Laboratory Manual Botany
Laboratory Manual Botany
Laboratory Manual Botany
B.Sc. I
Post Graduate Department of Botany
Jankidevi Bajaj College of Science,Wardha
1). Take clean glass slides, wash and dry them. 2) Prepare bacterial smears of all
the bacterial cultures following the usual procedure. 3) Keep a slide (heat fixed
smear) on the staining tray and apply about 5 drops of a stain (any one of the
above) for the designated period. 4). Pour off the stain and wash the smear gently
with slowly running tap water. 5) Blot dry the slide using blotting paper (do not
wipe the slide) 6) Repeat steps 1-5 for the other two cultures.
1). Examine all the three preparations under oil-immersion objective. 2) Make
drawings for each organism. 3) On the basis of the microscopic observations, write
description of the organisms indicating colour, shape and arrangement of cells in
The bacteria stain a deep blue. The Bacillus is rod shaped with clear areas
(i.e.endospores) within them S.aureus cells are spherical,, occurring singly, in pairs
and irregular clusters, the small rod of E.coli frequently
Gram staining technique
1. Make thin smears of Staphylococcus and Escherichia on separate glass slides.
2. Let the smears air dry.
3. Heat fix the smears.
4. Hold the smears using slide rack or clothes pin.
5. Cover each smear with crystal violet for 30 seconds.
6. Wash each slide with distilled water for a few seconds, using wash bottle.
7. Cover each smear with Gram’s iodine solution for 60 seconds.
8. Wash off the iodine solution with 95 pler cent ethyl alcohol. Add ethyl alcohol
drop by drop, until no more colour flows from the smear. (the gram-positive
bacteria are not affected while all gram- neagative bacteria are completely
9. Wash the slides with distilled water and drain.
10. Apply safranin to smears for 30 seconds (Counter-staining)
11 Wash with distilled water and blot dry with absorbent paper.
12. Let the stained slides air dry
1. Examine the slides microscopically using oli-immersion objective.
2. Identity the gram reaction of both the cultures and classify them.
3. Make sketches for morphology of the cultures.
4. Describe the morphology and arrangement of the cells.
Those bacteria that appear purple are referred to as Gram-positive, those
appearing pink are described Gram-negative.
In S. aureus the appear dark purple or blue in colour, thus it is a gram-positive
bacterium whereas in E.coli the rods appear pink and is thus a gram-negative
bacterium. To get reliable results, one should use cultures that are 18 to 24 hours
Preparation of Plant Tissue culture media
Constituents of the MS medium.
Erlenmeyer flasks (100,250,500 ml, 1 litre capacity)
Measuring cylinders (100,1000 ml capacity)
Pipettes (1,5,10 ml)
Distilled or demineralized water
pH Meter
1.0 N NaOH, HCL or KOH
1. Prepare macronutrients solution in 100 ml distilled water.
2. Prepare micronutrients solution in 100 ml distilled water following the stock
solution dilution chart.
3. Add macronutrient and micronutrient solution while stirring into 700 ml distilled
water taken in 1 litre Erlenmeyer flask.
4. Add the other heat stable constituents (e.g. sucrose, vitamins and hormones) and
agar powder (if desired at a concentration of 0.8 – 1.0 %) (vitamins and auxins can
be added after autoclaving for better results).
5. Make the final volume of the medium by the addition of more distilled water.
6. Adjust pH of the medium to 5.7, while stirring, using 0.1 N NaOH or 0.1 N
7. If solid medium is desired agar is used, heat the solution while stirring until agar
is dissolved.
8. Pour the medium into the desired culture vessels (15 ml in a 25 x150mm culture
tube and 50 ml n a 250ml flask).
9. Plug the culture vessels with non-absorbent cotton wool wrapped in cheese-
cloth, or with any other suitable closure.
10.Transfer the culture vessels to appropriate baskets covered with aluminium jfoil
to check wetting of plugs duting autoclaving.
11. Transfer the baskets to autoclave.
12. Sterilize the medium by autoclaving at 121 0c (1.05 kg/cm2) (15 psi) for the
time period depending upon the volume of the medium in the vessel (e.g. for
25,50,100,250,500,1000,2000,4000 ml capacity time required is
20,25,28,31,35,40,48 and 63 minutes respectively).
