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Department: Foreign Language Subject: English


Grade/ Course: 8TH Education Level: A1.1 EGB JORNADA


Weekly hours Number of working hours Learning Assessment Weeks an unexpected issue Total class weeks Total periods

3 Hours 40 weeks 4 weeks 36 weeks 108 Hours


The Department of English Objectives: Objectives of the Grade/Course: By the end of Sublevel Superior of EGB, and as a result of the
learning outcomes in the EFL area, learners will be able to

OG.EFL 1 Identify the main ideas, some details and inferences of written texts, in order O.EFL 4.1 Identify the main ideas, some details and inferences of written texts, in order to produce
to produce level-appropriate critical analysis of familiar subjects and contexts. level-appropriate critical analysis of familiar subjects and contexts.

OG.EFL 2 Appreciate and value English as an international language and a medium to O.EFL 4.2 Appreciate and value English as an international language and a medium to interact
interact globally. globally.

O.EFL 3 Independently read A2.1 level text in English as a source of entertainment and O.EFL 4.3 Independently read A2.1 level text in English as a source of entertainment and
interpersonal and intrapersonal interaction. interpersonal and intrapersonal interaction.

OG.EFL 4 Develop creative and critical thinking skills when encountering challenges in O.EFL 4.4 Develop creative and critical thinking skills when encountering challenges in order to
order to promote autonomous learning and decision making. promote autonomous learning and decision making.

OG.EFL 5 Introduce the need for independent research as a daily activity by using O.EFL 4.5 Introduce the need for independent research as a daily activity by using electronic
electronic resources (ICT) in class while practicing appropriate competences in the four resources (ICT) in class while practicing appropriate competences in the four skills.
O.EFL 4.6 Write short descriptive and informative texts related to personal information or familiar
OG.EFL 6 Write short descriptive and informative texts related to personal information or
familiar topics and use them as a means of communication and written expression of topics and use them as a means of communication and written expression of thought.
O.EFL 4.7 Use spoken and written literary text in English such as poems, short stories, comic strips,
OG.EFL 7 Use spoken and written literary text in English such as poems, short stories, short magazine articles and oral interviews on familiar subjects in order to inspire oral and written
comic strips, short magazine articles and oral interviews on familiar subjects in order to production at an A2.1 level.
inspire oral and written production at an A2.1 level.
O.EFL 4.8 Integrate written and spoken text in order to identify cultural differences and similarities
OG.EFL 8 Integrate written and spoken text in order to identify cultural differences and within a range of local, national and global contexts familiar to the learner.
similarities within a range of local, national and global contexts familiar to the learner.
O.EFL 4.9 Create a sense of awareness in terms of accuracy when learners interact in English using
OG.EFL 9 Create a sense of awareness in terms of accuracy when learners interact in high-frequency and level-appropriate expressions in order to reach an effective command of spoken
English using high-frequency and level-appropriate expressions in order to reach an language.
effective command of spoken language.

4. TRANSVERSAL AXES: Responsibility, Honesty, Respect, Love, Peace, Justice, Innovation, solidarity etc.


Nº Title of the unit Contents/ Generic Competencies Methodological Orientations Evaluation indicators Weeks
(Specific Competencies) It is suggested to
use The ERCA Methodology in the the unit

