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GP 03-06-02 Piping at Control and Protective System Valve Stations Version 2.0.

1 June 2018

Piping at Control and Protective

System Valve Stations
GP 03-06-02

This Global Practice (GP) covers the layout of piping manifolds and sizing of block and bypass valves at
control and protective system valve stations.

Upstream © ExxonMobil 2018 TEC5000 Page 1 of 10

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ExxonMobil (EM) hereby licenses the use of ExxonMobil Engineering Practices System (EMEPS) Global Practices (GPs) for use by any EM division, subsidiary, or
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GPs on the EMEPS website. EM-operated Joint Ventures (JVs) may utilize the GPs to create project-specific or location-specific specifications. It is the responsibility
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GP 03-06-02 Piping at Control and Protective System Valve Stations V 2.0.1 JUN 2018

Table of Contents
1. Required References ............................................................................................ 3
1.1. Global Practices–ExxonMobil Engineering Practices ................................... 3
1.2. ISA–The International Society of Automation ............................................... 3
2. Additional Requirements ...................................................................................... 3
2.1. Global Practices–ExxonMobil Engineering Practices ................................... 3
2.2. ASME–American Society of Mechanical Engineers ..................................... 4
3. Control Valve Location ......................................................................................... 4

4. Valve Manifolds ..................................................................................................... 4

Record of Change ......................................................................................................... 7

Attachment: Purpose Code Definitions.................................................................... 10

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GP 03-06-02 Piping at Control and Protective System Valve Stations V 2.0.1 JUN 2018

1. Required References
This Section lists the Practices, codes, standards, specifications, and publications that shall be used with
this document. Unless otherwise specified herein, use the latest edition.

1.1. Global Practices–ExxonMobil Engineering Practices

GP 03-01-01 Upstream Piping Component Selection and System Design
GP 03-12-02 Valve Selection
GP 15-07-07 Upstream Protective Systems

1.2. ISA–The International Society of Automation

ISA 75.08.01 Face-to-Face Dimensions for Integral Flanged Globe-Style Control
Valve Bodies (Classes 125, 150, 250, 300, and 600)
ISA 75.08.02 Face-to-Face Dimensions for Flanged and Flangeless Rotary Control
Valves (Classes 150, 300, and 600)
ISA 75.08.05 Face-to-face Dimensions for Buttweld-End Globe-Style Control Valves
(Class 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500, and 2500)
ISA 75.08.06 Face-to-Face Dimensions for Flanged Globe-Style Control Valve Bodies
(Classes 900, 1500, and 2500)
ISA 75.08.08 Face-to-Centerline Dimensions for Flanged Globe-Style Angle Control
Valve Bodies (ANSI Classes 150, 300, and 600)
ISA 75.10.02 Installed Face-to-Face Dimensions for Dual Pinch Flanged Clamp or
Pinch Valves (Classes 125 and 150)

2. Additional Requirements
[*] This Section lists the additional Practices, codes, standards, specifications, and publications that shall
be used with this document only where specified. Unless otherwise specified herein, use the latest

2.1. Global Practices–ExxonMobil Engineering Practices

GP 15-09-01 Control Valves
GP 70-01-12 Upstream Human Factors

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GP 03-06-02 Piping at Control and Protective System Valve Stations V 2.0.1 JUN 2018

2.2. ASME–American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASME B31.3 Process Piping

3. Control Valve Location

1) [A] [O] [R] Automatic control valves shall be installed in horizontal lines. Globe and angle style
valves shall be installed with the valve actuators above the valves, and with the valve stems vertical.
Rotary style valves shall be installed with the shafts horizontal except in cryogenic services where the
shaft shall be vertical. In case of space constraints, different installation options (vertical or at an
angle) may be considered in consultation with Vendor and subject to Owner's Engineer approval.
2) [M] [O] Location of valves in the line and orientation of handwheels (per GP 15-09-01) and
instruments mounted on valves shall permit access for manual operation, emissions monitoring,
inspection, and maintenance. Clearance shall be provided around (above, below, and on the sides) the
valve/actuator assembly to permit removal of the assembly from the line for maintenance.
3) Location of valves shall be in accordance with GP 70-01-12, Section 4.5 "Walkways and Working
Platforms" and Section 4.8 "Valves."