13. The medium is allowed to cool at room temperature.
Embryo culture, can be defined as the in vitro culture either of the polarized
egg, zygote, proembryo or mature embryo.
The applications of embryo culture are:
1. To obtain rare hybrids. In many interspecific and intergeneric crosses
fertilization occurs normally, but poor or abnormal development of endosperm
causes pre-mature death of hybrid embryos. The embryo culture technique is
extensively used to rescue such hybrid embryos from wide crosses which
otherwise would abort.
2. To study morphogenesis and nutritional requirements. It is an ideal
technique for studying morphogenesis and nutritional requirements of the
developing embryo.
3. To overcome seed dormancy and fro shortening the breeding cycle of
deciduous trees. The breeding work of deciduous trees is delayed due to long
dormancy period of their seeds. By growing excised embryo in culture this period
can be reduced.
4. For raid seed viability test. The possibility of breaking seed dormancy by
embryo culture allows the use of this technique for testing the viability of a
particular seed batch rapidly.
5. Propagation of rare plants. The seeds of some wild varieties of the
cultivated plants do not germinate in nature. Seedlings can be obtained by culturing
their excised embryos, eg.seeds of Musa Bulbisiana, a wild relative of commercial
6. Haploid Production. Through elimination of chromosomes of one of the
parents following distant hybridization, haploids can be produced. For instance in
the cross of Hordeum vulgare x H. bulbosum, the chromosomes of H. bulbosum
are preperentially lost resulting in haploid embryo plants.
In vivo the embryo follows a definite pattern of cell division and growth. The
first divisions usually lead to the production of a linear filamentous structure. From
the funicular end of this structure, a globular embryo develops and the remainder
forms the suspensor. In dicots, the globular embryo develops into a heart-shaped
embryo and finally into the mature torpedo-shaped embryo with well-defined
radical and cotyledons.
Depending upon the age of the embryo, the stimulus for its continued growth
is thought to be present within its own cells or in the surrounding endosperm. The
fertilized egg and proembryo develop on the nutritional resources of the
In general, full –grown embryos can be successfully cultured on a standeard
mendium containing sugar, mineral salts and vitamins. Younger embryos, in
addition to the above, also require trace elements and other growth-promoting
substances. Knop’s mineral solution was first used for embryo culture but
proembryo were unable to develop on it, eg. Capsella bursapastris.
The basic requirements for a successful culture of embryos is a well-balanced
medium containgin macro-and micro-nutrients and a carbon source.
Supplementing the medium with organic nitrogen like amino acids or casein
hydrolysate can enhance the growth of excised
Anther culture
Name of Expt. – To demonstrate the technique of anther culture.
1. Anther culture
i) Do not collect the flower-buds from the plants until the laboratory is ready
ii) Collect the flower- buds using a pair of forceps in a non-sterile petri dish and
measure the length of each bud using a cm-scale. Select the buds with a corolla
length of 21-23 mm. pollen in these flower-budswould usually be in the late
uninucleate or early binucleate stage.
iii) Chill the buds at 70 to 8O C for 12 days in a refrigeration unit.
Iv) Surface- sterilize the buds in a petri dish containgin 0.01% solution of HgCl 2
(with Tween-20 added as a wetting agent) for 10 minutes
v) Rinse the buds 3-4 times with sterile double distilled water in a sterile air
vi) Carefully tease, oenn the buds and remove the anthers using forcepas and a
dissecting needle.
Practical Manual
B.Sc. II
Post Graduate Department of Botany
Jankidevi Bajaj College of Science,Wardha
Method :- 1. Take 3 kidney bean plants of same age and almost identical growth.
2. Remove the apical bud of two plants with blade and leave one plant undisturbed.
3. Apply 1% IAA-lanolin paste at the tip of one of the decapped plant and plain
lanolin at the tip of another decapped plant. Observe after about two weeks.
Results : (a) All lateral buds remain inhibited by the shoot tip in the control plant
(A). Lateral buds begin to grow in the plant in which plain lanolin was applied (B).
Lateral bud growth remains inhibited in the plant on which IAA-lanolin paste was
applied. This indicates the influence of IAA on apical dominance.
