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Data Modelling and Design

Activity Guide

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Table of Contents

Practices for Lesson 1: Introduction to Modeling ......................................................................... 5

Practices for Lesson 1: Overview ................................................................................................... 6
Practice 1-1: Identify Key Business Information ............................................................................. 7
Solution for Practice 1-1 .................................................................................................................. 9

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Practice 1-2: Identify Candidate Entities and Attributes ................................................................. 10
Solution for Practice 1-2 .................................................................................................................. 11
Practices for Lesson 2: Create the Entity-Relationship Model .................................................... 13
Practices for Lesson 2: Overview ................................................................................................... 14
Practice 2-1: Create the Initial ER Model ........................................................................................ 15

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Solution for Practice 2-1 .................................................................................................................. 17
Practice 2-2: Verify and Improve the ER Model.............................................................................. 18
Solution for Practice 2-2 .................................................................................................................. 19
Practices for Lesson 3: Normalization ........................................................................................... 27
Practices for Lesson 3: Overview ................................................................................................... 28
Practices for Lesson 4: Design and Implement Data Models ...................................................... 35
Practices for Lesson 4: Overview ................................................................................................... 36

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Data Modelling and Design – Table of Contents iii

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iv Data Modelling and Design – Table of Contents

Practices for Lesson 1:
Introduction to Modeling

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Practices for Lesson 1: Overview

In these practices, you will cover the following topics:
 Practice 1-1: Given a business description, identify business objectives, assumptions,
critical success factors, key performance indicators (KPIs), and problems
 Practice 1-2: Using interview notes, identify business functions and entities and

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6 Practices for Lesson 1: Introduction to Modeling

Practice 1-1: Identify Key Business Information

In this practice, you will use an interview with the CEO of a major law firm to identify key
business information that will serve as the beginning of your data modeling analysis.

1. Read the interview notes below.

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2. Identify and write down:
a. Business objectives
b. Assumptions
c. Critical success factors
d. Key performance indicator (KPI) problems

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e. Problems

Source—Interview with the CEO of Bailey and Associates Law Firm

“Our mission is to provide to our clients the highest quality, world class legal services and be a
key part of our client’s journey to success, supported by our highly qualified and skilled team.
We are focused on delivering excellent results for our clientele. Our success is dependent on
our close coordination between our clients and our attorneys.
Our firm grew faster than we had imagined and now there are ‘cases lying all over the place.’
Due in part to the large growth, we have had issues with document and case tracking. We do
not want to risk cases being lost due to documents being lost or mishandled. We must stay
compliant with regulations.
Given our current manual and paper-based processes, we are limited in how many new cases
can be handled by our team. We’d like to be able to leverage our excellent staff to deliver our
world class services to even more clients. Ideally, we’d like to increase case volume by 10% in
five years. Currently, different staff use different means of tracking cases and volume and
billing. Some use spreadsheets and some use paper and pencil. We need to address these
bottlenecks by introducing a comprehensive, accurate, fast, and cost-effective and convenient
reporting system.
To meet these goals, we need to automate our case and document management systems.
The systems must be easy to use for those who are not computer literate, and we want current
modern looking applications that utilize web and mobile, so that our lawyers, legal assistants
and clerical staff can easily access their casework from anywhere.
Ideally, we would like our clients to be able to track their case progress online as well.
We also hope that the automation will improve productivity by automating ad hoc processes so
that our team uses the same systems and processes, thus improving cost effectiveness of the
services that we offer. We are aiming at improving our margin by at least 8% over the next three
years. We also think that by all staff using the same processes, we may be able to better predict

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Practices for Lesson 1: Introduction to Modeling 7

our case success percentage, staff retention, and customer satisfaction will not be negatively
Our revenue margin should be at least 20% and staff retention should be below 5% turnover.
The new system must at least meet these measures.
Current processes are hard to use and so it is difficult to retain newer, qualified staff. An
automation would reduce tedious workload on our staff with the expected increase in morale
and retention.”

