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Mitsubishi EDR15-20 - Troubleshooting

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Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting

In this Chapter

Chapter 6: Troubleshooting

In this Chapter
This chapter contains the following topics:

Topic See Page

Troubleshooting Procedure 6-1

Electrical 6-4

Hydraulics 6-12

EV100LX Codes and Tests 6-20

Troubleshooting the Interface Card System 6-73

Troubleshooting the Interface Card 6-86

Troubleshooting Procedure
When troubleshooting truck problems, it is important to:
• Use a logical, common sense approach.
• Begin with the simplest solution and work towards the most
The following procedure can aid in developing a logical and systematic
troubleshooting procedure:

Verifying Verify problems by:

Problems • Obtaining as much information as you can about the problem.
• Determining, if possible, what the truck’s performance was before
the problem began.
• Seeing any records which might have been kept about the truck’s
• Operating the truck yourself to verify the problem.

PDMM-0058 6-1
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual

Troubleshooting Procedure

Locating the Locate the truck’s problem area by:

Problem Area • Opening the various truck compartment doors and visually
inspecting the systems, then consult the hydraulic, electrical, and
mechanical maintenance sections in 1 for general information
that can save you time.
• Determining if the problem is in the control circuit or the power
circuit if there is no obvious physical problem.

Establishing a Establish a logical testing sequence by:

Logical Testing • Using the electrical schematic on page A-13. Begin at the battery
Sequence and establish a sequence of testing points to locate the problem.
• Establishing test points which indicate that all components
between any new test point and the battery are good.
• Avoiding haphazard checking which provides inconclusive

Identifying the Identify the cause of the problem by:

Cause of the • Checking for improper truck usage.
Problem • Bringing the problem to the service manager’s attention to avoid
repetition of the cause.

6-2 PDMM-0058
Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting Procedure

Correcting the Correct the problem by:

Problem • Repairing or replacing defective components.
• Complying with appropriate safety procedures.

Use extreme care whenever the truck is jacked up for any reason.
Never block the truck between the telescopic and the floor. Use a
suitable hoist to stabilize the mast. Keep hands and feet clear from
beneath the truck while jacking. Use jack stands or solid blocks to
support the truck; do not rely on jacks. See “Jacking the Truck” on
page 5-3.

Disconnect the battery when checking electrical circuits with an
ohmmeter. Battery current can damage the ohmmeter.

• Use the electrical schematic and the hydraulic schematic when

• Check all truck fail-safe and overload circuits:
• Before attempting any troubleshooting procedure
• After making any repairs or adjustments before returning the
truck to operation

PDMM-0058 6-3
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual


This section explains how to troubleshoot the electrical system.

Checking the Save time and trouble; look for simple causes first.
Wiring 1. Visually inspect all wiring in all components for:
• Broken wiring and shorted conditions (especially close to metal
edges or surfaces).
• Loose connections
• Loose or broken terminals
• Damaged terminal blocks or strips
2. Use an ohmmeter to check wiring continuity.
3. Repair or replace the wiring wherever a problem exists.

Troubleshooting If a truck problem cannot be located in the wiring or a short-to-frame

Procedure test, troubleshoot using the following procedure:

Disconnect the battery when checking electrical circuits with an
ohmmeter. The battery current can damage the meter.

1. Determine exactly what operations the truck is failing to perform.

2. To accomplish this, it is often advisable to jack up and block the
truck so the drive wheel is off the floor. Be sure the mast is
supported by a suitable hoist so the truck does not tip over.

Use extreme care whenever the truck is jacked up for any reason.
Never block the truck between the telescopic and the floor. Use a
suitable hoist to stabilize the mast. Keep hands and feet clear from
beneath the truck while jacking. Use jack stands or solid blocks to
support the truck; do not rely on jacks. See “Jacking the Truck” on
page 5-3.

3. Operate all the truck’s functions slowly, observing during which

sequence the truck malfunctions.

6-4 PDMM-0058
Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting


Shorts to the Truck A common cause of truck electrical problems is shorting to the truck
Frame—Causes frame that can be caused by:
• Accumulation of dirt
• Breakdown in insulation
• Bare wires
Shorts to the frame can occur at many locations including:
• Battery
• Motors
• Cables
• Buss bars
• Heat sinks
• Solenoids

Shorts to the Truck Check for shorts to frame using the following procedure:
Unplug the battery; battery current can damage the meter.

1. Use an ohmmeter set to Rx10,000 scale.

2. Connect one lead to the truck frame and the other to different
points in the electrical system, for example, terminal strips,
contactors, wire connections, and so on.
3. If the ohmmeter registers less than two megohm, the short within
the particular circuit must be located.
4. Reverse the leads and repeat steps 3 through 5.
5. Remove the control fuses (FU4 and FU5).
6. For each fuse, make a connection between the battery side
terminal and the truck frame with the ohmmeter.
7. Any reading below 200K ohms in the power system (motors)
indicates unacceptable shorts somewhere in the system.
8. For each fuse, make a connection between the control side
terminal and the truck frame with the ohmmeter.
9. A reading registering below 2 megohms on the meter indicates
unacceptable shorts in the control system.

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Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual


Voltage To Voltage grounds are the most common causes for system intermittent
Frame—Causes “overloads.”
Voltage to frame leakage is a result of dirt accumulation and can
occur at:
• Motors
• Heatsinks
• Battery
• Switches
• Contactor panel
• Cables and wiring

Voltage To Check for voltage to frame using the following procedure:

Frame—Checking 1. Use a voltmeter set to a voltage above that of the truck system.
2. Connect the voltmeter leads as follows:
• Positive lead to TP5; negative lead to truck frame.
• Positive lead to truck frame; negative lead to TP4.

Voltage to Voltage readings of 2 to 3 volts in either test should be eliminated.

Frame— Eliminate the voltage to frame by isolating a particular area of the
truck’s electrical system. Use the following procedure:
1. Connect the voltmeter leads as described in Step 2 above.
2. Remove the battery from the truck. Reconnect the battery to the
receptacle. If the voltage drops, the battery needs cleaning or
3. If the battery checks good, reinstall it in the truck and:
• Remove the fuses (one at a time). If the voltage drops when the
fuse is removed, the defective circuit is isolated.
• Disconnect the motor leads (one at a time). If the voltage
drops, the motor needs cleaning or repair.

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Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting


Board and Troubleshooting by following the instructions given in this manual is

Component usually more productive than swapping components until the
problem is corrected.
Precautions Bear in mind that the Interface Card Setup Procedure (see “Running
Learn” on page 6-73) must be run after swapping, replacing, or
adjusting any of the following components:
• Throttle potentiometer (pot)
• Interface card
Every time a new Interface Card is placed into a truck, it must be
Learned. Be particularly aware of this when swapping cards between
trucks to isolate a problem. When swapping the Interface Card
between a working and non-working truck, both must be re-Learned
after finishing troubleshooting. Additionally, verify all DIP switch
settings (see Figure 6-14 on page 6-76).
When in doubt, run Learn after servicing a truck.

Troubleshooting When troubleshooting a problem, some components should be

Order for suspected before others. This “suspect order” is based on either:

Component Failure • The probability of a particular component failing

• The ease of replacing a particular component
All troubleshooting is based on the following “suspect order:”
1. Wiring and terminal connections before circuit cards.
2. Hydraulic fluid contamination.
3. Component mis adjustment before component failure (throttle
4. Mast switches before other components.
5. Circuit cards are usually the last item to suspect.

Handling Printed For information on handling circuit cards, see “Proper Handling of
Circuit Cards Static Sensitive Devices” on page 5-5.

PDMM-0058 6-7
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual


Cleaning and Clean and inspect the contactors regularly to help ensure their proper
Inspecting the operation. See “Planned Maintenance” on page 5-12 for the suggested
service interval.

Inspecting Visually inspect all parts for:

• Nicks
• Broken or damaged leads
• Broken terminals or springs
• Burned contact tips
• Cracked or deteriorating bushings, insulation, or contact guards
• Stripped threads
• Other obvious damage

Inspection Guidelines When inspecting the contactors, remember:

• Darkening of points does not indicate burning.
• Burning means loss of contact point material or droplets of
molted contact material being displaced.
• The contact can be used until the material is almost completely
• Replace the contact points if, in the opinion of the Maintenance
Department, there is not enough contact point material to last
until the next regular inspection.
• The silver alloy part of the point is usable contact material; the
copper backing is not.
• Do not file the contact points to remove discoloration or minor
irregularities. This is wasteful and produces a surface more
susceptible to sticking.
• If a cone and crater appear, remove the cone only with a file; do
not use sandpaper or emery cloth.

Cleaning To clean the contactors:

• Wear safety glasses.
• Remove dust, dirt, and other foreign materials from contactors
with dry, filtered, compressed air (maximum 30 PSI [207 kPa]).
• Use a cleaning solution on a clean cloth to remove stubborn dirt if

Replacing The only replaceable components of the contactor assembly are the
contactor tips. If any other segment of the contactor is found to be
defective, the entire contactor assembly must be replaced.

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Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting


Contactors The contactors used in the Reach Truck are all General Electric brand
Specifications contactors. The following table lists the specific contactors:
If you suspect a defective contactor coil, before you replace the
contactor, test the coil with an ohmmeter.

Contactor Purpose Type Part Number

F&R NA010015 None
300 amp DPDT
P Lift Pump NA010034 None
300 amp SPNO

1A High Speed NA010034 None

X Auxiliary Pump NA010016 None

DT-Double Throw NO-Normally Open
DP-Double Pole SP-Single Pole
NC-Normally Closed ST-Single Throw
Table 6-1: Contactor Specifications

PDMM-0058 6-9
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual


Testing Other Table 6-2 gives the recommended test procedures for electrical
Electrical components not previously covered. Use an ohmmeter (Fluke 8060A
or equivalent) to make the checks.
The readings do not mean components checked will function properly
in the system under different current and voltage conditions. The
ohmmeter, however, will indicate most shorted or open circuited

Disconnect the component from the truck for testing.

Component Meter Setting Connections Readings

Relay Coil Rx1 Between coil terminals 30-60 ohms.

Horn, Rx1 Ohmmeter should give a 10-15

Contactors, and ohm reading, depending on the
Solenoids component tested.
• If the meter reads 0, the coil is
• If the meter reading is over
100 ohms, the coil is open.