Blue green algae in open air, shallow culture. Each farmer can prepare his
own algal biofertiliser as follows. It has been recommended that trays (6’+3’+9’)
of galvanized iron, sheet or brick and morter or pits lined with polythene be
prepared. A mix of 10kg soil and 200gm of superphosphate is added to trays and
water filled in a trays to the level of 2-6 inch. It is necessary to keep the ph of the
soil to neutral and Tolypothrix, Nostoc, Anaebaena, and plectonema is sprinkled is
over the water in tray within a week time, a thick allgal slum is formed over the
surface. The water is allowed todry at this stage and the dried algal flakes are
collected from the trays and stored in polythene bags and applied at the rate of
10kg/ha in the field, one week after rice transplantation.
Suitable culture media are needed for isolation of the required strain. A number of
media composition for Rhizobium production hae been recmmmended by different
scientists/manufacturers. Rhizobium is heterotrophic bacteria and can readily
utilize mono and disaccharides. Mannitol is the traditional carbon and energy
source used for small volume cultiavation of all thizobium although some slow
growers prefer pentose e.g. arabinose. Most fast growers utilize disaccharides (e.g.
sucrose). However, efficient utilization of carbon source depends on aeration,
method of sterlisation and particular carbon source.
Some production units do not use calcium carbonate in order to avoid
confusion regarding source of turbidity (whether due to bacterial growth of
CaCO3). Few reputed orgnisations are using the following composition: 10 ml
glycerol, 0.4 g yeast extract, 0.5 g. K2HPO4, 0.2 g MgSO4. 7H2O and 0.1 g NaCl
per litre of broth and getting successful results.
Rhizobium forms nodule on the root of legumies. Nodule is the site of nitrogen
fixation and Rhizobium is isolated from these as follows.
Wash roots thoroughly
Select pink and healthy nodules
Collect nodule from plants without damaging it
Immerse undamaged nodule in 95% ethanol for 5-10 seconds.
The neem tree is indigenous to India. Indians have revered the neem tree for a
very long time. To Millions of Indian, neem has miraculous power. Indian farmers
have kept away insects with different neem extracts. The tree is considered so
invaluable that it is found in every part of the country, every roadside, every field
and almost every house. India has shared its “free tree” and knowledge of its
utilization with the world community. The freedom of diverse species to exist and
the freedom of people to exchange knowledge about them are best symbolized in
the neem.
After the introduction of chemical agriculture, the use of such neem-based
extracts and other products has diminished to a large extent. Farmers have been
made more and more dependent on chemical inputs and have lost confidence in
their age-old methods. However, the current crop of pests has developed resistance
to a wide range of pesticides available. Farmers are thus caught in a vicious circle
the moment they start using chemicals.
The Centre for Indian Knowledge Systems (CIKS) has attempted to identify
the technologies that farmers were using for pest control before chemical
agriculture came into the picture. It has tested these technologies in farmers fields
and developed them in such a way that farers can be totally selfreliant wtith these
technologies. They need no longer be dependent on the pesticide companies. The
preparation of these products is extremely simple, as is their application. In terms
of efficiency, these products are very good and, in certain cases, are even more
efficient than the commercially available products.
Preparation of extracts
Neem kernel extract:
For 5 liters of water, 1 kg of green neem leaf is required. Since the quantity of
leaves required for the preparation of this extract is quite high (nearly 80 kg are
required for 1 hectare), this can be used for nursery and kitchen gardens. The
leaves are soaked overnight in water. The next day, they are ground and the extract
is filtered. The extract is suited for use against leaf eating caterpillars, grubs,
locusts and grasshoppers. To the extract, emulsifier is also added.
A hundred grams of neem cake are required for 1 litre of water. The neem cake
is put in a muslin pouch and soaked in water overnight. It is then filtered and an
emulsifier is added at the rate of 1 millilitre for 1 litre of water, after which it is
ready for spraying.
Thirty milliliters of neem oil are added to the emulsifier and stirred well to
ensure that the oil and water can mix well. After this, 1 litre of water is added and
stirred well. It is very essential to add the emulsifier with the oil before adding
water. It should be used immediately, otherwise oil droplets will start floating. A
knapsack sprayer is better for neem oil spraying than a hand sprayer.
One kilogram of pounded pongam cake, 1 kg of pounded neem cake and 250 g
of pounded poison nut tree seeds are put in a muslin pouch and soaked overnight in
water. In the morning, the pouch is squeezed and the extract is taken out. This is
mixed with ½ litre of aloe Vera leaf juice. To this, 15 litres of water are added.