Communication and Cultural Communication and Cultural Awareness Communication and Cultural
Awareness Awareness
*Helping learners in the class who have a
EFL 4.1.1 Compare and contrast oral different skill set. CE.EFL.4.1. Compare and contrast oral
traditions, myths, folktales and literature * Sharing ideas freely and without jealousy. traditions and literature from Ecuador 6
from Ecuador and international regions * Making positive remarks to other learners in and beyond in order to manifest an
and cultures and identify similarities and class. understanding of the relationship
THE WORD * Hearing a story from another country and
differences and universal cultural between cultural perspectives and
finding similarities with a story from Ecuador.
themes. practices and by sharing cross cultural
* Reflecting on differences between people
EFL 4.1.2 Recognize and demonstrate from other countries and regions.
an appreciation of some commonalities I.EFL.4.1.1. Learners can compare and
* Reading a story about another culture and
and distinctions across cultures and contrast oral traditions, myths, folktales
responding to the main ideas with a short
groups (differentiated by gender, ability, opinion. and literature from Ecuador and other
generations, etc.) including the students’ * Use suitable vocabulary, expressions, cultures in order to demonstrate an
own language and interaction styles for formal and understanding of the relationship
informal social or academic between cultural practices and
EFL 4.1.5 Apply self-correcting and self- * situations in order to communicate specific perspectives. Learners can share
monitoring strategies in social and intentions in online and face -to face crosscultural experiences while naming
classroom interactions. (Example: interactions. universal cultural themes. (I.2, S.1, S.2,
asking questions, starting over,
rephrasing, exploring alternative Oral Communication J.1)
pronunciations or wording, etc.)
*Listening to a set of instructions and matching CE.EFL.4.2. Recognize and
EFL 4.1.6 Seek and provide information them to the corresponding picture. demonstrate an appreciation of
and assistance, orally or in writing and *Listening to a short conversation about people commonalities between cultures as well
in online or face-to-face interactions, for description (Example: two friends, nationalities, as the consequences of one’s actions
personal, social and academic talking about different countries etc.) while exhibiting socially responsible
purposes. * Ask and answer straightforward follow-up behaviors.
questions within countries, nationalities and
EFL 4.1.8 Use suitable vocabulary, friends I.EFL.4.2.1. Learners can name
expressions, language and interaction similarities and differences between
styles for formal and informal social or different aspects of cultural groups.
academic situations in order to Learners can demonstrate socially
communicate specific intentions in responsible behaviors at school, online,
online and face-toface interactions. at home and in the community, and
(Example: thanking, making promises, * Highlighting relevant key information in a text evaluate their actions by ethical, safety
apologizing, asking permission, chatting and crossing out irrelevant information. and social standards. (J.3, S.1, I.1)
with friends, answering in class, * Keeping a vocabulary notebook of synonyms
greeting an authority figure, etc.) and antonyms of words from a text. CE.EFL.4.3. Interact with others using
* Brainstorming everything known about a topic self-monitoring and self-correcting
Oral Communication and then reading a text to check true and false strategies as well as appropriate
information. nonverbal and oral communication
EFL 4.2.1 Understand phrases and *Reading a text and answering information features.
expressions related to areas of most questions.
immediate priority within the personal *Choosing from a list of words to complete I.EFL.4.3.1. Learners can employ a
and educational domains, provided gaps from a reading. range of self-monitoring and self-
speech is clearly and slowly Writing correcting strategies and interpret and
articulated. (Example: daily life, free use appropriate verbal and nonverbal
time, school activities, etc.) communication features to
*Making flashcards for new words and using communicate in familiar contexts. (I.3,
EFL 4.2.2 Use a series of phrases and
them to quiz a partner. S.4, J.4)
sentences to describe aspects of
personal background, immediate *Writing new words and phrases in a Oral Communication
environment and matters of immediate vocabulary notebook.
need in simple terms using CE.EFL.4.6. Listening for Meaning:
grammatical structures learnt in class For example: ordinal and cardinal numbers. Understand and follow the main idea in
(although there may be frequent errors spoken texts set in familiar everyday
with tenses, personal pronouns, *Researching and writing a short paragraph contexts, provided speech is clear and
prepositions, etc.) about a new topic and using appropriate articulate, and deduce the meanings of
references to support your ideas. unfamiliar words and phrases using
EFL 4.2.3 Follow and understand context clues and/or prior knowledge.
short, straightforward audio messages * Writing about a topic and choosing words
and/or the main idea/dialogue of a for a glossary and writing the definitions. I.EFL.4.6.1. Learners can grasp the
movie or cartoon (or other age- general meaning of spoken texts set in
appropriate audio-visual familiar everyday contexts and infer
presentations) if delivered slowly and Language through the arts changes in the topic of discussion, as
visuals provide contextual support. well as deduce the meanings of
(Example: an announcement of a bus * Listening to or reading stories and drawing unfamiliar words and exchanges
delay, an intercom announcement at an important scene. through the use of context clues,
school, a dialogue supported by facial provided speech is given slowly and
* Underlining main ideas in a text.
expressions/gestures and appropriate clearly and there is sufficient visual
intonation, etc.) * Explaining through pictures, physical support. (I.3, S.1, J.4)
expression or charts (ICT) how a text makes
EFL 4.2.11 Give short, basic CE.EFL.4.8. Production – Accuracy and
the learner feel
descriptions of everyday activities and Intelligibility: Communicate needs and
events within familiar contexts and use information clearly and in simple terms,
simple descriptive language to using grammatical structures learned in
compare and make brief statements class (although there may be frequent
about objects and possessions. errors), effectively and without undue
(Example: family, school, living effort. Demonstrate an ability to make
conditions, personal belongings, etc.) appropriate use of new words and
EFL 4.2.12 Describe habits, routines, expressions in social interactions.
past activities and experiences within
the personal and educational domains. I.EFL.4.8.1. Learners can communicate
personal information and basic
EFL 4.2.13 Interact with reasonable immediate needs and deal with other
ease in structured situations and short practical everyday demands in familiar
conversations within familiar contexts, contexts, effectively and without undue
provided that speech is given clearly, effort and using grammatical structures
slowly and directly. (Example: an and vocabulary seen in class (although
interview, an information gap activity,
there may be frequent, basic errors).
(I.1, I.2, I.3, S.1)
EFL 4.3.1 Understand main points in short CE.EFL.4.11. Demonstrate
simple texts on familiar subjects. comprehension of main ideas and
(Example: news about sports or famous some details in short simple texts on
people, descriptions, etc.) familiar subjects, making use of
contextual clues to identify relevant
EFL 4.3.2 Make use of clues such as titles, information in a text.
illustrations, organization, text outline and
layout, etc. to identify and understand I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can understand
relevant information in written level- main ideas and some details in short
appropriate text types. simple online or print texts on familiar
subjects, using contextual clues to help
EFL 4.3.5 Use everyday reference identify the most relevant information.
material in order to select information (Example: title, illustrations,
appropriate to the purpose of an inquiry organization, etc.) (I.2, I.4)
and relate ideas from one written source to
another. Writing
CE.EFL.4.15. Express information and
EFL 4.3.6 Apply learning strategies to ideas and describe feelings and
examine and interpret a variety of written opinions in simple transactional or
materials using prior knowledge, graphic expository texts on familiar subjects in
organizers, context clues, note taking and order to influence an audience, while
finding words in a dictionary. recognizing that different texts have
different features and showing the
EFL 4.3.7 Read, gather, view and listen to
ability to use these features
information from various sources in order
appropriately in one’s own writing.
to organize and discuss relationships
between academic content areas. I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners can convey
(Example: nonfiction books for young information and ideas and describe
adults, the Internet, audio and media feelings and opinions in simple
presentations, oral interviews, maps, transactional or expository texts on
diagrams, reference books, magazines, familiar subjects in order to influence
etc.) an audience, while recognizing that
different texts have different features
and showing the ability to use these
EFL 4.4.1 Convey information and ideas features appropriately in one’s own
through simple transactional or expository writing. (I.3, I.4, S.3, J.2)
texts on familiar subjects using ICT tools
CE.EFL.4.17. Show an ability to
and conventions and features of English
convey and organize information
appropriate to audience and purpose.
through the use of facts and details and
EFL 4.4.2 Make and use a simple print or
by employing various stages of the
digital learning resource to compare and
writing process, while using a range of
contrast information in order to
digital tools to promote and support
demonstrate understanding and
collaboration, learning and productivity.
command of a topic.
I.EFL.4.17.1. Learners can convey and
EFL 4.4.4 Write to describe
organize information through the use of
feelings/opinions in order to effectively
facts and details and by employing
influence an audience. (Example:
various stages of the writing process,
persuade, negotiate, argue, etc.)
while using a range of digital tools to
EFL 4.4.5 Recognize that various types promote and support collaboration,
of writing require different language, learning and productivity. (I.1, I.3, S.4,
formatting and special vocabulary. J.2, J.4)
(Example: a recipe, a letter, etc.)

