Exercise 3

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Exercise Sets Reps

1) Incline Lateral - Upper Pectorals 3-4 10-12

2) Hand-on-Bench One-Arm Dumbbell Rowing - Upper and Lower Lats 3-4 10-12
3) Standing Military Press - Front and Outer Deltoids 3-4 10-12
4) Lying Supine Close-Grip Barbell Triceps Curl to Chin - Triceps 3-4 10-12
5) Seated Dumbbell Curl - Biceps and Arms 3-4 10-12
6) Heels-Elevated Wide-Stance Barbell Hack Squat - Inner Thighs 3-4 10-12
7) Freehand Front Lunge - Thighs and Hamstrings 3-4 10-12
8) Toe Raise on Seated Calf Machine - Main Calf Muscles 3-4 20-25
9) Bend to the Opposite Foot - Obliques and Lower Back 1 20-30
10) Bent-Knee Sit-Up - Upper Abdominals 1 15-30

1) Incline Lateral - Upper

 Lie on incline
 Hold dumbbells
together at arms'
length above
shoulders, palms
 Slowly lower
dumbbells to
chest until 10"
from each side of
 Elbows in line
with ears.
 Forearms slightly
out of vertical
 Return to starting
position using
same path.

 Inhale down,
exhale up.

2) Hand-on-Bench One-
Arm Dumbbell Rowing -
Upper and Lower Lats
 Place a dumbbell
on the floor in
front of a flat
 Put left leg back,
knee locked.
 Bend right knee
 Bend over and
hold dumbbell
with left hand,
palm in, about 6"
off floor.
 Put right hand on
bench, elbow
 Pull dumbbell
straight up to side
of chest keeping
arm close to side.
 Return to starting
position using
same path.
 Inhale up, exhale

 Reverse position
and repeat
movement on
right side.

3) Standing Military
Press - Front and Outer
 Raise barbell to
chest, hands
shoulder width
 Lock legs and
hips solidly.
 Keep elbows in,
slightly under bar.
 Press bar to
arms' length
 Lower to upper
 Be sure bar rests
on chest and is
not supported by
arms between
 Hold chest high.

 Inhale up, exhale


4) Lying Supine Close-

Grip Barbell Triceps Curl
to Chin - Triceps
 Lie on back with
head off end of
 Hold barbell with
hands 6" apart,
palms up.
 Press bar to
arms' length
above shoulders.
 Lower bar in
motion to chin,
bending arms at
elbows, keeping
upper arms
 Return to starting
 Inhale down,
exhale up.

 Can also be done

with medium grip.

5) Seated Dumbbell Curl

- Biceps and Arms
 Hold dumbbells.
 Sit at end of
bench, feet firmly
on floor.
 Keep back
straight, head up.
 Start with
dumbbells at
arms' length,
palms in.
 Begin curl with
palms in until
past thighs, then
turn palms up for
remainder of curl
to shoulder
 Keep palms up
while lowering
until past thighs,
then turn palms
 Keep upper arms
close to sides.
 Concentrate on
biceps while
raising and
lowering weights.

 Inhale up, exhale


6) Heels-Elevated Wide-
Stance Barbell Hack
Squat - Inner Thighs
 Hold barbell
behind you at
arms' length.
 Put heels on
plates about 30"
 Keep bar tucked
against buttocks
and upper thighs.
 Palms up, facing
back, hands as
wide as hips.
 Turn wrists up to
lock bar solidly.
 Bar stays this
way at all times.
 Head up, eyes up
at 45 degree
 Squat until upper
thighs are parallel
to floor.
 Return to starting
 Inhale down,
exhale up.

 Can also be done

with close or
medium stance.

7) Freehand Front Lunge

- Thighs and Hamstrings
 Stand erect with
hands on hips.
 Back straight,
head up, feet
about 12" apart.
 Step forward as
far as possible
with right leg until
upper right thigh
is almost parallel
to floor.
 Keep left leg as
straight as
 Step back to
starting position.
 Inhale out, exhale

 Repeat with left


8) Toe Raise on Seated

Calf Machine - Main Calf
 Sit on seat of
 Place upper
thighs under leg
pad just above
 Raise up on toes
and release
safety stop.
 Lower heels to
lowest possible
 Raise up on toes
as high as
 Hold
then return to
starting position.

 Inhale up, exhale

9) Bend to the Opposite
Foot - Obliques and
Lower Back
 Stand erect, feet
16" apart.
 Grasp dumbbell
with left hand,
palm in.
 Place right hand
on upper right
 Bend until
dumbbell nearly
touches right
 Return to starting
 Change dumbbell
to right hand and

 Inhale down,
exhale up.

10) Bent-Knee Sit-Up -

Upper Abdominals
 Hook your feet
under the strap of
a sit-up board.
 Keep knees bent
45 degrees.
 Put hands behind
head, chin on
 Lie back until
lower back
 Return to starting
 Inhale down,
exhale up.

 To make harder,
adjust bench to
higher angle.

Training Suggestions for Month 3

 For best results do this routine three times a week - Monday, Wednesday and Friday or Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday. Use the off days for rest and recuperation.
 Last month you progressed to three sets per exercise for most of the movements. This month I suggest
that on exercises 1 through 8 you do three sets and the minimum reps, 10, for the first two weeks and
four sets and the maximum reps, 12, for the last two.
 On the two midsection exercises that conclude this routine, do only one set per workout and increase
the reps from workout to workout. Start out at the low end of the rep range at the beginning of the
month and gradually build up until you're at the high end of the rep range at the end of the month.
Since you already worked through this rep buildup last month with the bent-knee sit-up, I recommend
that you repeat the sequence but with the bench at a slightly steeper angle so the intensity is greater.
 Do not train to failure. The last rep should feel difficult but should not be an all-out effort. At the
beginning of this routine you'll have to experiment to determine what poundages you should use in
order to make the last rep or two challenging but not impossible.
 Increase the poundage on each exercise as warranted by your strength increases. Remember, you
want to make the last rep of each set challenging. Make sure you keep accurate records of your
exercises, sets and reps from workout to workout, week to week and month to month. This will enable
you to easily keep track of your progress from one poundage to the next rather than making the whole
process haphazard.
 Concentrate on correct form when doing each exercise, and mentally focus on the bodypart you're
 Rest for 30 seconds to two minutes between sets. If you feel any kind of unusual pain during your
workout, consult with a trainer. Of course, if you're just starting a training program, you should always
check with a physician to ensure that you have no health problems that could make training dangerous.

 If three sets per exercise at the beginning of this month seems too much for you or is too time
consuming, feel free to go back to fewer sets and work up again. Likewise, if you're not felling up to par
during a given workout, don't hesitate to cut back on your sets. Sometimes it's necessary to ease off
the volume of work, regroup and work back up - and the intelligent bodybuilder knows when and where
to do this. Generally speaking, however, the idea is to increase the intensity and volume of your work
load gradually. That's what you're aiming for and what will give you the best results.

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