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I. OBJECTIVES (June 03, (June 04, (June 05,
(June 06, 2019) (June 07, 2019)
2019) 2019) 2019)

Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of

ways of sorting materials and ways of sorting materials and ways of sorting materials and ways of sorting materials and
Content Standards describing them as describing them as describing them as describing them as
solid,liquid,or gas based on solid,liquid,or gas based on solid,liquid,or gas based on solid,liquid,or gas based on
their observable properties. their observable properties. their observable properties. their observable properties.

Be able to group common Be able to group common Be able to group common Be able to group common
objects found at home and in objects found at home and in objects found at home and in objects found at home and in
Performance Standards
school according to school according to
No Classes - El'd Fitre school according to school according to
solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas.

Name different objects around

us Describe solids according to Name solids of different Compare and classify solids
Learning Competencies / Classify the objects based on their color. shapes. according to size. Classify solids according to
Objectives their characteristics S3MT-Ia-b-1 S3MT-Ia-b-1 S3MT-Ia-b-1 texture.

Matter Comparing and Classifying

II. CONTENT Solids According to Colour Solids of Different Shapes Solids According to Texture
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages CG p. 17 of 64 CG p. 17 of 65 CG p. 17 of 66 CG p. 17 of 67 CG p. 17 of 68
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials Growing with Science and Growing with Science and Growing with Science and Growing with Science and Growing with Science and
from Learning Resources Health Health Health Health Health
B. Other Learning Resources Charts,laptop Charts,laptop Charts,laptop Charts,laptop Charts,laptop

A. Reviewing previous Ask the pupils to copy the

lesson or presenting the What objects can you see? Checking of Assignment table on the board on their
new lesson paper.

B. Establishing a purpose What do you see around you? Show these two pictures to the
Pick five solids on your bag.
for the lesson Can you name it? class.

C. Presenting Show powerpoint Teacher place different objects

Show a ruler and meter stick.
Examples/instances of new presentation/video clips about with different colours on the Sing the song “ I Have”. Show real objects of solids.
Compare the two.
lesson matter. table.

What are these solids?

D. Discussing new What are the objects found in What are the solids written on
What different shapes did you What characteristics is been
concepts and practicing new What makes up an object? the box? your chart.
observe? observed from the ff.objects?
skills #1 What characterisitics did you How are they similar to

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing new
skills #2

F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative
Divide the class into small
- Class ,we will visit a place in
our school. Each of you will
collect 10 objects in solid form.
G. Finding Practical
COLOR SIZE SHAPE TEXTURE Draw five objects with different Give them activity sheets to
applications of concepts and Find your partner. Activity
WEIGHT sizes. perform.

What are the colours of solids?

H. Making generalizations
How can you classify objects What can you say about the Are these solids of different How do you compare and
and abstractions about the Solids have different textures.
based on their characteristics? Fill in the
colours of chart.
solids? shapes around us? classify solids?
Fill in the chart with 5 objects
each that can be seen in your Processing questions may
house according to their serve as an assessment tool on Group solids according to their
I. Evaluating Learning Sharpener Prepare five objects.
characterisitics. the knowledge of different texture.
Bring ruler and two solids of the
On a short bond paper ,draw Look for different objects in same kind. Big and small. Long List down objects found at
J. Additional activities for List down names of solid
three objects with different your room. Make a chart of and short ,fat and thin ,which home. Find the exact
application or remediation objects found at home garden.
colours. . these objects and their colour . are not heavy to carry in their measurement.Make a chart.
J. Additional activities for List down names of solid
three objects with different your room. Make a chart of and short ,fat and thin ,which home. Find the exact
application or remediation objects found at home garden.
colours. . these objects and their colour . are not heavy to carry in their measurement.Make a chart.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
June 12-16, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER First


Demonstrate understanding of ways of Demonstrate understanding of ways of Demonstrate understanding of ways of Demonstrate understanding of ways of
sorting materials and describing them sorting materials and describing them sorting materials and describing them sorting materials and describing them
Content Standards as solid,liquid,or gas based on their as solid,liquid,or gas based on their as solid,liquid,or gas based on their as solid,liquid,or gas based on their
observable properties. observable properties. observable properties. observable properties.

Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found
Performance Standards at home and in school according to at home and in school according to at home and in school according to at home and in school according to
solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas.

At the end of the lesson, the pupils At the end of the lesson, the pupils At the end of the lesson, the pupils
At the end of the lesson, the pupils
Learning Competencies / should be able to describe different should be able to describe how liquids should be able to describe the liquid
should be able to describe the taste and Weekly Test
Objectives liquids flow according to the shape of the container
odor or smell of liquids.
based on their different characteristics. from one container to another. and the space it occupies.



A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 12 - 13 13-14 14-16 16-17
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources
condensed milk, soy sauce, vinegar, shampoo, rubbing alcohol, catsup, juice, vinegar, perfume,
B. Other Learning Resources pictures or real liquids water oil, 2 spoons, Glass, water soy sauce, water, glue
transparent bowl baby oil


A. Reviewing previous Let the pupils show their cut out

What are the different characteristics pictures. : Bring out your cut out pictures. How
lesson or presenting the : Do liquids occupy space? Why.
of solids? Ask: Have you experienced pouring do these liquids flow?
new lesson them from one container to another?

Ask: If you will pour those Say: Look at the glass on the table. What is inside
Show pictures of different liquids. Say: it? What occupies the Ask: What can you say about these
B. Establishing a purpose liquids in the containers shown on
Here are various samples of liquids. space in the glass? If i will transfer the liquid into a liquids?
for the lesson Teacher the picture, what will happen to the
Look at should tell the
them. Can you students to go
name them? glass with different shape,will the shape and space Vinegar, soy sauce, catsup, milk
to the canteen and ask the shape of liquids ? occupied by the liquid still looks the same? Why?
canteen staff to show the different
C. Presenting liquids available. (Give some Have the class study the following illustration. Ask:
precautionary measures in dealing with Divide the class into 5 groups. If you add more water
Examples/instances of new Group Activity
liquids which may not be familiar in the glass, what will happen? Let us find out if
lesson to pupils). Demonstrate the activity first liquids can take up space.
before letting the pupils do it.
Have this table be filled up by the
D. Discussing new pupils. Set the standards in performing the
How didi you describe the different activity. Remind pupils on cleaning the
concepts and practicing new Presentation of each group Presentation of Each Group
liquids? area after each activity.
skills #1

a. How did you describe the liquids?

E. Discussing new What happened to the water in a glass
b. What is your basis in describing the
when you add more and more
concepts and practicing new Group Activities liquids?
water in it ? Why?
skills #2 c. What characteristic of liquids is
3. Ask: Do liquids occupy space? Why ?
observed in the samples provided?

F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Presentation of Each Group
Read the following situation aloud and
have a discussion about it.
G. Finding Practical
Read the situation and let the pupils analyze. There are three glasses on the table.
Rita poured a small can of condense milk and an The blue glass is filled with milk. The
applications of concepts and evaporated milk
yellow glass is filled with water. The
from one container to another . Which one will
skills flows fast and slow? Why? orange is filled with buko juice. What
occupies the space in the glasses? Do
liquids occupy the same space? Why?
H. Making generalizations
What are the characteristics of liquid
and abstractions about the How does liquid flow? How do liquid occupy space? How can
Underline the we describe
correct word/sliquids?
inside the
based on wahat we studied?
lesson parenthesis.
1. Perfume has a (good smell, bad
List down two (2) liquids found in Describe the liquids below on how each one flows Given two liquids in each container. smell).
different places below. Write your when poured from one Liquids A and B drawn below. 2. The taste of orange juice is (sweet,
I. Evaluating Learning answers in the graphic organizer . Do
container to another. Put a check (/) mark in the
Describe the two liquids according to salty).
box if it correctly describes the
this on your notebook. liquid and (X) mark if not. shape and the space it occupies. 3. Vinegar is ( sour, bitter).
4. Honey
Let has (sweet,
the pupils make ansalty,
album) taste.
of 10
Have the pupils cut out three (3) Cut out pictures 3 different liquids from Cut out 3 different liquids from old 5.pictures
Candiesofhave ( sweet,
different bitter)
liquids cuttaste.
J. Additional activities for pictures of liquids that can be poured old magazines and describe how newspaper which can be identified from old magazines. Have them
application or remediation from one container to another. Paste they flow. according to shape. describe the characteristics of each
them on their notebook. liquid.
J. Additional activities for pictures of liquids that can be poured old magazines and describe how newspaper which can be identified from old magazines. Have them
application or remediation from one container to another. Paste they flow. according to shape. describe the characteristics of each
them on their notebook. liquid.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
June 12-16, 2018 SUBJECT / QUARTER SCIENCE / First


Demonstrate understanding of ways of Demonstrate understanding of ways of

sorting materials and describing them sorting materials and describing them
Content Standards No Classes due to Typhoon Domeng No Classes- Independence Day No Classes- Eidl' Fiter
as solid,liquid,or gas based on their as solid,liquid,or gas based on their
observable properties. observable properties.

Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found
Performance Standards at home and in school according to at home and in school according to at home and in school according to at home and in school according to
solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas.

At the end of the lesson, the pupils At the end of the lesson, the pupils At the end of the lesson, the pupils
At the end of the lesson, the pupils
Learning Competencies / should be able to describe different should be able to describe how liquids should be able to describe the liquid
should be able to describe the taste and
Objectives liquids flow according to the shape of the container
odor or smell of liquids.
based on their different characteristics. from one container to another. and the space it occupies.



A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 12-Nov 13-14 14-16 16-17
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources
condensed milk, soy sauce, vinegar, shampoo, rubbing alcohol, catsup, juice, vinegar, perfume,
B. Other Learning Resources pictures or real liquids water oil, 2 spoons, Glass, water soy sauce, water, glue
transparent bowl baby oil


A. Reviewing previous Let the pupils show their cut out

What are the different characteristics pictures. : Bring out your cut out pictures. How
lesson or presenting the : Do liquids occupy space? Why.
of solids? Ask: Have you experienced pouring do these liquids flow?
new lesson them from one container to another?

Ask: If you will pour those Say: Look at the glass on the table. What is inside
Show pictures of different liquids. Say: it? What occupies the Ask: What can you say about these
B. Establishing a purpose liquids in the containers shown on
Here are various samples of liquids. space in the glass? If i will transfer the liquid into a liquids?
for the lesson Teacher the picture, what will happen to the
Look at should tell the
them. Can you students to go
name them? glass with different shape,will the shape and space Vinegar, soy sauce, catsup, milk
to the canteen and ask the shape of liquids ? occupied by the liquid still looks the same? Why?
canteen staff to show the different
C. Presenting liquids available. (Give some Have the class study the following illustration. Ask:
precautionary measures in dealing with Divide the class into 5 groups. If you add more water
Examples/instances of new Group Activity
liquids which may not be familiar in the glass, what will happen? Let us find out if
lesson to pupils). Demonstrate the activity first liquids can take up space.
before letting the pupils do it.
Have this table be filled up by the
D. Discussing new pupils. Set the standards in performing the
How didi you describe the different activity. Remind pupils on cleaning the
concepts and practicing new Presentation of each group Presentation of Each Group
liquids? area after each activity.
skills #1

a. How did you describe the liquids?

E. Discussing new What happened to the water in a glass
b. What is your basis in describing the
when you add more and more
concepts and practicing new Group Activities liquids?
water in it ? Why?
skills #2 c. What characteristic of liquids is
3. Ask: Do liquids occupy space? Why ?
observed in the samples provided?

F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Presentation of Each Group
Read the following situation aloud and
have a discussion about it.
G. Finding Practical
Read the situation and let the pupils analyze. There are three glasses on the table.
Rita poured a small can of condense milk and an The blue glass is filled with milk. The
applications of concepts and evaporated milk
yellow glass is filled with water. The
from one container to another . Which one will
skills flows fast and slow? Why? orange is filled with buko juice. What
occupies the space in the glasses? Do
liquids occupy the same space? Why?
H. Making generalizations
What are the characteristics of liquid
and abstractions about the How does liquid flow? How do liquid occupy space? How can
Underline the we describe
correct word/sliquids?
inside the
based on wahat we studied?
lesson parenthesis.
1. Perfume has a (good smell, bad
List down two (2) liquids found in Describe the liquids below on how each one flows Given two liquids in each container. smell).
different places below. Write your when poured from one Liquids A and B drawn below. 2. The taste of orange juice is (sweet,
I. Evaluating Learning answers in the graphic organizer . Do
container to another. Put a check (/) mark in the
Describe the two liquids according to salty).
box if it correctly describes the
this on your notebook. liquid and (X) mark if not. shape and the space it occupies. 3. Vinegar is ( sour, bitter).
4. Honey
Let has (sweet,
the pupils make ansalty,
album) taste.
of 10
Have the pupils cut out three (3) Cut out pictures 3 different liquids from Cut out 3 different liquids from old 5.pictures
Candiesofhave ( sweet,
different bitter)
liquids cuttaste.
J. Additional activities for pictures of liquids that can be poured old magazines and describe how newspaper which can be identified from old magazines. Have them
application or remediation from one container to another. Paste they flow. according to shape. describe the characteristics of each
them on their notebook. liquid.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
June 19-23, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER First


Demonstrate understanding of ways of Demonstrate understanding of ways of Demonstrate understanding of ways of Demonstrate understanding of ways of
sorting materials and describing them sorting materials and describing them sorting materials and describing them sorting materials and describing them
Content Standards No Classes- Lipa Foundation Day
as solid,liquid,or gas based on their as solid,liquid,or gas based on their as solid,liquid,or gas based on their as solid,liquid,or gas based on their
observable properties. observable properties. observable properties. observable properties.

Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found
Performance Standards at home and in school according to at home and in school according to at home and in school according to at home and in school according to
solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas.

At the end of the lesson, the pupils

At the end of the lesson, the pupils At the end of the lesson, the pupils
Learning Competencies / should be able to describe Classify the materials found at home
should be able to describe the taste and should be able to describe the space
Objectives the characteristic of gases according to as solids, liquids, and gases ;
odor or smell of liquids. occupy by the gases.
its shape.



A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 16-17 17-18 18-19 20-21
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages
4. Additional Materials 3 Balloons of different sizes of sizes and pictures of common materials found at
air fresheners
from Learning Resources shapes home
rubbing alcohol, catsup, juice, vinegar, perfume,
B. Other Learning Resources soy sauce, water, glue
baby oil


A. Reviewing previous
What are the different characteristics What can you say about the shape of a
lesson or presenting the : Do liquids occupy space? Why.
of liquids? gas?
new lesson

What are the common materials found in your

Ask: What can you say about these Show an inflated baloons to the pupils. Tell one of home? Name as
B. Establishing a purpose Do ou know the content of air
liquids? the ppils to blow air in it.If you release the baloon many as you can. Where can you find these
for the lesson from your hand, what will happen to it? Why? freshener? materials? What are the things
Vinegar, soy sauce, catsup, milk
that you want to know about these substances?

C. Presenting
Show the illustration of the different air
Examples/instances of new Group Activity Group Activity Group Activity

D. Discussing new What is inside the empty glass?

What happened to the paper towel ? to
concepts and practicing new Presentation of Each Group Presentation of Each group Presentation of Each Group
the Styrofoam?
skills #1 What does the activity shows?

a. How did you describe the liquids? What happen to the balloon as you blow air into
What can you say about the common materials
E. Discussing new b. What is your basis in describing the it?
found in your
b. What characteristic is shown by the balloon?
concepts and practicing new liquids? c. What can you say about the shapes of the
c. What characteristic of liquids is How did you classify them ?Are these materials
skills #2 balloon ?
important? Why?
observed in the samples provided?

F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative

G. Finding Practical ell your pupils in group to blow air into the plastic Look at the picures below. Identify the
bag. Add more air into it.
applications of concepts and What happen to the plastic bag? materials as solid, liquid or gas. Write
skills your answer on the blank.

H. Making generalizations
What is one of the characteristic of a What is one of the characteristic of a What are the different materials found
and abstractions about the How can
Underline the we describe
correct word/sliquids?
inside the gas? gas? at home?
lesson parenthesis.
1. Perfume has a (good smell, bad
Classify the following materials as to
2. The taste of orange juice is (sweet, Write / if the statement is true and X if Get a plastic bag. Blow air into it. Add more air.
I. Evaluating Learning solid, liquid or gas.Write your answer
salty). not. Ask: What will happen to the plastic bag?
on the appropriate column.
3. Vinegar is ( sour, bitter).
4. Honey
Let has (sweet,
the pupils make ansalty,
album) taste.
of 10
Candiesofhave ( sweet,
different bitter)
liquids cuttaste.
out Write the uses of the following
J. Additional activities for Draw 5 balloons with different colors. Bring objects (solids, liquids etc.) found
from old magazines. Have them materials: fertilizers, soap,
application or remediation Describe their shapes. at home for our next lesson.
describe the characteristics of each pesticides,clorox, cooking oil.
J. Additional activities for Draw 5 balloons with different colors. Bring objects (solids, liquids etc.) found
from old magazines. Have them materials: fertilizers, soap,
application or remediation Describe their shapes. at home for our next lesson.
describe the characteristics of each pesticides,clorox, cooking oil.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
June 19-23, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER First


Demonstrate understanding of ways of Demonstrate understanding of ways of Demonstrate understanding of ways of Demonstrate understanding of ways of
sorting materials and describing them sorting materials and describing them sorting materials and describing them sorting materials and describing them
Content Standards No Classes- Lipa Foundation Day
as solid,liquid,or gas based on their as solid,liquid,or gas based on their as solid,liquid,or gas based on their as solid,liquid,or gas based on their
observable properties. observable properties. observable properties. observable properties.

Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found
Performance Standards at home and in school according to at home and in school according to at home and in school according to at home and in school according to
solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas.

At the end of the lesson, the pupils At the end of the lesson, the pupils
At the end of the lesson, the pupils At the end of the lesson, the pupils
Learning Competencies / should be able to describe the liquid should be able to describe
should be able to describe the taste of should be able to describe the
Objectives according to the shape of the container the characteristic of gases according to
liquids. odor or smell of liquids.
and the space it occupies. its shape.



A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 14-16 16-17 16-17 17-18
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages
4. Additional Materials 3 Balloons of different sizes of sizes and
from Learning Resources shapes
rubbing alcohol, catsup, juice, vinegar, perfume,
soy sauce,catsup, juice, vinegar, patis,
B. Other Learning Resources Glass, water baby oil
soy sauce, water, glue
baby oil


A. Reviewing previous
: Bring out your cut out pictures. How What are the different characteristics
lesson or presenting the Do liquids have their own shape? Why? What are the taste of liquids?
do these liquids flow? of liquids?
new lesson

Say: Look at the glass on the table. What is inside

it? What occupies the Ask: What can you say about these
B. Establishing a purpose The teacher will spray cologne. What is
space in the glass? If i will transfer the liquid into a liquids? Showing picture of a kite. What makes a kite fly?
for the lesson glass with different shape,will the shape and space the smell of the cologne?
Vinegar, soy sauce, catsup, milk
occupied by the liquid still looks the same? Why?

C. Presenting Have the class study the following illustration. Ask:

If you add more water
Examples/instances of new in the glass, what will happen? Let us find out if Group Activity Group Activity Group Activity
lesson liquids can take up space.

D. Discussing new Set the standards in performing the

activity. Remind pupils on cleaning the
concepts and practicing new Presentation of Each Group Presentation of Each Group Presentation of Each group
area after each activity.
skills #1

a. How did you describe the liquids? a. How did you describe the liquids? What happen to the balloon as you blow air into
E. Discussing new What happened to the water in a glass it?
b. What is your basis in describing the b. What is your basis in describing the
when you add more and more b. What characteristic is shown by the balloon?
concepts and practicing new liquids? liquids?
water in it ? Why? c. What can you say about the shapes of the
skills #2 c. What characteristic of liquids is c. What characteristic of liquids is balloon ?
3. Ask: Do liquids occupy space? Why ?
observed in the samples provided? observed in the samples provided?

F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative
Read the following situation aloud and
have a discussion about it.
G. Finding Practical There are three glasses on the table.
Give other examples of things that
The blue glass is filled with milk. The
applications of concepts and yellow glass is filled with water. The shows that gas takes the shape of its
skills container.
orange is filled with buko juice. What
occupies the space in the glasses? Do
liquids occupy the same space? Why?
H. Making generalizations
What is one of the characteristic of a
and abstractions about the How do liquid occupy space? How can we describe liquids? How can
Underline the we describe
correct liquids?
word/s inside the gas?
lesson parenthesis.
1. Perfume has a (good smell, bad
Given two liquids in each container. smell).
Liquids A and B drawn below. 2. The taste of orange juice is (sweet, Write / if the statement is true and X if
I. Evaluating Learning Write the taste of the following liquids.
Describe the two liquids according to salty). not.
shape and the space it occupies. 3. Vinegar is ( sour, bitter).
4. Honey has (sweet, salty, ) taste.
Cut out 3 different liquids from old 5. Candies have ( sweet, bitter) taste.
J. Additional activities for Bring the following tomorrow: Bring the following tomorrow: baloons Draw 5 balloons with different colors.
newspaper which can be identified
application or remediation perfume, cologne, alcohol of different shapes Describe their shapes.
according to shape.
J. Additional activities for Bring the following tomorrow: Bring the following tomorrow: baloons Draw 5 balloons with different colors.
newspaper which can be identified
application or remediation perfume, cologne, alcohol of different shapes Describe their shapes.
according to shape.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
June 26-30, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER First


Demonstrate understanding of ways of Demonstrate understanding of ways of Demonstrate understanding of ways of Demonstrate understanding of ways of
sorting materials and describing them sorting materials and describing them sorting materials and describing them sorting materials and describing them
Content Standards Holiday-Eidl Fitr
as solid,liquid,or gas based on their as solid,liquid,or gas based on their as solid,liquid,or gas based on their as solid,liquid,or gas based on their
observable properties. observable properties. observable properties. observable properties.

Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found
Performance Standards at home and in school according to at home and in school according to at home and in school according to at home and in school according to
solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas.

Classify the materials found at home as Describe the use of common materials Describe the use of common materials
Describe the proper ways in handling
Learning Competencies / solids,liquids and gases. found at home and in school. found at home and in school.
and using materials at home and in
Objectives - Describe their uses. S3MT-Ic-d-2 S3MT-Ic-d-2

Uses of Common Materials Found at Uses of Common Materials Found at Uses of Common Materials Found at Safety Measures in Handling and Using
II. CONTENT Home and in School Home and in School Home and in School Solids, Liquids and Gas
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages p.26-28 p.26-28 p.29-30
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages
4. Additional Materials Growing with Science and Health 3 Growing with Science and Health 3 Growing with Science and Health 3 Growing with Science and Health 3
from Learning Resources
B. Other Learning Resources Laptop, pictures, powerpoint,activties Laptop, pictures, powerpoint,activties Laptop, pictures, powerpoint,activties Laptop, pictures, powerpoint,activties

A. Reviewing previous
Review on materials found at home and
lesson or presenting the Present their assignment. Tell something about the pictures in TG.
in school.
new lesson

What are the common materials found in your

B. Establishing a purpose home? Look at the different pictures.Name Look at the different pictures of
Where can you find these materials? Describe the two photos.
for the lesson Where do you use these materials? them. materials.

C. Presenting Let the pupils do the activity in LM. Group activity. Refer to LM.
Examples/instances of new After doing it, each leader will present Fill out the table below by group. After the presentation, the ff are asked
lesson their outputs.

Which materials are useful?harmful?

D. Discussing new Divide the class into groups.
Which of these materials should be
Ask: What common products do you What are the useful materials found at home and
concepts and practicing new What are the materials used for the ff. properly handled with precaution?
usually see at home and at school? in school?
skills #1 Why?

E. Discussing new What are other materials used for Discuss the different essential safety measures in
Which of these materials are common
concepts and practicing new killing pest? For preparing and cooking handling and using materials found at home and in
to you? school.
skills #2 food?

F. Developing mastery Give examples of materials that are

(Leads to Formative used for cooking? For cleaning?for Give the different safety measures
Assessment) killing pests?

G. Finding Practical
Group the pupils with five members
applications of concepts and each.

H. Making generalizations Different materials can be found at

What are the different safety measures
home.These materials may be What are the uses of the common What are the useful materials found at
and abstractions about the in handling and using materials found
solids,liquids,or gases.Each material materials found at home and in school? home and in school?
lesson at home and in school
Identifyhas its intended
the picture use. to its
below according
characteristics and use.For example:
Solid- use for cooking. Identify the uses of the ff. materials. Identify the uses of the ff. materials. Describethe illustrations. Put a chekmark on
1. mop
I. Evaluating Learning 2. lotion Ex.1 vinegar Ex.1 vinegar pictures showing proper handling of materials and
mark X if not.
3. soap
4. nailcutter 5.3tc.
.Bring the ff:
1. conditioner/shampoo Give two examples of material found at Name two materials found in your
J. Additional activities for Give two examples of material found at
2. mosquito killer ( empty box ) home and in school used in preparing kitchen. Describe the proper way of
application or remediation home and in school used for cleaning.
3. bleaching liquid and cooking food. handling and using them.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
July 3-7, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER First


Demonstrate understanding of ways of Demonstrate understanding of ways of Demonstrate understanding of ways of Demonstrate understanding of ways of Demonstrate understanding of ways of
sorting materials and describing them sorting materials and describing them sorting materials and describing them sorting materials and describing them sorting materials and describing them
Content Standards as solid,liquid,or gas based on their as solid,liquid,or gas based on their as solid,liquid,or gas based on their as solid,liquid,or gas based on their as solid,liquid,or gas based on their
observable properties. observable properties. observable properties. observable properties. observable properties.

Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found
Performance Standards at home and in school according to at home and in school according to at home and in school according to at home and in school according to at home and in school according to
solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas.

Describe ways on the proper use and Describe ways on the proper use and Describe ways on the proper use and Describe ways on the proper use and
Describe the proper ways in handling handling solid,liquid and gas found at handling solid,liquid and gas found at handling solid,liquid and gas found at handling solid,liquid and gas found at
Learning Competencies / and using materials at home and in home and in school home and in school. home and in school home and in school.
Objectives school.S3MT-Ie-g-3 S3MT-Ie-g-3 S3MT-Ie-g-3 S3MT-Ie-g-3 S3MT-Ie-g-3

Safety Measures in Handling and Using Describe the proper ways in handling and using Uses of common materials found at Common solids,liquids,and gases found Common solids,liquids,and gases found
II. CONTENT Solids, Liquids and Gas materials at home and in school home and in school at home and in school at home and in school
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages p.29-30 Pp30-32 Pp 27 to 29 Pp 24-25 Pp 24-25
2. Learner’s Materials Pp 21-23 P19-20 P 17-18 P 17
3. Text book pages Growing with Science and Health 3 Growing science and health Science and health Science and Health Ssience and Health
4. Additional Materials Laptop, pictures, powerpoint,activties Pictures/chart Picture chart/projector Pictures of realia of different materials Pictures of realia of different materials
from Learning Resources
B. Other Learning Resources Detergent,other cleaning agent Glass,wood,Styrofoam,containers Glass,wood,Styrofoam,containers

A. Reviewing previous
What are the proper uses of the ff. What are the materials you see in the
lesson or presenting the Tell something about the pictures in TG. Give examples of solid,liquid and gas Give examples of solid,liquid and gas
materials? picture chart?
new lesson

B. Establishing a purpose Describe the two photos. Post the two photos on the board
Which of these things found in school What are the materials you see in the What are the materials you see in the chart?Name
for the lesson and at home? chart?Name these materials these materials

C. Presenting Group activity. Refer to LM.

Show the following materials to the
Examples/instances of new After the presentation, the ff are asked Do activity on in the LM Divide the class into four groups Divide the class into four groups

Which materials are useful?harmful?

D. Discussing new Which of these materials should be
Each group will copy the table found in
concepts and practicing new properly handled with precaution? Which materials in the list are useful? In groups,let the pupils do the activity in the LM. Each group will copy the table found in the LM
the LM
skills #1 Why?

E. Discussing new Discuss the different essential safety measures in Which of these materials should be Ask the leader in each group to report
concepts and practicing new handling and using materials found at home and in Answer and complete the table Answer and complete the table
school. properly handled? their findings
skills #2

F. Developing mastery Precautions are essential for safety in After all the groups are done with the After all the groups are done with the
What are the useful materials found at
(Leads to Formative Give the different safety measures using the materials commonly found at activity,assign a leader in each group to activity,assign a leader in each group to
home and in school?
Assessment) home and in school report their answers report their answers

G. Finding Practical The ff. are the safety measures in

Which of these materials are common What are the common materials found What are the common materials found
applications of concepts and handling and using materials found at
to you? at home? at home
skills home and in school

H. Making generalizations What are the different safety measures What are the proper ways in handling
What materials found at home and at What materials found at home and at
and abstractions about the in handling and using materials found and using materials found at home and What are the uses of these materials?
school are gases? school are gases?
lesson at home and in school in school?

Describethe illustrations. Put a chekmark on Draw a table on the board for pupils to Match the picture in column A with the
Tell whether each picture shows proper handling Match the picture in column A with the description
I. Evaluating Learning pictures showing proper handling of materials and
and use of solids,liquids and gases. write their answers. description in column B. in column B.
mark X if not.

Name two materials found in your In your notebook copy the table by Give two examples of materials found
J. Additional activities for Look for the following materials at Look for the following materials at
kitchen. Describe the proper way of naming two materials found in your at home and in school used in
application or remediation home. home.
handling and using them. kitchen. decoration of house.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
July 3-7, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER First


Demonstrate understanding of ways of Demonstrate understanding of ways of Demonstrate understanding of ways of Demonstrate understanding of ways of Demonstrate understanding of ways of
sorting materials and describing them sorting materials and describing them sorting materials and describing them sorting materials and describing them sorting materials and describing them
Content Standards as solid,liquid,or gas based on their as solid,liquid,or gas based on their as solid,liquid,or gas based on their as solid,liquid,or gas based on their as solid,liquid,or gas based on their
observable properties. observable properties. observable properties. observable properties. observable properties.

Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found
Performance Standards at home and in school according to at home and in school according to at home and in school according to at home and in school according to at home and in school according to
solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas.

Describe ways on the proper use and

Describe the proper ways in handling handling solid,liquid and gas found at Identify the harmful effects of the Measure the temperature of tap water
Learning Competencies / Tell whether the materials is hot or
and using materials at home and in home and in school common materials found at home and and hot/warm water using a
Objectives cold. S3MT-Ih-j-4
school.S3MT-Ie-g-3 S3MT-Ie-g-3 in school. S3MT-Ie-g-3 thermometer. S3MT-Ih-j-4

Safety Measures in Handling and Using Describe the proper ways in handling and using Uses of common materials found at Common solids,liquids,and gases found Common solids,liquids,and gases found
II. CONTENT Solids, Liquids and Gas materials at home and in school home and in school at home and in school at home and in school
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages p.29-30 Pp30-32 Pp 27 to 29 Pp 24-25 Pp 24-25
2. Learner’s Materials Pp 21-23 P19-20 P 17-18 P 17
3. Text book pages Growing with Science and Health 3 Growing science and health Science and health Science and Health Ssience and Health
4. Additional Materials Laptop, pictures, powerpoint,activties Pictures/chart Picture chart/projector Pictures of realia of different materials Pictures of realia of different materials
from Learning Resources
B. Other Learning Resources Detergent,other cleaning agent Glass,wood,Styrofoam,containers Glass,wood,Styrofoam,containers

A. Reviewing previous Yesterday, we identified some

What can you say about the common
What are the proper uses of the ff. materials that are hot and cold. Cite 2
lesson or presenting the Tell something about the pictures in TG. substances found in your home? Are
materials? examples of hot materials you found at
new lesson these substances important? Why?

B. Establishing a purpose Feel you hands by placing them to your Show the class 2 containers filled with water. Place
Describe the two photos. Post the two photos on the board Listening to a short story.
for the lesson cheeks. What did you feel? them on the table. Etc.

C. Presenting Group activity. Refer to LM. Call some pupils. Tell them to do this activity. Dip
your right hand fingers into container 1 and your
Examples/instances of new After the presentation, the ff are asked Do activity on in the LM Group Activity Group Activity left hand fingers into container 2, at the same
lesson time. Etc...

Which materials are useful?harmful?

D. Discussing new Which of these materials should be Group Activity
concepts and practicing new properly handled with precaution? Which materials in the list are useful? Presentation f Each Group Presentation f Each Group
skills #1 Why?

E. Discussing new Discuss the different essential safety measures in Presentation f Each Group
Which of these materials should be Giving emphasis on its harmsful effects
concepts and practicing new handling and using materials found at home and in
properly handled? when not stored/ used properly.
skills #2

F. Developing mastery Precautions are essential for safety in

(Leads to Formative Give the different safety measures using the materials commonly found at
Assessment) home and in school

G. Finding Practical The ff. are the safety measures in Maria is looking at the water, she
Measure the temperature of these
applications of concepts and handling and using materials found at wants to know if the water is hot or
skills home and in school cold? What will she do?

H. Making generalizations What are the different safety measures What are the proper ways in handling
What are the materials are harmful
and abstractions about the in handling and using materials found and using materials found at home and What materials are hot? Cold?
that can be found at home?
lesson at home and in school in school?

Describethe illustrations. Put a chekmark on Write the hazards that the following
Tell whether each picture shows proper handling
I. Evaluating Learning pictures showing proper handling of materials and Write hot or cold based on the picture.
mark X if not.
and use of solids,liquids and gases. materials may do to

Name two materials found in your In your notebook copy the table by List down atleast 2 reasons on what should you
J. Additional activities for kitchen. Describe the proper way of naming two materials found in your do in order to avoid accident brought about by the Cut pictures of hot and cold objects.
application or remediation handling and using them. kitchen. materials that are commonly found at home?
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
July 3-7, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER First


Demonstrate understanding of ways of Demonstrate understanding of ways of Demonstrate understanding of ways of Demonstrate understanding of ways of Demonstrate understanding of ways of
sorting materials and describing them sorting materials and describing them sorting materials and describing them sorting materials and describing them sorting materials and describing them
Content Standards as solid,liquid,or gas based on their as solid,liquid,or gas based on their as solid,liquid,or gas based on their as solid,liquid,or gas based on their as solid,liquid,or gas based on their
observable properties. observable properties. observable properties. observable properties. observable properties.

Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found Be able to group common objects found
Performance Standards at home and in school according to at home and in school according to at home and in school according to at home and in school according to at home and in school according to
solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas. solids,liquids,and gas.

At the end of the lesson, the pupils At the end of the lesson, the pupils
Read the temperature from the Measure the temperature of tap water At the end of the lesson,the pupils
Learning Competencies / should be able to describe the candle should be able to describe what
thermometer correctly; and and cold water using a should be able to describe what
Objectives wax happens to
Compare the temperature of tap water thermometer happensto water vapor when cooled.
when heated and cooled. water when heated.
and hot/warm water.

Measuring the Temperature of Hot Material Measuring the Temperature of Cold Material What Happens when a Candle Wax is What Happens to Water Vapor when
II. CONTENT What Happens to Water When Heated?
heated or Cooled? Cooled?
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Pp 24-25 Pp 24-26
2. Learner’s Materials P 17 P 18
3. Text book pages Ssience and Health

4. Additional Materials Pictures of realia of different materials 2 identical glass containers, laboratory small piece of candle wax, big spoon, thick cloth, candle water, iron stand/ring with clamp, tripod, wire gauze
bunsen burner/ alcohol lamp, small plastic ransparent
ice cubes, glass jar with lid, tablespoon,
from Learning Resources thermometer small piece of wood, match
container,marker table salt (rock salt)

B. Other Learning Resources Glass,wood,Styrofoam,containers

What can you say about the
A. Reviewing previous Yesterday, we identified some Ask the pupils the following questions
temperature of ice as
materials that are hot and cold. Cite 2 to recall the idea/concept
lesson or presenting the compared to the temperature of boiling
examples of hot materials you found at that heat affects the temperature of
new lesson water?
home. the material:

Today, we will be doing an activity that will help Have you observed your mother heating/ boiling When water is heated, it changes its form from
B. Establishing a purpose you compare the water in the liquid to gas. How
Show the class 2 containers filled with water. Place
them on the table. Etc.
temperature of tap water and cold water, and Showing candle wax kettle? What did you observe while the water is about when water is cooled, what do you think will
for the lesson describe the effect boiling? What does happen?..... This
of removing heat from the material. it show? is the focus of our lesson today.

C. Presenting Call some pupils. Tell them to do this activity. Dip

your right hand fingers into container 1 and your
Examples/instances of new left hand fingers into container 2, at the same Group Activity Group Activity Group Activity Group Activity
lesson time. Etc...

D. Discussing new
concepts and practicing new Group Activity Presentation of each group Presentation of each group Presentation of each group Presentation of each group
skills #1

Discuss and process their answers to

E. Discussing new the questions in the activity. Discuss answers to the activity
concepts and practicing new Presentation f Each Group The following important ideas should questions. Process pupils’ responses
skills #2 be emphasized and to arrive at the correct ideas/concepts.

F. Developing mastery Give other examples of materials that

(Leads to Formative change
Assessment) from liquid to gas when heated.

G. Finding Practical Cite other examples of materials

If you want your wet clothes to
that change from solid to liquid when
applications of concepts and dry quickly, where should you hang
heated, or from liquid to solid
skills them? Why?
when cooled.

H. Making generalizations
What happens to the candle wax when heated or What is the
What can you say about the when heat is effect of heat on the water? What What happens
and abstractions about the temperature of cold materials?
added? and (b) What happens to the melted
happens to the water when to the water vapor when cooled?
candle wax when
lesson cooled ? heated?
A butter/ margarine is put in a frying pan over the Your mother is boiling water in a kettle
for your coffee. What do you think Everymorning, Liza noticed that there are droplets
stove for few minutes.
I. Evaluating Learning Measure the temperature of these liquids. Writethe temperature of the following liquids.
What do you think will happen to the will happen if she leaves the water
of water on the leaves..in the after the droplets of
water disappear. Why?
butter/margarine? Why?
boiling for a long time? Why?
Compare the temperature of ice to the .What is the temperature of tap water? What is
temperature of boiling the temperature of cold
J. Additional activities for water? Cut a picture showing examples of Bring naphthalene ball if you have at
water? Write your answer on your
application or remediation 2. How will you compare the temperature of tap things that changes from liquid to gas. home for our next lesson.
notebook. water with that of cold
J. Additional activities for water? Cut a picture showing examples of Bring naphthalene ball if you have at
water? Write your answer on your
application or remediation 2. How will you compare the temperature of tap things that changes from liquid to gas. home for our next lesson.
notebook. water with that of cold

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
July 3-7, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER First


Comprehending the questions with a Able to construct a mathematical Parts and fuctions of the sense organs Parts and fuctions of the sense organs Parts and fuctions of the sense organs
Content Standards right answer. situation correctly. of the human body of the human body of the human body

Able to apply knowledge in solving real Able to apply knowledge in solving real Practice healthful habits to protect the Practice healthful habits to protect the Practice healthful habits to protect the
Performance Standards life problems/ situations. life problems/ situations. sense organs sense organs sense organs

At the end of the lesson,the pupils Describe changes in materials based on

S3LT-IIa-b-1 S3LT-IIa-b-1 S3LT-IIa-b-2
Learning Competencies / should be able to describe what the effect of temperature:4.1.solid to
Identify the parts of the eyes Identify proper ways of caring the eyes Identify the parts of the ears
Objectives happensto water vapor when cooled. liquid,4.2.liquid to solid,4.3.liquid to
S3MT-Ih-j-4 gas,4.4.solid to gas. S3MT-Ih-j-4

What Happens to Water Vapor when

II. CONTENT Naphthalene Ball When Heated Living Things:Human/Sense organs Living Things:Human/Sense organs LivingThings:Human/Sense organs
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages CG p. 17 of 64 CG p. 17 of 64 Pp 48-48 Pp 48-49 Pp 50-52
2. Learner’s Materials Pp 42-45 Pp 42-45 Pp 46-51
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials ice cubes, glass jar with lid, tablespoon, Growing with Science and Health 3, Picture of th eye chart Picture of the ears
from Learning Resources table salt (rock salt) beaker,water,marker,cartolina ,pentel pen,tape

B. Other Learning Resources poster powerpoint Semantic map


A. Reviewing previous
What happens to water vapor when
lesson or presenting the Stand and get a partner How do we able to see objects? What are the parts of the eyes?
new lesson

When water is heated, it changes its form from

B. Establishing a purpose liquid to gas. How
about when water is cooled, what do you think will Look at the eyes of your partner How would you feel if you have poor eyesight? Look at the ears of your partner?
for the lesson happen?..... This
is the focus of our lesson today.
When heat is added to solid material,what wil
C. Presenting When heat is added to a liquid material, what will
Examples/instances of new Group Activity happen? Draw the parts that you see Pupils do activity 2 Draw the parts that you see
If heat is added to a solid material can it change to
lesson gas?Let’s find out

What have you observed?

D. Discussing new Did you notice any changes about the Compare your labeled parts
Which pictures do not show proper
concepts and practicing new Presentation of each group appearance of the grinded naphthalene What are the parts of the eyes? Using the enlarged picture of the ears.
ways of caring the eyes?
skills #1 ball in plate 1 and 2?

E. Discussing new
Why do we have to avoid these
concepts and practicing new What are the inner parts of the eyes? What are the parts of the ears?
skills #2

F. Developing mastery
What are the parts that you cannot
(Leads to Formative Answer the ff. Questions Why are these practices good to do?

G. Finding Practical Divide the class into three. Each group

Why shoul we need to take care of our If we don't have an ears,what will
applications of concepts and will be given materials needed in this Identify the parts of the eyes
eyes? happen?
skills activity

H. Making generalizations When naphthalene ball is heated,it

What happens changes from solid ( camphor crystal ) What are the proper ways of taking
and abstractions about the What are the parts of the eyes? What are the parts of the ears?
to the water vapor when cooled? to gas ( vapor ) without passing the care of the eyes?
lesson liquid form/state.
.Answer the questions.
1. What are the changes happened in the
Everymorning, Liza noticed that there are droplets Write the proper ways of caring the
naphthalene ball in plate 1?
I. Evaluating Learning of water on the leaves..in the after the droplets of
2. What is the effect of heat of the sun to the
Draw the eyes and label the parts
Identify the parts of the ears
water disappear. Why?
naphthalene ball ?

J. Additional activities for Bring naphthalene ball if you have at Search for other samples of solid materials that
when heated become gas. ( vapor ).Do this on your What is the work o of each part? Match column A with column B Draw the ears and label the parts
application or remediation home for our next lesson. notebook.
J. Additional activities for Bring naphthalene ball if you have at Search for other samples of solid materials that
when heated become gas. ( vapor ).Do this on your What is the work o of each part? Match column A with column B Draw the ears and label the parts
application or remediation home for our next lesson. notebook.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
July 3-7, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER First


Comprehending the questions with a Able to construct a mathematical Demonstrates understanding of the Demonstrates understanding of the Demonstrates understanding of the
Content Standards right answer. situation correctly. sense organs of the human body sense organs of the human body sense organs of the human body

Able to apply knowledge in solving real Able to apply knowledge in solving real Practice healthful habits to protect the Practice healthful habits to protect the Practice healthful habits to protect the
Performance Standards life problems/ situations. life problems/ situations. sense organs sense organs sense organs

At the end of the lesson,the pupils Describe changes in materials based on

S3LT-IIa-b-1 S3LT-IIa-b-1 S3LT-IIa-b-1
Learning Competencies / should be able to describe what the effect of temperature:4.1.solid to
Identify proper ways of caring the eyes Identify proper ways of caring the eyes Identify proper ways of caring the eyes
Objectives happensto water vapor when cooled. liquid,4.2.liquid to solid,4.3.liquid to
S3MT-Ih-j-4 gas,4.4.solid to gas. S3MT-Ih-j-4

What Happens to Water Vapor when

II. CONTENT Naphthalene Ball When Heated Living Things:Human/Sense organs Living Things:Human/Sense organs Living Things:Human/Sense organs
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages CG p. 17 of 64 CG p. 17 of 64 Pp 48-49 Pp 48-49 Pp 48-49
2. Learner’s Materials Pp 42-45 Pp 42-45 Pp 42-45
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials ice cubes, glass jar with lid, tablespoon, Growing with Science and Health 3, chart chart chart
from Learning Resources table salt (rock salt) beaker,water,marker,cartolina ,pentel pen,tape

B. Other Learning Resources powerpoint powerpoint powerpoint


A. Reviewing previous
What happens to water vapor when
lesson or presenting the How do we able to see objects? How do we able to see objects? How do we able to see objects?
new lesson

When water is heated, it changes its form from

B. Establishing a purpose liquid to gas. How
about when water is cooled, what do you think will How would you feel if you have poor eyesight? How would you feel if you have poor eyesight? How would you feel if you have poor eyesight?
for the lesson happen?..... This
is the focus of our lesson today.
When heat is added to solid material,what wil
C. Presenting When heat is added to a liquid material, what will
Examples/instances of new Group Activity happen? Pupils do activity 2 Pupils do activity 2 Pupils do activity 2
If heat is added to a solid material can it change to
lesson gas?Let’s find out

What have you observed?

D. Discussing new Did you notice any changes about the
Which pictures do not show proper Which pictures do not show proper Which pictures do not show proper
concepts and practicing new Presentation of each group appearance of the grinded naphthalene
ways of caring the eyes? ways of caring the eyes? ways of caring the eyes?
skills #1 ball in plate 1 and 2?

E. Discussing new
Why do we have to avoid these Why do we have to avoid these Why do we have to avoid these
concepts and practicing new practices? practices? practices?
skills #2

F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Why are these practices good to do? Why are these practices good to do? Why are these practices good to do?

G. Finding Practical Divide the class into three. Each group

Why shoul we need to take care of our Why shoul we need to take care of our Why shoul we need to take care of our
applications of concepts and will be given materials needed in this
eyes? eyes? eyes?
skills activity

H. Making generalizations When naphthalene ball is heated,it

What happens changes from solid ( camphor crystal ) What are the proper ways of taking What are the proper ways of taking What are the proper ways of taking
and abstractions about the to the water vapor when cooled? to gas ( vapor ) without passing the care of the eyes? care of the eyes? care of the eyes?
lesson liquid form/state.
.Answer the questions.
1. What are the changes happened in the
Everymorning, Liza noticed that there are droplets Write the proper ways of caring the Write the proper ways of caring the Write the proper ways of caring the
naphthalene ball in plate 1?
I. Evaluating Learning of water on the leaves..in the after the droplets of
2. What is the effect of heat of the sun to the eyes? eyes? eyes?
water disappear. Why?
naphthalene ball ?

J. Additional activities for Bring naphthalene ball if you have at Search for other samples of solid materials that
when heated become gas. ( vapor ).Do this on your Match column A with column B Match column A with column B Match column A with column B
application or remediation home for our next lesson. notebook.
J. Additional activities for Bring naphthalene ball if you have at Search for other samples of solid materials that
when heated become gas. ( vapor ).Do this on your Match column A with column B Match column A with column B Match column A with column B
application or remediation home for our next lesson. notebook.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
July 24-28, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER First


Demonstrates understanding of the Demonstrates understanding of the Demonstrates understanding of the Demonstrates understanding of the Demonstrates understanding of the
Content Standards sense organs of the human body sense organs of the human body sense organs of the human body sense organs of the human body sense organs of the human body

Practice healthful habits to protect the Practice healthful habits to protect the Practice healthful habits to protect the Practice healthful habits to protect the Practice healthful habits to protect the
Performance Standards sense organs sense organs sense organs sense organs sense organs

S3LT-IIa-b-1 S3LT-IIa-b-1 S3LT-IIa-b-2 S3LT-IIa-b-2 S3LT-IIa-b-1

Learning Competencies / Identify the parts of the eyes Identify proper ways of caring the eyes Identify the parts of the ears Identify proper ways of caring the ears Identify the parts of the nose

II. CONTENT Living Things:Human/Sense organs Living Things:Human/Sense organs LivingThings:Human/Sense organs LivingThings:Human/Sense organs Living Things:Human/Sense organs


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Pp 48-48 Pp 48-49 Pp 50-52 Pp 50-52 Pp 53-54
2. Learner’s Materials Pp 42-45 Pp 42-45 Pp 46-51 Pp 46-51 Pp 46-52
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials Picture of th eye chart Picture of the ears powerpoint Picture/illustration of the nose
from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources poster powerpoint Semantic map chart chart


A. Reviewing previous
What is the work of each part of the
lesson or presenting the Stand and get a partner How do we able to see objects? What are the parts of the eyes? What are the parts of the ears?
new lesson

B. Establishing a purpose Look at the eyes of your partner How would you feel if you have poor eyesight? Look at the ears of your partner? Do activity 4 How can you tell what your mother is cooking?
for the lesson

C. Presenting
What sense organ do you use in
Examples/instances of new Draw the parts that you see Pupils do activity 2 Draw the parts that you see Why do you think the pinna.

D. Discussing new Compare your labeled parts

Which pictures do not show proper What happens to the eardrum when
concepts and practicing new What are the parts of the eyes? Using the enlarged picture of the ears. Can you tell the parts of the nose?
ways of caring the eyes? sound reaches it?
skills #1

E. Discussing new
Why do we have to avoid these What happens to amplified sound
concepts and practicing new What are the inner parts of the eyes? What are the parts of the ears? Do activity 6,LM
practices? from..
skills #2

F. Developing mastery
What are the parts that you cannot
(Leads to Formative Answer the ff. Questions Why are these practices good to do? Perform activity 5 Answer the ff. Questions

G. Finding Practical
Why shoul we need to take care of our If we don't have an ears,what will What are the properways of caring the
applications of concepts and Identify the parts of the eyes What are the inside parts of the nose?
eyes? happen? ears?

H. Making generalizations
What are the proper ways of taking What other ways do you do to take
and abstractions about the What are the parts of the eyes? What are the parts of the ears? What are the parts of the nose?
care of the eyes? good care of your ears?