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8 Practices for Lesson 1: Introduction to Modeling

Solution for Practice 1-1

Business objectives
 Increase case volume by 10 percent in five years
 Improve margin by at least 8 percent over the next three years

 Easy-to-use system for those who are not computer literate

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 Current modern-looking applications that utilize web and mobile

Critical success factors

 Close coordination between our clients and our attorneys
 Stay compliant with regulations

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Key performance indicators (KPIs)
 Revenue margin should be at least 20 percent
 Staff retention should be below 5 percent turnover

 Cases being lost due to documents being lost or mishandled

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Practices for Lesson 1: Introduction to Modeling 9

Practice 1-2: Identify Candidate Entities and Attributes

In this practice, you will identify candidate business functions, entities, and their attributes.

1. Read the interview notes below.
2. Identify and write down:

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a. Business functions
b. Entities
c. Attributes

Source: Interview with senior partner

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“I’m Alan Cheetham, the senior partner in a large, diversified law firm. My firm, Bailey and
Associates, handles a wide variety of cases including traffic violations, domestic disputes, civil
suits, and homicide cases.
We assign cases to attorneys to handle the legal proceedings. The attorneys need to be able to
find their cases and the events associated with their cases on a regular basis and in a timely
Events have special codes like O for Open, T for Trial, and L for Lost, and there must always be
an event status for every case. It’s crucial to log the exact date and time when the actions on a
case occurred for both billing and activity tracking purposes. Cases can be closed and
The information we need to keep about a case includes its description, as well as a complete list
of related documents.
The case is created on behalf of a client the firm represents. Some clients are individuals, and
some are organizations.”

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10 Practices for Lesson 1: Introduction to Modeling

Solution for Practice 1-2

Function candidates
 Handle case
 Assign attorney
 Search and find case
 Create case
 Create event

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 Find event
 Bill client
 Record activity
 Close case

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 Reopen case

Entity/Attribute Candidates
 Partner, Associate, Attorney, Lawyer, Client, Person
 Name
 Organization, Firm
 Name
 Case
 Type, Description, Documents
 Action, Event
 Code, Date, Time

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Practices for Lesson 1: Introduction to Modeling 11

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12 Practices for Lesson 1: Introduction to Modeling

Create the Entity-
Relationship Model
Practices for Lesson 2:

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Practices for Lesson 2: Overview

In these practices, you will:
 Create the initial ER model
 Refine the model and resolve M:M relationships, identify and model subtypes and arcs,
and identify UIDs

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14 Practices for Lesson 2: Create the Entity-Relationship Model

Practice 2-1: Create the Initial ER Model

In this practice, you will create the initial ER model, discover and document entities, add
attributes, and add relationships.

1. Read the interview notes below.

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2. Identify and write down the:
a. Entities and their attributes
b. Relationships between the entities
In this practice, you are creating the initial ER model. Do not try to resolve M:M
relationships or add subtypes, UIDs, or any other design patterns. You will do this

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incrementally in the following practices.

Source: Interview with Alan Piper (AP), Legal Assistant

Analyst: Do you run into any challenges with international addresses, given the wide variation in
address formats?
AP: Actually, that is a constant source of confusion and pain. We have had several situations
where, due to an incorrect address format, the client did not receive correspondence.
Analyst: Can you give me some examples of this?
AP: Yes, one happened recently. Sometimes, addresses start with a house name or number,
but some overseas clients put the city or town first. Imagine the confusion of sending something
to Paris which we thought was the city but was in fact the house name!
The other issue is that overseas zip codes or postal codes, as they are sometimes called, are
always numeric—they can be a combination of numbers and letters.
Analyst: Tell me about the process when you take on a new client. What information do you
initially record about that person?
AP: Remember, it’s not always an individual; it could be an organization.
Analyst: When it’s an organization, do you always need to know the contact?
AP: Yes, and sometimes there are more than one. For each client or representative of an
organization, I need to write down their full name and how they prefer their honorific: Mr., Ms.,
Mrs., Dr., etc. And of course, their email address, phone number, and postal address, and
sometimes we have a primary mailing address that could be different from the billing address.
Analyst: Could you have a situation where multiple people have the same address?
AP: This does happen, for example, when we contact different employees in the same office.
Analyst: What are your other responsibilities, apart from creating cases?
AP: As a case progresses, I need to record all the individuals and organizations that take part in
the case activities and the specific role they play.