R x 10,000 Between each coil Ohmmeter shall not read less

terminal and truck than 1 meg. Replace the coils that
frame. fail the check.
Table 6-2: Component Test Procedures

EV100LX This section explains how to test the rectifiers and capacitor.
Component Tests

Testing the REC1, REC2, To test the REC1, REC2, and REC5 rectifiers, do the following:
and REC5 Rectifiers
1. Connect a continuity test light with the positive lead on the
Cathode and the negative lead on the Anode. The light should not
come on, if it does, replace the rectifier.
2. Reverse the leads and the light should still not come on.
3. Using a jumper wire connected to the positive lead, touch the gate
terminal. The light should now come on and should stay on even
when you disconnect the gate lead.
4. After the flow has been stopped, the rectifier should have shut off
and the light will not come on until positive is applied to the gate

Testing the REC3 and Since these are simple diodes, the REC3 and REC4 rectifiers can be
REC4 Rectifiers checked with any of three test instruments.

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Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting


1. With the continuity light, connect the negative lead to the base or
Anode and the positive lead to the pigtail or Cathode of the
rectifier. The light should not come on. If it does, the diode is
shorted and must be replaced.
2. Reverse the leads and the light should come on. If it fails to light,
the rectifier is open and should be replaced.
To check with a VOM:
1. Connect the negative lead to the base and the positive lead to the
pigtail. You should read at least 50K ohms.
2. If reading is below this, the diode is shorted or possibly weak and
leaking and should be replaced.
3. Reverse the leads. You should read about 7 to 12 ohms. If it is
higher, the rectifier should be replaced.
Minor differences in tolerances, test instrument batteries, and leads
or connections can make the readings vary.

Testing the 1C Capacitor The 1C Capacitor cannot be checked with a continuity tester. It can be
checked with a VOM, however, a visual inspection of the capacitor is
nearly as good as this test because most capacitor failures will result
in the can swelling.
To check with a VOM:
1. Disconnect it from the truck wiring and hook the meter leads to
the terminals. Since the 1C Capacitor in the EV100 system is not
polarity sensitive, it doesn’t make any difference which lead is on
which terminal.
2. Turn the meter to the 22K resistance scale. You should see a
gradual rise in ohms until the meter reads OL (overload).
3. Reverse the leads and you should see the capacitor discharge
through the meter as the ohms gradually go down to zero and
then recharge back up to OL.

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Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual


It is important to keep accurate records of all hydraulic inspections
and work performed on the trucks. Such records are helpful in
• Repair and maintenance costs
• Reliability of components
• Durability of hydraulic fluid
• Scheduling of maintenance

Checking for Hydraulic leaks can cause:

Hydraulic Leaks • Load drop
• Load drift
• Bouncing carriage
• Noisy pumps
To check for hydraulic leaks, wipe all connections clean when
checking for leaks. Remember. leaking fluid is likely to run down the
underside of pipes and drip at low spots. Many situations cause
hydraulic leakage.
Any leakage inspection should include operating the units as well as

Use extreme caution while looking for high pressure hydraulic leaks.
Personal injury can result if struck by a high pressure stream of
hydraulic fluid.

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Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting


The following table is a list of items to check for hydraulic leaks:

Table 6-3: Checking for Hydraulic Leaks

Item What to Check

Faulty Flexible When installing a flexible connector, avoid twisting it which

Connectors creates a strain on the joint.

Fitting Do not spring a tube into place before tightening a fitting. The
resultant stress can cause a leak.
Cracked or Bad Tubing Inspect all tubing before installation. Make sure when making
Flare the flare that it is the right size.

Foreign Material in the Make sure the flare is clean before installation.

Defective Threads Check for leakage around the threads when installing new
Dirt Around the O-Rings Thoroughly clean and lubricate any O-rings before installation.

Wrinkled or Flattened Use a known-to-be-good tube bender and carefully bend the
Tube tube.

Worn Packings Examine packings for wear and leakage around the cylinder
pistons. If the packing is too tight, abnormal friction and wear
will occur. See that cylinders are securely anchored and that
pistons are in alignment. Misalignment is a cause of heavy wear
of both pistons and packings.
Worn packings should be replaced because they can cause
internal leakage.
If the truck is slugglish, check the packing inside the cylinder.

Bad Connections When checking connections to pumps, cylinders, manifold

valves, and so on, be sure to watch both pressure and suction
sides. Pressure side leaks can be found by wiping the
connections and checking the accumulations of oil after a brief
truck operation. Brushing soap solution on the joints can be
helpful. Air leaks on the suction side of the various components
can cause considerable trouble; listen for these leaks because
they can lead to air bubbles in hydraulic oil. Suction leaks are
always difficult to find, but they are important.

Drive Coupling Check the alignment of the drive coupling between the motor and
Alignment the pump. Also, check the motor as suggested in “Maintaining
the Motor” on page 5-30. Be sure hydraulic fluid from a leak is
not seeping onto the field windings and armature.

System Contamination System contamination can cause erratic or slugglish operation of

the lift or auxiliary functions, load drift, load drop, clogging,
leaking, and damage to the valve and pump parts.

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Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual


Table 6-3: Checking for Hydraulic Leaks (Cont’d)

Item What to Check

Packing Disintegration Examine the rod surfaces that contact the packing. If these are
nicked or scratched, they should be resurfaced or replaced.

Cylinder and Piston If a hydraulic cylinder is disassembled, inspect the inside of the
Packing Wear cylinder housing. If the inside cylinder surface is scored, packing
grit is probably in the hydraulic fluid.
Hydraulic System Oxidation can cause internal rusting and sludge. Use a top grade
Oxidation oil with additives. See the “Lubrication Equivalency Chart” on
page A-2.

Opening the Hydraulic Whenever a hydraulic system is opened, all hoses should be
System capped or plugged to keep out dirt and moisture-laden air.
Examine pipe fittings and hoses to be certain there are no seal
particles, nicks, burrs, or dirt present when reassembling the
parts. Wipe all fittings before reconnecting them.

Clogged Filter If the filter becomes clogged in less than the recommended
change interval, the bypass valve will allow contaminants into the
system. Inspect, clean and replace the element whenever
contamination is evident.
If severe contamination occurs, drain the system, flush all
components, and replace the oil and filter.

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Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting


Maintenance The following table provides some maintenance tips:

Never use pipe joint compound on hydraulic fittings. Joint
compounds can dissolve, contaminating the oil.

Task Procedure

Cleaning Hydraulic • Dip in clean kerosene or equivalent light

Components solvent.
• Wash them off.
• Blow them dry using dry, compressed

Replacing or • Dip the cartridge in hydraulic oil.

Reinstalling Hydraulic Ensure the O-ring is well lubricated.
Cartridge Valves Screw them in by hand until the outer
O-ring touches the manifold.
• Use a wrench to tighten them. Tighten
the cartridge 1/2 turn then back off 1/4
turn. Continue this process until the
cartridge is tight. Tightening the O-ring
components in this manner will prevent
damage to the O-ring seal.

Replacing or • Immerse the compounds with spring

Reinstalling Hydraulic chambers in hydraulic oil.
Seals • Activate the spring to remove any air.

After locating and repairing any leak or other problem, fill the
reservoir and bleed the system.

When clamping the lift/lower manifold in a vise, ensure the valve body
is not damaged because this might void the warranty.

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Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual


Avoiding Follow these procedures to avoid hydraulic problems.

Item Action
Hydraulic Oil Check regularly for the correct level and for
the presence of contaminants or bubbles.

Reservoir Oil Change semi-annually.

Reservoir Strainer Clean semi-annually.

New Oil Use only clean containers. Pass all oil added
to the reservoir thru a 25 micron rated filter.

Filling cap Air Check for possible clogging.


Return Filter Replace semi-annually.

Do not use brake fluid in the hydraulic system.

Lift/Lower The following table is designed to refer service personnel to

Hydraulic System diagnostics and procedures that should aid in pinpointing and
eliminating problems in the lift/lower hydraulic system.

If... Then...

The load drifts The lift relief valve might be faulty or

excessively (more than maladjusted.
3 inches in 10 minutes
with a 3000# load). Load holding check valve might be faulty. 1,2,3,5
L/L SOL might be faulty. 1,2,3,5

The forks begin to Lift relief valve might be faulty.

drop while LIFT is 4,1,2,3,5

Note: The steps shown are found below; do them in the order listed in this table.

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Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting


Steps for Locating These checks and procedures are designed to aid in locating the cause
Problems in the of trouble in the lift/lower system.

Lift/Lower System 1. Check the operation of the indicated component:

• Solenoids: Remove, energize, watch for spool or poppet motion,
listen for click of plunger.
• Relief valves: Check the poppet for sticking; back off
adjustment (counterclockwise) if necessary.
2. Check the indicated component for contamination:
• Visually inspect for metal chips, grit, teflon tape bits.
• Remove foreign material.
• Inspect the sealing surfaces for damage.
3. Check the O-rings and the backup rings; Replace the seals if any
doubt exists or if they are:
• Nicked
• Extruded
• Deformed
4. Readjust the relief valves to factory specifications.
5. Replace the indicated component. If any doubt exists about the
operation or condition of a component, the factory recommends
replacing it.

PDMM-0058 6-17
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual


Pump Problems Use this list to troubleshoot pump problems in the hydraulic system.

Trouble Probable Cause Remedy

Pump Not Fluid intake pipe in reservoir Check all strainers and filters for dirt and
Delivering restricted. sludge. Clean if necessary.
Air leaks at the intake. Pump not Check the inlet connections to determine
priming. where air is being drawn in. Tighten any
loose connections. See that the fluid in the
reservoir is at the proper level.
Fluid viscosity incorrect. Completely drain the system. Add new
filtered fluid of the proper viscosity.

Coupling or shaft sheared or Repair/replace pump.


Insufficient System relief valve set too low. Use a pressure gauge to correctly adjust
Pressure the relief valve.
Complete Broken relief inlet or pressure Replace/repair as required.
loss of flow line.
from pump.

Noisy pump Oil supply low. Fill reservoir.

caused by
cavitiation. Oil too heavy. Change to proper viscosity.
Oil filter plugged. Clean filters.

Suction line plugged or too Clean line and check for size.

Oil Oil supply low. Fill reservoir.

Contaminated oil. Drain reservoir and refill with clean oil.

Setting of relief valve too high or Set to correct pressure.

too low.

Oil viscosity incorrect. Drain reservoir and refill with proper

viscosity oil.

Shaft seal Worn shaft seal. Replace shaft seal. If replacing shaft seal
leakage. Broken diaphragm seal or back- does not stop leakage, the pump should be
up gasket. disassembled and checked or replaced.
Bearings out of position.
Excessive internal wear.

Air leaking into suction line. Tighten fittings.

Wrong kind of oil. Drain and fill reservoir with non-foaming


6-18 PDMM-0058
Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting


Trouble Probable Cause Remedy

Pump Pump intake partially blocked. Check the fluid condition and if necessary,
making drain and flush the system. Refill with
Noise clean fluid of the correct viscosity.

