :


The Lecturer of Educational Faculty
State Islamic Studies Institute of Salatiga
Case : Aschurotun Nadziroh’s Graduating Paper

The Head of State Islamic
Studies Institute of Salatiga
Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.

After reading and correcting ashurotun Nadziroh’s graduating paper entiteld:


(A Classroom Action Research For The Fourth Year Students of MI Duren

Bandungan in The Academic Year of 2009 / 2010)”

I have decided and would like to propose that if it could be accepted by

educational faculty and I hope it would be examined as soon as possible.

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Salatiga, August 4th 2010


Setia Rini, M.Pd

NIP. 197505182003122002

Jl. Stadion 03 Telp. (0298) 323706, 323433 Salatiga 50721
Website : E-mail :

ACADEMIC YEAR OF 2009 / 2010)

NIM : 11306096

Has been brought to the board of examiners in August, 31st 2010 /

Ramadhan, 21st 1431 H, and hereby concidered to completely fulfill
the requipment of Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I)degree in the
English Department of Educational Faculty.

Salatiga, August, 31st 2010 M

Ramadhan, 21st 1431 H
Board of examiners
Head Secretary

Drs. Imam Sutomo, M. Ag

NIP. 19580827198303 1 002 Dr. Rahmat Hariadi, M. Pd
1st Examiner NIP. 19670112199203 1 005
2nd Examiner

Maslihatul Umami, S.PdI, MA

NIP. 198005513200312 2 003 Prof. Dr. H. Muh. Zuhri, M. Ag
NIP. 19530326197803 1 001

Setia Rini, M. Pd.

NIP. 197505182003122002

Jl. Stadion 03 Phone. 0298 323706 Salatiga 50721
Website : E-mail :


“in the name of Allah, the most Gracious and the most Merciful”

Hereby the researcher fully declares that this graduating paper is composed

by the researcher himself and it does not contain materials written or having been

published by other people’s ideas expert the information cited from reference.

The researcher is capable of accounting for this graduating paper. If in the

future this can be provided of containing other idea, or in fact, the researcher

imitates the other thesis.

This declaration is made by the researcher to be understood.

Salatiga, August 4th 2010


Aschurotun Nadziroh
NIM. 11306096


Yesterday is history

Tomorrow is mystery

Today is blessing

Experience is the best teacher


This study is dedicated for:

1. My lovely mother Sri Jaiyah and My lovely father Asrori thanks all support,

trust, finance, encouragement.

2. My sister Muflichah and My brother Ahmad Asy’ari who has support for my

education and finishing this thesis

3. Mrs. Setia Rini, M. Pd. is as a consultant who has educated, supported, directed

and given the writer advice, suggestion, an recommendation for this thesis

from beginning until the end.

4. All my lectures who has help me in my education.

5. All my Family who has support in finishing this thesis.

6. My best someone Ardi and my best friend Nita, Hidayah, Mimi, Tri, Ila, Ika.

And all my friends who helped in finishing this thesis that I cannot mention

one by one. Thanks a lot.


In the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful, the lord of

universe, because of Him, the writer could finish this thesis as one of the

requirement for Sarjana Pendidikan Islam (S.Pd.I) in English Department of

Educational faculty of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN) Salatiga in 2010.

Secondly, peace and salutation always be given to our Prophet

Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the darkness to the lightness.

However, this success would not be achieved without those supports,

guidance, advice, help and encouragement from individual and institution, and I

somehow realize that an appropriate moment for me to deepest gratitude for:

1. Dr. Imam Sutomo, M. Ag, the Head of State Islamic Studies Institute (STAIN)


2. Suwardi, M. Ag. as a chief of Education Faculty.

3. Maslihatul Umami, M. Pd. as a chief of English Department.

4. Setia Rini, M. Pd. as a consultant, who has educated, supported, directed and

given the writer advice, suggestion, an recommendation for this thesis from

beginning until the end.

5. All of the lecturers in English department

6. All of the staff who have helped the writer in processing of thesis


7. My beloved father and mother, thanks all support, trust, finance,


8. My best someone Ardi and my best friend Nita, Hidayah, Mimi, Tri,

Ila and Ika who has supported and helped in finishing this thesis,

Thanks a lot.

9. All of my friends in TBI D ’06, for your best favour, interelationship,

devotion and togetherness from the moment on, and getting protracted

up to this time being.

10. All my friends who helped in finishing this thesis that I cannot mention

one by one. Thanks a lot.

Finally this thesis is expected to be able to provide useful knowledge and

information to the readers. And the writer is pleased to accept more suggestion

and contribution from the reader for the improvement of the thesis.

Salatiga, August 4th 2010



Nadziroh, Aschurotun. 2010. THE USE OF FLASHCARDS TO IMPROVE

VOCABULARY MASTERY (A Classroom Action Research for the Fourth Year
Students of MI Duren Bandungan in the Academic Year of 2009 / 2010).
This research is a study about the use of flashcards toimprove vocabulary
mastery. This reseach attempts to find out whether flashcards can improve the
students’ interest to study English, and to find out whether flashcards can improve
the vocabulary mastery.
The subject of this research are the students of elementary school of MI
Duren Bandungan. The researcher uses a classroom action research as a method in
this reseach The researcher also uses pretest and posttest in the teaching leaning
procces. Based on the findings of the research, the researcher finds the result of t-
table show 2,05. Then, it is compared with t-calculation which show in cycle 1 is
6,256, cycle 2 is 8,712 and cycle 3 is 9,784. Because t-calculation is higher than t-
table, so the researcher conclude that there is significant different between pretest
and posttest.



ATTENTIVE COUNSELOR NOTES...............................................................ii

STATEMENT SERTIFICATION......................................................................iii





TABLE OF CONTENT.....................................................................................x

LIST OF TABLE................................................................................................xiii

LIST OF APPENDIXES....................................................................................xiv


A. Background of Study........................................................1

B. The Research of Problem.................................................4

C. Purposes of Research........................................................5

D. Limitation of Study...........................................................5

E. The Benefit of Research...................................................5

F. Definition Key of Term....................................................7

G. Paper Organitation............................................................7


1. Flashcard............................................................................9

a. Definition......................................................................9

b. Type of Flashcard .............................................. 10

c. The Procedure of Using Flashcard...................... 16

d. The Function of flashcard .................................. 17

2. Interest .................................................................. 17

a. Definition........................................................... 17

b. Kind of Interest .................................................. 18

3. Improve................................................................. 18

a. Definition .......................................................... 18

b. The Measurement to Improve the Interest Learning 19

c. The key to improve vocabulary ......................... 20

3. Vocabulary ............................................................ 22

a. Definition .......................................................... 22

b. Type of Vocabulary ........................................... 23

d. The Source of Vocabulary.................................. 25

4. The Use of Flashcards in Teaching Vocabulary...... 26

a. The Role of Flashcars in Teaching Vocabulary .. 27

b. The Ways to Make Flashcards Vocabulary ........ 26

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY................................. 29

A. Setting of Research ................................................... 29

B. The Subject of Study ................................................. 32

C. Method of Research ................................................... 34

D. The Procedure of Research......................................... 35

E. Technique of Collecting Data.........................................38

F. Technique of Data Analyze............................................38



A. Cycle 1..............................................................................40

B. Cycle 2..............................................................................47

C. Cycle 3..............................................................................54

D. Analysis Between Cycle 1, Cycle 2 and Cycle 3............60

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION.................................62

A. Conclusion........................................................................62

B. Suggestion.........................................................................63





Tabel I Description of School Boulding......................................................29

Tabel II Organization Structure....................................................................31

Tabel III The Situation of Students................................................................31

Tabel IV The Situation of Teacher.................................................................32

Tabel V The Name of Subject of Study........................................................33

Tabel VI The Result of Pretest and Posttest Cycle 1.....................................44

Tabel VII The Result of Pretest and Posttest Cycle 2.....................................51

Tabel VIII The Result of Pretest and Posttest Cycle 3.....................................57

Tabel IX The Analyse of The Result..............................................................61










A. Background of Study

English is one of the subject matters in the schools in Indonesia.