Write the proper ways of caring the List down the proper ways of caring the
I. Evaluating Learning Draw the eyes and label the parts Identify the parts of the ears Identify the parts of the nose
eyes? ears

J. Additional activities for What is the work o of each part? Match column A with column B Draw the ears and label the parts Put a chech on the box if it shows. Draw the nose and label the parts
application or remediation
J. Additional activities for What is the work o of each part? Match column A with column B Draw the ears and label the parts Put a chech on the box if it shows. Draw the nose and label the parts
application or remediation

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
July 31- August 4, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER First


Demonstrates understanding of the Demonstrates understanding of the Demonstrates understanding of the Demonstrates understanding of the Demonstrates understanding of the
Content Standards sense organs of the human body sense organs of the human body sense organs of the human body sense organs of the human body sense organs of the human body

Practice healthful habits to protect the Practice healthful habits to protect the Practice healthful habits to protect the Practice healthful habits to protect the Practice healthful habits to protect the
Performance Standards sense organs sense organs sense organs sense organs sense organs

S3LT-IIa-b-2 S3LT-IIa-b-1 S3LT-IIa-b-1 S3LT-IIa-b-1 S3LT-IIa-b-1

Learning Competencies / Identify proper ways of caring the ears Identify the parts of the nose Identify proper ways of caring the nose Identify proper ways of caring the nose Identify the parts of the tongue

II. CONTENT LivingThings:Human/Sense organs Living Things:Human/Sense organs Living Things:Human/Sense organs Living Things:Human/Sense organs Living Things:Human/Sense organs


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Pp 50-52 Pp 53-54 Pp 53-54 Pp 53-54 Pp 55-56
2. Learner’s Materials Pp 46-51 Pp 46-52 Pp 49-51 Pp 49-51 Pp 52-54
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials powerpoint Picture/illustration of the nose Semantic web Semantic web Illustration of the tongue
from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources chart chart Graphic organizer Graphic organizer Graphic organizer

A. Reviewing previous
What is the work of each part of the
lesson or presenting the What are the parts of the ears? What are the parts of the nose? What are the parts of the nose? What are the functions of the nose?
new lesson

B. Establishing a purpose Do activity 4 How can you tell what your mother is cooking? What is the function of each part? What is the function of each part? Call a pupil.Blindfold him/her
for the lesson

C. Presenting Let him taste the kalamansi juice

What sense organ do you use in What can happen if the sense of What can happen if the sense of How did you know that it was
Examples/instances of new Why do you think the pinna.
smelling? smelling is impaired? smelling is impaired? kalamansi juice?

D. Discussing new
What happens to the eardrum when What are the proper ways of caring the What are the proper ways of caring the
concepts and practicing new Can you tell the parts of the nose? What did you use to taste it?
sound reaches it? nose? nose?
skills #1

E. Discussing new Bring out your mirror

What happens to amplified sound Why do you have to take care of your
concepts and practicing new Do activity 6,LM Why do you have to take care of your nose? Do activity 8 in the LM
from.. nose?
skills #2

F. Developing mastery
Which are not the proper ways to do in Which are not the proper ways to do in
(Leads to Formative Perform activity 5 Answer the ff. Questions Divide the class into four groups?
your nose? your nose?

G. Finding Practical
What are the properways of caring the
applications of concepts and What are the inside parts of the nose? Why do you have to avoid doing these? Why do you have to avoid doing these? What are the parts of the tongue?

H. Making generalizations
What other ways do you do to take What are the proper ways of caring the What are the proper ways of caring the
and abstractions about the What are the parts of the nose? Identify the parts of the tongue
good care of your ears? nose? nose?

List down the proper ways of caring the

I. Evaluating Learning Identify the parts of the nose Match column A with column B. Match column A with column B List down all the parts of the tongue

J. Additional activities for Put a chech on the box if it shows. Draw the nose and label the parts Put a check on the box if it shows. Put a check on the box if it shows. Draw the tongue and label the parts
application or remediation
J. Additional activities for Put a chech on the box if it shows. Draw the nose and label the parts Put a check on the box if it shows. Put a check on the box if it shows. Draw the tongue and label the parts
application or remediation

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
August 7-11 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER First


Demonstrates understanding of the Demonstrates understanding of the Demonstrates understanding of the

Content Standards sense organs of the human body sense organs of the human body sense organs of the human body

Practice healthful habits to protect the Practice healthful habits to protect the Practice healthful habits to protect the
Performance Standards sense organs sense organs sense organs
To measure the capacity of the child. To measure the capacity of the child.

S3LT-IIa-b-1 S3LT-IIa-b-1 S3LT-IIa-b-1 Administering the test to the pupils in measuring Administering the test to the pupils in
Learning Competencies / Identify proper ways of caring the nose Identify the parts of the tongue Identify the parts of the tongue the child’s intellect about the lesson in first measuring the child’s intellect about
Objectives quarter. the lesson in first quarter.

II. CONTENT Living Things:Human/Sense organs Living Things:Human/Sense organs Living Things:Human/Sense organs First Quarterly Examinations First Quarterly Examinations


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Pp 53-54 Pp 55-56 Pp 55-56
2. Learner’s Materials Pp 49-51 Pp 52-54 Pp 52-54
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials Semantic web Illustration of the tongue Illustration of the tongue
from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources Graphic organizer Graphic organizer Graphic organizer


A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting the What are the parts of the nose? What are the functions of the nose? What are the functions of the nose?
new lesson

B. Establishing a purpose What is the function of each part? Call a pupil.Blindfold him/her Call a pupil.Blindfold him/her
1. Are you ready for passing the test? Raised your 1. Are you ready for passing the test?
for the lesson hand. Raised your hand.

C. Presenting Let him taste the kalamansi juice Let him taste the kalamansi juice
What can happen if the sense of How did you know that it was How did you know that it was 2. Prepare the materials to be used by 2. Prepare the materials to be used by
Examples/instances of new smelling is impaired? kalamansi juice? kalamansi juice? assessing the intellect of the pupils. assessing the intellect of the pupils.

D. Discussing new
What are the proper ways of caring the
concepts and practicing new What did you use to taste it? What did you use to taste it? . Have you got the standards? . Have you got the standards?
skills #1

E. Discussing new Bring out your mirror Bring out your mirror
concepts and practicing new Why do you have to take care of your nose? Do activity 8 in the LM Do activity 8 in the LM
skills #2

F. Developing mastery
Which are not the proper ways to do in 4. Let pupils prepare theirselves in
(Leads to Formative Divide the class into four groups? Divide the class into four groups? 4. Let pupils prepare theirselves in taking an exam.
your nose? taking an exam.

G. Finding Practical
5. Guide them and supervise them in 5. Guide them and supervise them in taking the
applications of concepts and Why do you have to avoid doing these? What are the parts of the tongue? What are the parts of the tongue?
taking the test. test.

H. Making generalizations
What are the proper ways of caring the 6. Did you reach the high points for the 6. Did you reach the high points for the
and abstractions about the Identify the parts of the tongue Identify the parts of the tongue
nose? scores? scores?

7. Who among you obtained the right scores for 7. Who among you obtained the right
I. Evaluating Learning Match column A with column B List down all the parts of the tongue List down all the parts of the tongue passing the test? scores for passing the test?

J. Additional activities for Put a check on the box if it shows. Draw the tongue and label the parts Draw the tongue and label the parts 8. Study for the next exam. 8. Study for the next exam.
application or remediation
J. Additional activities for Put a check on the box if it shows. Draw the tongue and label the parts Draw the tongue and label the parts 8. Study for the next exam. 8. Study for the next exam.
application or remediation

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
August 14-18, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER Second


Demonstrates understanding of the Demonstrates understanding of the Demonstrates understanding of the Demonstrates understanding of the
Content Standards sense organs of the human body sense organs of the human body sense organs of the human body sense organs of the human body

Practice healthful habits to protect the Practice healthful habits to protect the Practice healthful habits to protect the Practice healthful habits to protect the
Performance Standards sense organs sense organs sense organs sense organs

S3LT-IIa-b-1 S3LT-IIa-b-1 S3LT-IIa-b-1 S3LT-IIa-b-1
Learning Competencies / Describe animals in their immediate
Identify the parts of the tongue Describe the uses of the tongue Identify the parts of the skin Describe the uses of the skin
Objectives sorroundings

II. CONTENT Living Things:Human/Sense organs Living Things:Human/Sense organs Living Things:Human/Sense organs Living Things:Human/Sense organs Living Things:Animals


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Pp 55-56 Pp 55-56 Pp 56-59 Pp 56-60 Pp 59-60
2. Learner’s Materials Pp 52-54 Pp 52-54 Pp 55-58 Pp 59-61
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials Illustration of the tongue Semantic web Big picture Magnifying glass Picture of animals
from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources Graphic organizer chart Enlarge illustration chart chart

A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting the What are the functions of the nose? What are the parts of the tongue? What are the parts of the tongue? Continuation of the day 2 lesson What are the sense organs?
new lesson

B. Establishing a purpose Call a pupil.Blindfold him/her What are the functions of each part? Place familiar objects with different taste What are the parts and functions of the skin? Look around.What do you see?
for the lesson

C. Presenting Let him taste the kalamansi juice

Identify these objects
How did you know that it was What sense organs do you use to see
Examples/instances of new Present the illustration of the tongue Do activity 10 as group Do activity 11 in the LM individually
kalamansi juice? things around you?

D. Discussing new
Discuss thoroughly how the tongue Recite the names of the animals
concepts and practicing new What did you use to taste it? Discuss the ff. Concepts Discuss answers to the activity
functions as stated in the activity mentioned in the song
skills #1

E. Discussing new Bring out your mirror

Discuss why do we need to take care of
concepts and practicing new Do activity 8 in the LM Discuss to the class the ff.concepts Discuss the functions of each part Describe the animals in the picture
our skin
skills #2

F. Developing mastery
Eating very hot food can scald the What are the proper ways of taking Give examples of animals and where the animals
(Leads to Formative Divide the class into four groups? What is the function of epidermis
tongue care of the skin? can be found

G. Finding Practical
Use a tongue scraper to clean the The skin helps maintain body
applications of concepts and What are the parts of the tongue? How do you take care of your skin? What are the different kinds of animals?
tongue temperature

H. Making generalizations
What are the functions of each part of What are the parts and functions of the It is good to take a bath everyday to Different kinds of animals live in
and abstractions about the Identify the parts of the tongue
the tongue skin? avoid body odor different places

Write the functions of the ff. parts of Write the parts of the skin and give Complete the table by listing different
I. Evaluating Learning List down all the parts of the tongue Write the proper ways of taking care of the skin
the tongue their functions kind of animals

Explain in your own words

J. Additional activities for What is the importance of caring the
Draw the tongue and label the parts Draw the skin and label the parts How do we take care of the skin? Bring picture of a frog
application or remediation tongue?
J. Additional activities for What is the importance of caring the
Draw the tongue and label the parts Draw the skin and label the parts How do we take care of the skin? Bring picture of a frog
application or remediation tongue?

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
August 21-25, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER Second


Content Standards

Performance Standards

S3LT-IIc-d3 S3LT-IIc-d-4
Learning Competencies / Describe animals in their immediate Identify the parts and functions of
No Classes- Ninoy Aquino Day School Intramurals School Intramurals
Objectives sorroundings animals

II. CONTENT Living Things:Animals Living Things:Animals


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Pp 59-60 Pp 61-62
2. Learner’s Materials Pp 59-61 Pp 62-63
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials Picture of animals Large picture of a frog

from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources chart Venn diagram


A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting the What are the sense organs? What are the different kindof animals?
new lesson

B. Establishing a purpose Look around.What do you see? Write on the board the lyrics of the song
for the lesson

C. Presenting Sing the song

What sense organs do you use to see
Examples/instances of new "My Toes,MyKness"
things around you?

D. Discussing new
Recite the names of the animals
concepts and practicing new Perform activity 2 LM
mentioned in the song
skills #1

E. Discussing new
What body parts are common in a
concepts and practicing new Describe the animals in the picture
frog,a horse and a bird?
skills #2

F. Developing mastery
Give examples of animals and where the animals
(Leads to Formative can be found Explain the similarities and differences

G. Finding Practical
applications of concepts and What are the different kinds of animals? Group activity

H. Making generalizations
Different kinds of animals live in What are the body parts of the
and abstractions about the different places animals?

Complete the table by listing different

I. Evaluating Learning Identify the body parts of the animals
kind of animals

J. Additional activities for Bring picture of a frog

Complete the table by filling out the
application or remediation correct answer.
J. Additional activities for Bring picture of a frog
Complete the table by filling out the
application or remediation correct answer.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
August 28- September 1, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER Second


Content Standards

Performance Standards

Learning Competencies / Classify animals according to body Classify animals according to body
Holiday Describe how animals move Eidl'l Adha
Objectives parts and use parts and use

II. CONTENT Living Things:Animals Living Things:Animals Living Things:Animals


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Pp 61-62 P 63 pp 64-65
2. Learner’s Materials Pp 62-63 Pp 64-65 Pp 66-67
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials Large picture of a frog powerpoint pictures

from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources Venn diagram Chart/picture


A. Reviewing previous
Show a picture of an animal and ask
lesson or presenting the What are the different kind of animals? What are the body parts of a frog?
the pupils
new lesson

B. Establishing a purpose Write on the board the lyrics of the Group the ff. animals according to body parts The class will play a guessing game
for the lesson song

C. Presenting Sing the song

Examples/instances of new "My Toes,MyKness" Read the paragraph Pupils do activity 3 LM

D. Discussing new
Write the names of the animals on the
concepts and practicing new Perform activity 2 LM Different animals use different parts..
skills #1

E. Discussing new
What body parts are common in a
concepts and practicing new The horse and giraffe have long… Identify the movement of each animal
frog,a horse and a bird?
skills #2

F. Developing mastery
Relate the body parts of animals to
(Leads to Formative Explain the similarities and differences… The legs of the carabaos..
their environment

G. Finding Practical
What are the other animals that
applications of concepts and Group activity Earthworm have pairs of bristles..

H. Making generalizations
What are the body parts of the
and abstractions about the How do we classify animals? What kind of movement can animals…

I. Evaluating Learning Identify the body parts of the animals Classify the ff. animals according to.. Describe ho animals move

J. Additional activities for Draw diff. kinds of animals Bring different pictures…
application or remediation
J. Additional activities for Draw diff. kinds of animals Bring different pictures…
application or remediation

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
September 4-8, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER Second


Demonstrate understanding of parts Demonstrate understanding of parts Demonstrate understanding of parts Demonstrate understanding of parts Demonstrate understanding of parts
Content Standards and functions of animals and and functions of animals and and functions of animals and and functions of animals and and functions of animals and
importance to humans importance to humans importance to humans importance to humans importance to humans

To enumerate ways of grouping To enumerate ways of grouping To enumerate ways of grouping To enumerate ways of grouping To enumerate ways of grouping
Performance Standards animals based on their structure and animals based on their structure and animals based on their structure and animals based on their structure and animals based on their structure and
importance importance importance importance importance

Classify animals according to body Classify animals according to body Classify animals according to body Classify animals according to body Classify animals according to body
Learning Competencies / parts and use. S3LT – parts and use. S3LT – parts and use. S3LT – parts and use. S3LT – parts and use. S3LT –
Objectives Iic –d -5 Iic –d -5 Iic –d -5 Iic –d -5 Iic –d -6

Infer what animals eat based on their mouth parts and

Infer the body parts used by animals for eating /getting body parts.
Describe the body covering of animals. Explain why animals are important to
II. CONTENT Identify the body parts that enable animals to move.
food. Classify animals according to what they eat.
Group animals according to their body coverings.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 104 104 104 104 104
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources


A. Reviewing previous What are the body parts of the birds ?

Which animals use their tongue for What are three classification as to the
lesson or presenting the fish?cat? What are their common body How do animals move? What are the body parts of the animals
getting food? food they eat?
new lesson parts?

Do you have pets at home? What kind of food do you eat?

B. Establishing a purpose Read a story about an animal that
Prepare about anmals and their environment. Do you have cats and dogs at home? Do you eat the same kind of food? Show pictures of different animals?
for the lesson helps people

Post on the board and then discuss.

C. Presenting Different animals use different part of the
Show pictures of different animals.
Identify the names of each.
Examples/instances of new body.Having different body parts make them Present pictures of grass ,meat ,rice and fish. How are these animals survive in their places? Do activity 9 LM

Which animals use their tongues for

D. Discussing new getting food?
What are different body parts use by
concepts and practicing new Which animals use their beaks and What do animals eat? Post the table of activity 9 on the board
animals to move?
skills #1 claws for getting food?

E. Discussing new Divide the class into five.

concepts and practicing new Animals Movement Body Parts /Used Discuss the activity
skills #2 1. lion
2. eagle Individual Activity
3.snake Write the food that each animal eats. Classify the body covering of this animals.
1.goat 1.crab
F. Developing mastery 4.caterpillar Draw animal you like. 2. pig 2.snakes
5. dolphin And afterward tell me, what body parts it use to 3. duck 3. dog Read the group of animals that are sources of food
(Leads to Formative 6. kangaroo get food. 4. hen 4. bear items
Assessment) 7. dog 5.sheep 5. fish
6. monkey 6. parrot
8.frog 7. rabbit
Group Activity
9.cat 1- draw three examples of animals that eat plants.
G. Finding Practical 10. fish Divide the class into five groups.
2- draw three examples of animals that eat other
How do these get their food?
applications of concepts and Guessing the Animals . Lizard crab rhino tiger owl snake
animals Group the pupils into three. Read the group of animals that are…
3- draw three animals that eat both plants and
skills animals.

H. Making generalizations Do all animals move the same way? What do animals use in getting food?
What are three classification of animals What are the different body covering of
and abstractions about the What help them move in order to live? Are food eaten by animals related to Why animals are important to people?
as to the food they eat? animals?
lesson their body parts? Match the animals with their body
Match the animals with the body parts they use for Write H for plant eaters ,C for anmal eaters ,and O
Fill in the blanks. coverings .Write the letter of the correct answer.
getting food. for both plants and anmal eaters.
1. Birds use ___ for flying. 1. dog a. shell
1. crab a. beaks and claws 1. lion
2. Fish uses ___ for swimming. 2. crab b. slime Explain why animals are important to
2. carabao b. proboscis 2. elephant
I. Evaluating Learning 3. Snake uses __ for slithering.
3. frogs c. pincers 3.fish
3. toad c. skin
4. Kangaroo uses ___ for hopping. 4. fish d. feather
4. butterfly d. mouth 4. bird
5. Dolphin uses fin and ___ for swimming. 5. bird e. hair
5. eagle e. sticky tongue 5. horse
f. scales
Cut pictures of five different animals and paste it
J. Additional activities for Collect pictures of different moving on short bond paper. Under each picture Write 5 examples of animals of Cut pictures of five animals .and group What animals give to people?
application or remediation animals. write(name of the animal ) uses (body parts )in herbivores ,carnivores and omnivores. them according to their body coverings.
getting food.
J. Additional activities for Collect pictures of different moving on short bond paper. Under each picture Write 5 examples of animals of Cut pictures of five animals .and group What animals give to people?
application or remediation animals. write(name of the animal ) uses (body parts )in herbivores ,carnivores and omnivores. them according to their body coverings.
getting food.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
September 4-8, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER Second


Demonstrate understanding of parts Demonstrate understanding of parts Demonstrate understanding of parts Demonstrate understanding of parts Demonstrate understanding of parts
Content Standards and functions of animals and and functions of animals and and functions of animals and and functions of animals and and functions of animals and
importance to humans importance to humans importance to humans importance to humans importance to humans

To enumerate ways of grouping To enumerate ways of grouping To enumerate ways of grouping To enumerate ways of grouping To enumerate ways of grouping
Performance Standards animals based on their structure and animals based on their structure and animals based on their structure and animals based on their structure and animals based on their structure and
importance importance importance importance importance

Classify animals according to their use Explain why animals are important to Describe ways of proper handling of Describe ways of proper handling of
Classify animals according to body
Learning Competencies / - To Where They Live people. animals animals.
parts and use. S3LT –
Objectives S3LT – Iic –d- 5 S3LT – Iic –d -6 S3LT –IIc – d-7 S3LT –IIc – d-7
Iic –d -6

Explain why animals are important to Relate the animals body covering to where they live.
II. CONTENT Group animals according to where they live. Importance of Animals Animals That Can Harm People Care for Pets
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 104
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources

Give the body coverings of the ff.animals.
A. Reviewing previous Suso
Ahas Do animals cause vharm to people?
lesson or presenting the What are the body parts of the animals Where do animals live? How important are animals to people?
Aso How?
new lesson ibon

Where do you live?Can you describe the Which of these animals do you like best?
B. Establishing a purpose Read a story about an animal that Show word “importance of animals”on the How do you show care or proper
place where you live in? Unlock the Cat snake rat dog
for the lesson helps people board.Let the teacher elaborate it.. handling to animals?
word “ habitat”.

Post and read a short story .

C. Presenting Mang Perri is a farmer. He works in the field. He
Post pictures. What animals can you see in the owns a carabao that helps him plow the field. He
Examples/instances of new Do activity 9 LM pictures? says that his work is hard but it is made easier with
Post pictures of animals that can harm people. Show videos about caring for animals.
lesson the help of his carabao ,Raba.

D. Discussing new Where do the animals live? Is it friendly with every person it meets?
What made easier for Mang Peri to
concepts and practicing new Post the table of activity 9 on the board What is habitat?
work in the farm?
What harm can it do to people? How do you care your pets?
skills #1

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing new Discuss the activity
skills #2
Divide the class into five groups.Give the
importance of animals
F. Developing mastery Group Activity I- Chickens and Dogs
Read the group of animals that are sources of food
(Leads to Formative items
Divide the class into five groups.; II – carabaos and fishes
III – goats –and horses
Assessment) IV – ducks and sheep
Divide the class into five groups.
Classify the animals based on their usefulness to
Group animals as to where they live. Group 1- When you disturb a bee hive.
G. Finding Practical Cat bangus frog toad
Group 2- When infectious mosquitoes bite you?
Divide the class into three.
Source of Food Used in Work Source of Joy ‘They can make a role play about caring or
applications of concepts and Read the group of animals that are… Tiger lion eagle tilapia Group 3- When dogs bite you?
handling an animals.
Butterfly bee deer crocodile Group 4- When flies touch your food?
skills Group 5- When animals sleep on your bed.

H. Making generalizations Where do they live? What are terrestrial ,aquatic , What can animals make to peo0ple?
and abstractions about the Why animals are important to people? amphibians ,and aerial animals?Give examples for What is the im[portance of animals to people? What collected information you got in the lesson? Why should we show care for animals?
each. Identify the help given by each animal by matching
Copy the name of the animal that does not ive in the column A with column B .Write your answer on Write true if the statement is correct and false if
the same habitat as the others. the line. not. Identify the safe practice of care for animals.
1. lion , elephant, tiger ,bird A B 1. Animals transmit disease. 1. Tease your pet when it is eating.
Explain why animals are important to 2. frog, turtle, crocodile ,lizard __ 1. Carabao a. transportation 2. Diseases transmitted by animals cannot be 2. Hold and play woth your dog when they just
I. Evaluating Learning people? 3. fish, goat , cow ,carabao __ 2. Pig b. food-egg and meat provided. given birth.
4. bee ,frog, butterfly, bird ___3. Chicken c. food: meat 3. Animals can cause allergies to people. 3. Bring your pey in the veterinarian regularly.
5. shrimp, bangus, duck , lapu-lapu __4. Dog d. protection 4. Animals can harm people.
__ 5. Horse e. plow the field
J. Additional activities for Make a picture of your pet on a bond paper. Write
Make an scrapbook of animals according to its Research about extinction of animals. What can
What animals give to people? a short paragraph below the picture on how your Interview anyone who looks for animals.
application or remediation habitat. you do?
pets helps you and how important it is to you.
J. Additional activities for Make a picture of your pet on a bond paper. Write
Make an scrapbook of animals according to its Research about extinction of animals. What can
What animals give to people? a short paragraph below the picture on how your Interview anyone who looks for animals.
application or remediation habitat. you do?
pets helps you and how important it is to you.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
September 18-22, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER Second


Demonstrate understanding of parts Demonstrate understanding of parts Demonstrate understanding of parts Demonstrate understanding of parts Demonstrate understanding of parts
Content Standards and functions of animals and and functions of animals and and functions of animals and and functions of animals and and functions of animals and
importance to humans importance to humans importance to humans importance to humans importance to humans

To enumerate ways of grouping To enumerate ways of grouping To enumerate ways of grouping To enumerate ways of grouping To enumerate ways of grouping
Performance Standards animals based on their structure and animals based on their structure and animals based on their structure and animals based on their structure and animals based on their structure and
importance importance importance importance importance

Describe ways of proper handling of Describe ways of proper handling of

Learning Competencies / animals animals. Describe the parts of different kinds of Describe the parts of different kinds of State the importance of plants to
Objectives S3LT –IIc – d-7 S3LT –IIc – d-7 plants.S3LT – IIe –f-8 plants.S3LT – IIe –f-8 humans.S3LT – IIe –f-9

II. CONTENT Animals That Can Harm People Care for Pets Plants Different Parts of a Plants Uses of Plants


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources CG p.18 of 64. CG p.18 of 64. CG p.18 of 64.


A. Reviewing previous Show flashcards of animals to the class. Do plants have similarities?How?
Do animals cause vharm to people? What are the parts of a plants? What
lesson or presenting the How important are animals to people? Let the pupils identify each. Are animals Do plants have differences?How?
How? are the functions of each?
new lesson important to us?

