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PS20190809 NanaimoLightweightFillSpecifications

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Lightweight Self-Compacting Flowable Closed Cell Cellular Concrete Specification –

Wet Density of 475 kg/m³

1. References:
 ACI 523.1, Guide for Cast-in-Place Low Density Cellular Concrete
 ASTM C495, Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Lightweight Insulating Concrete
 ASTM C869, Standard Specification for Foaming Agents Used in Making Preformed Foam for
Cellular Concrete
 ASTM C796, Standard Test Method for Foaming Agents for Use in Producing Cellular Concrete
Using Preformed Foam
 CAN/CSA A3001, Cementitious Materials for Use in Concrete
 CSA A23.1, Concrete Materials and Methods of Concrete Construction
 ASTM C989 Standard Specification for Slag Cement for Use in Concrete and Mortars
 ASTM C618 Standard Specification for Coal Fly Ash and Raw or Calcined Natural Pozzolan for Use
in Concrete
 OSHA 29 CFR 1926 and 1910, Permissible Exposure Limit of crystalline silica and Portland Cement
for the construction and general industry
 ASTM C666 / C666M, Standard Test Method for Resistance of Concrete to Rapid Freezing and
 ASTM D5084, Standard Test Methods for Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity of Saturated
Porous Materials Using a Flexible Wall Permeameter

2. Qualifications:
The approved Subcontractor producing and placing cellular concrete shall have a record of
experience in excess of 10 similar applications with engineered stamped compressive strength
reports that prove the quality of work has been achieved in these applications. The subcontractor
must be capable of developing a mix design, batching, mixing, handling, and placing cellular
concrete. The Subcontractor shall be certified by the manufacturer of the foaming agent and regularly
engaged in the production and placement of cellular concrete. The Subcontractor shall have fully
qualified workers who are thoroughly trained and experienced in the production, placement and
quality control of cellular concrete. Certificates verifying their qualifications and training will be
required as part of the submittal for approval.
3. Conformance:
The cellular concrete supplier must be able to provide independent, third-party testing from a similar
mix design as that proposed for the project, and confirms the proposed cellular concrete meets:
a. ASTM C495, Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Lightweight Insulating Concrete
- Minimum compressive strength of 0.4 MPa to 0.5 MPa at 28 days.
b. ASTM C666, modified Procedure B as per ACI 523.1 - Standard for freeze thaw cycles with
relative dynamic modulus of elasticity (E) not less than 70% of its original value after 120 cycles.
c. ASTM D5084, Standard Test Methods for Measurement of Hydraulic Conductivity of Saturated
Porous Materials Using a Flexible Wall Permeameter - Maximum hydraulic conductivity (k)
coefficient of 1 x 10-5 cm/sec at 125 kPa effective stress.
4. Equipment
The specialized batching, mixing, and placing equipment shall be automated and certified for the
purpose by the manufacturer of the cellular concrete material.
Dry-mix equipment must be able to receive bulk cement installed with a dust suppression system to
conform to OSHA 29 CFR 1926 and 1910. The dry-mix unit must be capable of producing over 100
cubic metres per hour on-site, continuously, from one piece of equipment, and pump through hoses
or pipes up to a flat lineal distance of 1000 meters. Bulk cement weight measurements shall be
determined by onboard instrumentation that operates within a tolerance of one and one-half percent
(1.5%) per batch.
Wet-mix production units manufacture cellular concrete utilizing slurry supplied from a ready-mix plant
that has the required dust suppression system to create the slurry. Wet-mix equipment must be able
to receive slurry on-site into the equipment and process it continuously during ready-mix supply, and
pump through hoses or pipes up to a flat lineal distance of 200 meters. Each unit must be capable of
producing 75 cubic metres per hour.
Cellular concrete must be pumped by a positive displacement pump (Peristaltic or similar). A foam
generator shall be used to continuously produce pre-formed foam, which shall be injected and mixed
with the cementitious slurry downstream of the positive displacement slurry pump. The equipment
shall be calibrated to produce a precise and predictable volumetric rate of foam with stable uniform
Mixing using bagged cement is not permitted.
5. Materials and Testing
A slurry of Portland Cement, supplementary cementing materials, and water is introduced with a
foaming agent and air to create closed cell cellular concrete with minimal shrinkage.

Cellular concrete shall have a minimum unconfined compressive strength at 28 days of 0.4 MPa to
0.5 MPa and wet cast density of +/-10% of the design density (475 kg/m³). The dry density of the
concrete shall be between 360 kg/m³ and 425 kg/m³.

The cellular concrete supplier must be capable of incorporating supplementary cementing materials
into their mix designs. Blast furnace slag, if utilized, shall conform to ASTM C 989 and/or CAN/CSA
A3001 Standard Specification. Fly ash, if utilized, must conform to ASTM C618 and/or CAN/CSA
A3001 Standard Specification.