English becomes the foreign language that has important roles to the

beneficial development of the country. The government has apparently

understood the essential of learning English. The establishment of the 1994

curriculum has made a clue that English can be taught in elementary

schools, especially on the vocabulary mastery.

Vocabulary is one of the language aspects that are very important for

communication English. If we have less vocabulary, we will not understand

what people say. Vocabulary is needed to improve the four language skills

that consist of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Vocabulary is the

most important language aspect.

Most of the students in elementary schools get much difficulty to learn

English, especially to vocabulary mastery. As a proof, the researcher has

doing prareseach in MI Duren and the result shows that the English

achievement of students is low. It can be known from the result of mid

semester that the average of class just 4,5. It is caused the students did not

know the meaning of question when they do of tests. It is clear that they

have lots of problems in vocabulary mastery. Most of the students are not


easy to remember of English words. In my opinion, it is caused by many


First, the students do not have interest in the teaching learning process.

Interest is on awareness of someone that an object or case (matter) or

situation always deals with him (Djamil, 1997: 70). Interest will appear

when the students aware toward education or information for their need. At

school, the teachers often find that the students are not interested in learning

a subject matter. It also happens in learning English, because the students do

not have knowledge about the correlation between the subject matter and

themselves. It becomes the teacher’s responsibility to give motivation by

arranging the situation, so the students are aware that there is correlation

between the subject matter with their life. For example, the teachers give

support and explanation to the students that learning English is very

important to their life in this globalization era. The teachers also give

explanation toward their students about beneficial of leaning English to their

life later.

Secondly, the teachers are still having less creativity when teaching

English. Usually the teachers just explain the material without any game, so

it can make the students bored. As teachers, they must build the interest of

students to learn English by using varieties of methods. For example, the

teachers use game in teaching learning process because the students like to


Finally, the uses of media and method are not appropriate with the

situation of students. Media and method are important in English learning

process. Media and method help to understand the teacher explanation

easily. Usually the teachers’ uses method or media are not appropriate with

students’ need. In using method or media a teacher must be adjust with the

students like. The use of media and method are not appropriate with

situation or condition of the students can influence the interest and

understand of them.

From the situation above, we know that the students just acquire a few

vocabularies. This situation also found in MI Duren, in Eglish teaching

learning process there the teacher not use media or method that able to

increase the interest and achievement of the students. So the researcher

needs to implement a media that can improve the students’ interests in

learning English.

Based on the problems above, the researcher tries to implement

flashcards in teaching English in MI Duren. The researcher offers flashcards

media as a problem solving in learning English in MI Duren. Flashcards are

the cards on which words and pictures or drawn. Flashcards are one of the

media that can improve vocabulary mastery. Usually the students are able to

remember of English words easily if many teachers show cards that consist

of words or pictures. By using flashcards, the teachers are able to teach

English by employing many methods too, such as cards game, puzzle, role

play, etc. So the student can be more interested and enjoy in the English

learning process. By employing this media, the researcher hopes that the

students of MI Duren can improve their vocabulary.

All of the above explanations create inspiration to the researcher to

make a classroom action research, because the writer wants to know how far

flashcards can improve vocabulary mastery. So the researcher makes a

classroom action research with the title THE USE OF FLASCHARDS TO




B. The Research of Problem

Based on the above phenomena, this research is aimed at giving

answer on the following problems:

1. How far is the use of flashcards to improve the students’ interest to study

English for the fourth year students of MI Duren Bandungan in academic

year 2009/2010?

2. How far is the use of flashcards to improve the vocabulary mastery for

the fourth year students of MI Al Duren Bandungan in academic year


C. Purposes of the Research

The purpose of the research is:

1. To find out whether flashcards can improve the students’ interest to

study English of the fourth year students of MI Duren Bandungan in

academic year 2009/2010?

2. To find out whether flashcards can improve the vocabulary mastery of

the fourth year students of MI Duren Bandungan in the academic year


D. Limitation of Study

In order to avoid any misinterpretation of the problem, the researcher

would like to limit the scope of the study. The researcher wants to know

whether the use of flashcards media can improve the students’ vocabulary

mastery. The material is limited to that taught at fourth grade of elementary

school. The subject of the study is the fourth grade in MI Duren Bandungan.

E. The Benefit of Research

The research will be beneficial as follows:

1. Theoretically

The finding will enrich:

a. The language teaching literatures dealing with teaching


b. The English language teaching methodologies especially for other

researchers to conduct further researches.

2. Methodologically

The benefit of this research can give contribution and inspiration for the

teachers to use media and method which are appropriate in teaching

learning process.

3. Practically

a. The Researcher

The finding of the research can be used as a starting point to improve

the writer’s teaching ability.

b. For the English Teacher

The finding of the research can be used as a consideration in

selecting the appropriate method or technique implemented in

English class.

c. For the Student

The finding of the research can improve the students’ interest and

student achievement in the vocabulary mastery.


F. Definition Key of Term

1. Flashcard

Flashcard is a piece of cardboard about 18 X 6 inches on which

appears a word, a sentence or a simple outline drawing. The lettering should

be large, net and clear so that it can be seen from the rear of the room.

Capital letters are preferred. Print should be used since it is easy to read at a

distance (Nasr, 1972:119)

2. Improve

Improve is to make better in quality / to make more productive

(Webster, 1972: 487)

3. Vocabulary

Vocabulary is one of the most obvious components of language and

one of first things applied linguistic turned their attention to (Richard,


G. Paper Organization

CHAPTER I : Introduction which consist of background of study,

problem of research, purpose of research, limitation of

study, benefit of research and paper organization.

CHAPTER II : Review of Theories which consist of flashcard, interest,

vocabulary mastery and flashcards in teaching


CHAPTER III : Methodology of research which consists of setting of

research, subject of study, method of research, the

procedure of research, technique of collection data and

technique of data analysis.

CHAPTER IV : Teaching implementation and data analysis which

consists of cycle 1, cycle II, cycle III, analysis of cycle

I, II and III.

CHAPTER V : Closure which consist of conclusion and suggestion.





1. Flashcard

a. Definition

A flashcard is a little piece of paper. The size of a business card,

which has on one side a new word in a language you’re learning, and on

the other side a word in your mother tongue (http// how-to-learn-any-

language com/e/guide/flash-cards-html ,10 December 2009).

According to Haycraft, flashcards are the cards on which words

and or picture and painted or drawn (Insaniyah, 2003:19).

According to Suyanto, flashcards is the cards that usually use

thin paper and stiff (2008:109). Flashcards show picture or words.

Usually flashcards include of group with kind or classes.

Flashcard is a piece of cardboard about 18 X 6 inches on which

appears a word, a sentence or a simple outline drawing. The lettering

should be large, net and clear so that it can be seen from the rear of the

room. Capital letters are preferred. Print should be used since it is easy to

read at a distance (Nasr, 1972:119)

Flashcards are a powerful memory tool write questions on one

side of the cards and the answer on the other side (Edwards, 2006: 98).


