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First Semester (2024/2025)

Worksheet (13) 11th

Grade (all)
Name: ……………………… (Answer Key 3 & 4)

Answer Key: Unit 3

Exercise 1. Students’ own answers
Exercise 2. Page 4
Positive: empathise with somebody, give somebody a compliment, make up with somebody
Negative: fall out with somebody, let somebody down, lose your temper, make fun of somebody/something, put up with somebody/something, talk behind
somebody’s back
Exercise 3. Page 4
1 wind somebody up 2 blow things out of proportion 3 show off 4 burst into tears 5 mess about 6 have a go at somebody 7 make a fuss of somebody
8 be the peacemaker 9 tell somebody off
Exercise 4. Page 5 Students’ own answers
Exercise 5. Page 5
Text A describes a typical youngest child – they are usually rebellious and a bit naughty.
Text B describes a typical older child (or only child) – they are high achievers and want to please their parents.
Text C describes a typical middle child – they don’t have such clear typical characteristics, but tend to be quieter and more inward-looking than their siblings;
they are often good at negotiating.
Exercise 6. Page 5
Habits in the present: realises he’s doing it, he’s doing at school, I’m being jealous Habits in the past: I was quite naughty, I really wasn’t that bad
Exercise 7. Page 5 1 A 2 N 3 N 4 A 5 N 6 A 7 A
Exercise 8. Page 6 1 used to 2 would 3 would 4 used to
Exercise 9. Page 61 used to (setting the scene and a habit) 2 used to (state) 3 used to (state) 4 used to (state)
Exercise 10. Page 6It is not kind or funny. We are all different and that should not be important.
Exercise 1. Page 7 1 d 2 g 3 b 4 f 5 e 6 a 7 c
Exercise 2. Page 7 2 was constantly being 3 are/‘re forever talking 4 were constantly injuring
Exercise 3. Page 7 2 did you use to stay 3 used to/would make 4 didn’t use to think 5 used to/would suddenly start
Exercise 4. Page 8 1 d, will 2 a, won’t 3 c, would 4 b, will
Exercise 5. Page 8 2 would 3 didn’t 4 always/constantly/forever 5 am/’m 6 are 7 use 8 weren’t
Exercise 6. Page 8 1 b/c 2 b/c 3 a/b 4 a/b/c 5 a
Exercise 7. Page 8 Students’ own answers
Exercise 1. Page 9 1 A relocating to a different town or country B a row with your best friend/flunking an important exam C a newborn baby in th e family/a
clash between you and a sibling 2
Exercise 2. Page 9
1 Because events cause the brain to make new connections, which changes us.
2 No, because negative events can also influence us positively. It depends what we learn from them.
Exercise 3. Page 9
An opinion (People sometimes think … ; to my mind, …)
Exercise 4. Page 9
1 Transferring from primary to secondary school.
2 He did badly at school.
3 He often got into trouble at school.
4 He learnt that he should put in more of an eff ort and not be
scared of failing.
1 The birth of her little sister Majeda.
2 She couldn’t accept the fact that her parents gave all their
attention to her sister.
3 She felt unhappy.
4 She saw that even when things don’t immediately go her
way, they may still turn out positive in the long run.
1 Her family relocated to Germany for two years.
2 She hated not being able to communicate with people.
3 She felt down in the dumps.
4 She learnt the value of sticking at something even when it’s
not easy.
1 He was bullied when he started secondary school.
2 He felt upset a lot of the time.
3 He burst into tears.
4 He realised he doesn’t have to worry about what other
people think of him.