Bring the pupils to the garden.Have a powerpoint

B. Establishing a purpose Which of these animals do you like best? How do you show care or proper of a garden.
Cat snake rat dog What can you see? What are some plants that Post two pictures of different plants. What are the uses of plants?
for the lesson handling to animals? grow in our school? Observe two pictures.
Draw all the parts that you can see.
Compare the first picture to the second.
Re-arrange the letters of each word below to form
C. Presenting a sentence. Flower and mango tree Let them answer the graphic organizers of Uses of
Examples/instances of new Post pictures of animals that can harm people. Show videos about caring for animals. Lptans vahe starp
Can you say that plants are useful to man?
Post on the board about plants.

D. Discussing new Is it friendly with every person it meets? What are the parts of the plants?
What are the parts of the plant( first pictutre)? What are the uses of plants?
What are the parts of thje tree ( second picture)? What plants provide humans food?
concepts and practicing new What harm can it do to people? How do you care your pets? Do all plants have all parts like other plants?
Do they have similar parts?What are they? What plants provide ?
skills #1

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing new
skills #2

F. Developing mastery Divide the class into groups. Each group will be
List the similarities and difference of plants’ parts
(Leads to Formative given a picture of a plant or a tree. Each group will
as to color ,shape. Size, texture and edges.
discuss the plant parts..
Divide the class into five groups. Seeds ( mongo,apple, cashew) Divide the class into five groups.
Group 1- When you disturb a bee hive. Roots( grass, raddish, carrots) Fill out the data asked for in this chart.
G. Finding Practical Group 2- When infectious mosquitoes bite you?
Divide the class into three. Individual Activity
Fruits( orange,melon, banana ) Name of Plant Kind of Plant Part of Used How
‘They can make a role play about caring or Draw a diagram of a plant with all of its parts.
applications of concepts and Group 3- When dogs bite you?
handling an animals. Label each plant and write it functions.
Stems ( kangkong , camote, ampalaya) Food Mediicne Clothing
Group 4- When flies touch your food? Leaves ( santan , anahaw, san Francisco)
skills Group 5- When animals sleep on your bed. Flowers ( gumamela, sunflower, bougainvillea,)
- Let them compare all the parts.

H. Making generalizations What can animals make to peo0ple? What are the parts of a plants?
How are plants similar and different to one
and abstractions about the What collected information you got in the lesson? Why should we show care for animals? What are the function of each?
What are the uses of plants?
Put a star on the space provided before each
lesson number if the plant is a source of food, a cross
Write true if the statement is correct and false if
mark if it is a source of medicine ,and check mark if
not. Identify the safe practice of care for animals.
it is provides both food and medicine or used for
1. Animals transmit disease. 1. Tease your pet when it is eating. Identify two plants that have similarities in…
other purposes.
2. Diseases transmitted by animals cannot be 2. Hold and play woth your dog when they just 1. color
I. Evaluating Learning provided. given birth.
Label the parts of a plants.Provide them a pictures.
2. shape 3. Size 4. Texture 5. smell
__1. Guava leaves
__ 2. Gumamela
3. Animals can cause allergies to people. 3. Bring your pey in the veterinarian regularly.
___3. Orchids
4. Animals can harm people.
__ 4. Oregano
___ 5. abaca
J. Additional activities for Cut-out pictures of different plants from magazines
Research about extinction of animals. What can
Interview anyone who looks for animals. Cut a pictures of a plants .Label its parts. and newspapers. Group the picture of plants List down five uses of plants on your notebook.
application or remediation you do?
according to their kind.
J. Additional activities for Cut-out pictures of different plants from magazines
Research about extinction of animals. What can
Interview anyone who looks for animals. Cut a pictures of a plants .Label its parts. and newspapers. Group the picture of plants List down five uses of plants on your notebook.
application or remediation you do?
according to their kind.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
September 25-29, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER Second


Demonstrate understanding of parts Demonstrate understanding of parts

and functions of animals and and functions of animals and
Demonstrate understanding of parts Demonstrate understanding of parts Demonstrate understanding of parts importance to humans /Reproduction importance to humans /Reproduction
Content Standards and functions of animals and and functions of animals and and functions of animals and among humans ,animals and plants among humans ,animals and plants
importance to humans importance to humans importance to humans and certain observable characteristics and certain observable characteristics
that are passes from parents to that are passes from parents to
offsprings. offsprings.

Given a photo of offspring and

To enumerate ways of grouping To enumerate ways of grouping To enumerate ways of grouping To enumerate ways of grouping
parents,make a checklist of possible
Performance Standards animals based on their structure and animals based on their structure and animals based on their structure and animals based on their structure and
characterisitcs that the offspring
importance importance importance importance
inherited from the parents.

Describe ways of caring and proper

Learning Competencies / Describe the parts of different kinds of State the importance of plants to Compare living with non-living things. Infer that living things reproduce.S3LT –
handlimg of plants. S3LT –
Objectives plants.S3LT – IIe –f-8 humans.S3LT – IIe –f-9 S3LT –Iie-f - 11 Iig –h -12
Iie –f -10

II. CONTENT Different Parts of a Plants Uses of Plants Care for Plants Living and Non – Living Things Animal Reproduction


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources CG p.18 of 64. CG p.18 of 64. CG p.18 of 64.


A. Reviewing previous Do plants have similarities?How?

What are the parts of a plants? What What are the uses of plants?In return,
lesson or presenting the Do plants have differences?How? Checking of the assignments.
are the functions of each? what must we do, to our plants?
new lesson

B. Establishing a purpose Where do animas come from?

Do you still remember how your parents care for
Post two pictures of different plants. What are the uses of plants? Singing a song as a springboard to the lesson.. What do you call the young dog?young cat?
for the lesson you when you were younger?How?
Observe two pictures.
Draw all the parts that you can see.
Compare the first picture to the second.

C. Presenting Flower and mango tree Let them answer the graphic organizers of Uses of Post the picture on the board.
Name the pictures and let them identify the
Show series of pictures of growing family of
Plants. A boy watering the plants. animals.
Examples/instances of new Can you say that plants are useful to man?
characterisitcs of the following things in the

D. Discussing new What are the parts of the plant( first pictutre)? What are the uses of plants? What is the boy doing?
What are the parts of thje tree ( second picture)? What plants provide humans food? Why is he doing it the plants? What are the characterisitics of the things in the
concepts and practicing new Do they have similar parts?What are they? What plants provide ? Is watering plants important?Why? picture?
What does each pictures says?
skills #1

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing new What do you call these tihings?
skills #2

Individual Activity
F. Developing mastery Prepare a short bond paper , pencil and coloring
List the similarities and difference of plants’ parts
(Leads to Formative as to color ,shape. Size, texture and edges.
materials.Draw a picture that shows proper way of
caring for plants.Color it.
Seeds ( mongo,apple, cashew) Divide the class into five groups.
Roots( grass, raddish, carrots) Fill out the data asked for in this chart. Group Activity
G. Finding Practical Fruits( orange,melon, banana ) Name of Plant Kind of Plant Part of Used How Divide the class into five groups.
Draw a parent and a baby animal on a short bond
Group the pupils into three. Let them list down 3 paper. Color it.Show on your drawing the
applications of concepts and Stems ( kangkong , camote, ampalaya) Food Mediicne Clothing Each group will make a role play about proper
examples of living and non-living things. characteristics of both animals and be ready to
Leaves ( santan , anahaw, san Francisco) ways of caring for plants.
skills Flowers ( gumamela, sunflower, bougainvillea,)
discuss to the class.
- Let them compare all the parts.

H. Making generalizations
How are plants similar and different to one How will you take care of your plants to grow big
and abstractions about the another?
What are the uses of plants?
and healthy?
What is living things?Non- living things? How animals reproduce?
Put a star on the space provided before each
lesson Put a check mark (/) on the space provided before
number if the plant is a source of food, a cross
each number if it show care for plants and cross
mark if it is a source of medicine ,and check mark if Tell if the following is living or non-living tihngs. Match the animals with their young ones.
mark ( x) if not.
it is provides both food and medicine or used for 1. plants 1. chicken
Identify two plants that have similarities in… __1. Remove dead leaves.
other purposes. 2. house 2. goat
1. color __2. Put plants in dark places.
I. Evaluating Learning 2. shape 3. Size 4. Texture 5. smell
__1. Guava leaves
__3. Water the plants every week.
3. water 3. goose
__ 2. Gumamela 4. animals 4. cat
__4. Use organic fertilizer to keep the plants
___3. Orchids 4. chairs 5. horse
__ 4. Oregano
___5. Cultivate the soil.
___ 5. abaca
J. Additional activities for Cut-out pictures of different plants from magazines Bring a small potted plants to school. Plant it in the
Draw the body parts that animals inherited by
and newspapers. Group the picture of plants List down five uses of plants on your notebook. school garden.Visit and take care for your plants Make an scrapbook of living and non-living things.
application or remediation their parents or other things.
according to their kind. until the end of the school year.
J. Additional activities for Cut-out pictures of different plants from magazines Bring a small potted plants to school. Plant it in the
Draw the body parts that animals inherited by
and newspapers. Group the picture of plants List down five uses of plants on your notebook. school garden.Visit and take care for your plants Make an scrapbook of living and non-living things.
application or remediation their parents or other things.
according to their kind. until the end of the school year.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
October 2-6, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER Second


Demonstrate understanding of parts Demonstrate understanding of parts

and functions of animals and and functions of animals and
Demonstrate understanding of parts Demonstrate understanding of parts importance to humans /Reproduction importance to humans /Reproduction
No Classes- World Teachers Day
Content Standards and functions of animals and and functions of animals and among humans ,animals and plants among humans ,animals and plants
importance to humans importance to humans and certain observable characteristics and certain observable characteristics
that are passes from parents to that are passes from parents to
offsprings. offsprings.

Given a photo of offspring and

To enumerate ways of grouping To enumerate ways of grouping To enumerate ways of grouping
parents,make a checklist of possible
Performance Standards animals based on their structure and animals based on their structure and animals based on their structure and
characterisitcs that the offspring
importance importance importance
inherited from the parents.

Describe ways of caring and proper

Learning Competencies / State the importance of plants to Compare living with non-living things. Infer that living things reproduce.S3LT –
handlimg of plants. S3LT –
Objectives humans.S3LT – IIe –f-9 S3LT –Iie-f - 11 Iig –h -12
Iie –f -10

II. CONTENT Uses of Plants Care for Plants Living and Non – Living Things Animal Reproduction


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources CG p.18 of 64. CG p.18 of 64.


A. Reviewing previous Do plants have similarities?How? What are the uses of plants?In return,
lesson or presenting the Do plants have differences?How? Checking of the assignments.
what must we do, to our plants?
new lesson

B. Establishing a purpose Where do animas come from?

Do you still remember how your parents care for
What are the uses of plants? Singing a song as a springboard to the lesson.. What do you call the young dog?young cat?
for the lesson you when you were younger?How?

C. Presenting Let them answer the graphic organizers of Uses of Post the picture on the board.
Name the pictures and let them identify the
Show series of pictures of growing family of
Plants. A boy watering the plants. animals.
Examples/instances of new Can you say that plants are useful to man?
characterisitcs of the following things in the

D. Discussing new What are the uses of plants? What is the boy doing?
What plants provide humans food? Why is he doing it the plants? What are the characterisitics of the things in the
concepts and practicing new What plants provide ? Is watering plants important?Why? picture?
What does each pictures says?
skills #1

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing new What do you call these tihings?
skills #2

Individual Activity
F. Developing mastery Prepare a short bond paper , pencil and coloring
(Leads to Formative materials.Draw a picture that shows proper way of
caring for plants.Color it.
Divide the class into five groups.
Fill out the data asked for in this chart. Group Activity
G. Finding Practical Name of Plant Kind of Plant Part of Used How Divide the class into five groups.
Draw a parent and a baby animal on a short bond
Group the pupils into three. Let them list down 3 paper. Color it.Show on your drawing the
applications of concepts and Food Mediicne Clothing Each group will make a role play about proper
examples of living and non-living things. characteristics of both animals and be ready to
ways of caring for plants.
skills discuss to the class.

H. Making generalizations
How will you take care of your plants to grow big
and abstractions about the What are the uses of plants?
and healthy?
What is living things?Non- living things? How animals reproduce?
Put a star on the space provided before each
lesson Put a check mark (/) on the space provided before
number if the plant is a source of food, a cross
each number if it show care for plants and cross
mark if it is a source of medicine ,and check mark if Tell if the following is living or non-living tihngs. Match the animals with their young ones.
mark ( x) if not.
it is provides both food and medicine or used for 1. plants 1. chicken
__1. Remove dead leaves.
other purposes. 2. house 2. goat
__2. Put plants in dark places.
I. Evaluating Learning __1. Guava leaves
__3. Water the plants every week.
3. water 3. goose
__ 2. Gumamela 4. animals 4. cat
__4. Use organic fertilizer to keep the plants
___3. Orchids 4. chairs 5. horse
__ 4. Oregano
___5. Cultivate the soil.
___ 5. abaca
J. Additional activities for Bring a small potted plants to school. Plant it in the
Draw the body parts that animals inherited by
List down five uses of plants on your notebook. school garden.Visit and take care for your plants Make an scrapbook of living and non-living things.
application or remediation their parents or other things.
until the end of the school year.
J. Additional activities for Bring a small potted plants to school. Plant it in the
Draw the body parts that animals inherited by
List down five uses of plants on your notebook. school garden.Visit and take care for your plants Make an scrapbook of living and non-living things.
application or remediation their parents or other things.
until the end of the school year.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Science October 02, 2017
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
October 2-6, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER Second


Demonstrate understanding of parts Demonstrate understanding of parts

and functions of animals and and functions of animals and
Demonstrate understanding of parts Demonstrate understanding of parts importance to humans /Reproduction importance to humans /Reproduction
No Classes- World Teachers Day
Content Standards and functions of animals and and functions of animals and among humans ,animals and plants among humans ,animals and plants
importance to humans importance to humans and certain observable characteristics and certain observable characteristics
that are passes from parents to that are passes from parents to
offsprings. offsprings.

Given a photo of offspring and

To enumerate ways of grouping To enumerate ways of grouping To enumerate ways of grouping
parents,make a checklist of possible
Performance Standards animals based on their structure and animals based on their structure and animals based on their structure and
characterisitcs that the offspring
importance importance importance
inherited from the parents.

Describe ways of caring and proper

Learning Competencies / State the importance of plants to Compare living with non-living things. Infer that living things reproduce.S3LT –
handlimg of plants. S3LT –
Objectives humans.S3LT – IIe –f-9 S3LT –Iie-f - 11 Iig –h -12
Iie –f -10

II. CONTENT Uses of Plants Care for Plants Living and Non – Living Things Animal Reproduction


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources CG p.18 of 64. CG p.18 of 64.


A. Reviewing previous Do plants have similarities?How? What are the uses of plants?In return,
lesson or presenting the Do plants have differences?How? Checking of the assignments.
what must we do, to our plants?
new lesson

B. Establishing a purpose Where do animas come from?

Do you still remember how your parents care for
What are the uses of plants? Singing a song as a springboard to the lesson.. What do you call the young dog?young cat?
for the lesson you when you were younger?How?

C. Presenting Let them answer the graphic organizers of Uses of Post the picture on the board.
Name the pictures and let them identify the
Show series of pictures of growing family of
Plants. A boy watering the plants. animals.
Examples/instances of new Can you say that plants are useful to man?
characterisitcs of the following things in the

D. Discussing new What are the uses of plants? What is the boy doing?
What plants provide humans food? Why is he doing it the plants? What are the characterisitics of the things in the
concepts and practicing new What plants provide ? Is watering plants important?Why? picture?
What does each pictures says?
skills #1

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing new What do you call these tihings?
skills #2

Individual Activity
F. Developing mastery Prepare a short bond paper , pencil and coloring
(Leads to Formative materials.Draw a picture that shows proper way of
caring for plants.Color it.
Divide the class into five groups.
Fill out the data asked for in this chart. Group Activity
G. Finding Practical Name of Plant Kind of Plant Part of Used How Divide the class into five groups.
Draw a parent and a baby animal on a short bond
Group the pupils into three. Let them list down 3 paper. Color it.Show on your drawing the
applications of concepts and Food Mediicne Clothing Each group will make a role play about proper
examples of living and non-living things. characteristics of both animals and be ready to
ways of caring for plants.
skills discuss to the class.

H. Making generalizations
How will you take care of your plants to grow big
and abstractions about the What are the uses of plants?
and healthy?
What is living things?Non- living things? How animals reproduce?
lesson Put a check mark (/) on the space provided before
each number if it show care for plants and cross
Write living or non-living tihngs. Match the animals with their young ones.
mark ( x) if not.
1. plants 1. chicken
__1. Remove dead leaves.
2. house 2. goat
__2. Put plants in dark places.
I. Evaluating Learning Choose the letter of the correct answer.
__3. Water the plants every week.
3. water 3. goose
4. animals 4. cat
__4. Use organic fertilizer to keep the plants
4. chairs 5. horse
___5. Cultivate the soil.
J. Additional activities for Bring a small potted plants to school. Plant it in the
Draw the body parts that animals inherited by
List down five uses of plants on your notebook. school garden.Visit and take care for your plants Make an scrapbook of living and non-living things.
application or remediation their parents or other things.
until the end of the school year.
J. Additional activities for Bring a small potted plants to school. Plant it in the
Draw the body parts that animals inherited by
List down five uses of plants on your notebook. school garden.Visit and take care for your plants Make an scrapbook of living and non-living things.
application or remediation their parents or other things.
until the end of the school year.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Science 10/2/2017/ Monday Science 10/3/2017/ Wednesday

Piliin ang titik ng wastong sagot. Isulat kung living o non- living things.
1. Ito ay gamit na mula sa puno na ginagamit sa paaralan. _____1. plants
A. Papel B. Bag C Chalk _____2. bahay
2. Tinatawag itong puno ng buhay. ____3. tubig
A. Mangga B. Santol C. Niyog ____4. hayop
3. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang mga bagay na mula sa halaman? ____5. upuan
A. Asin B. Silyang kahoy C. Plastic na bote
4. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halaman ang mapagkukunan
ng gamot?
A. Oregano B. Mangga C. Atis
5. Aong halaman ang maaring gamitin sa paggawa ng kasuotan?
A. Niyog B. Pinya C. Lansones

Science 10/3/2017/ Tuesday Science 10/4/2017/ Friday

Isulat ang √ sa patlang kung nagpapakita ng pangangalaga sa Match the animals with their young ones.
halaman at X kung hindi. 1. chicken
2. goat
_____1. Alisin ang mga tuyong dahon. 3. goose
_____2. Ilagay ang halaman sa madilim na lugar. 4. cat
_____3. Diligan ang halaman linggo-lingo. 5. horse
_____4. Gumamit ng organikong pataba sa halaman
upang maging malusog.
_____5. Pagyamanin ang lupa.
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
October 9-13, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER Second


Demonstrate understanding of parts Demonstrate understanding of parts Demonstrate understanding of parts

and functions of animals and and functions of animals and and functions of animals and
Demonstrate understanding of parts Demonstrate understanding of parts importance to humans /Reproduction importance to humans /Reproduction importance to humans /Reproduction
Content Standards and functions of animals and and functions of animals and among humans ,animals and plants among humans ,animals and plants among humans ,animals and plants
importance to humans importance to humans and certain observable characteristics and certain observable characteristics and certain observable characteristics
that are passes from parents to that are passes from parents to that are passes from parents to
offsprings. offsprings. offsprings.

Given a photo of offspring and Given a photo of offspring and

To enumerate ways of grouping To enumerate ways of grouping To enumerate ways of grouping
parents,make a checklist of possible parents,make a checklist of possible
Performance Standards animals based on their structure and animals based on their structure and animals based on their structure and
characterisitcs that the offspring characterisitcs that the offspring
importance importance importance
inherited from the parents. inherited from the parents.

Describe ways of caring and proper
Learning Competencies / State the importance of plants to Compare living with non-living things. Infer that living things reproduce.S3LT – Identify observable characteristics that
handlimg of plants. S3LT –
Objectives humans.S3LT – IIe –f-9 S3LT –Iie-f - 11 Iig –h -12 are passed on from parents to offspring
Iie –f -10

II. CONTENT Uses of Plants Care for Plants Living and Non – Living Things Animal Reproduction Human reproduction and Heredity


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Pp 92-93
2. Learner’s Materials Pp 106-107
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials chart

from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources CG p.18 of 64. CG p.18 of 64. Activity sheet


A. Reviewing previous Do plants have similarities?How? What are the uses of plants?In return,
lesson or presenting the Do plants have differences?How? Checking of the assignments. Continuation of day 1 lesson
what must we do, to our plants?
new lesson

B. Establishing a purpose Where do animas come from?

Do you still remember how your parents care for
What are the uses of plants? Singing a song as a springboard to the lesson.. What do you call the young dog?young cat? Work individually for activity 4
for the lesson you when you were younger?How?

C. Presenting Let them answer the graphic organizers of Uses of Post the picture on the board.
Name the pictures and let them identify the
Show series of pictures of growing family of
Plants. A boy watering the plants. animals.
Examples/instances of new Can you say that plants are useful to man?
characterisitcs of the following things in the Give the class seven minutes to do the activity

D. Discussing new What are the uses of plants? What is the boy doing?
What plants provide humans food? Why is he doing it the plants? What are the characterisitics of the things in the
concepts and practicing new What plants provide ? Is watering plants important?Why? picture?
What does each pictures says? Post the enlarge picture of a katakataka
skills #1

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing new What do you call these tihings? Ask the questions in the activity sheet
skills #2

Individual Activity
F. Developing mastery Prepare a short bond paper , pencil and coloring
(Leads to Formative materials.Draw a picture that shows proper way of Post the enlarge picture of a …
caring for plants.Color it.
Divide the class into five groups.
Fill out the data asked for in this chart. Group Activity
G. Finding Practical Name of Plant Kind of Plant Part of Used How Divide the class into five groups.
Draw a parent and a baby animal on a short bond
Group the pupils into three. Let them list down 3 paper. Color it.Show on your drawing the
applications of concepts and Food Mediicne Clothing Each group will make a role play about proper
examples of living and non-living things. characteristics of both animals and be ready to
Answer the ff. Questions
ways of caring for plants.
skills discuss to the class.

H. Making generalizations
How will you take care of your plants to grow big
and abstractions about the What are the uses of plants?
and healthy?
What is living things?Non- living things? How animals reproduce? Many plants grow from seeds but they can also..
lesson Put a check mark (/) on the space provided before
each number if it show care for plants and cross
Write living or non-living tihngs. Match the animals with their young ones.
mark ( x) if not.
1. plants 1. chicken
__1. Remove dead leaves.
2. house 2. goat
__2. Put plants in dark places.
I. Evaluating Learning Choose the letter of the correct answer.
__3. Water the plants every week.
3. water 3. goose How do these plants produce plants..
4. animals 4. cat
__4. Use organic fertilizer to keep the plants
4. chairs 5. horse
___5. Cultivate the soil.
J. Additional activities for Bring a small potted plants to school. Plant it in the
Draw the body parts that animals inherited by
List down five uses of plants on your notebook. school garden.Visit and take care for your plants Make an scrapbook of living and non-living things.
application or remediation their parents or other things.
until the end of the school year.
J. Additional activities for Bring a small potted plants to school. Plant it in the
Draw the body parts that animals inherited by
List down five uses of plants on your notebook. school garden.Visit and take care for your plants Make an scrapbook of living and non-living things.
application or remediation their parents or other things.
until the end of the school year.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Science 10/2/2017/ Monday Science 10/3/2017/ Wednesday

Piliin ang titik ng wastong sagot. Isulat kung living o non- living things.
1. Ito ay gamit na mula sa puno na ginagamit sa paaralan. _____1. plants
A. Papel B. Bag C Chalk _____2. bahay
2. Tinatawag itong puno ng buhay. ____3. tubig
A. Mangga B. Santol C. Niyog ____4. hayop
3. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang mga bagay na mula sa halaman? ____5. upuan
A. Asin B. Silyang kahoy C. Plastic na bote
4. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halaman ang mapagkukunan
ng gamot?
A. Oregano B. Mangga C. Atis
5. Aong halaman ang maaring gamitin sa paggawa ng kasuotan?
A. Niyog B. Pinya C. Lansones

Science 10/3/2017/ Tuesday Science 10/4/2017/ Friday

Isulat ang √ sa patlang kung nagpapakita ng pangangalaga sa Match the animals with their young ones.
halaman at X kung hindi. 1. chicken
2. goat
_____1. Alisin ang mga tuyong dahon. 3. goose
_____2. Ilagay ang halaman sa madilim na lugar. 4. cat
_____3. Diligan ang halaman linggo-lingo. 5. horse
_____4. Gumamit ng organikong pataba sa halaman
upang maging malusog.
_____5. Pagyamanin ang lupa.
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
October 16-20, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER Second


Demonstrate understanding of parts

and functions of animals and
importance to humans /Reproduction Demonstrate understanding of parts
Basic needs of plants, animals and
Content Standards among humans ,animals and plants and function of animals and
and certain observable characteristics importance to humans.
that are passes from parents to

Given a photo of offspring and .List down activities which they can
.Be able to enumerate wways of
parents,make a checklist of possible perform at home, in school ,or in their
Performance Standards grouping animals based on their
characterisitcs that the offspring neighborhood to keep the environment
structure and importance.
inherited from the parents. clean.

