Mediating Role of Green Supply Chain Management Between Lean Manufacturing Practices and Sustainable Performance
Mediating Role of Green Supply Chain Management Between Lean Manufacturing Practices and Sustainable Performance
Mediating Role of Green Supply Chain Management Between Lean Manufacturing Practices and Sustainable Performance
Manufacturing companies in today’s industrial world are seeking to use the new
manufacturing process methods. The primary goal of corporations is to achieve optimum
production while deploying minimal capital. The fundamental purpose of this study is
to examine the influence of various lean manufacturing practices on the sustainability
Edited by: performance of companies and the mediating role of green supply chain management
Ghulam Abid, (GSCM). The data was gathered using questionnaires from 250 Pakistani manufacturing
Kinnaird College for Women
University, Pakistan firms and analyzed using AMOS 25. Results demonstrate that process and equipment,
Reviewed by: product design, supplier relationships, and customer relationships significantly affect
S. S. Mantha, sustainable performance. It is also recognized that Green Supply Chain Management
K L University, India
mediates the interaction between HR processes, product design, supplier relationship,
Maria Gianni,
University of Macedonia, Greece customer relationship, and environmental performance. The findings of this study
*Correspondence: will enable managers and decision-makers of manufacturing companies to increase
Muhammad Atif sustainable efficiency and reduce waste through the use of lean manufacturing and
[email protected]
GSCM implementation.
Specialty section: Keywords: lean practices, green supply chain management, sustainable performance, social sustainability,
This article was submitted to Pakistan
Organizational Psychology,
a section of the journal
Frontiers in Psychology
Received: 07 November 2021
Accepted: 24 November 2021 Many characteristics describe the management of the supply chain by various parameters.
Published: 03 January 2022 The parameters include intense competition, an increased requirement for cleaner products,
Citation: environmental maintenance problems, and the pressure to decrease and handle waste problems.
Awan FH, Dunnan L, Jamil K, Customers’ primary demand is to use the “cleaner” products to reduce waste, environmental
Mustafa S, Atif M, Gul RF and decline, and problems related to contamination and pollution (Henao et al., 2019). “Vision for
Guangyu Q (2022) Mediating Role of
environmental sustainability” type-projects are required for maintaining a difficult advantage in
Green Supply Chain Management
Between Lean Manufacturing
the supply chain department. The main aim of prominent and successful businesses is to combine
Practices and Sustainable the two dominant strategies of “lean” and “green” for the extraction of waste and scrap produced
Performance. as a part of routine operational processes. Notable cost savings for supply chain functions may be
Front. Psychol. 12:810504. significant by merging lean and green thinking to identify, reduce, and remove the excess usage of
doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.810504 resources and the production waste (Iranmanesh et al., 2019).
Lean manufacturing is defined as “a procedure always This paper has a contribution to the literature and research
designed to lower the costs and waste products in manufacturing in two possible points. Firstly, a mindful and contextual
firms.” Huo et al. (2019) say that lean manufacturing, in their structure was disclosed, connecting the six lean practices and
words, is “a business method and procedure that can improve sustainable performance (environmental, financial, and social)
the business performance for customers’ satisfaction and improve of manufacturing firms. Secondly, we logically explain or
the line.” Research has proven that lean manufacturing has assess the mediating role of GSCM between the connection
prominent effects on the firms’ manufacturing and operation. of lean manufacturing and sustainable performance. There
There are different central practices present, which are the factors is no mediating role defined in the literature. Therefore,
for the formation of lean manufacturing (Hao et al., 2021). it is compulsory to renew the rational understanding of
Researchers are working on lean manufacturing and are keen the relationship between lean manufacturing practices and
to find other best ways for lean manufacturing. They have sustainable performance and GSCM. This paper also has a
recommended different lean practices for industries such as those remarkable contribution for managers. It can guide managers
surrounding electronics and the automotive sector. Rathore et al. to adopt the best lean approach to increase and improve the
(2020) and many other researchers identified many main areas sustainable performance of their firm by implementing GSCM.