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First Semester (2024/2025)
Worksheet (13) 11th
Grade (all)
Name: ……………………… (Answer Key 3 & 4)

Exercise 5. Page 9 1 a 2 c 3 a 4 c
Exercise 6. Page 10
1 wasn’t helpful to me
2 things don’t immediately happen in the way I want
3 happen in a positive way or have a positive result later in the future, not immediately
4 the importance of continuing to do something in a determined way in order to achieve something
Exercise 1. Page 10 1 b 2 d 3 c 4 a
Exercise 2. Page 10 1 b 2 b 3 b 4 c 5 c
Exercise 3. Page 11 Sentences 1a and 2a feature a strong version of the word – full vowel, articulate.
Sentences 1b and 2b feature a weak version of the word – neutral, relaxed vowel.
Exercise 4. Page 11
1 At [strong] the time, I didn’t know him at all.
2 Maher’s charming and trustworthy, and [strong] he’s very hard-working.
3 I have checked that we have [strong] all the documents.
4 She’s thinking of taking some time off [strong].
Exercise 5. Page 11 Students’ own answers
Exercise 6. Page 11
Answers and Audioscript 3.7
1 He’s always put him on a pedestal.
2 Some artists tend to be hypocritical.
3 Entertainment can be seen as a distraction.
4 Millennials and baby boomers could not be more different.
Exercise 7. Page 11 Students’ own answers
Exercise 1. Page 12 Students’ own answers
Exercise 2. Page 12
Positive: capable, charming, compassionate, decent, dedicated, idealistic, inspirational, modest, passionate, sincere, trustw orthy
Negative: bigoted, conceited, defensive, hypocritical, immature, pushy Both: tough
Exercise 3. Page 12 1 immature 2 charming 3 hypocritical 4 dedicated 5 sincere 6 compassionate 7 idealistic 8 inspirational 9 capable 10 decent
Exercise 4. Page 12 1 conceited 2 pushy 3 bigoted 4 passionate 5 modest 6 defensive 7 trustworthy 8 tough
Exercise 5. Page 12 1 dedicated 2 compassionate 3 passionate 4 capable 5 inspirational
Exercise 6. Page 13 /
Exercise 7. Page 13
Answers and Audioscript 3.10 1 bigoted, capable, passionate, trustworthy 2 sincere 3 charming, decent, modest, pushy 4 conceited, defensive 5 immature
6 dedicated 7 compassionate 8 hypocritical, inspirational
Exercise 8. Page 13 Students tick all the words except look down on.
Exercise 9. Page 13 Students’ own answers
Exercise 1. Page 14 1 capable 2 inspirational 3 charming 4 idealistic 5 dedicated 6 immature 7 compassionate 8 decent 9 defensive 10 sincere
Exercise 2. Page 14 2 pushy 3 passionate 4 modest 5 hypocritical 6 trustworthy 7 tough 8 bigoted
Exercise 3. Page 14 2 pushy 3 modest 4 bigoted 5 tough 6 conceited 7 trustworthy 8 passionate
Exercise 4. Page 15 2 admire 3 influence 4 idolise 5 inspirational 6 pedestal 7 shining 8 to 9 hypocritical
Exercise 5. Page 15 homework
Exercise 1. Page 16 Students’ own answers
Exercise 2. Page 16
1 The poorest people at that time.
2 He was malnourished and life was cruel at the workhouse, so he wanted to go.
3 Suggested answer: People probably did not expect children to take things from them. Also, they were small and quick. Sikes an d Fagin could make them
take things for them, and give them food and a place to sleep as a reward.
Exercise 3. Page 18 1 b 2 b 3 c
Exercise 4. Page 18 1 make ends meet, a subsistence, hand-to-mouth 2 living day-to-day 3 went hungry 4 huddled together, gathered together 5 beg 6
skinny, malnourished 7 feel at home, sense of belonging
Exercise 5. Page 18 Students’ own answers
Exercise 1. Page 19 C
Exercise 2. Page 20 2 hand-to-mouth 3 compassionate 4 malnourished 5 beg 6 empathised 7 feel at home 8 making fun of
Exercise 3. Page 20 1 c 2 b 3 c 4 a 5 d 6 c
Unit Vocabulary Practice Page 22
Exercise 1. Page 22 1 e 2 a 3 c 4 f 5 g 6 d 7 b 8 h
Exercise 2. Page 22 1 up 2 out 3 on 4 up 5 about 6 into 7 out
Exercise 3. Page 22 1 new-born 2 academically 3 hard 4 long 5 clash 6 speak
Exercise 4. Page 23 1 hand-to-mouth 2 day-to-day 3 beg for some cash 4 malnourished 5 make ends meet 6 skinny 7 together 8 at home
Exercise 5. Page 23 Students’ own answers