Language through the arts

Language through the arts
EFL 4.5.1 Make use of main points in
CE.EFL.4.18. Use main ideas in order
literary texts (authentic and semi-authentic,
oral and written) to understand short to understand, predict, infer and
simple everyday stories, especially if there deduce literal and implied meanings in
is visual support. short, simple, everyday literary texts
(online, oral or in print).
EFL 4.5.4 Create personal stories by
adding imaginative details to real-life I.EFL.4.18.1. Learners can understand,
stories and situations, using appropriate predict, infer and deduce literal and
vocabulary and elements of the literature implied meanings in short, simple,
learners have read or heard. everyday literary texts (online, oral or in
print), especially when visual support is
EFL 4.5.5 Gain an understanding of provided. (I.2, I.3, I.4)
literary concepts such as genre, plot,
setting, character, point of view, theme and CE.EFL.4.19. Find and identify literary
other literary elements in order to apply elements and techniques and relate
them to one’s own creative texts. those elements to the learner’s own
experiences and to other works,
EFL 4.5.7 Locate and identify selected including one’s peers, in order to
literary elements and techniques in texts present personal responses and
and relate those elements to those in other interpretations.
works and to learners’ own experiences.
(Example: setting, character, plot, theme, I.EFL.4.19.1. Learners can locate and
point of view, imagery, foreshadowing, identify literary elements and
climax, etc.) techniques in other works, including
one’s own. Learners can give personal
EFL 4.5.9 Engage in collaborative responses to and interpret a variety of
activities through a variety of student literary texts, including those of a peer,
groupings to create and respond to referring to details and features of the
literature and other literary texts. text. (Example: text structure, plot,
(Example: small groups, cooperative ideas, events, vocabulary, etc.) (I.3,
learning groups, literature circles, process S.3, J.4)
writing groups, etc.) EFL 4.5.10
Collaboratively produce criteria for
evaluating literary texts and the
effectiveness of group work.

EFL 4.5.11 Participate in creative thinking

through brainstorming, working in groups,
games and problem-solving tasks by
showing the ability to accept a variety of
ideas and capitalize on other people’s

Communication and Cultural Communication and Cultural

Awareness Awareness
EFL 4.1.1 Compare and contrast oral CE.EFL.4.1. Compare and contrast oral
traditions, myths, folktales and literature traditions and literature from Ecuador
from Ecuador and international regions Communication and Cultural Awareness and beyond in order to manifest an
and cultures and identify similarities and understanding of the relationship
Oral Communication
differences and universal cultural between cultural perspectives and
themes. *Helping learners in the class who have a practices and by sharing cross cultural
different skill set. experiences.
EFL 4.1.2 Recognize and demonstrate * Sharing ideas freely and without jealousy.
an appreciation of some commonalities * Making positive remarks to other learners in I.EFL.4.1.1. Learners can compare and
and distinctions across cultures and class. contrast oral traditions, myths, folktales
EVENTS AROUND groups (differentiated by gender, ability, *Hearing a story from another country and and literature from Ecuador and other
2 6
THE WORLD generations, etc.) including the students’ finding similarities with a story from Ecuador. cultures in order to demonstrate an
own *Reflecting on differences between people from understanding of the relationship
other countries and regions. between cultural practices and
EFL 4.1.5 Apply self-correcting and self- perspectives. Learners can share
monitoring strategies in social and *Reading a story about another culture and crosscultural experiences while naming
classroom interactions. (Example: responding to the main ideas with a short universal cultural themes. (I.2, S.1, S.2,
asking questions, starting over, opinion. J.1)
rephrasing, exploring alternative
pronunciations or wording, etc.) Oral Communication:(Listening and CE.EFL.4.2. Recognize and
Speaking demonstrate an appreciation of
EFL 4.1.6 Seek and provide information commonalities between cultures as well
and assistance, orally or in writing and *Listening to a set of instructions and matching
them to the corresponding picture. as the consequences of one’s actions
in online or face-to-face interactions, for while exhibiting socially responsible
*Listening to a short conversation between two
personal, social and academic behaviors.
speakers and deciding who is speaking, where
purposes. they are and how they feel. (Example: two
friends, on the phone, talking about a sick friend, I.EFL.4.2.1. Learners can name
EFL 4.1.8 Use suitable vocabulary, similarities and differences between
expressions, language and interaction different aspects of cultural groups.
*Giving assistance to those who are struggling,
styles for formal and informal social or even when not directly asked to. Learners can demonstrate socially
academic situations in order to *Displaying patience when a learner needs the responsible behaviors at school, online,
communicate specific intentions in teacher to repeat instructions. at home and in the community, and
online and face-toface interactions. Reading evaluate their actions by ethical, safety
(Example: thanking, making promises, *Highlighting relevant key information in a text and social standards. (J.3, S.1, I.1)
apologizing, asking permission, chatting and crossing out irrelevant information.
with friends, answering in class, *Keeping a vocabulary notebook of synonyms CE.EFL.4.3. Interact with others using
greeting an authority figure, etc.) and antonyms of words from a text. self-monitoring and self-correcting
*Brainstorming everything known about a topic strategies as well as appropriate
Oral Communication and then reading a text to check true and false nonverbal and oral communication
information. features.
EFL 4.2.1 Understand phrases and *Reading a text and answering information
expressions related to areas of most questions. I.EFL.4.3.1. Learners can employ a
immediate priority within the personal *Choosing from a list of words to complete gaps range of self-monitoring and self-
and educational domains, provided from a reading. correcting strategies and interpret and
* Predicting main ideas by reading the title and
speech is clearly and slowly using other contextual clues (e.g., illustrations, use appropriate verbal and nonverbal
articulated. (Example: daily life, free subheadings, etc.) communication features to
time, school activities, etc.) Writing communicate in familiar contexts. (I.3,
S.4, J.4)
EFL 4.2.2 Use a series of phrases and *Making flashcards for new words and using
sentences to describe aspects of them to quiz a partner. Oral Communication
personal background, immediate *Writing new words and phrases in a vocabulary
environment and matters of immediate notebook. CE.EFL.4.6. Listening for Meaning:
need in simple terms using *Researching and writing a short paragraph Understand and follow the main idea in
grammatical structures learnt in class about a new topic and using appropriate spoken texts set in familiar everyday
references to support your ideas. contexts, provided speech is clear and
(although there may be frequent errors
* Writing about a topic and choosing words articulate, and deduce the meanings of
with tenses, personal pronouns,
for a glossary and writing the definitions. unfamiliar words and phrases using
prepositions, etc.)
Language through the arts context clues and/or prior knowledge.
EFL 4.2.3 Follow and understand
short, straightforward audio messages *Listening to or reading stories and drawing I.EFL.4.6.1. Learners can grasp the
and/or the main idea/dialogue of a an important scene. general meaning of spoken texts set in
movie or cartoon (or other age- familiar everyday contexts and infer
appropriate audio-visual *Underlining main ideas in a text. changes in the topic of discussion, as
presentations) if delivered slowly and well as deduce the meanings of
visuals provide contextual support. *Explaining through pictures, physical unfamiliar words and exchanges
(Example: an announcement of a bus expression or charts (ICT) how a text makes through the use of context clues,
delay, an intercom announcement at the learner feel. provided speech is given slowly and
school, a dialogue supported by facial clearly and there is sufficient visual
expressions/gestures and appropriate support. (I.3, S.1, J.4)
intonation, etc.)
CE.EFL.4.8. Production – Accuracy and
EFL 4.2.11 Give short, basic Intelligibility: Communicate needs and
descriptions of everyday activities and information clearly and in simple terms,
events within familiar contexts and use using grammatical structures learned in
simple descriptive language to class (although there may be frequent
compare and make brief statements errors), effectively and without undue
about objects and possessions. effort. Demonstrate an ability to make
(Example: family, school, living appropriate use of new words and
conditions, personal belongings, etc.) expressions in social interactions.
EFL 4.2.12 Describe habits, routines,
past activities and experiences within I.EFL.4.8.1. Learners can communicate
the personal and educational domains. personal information and basic
immediate needs and deal with other
EFL 4.2.13 Interact with reasonable practical everyday demands in familiar
ease in structured situations and short contexts, effectively and without undue
conversations within familiar contexts, effort and using grammatical structures
provided that speech is given clearly, and vocabulary seen in class (although
slowly and directly. (Example: an
there may be frequent, basic errors).
interview, an information gap activity,
etc.) (I.1, I.2, I.3, S.1)

