DL Unit Wise Important Questions
DL Unit Wise Important Questions
DL Unit Wise Important Questions
1)Explain the concepts of Scalar, Vectors and Matrices and tensor in deep learning.
2)Describe the concept of probability Distributions.
3)What is Gradient based optimisation in learning.
4)Explain the below terms:
o Capacity
o Overfitting and Underfitting.
5)Discuss about hyperparameters and validation sets.
6)Describe the concept of bias and variance .How to overcome the bias and variance.
7)Discuss in detail about Stochastic gradient descent.
8)What are the challenges motivating in Deep learning.
9)What do you mean by deep networks.Explain the Deep feed forward networks.
1)Explain the architecture of RNN.
2)Discuss about the unfold graph in CNN.
3)Explain the concept of acceptor, Encoder and transducer in RNN design patterns.
4)Explain the gradient Computation and sequence modeling conditioned on contexts.
5)Discuss the architecture of bidirectional RNN.
6)Discuss the architecture of Sequence to sequence RNN.
7)Explain the Concept and architecture of Deep recurrent networks.
8)Explain Recursive RNN with neat diagram
9)Explain the concept of Long term dependencies.
1.Explain the architecture of autoencoders with near Diagram.Write down their uses and
2.Describe about the Undercomplete and Regularised autoencoders
3.Explain about the sparse and Denoising Autoencoders in detail.
4.Explain the Stochastic Encoder decoder and Variational autoencoders.
5.Explain the Deep generative model with Boltzmann machine.
6.Explain the concept and working of deep belief network.
7.Describe GAN in detail.