Air leaks at the intake or shaft Check the inlet connections and seal to
seal. (Oil in reservoir would determine where air is being drawn in.
probably be foamy). Tighten any loose connections and replace
the seal if necessary. See that the fluid in
the reservoir is at the proper level.
Coupling misalignment. Check if the shaft seal bearing or other
parts have been damaged. Replace any
damaged parts. Realign the coupled shafts.

PDMM-0058 6-19
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual

EV100LX Codes and Tests

EV100LX Codes and Tests

Separate codes and tests are required to troubleshoot the EV100LX
Solid-State Control System and the Interface Card System. Each
series of codes and tests are in this chapter.
The EV100LX codes and tests are displayed on the Operator Display;
the Interface Card has a display built into the card. The Interface
Card displays are not usually visible to the operator. Any codes
associated with the traction and lift systems will be displayed on the
Operator’s Display. Any codes associated with lift/lower systems and
general truck status will be displayed on the Interface Card.

Troubleshooting Follow the instructions outlined in the status code instruction sheets
the EV100LX (starting on page 6-31) to troubleshoot the EV100LX Solid-State
Control System (Figure 6-1 on page 6-22).
Control System

Identifying a If the truck malfunctions, a status code is displayed on the Operator’s

Malfunction Display. If the truck is not equipped with a display, plug in a handset
into the logic card’s plug Y location and read the status code.
With the status code number, follow the procedures outlined in the
status code instruction sheets (starting on page 6-31) to determine
the problem.

Replacing the Due to the interaction of the logic card with all truck functions,
Logic Card almost any status code or control fault could be caused by the logic
card. After all other status code procedures have been followed and no
problem is found, the logic card should then be replaced as the last
option to correct the problem.

Wire Numbers The wire labels on your truck should correspond to the labeling on the
electrical schematic on page A-13.

Jacking the Truck Before troubleshooting, jack up the wheels, disconnect the battery,
and discharge the capacitor 1C. Reconnect the battery as needed for
the specific check.

6-20 PDMM-0058
Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting

EV100LX Codes and Tests

Use extreme care whenever the truck is jacked up for any reason.
Never block the truck between the telescopic and the floor. Use a
suitable hoist to stabilize the mast. Keep hands and feet clear from
beneath the truck while jacking. Use jack stands or solid blocks to
support the truck; do not rely on jacks. See “Jacking the Truck” on
page 5-3.

Accessing the If capacitor 1C terminals are not accessible, discharge the capacitor
Terminals by connecting from the Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) POS
terminal to REC 2 anode. Check the resistance on an Rx1000 scale
from frame to the SCR power and control terminals. A resistance of
less than 20,000 ohms can cause misleading symptoms. Resistance
less than 1000 ohms should be corrected first.

Visual Check Before proceeding, visually check for loose wiring and signs of
overheating of components.

PDMM-0058 6-21
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual

EV100LX Codes and Tests

Z Plug

Y Plug
Control Card
Mounting Screws
Terminals 1-6

Control Card
A and B Plugs

Mounting Screw

Figure 6-1: EV100LX Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) Control

6-22 PDMM-0058
Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting

EV100LX Codes and Tests

Using the LX Use the LX Handset (shown in Figure 6-2) to set up the EV100LX
Handset Controller Logic Card and to program changes (see Table 6-1 on
page 6-9); it also prevents tampering by unauthorized personnel.
The LX Handset is a multi-functional tool that consists of a light-
emitting diode display, a keyboard, and an adjusting knob. The
handset displays a status code to identify the latest fault that
occurred in the truck, even if the fault condition does not currently
exist. The LX Handset is available from the parts ordering system
(P/N NA010031).



1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15

Figure 6-2: LX Handset (P/N NA010031)

Operating the Before connecting or disconnecting the handset, jack up the drive
Handset wheels, turn OFF the key switch, unplug the battery, and discharge
the capacitors.

The truck can be operated with the handset connected, however the
adjustment knob must be set fully clockwise to ensure the control
operates at full speed.
To operate the handset, do the following:
1. At the SCR controller card, unplug the “Y” plug and plug in the
handset at location “Y” on the card.
2. Connect the battery and turn ON the key switch; the following
start-up display sequence (Figure 6-3) occurs:

PDMM-0058 6-23
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual

EV100LX Codes and Tests


Key Switch ON

Verify Display Segments

for one second

BDI Display Diagnosis

or override
Blank Display with fault
(No BDI used)

Run Mode

BDI Display Diagnosis

or override
Blank Display with fault
(No BDI used)

Key Switch OFF

Display traction
hourmeter for
four seconds

Display pump
hourmeter for
four seconds
(If no Pump SCR used)

Figure 6-3: Start-Up Display Sequence

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Function Set-Up Before making any adjustments to the control, you must read and
Procedures comprehend the operating and maintenance instructions (Chapter 3
and Chapter 5) in this manual. Failure to follow proper set-up
procedures could result in malfunctions and damage to the truck.

With the handset connected, hold down the CONT key and turn ON
the key switch. This places you in the set-up mode, ready to monitor
or adjust control function settings as outlined in the following chart:

Action Remarks

Hold down CONT, turn ON Segment check displayed


Push function number Selected function number is


After one second time delay Stored value for the function is

Push CONT (((085))) Displayed value will blink

Change value with Value changes while blinking
adjustment knob

Push STORE New Value stored and blinking


Push ESC 8888 Segment check displayed

Note: “Push” means to depress the key for approximately one second.

At this point, another function can be monitored or changed by

pushing another function number, or the truck can be placed in the
run mode by holding the ESC key down for one second or longer. The
display will return to either the diagnostics mode, the Battery
Discharged Indicator (BDI) display, or a blank display (if the BDI is
not used and there are no fault codes). The truck can now be operated
with the handset connected or the handset can be disconnected
before operation.
You can return to the segment check mode at any time by holding
down the ESC key until 8888 appears on the display.

Handset The following table lists the programming functions for the LX
Programmable handset.

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Table 6-4: Handset Programmable Functions

Function Message Description

Function 1 Stored Fault Code WARNING: These settings must be made by authorized
See Note 1 personnel only, following instructions supplied by the
manufacturer. Card type selection (Function 17) must be
made within the capabilities of the SCR control panel used
and the supporting electromechanical device. Failure to
comply with proper application standards could result in
malfunctions and damage to the control and the motors.

This function register contains the last fault that shut

down truck operation (PMT type fault that is reset by
cycling the key switch). This fault will be overwritten each
time a new fault occurs and can be cleared from memory
by adjusting the value to zero.

Factory Set: 24V:0 36V:0

Function 2 Creep Speed Allows for the adjustment of the creep speed of the truck. A
constant creep speed frequency will be maintained when
an accelerator input voltage between 3.5 and 3.7 volts or
an accelerator ohmic input between 4.7K ohms and 6K
ohms is provided. It can be set from 5% to 15% of REC1 on
time. Each unit on the handset is equal to .03% on time.
For example, if 0=5%, a setting of 20 = 5.6%.

Factory Set: 24V:153 36V:153

Function 3 Controlled Allows for the adjustment of the rate of time it take for the
Acceleration and control to accelerate to 96% applied battery voltage to the
1A Time motor on hard acceleration. The 1A contactor will
automatically close 0.2 seconds after the controlled
acceleration stops and the throttle input is less than 0.5
volts or less than 50 ohms. It can be set from 0.1 to 22
seconds. Each unit on the handset is equal to 0.084
seconds. For example, a setting of 20 = 1.76 seconds.

Factory Set: 24V:010 36V:010

Note: 000 is the lowest possible setting on the handset.

Function 4 Current Limit Allows for the adjustment of the current limit of the
control. This function is determined by the match of the
control components with the motor installed in the truck. It
must be set at Factory Specification or the truck will either
underperform or the Controller might be damaged.

Factory Set: 24V:061 36V:061

Note: 000 is the lowest possible setting on the handset.

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Table 6-4: Handset Programmable Functions (Cont’d)

Function Message Description

Function 5 Plugging Distance Allows for the adjustment of the plugging distance of the
(Current) truck (the distance a truck will travel before coming to a
stop and accelerating in the other direction). The larger the
current setting, the shorter the stopping distance. It can be
set between 200 and 1000 amps. Each unit on the handset
is equal to 3.14 amps. For example, a setting of 20 would
be 200+20 x 3.14 = 263 amps.

Factory Set: 24V: 095 36V:150

WARNING: Plug settings must be in accordance with

Factory Setting. An excessively high setting could damage
the controller or the drive motor.

Function 6 1A Drop Out Allows for the adjustment of the 1A contactor drop out
Current current. The 1A contactor will be dropped out and the
truck motor torque will be limited to SCR current limit
when the set dropout current is reached. The setting is
adjustable from 450 amps (unit 0) to 1260 amps (unit 250).
Settings above 250 will disable this function and 1A
dropout will not occur. Each unit is equal to 3.24 amps.
For example, a setting of 20 = 515 amps.

Factory Set: 24V:255 36V:255

Function 7 Not Used

Function 8 Not Used

Function 9 Not Used

Function 10 Not Used

Function 11 Speed Limit 1 Allows for the adjustment of the speed limit (maximum
battery volts to the motor) when the SL1 limit switch input
signal is received by the control card. SL1 limit switch is a
normally closed switch connected to battery negative; the
switch opening enables speed limit. The setting is
adjustable from 0 to 180 (96% to 0% battery volts). Setting
of 0 units will disable speed limit functions and allow top
speed with no limit switch connected.

Factory Set: 24V:106 36V:125

Note 2: Function 11 on the handset must be set to 125 to
allow 3.5 mph speed limit.

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Table 6-4: Handset Programmable Functions (Cont’d)

Function Message Description

Function 12 Speed Limit 2 Same as Function 11, except using limit switch for input.
See Note 3
Factory Set: 24V:129 36V:145
Note 3: For trucks equipped with two switches on the
mast, Function 12 on the handset must also be set at 145
to allow 2.0 mph speed limit.

Function 13 Speed Limit 3 Same as Function 11, except using SL3 limit switch for

Factory Set: 150

Function 14 Internal This function is used when the Battery Discharge Indicator
Resistance is ON. Adjustment of this function will improve the
Function accuracy of the BDI. In order to make this setting, the
voltage drop of the battery under load must be determined,
as follows:

1. Load the drive motor to 100 amps in 1A and record

the voltage (Vo) at the SCR positive and negative
power terminals.
2. Load the drive motor to 200 amps in 1A and record the
voltage (Vl) at the SCR positive and negative power
3. Calculate voltage drop (Vd) as follows: Vd = Vo - Vl.
4. Use Table 6-5, “System Voltage Drop vs. Function
Setting (Internal Resistance),” on page 6-30 to
determine the setting, using the calculated Vd as a
Note: An alternate method of adjusting this function is
provided in “Battery Discharge Indicator (BDI)” on page 5-
Factory Set: 24V:025 36V:025

Function 15 Battery Volts Allows adjustment of voltage range for trucks equipped
with the Battery Discharge Indicator. In order for the BDI
to function properly at 24 volts, the setting must be
between 0 and 31 units.