Reading Reading
CE.EFL.4.11. Demonstrate
EFL 4.3.1 Understand main points in short comprehension of main ideas and
simple texts on familiar subjects. some details in short simple texts on
(Example: news about sports or famous familiar subjects, making use of
people, descriptions, etc.) contextual clues to identify relevant
EFL 4.3.2 Make use of clues such as titles, information in a text.
illustrations, organization, text outline and I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can understand
layout, etc. to identify and understand main ideas and some details in short
relevant information in written level- simple online or print texts on familiar
appropriate text types. subjects, using contextual clues to help
EFL 4.3.5 Use everyday reference identify the most relevant information.
material in order to select information (Example: title, illustrations,
appropriate to the purpose of an inquiry organization, etc.) (I.2, I.4)
and relate ideas from one written source to Writing
another. CE.EFL.4.15. Express information and
EFL 4.3.6 Apply learning strategies to ideas and describe feelings and
examine and interpret a variety of written opinions in simple transactional or
materials using prior knowledge, graphic expository texts on familiar subjects in
organizers, context clues, note taking and order to influence an audience, while
finding words in a dictionary. recognizing that different texts have
different features and showing the
EFL 4.3.7 Read, gather, view and listen to ability to use these features
information from various sources in order appropriately in one’s own writing.
to organize and discuss relationships
between academic content areas. I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners can convey
(Example: nonfiction books for young information and ideas and describe
adults, the Internet, audio and media feelings and opinions in simple
presentations, oral interviews, maps, transactional or expository texts on
diagrams, reference books, magazines, familiar subjects in order to influence
etc.) an audience, while recognizing that
different texts have different features
Writing and showing the ability to use these
features appropriately in one’s own
EFL 4.4.1 Convey information and ideas writing. (I.3, I.4, S.3, J.2)
through simple transactional or expository
texts on familiar subjects using ICT tools CE.EFL.4.17. Show an ability to
and conventions and features of English convey and organize information
appropriate to audience and purpose. through the use of facts and details and
EFL 4.4.2 Make and use a simple print or by employing various stages of the
digital learning resource to compare and writing process, while using a range of
contrast information in order to digital tools to promote and support
demonstrate understanding and collaboration, learning and productivity.
command of a topic.
I.EFL.4.17.1. Learners can convey and
EFL 4.4.4 Write to describe organize information through the use of
feelings/opinions in order to effectively facts and details and by employing
influence an audience. (Example: various stages of the writing process,
persuade, negotiate, argue, etc.) while using a range of digital tools to
promote and support collaboration,
EFL 4.4.5 Recognize that various types learning and productivity. (I.1, I.3, S.4,
of writing require different language, J.2, J.4)
formatting and special vocabulary.
(Example: a recipe, a letter, etc.)

Language through the arts Language through the arts

EFL 4.5.1 Make use of main points in CE.EFL.4.18. Use main ideas in order
literary texts (authentic and semi-authentic, to understand, predict, infer and
oral and written) to understand short deduce literal and implied meanings in
simple everyday stories, especially if there short, simple, everyday literary texts
is visual support. (online, oral or in print).

EFL 4.5.4 Create personal stories by I.EFL.4.18.1. Learners can understand,

adding imaginative details to real-life predict, infer and deduce literal and
stories and situations, using appropriate implied meanings in short, simple,
vocabulary and elements of the literature everyday literary texts (online, oral or in
learners have read or heard. print), especially when visual support is
provided. (I.2, I.3, I.4)
EFL 4.5.5 Gain an understanding of
literary concepts such as genre, plot, CE.EFL.4.19. Find and identify literary
setting, character, point of view, theme and elements and techniques and relate
other literary elements in order to apply those elements to the learner’s own
them to one’s own creative texts. experiences and to other works,
including one’s peers, in order to
EFL 4.5.7 Locate and identify selected present personal responses and
literary elements and techniques in texts interpretations.
and relate those elements to those in other
works and to learners’ own experiences. I.EFL.4.19.1. Learners can locate and
(Example: setting, character, plot, theme, identify literary elements and techniques
point of view, imagery, foreshadowing, in other works, including one’s own.
climax, etc.) Learners can give personal responses to
and interpret a variety of literary texts,
EFL 4.5.9 Engage in collaborative including those of a peer, referring to
activities through a variety of student details and features of the text.
groupings to create and respond to (Example: text structure, plot, ideas,
literature and other literary texts. events, vocabulary, etc.) (I.3, S.3, J.4)
(Example: small groups, cooperative
learning groups, literature circles, process
writing groups, etc.) EFL 4.5.10
Collaboratively produce criteria for
evaluating literary texts and the
effectiveness of group work. EFL 4.5.11
Participate in creative thinking through
brainstorming, working in groups, games
and problem-solving tasks by showing the
ability to accept a variety of ideas and
capitalize on other people’s strengths.