for lean production, and they suggested that these lean practices
can be implemented in different manufacturing sectors. LITERATURE REVIEW
Different research types have revealed the interconnection
between lean manufacturing and environmental performance Lean Manufacturing Practices and
and performance related to finance. These researches have two Sustainable Performance
main restrictions (Huo et al., 2019). First, it is noticed that in past Kamble et al. (2020) used value stream mapping (VSM) to
literature, there is less focus on the impact of lean manufacturing give evidence of the development of lean (waste elimination)
practices on the sustainability performance of the firm. To manufacturing. The research of the authors compares the current
work within a competitive environment and keep balance in state and future roadmaps for knowledge about the advantages
the working environment, manufacturing organizations should of lean manufacturing, and their research has clearly shown and
have equilibrium in their environmental, economic, and social predicted the value of steam metrics.
performance (Chavez et al., 2020). The manufactures must have Another parameter of maintenance and sustainability is
the capability to learn that lean practices include noticeable the interconnection between lean manufacturing and financial
positive impacts on different parameters of maintenance and performance as discussed according to the previous research.
not only a single parameter. Secondly, most of the research Orji and Liu (2020) described a more significant contribution to
done previously has conducted a test that has the effect the financial returns. There will be more cost reduction through
of overall lean manufacturing on organization performance waste reduction because of the endowment to the environment
(Kovilage, 2021). The main picture that shows the impact on by lean manufacturing. According to Hussain et al. (2019), lean
firm performance is indicated by the interconnection between manufacturing also provides information on the importance of
sustainable performance and these lean manufacturing practices pollution reduction and contributes to financial performance
with multiple branches in different areas of the firm (Habidin besides reducing waste management costs. There is a positive
et al., 2013). response to lean manufacturing and financial performance in the
In recent years, the fast industrial refurbishment has made its research article (Burawat, 2019).
way to have negative impacts related to environmental issues, Social performance is another perspective of maintenance,
including greenhouse gas emissions, poisonous pollution, and and besides the requirement of lean manufacturing, there is
chemical overflow (Henao et al., 2019). In acknowledging the also demand for social performance by customers for improving
growing global environmental awareness, GSCM has made the financial and environmental results (Sajan et al., 2017).
itself clear as a point that takes the maintainable elements Research must be done on social responsibility along with
and combined with the environmental issues for the upstream lean manufacturing to emphasize their importance. In some
and downstream supply chain to have intra-and inter-firm literature, there is a concept about lean manufacturing that
management (Hartini and Ciptomulyono, 2015). To reduce the reduces stress, increases responsible autonomy, and leads to some
environmental waste in organizations and improve ecological inborn motivation. It also leads to some passionate work (Ben
performance, the green prototype intentionally decreases Ruben et al., 2019).
environmental issues and disputable ecological impacts.
Researchers and practitioners are focusing on and giving their Green Supply Chain Management
intentions on environmentally conscious business practices. GSCM is research mainly aimed to merge the environmental
Iranmanesh et al. (2019) showed the lean scheme’s effect on all requirements into supply chain management options. This was
the phases of a product’s life series. By raising the ecological the first and fundamental proposal given by Michigan State
efficiency and decreasing the environmental insecurity, issues, University in 1996. Bai et al. (2019) wanted to combine the lean
and impact, lean scheme on the performance of GSCM has risen manipulation efforts with financial performance as identified by
to the surface as a new and prominent prototype for projects awards and stock market returns. Lean management initiatives
to achieve the objectives of profitable yields and market share described the positive and negative results for market gains and
(Pearce et al., 2018). the cost savings. There are some mixed results, as shown by
lean management and financial performances. There are some of the conceptual framework. This conduction proved that the
identical facts described according to Vinodh et al. (2016) as initiatives taken for the conduction are appropriate for the lean
matching the above-described results. There are some positively and green framework. These results were of higher scores, which
associated market reactions for the munificent environmental proved a good interconnection between green production and
gifts. There are also negative impacts for voluntary emissions lean production (Stekelorum et al., 2021).
depletion, and ISO 14001 certifications are also related to positive
market reactions (Helleno et al., 2017). This research type is
related to the markets having different responses for different
Relationship Between Process and
categories of lean inventiveness. Vanichchinchai (2019) suggested Equipment and Sustainable Performance
that the implementation of lean inventiveness could remove Some representatives have the intention of developing a regular
or lessen unseen waste and unproductive operations. They and streamlined flow for the manufacturing process. These
strengthen the overlaps and regularity with the management are the processes and equipment which show improvement
programs’ policies and technologies, skeletal systems, and other capabilities, such as the usage of equipment that is “error-proof,”
programs related to qualitative management. cycle time reduction, availability, and the assurance of machines
Hartini and Ciptomulyono (2015) claimed that there are (Mathiyazhagan et al., 2021). Waste material and defects are
five different parameters of GSCM, including other strategic developed as a result of incorrect processing and over-processing.