Based on many definitions above about flashcard; the researcher

can conclude that:

1. Flashcard is one of the media education

2. Flashcard is a little piece of paper

3. Flashcard is the cards on which words and or picture and printed or


4. Flashcard is one of the best tools for memorizing information.

The flashcard must always be brief, large, neat and clear so that

it can be seen from the rear of the room. Capital letters are preferred

print should be used since it is easy to read at a distance.

The cards can be displayed by the teacher or by a pupil. The

letter is preferred since it makes for activity. The set of cards should be

field away under given subject. They will be found very useful for

review for dill and as a warming up exercise at the beginning of the


b. Type of Flashcard

Flashcard can be divided into several types by Scott (1990:109-

111), they are:

1. Picture Card

Picture cards are useful for the teaching of vocabulary and

reading (Nasr, 1972: 67). These picture cards can be drawings or cut

outs from magazines or perhaps photos. It is easiest to sort these


picture cards according to size really big ones for class work, and

smaller ones for individual or group work.

a. The kind of picture card

These can be used in many ways; just a few would include:

1. Picture card match up

2. Picture card treasure hunt

3. Picture and word match up

4. Picture card snap games

5. Picture cards can be used as part of a communication aid

6. Picture flashcards designed to:

a. encourage a child to say that word

b. identify pictures with certain starting sounds

c. encourage a child to discuss what is shown in the picture If

we want free black and white line drawing picture cards

of objects and actions you should visit the do to learn web site.

They have lots of picture card sections including:

1) self-help e.g. bathroom and personal care, dressing and

undressing etc.

2) activities e.g. Sit, work, eat, sleep....

3) home and school e.g. home, school, food

4) social e.g. behavior, emotions

5) miscellaneous e.g. weather, safety signs, summer, holiday

b. The way to make picture card


There are many ways that you can make your own picture

cards. My daughter always finds colorful images far more

interesting than black and white. Here are ways that use to make

picture card (

picture_cards.htm, 20 May 2010):

1. Cut out pictures from

a. old catalogues

b. magazines

c. old children's books

d. poster boards

2. Draw simple pictures, maybe your child could help you draw

some or color in the ones you have drawn.

3. Use your computer to create picture cards

a. In your word processing or publishing package

b. Create a text box

c. Add a border

d. Put a picture box inside

e. Copy and paste these several times

f. Add different pictures to each picture box

g. Print out and cut out your picture cards

h. Create new picture cards by changing the pictures


4. Use the clipart section of this site. I have set up the clipart so

it can be printed out straight from the browser and be cut up

to make picture cards.

The examples of picture cards are following:

2. Card Games

A card game is any game using playing cards as the primary

things with which the game is played, be they traditional or game-

specific (, 20 May 2010).

Almost all card games can be made into language card game

and while we want to concentrate on games where some sort of

language interaction is taking place, we can also play card game

simply for relaxation. A simple snap game using picture cards is one

of kind of card game. To play this game are follow:

a. Mix the sets of cards

b. Divide between the players

c. Each player places a card down in turn and says what is shown

on the picture e.g. cat


d. If the pictures match, the first player to shout snap gets the pile of

cards put down so far.

e. The winner is the last player to still have cards

Puzzle card is also one of game that can use in teaching

learning process after using of flashcard. For example:

3. Word/ Sentence cards

Word cards are useful for displays and for work on the

flannel graph. Sentence cards should only be used for the beginners

and only with sentences which are use a lot of. Students can simply

write the question on one side and the answer on the opposite side

and test themselves repeatedly (

studymethods/a/flashcards.htm, 20 May 2010).

Word/ sentence card usually consist of two sides, on the front

of card appears the word entry plus whatever supplementary

information is needed, on the back appear a concise definition and an


illustration of the word use. In the using word card and sentence card

the students can match a word with the definition in the other

sentence cards. By this manner the student can more interest to

learning English.

Sometimes the word/ sentence on the cards are commands.

And the learners are used to giving and obeying these commands

orally and they are learning to recognize them as whole (Lee,

,90). The command on the cards such as: Open the door, Sing a song,

Stand up, clean the blackboard etc. By using this word/ sentence

card, we can make a simple game. The teacher or student holds up a

card, waits until several students have put their hands up, and say

name of someone. Someone who called of name performs the action

required and scores a point for his team. If he performs the wrong

action, he has not read card successfully, and there will be others

eager to show that they have. Somebody in another team is given a


c. The procedure of using flashcard

The procedures of the use flashcard are bellow



1. Sit comfortably facing your students.

2. Arrange the flash cards in the order you would like to present them.

3. starting with the first flash card, hold it up so your students can

clearly see the front. Keep the back of the flash card toward you so

your child cannot see it.

4. Shows the flash card front to your students that consist of picture and

said in English and asked the students to repeat after several time to

make sure that they could say it in a correct pronunciation.

5. Give question to them by showing flashcards one by one randomly,

if your students give a correct answer, place the correctly answered

flash card in a pile on your left.

6. If your students give an incorrect response or no response, tell him

the correct answer, and place these flash cards in a pile on your right


7.After you have finished showing your students all of the flash cards,

you may continue your flash card teaching session by using the stack

of incorrectly answered cards. Continue in the same manner, placing

correctly answered flash cards on the left and incorrectly answered

flash cards on the right.

8. Once your students have mastered the full set of flash cards, practice

them periodically to ensure your child remembers them.

Based on the explanations about the procedure of using

flashcards above, the researcher conclude that the step in using

flashcards in English learning process are show of flashcards, sounds,

repetition and practice. The procedure of using flashcards is simple, so


the students or parents can practice it in their home to improve their


d. The Function of Flashcard

The use of flashcard in the English teaching learning process

used to help the teacher: (Kasihani and Suyanto, 2008:109)

1) To be familiar and stable with singular and plural concept

2) To be familiar and stable with numbers

3) To be familiar and stable with a few and a lot of concept

4) To get the students attention using extract pictures with appropriate

(Vocabulary and Color)

5) To give variation in the teaching learning process.

Flashcards is so useful to help the teacher in the English learning

process. The teacher is easier to explain of material and give example

clearly. Because the students can see a picture that appropriate with the

theme so the students are easier to receive the explanation of teacher.

Beside that the teacher can improve the student’s interest.

2. Interest

a. Definition

According to Slameto, interest is a feeling or liking or interesting

in a case or an activity without being asked (1987:182).

Hilgard gave a definition about interests is persisting tendency to

pay attention to and enjoy some activity or content (1962:52).


According to Noerhadi Djamil, interest is on awareness of

someone that an object or case (matter) or situation always deals with

him (1997: 70).

According to Webster, interest is to engage the attention of

awaken concern in (Sudarmanto, 1993:4). According to Muhibbin,

interest is a preference and a high passion or willingness toward


Based on many definitions above about interest, the researcher

can conclude that interest is an awareness and willingness of someone to

engage the attention toward something.

b. Kinds of the Interest

According to Whitherington, interest is two kinds (Akhmadi,

2003:15), they are:

a. Primitive Interest is interest derived from necessity of network of

blood vessels about food, comfort or free activity.

b. Cultural Interest or a social interest is interest derived from higher

level learning. The interest from high level is a result of education.

3. Improve

a. Definition

In the new Groliar Webster International Dictionary (1974: 483)

said that improve is to bring to a more desirable or excellent condition,


to ameliorate, to better, to make as land or real estate, more profitable by

cultivation or construction to make more useful.