Factory Set: 24V:024 36V:036

Note: The following functions have function numbers

larger than the numbers on the handset keyboard. To
access these functions, push the CONT key and the
number given in the following instructions at the same

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Table 6-4: Handset Programmable Functions (Cont’d)

Function Message Description

Function 16 Pedal Position Allows adjustment of the stopping distance during plug
(push CONT Plug range. Throttle position will reduce the plugging current to
and 1) the current value set by this function as the control is
returned to the creep speed position. The setting is
adjustable from 100 amperes (unit 0) to 930 amps (unit
255). Each handset unit is equal to 3.2 amps. For
example, a setting of 20 = 164 amperes.

Factory Set: 24V:040 36V:040

To disable the throttle position plug function, adjust the

current value to the same current value as the plug
distance current.

Example: If plug distance current (Function 5) is set at 500

amps, then set throttle plug current at 500 amps. With this
setting, throttle position will have no effect on plugging

Function 17 Card Type Allows selection of the controller card type used with the
(push CONT Selection customer application. The EV100LX controls offer a variety
and 2) of options within each control type; the card must be
programmed to “know” what options are on the truck
control system. Each card contains a two-letter designation
number. Replacement cards must match the current
installed card number.

Factory Set: 24V:022 36V:022

Function 18 Steer Pump Time Allows for the selection of steer pump contactor pickup
(push CONT Delay input, either deadman switch or directional switch closing
and 3) and adjustment of the time delay for the contactor dropout.
Settings from 0 to 128 control deadman switch operation
and 199 to 255 control directional switch operation.
Directional switch closure with dropout will occur 3.5
seconds after lever is returned to neutral; the contactor will
also drop out 1.5 seconds after the deadman switch opens.
This function can be adjusted from 1.5 seconds (unit 0) to
65 seconds (unit 128). In both situations each unit of the
handset equals 0.5 seconds. For example, a setting of 149
= 10.5 seconds.

Factory Set: 24V:002 36V:002

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System Voltage The following table lists the system voltage drop vs. the function
Drop vs. Function setting:

Setting Table 6-5: System Voltage Drop vs. Function Setting (Internal Resistance)

Function Voltage Function Voltage

Setting Drop Setting Drop

2 11.44 12 01.04

2 0.780 13 00.99

4 05.72 14 00.95

5 04.57 15 00.91
6 03.81 16 00.88

7 03.27 17 00.85

8 02.86 18 00.82
9 02.54 19 00.79

10 02.28 20 00.76

11 02.08 21 00.74

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EV100LX Codes and Tests

GE Status Codes This section lists the GE Status Codes.

PDMM-0058 6-31
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EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - Traditional EV100LX code descriptions have been modified to apply to
Blank Display this truck. Code schematics are for theory only; refer to the electrical
schematic on page A-13 for troubleshooting.

Status Code No display on dash display or handset.

- Blank

Memory No

Circuit Display - see Figure 6-4.

Symptom Display screen on dash display or handset is blank.

Possible • Blown Fuse (FU4).
Causes • Positive or negative control volts missing.
Ensure that, with key switch on, voltage is
present between PZ7(+) and PZ3 (neg.) and
voltage is present between TB4(+) and PZ3 (neg.)
• Open circuit between logic card Y plug and dash
display or handset. Check for open circuit or
loose connections between each wire going
between logic card Y plug and dash display/
• Defective dash display/handset; replace dash

Status A blank display indicates a lack of input voltage to

Indication the logic card and/or display unit.

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Figure 6-4: GE Status Code - Blank Display

PDMM-0058 6-33
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EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 01
Status No deadman switch input.
Code - 01

Memory No

Circuit Traction - see Figure 6-5.

Symptom Forward or reverse contactor will not pick up.

Possible Misadjusted or defective deadman switch.

Causes • Brakes not being released.
• Check switch to ensure proper closure.
• Open circuit between battery positive and
• Check for loose connections or broken wire
between switch and TB3, between key switch
and positive side of the deadman switch and
between deadman switch and switch to TB4.
• Check for loose connections or broken wire
from TB4 and to TB3.
• Other symptoms not allowing brake release.
• Check for error codes on the Interface Card.
• If truck is equipped with electronic power
steering, check for error code.
• Check status of emergency disconnect

Status Status Code 01 indicates that TB3 is less than 50%

Indication battery voltage.

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Figure 6-5: GE Status Code - 01

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EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 02
Status Forward directional request on initial power up.
Code - 02

Memory No

Circuit Traction - see Figure 6-6.

Symptom Forward contactor will not pick up static return to
off (SRO) lock out.

Possible Forward directional request on initial power-up

Causes (closure of battery plug, key switch, or deadman
• Return directional controller to neutral and
select a direction.
• Directional potentiometer (variable resistor)
is defective.
• Over the mast cable.
• Interface Card is malfunctioning.
Short circuit between TB2 and TB5
• Disconnect wire from TB5 and check for short
circuit between TB2 and wire.
Defective Card.
• Disconnect wire at TB5. Measure voltage at TB5;
should be less than 60% of battery volts.

Status Status Code 02 indicates that TB5 is greater than

Indication 60% battery volts at initial power-up.

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Figure 6-6: GE Status Code - 02

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EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 03
Status Reverse directional request on initial power up.
Code - 03

Memory No

Circuit Traction - see Figure 6-7.

Symptom Reverse contactor will not pick up static return to off
(SRO) lock out.

Possible Reverse directional request on initial power up

Causes (closure of battery plug, key switch, or deadman
• Return directional switch lever to neutral and
select a direction.
• Mast cable
• Directional pot (variable resistor)
• Over the mast cable
Short circuit between TB2 and TB6
• Disconnect wire from TB6 and check for short
circuit between TB2 and wire.
Defective Card.
• Disconnect wire at TB6. Measure voltage at TB5;
should be less than 60% of battery volts.

Status Status Code 03 indicates that TB6 is greater than

Indication 60% battery volts at initial power-up.

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Figure 6-7: GE Status Code - 03

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EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 04
Status Start switch input low after initial start up.
Code - 04

Memory Yes

Circuit Traction - see Figure 6-8.

Symptom Forward or reverse contactor will not pick up.

Possible Forward or reverse directional request on initial

Causes start-up.
• Advance throttle to initiate start. Status code
will change to 03 if reverse is requested or to 02
if forward is requested. If either code appears,
return directional controller to neutral then
select desired direction.
• Relay K2 defective.
• Open wire.
• EV100 Control Card defective.
Excessive leakage from TB2 to battery negative.
• Check voltage at TB2 with key switch and
deadman switche closed and directional switch
in neutral. Voltage should be greater then 60%,
remove wire and measure ohmic value from wire
to SCR negative. Value should be less than 22k
• Check for code on Interface Card.
Status Status Code 04 indicates that TB2 voltage is less
Indication than 60% of battery volts at initial start-up (seat
Criteria switch closure).

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Figure 6-8: GE Status Code - 04

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EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 05
Status Start switch or brake switch fails to close.
Code - 05

Memory No

Circuit Traction - see Figure 6-9.

Symptom Forward or reverse contactor will not pick up.

Possible Defective deadman switch circuit.

Causes • Check brake switch to ensure closure with brake
pedal activated.
• Check for open circuit or loose connections in
wiring from Interface Card to TB3.
Defective accelerator circuit.
• Check start switch to ensure closure when
throttle is advanced.
EV100 Control Card defective.
• Check for code on Interface Card.
• Check for open circuit or loose connections in
wiring from brake switch to start switch and
from TB2 to start switch.

Status Status Code 05 indicates that TB1 is less than 2.5

Indication volts and TB2 is less than 60% volts.

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Figure 6-9: GE Status Code - 05

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EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 06
Status Throttle advanced with no direction selected.
Code - 06

Memory No

Circuit Traction - see Figure 6-10.

Symptom Forward or reverse contactor will not pick up.

Possible Throttle is advanced before closing forward or

Causes reverse directional switch. Status code will disappear
when directional switch is closed or when throttle is

Defective directional switch. Check forward or

reverse switch to ensure closure when direction is

Open circuit between directional switch(es) and

battery positive or between directional switch(es) and
TB5 or TB6. Check all control wires and connections
shown in illustration.

EV100 Control Card defective. Check for code on

Interface Card.

Status Status Code 06 indicates that TB5 and TB6 are less
Indication than 60% of battery volts, and TB1 is less than 2.5
Criteria volts.

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Figure 6-10: GE Status Code - 06

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EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 07
Status Speed control input voltage too high.
Code - 07

Memory No

Circuit Traction - see Figure 6-11.

Symptom Forward or reverse contactor picks up, but control
will not operate when throttle is advanced or Status
Code 07 appears then disappears when the truck
starts to accelerate.
Possible Accelerator input misadjusted or defective.
Causes • Input voltage at TB1 should be less than 3.7
volts. Adjust or replace accelerator unit to
ensure that the voltage at TB1 will vary from 3.5
volts to less then 0.5 volts when the pedal is
Open circuit between battery negative and TB1 in
accelerator input circuit.
• Check for broken wires, loose connections or
open potentiometer/voltage supply in the circuit
shown in the illustration.
Short circuit from battery positive to wiring in
accelerator input circuit.
• Disconnect wire from TB1 and measure voltage
at wire to negative. Voltage should be zero for
potentiometer type and less than 3.7 volts for
solid-state type accelerator input.
Defective EV100 Control Card.
• Check for code on Interface Card.

Status Status Code 07 indicates that accelerator input

Indication voltage at TB1 is higher than 3.7 volts, and a
Criteria directional contactor is picked up.

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Figure 6-11: GE Status Code - 07

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EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 08
Status Speed control input voltage too low on power-up
Code - 08 after initial key switch closure.

Memory No

Circuit Traction - see Figure 6-12.

Symptom Forward or reverse contactor will not pick up.

Possible Speed control input misadjusted or defective.

• Input voltage at TB1 should be more than 3.0
volts. Adjust or replace accelerator unit to
ensure that the voltage at TB1 is more than 3.0
volts before advancing throttle.
Short circuit between battery negative and TB1 in
accelerator input circuit.
• Disconnect wire from TB1. Check for short
circuit from wire to battery negative. Resistance
should be greater than 4.7K ohms.
Defective card.
• Disconnect wire from TB1. Measure voltage from
TB1 to negative. Voltage should be greater than
4.5 volts. If not, replace card.
Defective EV100 Control Card.
• Check for code on Interface Card.