Portland cement shall conform to the requirements of CSA Standard CAN/CSA A3001, Type GU,
GUL, HS or HE. Supplementary cementing materials shall conform to the requirements of CSA
Standard CAN/CSA A3001.
Mixing water shall conform to the requirements of CSA Standard A23.1. Water of questionable quality
shall not be used unless proven to produce specimens whose 28-day compressive strength is at least
90% of those made with known acceptable water and an identical material mix.
Foaming agents shall conform to the requirements of ASTM C 869 when tested in accordance with
the provisions of ASTM C 796. Only geotechnical engineer approved foaming agents shall be used.
The Subcontractor shall be pre-qualified and approved in writing by the foaming agent manufacturer.
The fresh cellular concrete density shall be measured and recorded once per production run, or once
for every 50m3, or once per 20 minutes, whichever is more frequent. The density shall be maintained
within +/- 5% of the design density (475 kg/m3).
Cellular concrete samples must be captured, cured, and tested to verify the compressive strength
requirement is satisfied. One sample is comprised of one set of four cellular concrete cylinders. One
sample should be taken for each placement, or every 100m3, whichever is more frequent. Cylinders
are cast in 75 mm by 150 mm cylindrical plastic molds. The sample mold must be lined with “freezer
paper” with the plastic side against the cellular concrete. Cellular concrete cylinders shall be cured
and tested as per ASTM C495, modified to represent the field curing conditions for geotechnical
applications. Dry density of the concrete cylinders should also be measured.
6. Quality Control and Reporting
The cellular concrete supplier must have documented quality control (QC) procedures that include
processes for training and certification of QC personnel. The cellular concrete supplier must provide
a dedicated onsite QC representative that is certified according to the above-noted process.
A turnover package must be provided within 60 days of project completion. The information in the
turnover package must include, at a minimum, the measured cast densities of cylinders, cast dates,
location of samples, cylinder dimensions and mass, and compressive strengths at 28 days.
7. Construction Practices
a. The base for the cellular concrete layer will consist of pipe bedding (City Material #9 – 19 mm
Minus Mulch) compacted to 95% MPMDD. Pipe bedding material shall be inspected and tested
by a geotechnical engineer for approval prior to placement of cellular concrete.
b. The subgrade below the pipe bedding and sewer pipe shall be cleared of vegetation, peat, soft
silt/clay or disturbed soil and other deleterious material as described in the geotechnical report
and graded and compacted to the lines and grades shown on the relevant drawings.
c. The excavation shall be kept dry prior to and during placement of cellular concrete. Dewatering of
trench (to be completed by others) should be completed with typical sump and pump dewatering
system or with a well-point dewatering system depending on the water conditions encountered in
the excavation.
d. The prepared base for cellular concrete placement shall be good competent level ground with
nominal compaction to provide a firm base. The placement area shall be free of standing water
during placement of cellular concrete and until backfill is placed on top of the cellular concrete.
Snow and ice must be removed from the area prior to placement.
8. Installation
Any items to be fully or partially encased in the cellular concrete shall be properly set and stable prior
to the installation of the cellular concrete.
Where required (such as against areas of soft peat), formwork should be designed and installed to
withhold cellular concrete, and may require lining with poly sheeting or similar impermeable
membrane to prevent leakage.
Cellular concrete may be placed during freezing conditions, provided measures are taken to prevent
damage to the cellular concrete until sufficient strength has been attained. Care should be taken to
avoid freezing before initial set. Cellular concrete must not be placed during heavy or prolonged
Once mixed, the cellular concrete shall be conveyed promptly to the location of placement without
excessive handling.
The Constructor shall determine the maximum lift thickness based on density and any other
considerations that may impact placement. Cellular concrete shall be cast in a formed area within 1 to
2 hours, to permit an undisturbed setting. The cellular concrete will be placed within a shored
excavation with weak excavation sidewalls. The excavation shoring cage may need to be pulled out
incrementally to avoid causing failure of the excavation walls. Lift thickness of the cellular concrete
may have to be adjusted to accommodate this process.
Finished surface elevation shall be within ±25 mm of the design grades shown on the drawings.
Cellular Concrete can be placed with a maximum slope of 1%. Slopes greater than 1% will require
profiling by creating steps for the Cellular Concrete with formwork or can be mechanically graded to
slopes in excess of 1% by means of grader, bull dozer or milling machine.
Loading of, or traffic on the cellular concrete shall be prevented until the material has attained
sufficient strength to withstand the loads with no damage. Backfill can commence when cellular
concrete supports foot traffic without leaving an indentation.
9. Measurement and Payment
Measurement and payment shall be on a unit rate basis for the number of cubic metres placed. The
unit rate shall include materials, production, placement, and testing of cellular concrete materials.
Placed volumes shall be determined by multiplying the known volume of slurry by the ratio of slurry
density to average cellular concrete density (expansion ratio).

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