Based on Webster’s third New international Dictionary 1961:

1138), improve is to make greater in amount or degree, increase,

augment, enlarge, intensify (the chance that the committee could reach


According to Hornby (1974: 427), Improve is make or become


Based on the many definitions above, the researcher concludes

that improve are:

1) To raise to a more desirable or more excellent quality or condition;

make better.

2) To increase the productivity or value of (land or property).

3) To put to good use; use profitably.

4) To become better.

5) To make beneficial additions or changes.

b. The Measurement to Improve the Interest of Learning

The following are the measurement to improve the interest of

study, suggested by Sudarmanto: (1993:4)

1. Pay attention to aim that want

2. Knowing of the elements in the learning activity.

3. Make a learning activities palsies and perform it


4. Definite the aim of learnt this moment

5. Found of satisfied after finish a learnt schedule

6. Stand at positive attention to facing of learning activity.

7. Try to emotion of freedom for learnt.

8. Use of ability to reach the target of learnt everyday

9. Found the material can be help learning activities.

c. The Keys to Improve Vocabulary

There are many key to improve your vocabulary (Edwards, 2006:


1. Read as much as you can

By reading as many magazine, fiction and nonfiction books, and

journals as you can, you will encounter new words. You can guess

the meanings of many of those words by their contexts – that is, you

will get a clue to the meaning from the words that surround the new

word. If you are still not sure, you can look up the word in a

dictionary to check if you were right.

2. Use a dictionary

You will need a large collegiate dictionary for home use. The

dictionary should be all English, not a bilingual one. A good

dictionary should include the following information about word:

 Its pronunciation

 Its part of speech (noun, adjective, verbs)


 A clear simple definition

 An example of the word used in a sentence or phrase

 Its origin (root, prefix)

You can also use a pocket dictionary if you travel back and forth

to classes.

3. Learn roots, prefixes

Root and prefixes from Latin and Greek make up many English

words. It has been estimated that more than half of all English words

come from Latin and Greek. Prefixes are added to the beginning of a

root and suffixes are added to the end to modify the meaning of

words. Learning these will help you increase your vocabulary.

4. Learn from listening

Listening to good programs on the radio and television as well as

to people who speak English well is another way improving your

vocabulary. Since you cannot always ask the speaker to tell you what

a particular word means, writer down the words a look them up later.

5. Use a dictionary of synonyms and antonyms

Synonyms are words that have almost the same meaning;

antonyms are words that have almost the opposite meaning.

Knowing the synonyms and antonyms of a word will expand your

vocabulary. Some dictionaries of synonyms and antonyms explain

each synonym and how it differs in meaning from other synonym.


Since no two words have the exact same meaning, this is very useful

for you.

6. Make your own word list

Get a notebook for your vocabulary study and use it to create

your own word list. Whenever you read and come across a word you

don’t know, write it down in your notebook together with the

sentence in which you found it. Try to work out the meaning of the

word from its context. Then look the word up in a dictionary and

write the definition in your notebook. Writing will help you

remember the word and its meaning. Try to add a new word to your

list every day.

7. use your new words

Using your new words, whether it is in speaking or writing is an

important step in learning.

4. Vocabulary

a. Definition

According of Richard, vocabulary is one of the most obvious

components of language and one of first things applied linguistic turned

their attention to (2001:4).

According to Hornby, vocabulary is total number of words which

(with rules for combining them) make up a language (1974: 959).


Webster (1993: 327) said that vocabulary is “A list of group of

words and phrases, usually in alphabetical order.”

From the definitions above, the writer concludes that vocabulary

is a stock list of words that is used individually or in a group arranged in

alphabetical order and has meanings.

b. Type of Vocabulary

Vocabulary is a part of the computerized analysis of language

data. Vocabulary includes a various type that must be known (Harmer,

2001: 16-22). They are as follows:

1. Language Corpora

One of the reasons we are able to make statements about

vocabulary with considerably more confidence than before it because

of the work of lexicographers and other researchers who are able to

analyze large banks of language data stored in computers. From a

corpus of millions of words the computer can now give quick

accurate information about how often words are used and in what

linguistics context.

2. Word Meaning

The least of problematic issue of vocabulary is that it deals with

its meaning. The meaning of a word is often related to other words.

For example, we explain the meaning of “full” by saying that it is the


opposite of “empty”; we understand that “cheap” is the opposite of


3. Extending Word Use

Words do not just have different meanings. They can also be

stretched and twisted to fit different contexts and different uses. We

say that someone is in a black mood or someone is yellow, yet we

are not actually describing a color. In such contexts black and yellow

mean something else.

4. Word Combinations

Although words can appear as single items which are combined

in a sentence, they can also occur in two-or-more item groups. They

often combine with each other in ways which competent speakers of

the language recognize instantly, but which others often find strange.

The kinds of words that go together in one language are often

completely different from the kinds of word which live together in

another. Word combinations have become the subject of intense

interest in the recent past, in part spurred on by discoveries from

language corpora.

5. The Grammar of Words

A key middle ground where words and phrases on the one hand

and grammar on the other meet up is through the operation of word

classes or parts of speech such as noun or adjective. When we say a

word is a noun, we then know how it can operate in a sentence. The


same is true for such word classes as verbs or determiners or

prepositions. When we know a word’s part of speech, we know what

other words it can occur within a phrase or sentence and where it can

be put synthetically. Within word classes there are a number of

restrictions. Knowledge of these allows competence speakers to

produce well formed sentences.

c. The Sources of Vocabulary

According Thornbury, we have looked at five possible sources of

vocabulary input for learners (2002:32-51):

1. List

Lists are economical way of organizing vocabulary for learning,

and that it doesn’t matter a great deal if they are put together in a

rather random.

2. Course book

Course books select vocabulary for active study on the group of

usefulness, frequency, learner ability, and teacher ability.

3. Vocabulary books

Supplementary vocabulary books are usually thematically

organized, but cover a range of vocabulary skills.

4. The teacher

The teacher is potentially fruitful source of vocabulary input, not

only in term of incidental learning, but also as an introduction

vocabulary through teacher talk.

5. Other student

Other students in the class are particularly fertile source of

vocabulary input.

5. The Use Of Flashcard In Teaching Vocabulary

a. The role of flashcard in teaching vocabulary

Flashcards are particularly useful for drilling grammar item for

cueing different sentence or practicing vocabulary (Harmer, 2001: 134).

Flash cards are always an easy way to get some of those

vocabulary words stuck inside your head, where they need to be when

the big test rolls around (

Make_Flashcards.htm, 20May 2010).

Based on the statements above shown that the using flashcards in

English learning process are more effective and practical way of

memorizing to accomplices new vocabulary. By using flashcards is

suitable for the beginner in English. By the implementation this method

gives emphasis on pronunciation of the utterance of words. Beside that

in the English learning process the students can be more active and not

only passive.

b. The way to make flashcard vocabulary

There is way to make a flash card vocabulary (

1. Assemble your materials. There's nothing worse than starting a

project without everything you need.

2. On the front of the flash card: Write a vocabulary word, and only

the word, neatly on the front of a 3 x 5 card in pencil. Center the

word both horizontally and vertically, and be sure to keep the front

of the card free from extra markings, smudges or doodles.

