ZDC 00111000014
ZDC 00111000014
ZDC 00111000014
he increasing incidence of type 2 di-
MONICA BULLÓ, BSC, PHD1,2 DOLORES CORELLA, DPHARM, PHD2,7 abetes throughout the world, closely
NANCY BABIO, BSC, PHD1,2 FERNANDO ARÓS, MD, PHD2,8 linked to westernized dietary pat-
VALENTINA RUIZ-GUTIÉRREZ, DPHARM, PHD9 terns, physical inactivity, and raising rates
PHD EMILIO ROS, MD, PHD2,10 of obesity, is a challenging health prob-
JOSEP BASORA, MD1,2,4 lem. Lifestyle changes are effective mea-
INVESTIGATORS sures to prevent diabetes, and weight loss
is the main predictor of success (1). Five
betes incidence of three non– calorie- of olive oil for cooking and dressing, 2) unsaturated fatty acid (MUFA)-to-
restricted nutritional interventions: a increased consumption of fruit, vegeta- saturated fatty acid (SFA) ratio, 3) high
low-fat diet (control diet), a MedDiet en- bles, legumes, and fish, 3) reduction in olive oil consumption (ⱖ20 g/1,000 kcal/
riched with virgin olive oil, and a MedDiet total meat consumption, recommending day), 4) high nut consumption (ⱖ10
enriched with mixed nuts. white meat instead of red or processed g/1,000 kcal/day), 5) high dietary fiber in-
meat, 4) preparation of homemade sauce take (ⱖ14 g/1,000 kcal/day), 6) substan-
RESEARCH DESIGN AND with tomato, garlic, onion, and spices tial weight loss (ⱖ5% of initial body
METHODS — The Prevención con with olive oil to dress vegetables, pasta, weight), and 7) high physical activity
Dieta Mediterránea (PREDIMED) study is rice, and other dishes, 5) avoidance of (ⱖ395 kcal/day, the top tertile). Changes
a multicenter, randomized, parallel group butter, cream, fast food, sweets, pastries, in weight and physical activity were not
primary prevention trial conducted in and sugar-sweetened beverages, and 6) in intervention goals but were assessed be-
Spain to assess the effects of two Med- alcohol drinkers, moderate consumption cause of their well-known association
Diets, supplemented with either extra vir- of red wine. with diabetes.
gin olive oil or mixed nuts, versus a low- At inclusion and quarterly thereafter, The primary outcome was new-onset
fat control diet on cardiovascular and dietitians administered both individual diabetes, diagnosed according to Ameri-
other chronic disease outcomes in indi- interviews and group sessions, separately can Diabetes Association criteria (15),
BMI, and baseline fasting glucose were as- Table 1—Characteristics of the study population at baseline
sessed using the likelihood ratio test for
multiplicative product terms introduced MedDiet with MedDiet with Control diet
in fully adjusted Cox models. Kaplan- VOO group nuts group group
Meier survival curves were plotted to es-
timate the probability of remaining free of n 139 145 134
diabetes during follow-up. Analyses were Age (years) 67.4 ⫾ 6.1 66.6 ⫾ 5.8 67.8 ⫾ 6.1
based on the intention-to-treat principle. Male sex (%) 40 47 38
All P values are two-tailed at the ⬍0.05 Current smoker (%) 11 15 15
level. Statistical analysis were performed Weight (kg) 75.3 ⫾ 10.3 76.1 ⫾ 10.5 76.2 ⫾ 11.3
with SPSS (version 17.0; SPSS, Chicago, BMI (kg/m2) 29.7 ⫾ 3.3 29.6 ⫾ 3.1 30.0 ⫾ 3.3
IL) software. Waist circumference(cm) 101.1 ⫾ 8.6 100.3 ⫾ 8.5 102.2 ⫾ 9.4
Leisure-time physical activity (kcal/day) 372 ⫾ 280 389 ⫾ 267 338 ⫾ 209
RESULTS — Of 1,125 eligible candi- Plasma biomarkers
dates, 870 fulfilled the inclusion criteria LDL cholesterol (mmol/l) 3.7 ⫾ 0.9 3.5 ⫾ 0.8 3.7 ⫾ 0.9
and entered the trial. Of these, 452 were HDL cholesterol (mmol/l) 1.5 ⫾ 0.3 1.5 ⫾ 0.4 1.5 ⫾ 0.4
mented with virgin olive oil or mixed of weight loss. In the same study (12), a ful tool for preventing diabetes. Because
nuts, respectively, compared with a con- reduction in circulating inflammatory bi- other studies have shown that the benefit