This is again mixed with 2-3 litres of cow’s urine. Before spraying. 1 litre of this
mixture is diluted with 10 litres of water. For an acre, 60-100 litres of spray are
used. This is effective in the control of pests of cotton and crossandra.
Note: For all the above extracts. 250 milliliters of khadi soap solution should
be added as an emulsifier before spraying.
a) Spraying should be undertaken in the morning or late in the evening. Under hot
conditions, the frequency of spraying should be increased in winter, spraying once
in 10 days and every day in the rainy season is recommenede.
b) Insects lay eggs on the underside of the leaves. Hence it is important to spray
under the leaves also.
c) while using a power sprayer, the quantity of water used should be halved.
e) As a general guideline, it can be said that each acre of land to be protected can
be sprayed with 60 liters of ready-to-use solution (not the concentrate). Of course,
the volume may have to be varied depending on the exact conditions prevailing,
such as the intensity of the pest attack.
Weed killers (herbicides) can save considerable labor in the yard and garden.
Some of these kill plants selectively, so the manager can control weeds but not
injure desirable plants. Others are not selective and may kill all plants in an area.
They must be applied directly to weeds carefully to avoid damaging nearby plants.
Like many powerful tools, weed killers cause serious harm if used incorrectly.
When using an herbicide, or any pesticide read the label. The label will state
whether protective clothing needs to be worn when applying the weed killer.
Make sure that any equipment (such as a sprayer) used is free of other pesticide
before adding a new one. It is important always to shower after applying
herbicides. Wash clothes separaterly that have been worn when spraying. Failure to
follow label directions can result in damage to other plants. Or to animals or
people. It is also illegal.
Study the slide of longitudinal section of ovule howing binucleate embryo sac.
The ovule is attached to the placenta by a stalk called funicle. The ovule is made of
intefuments and the nucellus. Outermost part of the ovule is made of two
integuments. Inner to the integuments lies nucellus. A few layers below the
nucellar epidermis, binucleate embryo sac is situated. At the top of the sac, three
degenerating megaspores can still be scen. The embryo sac has two nuclei, one at
each pole, separated by a large vacuole.
Study the slide of longitudinal section of ovule showing 4 nucleate embryo sac.
1). The ovule consists of stalk and the body. 2). The body fo the oule is made of
integuments and the nucellus. 3). The outer covering of the ovule is made of two
integuments. 4). Nucellus is situated inner ot the integuments. 5). A few layers
below the nucellar epidermis, 4 nucleate embryo sac is present. 6). The embryo sac
shows four nuclei, out of which two are located at the micropylar end and the rest
two at the chalazal end. 7). The nuclei at two ends are separated by large vacuole
in the centre.
1). The ovule shows stalk and the body. 2). The body consists of integuments,
nucellus and the embryo sac. 3). There are two integuments which form the
outermost covering of the ovule. 4). A small amount of nucellus is present between
the integuments and the embryo sac. 5). Embryo sac is present deep into the tissue
of nucellus. 6). Orgnised 8-nucleate Polygonumtype embryo sac has an egg
apparatus, two polar nuclei and three antipodals. 7). Egg apparatus is situated at the
micropylar end. It consists of centrally placed egg cell with two synergids, one on
each side of the egg. 8). An egg cell has a large vacuole towards its micropylar end
while synergids have a small vacuole toward its chalazal end. 9). Each synergid
has a beak like structure on its lateral side and filiform apparatus at its micropylar
end. 10). Two polar nuclei are located in the centre of the embryo sac. These later
fuse to form the secondary nucleus. 11). Three antipodal cells are located at the
chalazal enc. These degenerate soon, either before or just after fertilization. 12).
Since this embryo sac develops from a single megaspore, it is known as
monosporic, 8-nucleate Polygonum type embryo sac.
Experiment 5
Vegetative propogation through root, stem
and leaf cutting
Types of cutting.
Root cuttings: Root cuttings are used for propagation of either succulents
where they are capable of producing both the root and shoot primordial or of plants
which produce suckers freely under natural conditions. The method has proved
auccessful in some plants which could not be raised successfully by other methods.