Status Status Code 08 indicates that speed control input

Indication voltage at TB1 is less than 3.0 volts, and any of the
Criteria following connections are opened and closed: battery
plug, deadman switch or key switch.

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Figure 6-12: GE Status Code - 08

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EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 09
Status Both forward and reverse directional switches are
Code - 09 closed at the same time.

Memory No

Circuit Traction - see Figure 6-13.

Symptom Forward or reverse contactor will not pick up.

Possible Forward or reverse directional switch is welded

Causes closed or mis-adjusted to be held close.
• Replace or adjust directional switches to ensure
that they open when directional switch is
returned to neutral.
Short circuit between battery positive and TB5 or
• Disconnect wires from TB5 and TB6. Check for
short circuit to positive side of directional
Defective card.
• Disconnect wires and measure voltage at TB5
and TB6. Voltage should be less than 60% of
battery volts.
Defective EV100 Control Card.
• Check for code on Interface Card.

Status Status Code 09 indicates that TB5 and TB6 are

Indication greater than 60% of battery voltage at the same time.

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Figure 6-13: GE Status Code - 09

PDMM-0058 6-51
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual

EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 15
Status Battery volts too low.
Code - 15

Memory No

Circuit Traction
Symptom Forward or reverse contactor will not pick up.

Possible Discharged battery.

Causes • Check battery for proper open circuit voltage as
outlined in illustration and charge battery if
Defective battery.
• Check each battery cell for battery being used.
See handset instruction sheet for details. Adjust
to proper settings.
Incorrect control card adjustment.
• Check function 15 for proper adjustment for
battery being used. See handset instruction
sheet for details. Adjust to proper settings.

Status Status Code 15 indicates that battery volts are less

Indication than 1.95 volts per cell at initial startup (see Table A
Criteria below).

Nominal Minimum
Battery Limit Volts
Volts @ 1.95
24 23.4
36 35.1

48 46.8
72 70.2
84 81.9

6-52 PDMM-0058
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EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 16
Status Battery volts too low.
Code - 16

Memory No

Circuit Traction
Symptom Forward or reverse contactor will not pick up.

Possible Incorrect control card adjustment.

Causes • Check function 15 for proper adjustment for
battery being used. See handset instruction
sheet for details. Adjust to proper settings.
Open circuit in regen sensor-circuit.
• Check yellow wire from sensor #2 to PA4 for
broken wire, loose connections or broken weld at
sensor. Check PA4 for loose plug or pin
Battery overcharged or incorrect battery used.
• Check battery for proper open circuit voltage per
Table A. If voltage is excessive, check battery
charger for proper output voltage.

Status Status Code 16 indicates that battery volts are

Indication greater than 2.40 volts per cell at initial start-up (see
Criteria Table A below).

Sensor #2

Connector PA4

Table A
Nominal Minimum
Battery Battery Limit Volts
Volts @ 1.95
24 23.4
36 35.1
48 46.8
Battery 72 70.2
Connector 84 81.9

PDMM-0058 6-53
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EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 17
Status Invalid card type selection.
Code - 17

Memory No

Circuit Traction
Symptom Forward or reverse contactor will not close.

Possible Invalid card type selection.

Causes • Review function 17 in the handset instruction
sheets. Adjust and set card type value as
instructed by the service manual.
Status Status Code 17 indicates that card type selection
Indication value is set to an invalid number.

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EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 23
Status Forward or reverse contactor coil current low.
Code - 23

Memory No

Circuit Traction
Symptom Forward or reverse contactor will not pick up. Status
code can alternate between code 23 and 24.
Complete check for code 23. If the problem is not
found, perform check for code 24.
Possible Defective F and R contactor coil circuit.
Causes • Check for open circuit or loose connection
between PB4 and positive side of F contactor coil
and between PB5 and positive side of R
contactor coil.
• Remove plug B. Check ohmic value from PB4 to
positive side of F coil. Value should be 10-14
ohms. Make same check for R coil.
Defective 1A contactor coil.
• Remove plug B. Check ohmic value from positive
side of each coil to its respective plug
connection. Value should be 10-14 ohms.

Status Status Code 23 indicates that the current draw in

Indication the forward or reverse contactor coil is less than 100
Criteria ma.


PDMM-0058 6-55
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual

EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 24
Status T2 Voltage too high. (Greater than 12% of battery
Code - 24 voltage).

Memory No

Circuit Traction
Symptom SCR control does not operate. Status code can
alternate between 23 and 24. Complete check for 24.
If problem is not found, perform check for 23.
Possible Defective F and R contactor.
Causes • F or R power tips fail to close because:
a. Welded normally closed power tips.
b. Binding contactor tip assembly.
c. Defective F or R contactor coil (Status Code
• Open motor circuit.
a. Check for open circuit or loose connection in
motor circuit from A1 connection to A2
connection on SCR control panel.
b. Defective 1A contactor.
c. Perform checks as outlined in Status Code
Status Status Code 24 indicates that T2 volts are greater
Indication than 12% of battery voltage, and the F and R driver
Criteria is energized.


F S1 S2 R
A1 A1
Armature PB4 1A

6-56 PDMM-0058
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EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 25
Status 1A contactor does not drop out or drops out slowly.
Code - 25

Memory Yes

Circuit Traction
Symptom Short trip life on F and R or 1A contactor. Status
Code 46 displayed and no fault was found.

Possible This status code can be found only by using the

Causes handset and looking at function 1. This status code
is furnished as a troubleshooting aid for status
code Status Code 46.

Defective 1A contactor.
• Check 1A contactor for binding or slow
operation when dropping out.
Status Status Code 25 indicates that 1A contactor drop-
Indication out time exceeds 0.060 seconds.



PDMM-0058 6-57
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual

EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 41
Status Open thermal protector or control over
Code - 41 temperature.

Memory No

Circuit Traction
Symptom Reduced power or no power to traction motor in
SCR range.

Possible Open thermal protector circuit.

Causes • Check for loose connection or broken wire
Black wire - thermal protector and PZ1.
Gray wire - thermal protector and PZ5.
Defective thermal protector.
• Disconnect wires from PZ1 and PZ5. At room
temperature (25oC/75oF), measure resistance
between black and gray wire.
• Replace TP if ohmic value is greater than 300
SCR is in thermal cut-back
• Allow control to cool; status code should

Status Status Code 41 indicates that voltage between PZ1

Indication and PZ5 is greater than 1.8 volts.



6-58 PDMM-0058
Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting

EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 42
Status SCR motor current sensor input missing.
Code - 42

Memory No

Circuit Traction
Symptom No power to traction motor in SCR range.

Possible Open sensor wire circuit to PZ4.

Causes • Check for loose connection or broken wire
(green wire) from current sensor to PZ4 on the
logic card.
Status Status Code 42 indicates that voltage between PY7
Indication and negative is greater than 1.6 volts with no
Criteria current flowing in the motor circuit.


SCR Green PZ4



PDMM-0058 6-59
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual

EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 43
Status SCR motor current sensor input missing.
Code - 43

Memory No

Circuit Traction
Symptom Stall currents in SCR range are higher than normal
and uncontrollable with C/L adjustment.

Possible Open sensor wire circuit to PZ3.

Causes • Check for loose connection or broken wire
(yellow wire) from current sensor to PZ3 on the
logic card.
Status Status Code 43 indicates that voltage between PY7
Indication and negative is less than 0.84 volts with no current
Criteria flowing in the motor circuit.


Sensor PZ3


6-60 PDMM-0058
Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting

EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 44
Status REC 1 did not turn off properly.
Code - 44

Memory Yes

Circuit Traction
Symptom Forward or reverse contactor opens, closes, and
then opens again and can only be closed by opening
and closing the key switch.
Possible Defective REC 5 circuit.
Causes • Check for shorted REC 5.
• Check for shorted REC 5 snubber (REC 25).
Defective REC 2 circuit.
• Check for shorted REC 2.
• Check for shorted REC 2 snubber (REC 22).
Open choke (1X).
• Check for open circuit between T5 and T3.
• Ohmmeter should read zero ohms.
REC 1 is defective.
• Turn off time for REC 1 out of specification. No
field test is possible. Replace REC 1 after above
checks show no problem found.
Status Status Code 44 indicates that REC 1 fails to turn
Indication off during SCR operation.


T5 Choke
2 REC X1

22 REC

5 REC T4 T3

25 REC

PDMM-0058 6-61
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual

EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 45
Status REC 1 did not turn on properly.
Code - 45

Memory Yes

Circuit Traction
Symptom Forward or reverse contactor opens, closes, and
then opens again and can only be closed by opening
and closing the key switch.
Possible Defective REC 2 circuit.
Causes • Check for shorted REC 2.
• Check for shorted REC 2 snubber (REC 22).
Defective REC 1 circuit.
• Check for open circuit or loose connections
between REC 1 and PZ8 (white/blue wire).
• Check for open circuit or loose connection
between REC 1 (REC 3 snubber) and PZ9 (blue
Defective REC 1.
• Intermittent or open REC 1 gate. Field test
might or might not show defect. Replace REC 1
after above checks show no problem found.
Status Status Code 45 is displayed when REC 1 fails to
Indication gate on.

Blue PZ8

22 REC

6-62 PDMM-0058
Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting

EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 46
Status Look ahead test for T2 volts (greater than 85% of
Code - 46 battery voltage).

Memory No

Circuit Traction
Symptom Forward or reverse contactor will not pick up.

Possible Defective REC1.

Causes • Check for shorted REC1.
• Check for defective REC 1 insulator (co-therm)
that can short REC 1 heatsink to base plate.
Defective 1A contactor.
• Check for welded 1A contactor power tips.

Status Status Code 46 indicates that voltage at T2 is

Indication greater than 85% of battery volts.



PDMM-0058 6-63
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual

EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 47
Status REC 2 does not turn on properly.
Code - 47

Memory Yes

Circuit Traction
Symptom Forward or reverse contactor opens, closes, and
then opens again and can only be closed by opening
and closing the key switch.
Possible Defective REC 2 circuit.
Causes • Check that REC 2 will gate on.
• Check for open circuit or loose connections
between REC 2 and PZ10 (white/red wire).
• Check for open circuit or loose connection
between REC 1 and 1C through the REC 2
F or R contactor or power tips bouncing open.
• Check that power tips on F and R contactors do
not bounce open during operation (i.e., travel
over speed bumps or dock plates).

Status Status Code 47 is displayed when REC 2 fails to

Indication turn on.

Bus A


Bus B

Red Wire



T5 X1


6-64 PDMM-0058
Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting

EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 48
Status Look ahead test for T2 volts (less than 12% of
Code - 48 battery voltage).

