Lecture 8a TR55
Lecture 8a TR55
Lecture 8a TR55
Using the SCS/NRCS TR-55 Method for Runoff Quantification
USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) Runoff Models
• CN modifiers
NRCS/SCS Method Development
Twin Cities, MN
= 2.75"
NRCS/SCS TR-55 Urban Runoff Model
(P − Ia )
(P − Ia ) + S
Q = runoff volume in depth in inches over the entire unit area
P = rainfall depth, in inches
Ia = initial abstraction of rainfall, in inches
S = potential maximum retention of water by soil, in inches of rainfall
NRCS/SCS TR-55 Urban Runoff Model
( P + (0.8( − 10)))
Q = runoff volume in depth in inches over the entire unit area
P = rainfall depth, in inches
CN = the NRCS curve number, as found in the TR-55 manual
S = potential maximum retention of water by soil, in inches of rainfall
TR-55 Graphical Solution – CNs
Finding A Sample Volume of Runoff
6 in of rainfall on 40
acres of land yields
runoff 1.08 inches
deep –
(1.08")(1ft/12in) (40
acres) =
– If complex cover, develop weighted CN, using the same method as generating a
weighted Rv value
Don’t forget the fine print for each table in TR-55 for
any adjustments to the CNs:
CN Composite Tables for Connected Impervious
CN Composite Tables for Disconnected Impervious
Example Runoff Calculation Using TR-55
• Example
(Figure 2-7 from
TR-55, 2nd
Example Runoff Calculation Using TR-55
• Process 1
75 acres: ½ acre lots, 35%
impervious, good condition, B-
Find Raw CNs for Given Land Areas
Decision Tree for CN Modification
• Process 1 (cont.’d)
75 acres: ½ acre lots, 35%
impervious, good condition, B-
CN Composite Tables for Connected Impervious
Decision Tree for CN Modification
• Process 2
100 acres: ½ acre lots, 35%
impervious, good condition, C-
Find Raw CNs for Given Land Areas
Decision Tree for CN Modification
• Process 2 (cont.’d)
100 acres: ½ acre lots, 35%
impervious, good condition, C-
CN Composite Tables for Connected Impervious
Composite CN Entry
1. Enter
composite CNs
found in either
Table 2-2,
Figure 2-3, or
in Figure 2-4 in
Worksheet 2
2. Repeat
process for any
other areas,
until all land
areas within
watershed are
accounted for.
Weighted Composite CN Calculation
3. Multiply each
CN by its
associated area
to get the
(CN x A), and
then sum both
those values
and areas.
5. Insert
information into
the Worksheet to
complete the
NRCS/SCS TR-55 Urban Runoff Model
1000 where,
( P − (0.2( − 10))) 2 Q = runoff volume in depth in inches over the entire unit area
Q= CN P = rainfall depth, in inches
1000 CN = the NRCS curve number, as found in the TR-55 manual
( P + (0.8( − 10))) S = potential maximum retention of water by soil, in inches of
CN rainfall
To then account for total runoff volume for the given storm
event from the area, we multiply the runoff depth (convert to
feet) by the total contributing watershed area, as follows:
1. Use the Q (calculated depth of runoff for 25-year storm event for given area
(Dyer County Tennessee) calculated in previous step = 3.48 inches, not the
storm depth!
2. Calculate runoff depth for watershed in feet: 3.48“ x (1'/12") = 0.29 feet of
3. Calculate runoff volume for given watershed area: 0.29 ft x 250 ac = 72. 5
acre-feet of runoff