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First Semester (2024/2025)
Worksheet (13) 11th
Grade (all)
Name: ……………………… (Answer Key 3 & 4)


Exercise 1. Page 24
cc an email: Carbon paper was something which people used to make a copy of a note or letter with. You would put it underneath the paper w hile you wrote
or typed and the letters would press through onto another piece of paper. The copy made by the carbon paper was called the ‘carbon copy’ (cc).
go online: If you wanted to connect to the Internet, you had to have a cable that connected your computer with the telephone line.
hang up the phone: we say ‘hang up the phone’ because phones used to be in two parts.
Exercise 2. Page 24 Heba teaches her grandfather I’ve got to bounce and I’ll ping you.
Exercise 3. Page 24 1 a 2 b
Exercise 4. Page 24 1 and 4 are defining
Exercise 5. Page 24
1 In defining relative clauses.
2 The pronoun can be omitted in sentence 1. When the relative pronoun is the object of the clause in a defining relative clause, we can omit it.
3 It refers to a place.
4 Sentence 5.
Grammar Reference
Exercise 3 Page 26 : 1 which/that can be omitted 2 who 3 for/with whom 4 where/ in which 5 who/that can be omitted 6 in which
Exercise 4 Page 26: 1 b 2a 3 b 4a
Exercise 6. Page 26
1 Televisions used to have a dial which was used to change the channel.
2 Technology is always changing, which I find exciting./ Technology, which I find exciting, is always changing.
3 Husam, who is very absent-minded, has lost his phone.
Exercise 7. Page 27 1 an active 2 a passive
Grammar Reference
Exercise 5. Page 27:
1 Who’s the girl crying over there?
2 Most of my friends invited to the party arrived on time.
3 I live in a house built in 1910.
4 Anyone wanting to go online should enter a password.
5 Those students flunking / having flunked the exam will need to retake it.
6 The story reported in the news blew things out of proportion.
Exercise 8. Page 28: Students’ own answers
Student A: 1 which is 2 which/ that is 3 which is 4 which was 5which were 6 in which
Student B: 1 that was 2 when 3 which was 4 which/that 5 which/that 6 in which 7 in which
Exercise 1. Page 29: 1 b 2 e 3 a 4 c 5 d
Exercise 2. Page 29: 1 ND 2 D 3 ND 4 ND 5 D
Exercise 3. Page 29: Students tick sentences 2 and 5
Exercise 4. Page 30: 2 where 3 whose 4 which/that 5 who/that 6 that/which. The relative pronoun can be omitted in 6.
Exercise 5. Page 30
2 Sami, who I play football with, lives round the corner./Sami, with whom I play football, lives round the corner.
3 These headphones, which I paid a fortune for, stopped working after two days./These headphones, for which I paid a fortune, stopped working after two
4 4 The shop where/from which I bought my computer has closed down./The shop (that/which) I bought my computer from has closed down.
Exercise 6. Page 30
2 The flip phone, designed in the 1990s, is rapidly becoming popular again.
3 There are very few people still using analogue televisions.
4 Users used to the old system may find the new one confusing.
Exercise 7. Page 30Students’ own answers
Exercise 1. Page 31 Suggested answers
A They are suggesting Baby boomers have an easy time.
B They are suggesting Gen X are old-fashioned.
C They are suggesting Millenials are indecisive.
D They are suggesting Gen Z are too sensitive.
Students’ own answers.
Exercise 2. Page 31
Baby boomers Generation X Millennials
Events which influenced them Born not long after World War 2 Fall of the Berlin Wall The health pandemic
Work harder than any other Work hard, but also wanta Work the hardest – less
Attitudes towards work
generation good work-life balance holiday, longer hours
Value freedom, very People say they are selfish
Personality characteristics Determined and resourceful
independent and entitled