Memory No

Circuit Traction
Symptom Forward or reverse contactor will not pick up.

Possible Defective forward or reverse contactor power tips.

Causes • Check for welded forward or reverse contactor
power tips.
• Check for sluggish operation of forward or
reverse contactor.
Defective REC 3 circuit.
• Check for shorted REC 3 snubber (REC 23).

Status Status Code 48 is displayed when the voltage at T2

Indication is less than 12% of battery volts.


F S1 S2 R

F Field

23 3 REC
A2 FR.

PDMM-0058 6-65
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual

EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 49
Status REC 5 does not turn on properly.
Code - 49

Memory Yes

Circuit Traction
Symptom Forward or reverse contactor opens, closes, and
then opens again and can only be closed by opening
and closing the key switch.
Possible Defective REC 5 circuit.
Causes • Check for shorted REC 5.
• Check for shorted REC 5 snubber (REC 25).
• Check that REC 5 will gate on.
• Check for open circuit or loose connection
between REC 5 gate and PZ12 (white/violet
Shorted REC 2 circuit.
• Check REC 2 and REC 2 snubber (REC 22) for
short circuit.
Defective capacitor circuit.
• Check for open capacitor.
• Check for loose connections at capacitor

Status Status Code 49 is displayed when the REC 5 circuit

Indication fails to turn on.

White/ PZ12 PZ14

Violet Orange

X1 Violet
2 REC T5 Choke

T4 T3 T5 T4
Wire Reactor
25 REC

6-66 PDMM-0058
Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting

EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 50
Status Look ahead test for T2 volts (Greater than 12% of
Code - 50 battery voltage)

Memory No

Circuit Traction
Symptom Forward or reverse contactor picks up. Control does
not operate.

Possible Defective REC 2 circuit.

Causes • Open circuit or loose connection between spider
assembly and REC 5 (BUSA).
• Open circuit or loose connection between REC
5 and REC 2.
• Open circuit or loose connection between REC
5 and PZ11 (red wire) and between REC 2 gate
and PZ10 (white/red wire).
• Check REC 2 to ensure that it will gate on.

Status Status Code 50 is displayed when REC 2 circuit

Indication fails to turn on at initial start up.

Bus A


Bus B

Red Wire



T5 X1


PDMM-0058 6-67
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual

EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 51
Status Excessive capacitor voltage when motor current is
Code - 51 high.

Memory Yes

Circuit Traction
Symptom Forward or reverse contactor opens, closes, and
then opens again and can only be closed by opening
and closing the key switch.
Possible Excessive source inductance.
Causes • Tag lines without filters are being used.
• Battery cables are too long.
High peak current in motor. Shorted REC2 circuit.
• Check for shorted field winding.
• Check for shorted armature winding.

Status Status Code 51 is displayed when capacitor volts

Indication exceed 225 volts and motor current is greater than
Criteria 300 amps.


F S1 S2 R

A1 A1


6-68 PDMM-0058
Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting

EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 52
Status Excessive capacitor voltage when motor current is
Code - 52 low.

Memory Yes

Circuit Traction
Symptom Forward or reverse contactor opens, closes, and
then opens again and can only be closed by opening
and closing the key switch.
Possible Excessive source inductance.
Causes • Tag lines without filters are being used.
• Battery cables are too long.
Defective REC 4 circuit.
• Check for shorted REC 4.
• Check for open circuit or loose connection in
REC 4 circuit.
Defective REC 4 circuit.
• Check for open circuit or loose connection in
REC 3 circuit.

Status Status Code 52 is displayed when capacitor volts

Indication exceed 225 volts and motor current is less than 200
Criteria amps.


F S1 S2 R
Current 4 REC


PDMM-0058 6-69
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual

EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 53
Status REC 1 fails to turn off during plugging cycle.
Code - 53

Memory Yes

Circuit Traction
Symptom Forward or reverse contactor opens, closes, and then opens again and can only
be closed by opening and closing the key switch.

Possible REC 1 turn-off failure not related to plugging.

Causes • Stall truck in both directions and note any status codes displayed that more
closely define the failure mode. Troubleshoot per new status code.
REC 1 turn-off related to plugging.
• check REC 4 circuit for open REC 4, loose or open cable/bus connections.
• Check current sensor for loose or open connection in power circuit. Check
yellow and green wire from sensor to logic card for open and loose
Defective motor circuit.
• Check motor circuit for open or loose connections.
• Check motor brushes for proper seating.
F or R contactor power bouncing open.
• Ensure that F and R contactor does not bounce open during truck operation
(i.e., traveling over speed bumps and dock plates).

Status Status Code 53 is displayed when capacitor volts exceed 225 volts and motor
Indication current is greater than 300 amps.




A1 A1

A2 4 REC

A2 Green
Current PZ3
Sensor Yellow

6-70 PDMM-0058
Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting

EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 54
Status Shorted F, R, or 1A contactor coil driver.
Code - 54

Memory Yes

Circuit Traction
Symptom Control will not operate.

Possible Defective logic card.

Causes • Replace logic card.
Status Status Code 54 is displayed when either the
Indication forward, reverse, or 1A contactor coil is shorted
Criteria internal to the logic card.

PDMM-0058 6-71
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual

EV100LX Codes and Tests

Status Code - 57
Status Current sensor output voltage polarity check.
Code - 57

Memory Yes

Circuit Traction
Symptom Forward or reverse contactor opens, closes, and
then opens again and can only be closed by opening
and closing the key switch.
Possible Reversed yellow and green sensor wires.
Causes • Ensure that green wire connects to PZ4 with no
open circuits, and yellow wire connects to PZ3
with no open circuits or loose connections.
Reversed power cable connection.
• Ensure that battery negative cable connects to
SCR negative and motor A2 cable connects to

Status Status Code 57 is displayed when voltage input to

Indication PZ4 and PZ3 is the wrong polarity.



SCR Green
Sensor PZ3


6-72 PDMM-0058
Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting the Interface Card System

Troubleshooting the Interface Card System

The Interface Card (Figure 6-14 on page 6-76) incorporates a number
of features to help facilitate debugging.
These features fall into two groups:
• Status codes
• Diagnostic procedures
Troubleshooting usually begins with a status code, which leads into
one or more diagnostic procedures. See Table 6-7, “Interface Card
Codes,” on page 6-77 for a listing of the codes.
Based on the status, the service technician should read the
corresponding status code explanation. The status code pages explain
how the code is caused and what troubleshooting is necessary to
isolate the problem. Often you are directed to run one or two more
tests. If a particular test fails, then appropriate troubleshooting listed
in that test’s section should also be performed.
Generally, as long as the Interface Card is functioning enough to
display a status code, then it can also run the setup procedure

Running Learn Some status or fault code conditions can be corrected by running
Learn.. For example, the Throttle Potentiometer might stop at a
different neutral setting than previously Learned. The troubleshooting
section for the particular code will indicate if Learn should be run.
Test mode does not depend on any of the Learned constants.
Therefore, running Learn will never affect the results of any test.
It is generally unproductive to indiscriminately run in the Learn mode
as a response to every problem. However, as long as the Learn
procedure is performed properly, there is no harm in running in the
Learn mode, even when it was not required.

Setting up the Remove rings, watches, and all jewelry before doing any work on the
Truck truck.

1. Before working on the truck:

a. Lower the load handling mechanism completely to the floor.
b. All controls must be in neutral.
c. Release any trapped pressure in the hydraulic system.
d. Block the wheels to prevent movement of the truck.
e. Disconnect the battery connector.
f. Elevate the drive tire off the floor.

PDMM-0058 6-73
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual

Troubleshooting the Interface Card System

Use extreme care whenever the truck is jacked up for any reason.
Never block the truck between the telescopic and the floor. Use a
suitable hoist to stabilize the mast. Keep hands and feet clear from
beneath the truck while jacking. Use jack stands or solid blocks to
support the truck; do not rely on jacks. See “Jacking the Truck” on
page 5-3.

2. For 36-volt trucks, move Dip Switch S1-1 to the OFF or open
position. Make sure that jumper E2 is in the 36V position
(Figure 6-14 on page 6-76).
3. For 24-volt trucks, move Dip Switch to the ON or closed position.
Make sure that jumper E2 is in the 24V position (Figure 6-14 on
page 6-76).
4. Verify the throttle potentiometer neutral setting:
a. Connect the voltmeter leads to TP2 (positive) and TP3
(negative) on the Interface Card next to the Dip Switches
(Figure 6-14 on page 6-76).
b. Connect the battery and turn the key switch ON.
c. Adjust VR1 until the voltage at the test points indicate 2.50
volts. There is no tolerance for this setting. When complete,
turn the key switch OFF and remove the meter leads.
5. Learn the throttle potentiometer:
a. Move the Dip Switch S1-7 to the ON or closed position.
b. Turn the key switch to ON. An "L" appears on the Interface
Card Display.
c. Return S1-7 to the OFF or open position. The horn sounds a
single beep and a "J" appears on the display. Move the throttle
control to full speed in the forks first direction. The horn will
beep twice. Release the throttle control. A single beep from the
horn indicates neutral. Now do the opposite direction and see
a "0" on the display.
d. Check that the Interface Card displays "0". The truck is now
ready to operate.
e. Fully engage the brake.

Do not release the brake while performing the following Step f.

f. Verify speed control to the GE EV100 Control by measuring

voltage at TB1 (positive) and TP4 (negative) on the Interface
Card while applying full throttle in either direction. Voltage
should be less than or equal to 0.5 volts.

6-74 PDMM-0058
Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting the Interface Card System

g. Set Dip Switch S1 for truck options as follows:

• One/Two-Speed Reach/Retract Option: For one speed, S1-
2 should be OFF. For two-speed, S1-2 should be ON.
• Lift Inhibit Option: With no lift inhibit, set S1-8 to ON. With
lift inhibit, set S1-8 to OFF.
• Second Mast Switch Option: With no mast switch, set S1-4
to ON. With mast switch, set S1-4 to OFF.

Settings S1-3, S1-5, and S1-6 are not used on all trucks.
h. Verify Interface Card is set correctly by measuring 22-25 volts
across the lift contactors coil. If not, re-check switch S1-1

Interface Card Table 6-6 provides a listing of switch positions and related functions.
Switch Settings When individual switch tabs or Dip Switch S1 is in the lower position
(near the indentation), it indicates that the switch is ON.

Number and Position Option Selected

S1-1 OFF 36-Volt Truck

S1-1 ON 24-Volt Truck

S1-2 ON Two-speed Reach

S1-2 OFF Single (High) Speed Reach

S1-3 Enables Tilt - see Note

S1-4 ON Second Mast Switch Not installed on truck.

