HRSG Design For Integrated Reforming Combined Cycle With CO2 Capture
HRSG Design For Integrated Reforming Combined Cycle With CO2 Capture
HRSG Design For Integrated Reforming Combined Cycle With CO2 Capture
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power JANUARY 2011, Vol. 133 / 011702-1
Copyright © 2011 by ASME
Natural gas 58.5
Air / O2 Reforming
capture compression 58.0
Exhaust 56.0
Fig. 1 Schematic of natural gas precombustion capture
gram, displaying temperature versus heat transferred for the 2P
66 2PR
HRSG flue gas and the water/steam cycle, is illustrative. For the
64 3PR
600 600
500 500
Temperature (°C)
Temperature (°C)
400 400
300 300
100 100
Heat transfer from gas (MW) Heat transfer from gas (MW)
Fig. 5 T-Q diagram for single-pressure HRSG without external Fig. 8 T-Q diagram for dual-pressure reheat HRSG with 70
HP steam generation. Dashed lines refer to HRSG flue gas, kg/s of external HP steam generation. Dashed lines refer to
solid lines to water/steam cycle. HRSG flue gas, solid lines to water/steam cycle.
there was also an improvement in the HRSG T-Q diagram when steeper than for other HRSG alternatives, up to a certain point.
generating external HP steam, as is displayed in Fig. 8. But the After about 70 kg/s externally generated steam, the slopes are
improvement was not as pronounced, as can be seen from the similar between the different HRSG options. This is because, at
slopes in Fig. 4. The single-pressure system improvement was that flow point, the lower stack temperature limit had been
reached for the single-pressure system and no more heat could be
transferred from the flue gas. The only improvement from this
point and higher external flows was the added steam flow from the
external source and hence, the improvements would be similar for
all HRSG options.
500 3.2 External High-Pressure Economizer and Evaporator.
Temperature (°C)
600 72
500 2PR
Temperature (°C)
400 66
70 kg/s less steam in HRSG evaporator
200 than in economizer and super-heater 60
100 58
0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450
External HP mass flow (kg/s)
Heat transfer from gas (MW)
Fig. 9 Natural gas fired combined cycle plant with external HP
Fig. 7 T-Q diagram for single-pressure HRSG with 70 kg/s of economizer and evaporator. For reference, 90 kg/s „2PR… and
external HP steam generation. Dashed lines refer to HRSG flue 105 kg/s „1P… of steam was generated in HRSG evaporator at
gas, solid lines to water/steam cycle. the 0 kg/s external HP steam mass flow point.
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power JANUARY 2011, Vol. 133 / 011702-3
700 57.60
70 kg/s less steam in HRSG evaporator
200 and economizer than in super-heater
47 134 C 2
46 23 22
CO2 compression CO2 capture
1 PRE1 240 C
300 C 24
Booster 500 C 13 21
To HP drum From HP drum From HP drum From IP drum To IP drum
(sat steam) (sat steam) (sat steam) (sat water) (sat water)
35 450 C 36A 355 C 431 C 36B 32 31 212 C
85 C 950 C 15 16 17 18 19 20
27 28 Exhaust
385 C 4
Gas turbine 38 41 43 45
G 44 Condenser
10 C 400 C
1 2 39
Natural gas Desulfurization Steam turbine
Fig. 12 IRCC process flow sheet. Stream numbering and temperatures „in °C… are indicated for certain streams.
1. a single-pressure HRSG with its simplicity while still borderline of being too low. A higher steam quality would be
achieving an IRCC net plant efficiency similar to the more achieved if the HP pressure level would be lowered, however, this
complex HRSG alternatives would lower the net plant efficiency. For the dual-pressure reheat
2. a dual-pressure reheat HRSG with its high NGCC net plant system, the steam quality 共0.916兲 was not an issue. The higher
efficiency NGCC net plant efficiency is a clear advantage for a dual-pressure
reheat system. In the end, the selection decision would be strongly
The triple-pressure HRSG showed a lower NGCC net plant influenced by economics. Economic analysis was not part of this
efficiency than the dual-pressure reheat HRSG, as shown in Fig. work.