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First Semester (2024/2025)
Worksheet (13) 11th
Grade (all)
Name: ……………………… (Answer Key 3 & 4)

Exercise 3. Page 32 Students tick the following: On the whole ... / By and large ... / Nine times out of ten ... / This is a bit of a sweeping statement, but ...
Exercise 4. Page 32
1 In general, Generation Z spend a lot at time online.
2 On the whole, they know how to make the best of social media.
3 They tend to take offence very easily.
4 Nine times out of ten, they have an entrepreneurial spirit.
5 In some/many/most cases, they like getting a bargain.
6 To a great/some extent, they are into experiences rather than material possessions.
Exercise 5. Page 32 Students’ own answers
Exercise 6. Page 32 Students’ own answers
Exercise 1. Page 33 Students’ own answers
Exercise 2. Page 33
1 Ninety percent of the time, a person’s outlook on life becomes similar to that of their parents.
2 3 More often than not, what seems shocking to one generation appears normal to the next.
3 4 On the whole, our generation is no better or worse behaved than the previous one.
Exercise 3. Page 34 2 Broadly 3 tendency 4 extent 5 by 6 general
Exercise 4. Page 34 Students’ own answers
These students use statistics, which is a form of evidence to make a claim more believable. When we use phrases like this without first conducting research,
it can be misleading, because it makes an opinion sound more like a fact. This confusion is another reason that we should acknowledge when we are
Exercise 1. Page 35 Students’ own answers
Exercise 2. Page 35 Students’ own answers
Exercise 3. Page 36 Students’ own answers
Paragraph 4 is about mobile technology.
Paragraph 2 is about changes in working life.
Paragraph 3 includes the writer’s own idea: how modern labour-saving technology allows family members to spend more time together.
Exercise 4. Page 36
1 Families remain as close as they ever were.
2 Greater work-life balance means parents are more available to their children and able to spend more quality time together. Greater automation of
housework has had a similar effect. The Internet and social media give more opportunities for families to commu nicate with each other when at a distance.
3 The conclusion restates the thesis: … while society may have changed, families remain as close as they were, aided by technol ogy and greater flexibilityin
working patterns.
Exercise 5. Page 36
1 I would argue that … 2 I believe that … 3 I would say that … 4 Many people today feel that … 5 It is commonly accepted that … 6 … can be seen as …
Exercise 6. Page 36
Paragraph 2: Topic sentence: Increasingly, parents are seeking a greater work-life balance. The main idea is that parents have more availability for their
family nowadays because of flexible working practices.
Paragraph 3: Topic sentence: It is commonly accepted that the time needed to run a household has also decreased over the last few decades as more and
more labour-saving devices have been invented.
The main idea is that technology has made running a household less time-consuming than in the past, allowing more family time.
Paragraph 4: Topic sentence: Going online can be seen as a way of bringing families together as well as a distraction. The main idea is that mobile
technology and the Internet can connect families more, rather than pulling them apart.
Exercise 7. Page 37 Students’ own answers
Exercise 8. Page 37 Students’ own answers
Exercise 9. Page 37 Students’ own answers


Exercise 1. Page 38 1, 3, 5
Exercise 2. Page 38 Topic 5
Exercise 3. Page 38 1 I 2 P 3 P 4 P 5 E 6 P
Exercise 4. Page 38 Students’ own answers
Exercise 1. Page 39 1 decent/compassionate 2 compassionate/decent 3 Modest 4 making a fuss 5 pushy 6 showing 7 influence 8 idolise
Exercise 2. Page 39 1 lost my temper 2 the peacemaker 3 talk about 4 make ends meet 5 sincere 6 loathe 7 trustworthy
Exercise 3. Page 39 1 is (forever) borrowing 2 used to live/lived 3 will post
Exercise 4. Page 40 (Pronouns which can be omitted are in brackets.)
1 That boy, whose mum is Japanese, is fluent in five languages.
2 My grandma’s house has no wi-fi , which is very annoying.
3 The beach where they go in summer is their favourite place./ The beach (which) they go to in summer is their favourite place.