plans like lean tasks, lean format, lean production, reverse False processing and over-processing in machinery result in
logistics, and waste manipulation plans. This literature is high-risk materials, an increase in water consumption, and the
concerned with the issues and has a short introduction about depletion of energy. According to Tripathi et al. (2021), that
the management plans related to the supply chain field and the above-mentioned proves and equipment have a better effect
a brief description of the GSCM discipline, lean designs, and as they have the focal points related to the development of a
lean operations. The paper also emphasizes the importance of better environment and also an asset in the identification of spills
lean processes for the motives of the organization. Through and leaks and help to decrease the defects and energy usage by
their research, Vinodh et al. (2016) depicted that green and depletion of pollution. Many benefits have been observed as a
lean principles have a significant contribution toward pollution result of the implementation of process and equipment practices
control. Implementing both projects in the same period can (Chavez et al., 2020). The asset is the lack of water and energy
contribute more toward the performance of operations than usage. Along with that, they have better effects on the activities of
implementing the two sequentially. They can solve issues and the firm, which leads to the improvement in the environment of
have restrictions on practices. The research of Huo et al. the firm and helps provide a healthy environment. Therefore, it
(2019) is based on the manufacturing sector of Asian Emerging is said according to the hypothesis that:
Economics (AEEs) to study the interconnection between GSCM H1: Process and Equipment have a significant impact on
practices and organizational performance. The findings revealed Sustainable Performance.
the fact that apart from the better understanding of the
main three parameters: economic, environmental, and social
areas, the GSCM practices-performance relationships are greatly Relationship Between Planning and
moderated by industrial facts such that their type, organization Control and Sustainable Performance
structure and size, certification related to ISO, and the export Scheduling strategies are linked with the planning and control
orientation. This main aim of this literature is to step in and start practices in lean manufacturing to manufacture and coordinate
updating the academic field by acquiring the meta-analysis mode market demand. There are many factors that are assets to the
for confirming the GSCM practice presentation relationships in achievement of a higher production rate (Sakthi Nagaraj and
the production sector of AEE as the meta-analysis technique is Jeyapaul, 2020). The main areas of waste are the scheduling
not yet applied in the management of the supply chain. Moreover, and depletions in the initial materials and workforce usage,
this research study also motivates managers and policymakers to which are the critical concern of lean planning and control.
adopt GSCM practices for improving firm performance (Singh The primary concern of effective schedules gives effective results.
et al., 2020). The smoother flow of production, which is obtained as the
Haiyun et al. (2021) suggested that lean practice contributes elimination of imbalances in the production line, is also the best
to combating global warming as it is an asset in decreasing the result of small lot sizing (Iqbal et al., 2020). The depletion of
international factors of production, i.e., pollution. Much research waste from overproduction and the reduction in storage is also
and study results have proved that lean operations and transport possible as the consequences of the methods such as Kanban
have successfully reduced pollution and increased efficiency. and lot size depletion. The delivery time is not being affected
This primary environmental concern is to limit the excesses of by the implementation of lean and control practices. They
carbon dioxide emission, and these lean practices have made it help in the diminution of materials and components that are
possible through higher usage of resources in a short period. part of the manufacturing process. Jermsittiparsert et al. (2020)
Bhatia and Gangwani (2021) proposed an idea to estimate and also suggested that the pull advancement significantly reduces
judge the progress or development of businesses in terms of lean waste caused by the damaged products and minimizes the work
implementation. For this estimation, ∼5 different organizations process and floor space utilization. Hence, the above-mentioned
were considered for the case study related to the verification statement that the implementation could minimize process waste
and fault material of planning and control practices. Accordingly, are solved, then this is an asset to achieve a certain level
the following hypothesis is posited: of performance (Mellado and Lou, 2020). Best environmental,
social, and financial performance is possible by developing
H2: Planning and Control has a significant impact on
innovative technologies, which can be possible by developing
Sustainable Performance.