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Practices for Lesson 2: Create the Entity-Relationship Model 15

Analyst: Is it possible for an individual or organization to participate in multiple actions or events
in different cases?
AP: Yes. Not only that, but some may play different roles within the same case. For example,
the same party can be both the defendant and witness in the same case.
Analyst: So, what are these different types of roles a party can play?
AP: Plaintiff, witness, defendant, judge, an expert in some field, or an attorney.
Analyst: Can your firm’s attorneys or judges be considered as parties to the case?
AP: Absolutely. And I must record the information about their involvement as well.

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Analyst: Please tell me about events that occur. What information do you record?
AP: All attorneys and legal assistants record their own activities, which include the date and
time when an activity occurred, a short description, and a duration, and in the case of witnesses,
defendants, and judges, a list of who was involved. We also need to indicate if this event is
billable or not.
Analyst: Is there anything else you record for cases?

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AP: Yes, we need to know which documents were used in a case.

 Identify candidate entities and attributes.
 Identify candidate relationships.
 Draw a draft diagram.
 Validate your diagram by applying reading rules for entities, attributes, and
 Make corrections to your diagram as required.

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16 Practices for Lesson 2: Create the Entity-Relationship Model

Solution for Practice 2-1

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Practices for Lesson 2: Create the Entity-Relationship Model 17

Practice 2-2: Verify and Improve the ER Model

In this practice, you will discover and document unique identifiers, resolve many-to-many
relationships, and identify potential supertype-subtypes or arc cases.

1. Referring to the Practice 2-1 solution, write down what additional questions you would ask
the legal assistants’ team to deepen your understanding of their business and to resolve

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model issues.

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18 Practices for Lesson 2: Create the Entity-Relationship Model

Solution for Practice 2-2

Solution for Step 1

 This solution contains follow-up questions from the analyst, as well as answers
provided by a member of the legal assistants’ team.
 The text of this solution is the basis for the next practice step.

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Source: Follow-up interview with Alan Piper’s team of legal assistants
Analyst: Is there any difference in mailing and billing addresses?
AP’s team: No, apart from the fact that a certain address is preferred to be used as the billing
address by a person or organization.
Analyst: Is there any difference between recording an address for a person or organization?

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AP’s team: Yes, organizations frequently use PO boxes. People can use PO boxes, but rarely
do so.
Analyst: Can the same party in a case be both an organization and a person?
AP’s team: No.
Analyst: You have mentioned “party” numerous times. How is that different from a person or
organization being involved in a case?
AP’s team: A party to a case describes the involvement of a person or organization, and that
plays a specific role in the case.
Analyst: Is there any specific information about the party itself that you record?
AP’s team: Yes, the person or organization, the type of role they are playing, and the case they
are party to.
Analyst: Is it true that each event can only involve one case, and that the event is always
caused by a specific party?
AP’s team: Yes. For example, assigning a witness to a case or a judge presiding over a case is
always related to the specific case and the specific party.
Analyst: Can different events occur on the same case at the same time?
AP’s team: Yes, if they are created by different parties.
Analyst: What specific information do you record about documents?
AP’s team: For each document, we need to know its specific format (for example, PDF, Word,
Excel, etc.). But most importantly, it needs to be linked to the case.
Analyst: You mentioned you need to track documents used in cases. Can a document be used
in more than one case? Or used more than once in a given case?
AP’s team: Yes and yes.
Analyst: Is the document related to the event in any way?
AP’s team: It might be, but it is definitely related to the case.