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First Semester (2024/2025)
Worksheet (13) 11th
Grade (all)
Name: ……………………… (Answer Key 3 & 4)

Exercise 5. Page 40 1 wanting to make 2 parked

Use of English
Exercise 1. Page 40 1 which was recorded in 1987 2 burst into 3 delay 4 the shop where I bought 5 always showing 6 me to follow her
Exercise 2. Page 41 1 dedicated 2 Oddly 3 trustworthy 4 Unlike 5 belonging 6 security 7 Apparently
Exercise 6. Page 41 1 the 2 up 3 would 4 set
Exercise 7. Page 42 1 a magic tool 2 keep in touch / stay connected 3 (shared) experiences / fun 4 (some) advice / someone to talk to / support 5 even
stronger / more meaningful
Exercise 8. Page 42 Students’ own answers
Answer Key: Unit 4
Exercise 1. Page 52: students’ own answer
Exercise 2. Page 52:
1 Fake news is news that is not true or from unreliable sources.
2 Students’ own answers.
3 It started hundreds of years ago.
Exercise 3. Page 52: 1 drop, go down 2 fraud, hoax 3 dependable, trustworthy 4 enigma, puzzle 5 clues, hints 6 claim, maintain 7 bizarre, weird 8 expose, reveal
Exercise 4. Page 52:
1 (stated) It was published as a joke.
2 (strange) Probably to increase sales of the newspaper.
3 (gone down) So that people would start buying eggs again.
4 (uncover) The city newspaper published fake news, when the same fake news appeared in the other city newspaper it proved th at it was copying the stories.
5 (fake) Students’ own answers.
Exercise 5. Page 53:
1 Past Simple, it happened once in the past
2 Past Continuous, an action that continued for a time in the past
3 Past Simple, it happened once in the past
4 Past Perfect, the earlier of two events in the past (they later admitted it was not true is the other event)
Exercise 6. Page 53: 1 b 2 a
Exercise 7. Page 53:1 both 2 the Past Perfect Simple 3 the Past Perfect Continuous
Grammar reference: Page 54: 1: had checked 2 was visiting 3 had recorded 4 had learned 5 hadn’t known 6 had been watching
Exercise 8. Page 55: 1 had explored 2 had been lying 3 had built 4 had been running 5 had made 6 had been working
Exercise 9. Page 55: They are pronounced using a weak form.
Exercise 10. Page 55: students’ own answer
Exercise 1. Page 56: 4 / 1 / 2 / 6 / 3 / 5 /
Exercise 2. Page 56: a 3 b 4 c 1 d 5 e 6 f 2
Exercise 3. Page 56:
2 He had/’d been chewing his pen during the exam.
3 It had/’d been raining for five days.
4 They had/’d been printing fake money.
5 He had/’d been speaking at a business meeting.
Exercise 4. Page 57:
1 had been studying 2 had been 3 had been worrying 4 had never failed 5 Had he been revising 6 had he forgotten 7 had fallen
Exercise 5. Page 57:
1 a had been playing 1b had played
2 a had eliminated 2b had been eliminating
Exercise 6. Page 57:
2 By the time we opened the door, the noises had already stopped.
4 Suddenly, I heard a noise, so I went upstairs and opened the door to the attic.
6 While he was performing, the actor forgot what to say.
7 While I was rowing a boat across the sea, a large dolphin suddenly appeared in the water next to me!
Exercise 7. Page 58: 2 had been cooking/was cooking 3 was playing 4 had been waiting 5 were dancing 6 sat
Exercise 8. Page 58:
2 disappeared 3 had been working 4 did 5 had organised 6 was waiting 7 switched 8 was leaving 9 had found 10 had taken
Exercise 9. Page 58:
2 How had the staff been planning to celebrate?
3 What had happened to Abbas?
4 Had he gone to the Caribbean?
5 Had he got a job at a bigger hotel?
Exercise 10. Page 58: Students’ own answers
Exercise 1. Page 59:
1 To attract people’s attention. 2 Students’ own answers
Exercise 2. Page 59:Each page view is worth money in terms of advertising revenue.
Exercise 3. Page 59:devastating truth, melt your heart
Exercise 4. Page 60:1 clickbait 2 go, generates 3 attention 4 light, hit 5 public, corruption 6 verify, present
Exercise 5. Page 60:1 hard-hitting 2 quirky 3 heartbreaking 4 newsworthy 5 balanced 6 topical 7 off the record 8 sensational 9 exclusive 10 heartwarming
They are related to clickbait viral news stories.
Exercise 6. Page 60: Students’ own answers

