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2. An ideal fluid is
a) one which obeys Newton’s law of viscosity
b) frictionless and incompressible
c) very viscous
d) frictionless and compressible
Ans: b
3. The unit of kinematic viscosity is
a) gm/cm-sec2
b) dyne-sec/cm2
c) gm/cm2-sec
d) cm2/sec
Ans: d
4. If the dynamic viscosity of a fluid is 0.5 poise and specific gravity is 0.5, then the
kinematic viscosity of that fluid in stokes is
a) 0.25
b) 0.50
c) 1.0
d) none of the above
Ans: c
7. An open tank contains 1 m deep water with 50 cm depth of oil of specific gravity 0.8
above it. The intensity of pressure at the bottom of tank will be
a) 4 kN/m2
b) 10 kN/m2
c) 12 kN/m2
d) 14 kN/m2
Ans: d
8. The position of center of pressure on a plane surface immersed vertically in a static mass
of fluid is
a) at the centroid of the submerged area
b) always above the centroid of the area
c) always below the centroid of the area
d) none of the above
Ans: c
9. The total pressure on a plane surface inclined at an angle 9 with the horizontal is equal
a) PA
b) pA sin 9
c) pA cos 9
d) pA tan 9
where p is pressure intensity at centroid of area and A is area of plane surface.
Ans: a
10. A vertical rectangular plane surface is submerged in water such that its top and bottom
surfaces are 1.5 m and 6.0 m res-pectively below the free surface. The position of center of
pressure below the free surface will be at a distance of
a) 3.75 m
b) 4.0 m
c) 4.2m
d) 4.5m
Ans: c
12. If the weight of a body immersed in a fluid exceeds the buoyant force, then the body will
a) rise until its weight equals the buoyant force
b) tend to move downward and it may finally sink
c) float
d) none of the above
Ans: b
13. Metacentric height for small values of angle of heel is the distance between the
a) centre of gravity and centre of buoy-ancy
b) centre of gravity and metacentre
c) centre of buoyancy and metacentre
d) free surface and centre of buoyancy
Ans: b
14. A floating body is said to be in a state of stable equilibrium
a) when its metacentric height is zero
b) when the metacentre is above the centre of gravity
c) when the metacentre is below the centre of gravity
d) only when its centre of gravity is below its centre of buoyancy
Ans: b
16. A rectangular block 2 m long, 1 m wide and 1 m deep floats in water, the depth of
immersion being 0.5 m. If water weighs 10 kN/m3, then the weight of the block is
a) 5kN
b) lOkN
c) 15 kN
d) 20 kN
Ans: b
17. The point in the immersed body through which the resultant pressure of the liquid may
be taken to act is known as
a) center of gravity
b) center of buoyancy
c) center of pressure
d) metacentre
Ans: c
18. If a vessel containing liquid moves downward with a constant acceleration equal to ‘g’
a) the pressure throughout the liquid mass is atmospheric
b) there will be vacuum in the liquid
c) the pressure in the liquid mass is greater than hydrostatic pressure
d) none of the above
Ans: a
19. When a liquid rotates at a constant angular velocity about a vertical axis as a rigid body,
the pressure intensity varies
a) linearly with radial distance
b) as the square of the radial distance
c) inversely as the square of the radial distance
d) inversely as the radial distance
Ans: b
20. An open cubical tank of 2 m side is filled with water. If the tank is rotated with an
acceleration such that half of the water spills out, then the acceleration is equal to
a) g/3
b) g/2
c) 2g/3
d) g
Ans: d
21. A right circular cylinder open at the top is filled with liquid and rotated about its
vertical axis at such a speed that half the liquid spills out, then the pressure intensity at the
center of bottom is
a) zero
b) one-fourth its value when cylinder was full
c) one-half its value when cylinder was full
d) cannot be predicted from the given data
Ans: a
23. A closed tank containing water is moving in a horizontal direction along a straight line
at a constant speed. The tank also contains a steel ball and a bubble of air. If the tank is
decelerated horizontally, then
i) the ball will move to the front
ii) the bubble will move to the front
iii) the ball will move to the rear
iv) the bubble will move to the rear Find out which of the above statements are correct ?
a) (i) and (ii)
b) (i)and(iv)
c) (ii) and (iii)
d) (iii) and (iv)
Ans: b
26. In a two dimensional incompressible steady flow around an airfoil, the stream lines are
2 cm apart at a great distance from the airfoil, where the velocity is 30 m/sec. The velocity
near the airfoil, where the stream lines are 1.5 cm apart, is
a) 22.5 m/sec.
b) 33 m/sec.
c) 40 m/sec.
d) 90 m/sec.