Some of the common plants which are propagated through root cuttings include
Cyrilla, Prunus, Albiaaia, Aesculus, Taraxaceum , Chaenomeles , Cladrastis,
Clethra, Clerodendron, Rhus, Iles, Loelteutria, Maackla, Rhododendron, Syringla
and Robinia.
ii) Semi hardwood cutting: The cuttings made from the wood of evergreen
broadleaved species or form partially mature wood of deciduous plants are semi-
hardwood and are used for propagating many ornamental and fruit plants. Cuttings
are usually made from the upper parts of branches although the lower parts can
also root. Cuttings in which some of the upper leaves are retained are then planted
for rooting under conditions of minimum water lo: this is achieved by planting
them under mist sprays.
iii) Softwood cuttings: these are the cuttins which are made from the saft green
succulent new growth and are used for propagating many ornamental woody
shrubs. Such cutting root easily and quickly if careis take to retain leaves and they
are planted under conditions of minimum water los in green houses under constant
mist sprays. The most suitable material maing cuttings is the lateral or side
branches of the stock plants. Head back the main shoot is helpful as it causes the
production of more shoots f te cuttings to be made from. Some of the fruit and
other plants are propagated through softwood cuttings 12-14
Iv) Herbaceous cuttings: Cuttings made mostly from greenhouse plar are
herbaceous, soft, tender and succulent and require special attention. The root easily
under favourable conditions which are similar to those needed of softwood
cuttings. Cuttings of most of the floriculture crops belong to category.
Leaf cuttings: In general, plants possessing thick and fleshy leaves may be
propagated by leaf cuttings. Thin textured leaves are not suitable for the purpose as
they dry quickly. The leaf cuttings when planted suitably, develop both
adventitious roots as well as shoots. A new poant is thus, establishe. The cutting
itself does not become a part of the new plant. Bryophyllui Sansevieria and
Begonia are the common plants theat are propagated through leaf cuttings .
Practical Manual
Post Graduate Department of Botany
Jankidevi Bajaj College of Science,Wardha
Requirements :- The stock plants, incubator, laminar flow cabinet, growth cabinet
or glass house, 70% ethanol, manoxol(or any other surfactant), distilled water, 2%
chloros, nutrient media MS or B5 (powdered and prepared), compost (3:2, peat :
sand), 50mm and 85mm diameter sterile petri dishes, 250ml sterile jars (or conical
flask), propagation trays, seed trays, plastic bags, glass sheets, forceps, blades,
scissor, needles, scalpel, hand gloves, laboratory sealing film, pots, etc.
1. Cut off the shoot tip with a clean and sharp blade.
2. Put the severed apical meristems (or axillary buds) in distilled water.
3. Conduct the next few steps in laminar flow cabinet or under perfect aseptic
4. Transfer upto 20 axillary buds in a sterile test tube.
5. Fill the test tube with 70% ethanol. Allow ethanol to remain in the test tube
as such for about 2 minutes.
6. Pour alcohol and replace it with 2% chloros solution. Shake the test tube
vigorously (about 120 strokes per minute) for about 10 minutes.
7. Decant the chloros solution and fill the test tube with sterile distilled water.
8. Rinse the material for 3 to 4 times. Store it in distilled water (but not for
more than 2 hours).
9. Empty the contents of the tube into a sterile petri dish.
10.Pour MS (MS I) medium in a sterilized petri dish. Place up to 4 buds (50mm
petri dish) or 10 buds (85mm petri dish).
11.Take care to ensure that each bud is stuck firmly in the medium but is not
12.Seal the petri dish with laboratory sealing film. Make 2-4 fine holes in the
film with sterilized needle.
13.Place the petri dish in growth room or incubator. Allow it to remain for a
period of about 1 week to 2 months depending upon the material used.
14.If multiplication is desired, cut internodes and transfer apical cuttings to
sterile jars containing medium MS 2 or MS 4.
15.The basal portion of the cutting should be firmly placed in the medium
without burying it.
16.If plants are desired to be rooted and transferred to compost, instead of steps
14 and 15 follow the procedure given below.
17.Cut off apex with 2 or 3 nodes (about 5mm in length).
18.Transfer about 12 plants per 250ml jar containing culture medium MS 4.
19.Allow them to grow for about 3 to 5 days till approximately 5mm long roots
20.Remove each plantlet carefully without disturbing the roots. Also try to
remove from roots as much as agar is possible.
21.Fill polythene bags or small pots with compost. Water the bags or pots as the
case may be.
