Carleyn Abril Miranda Villarreal - End Term Project Presentation Rubric

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End-term project presentation

Evaluation rubric

Carleyn Miranda
Name: ________________ 22/08/2020
Date: _____________

Score: ____/35 points

1 2 3 4 5

The presentation The presentation The presentation The The

was not well was almost was organized, but presentation presentation
organized and organized, but there were some was well was very well
Quality of presentation there were many there were some details that were organized, and organized, and
incomplete details. details that were incomplete. everything everything
incomplete. was was complete
completed in in detail.
some details.
It was not apparent It was little It was somewhat It was mostly It was very
that the team apparent that the that the team apparent that apparent that
practiced before team practiced practiced before the team the team
Preparedness presenting the before presenting presenting the practiced practiced
project. the project. project. before before
presenting the presenting the
project. project.
Did not have PPT Spoke about other Some good use of Very good use Excellent use
and did not hold items instead of visual, spoke only of visuals, of visuals
slides where the the concepts about some spoke about displays, video
team was being presented concepts and most of the displays, and
presenting the and related the things related to concepts clearly
results from the slides with the the presentation related to the enhanced the
Use of visual displays research. presentation of of the results from presentation oral
the results from the research. of the results presentation.
the research. from the

Individual evaluation
The topic was given Describes topic Describes topic Clearly Clearly
with too much with little with some describes topic describes the
prompting and prompting and prompting and with little content
Ideas/content/knowledge support needed, support. support. prompting and without
level information about Information is not Information is not support. prompting and
item-lacks purpose. always in a always in a Information is support.
Unable to logical/sequential logical/sequential logical and
demonstrate order. Able to order. Able to sequential.
knowledge of the demonstrate demonstrate Able to
content. demonstrate
some knowledge some knowledge knowledge of
of the content. of the content. the content.

Almost no Little expression, Uses some clear Very good Excellent

Vocal delivery expression. Does does not speak expression of expression of delivery and
not speak clearly so clearly so others thoughts, feelings thoughts, use of voice.
others could hear. could hear. or ideas while feelings, or
speaking. Speaks ideas. Speaks
at an appropriate at an
volume. appropriate
Grammar and Grammar and Good use of Great use of Excellent use
pronunciation skills pronunciation grammar and grammar and of grammar
Language skills were very low skills were low pronunciation pronunciation and
during the during the skills during the skills during pronunciation
presentation of the presentation of presentation of the skills during
scientific research. the scientific the scientific presentation the
research. research. of the presentation
scientific of the
research. scientific
Did not present Present the Present the Present the Present
his/her conclusion conclusion of the conclusions of the conclusions of excellent
of the research and research almost research and the the research conclusions
Presenting SHORT the ideas related to organized and the ideas were related and the ideas and the ideas
conclusions the conclusion ideas related to to the conclusions were very were clearly
were not correctly the conclusion were organized related to the related to the
organized. where slightly conclusions conclusion
organized were

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