Communication and Cultural Communication and Cultural Awareness Communication and Cultural
Awareness Awareness

EFL 4.1.1 Compare and contrast oral CE.EFL.4.1. Compare and contrast oral
traditions, myths, folktales and literature * Conducting a role play between two traditions and literature from Ecuador
from Ecuador and international regions students on a given topic. Using present and beyond in order to manifest an
and cultures and identify similarities and simple (Example: talking about routines, understanding of the relationship
differences and universal cultural finding common free time activities, playing a between cultural perspectives and
themes. guessing game, etc.) practices and by sharing cross cultural
3 experiences. 7
EFL 4.1.2 Recognize and demonstrate * Working in pairs to complete an information
an appreciation of some commonalities gap activity. I.EFL.4.1.1. Learners can compare and
and distinctions across cultures and * Asking classmates to repeat an answer or contrast oral traditions, myths, folktales
groups (differentiated by gender, ability, statement if needed to clarify something. and literature from Ecuador and other
generations, etc.) including the students’ (Example: Can you say that again? Do you cultures in order to demonstrate an
own mean _____? etc.) understanding of the relationship
between cultural practices and
EFL 4.1.5 Apply self-correcting and self- * Asking for help in class when necessary. perspectives. Learners can share
monitoring strategies in social and (Example: What’s the answer? How do you crosscultural experiences while naming
classroom interactions. (Example: say ___? Do you have an eraser? Can you universal cultural themes. (I.2, S.1, S.2,
asking questions, starting over, help me with ____? etc.) J.1)
rephrasing, exploring alternative
pronunciations or wording, etc.) Reading CE.EFL.4.2. Recognize and
demonstrate an appreciation of
EFL 4.1.6 Seek and provide information * Reading a text and answering information commonalities between cultures as well
and assistance, orally or in writing and questions. as the consequences of one’s actions
in online or face-to-face interactions, for * Choosing from a list of words to complete gaps
while exhibiting socially responsible
personal, social and academic from a reading.
purposes. * Complete to a dialogue and identifying
errors in speech or problems for I.EFL.4.2.1. Learners can name
EFL 4.1.8 Use suitable vocabulary, communication similarities and differences between
expressions, language and interaction Writing different aspects of cultural groups.
styles for formal and informal social or Learners can demonstrate socially
academic situations in order to * Writing your own answers to interview responsible behaviors at school, online,
communicate specific intentions in questions. at home and in the community, and
* Looking at a picture and writing a description of
online and face-toface interactions. evaluate their actions by ethical, safety
what you see or how it makes you feel, then
(Example: thanking, making promises, and social standards. (J.3, S.1, I.1)
comparing descriptions in pairs.
apologizing, asking permission, chatting * Making a text using sequence words to
with friends, answering in class, Oral Communication
description events.
greeting an authority figure, etc.) * Completing the gaps in a sentence using CE.EFL.4.6. Listening for Meaning:
verbs. (Example: you ____English. / she _____a Understand and follow the main idea in
Oral Communication car / I____ in Ecuador. spoken texts set in familiar everyday
* Sequencing sentences by adding words.
EFL 4.2.1 Understand phrases and contexts, provided speech is clear and
(Example: I wake up. I eat breakfast. → First, I
expressions related to areas of most articulate, and deduce the meanings of
wake up. Then I eat breakfast, etc.)
immediate priority within the personal Language through the arts unfamiliar words and phrases using
and educational domains, provided context clues and/or prior knowledge.
speech is clearly and slowly * Listening to a song and inferring if it is happy,
articulated. (Example: daily life, free sad, etc. I.EFL.4.6.1. Learners can grasp the
time, school activities, etc.) * Listening the conversation and fill the space in general meaning of spoken texts set in
blanks. familiar everyday contexts and infer
EFL 4.2.2 Use a series of phrases and *Creating literature circles where learners have changes in the topic of discussion, as
sentences to describe aspects of the freedom to say anything they want about a well as deduce the meanings of
personal background, immediate text from class or outside of class. unfamiliar words and exchanges
environment and matters of immediate * Participating in classroom games in which through the use of context clues,
need in simple terms using problem-solving as a team is important. provided speech is given slowly and
grammatical structures learnt in class clearly and there is sufficient visual
(although there may be frequent errors * Creating a crossword puzzle in groups about a
support. (I.3, S.1, J.4)
with tenses, personal pronouns, fashion week, daily routines, celebrity, etc.
prepositions, etc.) CE.EFL.4.8. Production – Accuracy and
Intelligibility: Communicate needs and
EFL 4.2.3 Follow and understand information clearly and in simple terms,
short, straightforward audio messages using grammatical structures learned in
and/or the main idea/dialogue of a class (although there may be frequent
movie or cartoon (or other age- errors), effectively and without undue
appropriate audio-visual effort. Demonstrate an ability to make
presentations) if delivered slowly and appropriate use of new words and
visuals provide contextual support. expressions in social interactions.
(Example: an announcement of a bus
delay, an intercom announcement at I.EFL.4.8.1. Learners can communicate
school, a dialogue supported by facial personal information and basic
expressions/gestures and appropriate immediate needs and deal with other
intonation, etc.) practical everyday demands in familiar
contexts, effectively and without undue
EFL 4.2.11 Give short, basic
effort and using grammatical structures
descriptions of everyday activities and
events within familiar contexts and use and vocabulary seen in class (although
simple descriptive language to there may be frequent, basic errors).
compare and make brief statements (I.1, I.2, I.3, S.1)
about objects and possessions.
(Example: family, school, living Reading
conditions, personal belongings, etc.) CE.EFL.4.11. Demonstrate
EFL 4.2.12 Describe habits, routines, comprehension of main ideas and
past activities and experiences within some details in short simple texts on
the personal and educational domains. familiar subjects, making use of
contextual clues to identify relevant
EFL 4.2.13 Interact with reasonable information in a text.
ease in structured situations and short
conversations within familiar contexts, I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can understand
provided that speech is given clearly, main ideas and some details in short
slowly and directly. (Example: an simple online or print texts on familiar
interview, an information gap activity, subjects, using contextual clues to help
etc.) identify the most relevant information.
(Example: title, illustrations,
Reading organization, etc.) (I.2, I.4)
EFL 4.3.1 Understand main points in short Writing
simple texts on familiar subjects. CE.EFL.4.15. Express information and
(Example: news about sports or famous ideas and describe feelings and
people, descriptions, etc.) opinions in simple transactional or
expository texts on familiar subjects in
EFL 4.3.2 Make use of clues such as titles,
order to influence an audience, while
illustrations, organization, text outline and
recognizing that different texts have
layout, etc. to identify and understand
different features and showing the
relevant information in written level-
ability to use these features
appropriate text types.
appropriately in one’s own writing.
EFL 4.3.5 Use everyday reference
I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners can convey
material in order to select information
information and ideas and describe
appropriate to the purpose of an inquiry
feelings and opinions in simple
and relate ideas from one written source to
transactional or expository texts on
familiar subjects in order to influence
EFL 4.3.6 Apply learning strategies to an audience, while recognizing that
examine and interpret a variety of written different texts have different features
materials using prior knowledge, graphic and showing the ability to use these
organizers, context clues, note taking and features appropriately in one’s own
finding words in a dictionary. writing. (I.3, I.4, S.3, J.2)

EFL 4.3.7 Read, gather, view and listen to

information from various sources in order
to organize and discuss relationships Language through the arts
between academic content areas.
(Example: nonfiction books for young CE.EFL.4.18. Use main ideas in order
adults, the Internet, audio and media to understand, predict, infer and
presentations, oral interviews, maps, deduce literal and implied meanings in
diagrams, reference books, magazines, short, simple, everyday literary texts
etc.) (online, oral or in print).