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Practices for Lesson 2: Create the Entity-Relationship Model 19

Analyst: When a document is related to an event, what extra information do you record about
that compared to a document linked to a case?
AP’s team: No extra information, really, just the fact that the document may have been
produced or used (for example, a document from a witness deposition).

2) Given these additional questions and responses, update the model to reflect your new

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 Questions and answers in the interview should help establish unique identifiers,
resolve many-to-many relationships, and identify potential supertype-subtypes or arc
 The next several pages contain solutions for this practice. These solutions are
presented as a series of steps:
a) Write down key pieces of information from the interview.
b) Add newly discovered or modify existing attributes.
c) Resolve many-to-many relationships.
d) Add supertype-subtypes.
e) Add unique identifiers.
 Read and validate the newly refined model.

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20 Practices for Lesson 2: Create the Entity-Relationship Model

Solution for Step 2.a: Document Key Pieces of Information from the Interview

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Practices for Lesson 2: Create the Entity-Relationship Model 21

Solution for Step 2.b: Add Newly Discovered or Modify Existing Attributes

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Note: Attribute duration is considered to be a derivable from the difference between the start
and the end times.

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22 Practices for Lesson 2: Create the Entity-Relationship Model

Solution for Step 2.c: Resolve M:M Relationships and Identify Arcs

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Practices for Lesson 2: Create the Entity-Relationship Model 23

Solution for Step 2.d: Model Subtypes and Supertypes

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Note: Country information appears to be common for any type of contact, regardless of a
specific subtype. The reason country is not modeled as just an attribute within the supertype is
because country has its own attributes and thus should be modeled as a distinct entity.

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24 Practices for Lesson 2: Create the Entity-Relationship Model

Solution for Step 2.e: Add Unique Identifiers

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Note: The participation of parties in events is reflected via the Involvement intersection entity
that emerged as a result of a many-to-many relationship resolution between the Party and the
Event entities. However, as a result, a direct relationship between Party and Event is no longer
present. This wouldn’t have been a problem if not for the fact that the Event needs this
relationship link to the Party to act as part of its own Unique Identifier because each Event is
identified by a Party that has created this Event, the Case, and the Start Time.

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Practices for Lesson 2: Create the Entity-Relationship Model 25

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26 Practices for Lesson 2: Create the Entity-Relationship Model

Practices for Lesson 3:

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Practices for Lesson 3: Overview

In these practices, you will take a denormalized set of data and incrementally normalize the data
to Third Normal Form (3NF).

1. Put this data into 0 Normal Form (0 NF).

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PL17 Plaintiff [email protected] Joe Bloggs 101 Open case 2020-01-10 11:59:00

107 Provide information 2020-01-12 10:15:00

WT42 Witness [email protected] Joe Bloggs 105 Assign witness 2020-01-12 11:55:00

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DEF3 Defendant [email protected] John Dow 102 Open case 2020-01-10 12:03:00

AT7 Attorney [email protected] Jane Smith 103 Assign to the case 2020-01-11 09:23:00

104 Interview plaintiff 2020-01-12 10:15:00

110 Review documents 2020-01-15 17:38:00

LA7 Legal Assistant [email protected] Marry Ann 106 Take notes 2020-01-12 10:15:00

108 Prepare supporting documents 2020-01-12 14:30:00

LA5 Legal Assistant [email protected] Lucy Law 109 Prepare supporting documents 2020-01-14 09:00:00

Hint: This is the data in its raw or “natural” form. The key was pre-selected to get you started on
the normalization process. In order to reach 0 NF, all attributes should represent atomic values.
This means that a field containing a composite value, i.e., PARTY_CODE, needs to be
decomposed into separate components.

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28 Practices for Lesson 3: Normalization

Solution for Step 1: Put Data into 0 Normal Form (0 NF)

Note: The decomposed PARTY_CODE becomes two columns that together form a primary key
(PK) for this table.