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First Semester (2024/2025)
Worksheet (13) 11th
Grade (all)
Name: ……………………… (Answer Key 3 & 4)


Exercise 1. Page 61: 1 c 2 h 3 d 4 a 5 j 6 g 7 b 8 e 9 i 10 f
Exercise 2. Page 61: 1 balanced 2 sensational 3 heartbreaking 4 an exclusive 5 sensational
Exercise 3. Page 62: 2 newsworthy 3 sensational 4 awareness 5 verify 6 balanced 7 sides 8 light 9 corruption 10 revenue
Exercise 4. Page 62: Students’ own answers
Exercise 1. Page 63: It is a human interest story (and also a news item).
Exercise 2. Page 63:
1 The subject and verb are inverted, so more like a question.
2 It makes the phrase stronger.
In no way could they imagine how strong the cyclone would be.
Under no circumstances should they come out.
Grammar reference Page 64:
Exercise 2. Page 64: 1 had we eaten 2 had I opened 3 did we claim 4 she seen 5 did he get 6 did he agree
Exercise 3. Page 64:
1. Not only was the story false, but it also went viral.
2. Seldom have I heard such a heart-warming story.
3. Hardly had I clicked on the headline when I knew it was fake.
4. Little did he realise the problems he’d caused.
5. No sooner had we revealed the truth than we uncovered more lies.
6. Under no circumstances can you (ever) expose the truth.
Exercise 3. Page 64:
1 Scarcely had they left when the house exploded.
2 Under no circumstances should you approach the animal, which is dangerous.
3 Not only did she win the race, but she also broke a world record.
4 Little did he imagine that his friend was a spy!
Exercise 4. Page 64:
1 Scarcely/Hardly/Barely had the film begun when people started to walk out. / No sooner had the film begun than people started to walk out.
2 Rarely/Seldom have I seen anything more shocking.
3 In no way had he intended / did he intend to offend anyone.
4 Not only is he tall, but he is also attractive.
5 Under no circumstances would he do it again.
6 Little did they know who he really was.
Exercise 5. Page 64:Students’ own answers
Exercise 1. Page 65: 1 is 2 did I feel 3 will I ever 4 had I seen 5 did they know 6 had the tickets gone
Exercise 2. Page 65: 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 c
Exercise 3. Page 66:
2 Under no circumstances are students allowed to take exam papers out of the room.
3 In no way does this article represent my views.
4 Scarcely had the film started when members of the audience began to walk out of the cinema.
Exercise 4. Page 66:
2 No sooner had they left
3 Not only was it
4 In no way am I saying
5 Rarely have I felt
6 Little did Tareq imagine
Exercise 5. Page 66: Students’ own answers
Exercise 1. Page 67: Students’ own answers
Exercise 2. Page 67:
1 A new luxury hotel will bring work and other improvements to the area around the beach.
2 A new road and new restaurants.
3 Jobs won’t go to local people. The new road will affect bird and animal life.
4 They want a suspension of the building work until they know how many jobs will go to local people.
Exercise 3. Page 68: 1 C 2 F 3 B 4 G 5 E 6 A
Exercise 4. Page 68:
Suggested answers
• facts are exaggerated: there are sure to be other jobs in tourism
• stereotypes and overgeneralisations: everyone in the town was very excited, We have asked for such development for years
• little or no respect for different opinions: I was very surprised to hear that there are some protesters who are against the plan. I am not an activist and I refute
the allegation that I tried to obstruct building work last week.
• language is dramatic or emotive: the sad old beach restaurants, These restaurants will be too expensive for most local people , Tension will also continue
until the plans for new roads are moved away from the sensitive nature areas.
• quotation marks to indicate the writer does not agree: There has even been an accusation that I ‘am working to promote the
• hotel company,’ but this is not true.