3. On the upper left corner of the back of the flash card: On the

reverse side, the information side of the flash card, write a

definition for the word in the upper left corner. Make sure you

write the definition in your own words. This is a key. If you write a

dictionary definition, you will be less likely to remember what the

word means

4. On the upper right corner of the back of the flash card: Write the

part of speech in the upper right corner of the info side. Make sure

you understand what the part of speech means before writing it

down. Then, color-code it. Highlight the part of speech with one

color. When you make another flashcard with another part of

speech, you'll use a different color. Make all the nouns yellow, all

the verbs blue, etc. Your mind remembers colors really well, so

you'll start to associate color with the part of speech, and you'll

have an easier time remembering how the word functions in a


5. On the lower left corner of the back of the flash card: Use the

vocabulary word in a sentence the student will remember. Make

the sentence steamy, hilarious, or creative in some other way. If

you write a bland sentence, your chances of remembering what the

word means go way down. Example of a memorable sentence: My

pompous ex-boyfriend used to think he could get any girl he

wanted, until he met my friend Mandy, who laughed at his

conceited self in front of the entire school. Example of a non-

memorable sentence: The king, whose pompous heads-of-state

were trying to dethrone, decided to flee the country to save his own


6. On the lower right corner of the back of the flash card: Draw a

small picture/graphic to go with the vocabulary word. It doesn't

have to be artistic – just something that reminds you of the

definition. For the word "pompous," or "conceited", maybe you'd

draw a stick person with his nose in the air. You remember pictures

much better than a word, which is the reason you can't write

anything on the front of the card besides the vocabulary word –

you'd remember the design and associate it with the definition

instead of associating the word with the definition.


7. Repeat this process for every one of your vocabulary words, until

you have a deck of flash cards.

8. Punch a hole in the middle of the right side of each flash card, and

then hook all the cards together with the key ring, ribbon or rubber

band. You don't want to lose them all over your book bag.

Based on the explanation above, the researcher can conclude or

give briefly explanation about the way to make flashcards vocabulary.

a. Prepare the material

b. Write a word vocabulary on the front of the flashcard

c. Write a definition of a word on the upper left corner of the back of

the flashcard.

d. Used a word vocabulary in a sentence as a example on the left

corner of the flashcard.

e. Draw a small picture and color that suitable with the vocabulary

word on the lower right corner of the back of flashcard.

f. Flashcard has ready to use.




A. Setting of Research

This classroom action research was carried out at MI Duren

Bandungan. It is located at Jl. Bandungan – Semarang, Duren district of

Bandungan, sub province of Semarang and Central Java province. MI Duren

stands up on the lead above 1026 M2. MI Duren has six classes, the first

class until six class has one classroom. The location of this school is in the

village, so the situation is not noise and low pollution. The classroom action

research was done in April 2010 until June 2010. The description of the

building MI Duren is as follows:

Table 1

The Description of the building


1 Class 6

2 Headmaster’s Office 1

2 Teacher’s Office 1

4 Student’s Toilet 3

5 Teacher’s Toilet 1

6 Parking lot 1


Table 2

The Organization Structure


School Committee Students

Public Relation

Treasure Secretary


Table 3
The Situation of student
1 I 10 15 25
2 II 17 7 24
3 III 15 12 27
4 IV 15 14 29
5 V 13 10 23
6 VI 11 13 24
TOTAL 81 71 152

In teaching learning process, teachers have important roles. Their

existence is always needed in every school or educational institution. They

will give material of subjects. The numbers of teachers of MI Duren are 10

peoples. The following table shows the condition of the teachers of MI


Table 4

The situation of teachers

No Teacher’s Name Education Subject

1 Marjono D II Headmaster

2 Muliyah S.PdI S1 Teacher of first grade

3 Sodakoh D II Teacher of second grade

4 Nurul Fajriyah D II Teacher of third grade

5 Budiyoso MA Teacher of fourth grade

6 Nurul Azizah SMU Teacher of fifth grade

7 Nufi Herdiana SMU Teacher of sixth grade

8 Arif Dzikrun MTs Religion teacher

9 Cahyo Ginanjar S.PdI S1 Sports teacher

10 Aschurotun Nadziroh MAN English Teacher

B. The Subject of the study

The subject of the study is the fourth year of students of MI Duren

Bandungan. It is only one class that consists of 29 students. There are 15

boys and 14 girls. Some girls tend to be silent, but on the other hand some

boys are talkative, make noise and especially they are not interested in

English learning. In learning activities and doing tasks, the girls are better

than the boys. The researcher chooses the fourth year as subject of the study

because the numbers of students are fuller than other class and the students

are more active. So, the researcher is able to get more valid data. The

following table shows the name of subject of study.

Table 5
The name of the subject of study

Number of Names of students

1 Wahyu Mahmudi
2 Ichsan Wibowo
3 Wahid Nur Ashari
4 Ilham Mirza Abidin
5 Devi Choliviana
6 Nur Chasan
7 Nila Milhatuna
8 Fahrul Muhammad Riza
9 Nila Malikhatul I
10 Faar Angga Saputra
11 Laila Muntahana
12 Eka Fadhila
13 Muhammad Asnawi
14 Maulida Fitriyana
15 Muslikhun
16 Siswanti
17 Denic Agus Setiawan
18 Siti Alfiah

19 Fahrian Ajib
20 Diky Nur Nofi Ahmad
21 Muhammad Ilyas
22 Miftakhul Fiki
23 M. Hamzah Khan
24 Laula Lafifa
25 Rika Munawaroh
26 Liya Khotimatul M.
27 Dewi Kumala Sari
28 Ririn Ismawati
29 Anggun Nur Chayati

C. Method of Research
The research method used in this study is action research. There are

some definitions of action research. The first definition is given by Kemmis

in Hopkins (1993:44) that action research is a form of self reflective enquiry

undertaken by participants in social situation in order to improve the

rationality and justices, their understanding of these practices and the

situations in which the practices are carried out.

Second, according to Dove Ebbutt in Hopkins (1993:45), action

research is about the systematic study of attempts to improve educational

practice by groups of participants by means of their own practical action and

by means of their own reflection upon the effects of those actions.

Third, definition is given by Robert Rapport in Hopkins (1993:45) that

action research aims to contribute both to the practical concerns of people in

an immediate problematic situation and to the goals of social science by

joint collaboration within a mutually acceptable ethical framework.


Based on many definitions above about action research; the researcher

can conclude that action research is one of form of research that trying out

an idea in practice of a social situation with a view to improving or changing

something, trying have a real effect on the situation.

D. The Procedure of Research

This study use classroom action research in MI Duren on April until

Juni 2010, so in this case the researcher use some steps as Kemmis stated.

There are tree cycles in this action research. In each cycle the procedure are

as follows.

1. Planning

The Activities in planning are:

a. Preparing materials, making lesson, plan and designing the steps in

doing the action.

b. Preparing list students name and scoring

c. Preparing teaching aids (e.g. flashcards, picture)

d. Preparing sheets for classroom observation (to know the situation of

teaching-learning process when the method or technique or mode is


e. Preparing a test. (to know whether student’s vocabulary improves or


2. Action

a. Introduction/ greeting

b. Check of the present of the students

c. Giving pretest

d. Asking the students about the vocabulary that relation with theme.

e. Teaching vocabulary by ostensive means

f. Asking the students some questions orally and students have to

answer orally about the theme.

g. Giving posttest.

3. Observation

Observation is one of the instruments used in collecting the data. As a

scientific method, observation can be systematically used to serve and

note the phenomena investigated like students feeling thinking and

something they do in teaching learning process. The researcher plans this

observation flexible and open to record the unexpected.