relationships with the supplier. The development of productivity
and environmental performance is also possible through the
Relationship Between HR Practice and
implementation of supplier relationships. Less energy usage,
Sustainable Performance fewer defects, and waste reduction are possible if there are
The significant development of the proper work atmosphere supplier interconnection best practices, as mentioned by Yadav
and human capital evolution results from HR practices’ best et al. (2020). This results in better and more compatible
implementation (Rathore et al., 2020). The lean objectives enhancement. Closer interconnection with suppliers provides
are employees’ authority, involvement, autonomous problem a chance to increase the suppliers’ accomplishments, which
solving, self-directed work teams, problem-solving groups, and can assist in developing the best environmental performance
formal training plans. HR is the basis of quality enhancement through innovative practices and materials. Therefore, it is
programs that are founded as the result of lean manufacturing hypothesized that
implementation. Kumar et al. (2020) showed that HR has
a prominent effect on pollution and waste depletion. If the H5: Supplier Relationship practices have a significant impact
organization has trained and self-disciplined employees, it can on Sustainable Performance.
have better usage of resources and efficient waste reduction.
An organization’s financial performance can be improved by Relationship Between Customer
providing the employees the authority to take action for the Relationship and Sustainable Performance
reduction of waste and pollution, which is only applicable by the The firm aims to develop long-term relationships with the
implementation of HR. This leads to the following hypothesis: customers to increase customer satisfaction and manage their
H3: HR Practices has a significant impact on complaints, and this is applicable by the implementation of
Sustainable Performance. effective customer relationships (Gul et al., 2021). What are
the needs of the customer? And how the loyalty products,
Relationship Between Product Design and services, and the process can be provided? The answer to
Sustainable Performance these issues is possible through a close relationship with the
customers involving their opinions on product design and other
Multifunctional pattern teams, design for production, product
information related to the output of the firm. Loyalty products
modularization, and parts of some high merit are the item
and services mark a differentiation from other providers and
designs implemented in lean manufacturing (Jamil et al., 2021a).
thus also add value. Customers play an important and efficient
This product design’s primary concern is to provide easy access
role in developing innovative manufacturing systems, which
for the manufacturing of product maintenance by decreasing
led to the development of the lean manufacturing concept
the material usage that results in the smooth and linear
(Jamil et al., 2021b). Good customer relationships lead to the
manufacturing process and makes the best use of firms’ resources
importance of the dissemination of environmental and social
(Sahu et al., 2020). This product design is also an asset in
manufacturing practices that can improve social and ecological
depressing power usage by making product design with a joined-
performance. The importance of social and environmental
up part of the current production process. For the best and
practices strategies is the need for higher accounts and is
most effective achievement of this, all waste materials must
highly recommended by the customers. A closer relationship
be extracted. Buer et al. (2021) invented a positive connection
between the suppliers and customers is possible and accessible
between the design format and firms; economic results. This leads
by providing clear production, as indicated by Mohsin et al.
to the following hypothesis:
(2021). The enhancement and improvement in the social,
H4: Product Design has a significant impact on environmental, and financial performance are possible by the
Sustainable Performance. interlinkage of suppliers, workers, and customers for the study,
development, and partnership. As such, the following hypothesis
Relationship Between Supplier is developed:
Relationship and Sustainable Performance H6: Customer Relationship has a significant impact on
Supplier Relationship is concerned with the dealings of suppliers
Sustainable Performance.
regarding several tasks such as concerns about quality, ensuring
just-in-time delivery, long term interconnection, and supplier
concern about the product format and evolution proves to The Mediating Role of Green Supply Chain
respond to the suppliers’ performance (Naseem et al., 2020). Management
There is importance for implementing supplier relationship As a result of lean manufacturing and more efficient procedures,
practices such as face-to-face decisions and transmission related there has been a significant decrease in emissions from
to the production, which is the primary concern of firms transportation and production activities. Carbon dioxide is a
for solving the supplier performance issues. If these issues greenhouse gas, which contributes to climate change and is
a worldwide issue. Reducing the amount of carbon dioxide practices. According to Ikumapayi et al. (2020), sustainability is
released into the atmosphere is one way to combat global the next productivity stage of lean management to encourage
warming and pollution (Jamil et al., 2021b). As a consequence and motivate external waste to decrease the GSCM and improve
of reducing waste, lean manufacturing may assist in reducing social conditions globally. Lean practice can be implemented in
pollution since it reduces cycle times and increases resource the industries and across the supply chain, aiming for orderly
utilization. To evaluate firms in terms of their supply chain distribution and delivery (Tiwari et al., 2020). This can eliminate
implementation, Sarfraz et al. (2021) suggested an evaluation waste, and improve the quality and customer service at all stages
system. The conceptual framework was validated by conducting of the supply chain. Hence, we proposed the following hypotheses
a multiple case study of five distinct manufacturing companies. (see Figure 1 for all relationships).