Recognize that there I a need to protect

S3LT-IIg-h13 Describe proper ways of handling
and conserve the environment.
Learning Competencies / Identify observable characteristics that animals.
S3LT –Iii-jj-16 Second Periodical Test Second Periodical Test
Objectives are passed on from parents to offspring S3LT –IIc –d -7

II. CONTENT Human reproduction and Heredity Proper Ways of Handling Animals Protecting and Conserving the Environment


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Pp 92-93 CG p.18 of 64 CG p.19 of 64
2. Learner’s Materials Pp 106-107
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials chart

from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources Activity sheet Powerpoint ,pictures Video,activity cards,manila paper

A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting the Continuation of day 1 lesson
new lesson

B. Establishing a purpose Work individually for activity 4 What are some characteristics of animals? What makes an environment?
for the lesson

C. Presenting
.Show video or powerpoint of ways of handling Show video about protecting and conserving
Examples/instances of new Give the class seven minutes to do the activity
animals. environment.

D. Discussing new
concepts and practicing new Post the enlarge picture of a katakataka How do we handle animals? How do we take good care of the environment?
skills #1

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing new Ask the questions in the activity sheet
skills #2

F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative Post the enlarge picture of a … Poster Making about Protecting Environment.
Divide the class into three groups.
I- List down activites that shows protecting the
G. Finding Practical environment.
Assign animals to the groups. Provide pictures for
applications of concepts and Answer the ff. Questions
them to answer or analyze.
II –Opantomine how to conserve the
environmental resources.
skills IIII – Make a story about protecting environment.

H. Making generalizations
How do we interact to animals in our
and abstractions about the Many plants grow from seeds but they can also..
What did you learned today?

Provide activities to answer by the pupils.Maybe it

I. Evaluating Learning How do these plants produce plants.. a test item or other materials that test

J. Additional activities for Cut pictures of an environment. Cut pictures saying “ Environment Protection”.
application or remediation
J. Additional activities for Cut pictures of an environment. Cut pictures saying “ Environment Protection”.
application or remediation

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Science 10/2/2017/ Monday Science 10/3/2017/ Wednesday

Piliin ang titik ng wastong sagot. Isulat kung living o non- living things.
1. Ito ay gamit na mula sa puno na ginagamit sa paaralan. _____1. plants
A. Papel B. Bag C Chalk _____2. bahay
2. Tinatawag itong puno ng buhay. ____3. tubig
A. Mangga B. Santol C. Niyog ____4. hayop
3. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang mga bagay na mula sa halaman? ____5. upuan
A. Asin B. Silyang kahoy C. Plastic na bote
4. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halaman ang mapagkukunan
ng gamot?
A. Oregano B. Mangga C. Atis
5. Aong halaman ang maaring gamitin sa paggawa ng kasuotan?
A. Niyog B. Pinya C. Lansones

Science 10/3/2017/ Tuesday Science 10/4/2017/ Friday

Isulat ang √ sa patlang kung nagpapakita ng pangangalaga sa Match the animals with their young ones.
halaman at X kung hindi. 1. chicken
2. goat
_____1. Alisin ang mga tuyong dahon. 3. goose
_____2. Ilagay ang halaman sa madilim na lugar. 4. cat
_____3. Diligan ang halaman linggo-lingo. 5. horse
_____4. Gumamit ng organikong pataba sa halaman
upang maging malusog.
_____5. Pagyamanin ang lupa.
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
November 2-3, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER Second


The learners demonstrate

The learners demonstrate understanding of… motion of objects
Content Standards understanding of… motion of objects The learners demonstrate
understanding of… motion of objects

The learners should be able to… The learners should be able to…
observe, describe, and investigate the observe, describe, and investigate the
Performance Standards position and movement of things position and movement of things
around them around them

Describe the position of a person or an

Describe the position of a person or an
object in relation to a reference point
object in relation to a reference point
Learning Competencies / such as chair, door, another person;
such as chair, door, another person;
Objectives S3FE-IIIa-b-1
S3FE –IIIa-b-1

II. CONTENT Position of an Object Location of an Object


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages Cg P.20 OF 64 Cg P.20 OF 64
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages
Into the Future: Science and Health 2.
4. Additional Materials Estrella, Sonia V., et al. 1997. pp. 124-
from Learning Resources 125. *
B. Other Learning Resources

A. Reviewing previous
What is needed to describe the position of an
lesson or presenting the object?
new lesson

B. Establishing a purpose
for the lesson
Who sits in front of you? Call a student in front.
Who sits behind you? Ask student to walk on his left./right side three
Who sits on your left side? tijmes.
C. Presenting
Examples/instances of new

D. Discussing new
What was your reference point in identifying your
concepts and practicing new classmate? Define reference point?
Did your classmates move?
skills #1

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing new
skills #2

F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative

G. Finding Practical Divide the class into groups with four

Divide the class into groups with four members.
applications of concepts and memberseach.Distriiibute the worksheets below to
Ask them to get their materials.
each group.

The position off an object can be determined by

H. Making generalizations locating its position relative to another object. It is
An object has moved iff it travels a distance from
and abstractions about the important to use a reference object to describe the
its reference point.
position of another object to be able to locate
lesson them easily.
.Write the words (above,below,beside,or in front
The activity will serve as the formative assessment
I. Evaluating Learning 1.
for today.

J. Additional activities for Bring a toy car for the next lesson. No assignment.
application or remediation
J. Additional activities for Bring a toy car for the next lesson. No assignment.
application or remediation

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Science 10/2/2017/ Monday Science 10/3/2017/ Wednesday

Piliin ang titik ng wastong sagot. Isulat kung living o non- living things.
1. Ito ay gamit na mula sa puno na ginagamit sa paaralan. _____1. plants
A. Papel B. Bag C Chalk _____2. bahay
2. Tinatawag itong puno ng buhay. ____3. tubig
A. Mangga B. Santol C. Niyog ____4. hayop
3. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang mga bagay na mula sa halaman? ____5. upuan
A. Asin B. Silyang kahoy C. Plastic na bote
4. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halaman ang mapagkukunan
ng gamot?
A. Oregano B. Mangga C. Atis
5. Aong halaman ang maaring gamitin sa paggawa ng kasuotan?
A. Niyog B. Pinya C. Lansones

Science 10/3/2017/ Tuesday Science 10/4/2017/ Friday

Isulat ang √ sa patlang kung nagpapakita ng pangangalaga sa Match the animals with their young ones.
halaman at X kung hindi. 1. chicken
2. goat
_____1. Alisin ang mga tuyong dahon. 3. goose
_____2. Ilagay ang halaman sa madilim na lugar. 4. cat
_____3. Diligan ang halaman linggo-lingo. 5. horse
_____4. Gumamit ng organikong pataba sa halaman
upang maging malusog.
_____5. Pagyamanin ang lupa.
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
November 6-10, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER Second


Content Standards Motion of Objects Motion of Objects Motion of Objects Motion of Objects Motion of Objects

Observe, describe , and investigate the Observe, describe , and investigate the Observe, describe , and investigate the Observe, describe , and investigate the Observe, describe , and investigate the
Performance Standards position and movement of things position and movement of things position and movement of things position and movement of things position and movement of things
around them around them around them around them around them

Describe the position of an object Describe how wind move objects.

Learning Competencies / Describe the location of an object after Describe the different ways to move
relative to another object. Make a wind wheel.
Objectives it has been moved.S3FE – IIIa – b -1 objects.S3FE – IIIa – b -1
S3FE – IIIa –b-1 S3FE – IIIc –d- 2

II. CONTENT Position of an Object Location of an Object Different Ways to Move Objects How Wind Moves Summative Test


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources


A. Reviewing previous
What is needed to describe the position of an How do you know that an object has
lesson or presenting the object correctly? moved?
What are the ways in moving an object?
new lesson

Who sits in a front of you?

B. Establishing a purpose Who sits behind you?
for the lesson Who sits on your left side? Call a student in front.
Ask the pupil to walk on his /her left side three
Show a wind wheel model to the class.
What can you do with a ball? - What do you call thi object?
- Did your classmates move? How did you know
that he /she moved?
C. Presenting
Examples/instances of new Brainstorm the word “ reference point”?

Divide the class into groups with four members

D. Discussing new each.
Divide the class into five groups. What do you call these words? What are the
Each group will have the materials such as car, different ways of making your wind wheel spin?
concepts and practicing new Distribute the worksheets below to each group.
chalk and meter stick.
What do you call these words?
What makes the wind wheel spin?
“ What is it? Worksheet
skills #1

What is the location of the car before it

E. Discussing new What is the reference object in was pushed?
concepts and practicing new describing the position of the object in What is the location of the car after
skills #2 each number/ pushing it?

How do animals move an object.

F. Developing mastery 1. a horse pulling a cart.
Why is it important to use a reference object in
(Leads to Formative describing the position of an object?
2. A carabao pulling a cart.
3. A cat playing with a ball.

G. Finding Practical Divide the class into five groups.

Each member of the group will bring out five
applications of concepts and Drawing Positions for Shapes Worksheet The teacher will correct an errors did by the pupils.
objects inside their bags.
Making a wind wheel.

H. Making generalizations
and abstractions about the How can you determined the position of an object? How can you described the location of an object? What are the different ways of moving an object? What objects can wind wheel move?

Write the words ( above, behind , below, beside , List down 10 things that you can find at home /
List down five objects found at home that moved
I. Evaluating Learning or in front of ) based on what you see in the The activity will serve as the pupils ‘performances. school. On the opposite part of the object ,write
by the wind.
picture. ( TG ). how you make that object move?

J. Additional activities for Draw two objects which show movement on a

List down different ways of moving a jumping
Bring a toy car for the net lesson. short bond paper. Describe the location of the Practice to make wind wheel at home.
application or remediation rope.
object after it was moved.
J. Additional activities for Draw two objects which show movement on a
List down different ways of moving a jumping
Bring a toy car for the net lesson. short bond paper. Describe the location of the Practice to make wind wheel at home.
application or remediation rope.
object after it was moved.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Science 10/2/2017/ Monday Science 10/3/2017/ Wednesday

Piliin ang titik ng wastong sagot. Isulat kung living o non- living things.
1. Ito ay gamit na mula sa puno na ginagamit sa paaralan. _____1. plants
A. Papel B. Bag C Chalk _____2. bahay
2. Tinatawag itong puno ng buhay. ____3. tubig
A. Mangga B. Santol C. Niyog ____4. hayop
3. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang mga bagay na mula sa halaman? ____5. upuan
A. Asin B. Silyang kahoy C. Plastic na bote
4. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halaman ang mapagkukunan
ng gamot?
A. Oregano B. Mangga C. Atis
5. Aong halaman ang maaring gamitin sa paggawa ng kasuotan?
A. Niyog B. Pinya C. Lansones

Science 10/3/2017/ Tuesday Science 10/4/2017/ Friday

Isulat ang √ sa patlang kung nagpapakita ng pangangalaga sa Match the animals with their young ones.
halaman at X kung hindi. 1. chicken
2. goat
_____1. Alisin ang mga tuyong dahon. 3. goose
_____2. Ilagay ang halaman sa madilim na lugar. 4. cat
_____3. Diligan ang halaman linggo-lingo. 5. horse
_____4. Gumamit ng organikong pataba sa halaman
upang maging malusog.
_____5. Pagyamanin ang lupa.
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
November 13-17, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER Second


Demonstrate the understanding of Demonstrate the understanding of Demonstrate the understanding of Demonstrate the understanding of Demonstrate the understanding of
Content Standards motion of objects motion of objects motion of objects motion of objects motion of objects

Learners should be able to observe, Learners should be able to observe, Learners should be able to observe, Learners should be able to observe, Learners should be able to observe,
Performance Standards describe, and investigate the position describe, and investigate the position describe, and investigate the position describe, and investigate the position describe, and investigate the position
and movement of things around them and movement of things around them and movement of things around them and movement of things around them and movement of things around them

Describe the movement of an object as

Describe the movements of objects Describe the movements of objects Describe the movements of objects Describe the movements of objects
Learning Competencies / fast or slow; and Describe the
such as people, water, wind, magnets. such as people, water, wind, magnets. such as people, water, wind, magnets. such as people, water, wind, magnets.
Objectives movement of an object as forward or
S3FE-IIIc-d-2 S3FE-IIIc-d-3 S3FE-IIIc-d-4 S3FE-IIIc-d-5

Describing the Position of an Object Describing the Location of an Object Describing the Location of an Object Describing the Location of an Object Describing the Location of an Object
II. CONTENT Relative to Another Object after It has Moved after It has Moved after It has Moved after It has Moved
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 133-134 135-136 137-138 139-140 139-141
2. Learner’s Materials 120-121 122-123 123-124 124-125 123-123
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources

How can you make objects move?
What makes the wind wheel move? What kind of objects does magnet attract?
A. Reviewing previous Are there windmills in the Philippines that are used What should objects possess for them to be
What are the different ways of making objects
move? How did you move the car in the race yesterday?
lesson or presenting the to generate electricity? What are the things that can make objects move? attacked by magnets?
Who won in the car race yesterday?
new lesson

Show different types of magnets.

Show a model of paper boat.
Do you like toy car racing?
B. Establishing a purpose Ask: Where do you find this kind of object? Show a bar magnet to the class. Who among you have seesn a track and field
Can you describe each of these magnets? How can you make the toy cars move in different
How it is called? Ask pupils to describe the magnet. competition during an athletic meet? What are thr
for the lesson What name is given to each type? ways?
How does it work? reasons why they won the game?
What does a magnet do?

C. Presenting Group Activity. What do you want to know about bar magnets? Group Activity.
Let us try to make a paper boat and try it out in a
Examples/instances of new large basin of water.
Answer Activity 1 on LMp.122 Write their questions on the board. Answer Activity3 on LMp.124 Group Activity

D. Discussing new Answer Activity 5 on LMp.120

Group Activity.
Answer Activity 2 on LMp.123. Ask pupils to select group leaders to discuss their Ask pupils to select group leaders to discuss their
concepts and practicing new Discuss each question on the activity.
findings. findings.
skills #1

E. Discussing new
Ask pupils to select group leaders to Discuss the movement of an object as
concepts and practicing new Discuss pupils’ answers on Activity. Discuss pupils’ answers on Activity. Discuss pushing and pulling.
discuss their findings. fast or slow; forward and backward.
skills #2

F. Developing mastery Discuss that objects attracted to a magnet are Discuss the KWL chart. Let pupils answer the last
(Leads to Formative Discuss that the object was moved by water. made of iron and some metals. Not all metals are Discuss what bar magnet is. column, about what they have learned in Lessons 1
attracted to a magnet( aluminum, brass, copper) and 2 of unit 3.

G. Finding Practical
applications of concepts and Taking Care of Environment Cooperation Cooperation Cooperation Cooperation

A bar magnet has two magnetic poles called South Objects can be move by pushing, pulling, using a
H. Making generalizations Water can make objects move.
A magnet doesn’t necessarily have to be directly and North Poles. magnet and faming.
Water exerts a force that causes objects like the The movement of an object can be described as
and abstractions about the paper boat to move.
touching a magnetic object to affect it. It can The strength of a magnet is greatest at the poles. People, water, wind and magnets can make
fast or slow and forward and backward.
attract a magnetic object at a distance. Like poles repel, while unlike poles attract. objects move.
What would happen to two bar magnets placed:
Answer Assessment on TGp.140.
A plastic ball is placed in a basin with water. Write 1. with their N poles facing each other
Complete the statement on the right of the picture.
I. Evaluating Learning two ways to make the ball move without touching Check pupil’s answers on the activity. 2.with their S poles facing each other
Choose the word from the box below.
Write fast or slow on the blank.
or blowing it. 3. with their N and S poles facing each other.

J. Additional activities for Draw a situation where water is used to move an

Read about where magnets come from.
Bring a toy car( non-battery operated ) for
Review your previous lesson.
Bring the following objectson Monday: rubber
application or remediation object. tomorrows activity. band with different colors, garter
J. Additional activities for Draw a situation where water is used to move an
Read about where magnets come from.
Bring a toy car( non-battery operated ) for
Review your previous lesson.
Bring the following objectson Monday: rubber
application or remediation object. tomorrows activity. band with different colors, garter

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Science 10/2/2017/ Monday Science 10/3/2017/ Wednesday

Piliin ang titik ng wastong sagot. Isulat kung living o non- living things.
1. Ito ay gamit na mula sa puno na ginagamit sa paaralan. _____1. plants
A. Papel B. Bag C Chalk _____2. bahay
2. Tinatawag itong puno ng buhay. ____3. tubig
A. Mangga B. Santol C. Niyog ____4. hayop
3. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang mga bagay na mula sa halaman? ____5. upuan
A. Asin B. Silyang kahoy C. Plastic na bote
4. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halaman ang mapagkukunan
ng gamot?
A. Oregano B. Mangga C. Atis
5. Aong halaman ang maaring gamitin sa paggawa ng kasuotan?
A. Niyog B. Pinya C. Lansones

Science 10/3/2017/ Tuesday Science 10/4/2017/ Friday

Isulat ang √ sa patlang kung nagpapakita ng pangangalaga sa Match the animals with their young ones.
halaman at X kung hindi. 1. chicken
2. goat
_____1. Alisin ang mga tuyong dahon. 3. goose
_____2. Ilagay ang halaman sa madilim na lugar. 4. cat
_____3. Diligan ang halaman linggo-lingo. 5. horse
_____4. Gumamit ng organikong pataba sa halaman
upang maging malusog.
_____5. Pagyamanin ang lupa.
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
November 20-24, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER Second


Ang mag-aaral ay magpapakita nang Ang mag-aaral ay magpapakita nang Ang mag-aaral ay magpapakita nang Ang mag-aaral ay magpapakita nang Ang mag-aaral ay magpapakita nang
pag-unawa ng: pag-unawa ng: pag-unawa ng: pag-unawa ng: pag-unawa ng:
Content Standards Galaw ng mga bagay Galaw ng mga bagay Galaw ng mga bagay Galaw ng mga bagay Galaw ng mga bagay

Magagawa ng mag-aaral na mag- Magagawa ng mag-aaral na mag- Magagawa ng mag-aaral na mag- Magagawa ng mag-aaral na mag- Magagawa ng mag-aaral na mag-
obserba o magmasid, mailarawan, at obserba o magmasid, mailarawan, at obserba o magmasid, mailarawan, at obserba o magmasid, mailarawan, at obserba o magmasid, mailarawan, at
Performance Standards magsiyasat/ magsaliksik ng posisyon at magsiyasat/ magsaliksik ng posisyon at magsiyasat/ magsaliksik ng posisyon at magsiyasat/ magsaliksik ng posisyon at magsiyasat/ magsaliksik ng posisyon at
galaw ng mga bagay sa kapaligiran. galaw ng mga bagay sa kapaligiran. galaw ng mga bagay sa kapaligiran. galaw ng mga bagay sa kapaligiran. galaw ng mga bagay sa kapaligiran.

Nailalarawan ang paraan ng

Nakikilala ang pinanggalingan ng
pagpapahaba (stretch) at pagpapaiksi
(compress) ng mga bagay Nakikilala ang wastong paraan ng Nakikilala ang mga bagay na
S3FE-IIIg-h-4Nauuri ang liwanag- Nakikilala ang gamit ng liwanag.
Learning Competencies / S3FE-IIIe-f-3.3 paggamit ng liwanag. pinagmumulan ng init.
natural (TUnay o Likas) o artificial (d- S#FE-III-ij.3
Objectives Nakapagbibigay ng mga bagay na S3FE-III-ij-3.1 S3FE-III-ij-3.2
tunay )
napapahaba at napapaliit/napapaiksi

Aralin 3.1:Pagpapahaba (Stretch) at Kabanata 2 Liwanag at Init Aralin 2. Gamit ng Liwanag Aralin 4: Pinanggalingan/
II. CONTENT Pagpapliit/Pagpapaiksi (Compress) ng mga Aralin 1. Pinagmulan ng Liwanag Aralin 3: Kaligtasan sa Paggamit ng Liwanag Pinagmulan ng Init
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages TM p.147 TM p. 148 TM p. 149 TM p. 150 TM p. 151
2. Learner’s Materials KM pp.127-128 KM pp. 129-130 KM pp.121-132 KM pp.132-133 KM pp. 133-134
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials Agham 3 Curriculum Guide Agham 3 Curriculum Guide Agham 3 curriculum Guide Agham 3 Curriculum Guide Agham 3 Curriculum Guide
from Learning Resources

Metrong panukat, garter, Iba’t ibang

B. Other Learning Resources Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation Powerpoint Presentation
kulay ng goma/lastiko
Pagwawasto ng takdang-aralin
Pagwawasto ng Takdang-aralin. Pagwawasto ng Takdang-aralin
A. Reviewing previous Balik-aral:
Balik-aral Pagwawasto ng Takdang-Aralin.
Balik-aral: Paano mo mo ilalarawan ang paggalaw Anu-ano ang mga uri ng liwanag? Balik-aral:
lesson or presenting the ng isang bagay?
Paano napapahaba at napapaiksi ang isang
Bakit mahalaga ang liwanag ? Ano ang gamit ng liwanag?
Kailan nakakasama ang init ng araw?
new lesson

Maari bang mapahaba o mabanat ang isang

B. Establishing a purpose Ano ang pinagmumulan ng init sa mundo?
Anu-ano ang mga pinagmumulan ng liwanag? Ano kaya ang gamit ng liwanag? Maari bang makasama sa atin ang liwanag?
for the lesson Maari din bang mapaliit/mapaiksi ito?

C. Presenting Ipalabas ang mga kagamitang ipinadala. Hayang Ituon ang pansin sa KM pp. 129-130. Ipagawa ang gawain sa p. 131
Ituon ang pansin ng mga bata sa KM pp. 132-133 . Isagawa ang Indibidwal na Gawain sa KM pp.
Examples/instances of new magbigay ang mga bata ng tanong kung ano ang Anu-anong bagay ang nakalarawan ? Ipasagot ang mga tanong sa ibaba.
Ipagawa ito sa knila ng Indibidwal. 132-133
maaring gawin sa mgabagay na ito.

D. Discussing new Talakayin ang mga pamamaraan para sa Gawain. Talakayin ang mga sagot ng mga bata. Itanong:
Talakayin ang mga isinagot ng bata sa mga
concepts and practicing new KM p. 128 Ipasagawa ang Gawain ng Indibidwal.
tanong sa p. 131
Ano ang pakiramdam kung may suot na Talakayin ang mga sagot ng bata
sunglasses kapag mainit ang panahon?
skills #1

E. Discussing new Talakayin kung paano nila Ano ang negatibong epekto ng Maliban sa mga nasagutang
Talakayin ang mga isinagot ng mga Ipasagawa ng Indibidwal ang gawain
concepts and practicing new maisasagawa nang aayos ang mga sobrang init araw sa tao, hayop at pinagmumulan ng init , mayroon pa
bata sa KM pp. 129-130 sa p. 132
skills #2 pamamraan sa pangkatang gawain. halaman? bang iba?