4. Reflection

The result of the observation is analyzed. It is to remember what

happened that has been recorded in observation. Reflection seeks to

make sense of the process, problems and issues in strategic action. It

looks account of the variety of perspectives possible in the social

situation and comprehends the issues and circumstances in which they

arose. Reflection has evaluative aspect; is asks the researcher to weight

the experience, to judge whether effects (and issues which arose) were

desirable and suggest ways of proceeding. The researcher’s reflection is

done by discussing with his collaborator. Then the next cycle can be

decided or designed.

The procedures above are briefly ilustrated in the following scheme.


E. Technique of Collecting Data

In this study the researcher uses written test, oral test and observation

in collecting the data. Written test, pretest and posttest are used to know the

students percentage in answering the questions orally. The researcher also

uses observation done with his collaborator. The observation used to know

situation in the teaching learning process when the method is applied. It is

also very important to know how far their interest to learning English and

how they think about their teacher.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

After collecting the data, the next step of the study is analyzing the

data. The data are the result of pretest 1, 2, 3 and posttest 1, 2, 3 in three

actions. There are two ways to analyze the data, they are:

1. Descriptive technique

A descriptive technique is used to know the students’ behavior

during the teaching learning process. In descriptive technique the

researcher will analyze the observation sheet which has been made by

her partner.

2. Statistical Technique

A statistical technique is used to know is there any influence to the

students’ vocabulary or no from the result of pretest and posttest. This

research is calculated by t-test analysis. The steps are as bellows:


a. SD

The first step, the research will calculate SD, the formula is:


SD = standard deviation
D = dereferences between pretest and posttest {posttest-pretest}
N = the number of subject

b. T-test

After calculate the SD, the researcher will calculate t-test, the

formula is:


t = the result of t-test calculation

SD = the result of standard deviation

N = the number of subject





In this research implementation, the data consists of pretest, posttest and

field note. The data of pretest and posttest will show the improvement of the

students’ achievement in vocabulary. How far is the improving students

vocabulary by use flashcards? Field note will show the students’ behavior in

teaching learning process. How far is their interest in teaching learning process?

Based on the explanation about procedure of action research above

(chapter III), the researcher has arranged three cycles. In each cycle, the steps are

planning, acting, observing and reflecting.

A. Cycle I

1. Planning

The activities are preparing.

a. Materials, making lesson plan, and designing the steps in doing the


b. List of students’ name

c. Teaching aids ( e.g. flashcards, picture)

d. Sheet for classroom observation

e. Tests (pretest and posttest)


2. The implementation of action.

On Thursday, the twenty-ninth of April 2010 the teacher (the

researcher) entered his English class. The teacher opened the lesson by

introduce her self and check of the students present. Before the lesson, she

gave pretest to class for about 30 minutes. After the student finished doing

pretest, she began to teach vocabulary. She told the students: “students,

today we will study vocabulary with theme clothes and sub theme kind of

clothes and color”. Then the teacher asked the students orally,” mention

kind of clothes that you know”. The students answered together in

Indonesian. And the teacher wrote down their answer in the white board.

Then the teacher shown flashcards that consists of picture kind of clothes

one by one and the students said in Indonesian.

The teacher told the students,” we will learn about kind of clothes

in English and you must look at the flashcards and repeat those words that

I have said. Do you understand?”. “Yes” the students answered together.

Then the teacher shown flashcards one by one and said it in English and

the students repeated it. Once again she said it and the students repeated it

again. Shirt she said and the students repeated it, shorts she said and the

students repeated it etc. After the students repeat it twice or more times,

she asked the students, “have you remember the words of kinds of

clothes?” The students just keep silence. “apakah kalian sudah hafal kosa

kata tentang macam-macam pakaian?”. “sudah bu!” the students answered

together. “Well, now I will show the flashcards and you said together, are

you ready? Sudah siap?” then she shown flashcards and the students said it

together. Most of students can remember the words are easier and said


After that, the teacher asked the students to said about kind of color

and the students answered together in Indonesian. The teacher wrote in

whiteboard and said in English then the students repeated after it. Then the

teacher joins between color and clothes. The teacher wrote all of words in

the whiteboard in English and asked the students to wrote down in their

book. After that, the teacher asked the students to close their book and

gave question to the students one by one by shown the flashcards. The

students tried to remember the words that learnt. And time was up, the

teacher asked the students to learn at home and the learning will continue

the next meeting. The teacher closes the meeting.

On the Thursday, sixth of May 2010, the teacher entered in the

English class. The situation was follow.

Researcher : “Assalamualaikum wr.wb.”

Students : “Waalaikumsallam wr.wb.”

Researcher : “Good morning students. How are you?”

Students : “Good morning, Miss. I’m fine”.

Researcher : “students in this meeting we will continue the lesson that

we have studied yesterday, do you remember?”

Students : “Yes, Miss”. (Most of students just keep silence)


Researcher : “anak-anak pada pertemuan kali ini kita akan melanjutkan

pelajaran yang telah kita pelajari kemarin, apakah kalian

masih ingat?”

Students : “Yes, Miss”.

Researcher : “you must remember what have you said yesterday and to

remember it I will shown the flashcards randomly and

you said it together. Are you ready?”

Students : “Yes, Miss”.

The teacher shown the flashcards one by one and the students said

it together. Most of students still remember of the words.

Researcher : “Now, I will you divide into group, each group consists of

four students. Each group must do the task that I will give

to you. Sekarang saya akan membagi kalian menjadi

kelompok, setiap kelompok terdiri dari empat siswa.

Setiap kelompok mengerjakan tugas yang saya bagikan.

Are you ready?”

Students : “Ok, Miss”.

Then the students moved to be group and the teacher gave the task

to each group. The students tried to solve the task by their group for about

30 minute. Then the teacher said: “Time is up class, now you must

exchange your task with other group and we will share it together”. The

students exchange their task early. Then the teacher wrote down the

answer of the task in the whiteboard and the students tried to correct of the

task other group. The situation was noise. After the students finished, they

submitted the task.

Then the teacher gave posttest to the students. The posttest was

done for about 30 minute.

3. Observation

In the first cycle, she and her collaborator observed the teaching

learning process. By monitoring the students’ activity in this action, the

teacher can see that the students still get difficult said in English and

written form. Some students pronounced them incorrectly and the written

is wrong.

Furthermore, the researcher will analyze the student’s improving of

vocabulary by t-test calculation. The steps are follow:

a. the score of pretest and posttest

Table 6
The result of pretest and posttest cycle I
NO Score of pretest Score of posttest D D

1 52 56 4 16
2 76 92 20 400
3 52 60 8 64
4 60 72 12 144
5 52 68 16 256
6 52 48 -4 16
7 72 76 4 16
8 60 72 4 16
9 88 92 4 16
10 64 92 28 784

11 80 76 -4 16
12 72 88 16 256
13 60 76 16 256
14 84 96 12 144
15 52 64 12 144
16 88 92 4 16
17 48 72 24 576
18 84 88 4 16
19 64 72 8 64
20 60 80 20 400
21 44 76 32 1024
22 72 88 16 256
23 68 80 12 144
24 72 76 4 16
25 72 80 8 64
26 76 92 16 256
27 72 80 8 64
28 68 84 16 256
29 84 76 -8 64
Σ = 312 Σ = 2760

b. SD of pretest and posttest

From the data above, the researcher calculated SD of pretest and


c. T-test calculation

Statement: if the calculation is greater than the t-table score so null

hypothesis is rejected.

 Ho (null hypothesis): there is no significance influence between

pretest and posttest.

