Mapeh 10 W1-3
Mapeh 10 W1-3
Mapeh 10 W1-3
E. Activities/ Strategy/ies: E.Activities/ Strategy/ies: E.Activities/ Strategy/ies: E.Activities/ Strategy/ies: E.Activities/ Strategy/ies:
. Activity 1: WHAT’S IN Discussion Warm-up Exercise Activity 1: My Source of
ME!!!! Quiz Sports Activity Activity 1: Let’s Go Shopping
Activity 1: My Way of
Activity 2. WORD GAME:
F. Assessment: F.Assessment: F.Assessment: F.Assessment: F.Assessment:
Assessment Notebook: Assessment Notebook: Assessment Notebook: Assessment Notebook: Assessment Notebook:
Formative Notebook: pp.____ Formative Notebook: pp.____ Formative Notebook: pp.____ Formative Notebook: pp.____ Formative Notebook: pp.____
Summative Notebook: pp.___ Summative Notebook: pp.___ Summative Notebook: pp.___ Summative Notebook: pp.___ Summative Notebook: pp.___
G. Remarks: G.Remarks: G.Remarks: G.Remarks: G.Remarks:
No. of learners Within the Mastery No. of learners Within the No. of learners Within the No. of learners Within the No. of learners Within the
level:_____ Mastery level:_____ Mastery level:_____ Mastery level:_____ Mastery level:_____
No. of Learners Needing No. of Learners Needing No. of Learners Needing No. of Learners Needing No. of Learners Needing
Remediation/intervention:____ Remediation/intervention:____ Remediation/intervention:____ Remediation/intervention:____ Remediation/intervention:____
Conduct of Classes: Conduct of Classes: Conduct of Classes: Conduct of Classes: Conduct of Classes:
YES(If lesson is conducted YES(If lesson is conducted YES(If lesson is conducted YES(If lesson is conducted YES(If lesson is conducted
proceed to the next lesson as proceed to the next proceed to the next proceed to the next proceed to the next
stated) lesson as stated) lesson as stated) lesson as stated) lesson as stated)
NO(State Reason on NO(State Reason on NO(State Reason on NO (State Reason on NO (State Reason on
non-conduct) non-conduct) non-conduct) non-conduct) non-conduct
New Schedule for this
competencies to be New Schedule for this New Schedule for this New Schedule for this New Schedule for this
taught: competencies to be competencies to be competencies to be competencies to be
Refer to taught: taught: taught: taught:
Week:___Day____ Refer to Refer to Refer to Refer to
of the DLL Week:___Day____ Week:__Day____ Week:___Day____ Week:____Day___
of the DLL of the DLL of the DLL of the DLL
E.Activities/ Strategy/ies: E.Activities/ Strategy/ies: E.Activities/ Strategy/ies: E.Activities/ Strategy/ies: E.Activities/ Strategy/ies:
WHAT IS IT SCULPTURES OR ARCHITECTURE” Activity 1: “Arrange Me “ Activity 2: Think About It
Activity 1.1: I FILL IN LOVE Directions: Analyze and arrange TRUE OR FALSE: Write T if the
WITH MUSIC! the scrambled letters to form a statement is true or F if it is
Activity 1.2: MATCH ME! word. This is the test where you false. Use your activity
Activity 1.3: CONCEPT MAP! can remember the benefits in notebook.