Ans: c
27. When the velocity distribution is uniform over the cross-section, the correction factor
for momentum is
a) 0
b) 1
c) 4/3
d) 2
Ans: b
29. If the velocity is zero over half of the cross-sectional area and is uniform over the
remaining half, then the momentum correction factor is
a) 1
b) 4/3
c) 2
d) 4
Ans: c
30. If velocity is zero over l/3rd of a cross-section and is uniform over remaining 2/3rd of
the cross-section, then the correction factor for kinetic energy is
a) 4/3
b) 3/2
c) 9/4
d) 27/8
Ans: c
37. In steady flow of a fluid, the total accele ration of any fluid particle
a) can be zero
b) is never zero
c) is always zero
d) is independent of coordinates
Ans: a
44. Due to each end contraction, the discharge of rectangular sharp crested weir is reduced by
a) 5%
b) 10%
c) 15%
d) 20%
Ans: a
51. Coefficient of discharge for a totally submerged orifice as compared to that for an orifice
discharging free is
a) slightly less
b) slightly more
c) nearly half
d) equal
Ans: a
56. The discharge over a broad crested weir is maximum when the depth of flow is
a) H/3
b) H/2
c) 2 H/5
d) 2 H/3
where H is the available head.
Ans: d
58. For a sphere of radius 15 cm moving with a uniform velocity of 2 m/sec through a liquid of
specific gravity 0.9 and dynamic viscosity 0.8 poise, the Reynolds number will be
a) 300
b) 337.5
c) 600
d) 675
Ans: d
59. The shear stress distribution for a fluid flowing in between the parallel plates, both at rest, is
a) constant over the cross section
b) parabolic distribution across the section
c) zero at the mid plane and varies linearly with distance from mid plane
d) zero at plates and increases linearly to midpoint
Ans: c
60. If x is the distance from leading edge, then the boundary layer thickness in laminar flow
varies as
a) x
b) x
c) x
d) x/7
Ans: a
61. Stanton diagram is a
a) log-log plot of friction factor against Reynolds number
b) log-log plot of relative roughness against Reynolds number
c) semi-log plot of friction factor against Reynolds number
d) semi-log plot of friction factor against relative roughness
Ans: a
62. The depth ‘d’ below the free surface at which the point velocity is equal to the average
velocity of flow for a uniform laminar flow with a free surface, will be
a) 0.423 D
b) 0.577 D
c) 0.223 D
d) 0.707 D
where D is the depth of flow.
Ans: b
64. The distance y from pipe boundary, at which the point velocity is equal to average velocity
for turbulent flow, is
a) 0.223 R
b) 0.423 R
c) 0.577 R
d) 0.707 R
where R is radius of pipe.