3, while having a similar complexity. Also, there was no clear For this work the dual-pressure reheat cycle was chosen. The
advantage for the triple-pressure system in IRCC operating mode. HRSG was duct-fired at two locations in the gas path. One was
When comparing dual-pressure reheat and triple-pressure reheat
located in the hottest zone of the HRSG to get the gas temperature
systems, one setup was not clearly favorable compared with the
up to a temperature close to what it would be for an NGCC. The
other setup. However, for a triple-pressure reheat system, the LP
IRCC GT exhaust temperature was lower because of the lower
and IP boilers within the HRSG became very small 共below 1 kg/s
steam to the boilers兲. For this reason, the dual-pressure reheat turbine inlet temperature 共100 K lower TIT, 50 K lower exhaust
system was favorable compared with the triple-pressure reheat temperature兲. The second supplementary burner was located up-
system and the resulting decrease in complexity a positive. stream of the preheating section. The heat added with the second
To differentiate between the single-pressure system and the duct burner was very close to the heat removed by the preheating
dual-pressure reheat system, a full IRCC process design for each streams. This was a feature enabling dry operation of the preheat-
setup was necessary. The performance of the two systems was ing section when the plant is operating on natural gas 共the duct
similar. The IRCC net plant efficiency was 44.7% for the system burners are not in operation during NG operation and thereby the
with a single-pressure HRSG and 45.3% for the IRCC with a temperature to the preheating section is lower兲. The preheating
dual-pressure reheat cycle. This difference is small and part of the section 共PRE in Fig. 12兲 included preheating of NG 共PRE2兲, air
difference was also due to design features of the two systems and feed to ATR 共PRE4兲, and NG/steam feed to ATR. All duct-firing
not only from a difference in HRSG design. The main advantage was fueled with natural gas and increased the CO2 released from
of the single-pressure system was the simplicity of the design and the plant. However, this was compensated with a high capture rate
an overall less complex cycle. One disadvantage was the lower 共98%兲 of the CO2 capture system to result in an overall capture
steam quality at the ST outlet. A steam quality of 0.863 is on the rate at around 85%. The steam pressure levels were selected at
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power JANUARY 2011, Vol. 133 / 011702-5
GT PRO 18.0.2 Net Power 441956 kW
LHV Heat Rate 6264 kJ/kWh
1.01 p
15 T 1X GE 9371FB 628.4 m 74.79 %N2
60 %RH 11.05 %O2
16.22 p 1.04 p 0.3124 %CO2
642.1 m 380 T 595 T
16.22 p 15.41 p 253545 kW 12.96 %H2O
0 m elev. 91.96 m 380 T 1327 T 628.4 M 0.8969 %Ar
15 T
642.1 m
199573 kW
Aspen 78.22 m
LHV= 682459 kWth 130 p
30 T 41.58 M 200 T 36 p
566 T
128.8 M 376 T 152.7 M
30.39 M
119 T 2.001 p 36 p 376 T 0 M V5 0.04 p
120 T 3 p 276 T 0 M V6 29 T
98.34 M
172.5 M
2.174 M
2p 0.034 M
27.5 p 566 T
119.6 M
30.87 p 353 T
132.6 p 568 T
29 T
112.4 M 112.4 M
66.18 M 17.66 M 17.66 M
60 T
70 T 594 T
630.3 M 628.4 M
1.032 m^3/kg 2.001 p 29.79 p 136.3 p 29.74 p 135.6 p 29.68 p 135.6 p 134.3 p 29.2 p 133.1 p 28.6 p 132.6 p 2.546 m^3/kg
650.5 m^3/s 119 T 230 T 297 T 292 T 332 T 320 T 334 T 468 T 508 T 528 T 568 T 568 T 1599.9 m^3/s
195 M 154.9 M 152.7 M 17.66 M 152.7 M 17.66 M 40.31 M 152.7 M 137.3 M 152.7 M 137.3 M 152.7 M
140 140 246 246 313 317 363 364 426 493 557 559 594 618 639
p[bar], T[C], M[kg/s], Steam Properties: IAPWS-IF97 Includes DB Nat Gas Nat Gas
1.1 M 0.8 M
LHV 50100 kWth
Fig. 13 GT PRO power cycle schematic including HRSG design. Annotations: pressure p in bar, mass flow m / M in kg/s,
and temperature T in °C. For example, air extracted from the GT compressor with annotation 16.22 p, 380 T, and 91.96 m,
refer to a pressure of 16.22 bar, a temperature of 380° C, and a mass flow of 91.96 kg/s.