 H table with n = 29 is 2,05

 T calculation is 6,256

 T-table < t-calculation = 2,05 < 6,256

 It shows that Ho is rejected. Therefore there is significance

influence between pretest and posttest.


4. Reflection

After analyzing the result of action in cycle I, the researcher can

conclude that it is very important for the teacher to be careful with the

student’s pronunciation, she can ask the students three or four times to

repeat the words.

Action I also have shown that the students can improve their


B. Cycle 2

Based on the result of cycle I, it is necessary for the teacher to continue

the next cycle.

1. Planning

The activities are preparing:

a. Material, making lesson plan and designing the steps in doing the


b. List of student’s name

c. Teaching aids (e.g. flashcards picture)

d. Sheet for classroom observation

e. Test (pretest and posttest)

2. The Implementation of the action

On Saturday, the fifteenth of May 2010 the teacher (the researcher)

entered his English class. She revised the teaching learning process in

action 1 cycle 1. In action 1 cycle 1 there were some difficult words in


pronunciation and written. In the action 2, she introduced the model of

presentation in studying vocabulary, the step are as they did before (sound

and show of flashcards, repetition, written form). Before she started the

lesson, she gave pretest to them for about 30 minute.

The situation was as follow:

“Students, today we will study vocabulary with theme home and sub

theme part of home and equipments”, She told. She asked the students

“Mention parts of home!” The students answered together in Indonesia.

Then the teacher shown flashcards that consists of part of home and the

teacher said it in English and asked the students to repeat it. The teacher

said living room, they said living room once again they said living room,

dinning room, bath room, bed room, kitchen and the students repeated it.

He was also careful with students’ pronunciation, he often repeated it

twice or three time for one flashcard when their pronunciation is wrong.

The teacher asked the students “Mention of the equipment in the living

room, dinning room, kitchen, bath room and bed room.” The students

answered together in Indonesian. The teacher list of based on the place.

She wrote in the write board. For living room: sofa, meja, jam, television

dll. For dinning room: kulkas, meja makan, kursi dll. For kitchen: kompor,

panci, piring dll. For bedroom: tempat tidur, bantal, selimut dll. For

bathroom: handuk, pasta gigi, sabun dll. Then the teacher shown

flashcards that consists of thing in the home based on above and said it in

English and students repeated it. After more time she said it and students

repeated it, she asked the students one by one. Every student gets

opportunity to say it. After all of students gott opportunity to say it, the

teacher writes down the words in the whiteboard in English and asked the

students to write in their book. The student must complete their note by

copying from the whiteboard. She also checked the student’s note one by

one while walking around the classroom.

After they finished writing on the note book, she said sorry to the

students because time was up, we will continue at next meeting, good bye,

they answer good bye.

The next meeting on Thursday twentieth May 2010 the teacher (the

researcher) entered his English class bring all his teaching aids, she said

the students as follows:

Researcher : “Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.”

Students : “Wa’alaikumsalam Wr. Wb.”

Researcher : “Good Morning Students?”

Students : “Good Morning Miss”

Researcher : “How are you students?”

Students : “I’m fine”

Researcher : “Who is absent today?”

Students : “Berangkat semua, Miss”

Researcher : “Good, Students, we will continue the lesson that have

studied yesterday, do you remember?”

Students : “Yes Miss.”


Researcher : “Do you have written the words on your note books; apakah

kalian telah mencatat kata-kata kemarin pada bukumu?”

Students : “Sudah, Miss”

After those dialogue above she took of flashcards and asked the

students to said it together to remember of the lesson yesterday. The

teacher shown flashcards randomly and the student said it together. Most

of students are still remember of words. Then the teacher asked the

students to made group, each group consists of four students. Then the

teacher gave task to every group. The teacher asked to them to discussion

of the task. The teacher gave them task for about 45 minute every group

tried to solve of the task. After the students finished doing the task the

teacher asked them to exchange their group task to other group. Then the

task would be share together. The teacher wrotes down the answer of task

on the whiteboard. Then the students correct of the answer of the task the

other group. After the students finished correct of the task, the teacher

asked the students to submitted the task. Then the teacher gave them

posttest for about 30 minute.

3. Observation

In the second cycle, observation was also carried out during

implementation of the action. The researcher got field note from the

partner which has been written in above. By monitoring the student’s

activity in the action, the teacher can see that the students still get

difficulty to said in English. Some students pronouncation still incorrectly

and the written form was wrong when done the task.

Furthermore, the researcher will analyze the student’s improvement of

vocabulary by t-test calculation. The steps are as follows:

a. the score of pretest and posttest

Table 7
The result of pretest and posttest in cycle II
NO Score of pretest Score of posttest D D2
1 60 64 4 16
2 60 80 20 400
3 64 88 24 576
4 32 56 24 576
5 32 88 56 3136
6 40 72 32 1024
7 52 88 36 1296
8 56 68 12 144
9 80 96 16 256
10 44 72 28 784
11 92 100 8 64
12 60 92 32 1024
13 44 72 28 784
14 80 96 16 256
15 36 48 12 144
16 88 100 12 144
17 68 60 -8 64
18 92 100 8 64
19 48 48 0 0
20 52 76 24 576
21 48 88 40 1600

22 72 96 24 576
23 48 84 40 1600
24 72 88 16 256
25 76 96 20 400
26 64 92 28 784
27 60 84 24 576
28 60 76 16 256
29 36 68 32 1024
Σ = 624 Σ = 18400

b. SD of pretest and posttest

From the data above, the researcher calculated SD of pretest and


c. T-test calculation

Statement: if the calculation is greater than the t-table score so null

hypothesis is rejected.

 Ho (null hypothesis): there is no significance influence between

pretest and posttest.

 H table with n = 29 is 2,05

 T calculation is 8,712

 T-table < t-calculation = 2,05 < 8,712

 It shows that Ho is rejected. Therefore there is significance

influence between pretest and posttest.

4. Reflection

After analyzing the result of action 2, the teacher concluded that the

students can improve their vocabulary. They can answer the question well.

It is also easy for them to remember words in English than before. The

teacher realizes that some students are interest to improve their vocabulary

through flashcards that consist of picture and full color. It is necessary for

her to continue. This mode presentation, the teacher, therefore continued to

the next cycle (Cycle 3).


C. Cycle 3

Based on the result of cycle I and cycle 2, it is necessary for the teacher

to continue the next cycle.

1. Planning

a. Preparing materials, making lesson plan and designing the steps in

doing the action.

b. Preparing list of the student’s name.

c. Preparing teaching aids (e.g. flashcards, picture)

d. Sheet for classroom observation

e. Test (pretest and posttest)

2. The Implementation of the action

On Thursday, the twenty-seventh of May 2010, the teacher (the

researcher) entered his English class. The steps were as they did before

(sound and showing the flashcards, repetition and written form).

There were still many problem in cycle 2, some students had wrong

pronunciation, wrote some words wrongly. Before she continued the

lesson she asked the students to repeat some words from the words studied


The theme in cycle 3 is body. The teaching learning process was as


“Students, before we studied vocabulary about body do this test (pretest)

for about 30 minutes and she distributed test to the students. When the

students did the test, she walked around the class to check the students’

task. After the students finished doing the pretest, she collected and began

to taugch them. She asked the students “Mention parts of body!” the

students answered together in Indonesian. Then she put of the flashcards

that consists of part of body and shown to the students and they said it

together in Indonesian. The teacher told “Because the theme our lesson

today is body, I ask you hold on your part of body and repeat after me!”