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First Semester (2024/2025)
Worksheet (13) 11th
Grade (all)
Name: ……………………… (Answer Key 3 & 4)

Exercise 5. Page 69:

-ment: improvement, pavement, replacement, development
-tion: solution, accusation, addition, investigation, allegation, obstruction
-sion/-cion: suspension
-ist: activist
-er/-or: developer, protester, contractor
-ity: security
-hood: neighbourhood
-dom: freedom
Exercise 6. Page 69: 1 solution 2 replacement 3 allegations 4 improvement
Exercise 7. Page 69: 1 report 2 refuted 3 come up with 4 released
Exercise 1. Page 70: ‘Against’ post: A, D ‘For’ post: B, C
Exercise 2. Page 71:
1 Because of the popularity of streaming services.
2 It’s not always convenient to choose what music to listen to.
It can introduce you to new music. It includes a wide range of programmes, not just music.
Exercise 3. Page 71: 1 H 2 E 3 A 4 B 5 C 6 F


Exercise 1. Page 72:1 B 2 C 3 A 4 D
Exercise 2. Page 72:1 c 2 b 3 d 4 a
Exercise 3. Page 72:
1 Because it was in the middle of the Great Depression.
2 He had just won a six-day cycling race.
3 He had one leg shorter than the other.
4 Because once he had accepted her, the rest of the tribe followed. This enabled her to carry out important research.
5 Neil Armstrong
6 You can see Neil Armstrong reflected in the glass visor of Buzz Aldrin’s helmet.
Exercise 4. Page 72: Students’ own answers


Exercise 1. Page 73: 1 B 2 A (C is the extra photo)
Exercise 2. Page 73: a 2 b 1 c 3 e 1 g 1 h 2
Exercise 3. Page 73: 1 subject matter 2 poignant 3 capture 4 landscape 5 crop 6 pose 7 evoke
Exercise 4. Page 74: Students’ own answers
Exercise 5. Page 74: Students’ own answers
Exercise 6. 1 edible 2 beautiful 3 different 4 dangerous
Exercise 7. Students’ own answers
Exercise 1. Page 74: 1 maintained 2 fraud 3 clues 4 bizarre 5 claimed
Exercise 2. Page 74: 2 shed 3 expose 4 interest 5 clickbait 6 spans 7 viral
Exercise 3. Page 75: 1e 2d 3a 4b 5c
Exercise 4. Page 75: 1 mumbling 2 shrieked 3 tiptoed 4 spotted 5 glanced 6 stare 7 muttered
Exercise 5. Page 75: Students’ own answers


Exercise 1. Page 76:
An urban myth is a story that is usually completely false, though it may be based on some truth. It often has some elements o f humour and/or horror. /
Students’ own answers.
Exercise 2. Page 76:
1 This story is probably false, but the writer Douglas Adams claims it happened to him in 1976. There are many similar legendar y tales about people who
accidently become thieves in England and the US.
2 This story is definitely false. It was invented as a newspaper April Fool’s story.
3 This story is probably false, though a robot camera did find a large alligator living in the sewers in Florida.
Exercise 3. Page 76:
1 You’ll never believe what happened to me ...
2 I was travelling the bus, when ...
3 Guess what?
4 Obviously, I was a bit taken aback.
5 It was probably the most embarrassing moment of my life!
Exercise 4. Page 77:
Students tick the following: Guess what?
You’ll never believe what happened to me the other day. Obviously/Presumably/Unbelievably/Apparently, etc.
Have I ever told you about ...? And then, to top it all ...
A friend of a friend told me this story. Would you believe it?
There was a guy who had been working there ... It was probably the most embarrassing moment of my life.
Anyway, to cut a long story short ...
It turned out that ...