S1-4 OFF Second Mast Switch installed on truck

S1-5 Enables Sideshift - see Note

S1-6 Enables Reach - see Note

S1-7 ON Learn mode in process

S1-7 OFF Normal run position

S1-8 ON Without lift inhibit option

S1-8 OFF With lift inhibit option

Table 6-6: Interface Card Settings

PDMM-0058 6-75
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual

Troubleshooting the Interface Card System

Interface Card The following figure shows the Interface Card Assembly:

Figure 6-14: Interface Card Assembly

6-76 PDMM-0058
Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting the Interface Card System

Interface Card The following table lists the status codes that help troubleshoot the
Codes Interface Card. The codes are detailed on the following pages.

Code Meaning Performance Limit

0 No Error None
1 Internal Error Detected Truck Shutdown

2 Forward Contactor Forward Direction Requested

3 Reverse Contactor Reverse Direction Requested

4 Lift Lift Requested

5 Lower Lower Requested

6 Not Used --

Throttle Potentiometer Out Of Traction Shutdown


8 Lowering Error Lower System Shutdown

9 Lifting Error Lift System Shutdown

A Not Used --

C Internal Error Detected Truck Shutdown

E Internal Error Detected Truck Shutdown

F Internal Error Detected Truck Shutdown

Throttle Potentiometer must be Traction Shutdown

Learned Via Learn Mode

Move Throttle to Upper Limit Learning Throttle

during Learn Mode
L Throttle Learn Mode Traction Shutdown

P Not Used --
U Unable to Program EEPROM Traction Shutdown
Table 6-7: Interface Card Codes

PDMM-0058 6-77
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual

Troubleshooting the Interface Card System

Code 0

Code Title No Error

Reason The system is operating properly

System Response 1. Interface Card Display: 0
2. System Response: The heartbeat LED in the
lower right corner of the display will blink at
a rate of approximately 60 times per

How to Clear None

Corrective Actions None

and Checks

Code 1

Code Title Internal Error Detected

Reason This is an internal problem with the Firmware

on the Interface Card.
System Response 1. Interface Card Display:1
2. System Response: Complete Shutdown

How to Clear Cycle the key switch OFF/ON.

Corrective Actions If turning the key switch OFF/ON does not
and Checks correct the problem, then replace the firmware
first. If that doesn’t correct the problem, replace
the Interface Card.
Remember, if the firmware is replaced Learn
must be run.

6-78 PDMM-0058
Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting the Interface Card System

Code 2
Code Title Throttle Request - Forward
Reason The system has detected a throttle forward

System Response 1. Interface Card Display:2

2. System Response: Traction system drives in
the forks-first direction.
How to Clear None

Corrective Actions None

and Checks

Code 3
Code Title Throttle Request - Reverse

Reason The system has detected a throttle reverse


System Response 1. Interface Card Display:3

2. System Response: Traction system drives in
the tractor-first direction.

How to Clear None

Corrective Actions None

and Checks

Code 4
Code Title Lift Request
Reason The system has detected a lift command.

System Response 1. Interface Card Display:4

2. System Response: Lift pump contactor coil
is energized.
How to Clear None

Corrective Actions None

and Checks

PDMM-0058 6-79
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual

Troubleshooting the Interface Card System

Code 5
Code Title Lower Request
Reason The system has detected a Lower command.

System Response 1. Interface Card Display:5

2. System Response: Load Holding Solenoid is
How to Clear None

Corrective Actions None

and Checks

Code 7
Code Title Throttle Potentiometer Out Of Range

Reason The system has detected that the voltage from

potentiometer VR1 is greater than 4.9 volts or
less than 0.1 volts.

System Response 1. Interface Card Display: 7

2. System Response: Throttle is disabled.
Truck coasts to a stop.

How to Clear Turn key switch OFF/ON.

Corrective Actions 1. Try moving the throttle to a different

and Checks position to see if the code clears. If the
problem occurs repeatedly, have a
technician check the output of VR1 through
the entire range of handle movement. If the
voltage is erratic, replace VR1.
2. Check for continuity, loose connections or
shorted wires between VR1 and JPS1 on the
Interface Card.
3. Check for +5 volts at JPS1-9 on the
Interface Card with respect to TP4 on the
contactor panel. If the voltage is not
approximately +5 volts, replace the
Interface Card.
Remember to run Learn if VR1, firmware or the
Interface Card is replaced.

6-80 PDMM-0058
Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting the Interface Card System

Code 8
Code Title Lowering Error
Reason The reason will vary depending on the voltage of
the truck.
On a 24-volt truck, this code will be displayed:

If lower is not requested and the voltage at the

Load Holding Solenoid is less than 1 volt for at
least 1/2 second.
If lower is requested and the Load Holding
Solenoid voltage is greater than 1 volt for 1/2

On a 36-volt truck, this code will be displayed:

If lower is not requested and the voltage at the

Load Holding Solenoid is less than 2 volts for at
least 1/2 second.
If lower is requested and the Load Holding
Solenoid is greater than 2 volts for 1/2 second.
System Response 1. Interface Card Display: 8
2. System Response: Lower function is disabled.

How to Clear Turn key switch OFF/ON.

Corrective Actions 1. Check the wiring between the Load Holding
and Checks Solenoid and the Interface Card (JPS9-3/
JPS9-4). Check for both continuity and
positive connections.
• With the key switch ON, there should
always be B+ on pin 2 of the Load Holding
2. Connect a volt meter between JPS5-1 and TP4
on the contactor panel. Turn the key switch
ON. If the voltage is less than 1 volt without a
code on the Interface Card, replace the
Interface Card.
3. Check the Load Holding Solenoid for proper
Remember to run Learn if the firmware or
Interface Card is replaced.

PDMM-0058 6-81
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual

Troubleshooting the Interface Card System

Code 9
Code Title Lifting Error
Reason This code will appear for either of the following:
1. If the voltage sensed at the lift contactor tip
(JPS4-8 with respect to TP4 on the contactor
panel) is greater than 6 volts for at least 1/2
second when lift is not requested.
2. If the voltage sensed at the lift contactor tip
(JPS4-8) is less then 1.6 volts for at least 1/2
second when lift is requested.

System Response 1. Interface Card Display: 9

2. System Response: Lift function is disabled.

How to Clear Turn key switch OFF/ON.

Corrective Actions 1. Check the wiring between the P contactor and
and Checks JPS4 on the Interface Card for continuity and
positive connections.
2. Connect a volt meter between the P contactor
and JPS-4 and TP4 on the contactor panel.
Turn the key switch ON. If battery voltage is
measured, replace the Interface Card.
3. Replace the Load Holding Solenoid.
Remember to run Learn if the Interface Card is

Code C
Code Title Internal System Error

Reason This is an internal problem with the Firmware

on the Interface Card.

System Response 1. Interface Card Display: C

2. System Response: Truck Shutdown

How to Clear Turn key switch OFF/ON.

Corrective Actions If turning the key switch OFF/ON does not

and Checks correct the problem, then replace the firmware
first. If that doesn’t correct the problem, replace
the Interface Card.

Remember to run Learn if the firmware or

Interface Card is replaced.

6-82 PDMM-0058
Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting the Interface Card System

Code E
Code Title EEPROM Checksum Error
Reason This is an internal problem with the Firmware
on the Interface Card.

System Response 1. Interface Card Display: E

2. System Response: Truck Shutdown
How to Clear Turn the key switch OFF/ON.

Corrective Actions If turning the key switch OFF/ON does not

and Checks correct the problem, then replace the firmware
first. If that doesn’t correct the problem, replace
the Interface Card.

Remember to run Learn if the firmware or

Interface Card is replaced.

Code F
Code Title Internal Error

Reason This is an internal problem with the Firmware

on the Interface Card.

System Response 1. Interface Card Display: F

2. System Response: Truck Shutdown

How to Clear Turn the key switch OFF/ON.

Corrective Actions If turning the key switch OFF/ON does not

and Checks correct the problem, then replace the firmware
first. If that doesn’t correct the problem, replace
the Interface Card.

Remember to run Learn if the firmware or

Interface Card is replaced.

PDMM-0058 6-83
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual

Troubleshooting the Interface Card System

Code H
Code Title Throttle Potentiometer (VR1) must be Learned.
Reason A new firmware chip or new Interface Card has
been installed.

System Response 1. Interface Card Display: H

2. System Response: Traction Shutdown
How to Clear Run Learn.

Corrective Actions Learn is required before the truck can operate.

and Checks

Code J
Code Title Move Throttle to Limits

Reason System Learning Throttle.

System Response 1. Interface Card Display: J

2. System Response: Traction Shutdown

How to Clear Complete Learn.

Corrective Actions When a J is displayed, the system is ready to

and Checks have the travel potentiometer Learned (the horn
will make a single beep).
Move the travel control all the way towards the
forks and hold. When the horn beeps twice, let
the travel control return to neutral. When the
travel control passes through neutral, the horn
will beep once.
Move the travel control all the way towards the
tractor and hold. The horn will beep twice.
When Learn is complete, the display will show a
zero (0).
The voltage from the travel potentiometer (VR1)
to the GE EV100 system can be verified by
measuring TB1 on the EV100 with respect to
pin N on the GE EV100 controller. With the
throttle against the stops in either direction, the
voltage read should be a maximum of 0.5 volts.

6-84 PDMM-0058
Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting the Interface Card System

Code L
Code Title Throttle Learn Mode
Reason Learn has been started.

System Response 1. Interface Card Display: L

2. System Response: Truck Shutdown
How to Clear Complete Learn.

Corrective Actions A code L indicates that the system is being

and Checks prepared to run Learn. When the truck is
actually in Learn Mode, a Code J is displayed.
See “Troubleshooting the Interface Card
System” on page 6-73 for more information.

Code U
Code Title Unable to Program EEPROM

Reason Values obtained during Learn cannot be saved.

System Response 1. Interface Card Display: U

2. System Response: Traction Shutdown

How to Clear Turn the key switch OFF/ON.

Corrective Actions If turning the key switch OFF/ON does not

and Checks correct the problem, then replace the firmware
first. If that doesn’t correct the problem, replace
the Interface Card.
Remember to run Learn if the firmware or
Interface Card is replaced.
Please review the following comments and
suggestions before doing any tests.

PDMM-0058 6-85
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual

Troubleshooting the Interface Card

Troubleshooting the Interface Card

This section is for troubleshooting the truck when a system code is
not displayed on the Interface Card or other troubleshooting has not
resolved the problem.

