Benefit Activation Form
Benefit Activation Form
Benefit Activation Form
If you wish to activate benefits on more than one account, please list the last four numbers of each account: _____________
□ Loss of Life Representative must provide death certificate indicating cause of death.
□ Involuntary Unemployment The Employment Statement below must be completed. In addition, please provide
evidence, including the date(s), of your Involuntary Unemployment (such as a letter
from employer, proof you have filed for unemployment, or a copy of your
unemployment check and/or stub). If Strike or Lockout, evidence of Involuntary
Unemployment may include a statement signed by an officer of your union.
□ Unpaid Family Leave The Employment Statement below must be completed. In addition, please provide
evidence, including the date(s), that your employer has approved the Unpaid Family
Employment Statement
Last Date Worked: ____/____/________ Return to Work Date (if know): ____/____/________
Is your interruption of employment the result of willful misconduct, criminal acts, voluntary resignation, or retirement?
YES ____ NO ____
Disability Statement
Date You First Became Disabled: ____/____/________ Date You Will Be Returned to Work: ____/____/________
Have you been deemed to be totally and permanently disabled? YES____ NO ____ If yes, provide date: ____/____/_______