6th G.Science Unit 3
6th G.Science Unit 3
6th G.Science Unit 3
CLASS: 6th SUBJECT: General Science Unit.3: Characteristics of Living Things
4. Give the meaning of unicellular and multi-cellular organism. Give two examples of each type.
Ans. Some plants and animals consist of only a single cell and are called unicellular organisms. For Example,
bacteria and yeast are unicellular organisms.
There are other plants and animals whose body is made up of many cells. They are called multi-cellular
organisms. For example, Man and pine are multicellular organisms.
6. Define growth. How is the growth of a crystal different from the growth of a living thing?
Ans. Growth is defined as a permanent irreversible increase in the size of an organism.
The growth in non-living things like crystal is called external growth. It takes place due to deposition of similar
material on their outer surface.
7.Define herbivorous, carnivorous, and omnivorous animals. Give three examples of each.
Herbivorous Animals:
Those animals which only eat plants are called herbivorous animals. For example, cow, goat, sheep etc.
Carnivorous Animals:
Those animals which feed on the flesh of other animals are called herbivorous animals. For example, lion,
leopard, and wolf.
Herbivorous Animals:
Omnivorous animals, like man and bear, eat plants as well as animals. For example, human, bear, and fox.
9. Why and in what ways the response to stimulus of animals is different from that of plants?
Ans: Response to their stimuli sis slower in plants because plants are less sensitive due to absence of sense
organs and nervous system. Animals can sense the environment and respond to it much faster.
10. How does animal cell differ from plant cell? Draw a diagram to show the differences clearly.
1. b 2. a 3. c 4. d 5. a
6. d 7. b 8. b 9. a 10. b