PL 17 Plaintiff [email protected] Joe Bloggs 101 Open case 2020-01-10 11:59:00

107 Provide information 2020-01-12 10:15:00

WT 42 Witness [email protected] Joe Bloggs 105 Assign witness 2020-01-12 11:55:00

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DEF 3 Defendant [email protected] John Dow 102 Open case 2020-01-10 12:03:00

AT 7 Attorney [email protected] Jane Smith 103 Assign to the case 2020-01-11 09:23:00

104 Interview plaintiff 2020-01-12 10:15:00

110 Review documents 2020-01-15 17:38:00

LA 7 Legal Assistant [email protected] Marry Ann 106 Take notes 2020-01-12 10:15:00

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108 Prepare supporting documents 2020-01-12 14:30:00

LA 5 Legal Assistant [email protected] Lucy Law 109 Prepare supporting documents 2020-01-14 09:00:00

Note: Always check that the data satisfies the 0 NF rule before starting transition to 1 NF.

2. Normalize data to 1 Normal Form (1 NF).

Hint: Any columns that have more than one value per single value of the PK need to be moved
to a separate table. A new PK needs to be selected for that new table, and a foreign key (FK)
referencing the original table should be created in the new table.

3. Solution for Step 2: Normalize Data to 1 Normal Form (1 NF)

 Columns ID, DESCRIPTION, and DATE_TIME appear to have more than one value per
single value of the PK of a table, so they had to be moved into a new table.
 An ID column is the best candidate for the PK in this new table.
 An FK was added to this new table to reference an original table from which columns
were extracted.

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Practices for Lesson 3: Normalization 29



PL 17 Plaintiff [email protected] Joe Bloggs

WT 42 Witness [email protected] Joe Bloggs

DEF 3 Defendant [email protected] John Dow

AT 7 Attorney [email protected] Jane Smith

LA 7 Legal Assistant [email protected] Marry Ann

LA 5 Legal Assistant [email protected] Lucy Law

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101 PL 17 Open case 2020-01-10 11:59:00

107 PL 17 Provide information 2020-01-12 10:15:00

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105 WT 42 Assign witness 2020-01-12 11:55:00

102 DEF 3 Open case 2020-01-10 12:03:00

103 AT 7 Assign to the case 2020-01-11 09:23:00

104 AT 7 Interview plaintiff 2020-01-12 10:15:00

110 AT 7 Review documents 2020-01-15 17:38:00

106 LA 7 Take notes 2020-01-12 10:15:00

108 LA 7 Prepare supporting documents 2020-01-12 14:30:00

109 LA 5 Prepare supporting documents 2020-01-14 09:00:00

Note: Always check that the data satisfies the 0 and 1 NF rules before starting the transition to
2 NF.

4. Normalize the data to 2 NF.

Hint: Any non-key columns that are dependent on part of the key rather than the whole key
should be moved to a new table together with the column that is the part of the key on which
they depend, which would become a PK in the new table. The original table should retain this
key column as part of its PK, but also make it an FK referencing the new table.

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30 Practices for Lesson 3: Normalization

Solution for Step 3: Normalize the Data to 2 NF

 A non-key column, ROLE, appears to have a dependency on column ROLE_CODE, so
it should be moved to a new table.
 ROLE_CODE would become a PK in this new table.
 ROLE_CODE also becomes an FK in the original table, referencing the new table.
 No changes need to be applied to the third table as it only has one column in its PK and,
therefore, is not contradicting the 2 NF rule.

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PL Plaintiff
DEF Defendant
PL 17 [email protected] Joe Bloggs
AT Attorney

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WT 42 [email protected] Joe Bloggs
LA Legal Assistant
DEF 3 [email protected] John Dow
WT Witness
AT 7 [email protected] Jane Smith

LA 7 [email protected] Marry Ann

LA 5 [email protected] Lucy Law




101 PL 17 Open case 2020-01-10 11:59:00

107 PL 17 Provide information 2020-01-12 10:15:00

105 WT 42 Assign witness 2020-01-12 11:55:00

102 DEF 3 Open case 2020-01-10 12:03:00

103 AT 7 Assign to the case 2020-01-11 09:23:00

104 AT 7 Interview plaintiff 2020-01-12 10:15:00

110 AT 7 Review documents 2020-01-15 17:38:00

106 LA 7 Take notes 2020-01-12 10:15:00

108 LA 7 Prepare supporting documents 2020-01-12 14:30:00

109 LA 5 Prepare supporting documents 2020-01-14 09:00:00

Note: Always check that the data satisfies the 0, 1, and 2 NF rules before starting the transition
to 3 NF.

