Carleyn Abril Miranda Villarreal - End Term Project Presentation Rubric
Carleyn Abril Miranda Villarreal - End Term Project Presentation Rubric
Carleyn Abril Miranda Villarreal - End Term Project Presentation Rubric
Evaluation rubric
Carleyn Miranda
Name: ________________ 22/08/2020
Date: _____________
1 2 3 4 5
Individual evaluation
The topic was given Describes topic Describes topic Clearly Clearly
with too much with little with some describes topic describes the
prompting and prompting and prompting and with little content
Ideas/content/knowledge support needed, support. support. prompting and without
level information about Information is not Information is not support. prompting and
item-lacks purpose. always in a always in a Information is support.
Unable to logical/sequential logical/sequential logical and
demonstrate order. Able to order. Able to sequential.
knowledge of the demonstrate demonstrate Able to
content. demonstrate
some knowledge some knowledge knowledge of
of the content. of the content. the content.