The research found that organizations with high ratings have
H7: GSCM significantly mediates the relationship of
a solid relationship between green and lean implementation.
(a) Process equipment, (b) Manufacturing Planning, (c)
According to the findings, the conceptual framework’s green
Product Design, (d) Supplier Relationship, and (e) Customer
and lean assessment framework is well-represented by its
Relationship on Sustainable Performance.
chosen projects.
The main achievement and the goal of lean management are
to provide innovative products and services useful in quality and
lesser in cost. According to this lean context, waste is described as
“something other than the required amount of equipment, stuff Data Collection and Sample Size
like materials, parts, resources, and time (Dunnan et al., 2020). The study’s sampling frame includes all manufacturing units
These are important parameters for adding value to the product.” in Pakistan that have implemented lean practices within
Transport, inventory, motion, waiting, over-processing, and the production process. A well-structured questionnaire was
overproduction are waste parameters that are included in the delivered to the general manager, production managers, and
forms of waste. These are all non- value-adding operations the senior manager directly involved with the manufacturing
that impact quality and performance, but customers are not process. They have the best knowledge and experience to
concerned with such problems. Organizations working on lean respond to lean practices. As lean is a multidimensional
practices have implemented these practices in different sectors to approach, different departmental managers such as the HR
improve efficiency and competitiveness (Viles et al., 2021). The department, customer care department, supply chain, logistics,
GSCM has many benefits, and there is proof in this literature and engineering department were involved in filling the
regarding the benefits of lean practices. The benefits of these lean questionnaire. The list of manufacturing units was obtained from
practices can be derived by spreading lean practices through lean the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan (SECP).
By keeping in view the sample size, the study used a well- TABLE 1 | Model fit indices.
reputed and globally implemented sample size formula focusing
Fitness indices Measure Measurement Structural Threshold
on a finite population introduced by Krejcie and Morgan (1970). model model values
Furthermore, to improve the generalizability of the findings,
questionnaires were delivered to 350 targeted respondents in Chi-square/df CMIN/DF 2.345 1.45 <3.00
different manufacturing firms, from which 250 complete and (CMIN/DF)
usable questionnaires were received back with a response rate Comparative fit index CFI 0.939 0.999 >0.95
of 71%. Standardized root SRMR 0.078 0.071 <0.08
Descriptive analysis shows that 40% of the respondents were mean square residual
from the textile sector, 15% were pharmaceutical, 15% were from Root mean-square RMSEA 0.068 0.061 <0.06
error of approximation
food processing, 10% were from the chemical sector, 10% were
P-value P-Close 0.05 0.058 >0.05
from the automotive sector, and 10 % were from others.
TABLE 3 | Discriminant validity. are statistically significant at the 0.01 level. This supports H7c,
H7d, H7e, and H7f of this study (see Table 4).
PD 0.000 0.126
The findings of the current study are in line with the
HRP 0.011 0.213 0.69
investigations of Panizzolo (1998) and Dieste et al. (2020), who
CR 0.172 0.358 0.044 0.111
proved that there is a dominant impact of over-processing
GSCM 0.003 0.112 0.758 0.739 0.043
and the usage of old machinery also give out the depletion
SR 0.004 0.088 0.205 0.160 0.059 0.148
of energy and resources and also enhance the production of
SUS 0.036 0.090 0.680 0.703 0.065 0.793 0.162
emissions. To create a uniform and streamlined flow in the
production process, some practices are required. Those practices
include cycle time depletion, decreasing set-up times, order
values of model fitness, recommended by Hair et al. (2014). and cleaning, and the usage of “error-proof ” methods. The
The Confirmatory factor analysis findings confirm the goodness environmental advantages of lean manufacturing and production
of model fit indices meet the criteria (see Table 1). In the can be increased by implementing the value stream mapping
next step, the standardized path values were estimated after the through fewer problems, lower energy usage, and less wear. This
confirmation of goodness model fit indices of the structural proposal furnishes with the procedure for better development,
model using the maximum likelihood method in AMOS 25. cleaning, and categorizing the work environment, which moves
First, we assessed the direct relationships before looking at the to the fast authorization of system problems such as leaks and
mediation effects. The results reveal that PAE was positively depletion in the chemicals and materials used (Sakthi Nagaraj
related to sustainable performance (β = 0.144, p < 0.01) but and Jeyapaul, 2020). Furthermore, manufacturing firms can
MPC (β = −0.013, p = 0.803) and HRP (β = 0.025, p = improve their performance by lowering their energy usage and
0.800) were not significantly related to sustainable performance, implementing the lean process and equipment practices.