4. Valve Manifolds
1) [A] [M] [O] Block and bypass valves shall be installed with all control valves. When approved by
Owner's Engineer, they may be omitted in applications where a process shutdown or slowdown or
manual control (hand wheels on control valves) can be tolerated. Refer to GP 03-01-01, Section 4.1
"Design Basis" and Section 6.5 "Vent and Drain Piping," and GP 03-12-02, Section 5.8 "Globe
Valves" for requirements.
2) [A] [M] [O] Use of block and bypass valves with protective system shutdown valves shall be per GP
3) [S] Protective system valve station block or bypass valves shall have a nameplate. Nameplates shall
be a minimum of 4 in. x 8 in. (10 cm x 20 cm) and securely fastened to the valve and shall be visible.
Adhesive fastening is not acceptable. Nameplate engraving shall be as follows:




4) [M] NPS 3/4 in. (1.8 cm) drain valves shall be installed between the control valve or protective system
valve and its upstream and downstream block valves, when block valves are used. Valve
requirements for drains shall be consistent with GP 03-01-01, Section 6.5 "Vent and Drain Piping,"
and GP 03-12-02.
5) The bypass line and bypass valve shall meet the following requirement:

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GP 03-06-02 Piping at Control and Protective System Valve Stations V 2.0.1 JUN 2018

a) [S] The valve shall be sized to limit the maximum flow capacity and should not exceed the
maximum required design flow.
b) [A] Globe valves that are used as a bypass valve shall be suitable for safe use in all normal and
transient operating conditions. Globe valves that are to be operated at less than 20% of their full
open position shall be reviewed and approved by the Owner’s Engineer to confirm use of suitable
vibration prevention / mitigating options. See GP 03-12-02, Section 5.8 "Globe Valves" for
6) [A] For control valves that have no downstream safety valve facilities (e.g., steam turbine steam
control valve, cooling tower water flow valve, tower recycle, and reflux control valves, etc.), the
bypass line and bypass valve size shall be determined based on service requirements subject to
Owner's Engineer approval.
7) [M] [O] The following arrangement and clearance requirements shall apply to the design of control
valve manifolds:
a) Where the control valve is line sized, minimum straight length of 6 in. (150 mm) or one pipe
diameter, whichever is larger, shall be provided both upstream and downstream of the control
b) For rotary control valves, sufficient length of straight pipe on one side of the valve to permit
removal of the line flange bolting shall be allowed.
c) If butterfly valve is used, the disk shall be able to clear inside of pipe during rotation.
d) Expander or reducing flanges shall not be used in control valve manifolds.
e) Control valve shall be installed close to grade or platform with 12 in. (300 mm) minimum
f) Adequate clearance shall be provided for rodding out of drain valve connections.
g) Foreign material in the pipeline could damage the seating surface of the valve or obstruct the
movement of the valve plug, ball, or disk, preventing the valve from proper seating. To help
reduce the possibility of a dangerous situation, all pipelines shall be cleaned before installing the
valve. Pipe scale, metal chips, welding slag, and other foreign materials shall be removed. The
control and shutdown valves shall be installed after line flushing activity is completed.
h) All shipping stops and/or protective plugs or gasket surface covers shall be removed before the
control valve and shutdown valve installation.
i) Clearance shall be provided to permit the removal of the actuator with the valve in the line. The
minimum clearance provided shall be 12 in. (300 mm).
j) Adequate support shall be provided for the control valve manifold such that the control valve or
the bypass valve may be removed without significant movement of the station piping.
k) The distance between the upstream manifold piping and the bypass valve shall be minimized.
8) [S] Block and bypass valves shall conform to the greater of the upstream or downstream line design
9) [S] [R] For control valves in flashing and high pressure vapor letdown services, the downstream
piping shall increase to the downstream line size immediately after the control valve.
10) [S] For flangeless valve installation in piping systems with a design temperature greater than 400 F
(200 C), flanges and bolting material shall be selected to have the same nominal coefficient of
thermal expansion as the body material of the valve. Flange and bolting requirements shall be
consistent with GP 03-01-01, Section 11.2 "Flanges and Flanged Joints."

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11) Location of valves in valve manifolds shall be in accordance with GP 70-01-12, Section 4.5
"Walkways and Working Platforms" and Section 4.8 "Valves."

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GP 03-06-02 Piping at Control and Protective System Valve Stations V 2.0.1 JUN 2018

Record of Change
Version 1.0.0 Date: 03/03
Location Action Description
Initial Publish.

Version 1.0.1 Date: 12/02

Customized UPST initial customization:
Section 2.1 Addition Added GP 70-01-12 as reference.
Section 3, Item Addition Item was added with following text: Location of valves shall be in
3 accordance with GP 70-01-12, Appendix F, Pipework and Valves
Section 4, Item Addition Item was added with following text: Location of valve manifolds shall be
10 in accordance with GP 70-01-12, Access to Equipment and Movement
around Facility Appendix, Pipework and Valves Section.
01/04: Global Practice version number and format updated to comply
with new process; however, original publish date remains, and no content
was modified.

Version 1.0.2 Date: 05/04

Customized UPST retained applicable customizations from Version 1.0.1 and
added the following additional customizations:
Replaced reference to GP 03-16-01 with GP 03-20-01.

Version 1.1.2 Date: 10/04

Section 1.2 Modification Replaced ISA 75.15 with ISA 75.08.05.
Replaced ISA 75.04 with ISA 75.08.02.