5. Normalize the data to 3 NF.

Hint: Any non-key columns that are dependent on another non-key column should be moved to
a new table. A column on which other columns depend would become a PK in the new table.
The original table should retain this column as the FK referencing the new table.

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Practices for Lesson 3: Normalization 31

Solution for Step 5: Normalize the Data to 3 NF

 A non-key column, NAME, appears to have a dependency on column EMAIL, so they
should be moved to a new table.
 EMAIL would become a PK in this new table.
 EMAIL also becomes an FK in the original table, referencing the new table.
 No changes need to be applied to other tables as they do not appear to have any non-
key column dependencies.

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ROLE_CODE PARTY_ID EMAIL [email protected] Joe Bloggs

PL 17 [email protected] [email protected] John Dow

DEF 3 [email protected] [email protected] Jane Smith

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AT 7 [email protected] [email protected] Marry Ann

LA 7 [email protected] [email protected] Lucy Law

LA 5 [email protected]



PL Plaintiff

DEF Defendant

WT Witness

LA Legal Assistant

AT Attorney




101 PL 17 Open case 2020-01-10 11:59:00

107 PL 17 Provide information 2020-01-12 10:15:00

105 WT 42 Assign witness 2020-01-12 11:55:00

102 DEF 3 Open case 2020-01-10 12:03:00

103 AT 7 Assign to the case 2020-01-11 09:23:00

104 AT 7 Interview plaintiff 2020-01-12 10:15:00

110 AT 7 Review documents 2020-01-15 17:38:00

106 LA 7 Take notes 2020-01-12 10:15:00

108 LA 7 Prepare supporting documents 2020-01-12 14:30:00

109 LA 5 Prepare supporting documents 2020-01-14 09:00:00

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32 Practices for Lesson 3: Normalization

Note: Always check that the data satisfies 0, 1, 2, and 3 NF at the end of the normalization
The final solution for this practice can be represented as the following table model:

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Practices for Lesson 3: Normalization 33

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34 Practices for Lesson 3: Normalization

Practices for Lesson 4:
Design and Implement Data

For Instructor Use Only.

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Practices for Lesson 4: Overview

In these practices, you will:
 Analyze nonfunctional requirements (NFRs) that affect database model implementation
 Produce a table model from the Entity-Relationship model


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1. Analyze nonfunctional requirements (NFRs) for the database model.
Source: System design specification document
Information about cases and events must be stored in Oracle Relational Database.
Implementation considerations include the following:

For Instructor Use Only.

 An artificial (surrogate) integer ID column must be added to tables to act as a primary
key for each table.
 Natural unique identifiers should be implemented as unique keys.
 Check constraint should be used to enforce that the “Is Billable” column only contains
“Y” or “N” character values.
 CASE is a SQL keyword; thus, it should be avoided as a table name.
 An integer version column must be added to each table to support the optimistic
locking mechanism.
 Date and time values must be stored as timestamps.
 Long text descriptions must use Varchar type and allow up to 2000 characters in
 Short titles text should also be of the Varchar type and allow up to 200 characters in
2. Produce a table model for the EVENT and CASE entities from the following Entity-
Relationship model (assume that PARTY has already been transformed into a table):

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36 Practices for Lesson 4: Design and Implement Data Models


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Copyright © 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Practices for Lesson 4: Design and Implement Data Models 37

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Copyright © 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

38 Practices for Lesson 4: Design and Implement Data Models

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