22.Transfer the plantlets to damp compost.
23.Maintain high humid conditions for about 12 to24 hours.
24.Transfer the polythene bags or pots to glass house. Leave them in shade
away from the direct sunlight.
25.Once the plants show signs of maturity (about 70mm in height), transfer
them to larger pots or nursery beds.
Nutrient Media Useful in Micropropogation by Axillary Bud Culture (amount of
ingredients –gl-1 or mgl-1)
Procedure :-
The following is a tentative schedule for a typical plant tissue culture. The exact
procedure would, however, differ depending upon the material to be used and the
laboratory facilities available.
1. Cut off the shoot tip or any desired part with a clean and sharp blade.
2. Place the severed part in a petridish containing distilled water.
3. Conduct the next few steps in laminar air flow cabinet or under perfect
aseptic conditions.
4. Cut portion (explant) is dipped into 5% teepol (or any other surface sterilizer
) for 5 to 10 minutes for surface sterilization. Wash the explants in sterilized
distilled water.
5. The explants is further surface sterilized by immersing in 70% ethanol (V/V)
for 40 to 60 seconds followed by 5% sodium hypochlorite (V/V) for 20-30
6. The explants is finally washed at least three times in sterilized distilled
7. A thin solid section of the explants is now cut by a sterilized scalpel and
placed in sterilized petri dish. 5% sodium hypochlorite solution is now
added to the petri dish. The section is allowed to remain in this solution for
about 5 – 10 minutes.
8. The explants is now repeatedly washed in sterile distilled water.
9. The explants is then placed in another clean and sterilized petri dish.
10.Prepare sterilized conical flasks with nutrient medium and keep them
plugged with cotton.
11.The cambium is carefully removed from the sections under total aseptic
12.The separated cambial tissue is now transferred to the conical flasks
containing medium.
13.The flask marked for induction of root should contain low concentration of
cytokinin and relatively high concentration of auxins in the medium.
14.The process of incubation involves removal of cotton plug, insertion of
explants and replugging under completely aseptic conditions.
15.Allow atleast 4-6 weeks for the callus growth to take place.
16.Callus tissue can now be removed for sub-culture.
Isolation of protoplast
Isolation of protoplasts from mesophyll cells of tobacco by
simultaneous method
Requirements :- Tobacco leaves, 70%ethanol, 0.5% sodium hypochlorite solution,
distilled water, 600m mol1-1 mannitol- CPW solution, (CPW – cell protoplast
washing medium contains (mg1-1): KH2PO4 (27.2), KNO3(101), CaCl2. 2H2O
(1480), MgSO4. 7H2O (246), KI (0.16), CuSO4.5H2O (0.025), pH (5.8), enzyme
4% cellulose SS, 0.4% macero-enzyme SS, sucrose, parafilm, forceps, petridishes,
Pasteur pipette, 60-80 mµ mesh, centrifuge tubes, etc.
Procedure :-
To prepare i litre of medium take 50ml of stock 1,5ml of stock II, 5ml of stock III
and 5ml of stock IV.
Dissolve FeSO4. 7H2O and Na2.EDTA. 2H2O separately in 450ml distilled water
by heating and constant stirring. Mix the two solutions, adjust the pH to 5.5 and
add distilled water to make up the final volume to one litre.
Isolation of protoplasts from mesophyll cells of Cereals
Isolation of protoplasts from root nodules
For the growth and nuclear division, the regeneration of cell wall is not seems to be
a prerequisite in protoplast culture. In Convolvulus sp. Protoplast undergo one or
two nuclear division prior to cytokinesis. The same was observed in Haplopappus
It has been observed that for the rapid growth ofprotoplasts frequent subculturing
in mannitol free medium is necessary. Protoplasts do not grow in large colonies on
high osmotic medium. Its growth gradually shows a downward trend which
ultimately inhibited altogether. The colonies, therefore, should be picked up alng
with small pieces of agar and then transferred on the top of another medium to
avoid any damage to protoplast by rough handling with the forceps.
In culture, protoplasts start developing a wall around itself within few hours and it
takes only few days to complete the process. Wall materials are progressively
deposited. Cellulose is deposited either between the plasmalemma and the
multilamellar wall material or directly on the plamalemma. The nature of
biosynthesis of the cell wall depends on the plant material and the system of
protoplast culture.