Activity 1.1: MUSICAL participating in recreational
F. Assessment: F.Assessment: F.Assessment: F.Assessment: F.Assessment:
Assessment Notebook: Assessment Notebook: Assessment Notebook: Assessment Notebook: Assessment Notebook:
Formative Notebook: pp.____ Formative Notebook: pp.____ Formative Notebook: pp.____ Formative Notebook: pp.____ Formative Notebook: pp.____
Summative Notebook: pp.___ Summative Notebook: pp.___ Summative Notebook: pp.___ Summative Notebook: pp.___ Summative Notebook: pp.___
G. Remarks: G.Remarks: G.Remarks: G.Remarks: G.Remarks:
No. of learners Within the Mastery No. of learners Within the No. of learners Within the No. of learners Within the No. of learners Within the
level:_____ Mastery level:_____ Mastery level:_____ Mastery level:_____ Mastery level:_____
No. of Learners Needing No. of Learners Needing No. of Learners Needing No. of Learners Needing No. of Learners Needing
Remediation/intervention:____ Remediation/intervention:____ Remediation/intervention:____ Remediation/intervention:____ Remediation/intervention:____
Conduct of Classes: Conduct of Classes: Conduct of Classes: Conduct of Classes: Conduct of Classes:
YES(If lesson is conducted YES(If lesson is conducted YES(If lesson is conducted YES(If lesson is conducted YES(If lesson is conducted
proceed to the next lesson as proceed to the next proceed to the next proceed to the next proceed to the next
stated) lesson as stated) lesson as stated) lesson as stated) lesson as stated)
NO(State Reason on NO(State Reason on NO(State Reason on NO (State Reason on NO (State Reason on
non-conduct) non-conduct) non-conduct) non-conduct) non-conduct
New Schedule for this
competencies to be New Schedule for this New Schedule for this New Schedule for this New Schedule for this
taught: competencies to be competencies to be competencies to be competencies to be
Refer to taught: taught: taught: taught:
Week:___Day____ Refer to Refer to Refer to Refer to
of the DLL Week:___Day____ Week:__Day____ Week:___Day____ Week:____Day___
of the DLL of the DLL of the DLL of the DLL
K. Activities/ Strategy/ies: E.Activities/ Strategy/ies: E.Activities/ Strategy/ies: E.Activities/ Strategy/ies: E.Activities/ Strategy/ies:
Activity 1: WHAT’S IN ME!!!! Pretest A. Directions: Identify WEEKLY ASSESSMENT
Activity 1: My Way of WHAT IS IT what is being described in each
Improvisation! item by filling in the missing
Activity 2. WORD GAME: WHATS MORE letters to form the correct
REMEMBER ME IN 3! answer. Write your answers in
your activity not
L. Assessment: F.Assessment: F.Assessment: F.Assessment: F.Assessment:
Assessment Notebook: Assessment Notebook: Assessment Notebook: Assessment Notebook: Assessment Notebook:
Formative Notebook: pp.____ Formative Notebook: pp.____ Formative Notebook: pp.____ Formative Notebook: pp.____ Formative Notebook: pp.____
Summative Notebook: pp.___ Summative Notebook: pp.___ Summative Notebook: pp.___ Summative Notebook: pp.___ Summative Notebook: pp.___
M. Remarks: G.Remarks: G.Remarks: G.Remarks: G.Remarks:
No. of learners Within the Mastery No. of learners Within the No. of learners Within the No. of learners Within the No. of learners Within the
level:_____ Mastery level:_____ Mastery level:_____ Mastery level:_____ Mastery level:_____
No. of Learners Needing No. of Learners Needing No. of Learners Needing No. of Learners Needing No. of Learners Needing
Remediation/intervention:____ Remediation/intervention:____ Remediation/intervention:____ Remediation/intervention:____ Remediation/intervention:____
Conduct of Classes: Conduct of Classes: Conduct of Classes: Conduct of Classes: Conduct of Classes:
YES(If lesson is conducted YES(If lesson is conducted YES(If lesson is conducted YES(If lesson is conducted YES(If lesson is conducted
proceed to the next lesson as proceed to the next proceed to the next proceed to the next proceed to the next
stated) lesson as stated) lesson as stated) lesson as stated) lesson as stated)
NO(State Reason on NO(State Reason on NO(State Reason on NO (State Reason on NO (State Reason on
non-conduct) non-conduct) non-conduct) non-conduct) non-conduct
New Schedule for this
competencies to be New Schedule for this New Schedule for this New Schedule for this New Schedule for this
taught: competencies to be competencies to be competencies to be competencies to be
Refer to taught: taught: taught: taught:
Week:___Day____ Refer to Refer to Refer to Refer to
of the DLL Week:___Day____ Week:__Day____ Week:___Day____ Week:____Day___
of the DLL of the DLL of the DLL of the DLL