Masdan ang ilustrasyon o paglalarawan kung

F. Developing mastery Ano ang liwanag na makikita sa ilalim ng dagat? paano nakakapasok ang ultraviolet light A at B sa
Pangkatang Gawain Naabot ba ngmga
arawsagotang kailaliman
Talakayin at pasagutan ang mga tanong sa KM p Talakayin ang ng bata sa omga pusod ng
tanong mata.
AnongAnu-ano a ng mga
uri ng radiation paraan
mayron angupang maging
araw? UVA, Bakit mahalaga ang init sa tao, hayop at
(Leads to Formative 128-129
Gawin ang Gawain sa pp. 130-132
p. 132 ligtas tayo UVB
sa pinsala
at UVCng liwanag. halaman?
Assessment) Ipaliwanag:
Ang bioluminescence ay artificial na liwanag na Mga epekto nito:
nagmumula sa kemikal na luciferin at ang Ang UVA( ultraviolet –Aging) ay mapanganib sa
katalismong lusiferase na nahahalo sa oksehina balat na nagpapakulubot nito at maaring Piliin sa kahon at Tukuyin ang mga bagay na
G. Finding Practical Isipin: Bakit mahalaga ang liwanag at init sa tao, atnagiging oxyluciferin nagbibigay ng liwanag sa magkaroon ng kanser sa balat. Anu-anong mganagbibigay
kasangkapaninit.sa tahanan ang
Bakit mahalaga ang init sa tao, hayop at hayop at halaman? katawan ng mga hayop gaya ng mga isda sa ilalim Ang UVB (ultraviolet –Burning) naman ay Piliin sa kahon
nagbibigay ang
ng init? wastong
Ipasabi angsagot.
mga ito.
applications of concepts and halaman? ng dagat kung saan hindi naabot ng liwanag ng napakapangib na nagdudulot ng pagkasunog ng
skills araw.Ito Anu-ano
ay babala angsagamit
na lumayo sa Anu-ano ang iba pang pinagkukunan
balat (sunburn) at katarata sa mata at ng
Ang liwanag
kanila. Minsanay maraming
naman itopakinabang
ay camouflage sa tao,
o nakakaapekto ng liwanang?
ating immune system o Anu-ano ang mga bagay na nagbibigay o
hayop at halaman.
pagpapanggap naAng
magmukaliwanag mulaliwanag
silang sa arawng na Ang araw nagbibigay
sistemang ang enerhiyang ginagamit
sa atin ng mga
ng proteksyon sa pinagkukuhanan ng init?
Paano napapahaba o napapaiksi ang bagay?
Anu-ano ang mga pinagkukunan ng liwanag? isang
buwan likas o natural
kung na liwanag
nasa mababaw naang nagbibigay
bahagi ng tubig.sa halaman s apaggawa mgang sakit.
pagkain sa pamamgitan
Ang goma at garter ay napahahaba kung
H. Making generalizations hahatakin o babanatin ito. Napapaiksi naman
Ang natural o likas na liwanag ay hindi gawa ng atin
Ang mga
Isulat ng liwanag
Oo kung upang
itogamit makita
ay animo ng tao
mga ilaw
ng liwanag at
at sa hayop
Hindi kung ng photosynthesis.
Ang UVC ay hindi nakakarating sa atin dahil Ang araw ang pinagmumulan ng liwanag at init sa
tao gaya ng araw, buwan samantalang ang ang lahathinding bagay sanakapaligiran.
ito gamit ng liwanag.Dahil dito May mga liwanag na artipisyal
napakamapanganib nito sa mgana nilalang
sa mundo. Ang init nito ay ginagamit ng lahat ng
and abstractions about the kung papakawalan o hahayaan sa likas na ayos
artificial na liwanag ay gawa ng tao gaya ng nagagawa ng tao ang kanyang gawain o trabaho Isulatgaya
ang Tama
mundo taokung
ng liwanag gaya pagkaligtasan
ng ilaw
pinipigilan ngtrapiko para namumuhay dito. May mga
atmospera 1. pinagkukunan din ng
nito. _______1. Ang ilaw ng sasakyan ang nagbibigay
lesson Pagtataya
plaslayt at bumbilya at paglilibang gaya laban
Pagtataya liwanag sa ng paglalaro.
daraanan Ito rin ang
nito. s akaayusan ng(Ozone
mga sasakyan
Layer). sa ating mga init mula sa artipisyal na mga bagay gaya ng
Isulat ang NL kung likas o natural na liwanag at AP nagbibigayPumapasok
ng enerhiyaang upang makalikha ng sa pinsala ng liwanag at Mali kung
kalsada.Parola para gabayan ang mga barko at hindi. kalan, uling at siga.
Sagutin ng Oo o Hindi ang mga tanong. _______2. liwanag sa mata
kung artipisyal na liwanag. pagkain ang mga halaman sa prosesong ______1.
iba Magsuot ng de-kulay
pang sasakyang na salamin.
_____1. Ang garter ay napapahaba. upang makita natin ang mga bagay.
________1. Ilaw ng alitaptap photosynthesis. ______2. Magpayong kung matindi ang liwanag. 2.
_____2. Ang braso ng tao ay napapaiksi. _______3. Ang liwanag ng bumbilya ay
________2. kandila ______3. Tumitig ng diretso sa araw.
I. Evaluating Learning _____3. Ang goma ay napapahaba.
________3. Plaslayt
tumutulong upang mapisa ang mga itlog sa
______4. Gumamit ng katamtamang liwanag ng
_____4. Ang lobo ay napapaiksi. artipisyal na pamamaraan.
________4. Buwan ilaw sa pagbabasa.
_____5. Ang sinulid ay napapahaba. _______4. Ang liwanag ay nagpapaganda ng
________5. Araw
Takdang-Aralin ______5. Magbasa sa madilim na bahagi ng 3.
buhok ng tao. Magdikit sa kuwaderno
Magdala ng mga larawan ng pinagkukuhanan ng Magdala ng tennis racket at bola nito, magdala rin Magsaliksik bahay.ng Agham ng mga
_______5. Angat alaminng
liwanag ang ibaang
laser pang gamit ngsa
ginagamit larawan ng bagay na nagbibigay ng init o Magdikit ng mga larawan ng pinagkukunan ng
J. Additional activities for liwanag o ilaw. Tukuyin ang mga ito. ng mga larawan na nagpapakita sa gamit ng pag-opera ng mata liwanag.
at bato sa bato (kidney). pinagmumulan nito. init. Ilarawan ang mga bagay na ito.
application or remediation Ilarawan ang mga ito.
J. Additional activities for liwanag o ilaw. Tukuyin ang mga ito. ng mga larawan na nagpapakita sa gamit ng liwanag.
pinagmumulan nito. init. Ilarawan ang mga bagay na ito.
application or remediation Ilarawan ang mga ito.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Science 10/2/2017/ Monday Science 10/3/2017/ Wednesday

Piliin ang titik ng wastong sagot. Isulat kung living o non- living things.
1. Ito ay gamit na mula sa puno na ginagamit sa paaralan. _____1. plants
A. Papel B. Bag C Chalk _____2. bahay
2. Tinatawag itong puno ng buhay. ____3. tubig
A. Mangga B. Santol C. Niyog ____4. hayop
3. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang mga bagay na mula sa halaman? ____5. upuan
A. Asin B. Silyang kahoy C. Plastic na bote
4. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halaman ang mapagkukunan
ng gamot?
A. Oregano B. Mangga C. Atis
5. Aong halaman ang maaring gamitin sa paggawa ng kasuotan?
A. Niyog B. Pinya C. Lansones

Science 10/3/2017/ Tuesday Science 10/4/2017/ Friday

Isulat ang √ sa patlang kung nagpapakita ng pangangalaga sa Match the animals with their young ones.
halaman at X kung hindi. 1. chicken
2. goat
_____1. Alisin ang mga tuyong dahon. 3. goose
_____2. Ilagay ang halaman sa madilim na lugar. 4. cat
_____3. Diligan ang halaman linggo-lingo. 5. horse
_____4. Gumamit ng organikong pataba sa halaman
upang maging malusog.
_____5. Pagyamanin ang lupa.
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
November 27-December 1, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER Second


Demonstrate the understanding of Demonstrate the understanding of Demonstrate the understanding of Demonstrate the understanding of
Content Standards HOLIDAY
motion of objects motion of objects motion of objects motion of objects

Learners should be able to observe, Learners should be able to observe, Learners should be able to observe, Learners should be able to observe,
Performance Standards describe, and investigate the position describe, and investigate the position describe, and investigate the position describe, and investigate the position
and movement of things around them and movement of things around them and movement of things around them and movement of things around them

At the end of the lesson, the pupils At the end of the lesson, the pupils
At the end of the lesson, the pupils
Learning Competencies / should be able to identify things that At the end of the lesson, pupils should should be able to identify the proper
should be able to identify various
Objectives give off be able to describe uses of heat. ways of
sources of sound.
heat. handling hot objects.



A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials KWL Chart

enlarge pictures of uses of heat enlarge pictures of proper ways in handling hot objects Manila Paper, pictures of different animals
from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources

Name some sources of light.
A. Reviewing previous What other thing do these sources of light
lesson or presenting the produce? Name some of the things that give off heat. Name some uses of heat.
(Try to elicit that some objects produce both heat
new lesson and light.)

Tell the pupils to rub their palm together for 30

B. Establishing a purpose seconds.
Why is heat important to us? Can you live without Tell the pupils that heat has a lot of uses but they
Ask: What do you feel?
for the lesson heat? must be careful in using it.
You may also present the KWL chart before the
start of the lesson. Guessing game: objects laced in a pouch or box
(bell, maracas, toy duck,
etc.) that can produce sound.
C. Presenting
Examples/instances of new Let the pupils do Activity 5. Group Activity Group Activity

D. Discussing new Group Activity

. Ask pupils to give other examples of things that
concepts and practicing new give off heat.
Presentation of each Group Presentation of each Group
skills #1

E. Discussing new Presentation of each Group

Discuss why it is important to be careful
concepts and practicing new . Discuss other uses of heat.
in handling hot objects.
skills #2
What are the different sounds you heard?
 How did you know that the object/animal/person
F. Developing mastery produces the
sound you heard?
(Leads to Formative  What are the different sounds produced by
Assessment) animals?
 Can people produce different sounds?

G. Finding Practical
applications of concepts and

H. Making generalizations
and abstractions about the What are the things that give off heat? What are the uses of heat? What are the ways of handing hot objects? What are the sources of sounds?
Match the sources of heat on the left with their
Pupils will play “guessing game”. Each group will
produce a sound
1. flat iron a. for boiling water
from objects around them. They will hide behind a
Write the letter that give off heat in the pictures 2. gas stove b. used for cooking Write check if the sentence tells proper ways of
I. Evaluating Learning below. 3. airpot c. to keep warm handling hot objects.
curtain the objects when
they made it produce the sound. The other group
4. oven d. used to press clothes
will guess the objects that
5. fireplace e. food warming
produce the sound.
Remind the students to bring the following:
J. Additional activities for 1. Maracas
Cut other pictures that give off heat. Read on the other uses of heat. List 2 other safety tips in using sources of heat. 2. Drum/box
application or remediation 3. Guitar
4. Whistle
J. Additional activities for 1. Maracas
Cut other pictures that give off heat. Read on the other uses of heat. List 2 other safety tips in using sources of heat. 2. Drum/box
application or remediation 3. Guitar
4. Whistle

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Science 10/2/2017/ Monday Science 10/3/2017/ Wednesday

Piliin ang titik ng wastong sagot. Isulat kung living o non- living things.
1. Ito ay gamit na mula sa puno na ginagamit sa paaralan. _____1. plants
A. Papel B. Bag C Chalk _____2. bahay
2. Tinatawag itong puno ng buhay. ____3. tubig
A. Mangga B. Santol C. Niyog ____4. hayop
3. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang mga bagay na mula sa halaman? ____5. upuan
A. Asin B. Silyang kahoy C. Plastic na bote
4. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halaman ang mapagkukunan
ng gamot?
A. Oregano B. Mangga C. Atis
5. Aong halaman ang maaring gamitin sa paggawa ng kasuotan?
A. Niyog B. Pinya C. Lansones

Science 10/3/2017/ Tuesday Science 10/4/2017/ Friday

Isulat ang √ sa patlang kung nagpapakita ng pangangalaga sa Match the animals with their young ones.
halaman at X kung hindi. 1. chicken
2. goat
_____1. Alisin ang mga tuyong dahon. 3. goose
_____2. Ilagay ang halaman sa madilim na lugar. 4. cat
_____3. Diligan ang halaman linggo-lingo. 5. horse
_____4. Gumamit ng organikong pataba sa halaman
upang maging malusog.
_____5. Pagyamanin ang lupa.
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
December 4-8, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER Second


The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate
understanding of… understanding of… understanding of… understanding of… understanding of…
Content Standards sources and uses of light, sound, heat sources and uses of light, sound, heat sources and uses of light, sound, heat sources and uses of light, sound, heat sources and uses of light, sound, heat
and electricity and electricity and electricity and electricity and electricity

The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate
understanding of… understanding of… understanding of… understanding of… understanding of…
apply the knowledge of the sources and apply the knowledge of the sources and apply the knowledge of the sources and apply the knowledge of the sources and apply the knowledge of the sources and
Performance Standards uses of light, sound, heat, and uses of light, sound, heat, and uses of light, sound, heat, and uses of light, sound, heat, and uses of light, sound, heat, and
electricity electricity electricity electricity electricity

At the end of each lesson, the pupils

should be able to:
At the end of each lesson, the pupils
At the end of each lesson, the pupils 1.classify objects that operate using
should be able to 1. At the end of the lesson, the pupils
Learning Competencies / Identify the ways of producing the should be able to: battery or when plugged in outlets;
make an improvised kazoo; and should be able to describe the uses of
Objectives sound 1. describe the uses of sound; and 2. 2.identify various sources of electricity;
2. describe how sound is produced electricity.
appreciate the importance of sound. and
using a kazoo.
3.describe the different sources of

improvised kazoo
II. CONTENT Ways of Producing Sounds Uses of Sound Sources of Electricity Uses of Electricity


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages
improvised kazoo pictures or actual examples of different batteries,
4. Additional Materials (cardboard or tube from tissue paper. Paper, Kazzoo made the previous day
pictures of ambulance vehicle, fire truck, church with bell,
Manila paper
from Learning Resources waxed paper, real alarm clock, doorbell computer , electric fan, television, cellphone, toy
rubber band, a sharp pointed object) car, flashlight, radio

B. Other Learning Resources


A. Reviewing previous
How are sounds produced?
lesson or presenting the  What are the different ways of producing sound?
How does a kazoo produce sound? What are the different sources of electricity?
new lesson

Look around you and name the equipment/devices

Do your body produce sounds? Asks:
B. Establishing a purpose that use
- Ask them to touch their body that produce Let the pupils sing “Bahay Kubo ” while holding Who is fond of listening to music?
What supplies electricity in your homes? electricity in the classroom. What do these
for the lesson sounds. their vocal cord and ask: What kind of music do you like best?
equipment/devices do when
Why do you like to listen to this kind of music?
switched on?

C. Presenting Let the pupils do activity 4 in the LM as a group

Clap your hands Show to the class an improvised kazoo. ( Group Let the pupils do activity 1 in the LM (Group Let the pupils do activity 2 in the LM (Group
Examples/instances of new - Tap your desk. Activity)
activity). activity).

D. Discussing new
Why are we hear sounds from the different
concepts and practicing new objects?
Presentation of Each Group Presentation of Each Group Presentation of Each Group Presentation of Each Group
skills #1

E. Discussing new How are electricity used in the different

What happens when you cover the end Are sounds produced by people and What are the sources of electricity in
concepts and practicing new situations shown in the
of the tube with your hand? objects important? Etc. your home?
skills #2 pictures?

F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative

G. Finding Practical
applications of concepts and Do Activity 2 in the LM.

Sounds are used to give warnings, to communicate

Kazoos produce a distinctive buzzing sound when Electricity may come from batteries and an electric Electricity is used to produce light, heat, motion,
H. Making generalizations you hum or sing in
and to
power station. and sound.
and abstractions about the What are the different ways of producing sounds? one end. Humming into the tube makes the wax
 Pleasant sounds can entertain people.
 Electrical devices or equipment in the homes may  Electricity is very important in the home and in
paper vibrate which operate using all places to help
lesson produces the sound.
 Loud sounds can harm our ears.
battery or electric form power station. people in doing daily life activities
Write on the blanks how sounds are produced by
the ff.objects.
1. whistle
2. ambulance List down two uses of sound not mentioned in the Write / if it is operated by a battery and cross if List down 3 electrical equipment/devices and
I. Evaluating Learning 3. bell
True or false.
activity. not. describe the use of the device.
4. xylophone
5. tambourine
Make a list of the sources of noise pollution in your
J. Additional activities for No assignment
place. Cut pictures that can be operated by battery and
Read about safety measures in using electricity.
application or remediation Write down how you can help lessen noise electricity.
pollution in your community
J. Additional activities for No assignment
place. Cut pictures that can be operated by battery and
Read about safety measures in using electricity.
application or remediation Write down how you can help lessen noise electricity.
pollution in your community

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Science 10/2/2017/ Monday Science 10/3/2017/ Wednesday

Piliin ang titik ng wastong sagot. Isulat kung living o non- living things.
1. Ito ay gamit na mula sa puno na ginagamit sa paaralan. _____1. plants
A. Papel B. Bag C Chalk _____2. bahay
2. Tinatawag itong puno ng buhay. ____3. tubig
A. Mangga B. Santol C. Niyog ____4. hayop
3. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang mga bagay na mula sa halaman? ____5. upuan
A. Asin B. Silyang kahoy C. Plastic na bote
4. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halaman ang mapagkukunan
ng gamot?
A. Oregano B. Mangga C. Atis
5. Aong halaman ang maaring gamitin sa paggawa ng kasuotan?
A. Niyog B. Pinya C. Lansones

Science 10/3/2017/ Tuesday Science 10/4/2017/ Friday

Isulat ang √ sa patlang kung nagpapakita ng pangangalaga sa Match the animals with their young ones.
halaman at X kung hindi. 1. chicken
2. goat
_____1. Alisin ang mga tuyong dahon. 3. goose
_____2. Ilagay ang halaman sa madilim na lugar. 4. cat
_____3. Diligan ang halaman linggo-lingo. 5. horse
_____4. Gumamit ng organikong pataba sa halaman
upang maging malusog.
_____5. Pagyamanin ang lupa.
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
December 11-15, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER Third


The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate

understanding of… understanding of… understanding of…
Content Standards sources and uses of light, sound, heat sources and uses of light, sound, heat sources and uses of light, sound, heat
and electricity and electricity and electricity

The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate

understanding of… understanding of… understanding of…
apply the knowledge of the sources and apply the knowledge of the sources and apply the knowledge of the sources and
Performance Standards uses of light, sound, heat, and uses of light, sound, heat, and uses of light, sound, heat, and
electricity electricity electricity

At the end of the lesson, the pupils

At the end of each lesson, the pupils
should be able to:
should be able to: At the end of each lesson, the pupils
1.describe one’s environment as being
1.classify objects that operate using should be able to:
At the end of the lesson, the pupils made up of life forms, land, water and
Learning Competencies / battery or when plugged in outlets; 1. identify the proper use of electricity;
should be able to describe the uses of air; Weekly Test
Objectives 2.identify various sources of electricity; and
electricity. 2.make observations of the school’s
and 2. appreciate the importance of
and community’s surroundings and ;
3.describe the different sources of electricity.
3.tell something about the

II. CONTENT Sources of Electricity Uses of Electricity Proper use of Electricity


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages
pictures or actual examples of different batteries,
4. Additional Materials Manila paper pictures of safety measures in using electricity
electric fan, electrical outlet
magic square chart, garden, a body of water like a
from Learning Resources computer , electric fan, television, cellphone, toy pond or a river
car, flashlight, radio

B. Other Learning Resources

What do you see in this room ? Name as many as
A. Reviewing previous you can.
How is electricity used in the different situations  What place in your surroundings do you like
lesson or presenting the What are the different sources of electricity?
shown in the pictures? most? Why?
new lesson  What place in your surroundings you don’t like?

Look around you and name the equipment/devices

Show a news clips and pictures of accidents caused
B. Establishing a purpose that use Post the lyrics of the song “Bahay Kubo” on the
by electrocution.
What supplies electricity in your homes? electricity in the classroom. What do these board. Ask the class to
for the lesson Tell the class that though electricity is important it
equipment/devices do when sing.
can also pose danger.
switched on?

C. Presenting
Let the pupils do activity 1 in the LM (Group Let the pupils do activity 2 in the LM (Group Let the pupils do activity 3 in the LM (Individual Let the pupils do activity 3 in the LM (Individual
Examples/instances of new activity). activity). activity). activity).

D. Discussing new
concepts and practicing new Presentation of Each Group Presentation of Each Group Presentation of Each Group Presentation of Each Group
skills #1
Why is it not good to touch a switch with a wet
hand? (Water is a
conductor of electricity. You may get electrocuted
E. Discussing new How are electricity used in the different if your hand is ell the pupils to answer the guide questions to
What are the sources of electricity in wet.) make them more aware of
concepts and practicing new situations shown in the
your home?  Why is it good to remove plug of electrical the nature of their home surroundings.
skills #2 pictures? devices when not in
use? (To save on electricity and avoid overheatng
that can cause
F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative

G. Finding Practical
applications of concepts and
Discuss other safety measures in handling
Electricity may come from batteries and an electric Electricity is used to produce light, heat, motion, electricity.
H. Making generalizations power station. and sound.  Inform an adult family member if you see
and abstractions about the  Electrical devices or equipment in the homes may  Electricity is very important in the home and in exposed wires in your Summarize the pupils ideas of their surroundings.
operate using all places to help house. Do not touch exposed wires.
lesson battery or electric form power station. people in doing daily life activities  Use electrical equipment properly.
 Don’t yank an electrical cord from the wall.

Write / if it is operated by a battery and cross if List down 3 electrical equipment/devices and List two ways of what not to do to avoid
I. Evaluating Learning not. describe the use of the device. electrocution.

J. Additional activities for Cut pictures that can be operated by battery and
Read about safety measures in using electricity. Look for news about accidents involving electricity.
application or remediation electricity.
J. Additional activities for Cut pictures that can be operated by battery and
Read about safety measures in using electricity. Look for news about accidents involving electricity.
application or remediation electricity.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Science 10/2/2017/ Monday Science 10/3/2017/ Wednesday

Piliin ang titik ng wastong sagot. Isulat kung living o non- living things.
1. Ito ay gamit na mula sa puno na ginagamit sa paaralan. _____1. plants
A. Papel B. Bag C Chalk _____2. bahay
2. Tinatawag itong puno ng buhay. ____3. tubig
A. Mangga B. Santol C. Niyog ____4. hayop
3. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang mga bagay na mula sa halaman? ____5. upuan
A. Asin B. Silyang kahoy C. Plastic na bote
4. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halaman ang mapagkukunan
ng gamot?
A. Oregano B. Mangga C. Atis
5. Aong halaman ang maaring gamitin sa paggawa ng kasuotan?
A. Niyog B. Pinya C. Lansones

Science 10/3/2017/ Tuesday Science 10/4/2017/ Friday

Isulat ang √ sa patlang kung nagpapakita ng pangangalaga sa Match the animals with their young ones.
halaman at X kung hindi. 1. chicken
2. goat
_____1. Alisin ang mga tuyong dahon. 3. goose
_____2. Ilagay ang halaman sa madilim na lugar. 4. cat
_____3. Diligan ang halaman linggo-lingo. 5. horse
_____4. Gumamit ng organikong pataba sa halaman
upang maging malusog.
_____5. Pagyamanin ang lupa.
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
December 18-20, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER Third


The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate

understanding of… understanding of…
Content Standards Christmas Party
sources and uses of light, sound, heat sources and uses of light, sound, heat
and electricity and electricity

The learners demonstrate The learners demonstrate

understanding of… understanding of…
apply the knowledge of the sources and apply the knowledge of the sources and
Performance Standards uses of light, sound, heat, and uses of light, sound, heat, and
electricity electricity

At the end of each lesson, the pupils

should be able to:
1.classify objects that operate using
At the end of the lesson, the pupils
Learning Competencies / battery or when plugged in outlets;
should be able to describe the uses of
Objectives 2.identify various sources of electricity;
3.describe the different sources of

II. CONTENT Sources of Electricity Uses of Electricity


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages
pictures or actual examples of different batteries,
4. Additional Materials Manila paper
from Learning Resources computer , electric fan, television, cellphone, toy
car, flashlight, radio

B. Other Learning Resources


A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting the What are the different sources of electricity?
new lesson

Look around you and name the equipment/devices

B. Establishing a purpose that use
What supplies electricity in your homes? electricity in the classroom. What do these
for the lesson equipment/devices do when
switched on?

C. Presenting
Let the pupils do activity 1 in the LM (Group Let the pupils do activity 2 in the LM (Group
Examples/instances of new activity). activity).

D. Discussing new
concepts and practicing new Presentation of Each Group Presentation of Each Group
skills #1

E. Discussing new How are electricity used in the different

What are the sources of electricity in
concepts and practicing new situations shown in the
your home?
skills #2 pictures?

F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative

G. Finding Practical
applications of concepts and

Electricity may come from batteries and an electric Electricity is used to produce light, heat, motion,
H. Making generalizations power station. and sound.
and abstractions about the  Electrical devices or equipment in the homes may  Electricity is very important in the home and in
operate using all places to help
lesson battery or electric form power station. people in doing daily life activities

Write / if it is operated by a battery and cross if List down 3 electrical equipment/devices and
I. Evaluating Learning not. describe the use of the device.

J. Additional activities for Cut pictures that can be operated by battery and
Read about safety measures in using electricity.
application or remediation electricity.
J. Additional activities for Cut pictures that can be operated by battery and
Read about safety measures in using electricity.
application or remediation electricity.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Science 10/2/2017/ Monday Science 10/3/2017/ Wednesday

Piliin ang titik ng wastong sagot. Isulat kung living o non- living things.
1. Ito ay gamit na mula sa puno na ginagamit sa paaralan. _____1. plants
A. Papel B. Bag C Chalk _____2. bahay
2. Tinatawag itong puno ng buhay. ____3. tubig
A. Mangga B. Santol C. Niyog ____4. hayop
3. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang mga bagay na mula sa halaman? ____5. upuan
A. Asin B. Silyang kahoy C. Plastic na bote
4. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halaman ang mapagkukunan
ng gamot?
A. Oregano B. Mangga C. Atis
5. Aong halaman ang maaring gamitin sa paggawa ng kasuotan?
A. Niyog B. Pinya C. Lansones

Science 10/3/2017/ Tuesday Science 10/4/2017/ Friday

Isulat ang √ sa patlang kung nagpapakita ng pangangalaga sa Match the animals with their young ones.
halaman at X kung hindi. 1. chicken
2. goat
_____1. Alisin ang mga tuyong dahon. 3. goose
_____2. Ilagay ang halaman sa madilim na lugar. 4. cat
_____3. Diligan ang halaman linggo-lingo. 5. horse
_____4. Gumamit ng organikong pataba sa halaman
upang maging malusog.
_____5. Pagyamanin ang lupa.
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
January 3-5, 2017/9:55-10:45 QUARTER Third


Content Standards Force ,Workk and Energy Force ,Work and Energy

Able to apply the knowledge oof the Able to apply the knowledge oof the
Performance Standards sources and uses of light,sound,heat, sources and uses of light,sound,heat,
and electricity and electricity

Demonstrates and uses of light , Demonstrates and uses of light ,

Learning Competencies / sound ,heat and electricity. sound ,heat and electricity.
Objectives S3FE – IIIg –h- 4 S3FE – IIIg –h- 4

II. CONTENT Electricity ( Conductor and Insulator ) Proper Ways of Using Electricity SUMMATIVE TEST


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources


A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting the .Sound and Heat Conductor and Electricity
new lesson

B. Establishing a purpose What did you feel when someone in your life, there Show a picture of post with broken wire of
for the lesson is totally no electricity to use?What did you do? electricity.