Version 1.2.2 Date: 08/05

Section 1.2 Modification Replaced ISA 75.03 with ISA 75.08.01.
Replaced ISA 75.16 with ISA 75.08.6.
Updated reference titles.

Version 1.2.3 Date: 07/08

Customized UPST retained applicable customizations from Version 1.2.2 and
added the following additional customizations:
Upstream Replacement References to GP 03-20-01 replaced with GP 03-01-01.

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GP 03-06-02 Piping at Control and Protective System Valve Stations V 2.0.1 JUN 2018

Version 2.0.1 Date: 06/18

General Modification Updated Purpose Codes throughout GP.
Section 1 Modification Added reference to GP 03-12-01.
Replaced ISA 75.22 with ISA 75.08.08.
Replaced ISA 75.8 with ISA 75.10.02.
Section 3, Modification Added statement on space constraints and specified approval.
Item (1)
Section 3, Modification Added reference to GP 15-09-01 and reworded statement on clearance.
Item (2)
Section 4, Modification Added reference to GP 03-12-01 and added text on manual control.
Item (1)
Section 4, Modification Reworded the paragraph and Nameplate description.
Item (3)
Section 4, Modification Added reference to GP 03-06-04.
Item (4)
Section 4, Modification Split the paragraph (into Items 5 and 6) to separate the requirements.
Item (5) Updated Rationale.
Section 4, Addition Added items on foreign material and on shipping stops and protective
Items (7g) & plugs.
Section 4, Item Modification Added reference to GP 03-16-01.
All Global Modifications To standardize the format of the Global Practices and to meet other
Practices requirements, the following changes have been implemented:
"For ExxonMobil Use Only" has been replaced with "For Company Use
A copyright waiver has been added in the first page Footer.
The definition of asterisks in the Scope has been deleted. The asterisk is
now defined in the Purpose Code attachment and is used within brackets
as other Purpose Codes.
Multiple paragraphs within a Section have been numbered.
The standard text for Required References has been modified.
The standard text for Additional Requirements has been modified.
The [S] Purpose Code has been modified.
The following Purpose Codes have been added:
[*] for additional information or decision required of Owner's
[A] for approval requirements before beginning work or finalizing
Customized UPST retained applicable customizations from Version 1.2.3 and
added the following additional customizations:
Throughout Modification Replaced reference of GP 03-06-04 to GP 03-01-01.
Replaced reference of GP 03-12-01 to GP 03-12-02.
Replaced reference of GP 15-07-02 to GP 15-07-02.

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Section 2.1 Modification Added reference to GP 70-01-12.

Section 3 Modification Added requirements for valve location.
Section 4 Modification Item (5a): Modified valve size requirements and modified Rationale.
Item (5b): Added globe valve requirements.
Item (11): Added requirements for location of valves.

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Attachment: Purpose Code Definitions

Code Description
* Assigned to paragraphs that require the Owner's Engineer to provide additional information or
make a decision.
A Assigned to paragraphs that require approval from the Owner's Engineer before the work may
proceed or the design is finalized.
C Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is reduced costs. Reduced cost in this context
refers to initial investment cost and does not include life cycle cost considerations. Life cycle cost
considerations are captured under reliability, maintainability, or operability purpose codes.
E Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is driven by environmental considerations.
Environmental considerations typically include specifications intended to protect against
emissions/leakage to the air, water, and/or soil. Deviations from the specifications contained in
such paragraphs require formal review and approval according to local environmental policy.
I Assigned to paragraphs that provide only clarifying information, such as Scope statements,
definitions of terms, etc.
M Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is to provide for maintainability of equipment or
systems. Maintainability provisions are those that facilitate the performance of maintenance on
equipment/systems either during downtimes or during onstream operations.
O Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is to assure operability of equipment or systems.
Operability is the ability of the equipment/system to perform satisfactorily even though conditions
are off-design, such as during start-ups, process swings, subcomponent malfunction, etc.
R Assigned to paragraphs whose primary purpose is to improve or assure the reliability of equipment
or systems. Reliability is a measure of the ability of equipment/systems to operate without
malfunction or failure between planned maintenance interventions.
S Assigned to paragraphs containing specifications/guidance where the primary purpose is the
avoidance of incidents impacting personnel safety, process safety, and the public in general and/or
involving responses to emergency situations. Any deviation from the specifications contained in
such designated paragraphs requires formal review and approval according to local safety policy.
Personnel Safety: Refers to the prevention of incident-related personnel injuries or illness, e.g.,
burns, cuts, abrasions, inhalation of or exposure to dangerous substances,
etc., that could result in medical treatment, restricted work, lost-time
incidents, or fatalities.
Process Safety: Refers to the prevention and control of process releases, fires, and/or
explosions that could result in damage to equipment, process disruption, or
personnel injury or illness.
Purpose Code Hierarchy: Purpose Codes assigned to a numbered item apply to all associated subitems.
Purpose codes assigned to an individual subitem apply only to that subitem.

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