Appendix D-M

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Appendix D

MSIP Checklist
Internal Improvement Review Document

The documents found within this appendix will assist school counselors in
developing a complete program manual, in determining elements of the
comprehensive guidance and counseling program that are in place, and in
determining the extent to which those elements are in place and fully
MSIP 5 Checklist
Process Standard I-6: Missouri Comprehensive
Guidance and Counseling Program

Guidance and Counseling is an Essential and

Fully Integrated Part of the Instructional

This checklist describes the critical components of The Missouri

Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program. Meeting these
criteria will ensure that districts and buildings meet MSIP
standards. Effective implementation of these components will
produce a quality guidance and counseling program.
Remember: Checking the Yes box means only that the
component of the Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling
Program is present. In order to determine the degree of
implementation of the components, The Internal Improvement
Review (IIR) should be completed.
Yes No I A District-Wide Comprehensive Guidance And Counseling Program has been fully
implemented in every building consistent with the Missouri Comprehensive Guidance
And Counseling Framework.

Yes No 1. The Comprehensive Guidance Program (CGP) is specifically addressed in the

district’s CSIP goals
Yes No 2. CGP program goals are aligned with the CSIP and student performance data
Yes No 3. Learner outcomes are identified and addressed K-12
Yes No 4. The Comprehensive Evaluation Plan assesses the impact of the CGP on MSIP
Performance Standards and school/district improvement goals through the evaluation of:
• Program (Internal Improvement Review-IIR)
• Personnel (Performance Based Professional School Counselor Evaluation-PBPSCE)
• Results (Partnerships for Results Based Evaluation-PRoBE)
Yes No 5. The Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program Manual contains:

Yes No A. School Board Policy addressing Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling

Yes No B. Program Content:
• Academic Development • Personal/Social
• Career Development Development
Yes No C. Structural Components:
• Definition/Philosophy • Budget
• Facilities • Job Descriptions
• Resources • Staffing Patterns
• Advisory Committee
Yes No D. Program Components:
• Curriculum • Responsive Services
• Individual Planning • System Support

Yes No E. Comprehensive Evaluation Plan based on Program + Personnel = Results

Yes No F. Guidance and Counseling Program Improvement Plan

Required Documentation:
• School Board Policy addressing Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling
• School/District CSIP Plan containing guidance goals
• Guidance Program Manual includes
o Annual program goals
o Structural Components: Facilities, Resources, Advisory Committee, Budget
o Program Components: Curriculum, Responsive Services, Individual Planning, System Support
o Comprehensive Evaluation Plan based on Program + Personnel = Results
• Job Descriptions

I - Observations and Actions:

Yes No II The PK-12 Guidance Curriculum is in place and integrated into the regular curriculum
where appropriate. It is systematically reviewed and revised as part of the district’s
MSIP Checklist
Missouri Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program
evaluation plan.

Yes No 1. The guidance curriculum is articulated and implemented PK-12

Yes No 2. The guidance curriculum is systematically reviewed and revised according to the district’s
curriculum review calendar
Yes No 3. Modifications to the guidance curriculum are made continuously, based upon guidance
planning (needs assessment) data obtained from students, parents, and teachers
Yes No 4. Guidance planning data (needs assessment) are collected on a regular schedule

Yes No 5. Counselors in the school/district use the written guidance curriculum in promoting
academic, personal/social and career development
Yes No 6. Instructional activities and resources to help implement the guidance curriculum are
Yes No 7. Administrators/supervisors monitor the implementation of the guidance curriculum

Required Documentation:
• Guidance Curriculum based on GLE’s, including learner outcomes, scope and sequence
• Curriculum Planning Needs Assessment Summary and other relevant data noting any changes
made as a result of the assessment
• Sample lesson plans
• Master Guidance and Counseling Calendar indicating dates of curriculum delivery

II -Observations and Actions:

107 January 7, 2013

MSIP Checklist
Yes No III Comprehensive
All students, beginning noGuidance andparticipate
later than 7 grade Counseling
in an individual planning
process designed to assist in successful transition to college, technical school, the
military or the workforce.

Yes No 1. There is a systematic process in place that assists students in developing their
Personal Plan of Study
Yes No 2. The individual planning system includes:
• Assessment activities
• Advisement activities
• Identification of long and short-range educational/career goals based on career paths
and clusters
• Assistance in pursuing post-secondary educational or career training
• Collaboration with parents/guardians
• A Personal Plan of Study that is initiated no later than grade eight with review and
revision at least annually

Yes No 3. The school’s/district’s guidance program ensures that each student’s Personal Plan of
Study is:
• Rigorous – requires challenging classes and experiences
• Relevant – based on personal assessments and goals
- organized around a career path and/or cluster
• Preferably developed though the use of Missouri Connections

Yes No 4. Necessary forms and procedures for the Individual Planning process are provided

Yes No 5. A system is in place to ensure that parents are actively involved

Required Documentation:
• Master calendar of career/educational guidance activities
• List of career and educational resources available for students
• Samples of completed Personal Plans of Study including evidence of review
• Evidence of Parental Involvement
• Documentation of Missouri Connections use

III - Observations and Actions:

Yes No IV All students have access to responsive services that assist them addressing issues
and concerns that may affect their academic, career, and personal/social

Yes No 1. Students are assisted in addressing issues and concerns that affect their personal/social,

108 January 7, 2013

MSIP Checklist
Missouri Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program
academic and career development
Yes No 2. Counselors utilize a wide range of resources and strategies in assisting students with
issues concerning personal/social, academic and career development
Yes No 3. Counselors, teachers and parents consult with each other to assist students concerning
personal/social, academic and career development issues
Yes No 4. District/building Guidance and Counseling department has written guidelines
describing its student crisis management/response plans
Yes No 5. District/building Guidance and Counseling Department has written guidelines
describing its referral process to internal and outside services

• Resource lists
• Referral forms
• Written policy and/or guidelines for referral to internal and outside services
• Crisis Management Plans

IV - Observations and Actions:

109 January 7, 2013

Yes No V System Support and management activities are in place to ensure full
implementation, evaluation, and continued improvement of the district’s
comprehensive guidance and counseling program.

Yes No 1. The school’s/district’s comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program is routinely

evaluated in order to identify both strengths and areas in need of improvement
Yes No 2. Action Plans for Improvement are developed, implemented, reviewed and revised

Yes No 3. Counselors are involved in the development and implementation of district/building

crisis plans
Yes No 4. Counselor time is utilized to the fullest extent possible for program
implementation activities as determined and documented by the time-task
Yes No 5. Guidance and Counseling personnel participate in professional and staff
development activities
Yes No 6. Guidance and Counseling personnel interact with other people and programs in the
school and with community business, agencies, and institutions
Yes No 7 A calendar for each building level guidance and counseling program is developed
and shared that documents the month/week/days that guidance and counseling
activities are carried out
Yes No 8 A district-wide guidance and counseling program master calendar is developed to
monitor district implementation of the guidance and counseling program

• Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling Program Evaluation Documentation:
o IIR results with Action Plan
o Counselor Evaluation Instrument
o Samples of Results Data (PRoBE Projects)
• District/School Master Guidance and Counseling Calendar
• Time/Task Analysis Summary
• Minutes of Advisory Committee Meetings
• District/building Crisis Plans

V - Observations and Actions:

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