Deepka Bhardwaj Sir
Deepka Bhardwaj Sir
Deepka Bhardwaj Sir
,1 .
, _1., \\ h.11 1-. lhl' d il f,·1~·11,·,· l1l'I \\ , 'l'll 1m·:111 de, i111in11 1111d S1:111dard dcv1at1r,11 '!
Find lhl' lllt'dian lur 11e fi0 IIOW\ll " rre, uencv
[t i !]
M.1r!..!' I 0-20 I 21 -Jo 1 31-4; -l 1-50 5 1-60 6 1-70 7 1-80
, ,,. of -12 I 38 120 S<l 4S 36 31
Q IO lnves1iga1e for wha1 values of J a ndµ the sim ultaneous equations
r +y + z = 6. x + 2y + 37. = 10. x + 2y + }.z = ti have
(i) No so lutio n
( ii) A unique solurion
l iii) An infinite num bc r of solu1ions
QlI Find a quadratic func tion defined by rhc equa1ion f(x) = ax 2 +bx + c , if f(O) = 6. f (2) = 11 and
f ( -3) = 6 by us ing Cramer's rule.
Q/'2 Two dice a rc rosscd once. Find the probability of gelling an even num?e r on the first dice or a total of 8.
13 · rrcoucm ;v 111 I t e r·o IIo win g rreque ncy cr1s1.n'b ut1on
Find tilt: miss111g · ·r1 tI1e m ean o f tI,e distribution is 1.46.
No. of \ 0 7 I '.! 3 LI 5 TOTAL
accidents ' - -··
Frc uenc 'h6 -
. 25 10 5 200
SECT ION-D (2x l 0 111arks= 20 niarks) ,,
(A ffempt any 1 q11esrio11s, each q11e!;~io11 carries JO marks)
0 14 Find the Pearson 's coefficient of correla1io n be tween x and )': for the fo llo,ving da ra:
X I 2 J -l 5 6 17 s 19
19 8 10 I~ I•1
' I 13 I 14 . 16 i5
0 15
Verify Cayky I lami lton Theorem and hc11;['t Ttitof•
l 2 1. ,_.
CJJI, ( ,du 1l,1lt: iht: 1111:an dt:vi :1l1 l 11 1 frlffl't !he 1111::111 1111· tlli.: fol luwi ug dal:i
( LM 9'i- l O, I 05- 115 11 5-'l::!5 l '.!5- 135 IJS- 1-15 1-15- 15:-
h t:lj ill' III') lj j II 1() 12 10
' (.·l11 c·1111ll a11 1· 5 <11 • . . •
I ( .l// f) /1 ,\, ,•o c
II (/ // C'l
/il/11 ( '///'/·1 ·1· ( / '
< -
111, 1/' f\ ,\ /
,, ·11.11 modt.: i11 th..- f11 llum 11l-! l'rt:ltll t.:11c ,• li·1•· 1 ·t, .
i, l h l· •
• ; ., ri 1111 011 7., 1 , 7.'J.'J. 7.11 ,7, l 'L
/\ 111111 ha:-. two hran-.: hcs i: mpll1y i11,, 'iO •m I 70 , . ·
t• 'l 11,, rM' l ~ ll llli n :s p L:1: l11 l' ' IV'r11 •• · I·
mc:111 ,1 1 !he salari ,•-; , 11 all lltt• l' it1plny,·t.:~ · · c l!l: s. , , 111 cs I{,, 1 1, () 11 ml I{~ 1'!11 " ' .
I ... r mnnt 11 ( •ak,il:tt,·
Tl,..: :trtlhlllt'I IC 111C :Jll t•I 5\l i1c m:,; ,,r a ,er ICS \\", IS .::llrn l111t·d hv ii s111dc111 ·,~ 1() 11 .. .
wa, 1111't1..•,1d :,s 1 ~ Fi11d lhl· -.:u nn:t ,~dut.: ofmt.::111. . • - . "''CV\: 1 . 11 i•.:,s la rc 1 ih,l·ovcrcd that nn ikm 2:,
t ·.1k ul.lll' I he gconw tnt IIH.::u1 or fnllllWing u:11 11: '1-, 6. 9.
R~un g1•l'~ rr,, lll his llllli~t· l o onicc 011 a cyc li.: at ·1Sfli.: •d o r I () k ·/1 .. ., .
~rwcd ' • c m s 1o u1 .inu rctu111 , at ~1 , p L: crl ., J I "i k111 ,lho11r. find 111-. a ~1: rag.c
( ·:1k11l,1tl' the range and its coL: lTit:ient for 1he fo llo \\fog
1..:-: ~~ j 20 Jo -to J so I_ _Go_ ---'-_ 10 J
Scctio n-C
(Afft:>111/J/ fill.)' 3 q1w .1·1io11s . eac.:li q11es rio11 c·arrh ·s 5 morks . ., 11hparts (ii 1111_1') ,.,,,.,.,, ,•q 11 at ll'cigluag eJ
l.'I Find 1hc a,l!ragc marks of th~ s tudents from thl: fo llo wing table:
.\ l:1.rks Above Above Above Above Abo ve Above Above Above Above AboVt: \ Above
(X l: 0 10 20 30 40 50 '60 70 RO 90 I 100 I
I No. o f
s 111tlcn1s:
80 77 72 65 55 43 28 16 10 8 ll
1 \
l 2 9 29 24 11 6
11 . TL:n parti ci pants in a contes t are ranked by l\V? judges as fol lo ws:
Scd ion-D
(Attempt any one q11estio11, ec1ch q11e,·tio11 carries I () 1m1rks . .rnhparts (((1111yl m ny cr111al ,,,.·i_~/11,1.c,
12. lftlic median of the 170 ite ms is given LO be 35 , the n compute the missing frcqu ..:nc;it:s in lht.: fo ll,1\\111gd,:;llibut1t,n.
13 F111u 1hc cqum1on ofrci;1l:Sl'i 1<111 line CJI y 0 11 x and '1 c 111;c l:s1i11111k v:il ur ti!" 111 1 \ () .l 1111 tltl'. 1\ il l,rnlllg
1-1 j
I (l I :',J
'i,· n u•,11· 1 2
l{, ,11 ~ ., • ' r(H.ll ',u ,,f P i\)''.! ... j
None of these.
(iii) (N)°'
ubsenatio n (iv)
St·rtion- U
l ~I j Ii I l /. , i<, " IJ
In a g iven sys1cm o f lineu r c1,:i 11,Lli n 11••. I \ it 1 ,r.•II, , 1111,lhc11 the system ofcqunt ions i.-.
I iv) /! 1
<;} I· . . ·t-. m~ht 1 r11un, I the sql1arc.
a\ i;r,11!..: <,pccJ of 11'~• ild•'lP tn1: 111 I -
. , 1 I l'o llo,\ im ,irit i: --
rim.I Ille h:11111,mn. m<!an ' 611
- _~(l c..
Ir, 211 5
:,..:u o t !>tur.h:nt