130 bar for the HP system and 27.5 bar for the IP system. The GT For the HP system, the majority of the steam was generated
exhaust and HRSG pressure drop was assumed to be 22 mbar. The outside the HRSG. Of the 152.7 kg/s of steam admitted to the HP
condensing pressure was assumed at 0.04 bar. ST, 112.4 kg/s 共74%兲 were generated in the process heat exchang-
The selected reformer for the process was an autothermal re- ers external to the HRSG. Saturated water from the HPE was
former. As the ATR was air-blown there was a significant portion supplied to the syngas cooler and saturated steam was generated.
of nitrogen in the syngas. This nitrogen was used as fuel diluent From the syngas cooler, the saturated steam was supplied to the
for NOx abatement in the GT combustor. The air needed for the HP steam drum 共not shown in process flow sheet兲. The same mass
ATR was bled from the GT compressor discharge plenum 共flow- flow of steam as generated in the syngas cooler was supplied to
controlled with valve兲 and boosted up to system pressure 共ap- superheaters HPS1A and HPS1B before submitted to the HRSG
proximately 30 bar inlet pressure to ATR兲 with an air compressor. HPSs. IPE1A is acting as an IP economizer and IPB as an IP
The selected gas turbine was a GE 9FB. The bottoming steam evaporator 共same mass flow兲. GTPRE was preheating the fuel gas
cycle included the HRSG and a steam turbine. Included in the for the GT to 200° C and PRE1 was preheating the supplied NG
steam cycle were also a deaerator, condenser, and feedwater before it was further preheated in the HRSG. The net plant power
pumps. output was 420 MW. A summary of the results is displayed in
The full IRCC process flow sheet is displayed in Fig. 12. In the Table 1. Stream results are presented in Table 2.
power plant part of the process flow sheet, the GT, ST, and HRSG To determine what the efficiency penalty is when incorporating
are displayed. Within the HRSG, the heat exchangers for the dif-
ferent pressure levels are indicated. Included are the low-
temperature economizer 共LTE兲, the intermediate-pressure econo- Table 1 Result summary for IRCC with dual-pressure reheat
mizer 共IPE兲, boiler 共IPB兲, and superheater 共IPS兲, the reheat section HRSG
共RH兲, and the high-pressure economizer 共HPE兲, boiler 共HPB兲, and
superheater 共HPS兲. The LTE water was recirculated to keep the Natural gas LHV input 共MW兲 924.0
LTE inlet water temperature at 60° C to avoid corrosion of the Gross power output GT 共MW兲 253.5
tubes 共too low temperature leads to condensation of HRSG gas兲. Gross power output ST 共MW兲 199.1
The two duct burners 共DB兲 are also displayed in Fig. 12. Note that Gross power output 共MW兲 452.6
the IPB is drawn with dotted lines since in the IRCC setup the IPB Air compression 共MW兲 6.4
in the HRSG was not utilized 共only used when operating on NG兲. CO2 compression 共MW兲 16.7
CO2 capture pumps 共MW兲 1.9
When operating the full plant and supplying hydrogen-rich fuel to
Auxiliaries 共MW兲 8.9
the GT, the IP boiler in the HRSG would be dry. The flue gas Net power output 共MW兲 418.7
temperature at that location of the HRSG was sufficiently low to Net plant efficiency 共% of LHV input兲 45.3
allow for dry operation. The schematic of the HRSG is simplified. CO2 emissions 共g CO2 / net kWh el. 兲 70.1
In fact, some of the heat exchangers in Fig. 12 were split into CO2 capture rate 共%兲 85.1
several sections and the detailed layout is shown in Fig. 13.
T p ṁ CH4 C 2+ H2 CO CO2 H 2O O2 N2 Ar
No. 共°C兲 共bar兲 共kg/s兲 共vol %兲 共vol %兲 共vol %兲 共vol %兲 共vol %兲 共vol %兲 共vol %兲 共vol %兲 共vol %兲
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Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power JANUARY 2011, Vol. 133 / 011702-7