Ans: a
65. If a sphere of diameter 1 cm falls in castor oil of kinematic viscosity 10 stokes, with a
terminal velocity of 1.5 cm/sec, the coefficient of drag on the sphere is
a) less than 1
b) between 1 and 100
c) 160
d) 200
Ans: c
68. With the same cross-sectional area and immersed in same turbulent flow, the largest total
drag will be on
a) a circular disc of plate held normal to flow
b) a sphere
c) a cylinder
d) a streamlined body
Ans: a
69. In which of the following the friction drag is generally larger than pressure drag?
a) a circular disc or plate held normal to flow
b) a sphere
c) a cylinder
d) an airfoil
Ans: d
70. For hydro-dynamically smooth boundary, the friction coefficient for turbulent flow is
a) constant
b) dependent only on Reynolds number
c) a function of Reynolds number and relative roughness
d) dependent on relative roughness only
Ans: b
71. The value of friction factor ‘f’ for smooth pipes for Reynolds number 106 is
approximately equal to
a) 0.1
b) 0.01
c) 0.001
d) 0.0001
Ans: b
72. For laminar flow in a pipe of circular cross-section, the Darcy’s friction factor f is
a) directly proportional to Reynolds number and independent of pipe wall roughness
b) directly proportional to pipe wall roughness and independent of Reynolds number
c) inversely proportional to Reynolds number and indpendent of pipe wall roughness
d) inversely proportional to Reynolds number and directly proportional to pipe wall roughness
Ans: c
73. Separation of flow occurs when
a) the pressure intensity reaches a minimum
b) the cross-section of a channel is reduced
c) the boundary layer comes to rest
d) all of the above
Ans: c
74. The ratio of average velocity to maximum velocity for steady laminar flow in circular
pipes is
a) 1/2
b) 2/3
c) 3/2
d) 2
Ans: a
75. The distance from pipe boundary, at which the turbulent shear stress is one-third die
wall shear stress, is
a) 1/3 R
b) 1/2 R
c) 2/3 R
d) 3/4R
where R is the radius of pipe.
Ans: a
78. The velocity distribution for laminar flow through a circular tube
a) is constant over the cross-section
b) varies linearly from zero at walls to maximum at centre
c) varies parabolically with maximum at the centre
d) none of the above
Ans: c
79. A fluid of kinematic viscosity 0.4 cm2/sec flows through a 8 cm diameter pipe. The
maximum velocity for laminar flow will be
a) less than 1 m/sec
b) 1 m/sec
c) 1.5 m/sec
d) 2 m/sec
Ans: b
87. A valve is suddenly closed in a water main in wl.ich the velocity is 1 m/sec and velocity
of pressure wave is 981 m/ sec. The inertia head at the valve will be
a) 1 m
b) 10m
c) 100m
d) none of the above
Ans: c
89. When time of closure tc = L/v0 (where L is length of pipe and v0 is speed of pressure
wave), the portion of pipe length subjected to maximum head is
a) L/4
b) L/3
c) L/2
d) L
Ans: a
90. If the elevation of hydraulic grade line at the junction of three pipes is above the
elevation of reservoirs B and C and below reservoir A, then the direction of flow will be
a) from reservoir A to reservoirs B and C
b) from reservoir B to reservoirs C and A
c) from reservoir C to reservoirs A and B
d) unpredictable
Ans: c
91. The length of a pipe is 1 km and its diameter is 20 cm. If the diameter of an equivalent
pipe is 40 cm, then its length is
a) 32 km
b) 20 km
c) 8 km
d) 4 km
Ans: a
92. Two pipes of same length and diameters d and 2d respectively are connected in series.
The diameter of an equivalent pipe of same length is
a) less than d
b) between d and 1.5 d
c) between 1.5 d and 2d
d) greater than 2d
Ans: a
93. The horse power transmitted through a pipe is maximum when the ratio of loss of head
due to friction and total head supplied is
a) 1/3
b) 1/4
c) 1/2
d) 2/3
Ans: a
94. The boundary layer thickness at a distance of l m from the leading edge of a flat plate,
kept at zero angle of incidence to the flow direction, is O.l cm. The velocity outside the
boundary layer is 25 ml sec.
The boundary layer thickness at a distance of 4 m is
a) 0.40 cm
b) 0.20 cm
c) 0.10 cm
d) 0.05 cm
Assume that boundary layer is entirely laminar.
Ans: b
96. The correct relationship among displacement thickness d, momentum thickness m and
energy thickness e is
a) d > m > e
b) d > e > m
c) e > m > d
d) e > d > m
Ans: d
97. For laminar flow in circular pipes, the Darcy’s friction factor f is equal to
a) 16/Re
b) 32/ Re
c) 64/ Re
d) none of the above where R,, is Reynolds number.
Ans: c
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