Writing I.EFL.4.18.1. Learners can understand,

predict, infer and deduce literal and
EFL 4.4.1 Convey information and ideas implied meanings in short, simple,
through simple transactional or expository everyday literary texts (online, oral or in
texts on familiar subjects using ICT tools print), especially when visual support is
and conventions and features of English provided. (I.2, I.3, I.4)
appropriate to audience and purpose.
EFL 4.4.2 Make and use a simple print or CE.EFL.4.19. Find and identify literary
digital learning resource to compare and elements and techniques and relate
contrast information in order to those elements to the learner’s own
demonstrate understanding and experiences and to other works,
command of a topic. including one’s peers, in order to
present personal responses and
EFL 4.4.4 Write to describe interpretations.
feelings/opinions in order to effectively
influence an audience. (Example: I.EFL.4.19.1. Learners can locate and
persuade, negotiate, argue, etc.) identify literary elements and techniques
in other works, including one’s own.
EFL 4.4.5 Recognize that various types Learners can give personal responses to
of writing require different language, and interpret a variety of literary texts,
formatting and special vocabulary. including those of a peer, referring to
(Example: a recipe, a letter, etc.) details and features of the text.
(Example: text structure, plot, ideas,
Language through the arts events, vocabulary, etc.) (I.3, S.3, J.4)
EFL 4.5.1 Make use of main points in
literary texts (authentic and semi-authentic,
oral and written) to understand short
simple everyday stories, especially if there
is visual support. Communication and Cultural
EFL 4.5.4 Create personal stories by
adding imaginative details to real-life CE.EFL.4.1. Compare and contrast oral
stories and situations, using appropriate traditions and literature from Ecuador
vocabulary and elements of the literature and beyond in order to manifest an
learners have read or heard. understanding of the relationship
between cultural perspectives and
EFL 4.5.5 Gain an understanding of practices and by sharing cross cultural
literary concepts such as genre, plot, experiences.
setting, character, point of view, theme and
MUSIC AND MOVIES other literary elements in order to apply I.EFL.4.1.1. Learners can compare and
THROUGH THE them to one’s own creative texts. contrast oral traditions, myths, folktales
YEARS and literature from Ecuador and other
EFL 4.5.7 Locate and identify selected cultures in order to demonstrate an
literary elements and techniques in texts understanding of the relationship
and relate those elements to those in other between cultural practices and
works and to learners’ own experiences. perspectives. Learners can share
(Example: setting, character, plot, theme, crosscultural experiences while naming
point of view, imagery, foreshadowing, universal cultural themes. (I.2, S.1, S.2,
climax, etc.) J.1)

EFL 4.5.9 Engage in collaborative CE.EFL.4.2. Recognize and

activities through a variety of student demonstrate an appreciation of
groupings to create and respond to commonalities between cultures as well
literature and other literary texts. as the consequences of one’s actions
(Example: small groups, cooperative while exhibiting socially responsible
learning groups, literature circles, behaviors.
process writing groups, etc.) EFL
4.5.10 Collaboratively produce criteria I.EFL.4.2.1. Learners can name
for evaluating literary texts and the similarities and differences between
effectiveness of group work. EFL different aspects of cultural groups.
4.5.11 Participate in creative thinking Learners can demonstrate socially
through brainstorming, working in responsible behaviors at school, online,
groups, games and problem-solving at home and in the community, and
tasks by showing the ability to accept a evaluate their actions by ethical, safety
variety of ideas and capitalize on other and social standards. (J.3, S.1, I.1)
people’s strengths. CE.EFL.4.3. Interact with others using
self-monitoring and self-correcting
strategies as well as appropriate
nonverbal and oral communication

I.EFL.4.3.1. Learners can employ a

range of self-monitoring and self-
correcting strategies and interpret and
use appropriate verbal and nonverbal
communication features to
Communication and Cultural Awareness communicate in familiar contexts. (I.3,
S.4, J.4)
• Participating in short role plays using a range
of verbal and nonverbal communication.
• Listening to a dialogue and identifying errors in Oral Communication
speech or problems for communication.
• Listening to a dialogue and identifying errors in CE.EFL.4.6. Listening for Meaning:
speech or problems for communication. Understand and follow the main idea in
Oral Communication: (Listening and spoken texts set in familiar everyday
Speaking) contexts, provided speech is clear and
articulate, and deduce the meanings of
• Listening to a set of instructions and matching unfamiliar words and phrases using
them to the corresponding picture. context clues and/or prior knowledge.
• Listening to and following class commands.
• Listening to a simple, straightforward story and CE.EFL.4.8. Production – Accuracy and
correcting false statements. Intelligibility: Communicate needs and
• Listening to a short conversation between two information clearly and in simple terms,
speakers and deciding who is speaking, what
using grammatical structures learned in
they are doing how they feel.
class (although there may be frequent
errors), effectively and without undue
• Reading a short story from the Internet and effort. Demonstrate an ability to make
highlighting interesting facts related to cities and appropriate use of new words and
their weather, then comparing them with those of expressions in social interactions.
a partner.
• Predicting main ideas by reading the title and I.EFL.4.8.1. Learners can communicate
using other contextual clues. personal information and basic
• Reading a short news article and completing immediate needs and deal with other
an outline. practical everyday demands in familiar
• Reading a blog post and writing a comment. contexts, effectively and without undue
Writing effort and using grammatical structures
and vocabulary seen in class (although
* Writing your own answers to interview
there may be frequent, basic errors).
(I.1, I.2, I.3, S.1)
* Looking at a picture and writing a
description of what you see or how it makes
CE.EFL.4.11. Demonstrate
you feel, then comparing descriptions in pairs.
comprehension of main ideas and
* Making a poster for a school campaign to some details in short simple texts on
increase awareness about animal cruelty. familiar subjects, making use of
contextual clues to identify relevant
* Completing the gaps in a sentence. (Example: information in a text.
Nancy has a car. ---- car is green. ---- needs a
new car, etc.) I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can understand
* Sequencing sentences by adding words. main ideas and some details in short
(Example: I wake up. I eat breakfast. → First, I simple online or print texts on familiar
wake up. Then I eat breakfast, etc.) subjects, using contextual clues to help
Language through the arts identify the most relevant information.
(Example: title, illustrations,
* Listening to a song and inferring if it is happy,
sad, etc. organization, etc.) (I.2, I.4)
* Underlining main ideas in a text.
*Creating literature circles where learners have Writing
the freedom to say anything they want about a CE.EFL.4.15. Express information and
text from class or outside of class. ideas and describe feelings and
* Participating in classroom games in which opinions in simple transactional or
problem-solving as a team is important. expository texts on familiar subjects in
* Creating a crossword puzzle in groups about order to influence an audience, while
an Ecuadorian story, region, celebrity, etc. recognizing that different texts have
different features and showing the
ability to use these features
appropriately in one’s own writing.