C. Presenting
Show a lots of pictures of do’s and donts in using
Examples/instances of new Powerpoint about electricity

D. Discussing new
What is the video all about or powerpoint you
concepts and practicing new watched?
.What are all those pictures are all about?
skills #1

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing new How do you handle this kind of situation?
skills #2

F. Developing mastery Group them.Maka role play how to use

(Leads to Formative electricity.Provide an activity to act- out for the
Assessment) groups.

G. Finding Practical
Group them into five.Draw at least four things that
applications of concepts and need electricity to run.

H. Making generalizations
How do we know that we use electricity wisely?or
and abstractions about the What is electricity?

True or False.Make your test items to test the

I. Evaluating Learning absorbability of the pupils.

J. Additional activities for Cut objects that is run by electricity.

Interview an electrician how to use electricity
application or remediation manageable.
J. Additional activities for Cut objects that is run by electricity.
Interview an electrician how to use electricity
application or remediation manageable.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Science 10/2/2017/ Monday Science 10/3/2017/ Wednesday

Piliin ang titik ng wastong sagot. Isulat kung living o non- living things.
1. Ito ay gamit na mula sa puno na ginagamit sa paaralan. _____1. plants
A. Papel B. Bag C Chalk _____2. bahay
2. Tinatawag itong puno ng buhay. ____3. tubig
A. Mangga B. Santol C. Niyog ____4. hayop
3. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang mga bagay na mula sa halaman? ____5. upuan
A. Asin B. Silyang kahoy C. Plastic na bote
4. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halaman ang mapagkukunan
ng gamot?
A. Oregano B. Mangga C. Atis
5. Aong halaman ang maaring gamitin sa paggawa ng kasuotan?
A. Niyog B. Pinya C. Lansones

Science 10/3/2017/ Tuesday Science 10/4/2017/ Friday

Isulat ang √ sa patlang kung nagpapakita ng pangangalaga sa Match the animals with their young ones.
halaman at X kung hindi. 1. chicken
2. goat
_____1. Alisin ang mga tuyong dahon. 3. goose
_____2. Ilagay ang halaman sa madilim na lugar. 4. cat
_____3. Diligan ang halaman linggo-lingo. 5. horse
_____4. Gumamit ng organikong pataba sa halaman
upang maging malusog.
_____5. Pagyamanin ang lupa.
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
January 8-12, 2018/9:55-10:45 QUARTER Third


Content Standards Motion of Objects Motion of Objects

Observe,describe,and investigate the Observe,describe,and investigate the

Performance Standards position and movement of things position and movement of things
around them. around them.

Describe the movement of an objects as Describe the act of stretching and

Learning Competencies / fast or slow./ forward and backward compressing objects.
Weekly Test Third Periodical Examination Third Periodical Examination
Objectives S3FE – IIIe –f -3 S3FE – IIIe –f -3

II. CONTENT Different Movements of an Object Acts of Stretching and Compressing Objects


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages CG p.20 of 64. 188 -189
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources


A. Reviewing previous How to make an object move forward and

lesson or presenting the How did you move the car in yesterday’s activity.
How to make an object move fast and slow?
new lesson

Who among you have watch a track and field

B. Establishing a purpose competition?
How was it?
for the lesson How can one win a game?
Show rubber band to the class.
What can you do to a rubber band?
Where do we usually use rubber bands?
C. Presenting
Divide the class into groups with five members
Examples/instances of new each.

D. Discussing new
What happened to the rubber band after
concepts and practicing new Which of the two cars move faster?Why?
skills #1

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing new What direction did it go?
skills #2

F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative

G. Finding Practical
applications of concepts and Group report.

Fordce can speed up or slow down the movement

H. Making generalizations of an object.An increase in the amount of force
Objects that can be stretched and compressed are
and abstractions about the exerted on a moving object makes it moves
faster.On the other hand,a decrease in the amount
lesson of the exerted force makes the object move slower.

Draw down five objects can be stretched and

I. Evaluating Learning Describe the movement of blade of an electric fan.

J. Additional activities for Cut pictures of objects that can moves fast or slow.
List down five objects that can be stretched and
application or remediation compressed found at home.
J. Additional activities for Cut pictures of objects that can moves fast or slow.
List down five objects that can be stretched and
application or remediation compressed found at home.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Science 10/2/2017/ Monday Science 10/3/2017/ Wednesday

Piliin ang titik ng wastong sagot. Isulat kung living o non- living things.
1. Ito ay gamit na mula sa puno na ginagamit sa paaralan. _____1. plants
A. Papel B. Bag C Chalk _____2. bahay
2. Tinatawag itong puno ng buhay. ____3. tubig
A. Mangga B. Santol C. Niyog ____4. hayop
3. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang mga bagay na mula sa halaman? ____5. upuan
A. Asin B. Silyang kahoy C. Plastic na bote
4. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halaman ang mapagkukunan
ng gamot?
A. Oregano B. Mangga C. Atis
5. Aong halaman ang maaring gamitin sa paggawa ng kasuotan?
A. Niyog B. Pinya C. Lansones

Science 10/3/2017/ Tuesday Science 10/4/2017/ Friday

Isulat ang √ sa patlang kung nagpapakita ng pangangalaga sa Match the animals with their young ones.
halaman at X kung hindi. 1. chicken
2. goat
_____1. Alisin ang mga tuyong dahon. 3. goose
_____2. Ilagay ang halaman sa madilim na lugar. 4. cat
_____3. Diligan ang halaman linggo-lingo. 5. horse
_____4. Gumamit ng organikong pataba sa halaman
upang maging malusog.
_____5. Pagyamanin ang lupa.
(January 7,2019) (January 8,2019) (January 9,2019) (January 10,2019) (January 11,2019)

Content Standards Motion of Objects Motion of Objects

Observe,describe,and Observe,describe,and
investigate the position and investigate the position and
Performance Standards
movement of things around movement of things around
them. them.

Describe the movement of an

Describe the act of stretching
objects as fast or slow./ forward
Learning Competencies / and compressing objects.
and backward Weekly Test Third Periodical Examination Third Periodical Examination
Objectives S3FE – IIIe –f -3
S3FE – IIIe –f -3

Acts of Stretching and Compressing

II. CONTENT Different Movements of an Object
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages CG p.20 of 64. 188 -189
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources
B. Other Learning Resources
How to make an object move forward
A. Reviewing previous and backward?
How did you move the car in yesterday’s
lesson or presenting the activity.
How to make an object move fast and
new lesson slow?

Who among you have watch a track and

field competition?
B. Establishing a purpose How was it?
for the lesson How can one win a game?
Show rubber band to the class.
What can you do to a rubber band?
Where do we usually use rubber bands?
C. Presenting
Divide the class into groups with five
Examples/instances of new members each.

D. Discussing new
What happened to the rubber band after
concepts and practicing new Which of the two cars move faster?Why?
skills #1

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing new What direction did it go?
skills #2

F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative

G. Finding Practical
applications of concepts and Group report.
Fordce can speed up or slow down the
movement of an object.An increase in
H. Making generalizations Objects that can be stretched and
the amount of force exerted on a moving
compressed are elastic.
and abstractions about the object makes it moves faster.On the
lesson other hand,a decrease in the amount of
the exerted force makes the object
move slower.
Describe the movement of blade of an Draw down five objects can be stretched
I. Evaluating Learning electric fan. and compressed.

List down five objects that can be

J. Additional activities for Cut pictures of objects that can moves
stretched and compressed found at
application or remediation fast or slow.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Science 10/2/2017/ Monday Science 10/3/2017/ Wednesday

Piliin ang titik ng wastong sagot. Isulat kung living o non- living things.
1. Ito ay gamit na mula sa puno na ginagamit sa paaralan. _____1. plants
A. Papel B. Bag C Chalk _____2. bahay
2. Tinatawag itong puno ng buhay. ____3. tubig
A. Mangga B. Santol C. Niyog ____4. hayop
3. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang mga bagay na mula sa halaman? ____5. upuan
A. Asin B. Silyang kahoy C. Plastic na bote
4. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halaman ang mapagkukunan
ng gamot?
A. Oregano B. Mangga C. Atis
5. Aong halaman ang maaring gamitin sa paggawa ng kasuotan?
A. Niyog B. Pinya C. Lansones

Science 10/3/2017/ Tuesday Science 10/4/2017/ Friday

Isulat ang √ sa patlang kung nagpapakita ng pangangalaga sa Match the animals with their young ones.
halaman at X kung hindi. 1.
2. chicken
_____1. Alisin ang mga tuyong dahon. 3. goose
_____2. Ilagay ang halaman sa madilim na lugar. 4. cat
_____3. Diligan ang halaman linggo-lingo. 5. horse
_____4. Gumamit ng organikong pataba sa halaman
upang maging malusog.
_____5. Pagyamanin ang lupa.
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
January 15-19, 2018/9:55-10:45 QUARTER Fourth


Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of
people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,strea people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,strea people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,strea people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,strea people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,strea
Content Standards ms,hills,mountains,and other ms,hills,mountains,and other ms,hills,mountains,and other ms,hills,mountains,and other ms,hills,mountains,and other
importance importance importance importance importance

Express their concerns about their Express their concerns about their Express their concerns about their Express their concerns about their Express their concerns about their
Performance Standards surroundings through teacher-guided surroundings through teacher-guided surroundings through teacher-guided surroundings through teacher-guided surroundings through teacher-guided
and self –directed activities. and self –directed activities. and self –directed activities. and self –directed activities. and self –directed activities.

Describe bodies of water.

Name tihngs found in the garden.
Describe the tihings found in the Infer that plants and animals are
Naming different things around you. Group things as to living things and
Learning Competencies / surroundings present around and in the bodies of
S3ES – Iva –b -1 non-living things. Weekly Test
Objectives S3ES – Iva –b -1 water.
S3ES – Iva –b -1
S3ES – Iva –b -1

II. CONTENT Things in the Surroundings Different Things Around You Living Things and Non-Living Things


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages CG p.21 of 64 ,226-227 CG p.21 of 64 ,226-228 CG p.21 of 64 ,226-229 CG p.21 of 64 ,226-230
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources

What are the things around you?
A. Reviewing previous What makes up our environment? Show a picture of a beach resort.
lesson or presenting the What are the things that surrounds you? What are the things found in the beach resort? Things found in the Garden
Describe each.
new lesson

Have you gone swimming with your family and

B. Establishing a purpose Show pictures of different popular places.
Post the lyrics of the song “ Fly Fly the Butterfly”
for the lesson Where was this place? Did you enjoy swimming?

Post the picture of a farm on the board.

C. Presenting
Examples/instances of new Bahay Kubo. Sing altogether.

D. Discussing new What was the place assigned to your group that
What do you see in the picture?
Which of the ff.things are found in the garden?
you visited? Encircle them. What means of transportation did you use with
concepts and practicing new What are the things you saw?Describe each.
What other things can you see in the farm?
Which are not? your family and friends? Did you enjoy?
skills #1

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing new
skills #2

F. Developing mastery Individual Activity

Fill in the boxes about the things in your
(Leads to Formative surroundings.

Divide the class into six groups.

G. Finding Practical Each group will be given two bodies of water
Draw a garden you like to have in your backyard.
applications of concepts and Group Activity
Color it to make it livelier.
card.They will write a short paragraph to tell how
the two bodies of water are the same.

H. Making generalizations What are the tihngs found in the garden?

How will you describe the things in the Which of these are living things?Non –living
and abstractions about the surroundings?
What are the different things around you?
What are the different bodies of water?
Identify the bodies of water characterize in each
Fill in the table examples of living things and non-
Show a picture of a popular place in your town. living tihngs found in the garden.
1. A ____ is a narrow body of water that connects
Post the picture on the board. Things Found in the Garden
List down ten things you see at home and ten two larger bodies of water.
I. Evaluating Learning List down things found at the picture /place.
things you see at school.
Living Things Non – Living Things
2. Is a place in a ___ where water spills suddenly
Describe each.
Cut a picture of a place you want to visit or the
J. Additional activities for Draw a picture of the surrounding of your Collect pictures of different bodies of water. Draw
place near your house. Paste it on short bond
school .Prepare a short description about your Collect pictures of different bodies of water. a landform found in your place. Do this on a short
application or remediation paper. List down the things found at the picture.
drawing. bond paper.
On the opposite art,describe each.
J. Additional activities for Draw a picture of the surrounding of your Collect pictures of different bodies of water. Draw
place near your house. Paste it on short bond
school .Prepare a short description about your Collect pictures of different bodies of water. a landform found in your place. Do this on a short
application or remediation paper. List down the things found at the picture.
drawing. bond paper.
On the opposite art,describe each.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Science 10/2/2017/ Monday Science 10/3/2017/ Wednesday

Piliin ang titik ng wastong sagot. Isulat kung living o non- living things.
1. Ito ay gamit na mula sa puno na ginagamit sa paaralan. _____1. plants
A. Papel B. Bag C Chalk _____2. bahay
2. Tinatawag itong puno ng buhay. ____3. tubig
A. Mangga B. Santol C. Niyog ____4. hayop
3. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang mga bagay na mula sa halaman? ____5. upuan
A. Asin B. Silyang kahoy C. Plastic na bote
4. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halaman ang mapagkukunan
ng gamot?
A. Oregano B. Mangga C. Atis
5. Aong halaman ang maaring gamitin sa paggawa ng kasuotan?
A. Niyog B. Pinya C. Lansones

Science 10/3/2017/ Tuesday Science 10/4/2017/ Friday

Isulat ang √ sa patlang kung nagpapakita ng pangangalaga sa Match the animals with their young ones.
halaman at X kung hindi. 1. chicken
2. goat
_____1. Alisin ang mga tuyong dahon. 3. goose
_____2. Ilagay ang halaman sa madilim na lugar. 4. cat
_____3. Diligan ang halaman linggo-lingo. 5. horse
_____4. Gumamit ng organikong pataba sa halaman
upang maging malusog.
_____5. Pagyamanin ang lupa.
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
January 22-26, 2018/9:55-10:45 QUARTER Fourth


Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of
people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,strea people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,strea people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,strea people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,strea people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,strea
Content Standards ms,hills,mountains,and other ms,hills,mountains,and other ms,hills,mountains,and other ms,hills,mountains,and other ms,hills,mountains,and other
importance importance importance importance importance

Express their concerns about their Express their concerns about their Express their concerns about their Express their concerns about their Express their concerns about their
Performance Standards surroundings through teacher-guided surroundings through teacher-guided surroundings through teacher-guided surroundings through teacher-guided surroundings through teacher-guided
and self –directed activities. and self –directed activities. and self –directed activities. and self –directed activities. and self –directed activities.

Describe the changes in the weather Describe the changes in the weather Describe the changes in the weather Describe the changes in the weather Describe the changes in the weather
Learning Competencies / over a period of time. over a period of time. over a period of time. over a period of time. over a period of time.
Objectives S3ES – Ive –f -3 S3ES – Ive –f -3 S3ES – Ive –f -3 S3ES – Ive –f -3 S3ES – Ive –f -3

II. CONTENT Weather Clouds Temperature of Air in Different Places Elements of Weather Weekly Test


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages CG p.21 of 64. CG p.21 of 64. CG p.21 of 64. CG p.21 of 64.
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources


A. Reviewing previous What are types of clouds?

lesson or presenting the What are the characterisitics of each? Temperature
new lesson

B. Establishing a purpose Weather

for the lesson Recite the rhyme and then answer the questions:
Is the sun shining bright? Post picture on the board.
Is the air warm today? - What do you think man feels?
Sample of a weather forecast.
Is the wind not blowing? Why do you think he feels that way?
Is it a sunny day?
C. Presenting
Examples/instances of new
lesson Make an experiment.
Prepare a bog candle,match and tissue paper.
Light the candle.It will stand as the sun.
Place your hand near the light.How does it feel?
Get an arm length of tissue paper. Crumple it ito
D. Discussing new What did you observe? make it appear like clouds. What was the hottest temperature?
- At What time of the day it occur? How is weather affects the daily lives of many
concepts and practicing new Is the air hot or cold?
- How do you compare air temperature during people?
skills #1 different periods of the day?

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing new Does the cloud change every day?
skills #2

F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative
Prepare the ff:
Individual Activity
G. Finding Practical Bring out short bond paper,pencil and coloring Individual Activity
- cardboard, electric fan ,and thermometer
- Choose a partner and sit close to the fan.
applications of concepts and materials. Draw the clouds that you see in the sky.
- Observe how the air feels.
Group Activity
Draw the clouds that you see in the sky.
skills - Let your partner switch the fan to slow.
Observe the air feels.Get the temperature.

H. Making generalizations
and abstractions about the What is weather? What are the types of clouds? What is air temperature? What are the elements of weather?
lesson Identify the types of clouds that is being in each
Write True if the statement is correct and false if it
Tell the weather in each situation. number.
is not.
1. The sky is dark , the wind is strong and the rain 1. These are low lying gray clouds that often cover
1. Air temperature tells the hotness or coldness of
is falling. the whole sky.They are associated with drizzles. Draw the effects of strong winds and the wind that
the atmosphere.
I. Evaluating Learning 2. The sun is shining and the wind isblowing 2. These clouds are dark and low-lying. They are
2. Temperature is higher when the weather is
blows lightly on a short bond paper.Prepare s short
strong. also called rain clouds as they are coming from the description about your finished output.
sunny that when iti is rainy.
3-5.etc. air.
How can you tell that these will happen?Write 3-5.etc..
your answer on your paper. Draw different types of clouds.
J. Additional activities for 1. It is going to rain. Under each cloud write its type and Describe how wind speed affects weather Cut a news clip about the effects of blowing strong
application or remediation 2. There will be a storm. characterisitics. conditions.Do this on your notebook. winds in an area.
3. The weather will be fine
J. Additional activities for 1. It is going to rain. Under each cloud write its type and Describe how wind speed affects weather Cut a news clip about the effects of blowing strong
application or remediation 2. There will be a storm. characterisitics. conditions.Do this on your notebook. winds in an area.
3. The weather will be fine

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Science 10/2/2017/ Monday Science 10/3/2017/ Wednesday

Piliin ang titik ng wastong sagot. Isulat kung living o non- living things.
1. Ito ay gamit na mula sa puno na ginagamit sa paaralan. _____1. plants
A. Papel B. Bag C Chalk _____2. bahay
2. Tinatawag itong puno ng buhay. ____3. tubig
A. Mangga B. Santol C. Niyog ____4. hayop
3. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang mga bagay na mula sa halaman? ____5. upuan
A. Asin B. Silyang kahoy C. Plastic na bote
4. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halaman ang mapagkukunan
ng gamot?
A. Oregano B. Mangga C. Atis
5. Aong halaman ang maaring gamitin sa paggawa ng kasuotan?
A. Niyog B. Pinya C. Lansones

Science 10/3/2017/ Tuesday Science 10/4/2017/ Friday

Isulat ang √ sa patlang kung nagpapakita ng pangangalaga sa Match the animals with their young ones.
halaman at X kung hindi. 1. chicken
2. goat
_____1. Alisin ang mga tuyong dahon. 3. goose
_____2. Ilagay ang halaman sa madilim na lugar. 4. cat
_____3. Diligan ang halaman linggo-lingo. 5. horse
_____4. Gumamit ng organikong pataba sa halaman
upang maging malusog.
_____5. Pagyamanin ang lupa.
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
January 29-February 2, 2018/9:55-10:45 QUARTER Fourth


Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of

people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,strea people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,strea people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,strea people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,strea
Content Standards ms,hills,mountains,and other ms,hills,mountains,and other ms,hills,mountains,and other ms,hills,mountains,and other
importance importance importance importance

Express their concerns about their Express their concerns about their Express their concerns about their Express their concerns about their
Performance Standards surroundings through teacher-guided surroundings through teacher-guided surroundings through teacher-guided surroundings through teacher-guided
and self –directed activities. and self –directed activities. and self –directed activities. and self –directed activities.

Communicate how types of weather Communicate how types of weather Communicate how types of weather Communicate how types of weather
Learning Competencies / affect activities in the community affect activities in the community affect activities in the community affect activities in the community
Weekly Test
Objectives S3ES – Ivg –h-4 S3ES – Ivg –h-4 S3ES – Ivg –h-4 S3ES – Ivg –h-4

II. CONTENT Weather Bulletin Effects of Weather on People Effects of Weather on Plants Effects of Weather on Animals


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages CG p. 21 of 64 CG p. 21 of 64 CG p. 21 of 64 CG p. 21 of 64
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources

IV. PROCEDURES Distribute the following:
Let the pupils answer:
A. Reviewing previous Directions : Draw yourself wearing the proper
clothing for each type of weather.
lesson or presenting the Rainy day
new lesson Cloudy day
Sunny day

B. Establishing a purpose What weather conditions do plants grow?

for the lesson Who is your favorite forecaster?Why? Show a picture.Then they infer what is the picture
Does she/he deliver the news very well? all about.
Do you want to be like himher? - Would you like to do these on cold or rainy days? Post a picture where an animals is being beaten by
Make a simple weather bulletin based on the What did you and your family do last Sunday? the weather.
weather chart. What is the weather last Sunday?Did you enjoy?
C. Presenting
Examples/instances of new

What is the feeling of being the weather forecaster

D. Discussing new of the day?
In a video ,what events do plants are being
concepts and practicing new What might happen if you give the wrong How does weather affect your activities?
affected by the plants?
What can you say about the picture?
skills #1

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing new
skills #2

F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative

G. Finding Practical Divide the class into three. Individual Activity

What do we do in determining the weather Make a collage about the effect of weather to Make a poster about the effect of weather to
applications of concepts and conditions of the day? people.
Group Activity

H. Making generalizations
and abstractions about the What makes up the weather? How does weather affect people’s activities? How does weather affect plants’ condition? How does weather affect animals’ condition?
Put a check mark if the statement is correct and a
cross if it is not.. Put a check mark if the statement is correct and a
1. Theweather only affects people. cross if it is not.
The weather forecasting will be the formative List down an activities how plants ‘condition
I. Evaluating Learning assessment of the day.
2. People love to play outdoor activities during
weather can affect.
1. Animlas preferto sleep during rainy days.
rainy days. 2-5.etc.

J. Additional activities for Listen to the weather forecast for tomorrow.Write

Cut pictures or draw how weather affects people?
Write at least three activities why plants are being How different are the activities of animals during
application or remediation it in your notebook. affected by the weather. the rainy ,sunny,cloudy and stormy days?
J. Additional activities for Listen to the weather forecast for tomorrow.Write
Cut pictures or draw how weather affects people?
Write at least three activities why plants are being How different are the activities of animals during
application or remediation it in your notebook. affected by the weather. the rainy ,sunny,cloudy and stormy days?

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Science 10/2/2017/ Monday Science 10/3/2017/ Wednesday

Piliin ang titik ng wastong sagot. Isulat kung living o non- living things.
1. Ito ay gamit na mula sa puno na ginagamit sa paaralan. _____1. plants
A. Papel B. Bag C Chalk _____2. bahay
2. Tinatawag itong puno ng buhay. ____3. tubig
A. Mangga B. Santol C. Niyog ____4. hayop
3. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang mga bagay na mula sa halaman? ____5. upuan
A. Asin B. Silyang kahoy C. Plastic na bote
4. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halaman ang mapagkukunan
ng gamot?
A. Oregano B. Mangga C. Atis
5. Aong halaman ang maaring gamitin sa paggawa ng kasuotan?
A. Niyog B. Pinya C. Lansones

Science 10/3/2017/ Tuesday Science 10/4/2017/ Friday

Isulat ang √ sa patlang kung nagpapakita ng pangangalaga sa Match the animals with their young ones.
halaman at X kung hindi. 1. chicken
2. goat
_____1. Alisin ang mga tuyong dahon. 3. goose
_____2. Ilagay ang halaman sa madilim na lugar. 4. cat
_____3. Diligan ang halaman linggo-lingo. 5. horse
_____4. Gumamit ng organikong pataba sa halaman
upang maging malusog.
_____5. Pagyamanin ang lupa.
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
February 5-9, 2018/9:55-10:45 QUARTER Fourth


Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of

people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,strea people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,strea people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,strea people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,strea
Content Standards ms,hills,mountains,and other ms,hills,mountains,and other ms,hills,mountains,and other ms,hills,mountains,and other
importance importance importance importance

Express their concerns about their Express their concerns about their Express their concerns about their Express their concerns about their
Performance Standards surroundings through teacher-guided surroundings through teacher-guided surroundings through teacher-guided surroundings through teacher-guided
and self –directed activities. and self –directed activities. and self –directed activities. and self –directed activities.