The newly built cell wall can be observed either by plasmolyzing the protoplast by
transferring it in a hypertonic solution or by staining the cell wall with calcofluor
white fluorescent stain (0.1%). However, electron microscopic studies and freeze
etching studies have revealed much about the structure and progressive
development of cell wall around the protoplast in culture medium.
Family Species
Compositae Cichorium intybus, Lactuca sativa cultivars (L serriola, L.
saligna), Petasites japonicas, Senecio vulgaris
Cruciferae Arabidopsis thaliana, Brassica compestris (B. Carinata, B.
Juncea, R. Napus, B. Nigra, B. Oleraceae var. capitata),
Sinapix alba
Cucurbitaceae Cucumis sativus
Euphorbiaceae Manihot esculentus
Gramineae Bromus inermis, Oryza sativa, Pennisetum americanum,
Saccharum spp., Triticum aestivum
Leguminosae Glycine argyrea, G. canescens, G. clandestine G.max,
Medicago arborea, M. Difalcata, Psophocarpus
tetragonolobus, Trifolium hybridum, T. Repens
Liliaceae Asparagus officinalis, Hemerocallis sp
Linaceae Linum usitatissimum, L. Strictum, L. Lewissii
Magnoliaceae Liriodendron tulipfera
Ranunculaceae Ranunculus sceleratus
Rutaceae Citrus aurantifolia, C. Grandis, C. Limon
Salicaceae Populus tremula, P. Alba, P. Grandidentata, P. Nigra
Santalaceae Santalum album
Solanaceae Atropa belladonna, Capsicum annum, Datura metel, D.
Innoxia, S. Nigrum, S. Luteum, S. Viarum, S. Xanthocarpum
Ulmaceae Ulmus spp.
1. Observe regularly the regeneration of cell wall, cell division and small callus
formation under inverted microscope.
2. Examine cell wall formation in protplasts with a droplet of 0.1% calcofluor
white R, American Cyanamid, Bound Brooke, N.J. USA, in 0.4m sorbitol
solution on a slide. The cell wall regenerated protoplasts fluoresce.
3. Small cluster of calli are observed after 2-3 weeks of culturing protoplasts.
4. Subculture the cell clusters on a freshly prepeared protoplast culture medium
with or without ½ the initial mannitol and 0.8-1.6% agar.
Plant tissue in vitro can induce to form somatic haploid embryos.
Stewards and co-workers first observed the phenomenon of somatic
embryogenesis in carrot. Somatic embryos can be induced in cultural
conditions from three different sources:
1. Vegetative cells of mature plants
2. Reproductive tissues other than the zygote
3. Hyocotyls and cotyledons of embryo
Estimation of Anthocyanin pigment
Absorbance = LCL
C – molar concentration.
Add 25-30ml of 95% ethyl alcohol in separating funnel, mix by rotation. Allow to
separate two fractions. Collect the lower fraction (B) in a beaker and transfer in
another separating funnel and retain the upper fraction (A)
Lower fraction (B) contains red, purple, blue colour pigment in ethyl alcohol
phase :-
Add 30ml ethyl alcohol. Mix by rotation. Wash by adding 5ml distilled water,
rotate. Discard lower phase. Repeat washing with water 5-6 time, until distinct
layer are observed.
Add 15 ml of freshly prepared 30% ethyl alcohol KOH solution carefully dowm
the inner wall, shake and observe for 10 minutes. Add 30ml of distilled water. It
separates upper and lower fractions.
1. Acetone extract
2. Petroleum ether extract
3. Various fractions
Use of calorimeter :-
1. Measure absorbance for each filter of the colorimeter. Set zero for each filter
using specific solvent.
2. Note the O.D. for each filter given in the colorimeter manual.
3. Plot the absorbance against wavelength for the filter and find the peak for the
maximum absorbance in a certain wavelength (ƛnm). The O.D. values for
different wavelength will give approximate absorption spectrum for different
Observation table:-
Sr.No Wave length Red (O.D.) Purple (O.D.) Blue (O.D.)
Plot the absorbance graph (Optical Density) against the wave length for the
filter and find the peak for the maximum obsorbance (ƛnm).
The absorption spectrum differs for each pigment because these pigments
absorb light of different wave length in the visible spectrum in between 380nm
to 750nm.