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First Semester (2024/2025)
Worksheet (13) 11th Grade (all)
Name: ……………………… (Answer Key)

Exercise 5. Page 77: 1 Obviously 2 Foolishly 3 Apparently 4 Surely 5 Presumably 6 Personally 7 Clearly 8 Unbelievably
Exercise 6. Page 77: Students’ own answers
Exercise 1. Page 78: listen
Exercise 2. Page 78:
2 Have I ever told you about the time I saw a shooting star?
3 Before we knew what was happening, the bull was running towards us!
4 You’ll never believe what happened to me the other day.
Exercise 3. Page 79:
1 There was this waiter who was the last person left in a restaurant at the end of the day.
2 He was just getting ready to go home late one evening when he saw that the door to the walk -in freezer was open and the light was on.
3 Apparently, he went inside to check the room when suddenly the door closed behind him.
4 Obviously, he was terrified. He knew that he would not be able to spend the night in such cold temperatures.
5 So he started to bang on the door and hoped someone could hear him.
6 He was just about to give up when suddenly the door opened.
7 Would you believe it? Another waiter had forgotten his bag and had gone back to the restaurant to find it. He was able to
save his friend.
Exercise 4. Page 79: Students’ own answers
Exercise 1. Page 80: Students’ own answers
Exercise 2. Page 80: Students’ own answers
Exercise 3. Page 81:
Negative inversion: No sooner had the man pulled the woman away that the crane crashed to where she had been standing.
Speaking: yelled, muttering, bellowed Looking: spotted, watched, peered, glanced Moving: running, walking, raced, wandering
Exercise 4. Page 81:
a Past Simple b Past Continuous and Past Simple c Past Perfect d Past Perfect Continuous e Past Continuous
f Past Simple and Past Continuous
Exercise 5. Page 81: 1 d,e 2 f 3 c 4 a 5 b
Exercise 6. Page 81: 1 peer 2 glance 3 spot 4 bellow 5 yell 6 mutter 7 race 8 wander
Exercise 7. Page 82:
1 He yelled loudly in my ear.
2 She stared at him blankly for several seconds./For several seconds, she stared blankly at him.
3 They worked very hard in the factory all day./They worked very hard all day in the factory.
4 I sat patiently on the bench for over two hours./I patiently sat on the bench for over two hours.
Exercise 8. Page 82: Students’ own answers
Exercise 1. Page 83: b
Exercise 2. Page 83: a 5 Past Simple b 1 Past Perfect Simple c 3 Past Continuous and Past Simple d 2 Past Continuous e 4 Past Perfect Continuous
Exercise 3. Page 84:
Manner: utterly, unsuccessfully, desperately, brightly
Place: into thin air, to his left
Time: now, within minutes
Exercise 4. Page 84: Students’ own answers
Exercise 1. Page 85:
1 claimed 2 posing 3 fraud 4 an enigma 5 allegation 6 landscape 7 evokes
Exercise 2. Page 85:1 expose 2 public 3 sensational 4 headlines 5 newsworthy 6 balanced 7 sides 8 light 9 hearbreaking 10 heartwarming
Exercise 3. Page 85:
1 race (the others relate to looking) 2 snap (the others relate to moving) 3 whisper (the others are loud)
Exercise 4. Page 85:
1 had just solved 2 broke, fell, had been trying 3 was/were playing, went 4 had been standing, arrived 5 closed, had phoned, was, was
Exercise 5. Page 86:
1 Never have I heard 2 Under no circumstances 3 Not only did 4 No sooner had 5 Little did 6 Scarcely had
Exercise 1. Page 86: 1 attention spans are 2 had run out of 3 had the police arrived when 4 taken aback 5 no circumstances
was the identity 6 sooner had I come/arrived than
Exercise 6. Page 87:
1 majority 2 improvement(s) 3 organisations 4 Clearly 5 unbelievably 6 replacement 7 freedom
Exercise 7. Page 87: 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 c 5 b
Exercise 8. Page 87: Students’ own answers

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