which supports H1. In contrast, H2 and H3 are not supported. The above results of this study have made the point clear
Furthermore, for H4, H5, and H6: PD (β = 0.153, p = 0.031), that planning and control practices have no prominent effect on
SR (β = 0.216, p < 0.01), and CR (β = 0.265, p < 0.01) were sustainable performance, especially in the textile and chemical
also positively related to sustainable performance giving support sectors because these two require more planning and control
for H4, H5, and H6 of our study. Also, we have two endogenous practices. This may be why there are more negative aspects to
constructs in our model GSCM and sustainable performance. the market than positive aspects because the chemical sector
The R2 for GSCM was 0.640 (Q2 = 0.254), and sustainable requires a more controlled environment. According to the study
performance was 0.719 (Q2 = 374), which indicates that their of Mojumder and Singh (2021), the frequent changeover requires
predictors can explain 64, 69.2, and 0.71.9% of the variance more usage of material and the high pressure on employees for lot
in the respective constructs. Q2 values >0 indicate sufficient size reduction in manufacturing and control practice. According
predictive relevance. to Haiyun et al. (2021), the side issues of planning and control
Similarly, to assess the mediating relations, six mediating practices impact the environment more than the benefits such as
relationships were proposed. These linkages were proposed to Kanban and visual control.
check the mediating effects of GSCM in the relationships among The interconnection between HR practices and sustainable
the dimensions of lean practices and sustainable performance. performance was not proved in this study as in the chemical
The estimated results from mediation testing are presented in and food sectors there is necessarily more focus on the latest
Table 4. To test the mediation effect, we used the bootstrapping technology irrespective of human resource participation. This
the indirect effect method (Preacher and Hayes, 2008) with result does not follow the findings of Vanichchinchai (2019),
a 5,000 resample and validate the mediation hypotheses 7a which lead to the concept that HR practices can lead to lower
to 7f. The indirect effect of PAE → GSCM → sustainable contamination and waste production, especially in the textile
performance (β = −0.009, p = 0.525, BCI LL = −0.043 & BCI sector. The team leadership and the importance of workers
UL = 0.020) and MPC → GSCM → sustainable performance for preventing pollution are essential concepts provided by
(β = −0.006, p = 0.505, BCI LL = −0.029& BCI UL = Ghosh (2013). According to his research, team advancement—
0.021) indicating the indirect effect is statistically insignificant. comprising engineers, managers, and production staff—can
which do not give support for H7a and H7b of this study. play an important role in reducing scrap and improving
Furthermore, for H7c, H7d, H7e, and H7f, the results reveal environmental results. Hussain et al. (2019) contributed the
that GSCM significantly mediates the relationship between HRP evidence supporting the importance of HR agreement in
and sustainable performance (β =0.065, p = 0.019), PD and his research, having found that involving the employees and
sustainable performance (β =0.094, p<0.01), SR and sustainable granting them the best educational training can lead to a
performance (β =0.085, p<0.01) and, CR and sustainable better environmental approach. Trained and experienced staff
performance (β =0.050, p<0.01), indicating the indirect effects learn better and have a better capacity to solve problems that
PAE, Process and Equipment; MPC, Manufacturing Planning and Control; HRP, HR Practices; PD, Product Design; SR, Supplier Relationship; CR, Customer Relationship; SAP,
Sustainable Performance; GSCM, Green Supply Chain Management.
can prevent pollution and reduce materials usage. Hence both the customers and increase the level of satisfaction, there is a need
positive and negative aspects are present, which can show to meet the customer’s social and environmental demands.
that there is no essential relation between HR practice and As discussed earlier by Singh et al. (2020), if a firm wants
sustainable performance. to get significant results from lean practices, then it should
The above results have shown a positive relationship between adopt GSCM, which helps to get sustainable performance.