trol diet consisting of advice on a low-fat omarkers was observed in the two Med- of lifestyle modification in reducing dia-
diet. When the results of the two MedDiet Diet groups. Because chronic low-grade betes risk extends beyond the termination
groups were merged, risk reduction was inflammation is a pathogenetic factor in of active intervention (23–25), education
52%. These results extend those of prior diabetes, synergy among the anti- of the population on the MedDiet might
studies showing that lifestyle interven- inflammatory properties of the MedDiet be a safe public health approach to delay
tions can substantially reduce the inci- and those specific to virgin olive oil (18) or prevent development of diabetes as
dence of diabetes in individuals at high and nuts (19) might also be relevant to well as that of other prevalent chronic dis-
risk (2– 6). However, in these studies, the diabetes risk reduction. Regarding nuts, eases (22). Further research is needed to
interventions consisted of advice on a cal- reports from large prospective studies elucidate the mechanisms leading to dia-
orie-restricted diet plus physical activity suggest that usual intake relates inversely betes risk reduction independently of
and, except for one study (6), weight loss to future diabetes risk in women (20) but weight loss.
was a major driving force in reducing the not in men (21). No such data are avail-
incidence of diabetes. Of note, in our able for olive oil consumption and risk of
study, diabetes risk reduction occurred in diabetes. However, a former report of the Acknowledgments — This study was funded,
obtained funding, analyzed and interpreted and metformin prevent type 2 diabetes in abetes Care 2008;31(Suppl. 1):S55–S60
data, wrote the manuscript, and reviewed/ Asian Indian subjects with impaired glu- 16. Salas-Salvadó J, Fernández-Ballart J, Ros
edited the manuscript. M.I.C. conceived the cose tolerance (IDPP-1). Diabetologia E, Martínez-González MA, Fitó M, Es-
study concept and design and reviewed/edited 2006;49:289 –297 truch R, Corella D, Fiol M, Gómez-Gracia
the manuscript. D.C. conceived the study con- 7. Kastorini CM, Panagiotakos DB. Dietary E, Arós F, Flores G, Lapetra J, Lamuela-
cept and design and reviewed/edited the patterns and prevention of type 2 diabe- Raventós R, Ruiz-Gutiérrez V, Bulló M,
manuscript. F.A. conceived the study concept tes; from research to clinical practice; a Basora J, Covas MI, PREDIMED Study In-
and design and reviewed/edited the manu- systematic review. Curr Diabetes Rev vestigators. Effect of a Mediterranean diet
script. V.R.-G. conceived the study concept 2009;5:221–227 supplemented with nuts on metabolic
and design, obtained funding, and reviewed/ 8. Martínez-González MA, Bes-Rastrollo M, syndrome status: one-year results of the
edited the manuscript. E.R. conceived the Serra-Majem L, Lairon D, Estruch R, PREDIMED randomized trial. Arch Intern
study concept and design, obtained funding, Trichopoulou A. Mediterranean food pat- Med 2008;168:2449 –2458
and reviewed/edited the manuscript. tern and the primary prevention of 17. Riserus U, Willett WC, Hu FB. Dietary
We thank the participants for their enthusi- chronic disease: recent developments. fats and prevention of type 2 diabetes.
astic collaboration, the PREDIMED personnel Nutr Rev 2009;67(Suppl. 1):S111–S116 Progr Lipid Res 2009;48:44 –51
for excellent assistance, and the personnel of 9. Martínez-González MA, de la Fuente-Ar- 18. Covas MI, Konstantinidou V, Fitó M. Ol-
all affiliated primary care centers. rillaga C, Nunez-Cordoba JM, Basterra- ive oil and cardiovascular health. J Car-
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