I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners can convey

information and ideas and describe
feelings and opinions in simple
transactional or expository texts on
familiar subjects in order to influence
an audience, while recognizing that
different texts have different features
and showing the ability to use these
features appropriately in one’s own
writing. (I.3, I.4, S.3, J.2)

CE.EFL.4.17. Show an ability to

convey and organize information
through the use of facts and details and
by employing various stages of the
writing process, while using a range of
digital tools to promote and support
collaboration, learning and productivity.

I.EFL.4.17.1. Learners can convey and

organize information through the use of
facts and details and by employing
various stages of the writing process,
while using a range of digital tools to
promote and support collaboration,
learning and productivity. (I.1, I.3, S.4,
J.2, J.4)

Language through the arts

CE.EFL.4.18. Use main ideas in order
to understand, predict, infer and
deduce literal and implied meanings in
short, simple, everyday literary texts
(online, oral or in print).

I.EFL.4.18.1. Learners can understand,

predict, infer and deduce literal and
implied meanings in short, simple,
everyday literary texts (online, oral or in
print), especially when visual support is
provided. (I.2, I.3, I.4)

CE.EFL.4.19. Find and identify literary

elements and techniques and relate
those elements to the learner’s own
experiences and to other works,
including one’s peers, in order to
present personal responses and