product design and sustainable performance. The product So, in the present study, GSCM proposed a mediator to
design aims to eliminate unnecessary steps and increase the increase lean practices, leading to enhanced sustainability
simplification of the process. Product design practices can performance (Kamble et al., 2020). This study shows that GSCM
contribute to resource usage and increase the level of supercity mediates the relationship between HR practices, product design,
by decreasing or eliminating the waste from the production supplier relationships, customer relationships, and sustainable
process. This can have a better effect on the work pressure. The performance. The results express that lean practices such as HR
main focus is to reduce waste by adequately implementing the practices, product design, supplier relationship, and customer
product design practices (Pearce et al., 2018). Organizations that relationship significantly impact sustainable performance if a
want better performance and wanted to minimize waste must firm uses GSCM and the reason of having no mediation role of
implement the product design practices. GSCM between process and equipment, manufacturing planning
According to the above results, the other factor that positively and control, and sustainable performance that the concept of lean
impacts sustainable performance is supplier relationship and GSCM within Pakistani manufacturing firms is at an initial
practices. According to Samad et al. (2021), supply maintenance stage. According to Mojumder and Singh (2021), lean practices
practices can extract the waste and increase inventory usage by take a long time to take part in the firm’s sustainable performance.
depleting the variability in supply. There is a need to have a close The primary demand of this research was to indicate
working relationship with the suppliers for the early stage of the interconnection between lean manufacturing practices and
development and increase process quality and waste reduction. the sustainable performance of the production companies
The exchange of information and communication with the of Pakistan by having a GSCM as a mediator. The above
suppliers can increase the supplier’s ability to learn about the results have proved that product design, supplier design, and
requirements needed for the best products in the industry. customer relationships have tremendous impacts on sustainable
The above results have also proved a positive impact performance. The positive effects of GSCM on sustainable
on customer relationships on sustainable performance. The performance are because of the impact of process and supplier
adoption of customer relationships in the organization can lead relationships (Stekelorum et al., 2021).
to the implementation of the best manufacturing practices, Working toward GSCM as a potential tool to improve
according to Helleno et al. (2017). For a better image of the sustainability of organizations, the results showed a small
the organization in society’s eyes and to have the best incremental difference but a considerable improvement in
relationship with the customers, the implementation of customer organizations’ sustainability indicators (Orji and Liu, 2020).
relationships is efficiently needed in the organization. To satisfy To sustain a business, it is necessary to properly utilize
human resources, produce better designed products, and environments can be relatively well-studied, as the present
improve customer relations. Different aspects of the lean and studies suggest.
green strategies have been studied as they can be used to
support organizational sustainability (Kovilage, 2021). The study LIMITATIONS AND FUTURE RESEARCH
highlights the significance of the GSCM in organizational
sustainability through environmental performance, economic Although the study has achieved its objectives, certain limitations
performance, and social performance in Pakistan. Thinking need to be considered to generalize its findings. First of all,
Lean can increase exceptional performance in the organization the study’s nature is cross-sectional, which cannot show the
only when a negligent focus is placed on waste identification dynamic nature of sustainable performance. There is a need
and elimination. for a longitudinal study that can present a clear picture of
lean manufacturing practices and their impact on sustainable
PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS performance. The samples were also limited to Pakistan only, and
there is a need to implement this model in other countries before
The findings of this study provided the best endowment it can be generalized.
for managers. These findings will enable the managers and
decision-makers of manufacturing companies to increase DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
sustainable efficiency and reduce waste through the use of lean
manufacturing and GSCM implementation. The managers The raw data supporting the conclusions of this
have to understand different terms related to the progress of article will be made available by the authors, without
the organization. This can help the managers take a step to undue reservation.
add a significant contribution toward the progress of the firm
by implementing the manufacturing model practices. There AUTHOR CONTRIBUTIONS
are positive effects of process and equipment, product design,
and supplier relationship on the sustainable performance of All authors listed have made a substantial, direct, and intellectual
the company; hence, these practices must be implemented by contribution to the work and approved it for publication.
managers for their positive effect. To increase the impact of
process and equipment, there must be the implementation of FUNDING
GSCM development by managers of the organization. This
literature has emphasized lean manufacturing practices from the This work was partly supported by National Social Science
research view and has highlighted the interconnection between Foundation of China (No. 19ZDA081).
GSCM and sustainable performance.
Readers will come to know the practical significance of SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL
small incremental improvements and innovative activities that
consider green supply chain management and that relate to better The Supplementary Material for this article can be found
manufacturing and service turns into a mediator. Besides, the online at:
significance of lean and green strategies in real manufacturing 2021.810504/full#supplementary-material
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