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6.internet Social Media Market 1747
6.internet Social Media Market 1747
ni-msme, the pioneer institute in the field of MSME is playing a major role in providing
probusiness environment to foster the progress of MSME towards success and prosperity. School of Enterprise Management Announces
The raison detre of this Institute is to assist the Government in formulating policies for micro,
small and medium enterprises and to help the practising and potential entrepreneurs One week programme
through a host of services like training, research, consultancy, information, education and
extension. Internet and Social Media Marketing
Set up in 1962, ni-msme has made valuable contributions by creating an impressive record
of achievements beyond the Indian shores, enabling other developing countries to get the
benefit of the Institute’s facilities and expertise.
for SMEs
Located in a sprawling and enthralling campus amidst a rich natural setting, ni-msme is well (11 - 15 March, 2019)
equipped with both physical and academic infrastructure. In keeping with the changing times
and technological changes, the Institute has updated its style of functioning by focusing on
the use of IT in every aspect of its activities, but at the same time retaining the wisdom and
advantages of deeply ingrained traditional practices.
The core activities are being implemented through four Schools of Excellence, viz., School
of Enterprise Development (SED), School of Enterprise Management (SEM), School of
Entrepreneurship & Extension (SEE) and School of Enterprise Information &
Communication (SEIC) as well as theme focused Centres like National Resource Centre for
Cluster Development (NRCD), Intellectual Property Facilitation centre (IPFC), Resource
Centre for Traditional Paintings (RCTP) and goods & Services Tax Centre (GSTC).
The Institute stores and supplies information that helps make a successful entrepreneur who
is well versed in the intricacies of business and can participate in business activities
intelligently and diligently through its Small Enterprises National Documentation Centre
(SENDOC) and knowledge portal www.msmeinfo.in. Livelihood Business Incubator (LBI)
established in 2016 under the Scheme of ASPIRE of Ministry of MSME for creating a
favorable ecosystem for entrepreneurial development in the country.
The Institute has trained 4, 94, 928 participants by organizing 14, 826 programmes which Programme Director
includes prospective/existing entrepreneurs and officials from various Ministries of Govt. of
India and State Governments till 2016-17. The Institute is implementing ITEC Scheme of
Dr. Dibyendu Choudhury
Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India since 1967 and trained 9, 817 International Centre for Promotion of Advanced Management Practices (C-PAMP)
Executives from 142 developing countries till March 2018. The Institute has also undertaken
938 research and consultancy projects.
The management of the Institute rests with the Governing Council appointed by the
Government of India. The governing body acts through the resident Director. The present
Director is Dr. Sanjeev Chaturvedi.
Organised by
The Registrar
National Institute for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
(An Organisation of the Ministry of MSME, GoI and ISO 9001-2015 Certified)
Yousufguda, Hyderabad - 500 045, India (An Organisation of the Ministry of MSME, GoI and ISO 9001-2015 Certified)
Tel: 91-40-23608544, 23608546, 23608317, 23633499, Fax: 91-40-23608547, 23608956
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], Website: www.nimsme.org
One week programme FOR WHOM
The programme is for the officers of KVIC and different other Govt. officials who
Internet and Social Media Marketing for SMEs are managing the retail counters and outlets. Entrepreneurs interested for retail
(11 - 15 March, 2019) segment.
According to a recent study, 88% of micro and small enterprises have found that Rs.13000 per residential participant and Rs.10000 per non-residential
social media helps them get increased exposure for growing into the market. participants. The fee covers cost of tuition, reading material, Lunch and
Internet as well as social media has caused an unprecedented shift in the way refreshments. It does not cover travel costs of participants. Fee should be paid in
business is done today. The explosive growth of social media sites is advance by way of demand draft or cash drawn in favour of the CAO, ni-msme,
overwhelming proof that this arena is ideal for connecting with existing customers Yousufguda, Hyderabad – 500 045. Fee once paid shall not be refunded.
and engaging with prospects. Few excellent insights enable to get an However, a substitute may be allowed. (We also accept Debit/Credit Card during
organisation on the path to social media success. The necessity of on-spot registration)
communicating with customers through online channels and the role that social
media could play in both obtaining and retaining customers is huge. ADMINISTRATION
The programme is full time and strictly residential. Normally the session timings
OBJECTIVES are between 09.30 a.m. and 05.00 p.m. with breaks for coffee and lunch. Some
sessions may, however, be scheduled outside these hours. Both vegetarian and
The programme is designed to enable participants:
non-vegetarian food is served in the canteen attached to the guest house.
• Understanding value of website and traffic generations.
• Understanding a website is a valuable tool for marketing. JOINING INSTRUCTIONS
Accepted nominees are requested to reach ni-msme a day in advance of the
• Utilising Search Engine Optimisation and marketing to generate traffic and commencement of the programme. During the programme participants are
using an website as billboard. advised to keep themselves free from all official and personal commitments and
• Benefits of social networking and building market expertise. keep their mobile silent/ off during the sessions.
CONTENTS Please address your enquiries and nominations, so as to reach before 20th
Feb, 2019
• Google as Search Engine
• Create strategic partnerships
• Identify and recruit influencers
• Gain competitive intelligence
• Be an industry leader - not a follower The Asst. Registrar Programme Director:
ni-msme Dr. Dibyendu Choudhury
• Get your message out to many - FAST Yousufguda,Hyderabad - 500 045 ni-msme
Telephones: 91-40-23633499, 23608544, Yousufguda, Hyderabad - 5000045
METHODOLOGY 46, 23608317, 23633260 Telephones: 91-40-236338242 (Dir),
Fax: 091-040-23608547/23608956 23608316-7-8-9, (0)-9700422230 (cell)
The training methodology comprises lectures, case studies, group discussions
E-mail: [email protected], Fax: 091-040-23608547/23608956
and film shows. The entire programme will be highly interactive. [email protected], [email protected] E-mail:[email protected]
Website: www.nimsme.org Website: www.nimsme.org