I.EFL.4.19.1. Learners can locate and

identify literary elements and
techniques in other works, including
one’s own. Learners can give personal
responses to and interpret a variety of
literary texts, including those of a peer,
referring to details and features of the
text. (Example: text structure, plot,
ideas, events, vocabulary, etc.) (I.3,
S.3, J.4)
Communication and Cultural Communication and Cultural Awareness Communication and Cultural
Awareness Awareness
• Hearing a story from another country and
EFL 4.1.1 Compare and contrast oral finding similarities with a story from Ecuador. CE.EFL.4.1. Compare and contrast oral
traditions, myths, folktales and literature • Reading a paragraph about places around the traditions and literature from Ecuador
from Ecuador and international regions word after give examples using modal verbs. and beyond in order to manifest an
and cultures and identify similarities and • Watching a video about places in the word understanding of the relationship
differences and universal cultural after answer the questions. between cultural perspectives and
• Talking in pairs about a video What should or
themes. practices and by sharing cross cultural
shouldn’t do in this place.
VISITING PLACES experiences.
EFL 4.1.2 Recognize and demonstrate •read the text and write rules using must or
an appreciation of some commonalities I.EFL.4.1.1. Learners can compare and
Oral Communication: (Listening and
and distinctions across cultures and contrast oral traditions, myths, folktales
5 Speaking)
groups (differentiated by gender, ability, and literature from Ecuador and other
generations, etc.) including the students’ • Listening to spoken or recorded descriptions of cultures in order to demonstrate an
own tourist places around the world, and marking the understanding of the relationship
new words you hear. between cultural practices and
EFL 4.1.5 Apply self-correcting and self- • Listening to a short dialogue and then writing perspectives. Learners can share
monitoring strategies in social and and acting out a similar dialogue, using some of crosscultural experiences while naming
classroom interactions. (Example: the same phrases and expressions. universal cultural themes. (I.2, S.1, S.2,
asking questions, starting over, Reading J.1)
rephrasing, exploring alternative
pronunciations or wording, etc.) • Reading a text and answering information CE.EFL.4.2. Recognize and
questions. demonstrate an appreciation of
EFL 4.1.6 Seek and provide information • Choosing from a list of words to complete gaps commonalities between cultures as well
and assistance, orally or in writing and from a reading. as the consequences of one’s actions
in online or face-to-face interactions, for • Reading a short news article and completing
while exhibiting socially responsible
personal, social and academic an outline.
purposes. Writing
I.EFL.4.2.1. Learners can name
EFL 4.1.8 Use suitable vocabulary, • Watching a video about a controversial topic
and writing a short response giving your own similarities and differences between
expressions, language and interaction different aspects of cultural groups.
styles for formal and informal social or Learners can demonstrate socially
• Writing an email to a friend about a place you
academic situations in order to responsible behaviors at school, online,
visited tell what you should to do. Using modal
communicate specific intentions in verbs. at home and in the community, and
online and face-toface interactions. • Looking at a picture and writing a description of evaluate their actions by ethical, safety
(Example: thanking, making promises, what you see or how it makes you feel, then and social standards. (J.3, S.1, I.1)
apologizing, asking permission, chatting comparing descriptions in pairs.
with friends, answering in class, Language through the Arts Oral Communication
greeting an authority figure, etc.)
• Brainstorming features obligations and advice CE.EFL.4.6. Listening for Meaning:
Oral Communication in different places around the world. Understand and follow the main idea in
• Underlining literary elements in a peer’s text spoken texts set in familiar everyday
EFL 4.2.1 Understand phrases and and then comparing them to those in one’s own contexts, provided speech is clear and
expressions related to areas of most writing.
immediate priority within the personal • Communicating with an “e-pal” from another articulate, and deduce the meanings of
and educational domains, provided country or city unfamiliar words and phrases using
speech is clearly and slowly Writing context clues and/or prior knowledge.
articulated. (Example: daily life, free
time, school activities, etc.) * Writing your own answers to interview I.EFL.4.6.1. Learners can grasp the
questions. general meaning of spoken texts set in
EFL 4.2.2 Use a series of phrases and * Looking at a picture and writing a description of familiar everyday contexts and infer
sentences to describe aspects of what you see or how it makes you feel, then changes in the topic of discussion, as
personal background, immediate comparing descriptions in pairs.
well as deduce the meanings of
environment and matters of immediate * Completing the gaps in a sentence. (Example:
unfamiliar words and exchanges
Mary should / shouldn’t. ---- Pedro can – can’t
need in simple terms using through the use of context clues,
---- must – or mustn’t, etc.)
grammatical structures learnt in class provided speech is given slowly and
* complete the sentences using adverb of
(although there may be frequent errors clearly and there is sufficient visual
with tenses, personal pronouns, support. (I.3, S.1, J.4)
prepositions, etc.) Language through the arts
CE.EFL.4.8. Production – Accuracy and
EFL 4.2.3 Follow and understand * Listening to a song and inferring if it is happy, Intelligibility: Communicate needs and
short, straightforward audio messages sad, etc. information clearly and in simple terms,
and/or the main idea/dialogue of a * Underlining main ideas in a text. using grammatical structures learned in
movie or cartoon (or other age- *Creating literature circles where learners class (although there may be frequent
appropriate audio-visual have the freedom to say anything they want errors), effectively and without undue
presentations) if delivered slowly and about a text from class or outside of class. effort. Demonstrate an ability to make
visuals provide contextual support. appropriate use of new words and
(Example: an announcement of a bus * Participating in classroom games in which
expressions in social interactions.
delay, an intercom announcement at problem-solving as a team is important.
school, a dialogue supported by facial I.EFL.4.8.1. Learners can communicate
expressions/gestures and appropriate personal information and basic
intonation, etc.) immediate needs and deal with other
practical everyday demands in familiar
EFL 4.2.11 Give short, basic
contexts, effectively and without undue
descriptions of everyday activities and
effort and using grammatical structures
events within familiar contexts and use
and vocabulary seen in class (although
simple descriptive language to
there may be frequent, basic errors).
compare and make brief statements
(I.1, I.2, I.3, S.1)
about objects and possessions.
(Example: family, school, living Reading
conditions, personal belongings, etc.) CE.EFL.4.11. Demonstrate
EFL 4.2.12 Describe habits, routines, comprehension of main ideas and
past activities and experiences within some details in short simple texts on
the personal and educational domains. familiar subjects, making use of
EFL 4.2.13 Interact with reasonable contextual clues to identify relevant
ease in structured situations and short information in a text.
conversations within familiar contexts,
I.EFL.4.11.1. Learners can understand
provided that speech is given clearly,
slowly and directly. (Example: an main ideas and some details in short
interview, an information gap activity, simple online or print texts on familiar
etc.) subjects, using contextual clues to help
identify the most relevant information.
Reading (Example: title, illustrations,
EFL 4.3.1 Understand main points in short organization, etc.) (I.2, I.4)
simple texts on familiar subjects. Writing
(Example: news about sports or famous CE.EFL.4.15. Express information and
people, descriptions, etc.) ideas and describe feelings and
EFL 4.3.2 Make use of clues such as titles, opinions in simple transactional or
illustrations, organization, text outline and expository texts on familiar subjects in
layout, etc. to identify and understand order to influence an audience, while
relevant information in written level- recognizing that different texts have
appropriate text types. different features and showing the
ability to use these features
EFL 4.3.5 Use everyday reference appropriately in one’s own writing.
material in order to select information
appropriate to the purpose of an inquiry I.EFL.4.15.1. Learners can convey
and relate ideas from one written source to information and ideas and describe
another. feelings and opinions in simple
transactional or expository texts on
EFL 4.3.6 Apply learning strategies to familiar subjects in order to influence
examine and interpret a variety of written an audience, while recognizing that
materials using prior knowledge, graphic different texts have different features
organizers, context clues, note taking and and showing the ability to use these
finding words in a dictionary. features appropriately in one’s own
writing. (I.3, I.4, S.3, J.2)
EFL 4.3.7 Read, gather, view and listen to
information from various sources in order
to organize and discuss relationships
between academic content areas. Language through the arts
(Example: nonfiction books for young CE.EFL.4.18. Use main ideas in order
adults, the Internet, audio and media to understand, predict, infer and
presentations, oral interviews, maps, deduce literal and implied meanings in
diagrams, reference books, magazines, short, simple, everyday literary texts
etc.) (online, oral or in print).
Writing I.EFL.4.18.1. Learners can understand,
EFL 4.4.1 Convey information and ideas predict, infer and deduce literal and
through simple transactional or expository implied meanings in short, simple,
texts on familiar subjects using ICT tools everyday literary texts (online, oral or in
and conventions and features of English print), especially when visual support is
appropriate to audience and purpose. provided. (I.2, I.3, I.4)
EFL 4.4.2 Make and use a simple print or
digital learning resource to compare and CE.EFL.4.19. Find and identify literary
contrast information in order to elements and techniques and relate
demonstrate understanding and those elements to the learner’s own
command of a topic. experiences and to other works,
including one’s peers, in order to
EFL 4.4.4 Write to describe present personal responses and
feelings/opinions in order to effectively interpretations.
influence an audience. (Example:
persuade, negotiate, argue, etc.) I.EFL.4.19.1. Learners can locate and
identify literary elements and techniques
EFL 4.4.5 Recognize that various types in other works, including one’s own.
of writing require different language, Learners can give personal responses to
formatting and special vocabulary. and interpret a variety of literary texts,
(Example: a recipe, a letter, etc.) including those of a peer, referring to
details and features of the text.
Language through the arts (Example: text structure, plot, ideas,
events, vocabulary, etc.) (I.3, S.3, J.4)
EFL 4.5.1 Make use of main points in
literary texts (authentic and semi-authentic,
oral and written) to understand short
simple everyday stories, especially if there
is visual support.

EFL 4.5.4 Create personal stories by

adding imaginative details to real-life
stories and situations, using appropriate
vocabulary and elements of the literature
learners have read or heard.

EFL 4.5.5 Gain an understanding of

literary concepts such as genre, plot,
setting, character, point of view, theme and
other literary elements in order to apply
them to one’s own creative texts.

EFL 4.5.7 Locate and identify selected

literary elements and techniques in texts
and relate those elements to those in other
works and to learners’ own experiences.
(Example: setting, character, plot, theme,
point of view, imagery, foreshadowing,
climax, etc.)
EFL 4.5.9 Engage in collaborative activities
through a variety of student groupings to
create and respond to literature and other
literary texts. (Example: small groups,
cooperative learning groups, literature
circles, process writing groups, etc.) EFL
4.5.10 Collaboratively produce criteria for
evaluating literary texts and the
effectiveness of group work. EFL 4.5.11
Participate in creative thinking through
brainstorming, working in groups, games
and problem-solving tasks by showing the
ability to accept a variety of ideas and
capitalize on other people’s strengths.





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