Display on Symptom: Key switch ON, Display on Interface Card is completely

Interface Card is dark:
Dark 1. Check FU4. FU4 protects the B+ supply to the Interface Card.
2. Check FU5. FU5 protects the B- (PGND/DGND) of the Interface
3. Check key switch S1.
4. Check the continuity and connections of the wires between:
• B+ to TP5
• TP5 to FU4-1
• FU4-2 to S1-1.
• S1-2 to JPS9-13 (B+ Key).
• JPS4-7(PGND) and -8 (DGND) to FU5-2
• FU5-1 to TP4 (or terminal N on the EV100 Panel)
• TP4 to B-
5. Replace the Interface Card and Firmware.
Remember to run Learn if the Interface Card is replaced.

No Auxiliary Symptom: No auxiliary functions operate, truck travels normally, lift/

Functions; Aux. lower is OK. The auxiliary pump runs when the deadman pedal is
pressed and steering is functional.
Motor Runs;
Other Functions 1. With the battery connected, check for B+ at:
OK • JPS9-15 (B+ Fused). If no B+, trace the wiring back to FU4-2.
• JPS9-1 (B+ Fused). If no B+ is found, replace the Interface
2. With the battery connected and the key switch turned ON, check
for B+ at:
• JPS5-5 (B+ Key). If no B+ is found, replace the Interface Card.
• Pin 2 of the reach, sideshift, and tilt solenoid coils. If no B+ is
found, check the wiring between pin 2 of each auxiliary
function to JPS5-5 (B+ Key) on the Interface Card.
3. Check for continuity between terminal 1 of each function to the
respective connection at the Interface Card.
4. Replace the Interface Card and Firmware.

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Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting the Interface Card

Remember to run Learn if the Interface Card is replaced.

Auxiliary Motor Symptom: No auxiliary functions operate, truck travels normally. Lift/
Does not Run; lower is OK. The auxiliary pump does not run when the deadman
pedal is pressed.
Other Functions
OK 1. With the key switch turned ON, check for B+ at JPS4-5. If no B+
is found, replace the Interface Card.
Remember to run Learn if the Interface Card is replaced.
2. Check for B+ at PB3 and TB4 on the GE EV100 controller. If no
B+ is found, troubleshoot the circuit back to the Interface Card.
This would include checking the wiring and auxiliary contactor
coil for continuity.
3. If B+ is found at PB3 and TB4, check for B+ at TB3. If B+ is not at
TB3, check for B+ (approx.) at JPS3-7. If not found, replace the
Interface Card. If B+ is at JPS3-7 then troubleshoot the wiring
between JPS3-7 and TB3.
4. If B+ is found at TB3, PB3 and TB4, the GE EV100 controller is

One Auxiliary Symptom: One auxiliary function is inoperative; all other functions
Function Is work properly.
Inoperative 1. The easiest way to isolate the problem is to remove the wires from
the auxiliary coil that does not work and connect the wires to it
from an auxiliary function that is OK. An example follows:
a. Assume that reach does not work. The other functions are OK.
Remove the wires from terminal 1 and 2 at the reach solenoid
b. Temporarily remove the wires from either sideshift or tilt and
connect them to the reach solenoid coil. Make sure that you
connect the wires to the correct terminals.
c. Activate sideshift (or tilt).
• If reach works then it is either defective wiring between
terminal TS21-3 or the reach solenoid , and the Interface
Card at JPS5-3. The Interface Card could be defective.
• If reach does not work either the coil is not getting B+ from
JPS5-5 on the Interface Card or the reach solenoid coil is
• If you know the coil is working properly and getting power,
there might be a mechanical reason that the solenoid is not
working. Chips or other contaminants in the hydraulic oil
might have caused the solenoid to seize.

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Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual

Troubleshooting the Interface Card

2. When finished, ensure that all wiring is returned to the respective

solenoid coils.

Auxiliary Symptom: Auxiliary functions work in only one direction, i.e., reach -
Functions no retract; tilt down - no tilt up; sideshift right - no sideshift left.
Operate In Only 1. Check SFC switches and wiring.
One Direction: 2. Check for B+ and the coils of DIRA/DIRB solenoids on the
Steering OK hydraulic manifold.
NOTE: If both DIRA and DIRB solenoids can be activated, the problem
might be a defective valve.
3. Check the valve by:
a. Temporarily remove the solenoid retaining nut.
b. Remove one solenoid from the stem; activate the remaining
c. Slide the activated solenoid up and down the stem; check that
the related valve-controlled function (physical movement)
follows the manual movements of the coil.
d. Replace valve if movement does not occur.

No Lift Troubleshoot EV100 lift interrupt, wiring, Interface Card B+, lift
switch, relief valve, and manual valve.

No Lower Check lower switch and load holding (L/H) solenoid.

No Travel, Symptom: The truck will not travel, all other functions OK.
Other Functions Jack the truck up so that the drive tire is off the floor.
OK 1. Press the deadman pedal, move the throttle and look at the
display on the Interface Card.
• If you see 2 or 3 on the display it means that the throttle
potentiometer is working correctly and that the processor on
the Interface Card is OK. The problem could be caused by bad
wiring, defective contactor coil, the GE EV100 controller, or
the Interface Card.
• If a 2 or 3 is not on the display, it means that the problem
could be caused by K2, wiring, throttle potentiometer, or the
Interface Card.

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Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting the Interface Card

Code 2 or 3 is NOT displayed when throttle is moved.

1. Check that the deadman switch (S2) operates properly.
2. With the pedal pressed, check for continuity between S1-2 and
JPS9-14 (deadman coil Gnd). If continuity is not found, it might
be caused by an open in the:
a. wiring between S1-2 and S2-1.
b. wiring between S2-2 and K2-1.
c. coil of the K2 relay. If the coil, replace K2.
NOTE: If K2 has failed, make sure that DIP switch S1-1 and jumper E2
are positioned properly on the Interface Card. See the table

Truck Voltage DIP Switch S1-1 Jumper E2 Position

24 ON B

36 OFF A

d. wiring between K2-5 and JPS9-14 (deadman coil Gnd).

3. Check for the following values measured between JPS9-14
(deadman coil Gnd) and JPS4-8:

Truck Voltage Jumper E2 Position Meter Reading

24 B Continuity

36 A Approx. 470 ohms

4. Check that the K2 relay is operating properly. With K2 energized

(key switch ON, deadman down), B+ should be at terminal 3 on
relay as well as JPS9-16 (deadman) on the Interface Card. If B+ is
not found, replace the K2 relay.
5. Replace the Interface Card.
Remember to run Learn if the firmware or Interface Card is replaced.
Code 2 or 3 IS displayed when throttle is moved.
1. With the key switch ON and the deadman pedal pressed, check
for B+ at TB2, PB4, and PB5 on the GE EV100 controller (all with
respect to TP4).
a. If B+ is not found, check the wiring between the GE EV100
and JPS4-4 (deadman) on the Interface Card.
b. If the wiring in step (a) checks good, check for B+ at JPS4-4
(key switch ON, deadman pressed). If B+ is not found, replace
the Interface Card.
Remember to run Learn if the firmware or Interface Card is replaced.

PDMM-0058 6-89
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual

Troubleshooting the Interface Card

2. Check the contactor coils for opens or shorts.

3. Check the wiring between the GE EV100 controller and the
Interface Card for continuity.
4. Check the voltage at TB1 on the GE EV100 controller. With the
handle full forward or reverse, voltage should be 0.5 volts (the
voltage in the neutral position should be 3.5-3.65 and changes in
steps as a faster speed is requested). If voltage is not as specified:
a. Check the voltage at TB5 and TB6; B+ should be present on
one location. If not check the wiring.
b. Disconnect wire from TB1 on the GE controller. Connect the
meter to the end of the disconnected wire. If the voltage
readings are still not correct, check the throttle potentiometer
and wiring.
c. If the throttle potentiometer and wiring check OK, replace the
Interface Card.
d. If the problem is still not corrected, replace the GE EV100
Remember to run Learn if the firmware or Interface Card is replaced.

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Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual Chapter 6: Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting the Interface Card

No Speed Limit Symptom: The truck will not limit the speed regardless of the position
of the forks.
Remember to turn the truck OFF each time you make or break an
electrical connection.
1. Check to make sure that the GE EV100 is configured correctly for
the speed limit option.
a. If the truck has the first mast switch option (Mast SW1),
Function 11 on the GE handset must be set to 125 to enable a
speed limit of approximately 3.5 mph.
2. If the truck has the second mast switch option (Mast SW2), DIP
switch S1-4 on the Interface Card should be set as follows:
• S1-4 OFF = speed limit enabled. Also, Function 12 on the GE
handset must be set to 145 to enable a speed limit of
approximately 2.0 mph.
• S1-4 ON = speed limit disabled.
3. Turn the truck OFF.
4. Disconnect the mast switch (JPN7/JPN8) from the circuit.
5. Turn the truck ON.
6. If the truck is speed limited, the switch is defective.
7. Turn the truck OFF.
8. Disconnect JPN1 from the Interface Card.
9. Turn the truck ON.
10. If the truck is still not speed limited with JPN1 disconnected from
the Auxiliary Interface Card, the cable is probably bad. This can
be verified by checking the continuity of the cable.
11. If the truck is not speed limited and the cable checks good,
replace the Interface Card.
Remember to run Learn if the firmware or Interface Card is replaced.

PDMM-0058 6-91
Chapter 6: Troubleshooting Mitsubishi® Reach Service Manual

Troubleshooting the Interface Card

No Lift Inhibit Symptom: The mast fails to stop elevating at the lift inhibit switch.
Remember to turn the truck OFF each time you make or break an
electrical connection.
1. Check that DIP S1-8 on the Interface Card is set properly.
• S1-8 OFF = lift inhibit option enabled.
• S1-8 ON - lift inhibit option disabled
2. Turn the truck OFF.
3. Disconnect the lift mast switch (JPN12) and lift inhibit bypass
switch (JPN13) from the Auxiliary Interface Card. If the forks will
not elevate above the lift inhibit height, either the mast switch or
bypass switch is defective.
a. Turn the truck OFF.
b. Connect the mast switch (JPN12) to the Auxiliary Interface
Card. Leave JPN13 disconnected.
c. Turn the truck ON.
d. If the forks will not elevate above the lift inhibit height, the lift
inhibit bypass switch is bad. If the forks elevate above the
limit, replace the lift inhibit switch.
4. Disconnect JPN1 from the Interface Card. If the forks elevate, the
Auxiliary Interface Card is defective.
5. If the forks do not elevate with JPN1 disconnected from the
Auxiliary Interface Card, the cable is probably bad. This can be
verified by checking the continuity of the cable.
6. If the forks elevate and the cable checks good, replace the
Interface Card.
Remember to run Learn if the firmware or Interface Card is replaced.

6-92 PDMM-0058

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