“Karena tema plajaran kita hari ini adalah tubuh, saya minta pehanglah

bagian-bagian tubuh kalian dan ikutilah saya, kalian paham?” “Ya, Miss.”

Then the teacher hold on head and said head, the students followod it and

said head, the teacher hold nose and said nose, the students followed and

repeated it. The teacher acted it to all part of body and the students

followed it. Then the teacher asked the students to act like above with their


After that the teacher wrote done in the whiteboard and the students

copied in their note book. After the students finished wrote the words the

teacher said “Students time is up. The lesson will be continuing in the next


The next meeting on Thursday thirst June 2010, she entered the

English class. She continued the lesson the day before. She gave follow up

by asked the students to say what the teacher hold. After it the teacher

asked the students to make group as the action before. Then the teacher

gave the task to do them and discuss in group. They do the task for about

45 minutes. After they finished doing the task, the teacher asked them to

exchange their task to other group. Then they share together. The teacher

wrote down the answer of task in the whiteboard. After they finished

discuss the task, the teacher asked the students to read together from the

answer that have write in the whiteboard. And most of students were

correct in pronunciation.

Then the teacher gave them posttest for about 30 minutes. After the

students finished do the posttest, the teacher asked them to submitted it.

Students’ time was up. And the teacher said goodbye and the students

answered goodbye together.

3. Observation

The teacher observed in the third action, while she was monitoring, she

helped the students when they got difficulties. She tired to activate the

students who were still quiet in repeating the words said the teacher by

giving guidance.

The teaching learning process in action 3 was increasing the students

who said words incorrectly, they can say correctly, and in written form

process, there were a few students who found difficulties. The teaching

learning process was very active.

By observing the teaching learning process in cycle 1, cycle 2 and

cycle 3, she concludes that flashcards can improve the students’

vocabulary. The improvement can be seen through the result of activity

from cycle 1, cycle 2 and cycle 3.


Further more, the researcher by analyze the student’s improving of

vocabulary by t-test calculation. The steps are as follows

a. The result of pretest and posttest.

Table 8
The result of pretest and posttest cycle 3
NO Score of pretest Score of posttest D D

1 52 72 20 400
2 84 88 4 16
3 60 76 16 256
4 40 72 32 1024
5 40 80 40 1600
6 60 84 24 576
7 64 76 12 144
8 68 80 12 144
9 76 92 16 256
10 72 76 4 16
11 56 80 24 576
12 72 92 20 400
13 60 84 24 576
14 72 88 16 256
15 64 76 12 144
16 80 96 16 256
17 48 64 16 256
18 84 92 8 64
19 52 72 20 400
20 76 80 4 16
21 68 88 20 400
22 84 92 8 64
23 76 80 4 16
24 60 76 16 256

25 50 72 12 144
26 56 80 24 576
27 80 96 16 256
28 60 84 24 576
29 56 76 20 400
Σ = 474 Σ = 10006

b. SD of pretest and posttest

From the data above, the researcher calculate SD of pretest and


c. T-test calculate

Statement: if the calculation is greater than the t-table score so null

hypothesis is rejected.

 Ho (null hypothesis): there is no significance influence between

pretest and posttest.

 H table with n = 28 is 2,05

 T calculation is 9,784

 T-table < t-calculation = 2,05 < 9,784

 It shows that Ho is rejected. Therefore there is significance

influence between pretest and posttest.

4. Reflection

After analyzing the result of cycle 1, cycle 2 and cycle 3, it can be

concluded that using flashcards can increase the interest of students to

involve actively in learning vocabulary in the class. The result of the

written test is also good.

The result of pretest, posttest and oral test were used to know the score

of vocabulary mastery. As stated before there were three cycles in this

action research, each cycle used pretest, posttest and oral test. Pretest and

posttest consist of 25 test item and 20 test items to discuss into group in

the puzzle form. All items of the test can be seen in the appendix. She gave

pretest to students before taught and gave posttest after she taught for each

cycle. She also gave oral test to each student during the teaching learning

process in each cycle. She gave a question that must be answered by the

students orally. The oral test was used to know the students who can

answer correctly.

D. Discussion

From the result of analyze in cycle 1, cycle 2 and cycle 3, the researcher

will analyze the students’ improvement from cycle 1 to cycle 3. The

improvement as follows:

Table 9

The analyze of students improvement



- PRETEST 67, 17 59, 17 64, 48

- POSTTEST 78, 01 80, 55 81, 51

2. T- TABLE N=28 2,05 2,05 2,05

3. T-CALCULATION(T-TEST) 6,256 8,712 9,784

If t-table same or greater than t-calculation, so null hypothesis (Ho) is

rejected. Ho is no significance different between pretest and posttest mean.

From the t- test calculation above is greater than t-table. So, Ho is rejected,

therefore there is a significant different between pretest and posttest mean. it

shows that flashcards give influece in improving students vocabulary.

From the statement above, the researcher can see that the mean between

pretest and posttest has a significant different, where posttest is greater than

pretest. it shows that flashcards give influece in improving students

vocabulary, because the student’s achivement has been increase after the

students did the flashcards. It means that flashcard is appropriate with the

situation and condition of students in MI Duren in learning English especially

in vocabulary.Beside that, the students are more interested and involved

actively in teaching learning process.

From the finding research above, shown that flashcards can improve the

students vocabulary mastery, and appropriate with the Nasr said that

flashcards are useful for teaching of vocabulary and reading ( 1972: 67). So

this research proof that flashcard is useful in the teaching learning process

especially in teaching vocabulary.




A. Conclusion

Based on the explanation above, the researcher conclude that the use of

flashcards in teaching English, especially in teaching vocabulary to the

students of MI Duren Bandungan is able to improve students vocabulary

mastery. For the result of the research show that flashcards of teaching

vocabulary is able to help the students to improve their vocabulary mastery

from the t-test calculated. The result of t-test calculation with n=28 is 2,05 in

cycle 1 is 6,256, cycle 2 is 8,712 and cycle 3 is 9,789. If t-table same or

greater than t-calculation, so null hypothesis (Ho) is rejected. Ho is no

significance different between pretest and posttest mean. From the t- test

calculation above is greater than t-table. So, Ho is rejected, therefore there is a

significant different between pretest and posttest mean.

From the statement above, the researcher can see that the mean between

pretest and posttest has a significant different, where posttest is greater than

pretest. it shows that flashcards give influece in improving students

vocabulary, because the student’s achivement has been increase after the

students did the flashcards. It means that flashcard is appropriate with the

situation and condition of students in MI Duren in learning English especially

in vocabulary.Beside that, the students are more interested and involved

actively in teaching learning process.


B. Suggestion

Based on the result of the study and conclusion, the researcher would

like to suggest as follows:

1. To the teacher

They should enhance their ability in teaching English especially

when he taught using flashcards to improve vocabulary mastery, so the

students will remember the words easily. The teacher should teach

vocabulary effectively. So, teachers’ role in teaching learning process can

influence students in improving their vocabulary mastery. Beside, the

teacher asked the students to study English continually.

2. To the students

Student should always be active in teaching learning process and are

not afraid of English lesson; students should study English continually in

classroom and in their home. When the teach vocabulary, the students pay

attention to the teacher’s explanation.

3. To the researcher

It has been known from the result of the study using flashcards that it

can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery. Hereby, it is hoped that the

result of the study makes the English teacher use an appropriate teaching

mode of presentation on improving student’s vocabulary mastery. Based

on the explanation the researcher would like to suggest other researcher,

the result of the study can be use as additional reference for further

research with the different sample and occasions.


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