Describe the weather over a period of Describe the weather over a period of Describe the weather over a period of Describe the weather over a period of
Learning Competencies / time. time. time. time.
Objectives S3ES – Ive–f -3 S3ES – Ive–f -3 S3ES – Ive–f -3 S3ES – Ive–f -3

Safety Precautions on Different Types of

II. CONTENT Making an Improvised Instrument Speed of the Wind Temperature of Air in Different Places
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages CG p.21 of 64. CG p.21 of 64. CG p.21 of 64. CG p.21 of 64.
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources

IV. PROCEDURES Post the drawings below on the board. Ask the
pupils to arrange the letters to form the words
describing the pictures posted on the board. Post
A. Reviewing previous the correct word above the picture. Ask the What are types of clouds?
How does weather affects people ,plants and
lesson or presenting the following questions after the word was formed for Weather Instruments What are the characterisitics of each?
the picture.
new lesson S N N U Y YA R I N T S Y M R O
What is the difference
UOCLYD between
D Y I Nsunny
W and windy
What is the difference between rainy day and
Post picture on the board.
B. Establishing a purpose cloudy day?
- What do you think man feels?
What is the difference between cloudy day and Stay in the open electric fan.What did you feel?
for the lesson Why do you think he feels that way?
windy day?
What is the difference between windy day and
Show pictures of some weather
stormy day? instruments to the Which of the following will you wear on sunny
class. days? Rainy days? Windy days? Stormy days?
C. Presenting
Show powerpoint video about “ direction and
Examples/instances of new speed of the wind”.

How do we describe the direction and speed of the What was the hottest temperature?
D. Discussing new wind? - At what time of the day it occur?
What are do’s and don’t’s when it is sunny day?
Rainy day?windy day?stormy day?
concepts and practicing new - Is there changes of the direction and speed of the - How do you compare air temperature during
- What should we need to keep its safe?
wind? different periods of the day?
skills #1

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing new
skills #2

F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative
Individual Activity
Prepare the ff:
Prepare a short bond paper ,pencil and coloring
G. Finding Practical - cardboard, electric fan ,and thermometer
Group the class into three. Teach them how ot - Choose a partner and sit close to the fan.
applications of concepts and make an improvised wind vane.
.Group them. Give them activity sheets to perform.
- Observe how the air feels.
Draw the safety and precautionary measures in
dealing wth the different types of weather
skills - Let your partner switch the fan to slow.
Observe the air feels.Get the temperature.

What is wind?
H. Making generalizations - What intstrument do we used in measuring its
What are the instruments used in measuring the What should we do to prevent or avoid ailments,
and abstractions about the wind temperature and speed of wind?
speed and direction? What is air temperature?
accidents for any changes in the weather?
lesson Which are the good practices? Encircle the
Write True if the statement is correct and false if it
is not.
1. Play under the rain without a raincoat.
Make a weather chart for assessing the pupils 1. Air temperature tells the hotness or coldness of
2. Stay at home during a storm.
Children are assess by their improvised performance. the atmosphere.
I. Evaluating Learning instruments. 2. Temperature is higher when the weather is
3. Apply sunblock lotion on your skin if you have to
stay long under the sun.
sunny that when iti is rainy.
4. Swim in the flood.

J. Additional activities for Draw the four types of weather.

Draw the speed of the wind in your place.Write Describe how wind speed affects weather Draw the activities you will do in every types of
application or remediation sentences about it. conditions.Do this on your notebook. weather.
J. Additional activities for Draw the four types of weather.
Draw the speed of the wind in your place.Write Describe how wind speed affects weather Draw the activities you will do in every types of
application or remediation sentences about it. conditions.Do this on your notebook. weather.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Science 10/2/2017/ Monday Science 10/3/2017/ Wednesday

Piliin ang titik ng wastong sagot. Isulat kung living o non- living things.
1. Ito ay gamit na mula sa puno na ginagamit sa paaralan. _____1. plants
A. Papel B. Bag C Chalk _____2. bahay
2. Tinatawag itong puno ng buhay. ____3. tubig
A. Mangga B. Santol C. Niyog ____4. hayop
3. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang mga bagay na mula sa halaman? ____5. upuan
A. Asin B. Silyang kahoy C. Plastic na bote
4. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halaman ang mapagkukunan
ng gamot?
A. Oregano B. Mangga C. Atis
5. Aong halaman ang maaring gamitin sa paggawa ng kasuotan?
A. Niyog B. Pinya C. Lansones

Science 10/3/2017/ Tuesday Science 10/4/2017/ Friday

Isulat ang √ sa patlang kung nagpapakita ng pangangalaga sa Match the animals with their young ones.
halaman at X kung hindi. 1. chicken
2. goat
_____1. Alisin ang mga tuyong dahon. 3. goose
_____2. Ilagay ang halaman sa madilim na lugar. 4. cat
_____3. Diligan ang halaman linggo-lingo. 5. horse
_____4. Gumamit ng organikong pataba sa halaman
upang maging malusog.
_____5. Pagyamanin ang lupa.
SCHOOL NAME San Isidro Elementary School GRADE AND SECTION III-Dandelion
February 12-16, 2018/9:55-10:45 QUARTER Fourth


Understanding of Understanding of
Understanding the types and effects of Understanding the types and effects of
people,plants,lakes,rivers, people,plants,lakes,rivers,
Content Standards weather as they relate to daily weather as they relate to daily
streams ,hills,mountains ,and other streams ,hills,mountains ,and other
activities ,health and safety. activities ,health and safety.
landforms and their importance. landforms and their importance.

Express their concerns about their Express their concerns about their Express ideas about safety measures Express ideas about safety measures
Performance Standards surroundings through teacher-guided surroundings through teacher-guided during different weather conditions during different weather conditions
and self –directed actvitities. and self –directed actvitities. creatively. creatively.

Describe landforms. Relate the importance of surroundings Describe the changes in the weather Describe the changes in the weather
Learning Competencies / Make a diorama presentation. to people and other living things. over a period of time. over a period of time.
Weekly Test
Objectives S3ES – Ivc –d - 2 S3ES – Ivc –d -2 S3ES – Ive –f -3 S3ES – Ive –f -3

Relating the importance of surroundings to

II. CONTENT Landforms Types of Weather Weather Instruments
people and other living things.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages CG p.21 of 64 CG p.21 of 64 CG p.21 of 64 CG p.21 of 64
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages

4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources


A. Reviewing previous
lesson or presenting the What are bodies of water? Landforms Importance of Surroundings Types of Weather
new lesson

Is there any landform in your place?What kind of

landform is it?
B. Establishing a purpose Are there plants growing in those landforms? What words did you connect if you heard the What are the things we can bring if we are going
What makes up a weather?
for the lesson Have you experience mountain climbing?How was words “ surroundings”.? to travel to another places?

C. Presenting
Examples/instances of new Show powerpoint about landforms. Show a pictures of different surroundings? Powerpoint or a video about types of weather. Show the video about weather instruments.

D. Discussing new What are being shown in the pictures?

What types of weather where people can make a How does weather forecaster /meteorologist
concepts and practicing new What are plants growing in these land formations? - Who lives in that places?
body relax to stress and to unwind? define the weather?
skills #1

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing new
skills #2

F. Developing mastery
Draw the importance of surroundings to other
(Leads to Formative living things.
Group the class into five.
1- Sunny day
Divide the class into groups with four members
( Write the activities can be done )
G. Finding Practical each.
2- Cloudy Day
Distribute the worksheet below to each group. Group the class into 3.Let them analyzed the
applications of concepts and Cut out the landform pictures on the next page. importance of surroundings.
( Write the activities can be done ) Group Actvity.
3- Windy day
skills Glue each landfrom next to its description.
4- Stormy Day
5- Rainy Day

H. Making generalizations
How can you relate the surroundings to people and
and abstractions about the What are different kinds of landforms?
other living things?
What are different types of weather? What are some weather instruments?
Identify the landform that is being characterize on Tell what weather instruments describe in the
Tell what types of weather can mention in the
each number. sentences.
1. A large crack in the earth formed by a river or 1. It is the instruements used in measuring wind
1. Drying of clothes
earthquake. List down 5 importance of surroundings to people speed?
I. Evaluating Learning 2. A narrow strip of land that connects two large and other living things.
2. Drinking cold water ,halo-halo.etc.
2. It is the instruments used in measuring the
3. Flying kites
areas of land. number of rain over the time.
3-5.etc. 3-5.etc.

J. Additional activities for Draw the most popular landform in your Write what can you do to make surrounding useful
Cut pictures of different types of weather. Cut pictures of weather instruments.
application or remediation community on a short bond paper. to people and other living things.
J. Additional activities for Draw the most popular landform in your Write what can you do to make surrounding useful
Cut pictures of different types of weather. Cut pictures of weather instruments.
application or remediation community on a short bond paper. to people and other living things.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Science 10/2/2017/ Monday Science 10/3/2017/ Wednesday

Piliin ang titik ng wastong sagot. Isulat kung living o non- living things.
1. Ito ay gamit na mula sa puno na ginagamit sa paaralan. _____1. plants
A. Papel B. Bag C Chalk _____2. bahay
2. Tinatawag itong puno ng buhay. ____3. tubig
A. Mangga B. Santol C. Niyog ____4. hayop
3. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang mga bagay na mula sa halaman? ____5. upuan
A. Asin B. Silyang kahoy C. Plastic na bote
4. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halaman ang mapagkukunan
ng gamot?
A. Oregano B. Mangga C. Atis
5. Aong halaman ang maaring gamitin sa paggawa ng kasuotan?
A. Niyog B. Pinya C. Lansones

Science 10/3/2017/ Tuesday Science 10/4/2017/ Friday

Isulat ang √ sa patlang kung nagpapakita ng pangangalaga sa Match the animals with their young ones.
halaman at X kung hindi. 1. chicken
2. goat
_____1. Alisin ang mga tuyong dahon. 3. goose
_____2. Ilagay ang halaman sa madilim na lugar. 4. cat
_____3. Diligan ang halaman linggo-lingo. 5. horse
_____4. Gumamit ng organikong pataba sa halaman
upang maging malusog.
_____5. Pagyamanin ang lupa.
DATES February 19-23, 2018 QUARTER Fourth


Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of Demonstrate understanding of
people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,strea people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,strea people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,strea people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,strea people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,strea
Content Standards ms,hills,mountains,and other ms,hills,mountains,and other ms,hills,mountains,and other ms,hills,mountains,and other ms,hills,mountains,and other
importance importance importance importance importance

Express their concerns about their Express their concerns about their Express their concerns about their Express their concerns about their Express their concerns about their
Performance Standards surroundings through teacher-guided surroundings through teacher-guided surroundings through teacher-guided surroundings through teacher-guided surroundings through teacher-guided
and self –directed activities. and self –directed activities. and self –directed activities. and self –directed activities. and self –directed activities.

Describe the weather over a period of Describe the weather over a period of Describe the weather over a period of Describe the weather over a period of Describe the weather over a period of
Learning Competencies / time. time. time. time. time.
Objectives S3ES – Ive –f -3 S3ES – Ive –f -3 S3ES – Ive –f -3 S3ES – Ive –f -3 S3ES – Ive –f -3

Making an Improvised Instrument Speed of the Wind Temperature of Air in Different Places Safety Precautions on Different Types of
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages CG p.21 of 64. CG p.21 of 64. CG p.21 of 64. CG p.21 of 64. CG p.21 of 64.
2. Learner’s Materials
3. Text book pages
4. Additional Materials
from Learning Resources

B. Other Learning Resources

IV. PROCEDURES Post the drawings below on the board. Ask the
pupils to arrange the letters to form the words
describing the pictures posted on the board. Post
A. Reviewing previous the correct word above the picture. Ask the What are types of clouds?
How does weather affects people ,plants and
lesson or presenting the following questions after the word was formed for Weather Instruments What are the characterisitics of each?
the picture.
new lesson S N N U Y YA R I N T S Y M R O
What is the difference
UOCLYD between
D Y I Nsunny
W and windy
What is the difference between rainy day and
Post picture on the board.
B. Establishing a purpose cloudy day?
- What do you think man feels? Which of the following will you wear on sunny
What is the difference between cloudy day and Stay in the open electric fan.What did you feel?
for the lesson Why do you think he feels that way? days? Rainy days? Windy days? Stormy days?
windy day?
What is the difference between windy day and
Show pictures of some weather
stormy day? instruments to the
C. Presenting
Show powerpoint video about “ direction and
Examples/instances of new speed of the wind”.

What was the hottest temperature?

D. Discussing new How do we describe the direction and speed of the
- At what time of the day it occur?
What are do’s and don’t’s when it is sunny day?
wind? Rainy day?windy day?stormy day?
concepts and practicing new - Is there changes of the direction and speed of the
- How do you compare air temperature during
- What should we need to keep its safe?
different periods of the day?
skills #1 wind?

E. Discussing new
concepts and practicing new
skills #2

F. Developing mastery
(Leads to Formative
Individual Activity
Prepare a short bond paper ,pencil and coloring
Prepare the ff:
G. Finding Practical - cardboard, electric fan ,and thermometer
Draw the safety and precautionary measures in
Group the class into three. Teach them how ot - Choose a partner and sit close to the fan.
applications of concepts and make an improvised wind vane.
.Group them. Give them activity sheets to perform.
- Observe how the air feels.
dealing wth the different types of weather
skills - Let your partner switch the fan to slow.
Original File Submitted and Formatted by DepEd
Observe the air feels.Get the temperature.
Club Member - visit depedclub.com for more

H. Making generalizations What is wind?

What are the instruments used in measuring the - What intstrument do we used in measuring its What should we do to prevent or avoid ailments,
and abstractions about the wind temperature and speed of wind? speed and direction?
What is air temperature?
accidents for any changes in the weather?
lesson Which are the good practices? Encircle the
Write True if the statement is correct and false if it
is not.
1. Play under the rain without a raincoat.
Make a weather chart for assessing the pupils 1. Air temperature tells the hotness or coldness of
2. Stay at home during a storm.
Children are assess by their improvised performance. the atmosphere.
I. Evaluating Learning instruments. 2. Temperature is higher when the weather is
3. Apply sunblock lotion on your skin if you have to
stay long under the sun.
sunny that when iti is rainy.
4. Swim in the flood.

J. Additional activities for Draw the four types of weather.

Draw the speed of the wind in your place.Write Describe how wind speed affects weather Draw the activities you will do in every types of
application or remediation sentences about it. conditions.Do this on your notebook. weather.

A. No. of learners who
earned 80% on the
formative assessment

B. No. of Learners who

require additional activities
for remediation

C. Did the remedial

lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up
with the lesson.

D. No. of learners who

continue to require

E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?

F. What difficulties did I

encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?
Science 10/2/2017/ Monday Science 10/3/2017/ Wednesday

Piliin ang titik ng wastong sagot. Isulat kung living o non- living things.
1. Ito ay gamit na mula sa puno na ginagamit sa paaralan. _____1. plants
A. Papel B. Bag C Chalk _____2. bahay
2. Tinatawag itong puno ng buhay. ____3. tubig
A. Mangga B. Santol C. Niyog ____4. hayop
3. Alin sa mga sumusunod ang mga bagay na mula sa halaman? ____5. upuan
A. Asin B. Silyang kahoy C. Plastic na bote
4. Alin sa mga sumusunod na halaman ang mapagkukunan
ng gamot?
A. Oregano B. Mangga C. Atis
5. Aong halaman ang maaring gamitin sa paggawa ng kasuotan?
A. Niyog B. Pinya C. Lansones

Science 10/3/2017/ Tuesday Science 10/4/2017/ Friday

Isulat ang √ sa patlang kung nagpapakita ng pangangalaga sa Match the animals with their young ones.
halaman at X kung hindi. 1. chicken
2. goat
_____1. Alisin ang mga tuyong dahon. 3. goose
_____2. Ilagay ang halaman sa madilim na lugar. 4. cat
_____3. Diligan ang halaman linggo-lingo. 5. horse
_____4. Gumamit ng organikong pataba sa halaman
upang maging malusog.
_____5. Pagyamanin ang lupa.
January 15-19, 2018/9:55-10:45 Fourth

Demonstrate uDemonstrate uDemonstrate uDemonstrate uDemonstrate understanding of people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,streams,hills,mounta

Express their Express their Express their Express their Express their concerns about their surroundings through teacher-guided and self –dire

bodies of
Name tihngs water.
found in the Infer that
garden. plants and
Group things animals are
Describe the Naming as to living present
tihings found different things and around and
in the things non-living in the bodies
surroundings around you. things. of water.
S3ES – Iva –b S3ES – Iva –b S3ES – Iva –b S3ES – Iva –b
-1 -1 -1 -1
Weekly Test
Things in the S Different Thing Living Things and Non-Living Things

CG p.21 of CG p.21 of CG p.21 of CG p.21 of 64 ,226-230

What are the

things around
Show a picture
of a beach
What makes up resort.
our What are the
environment? things found in
What are the the beach
things that resort?Describe
surrounds you? each.
Things found in the Garden

Have you gone

swimming with
your family and
Show pictures of Where was this
different popular place? Did you
places. enjoy
Post the picture oPost the lyrics of

Bahay Kubo. Sing altogether.

What was the

place assigned Which of the
to your group What do you see ff.things are
that you visited? in the picture? found in the
What are the What other garden?Encircle
things you saw? things can you them.
Describe each. see in the farm? Which are not?
What means of transportation did you use with your family and friends? Did you enjoy?
Fill in the boxes
about the things
in your

Divide the class

into six groups.
Each group will
be given two
bodies of water
card.They will
write a short
paragraph to tell
how the two
bodies of water
are the same.
Group Activity Draw a garden you

What are the

tihngs found in
the garden?
Which of these
are living
things?Non –
living things?
How will you descWhat are the diff What are the different bodies of water?

Identify the
bodies of water
Fill in the table characterize in
examples of each number.
living things and 1. A ____ is a
Show a picture non-living tihngs narrow body of
of a popular found in the water that
place in your garden. connects two
town. Things Found in larger bodies of
Post the picture the Garden water.
on the board. Living Things 2. Is a place in a
List down things Non – Living ___ where water
found at the Things spills suddenly
picture /place. downward.
Describe each. 3-5etc.
List down ten thi

Cut a picture of a Draw a picture of Collect pictures o Collect pictures of different bodies of water. Draw a landform found in your place. Do this on a short bond paper.
akes,rivers,streams,hills,mountains,and other importance

gh teacher-guided and self –directed activities.

is on a short bond paper.
January 15-19, 2018/9:55-10:45 Fourth

Demonstrate uDemonstrate uDemonstrate uDemonstrate uDemonstrate understanding of people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,streams,hills,mounta

Express their Express their Express their Express their Express their concerns about their surroundings through teacher-guided and self –dire

bodies of
Name tihngs water.
found in the Infer that
garden. plants and
Group things animals are
Describe the Naming as to living present
tihings found different things and around and
in the things non-living in the bodies
surroundings around you. things. of water.
S3ES – Iva –b S3ES – Iva –b S3ES – Iva –b S3ES – Iva –b
-1 -1 -1 -1
Weekly Test
Things in the S Different Thing Living Things and Non-Living Things

CG p.21 of CG p.21 of CG p.21 of CG p.21 of 64 ,226-230

What are the

things around
Show a picture
of a beach
What makes up resort.
our What are the
environment? things found in
What are the the beach
things that resort?Describe
surrounds you? each.
Things found in the Garden

Have you gone

swimming with
your family and
Show pictures of Where was this
different popular place? Did you
places. enjoy
Post the picture oPost the lyrics of

Bahay Kubo. Sing altogether.

What was the

place assigned Which of the
to your group What do you see ff.things are
that you visited? in the picture? found in the
What are the What other garden?Encircle
things you saw? things can you them.
Describe each. see in the farm? Which are not?
What means of transportation did you use with your family and friends? Did you enjoy?
Fill in the boxes
about the things
in your

Divide the class

into six groups.
Each group will
be given two
bodies of water
card.They will
write a short
paragraph to tell
how the two
bodies of water
are the same.
Group Activity Draw a garden you

What are the

tihngs found in
the garden?
Which of these
are living
things?Non –
living things?
How will you descWhat are the diff What are the different bodies of water?

Identify the
bodies of water
Fill in the table characterize in
examples of each number.
living things and 1. A ____ is a
Show a picture non-living tihngs narrow body of
of a popular found in the water that
place in your garden. connects two
town. Things Found in larger bodies of
Post the picture the Garden water.
on the board. Living Things 2. Is a place in a
List down things Non – Living ___ where water
found at the Things spills suddenly
picture /place. downward.
Describe each. 3-5etc.
List down ten thi

Cut a picture of a Draw a picture of Collect pictures o Collect pictures of different bodies of water. Draw a landform found in your place. Do this on a short bond paper.
akes,rivers,streams,hills,mountains,and other importance

gh teacher-guided and self –directed activities.

is on a short bond paper.
January 15-19, 2018/9:55-10:45 Fourth

Demonstrate uDemonstrate uDemonstrate uDemonstrate uDemonstrate understanding of people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,streams,hills,mounta

Express their Express their Express their Express their Express their concerns about their surroundings through teacher-guided and self –dire

bodies of
Name tihngs water.
found in the Infer that
garden. plants and
Group things animals are
Describe the Naming as to living present
tihings found different things and around and
in the things non-living in the bodies
surroundings around you. things. of water.
S3ES – Iva –b S3ES – Iva –b S3ES – Iva –b S3ES – Iva –b
-1 -1 -1 -1
Weekly Test
Things in the S Different Thing Living Things and Non-Living Things

CG p.21 of CG p.21 of CG p.21 of CG p.21 of 64 ,226-230

What are the

things around
Show a picture
of a beach
What makes up resort.
our What are the
environment? things found in
What are the the beach
things that resort?Describe
surrounds you? each.
Things found in the Garden

Have you gone

swimming with
your family and
Show pictures of Where was this
different popular place? Did you
places. enjoy
Post the picture oPost the lyrics of

Bahay Kubo. Sing altogether.

What was the

place assigned Which of the
to your group What do you see ff.things are
that you visited? in the picture? found in the
What are the What other garden?Encircle
things you saw? things can you them.
Describe each. see in the farm? Which are not?
What means of transportation did you use with your family and friends? Did you enjoy?
Fill in the boxes
about the things
in your

Divide the class

into six groups.
Each group will
be given two
bodies of water
card.They will
write a short
paragraph to tell
how the two
bodies of water
are the same.
Group Activity Draw a garden you

What are the

tihngs found in
the garden?
Which of these
are living
things?Non –
living things?
How will you descWhat are the diff What are the different bodies of water?

Identify the
bodies of water
Fill in the table characterize in
examples of each number.
living things and 1. A ____ is a
Show a picture non-living tihngs narrow body of
of a popular found in the water that
place in your garden. connects two
town. Things Found in larger bodies of
Post the picture the Garden water.
on the board. Living Things 2. Is a place in a
List down things Non – Living ___ where water
found at the Things spills suddenly
picture /place. downward.
Describe each. 3-5etc.
List down ten thi

Cut a picture of a Draw a picture of Collect pictures o Collect pictures of different bodies of water. Draw a landform found in your place. Do this on a short bond paper.
akes,rivers,streams,hills,mountains,and other importance

gh teacher-guided and self –directed activities.

is on a short bond paper.
January 15-19, 2018/9:55-10:45 Fourth

Demonstrate uDemonstrate uDemonstrate uDemonstrate uDemonstrate understanding of people,animals,plants,lakes,rivers,streams,hills,mounta

Express their Express their Express their Express their Express their concerns about their surroundings through teacher-guided and self –dire

bodies of
Name tihngs water.
found in the Infer that
garden. plants and
Group things animals are
Describe the Naming as to living present
tihings found different things and around and
in the things non-living in the bodies
surroundings around you. things. of water.
S3ES – Iva –b S3ES – Iva –b S3ES – Iva –b S3ES – Iva –b
-1 -1 -1 -1
Weekly Test
Things in the S Different Thing Living Things and Non-Living Things

CG p.21 of CG p.21 of CG p.21 of CG p.21 of 64 ,226-230

What are the

things around
Show a picture
of a beach
What makes up resort.
our What are the
environment? things found in
What are the the beach
things that resort?Describe
surrounds you? each.
Things found in the Garden

Have you gone

swimming with
your family and
Show pictures of Where was this
different popular place? Did you
places. enjoy
Post the picture oPost the lyrics of

Bahay Kubo. Sing altogether.

What was the

place assigned Which of the
to your group What do you see ff.things are
that you visited? in the picture? found in the
What are the What other garden?Encircle
things you saw? things can you them.
Describe each. see in the farm? Which are not?
What means of transportation did you use with your family and friends? Did you enjoy?
Fill in the boxes
about the things
in your

Divide the class

into six groups.
Each group will
be given two
bodies of water
card.They will
write a short
paragraph to tell
how the two
bodies of water
are the same.
Group Activity Draw a garden you

What are the

tihngs found in
the garden?
Which of these
are living
things?Non –
living things?
How will you descWhat are the diff What are the different bodies of water?

Identify the
bodies of water
Fill in the table characterize in
examples of each number.
living things and 1. A ____ is a
Show a picture non-living tihngs narrow body of
of a popular found in the water that
place in your garden. connects two
town. Things Found in larger bodies of
Post the picture the Garden water.
on the board. Living Things 2. Is a place in a
List down things Non – Living ___ where water
found at the Things spills suddenly
picture /place. downward.
Describe each. 3-5etc.
List down ten thi

Cut a picture of a Draw a picture of Collect pictures o Collect pictures of different bodies of water. Draw a landform found in your place. Do this on a short bond paper.
akes,rivers,streams,hills,mountains,and other importance

gh teacher-guided and self –directed activities.

is on a short bond paper.

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