Exercise 3
Exercise 3
Exercise 3
Inhale down,
exhale up.
2) Hand-on-Bench One-
Arm Dumbbell Rowing -
Upper and Lower Lats
Place a dumbbell
on the floor in
front of a flat
Put left leg back,
knee locked.
Bend right knee
Bend over and
hold dumbbell
with left hand,
palm in, about 6"
off floor.
Put right hand on
bench, elbow
Pull dumbbell
straight up to side
of chest keeping
arm close to side.
Return to starting
position using
same path.
Inhale up, exhale
Reverse position
and repeat
movement on
right side.
3) Standing Military
Press - Front and Outer
Raise barbell to
chest, hands
shoulder width
Lock legs and
hips solidly.
Keep elbows in,
slightly under bar.
Press bar to
arms' length
Lower to upper
Be sure bar rests
on chest and is
not supported by
arms between
Hold chest high.
6) Heels-Elevated Wide-
Stance Barbell Hack
Squat - Inner Thighs
Hold barbell
behind you at
arms' length.
Put heels on
plates about 30"
Keep bar tucked
against buttocks
and upper thighs.
Palms up, facing
back, hands as
wide as hips.
Turn wrists up to
lock bar solidly.
Bar stays this
way at all times.
Head up, eyes up
at 45 degree
Squat until upper
thighs are parallel
to floor.
Return to starting
Inhale down,
exhale up.
Inhale down,
exhale up.
To make harder,
adjust bench to
higher angle.
If three sets per exercise at the beginning of this month seems too much for you or is too time
consuming, feel free to go back to fewer sets and work up again. Likewise, if you're not felling up to par
during a given workout, don't hesitate to cut back on your sets. Sometimes it's necessary to ease off
the volume of work, regroup and work back up - and the intelligent bodybuilder knows when and where
to do this. Generally speaking, however, the idea is to increase the intensity and volume of your work
load gradually. That's what you're aiming for and what will give you the best results.