Acr 116
Acr 116
Acr 116
The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) is a brief cognitive instrument for screening milder forms of cognitive impairment. The
present study aimed to analyze the influence of sociodemographic (age, gender, educational level, marital and employment status, geographic
region, geographic localization, and residence area) and health variables (subjective memory complaints of the participant and evaluated by
the informant, depressive symptoms, and family history of dementia) on the participants’ performance on the MoCA. The investigation was
carried out in a Portuguese community-based sample of 650 cognitively healthy adults, who were representative of the distribution observed
in the Portuguese population. Educational level and age significantly contributed to the prediction of the MoCA scores, explaining 49% of the
variance. Regarding health variables, only the subjective memory complaints of the participant showed a small contribution (9%) to the vari-
ance on the MoCA scores. This study contributes a useful approach to understanding MoCA performance, stressing the great impact of edu-
cation and age on scores.
Keywords: Assessment; Elderly; Norms; Mild Cognitive Impairment; Alzheimer’s disease; Dementia
Several studies have demonstrated that performance on screening tests is influenced by sociodemographic variables. It has
been widely reported that age and educational level have a significant effect on cognitive screening test performance. With
regard to age, older age has been found to significantly increase the probability of obtaining lower scores (Bravo & Hébert,
1997; Gallacher et al., 1999; Han et al., 2008; Langa et al., 2009; Matallana et al., 2011; Mathuranath et al., 2007; Moraes,
Pinto, Lopes, Litvoc, & Bottino, 2010; Rossetti, Lacritz, Cullum, & Weiner, 2011). Regarding the educational level, the
worst performance has been found among those with lower education levels, and ceiling effects have been observed among
highly educated individuals. The magnitude of this effect is strong; therefore, education is invariably considered a criterion
for the establishment of normative data for cognitive tests (Bravo & Hébert, 1997; Guerreiro, 1998; Han et al., 2008;
Lieberman et al., 1999; Mathuranath et al., 2007; Measso et al., 1993; Moraes et al., 2010; Morgado, Rocha, Maruta,
Guerreiro, & Martins, 2010; Nguyen, Black, Ray, Espino, & Markides, 2002; Rossetti et al., 2011). The results regarding
gender are more controversial. Some studies have suggested that gender contributes significantly to the explanation of variance
on scores of cognitive screening tests (Han et al., 2008; Measso et al., 1993; Mı́as, Sassi, Masih, Querejeta, & Krawchik, 2007;
Ribeiro, Oliveira, Cupertino, Neri, & Yassuda, 2010; Scazufca, Almeida, Vallada, Tasse, & Menezes, 2009), whereas
others have not supported this hypothesis (Bertolucci et al., 2001; Lieberman et al., 1999; Mathuranath et al., 2007;
# The Author 2012. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: [email protected].
doi:10.1093/arclin/acr116 Advance Access publication on 24 January 2012
166 S. Freitas et al. / Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 27 (2012) 165–175
Morgado et al., 2010). There has also been a lack of consensus regarding marital status, as some studies have reported greater
performances among married persons (Fratiglioni, Wang, Ericsson, Maytan, & Winblad, 2000; Moraes et al., 2010; Nguyen
et al., 2002; Ribeiro et al., 2010; Wu, Lan, Chen, Chiu, & Lan, 2011), whereas others have found no influence on cognitive state
assessment (Bertolucci et al., 2001; Mı́as et al., 2007). Information regarding employment status is relatively scarce. One study
found better scores among individuals who are currently employed (Moraes et al., 2010) and another reported worse scores
among individuals with occupations with low intellectual demands (Anderson, Sachdev, Brodaty, Trollor, & Andrews,
2007). Investigations of geographic variables are complicated, and international inter-study comparison is meaningless due
to the specificities of the populations and territories. Some research has reported an IQ discrepancy in different geographical
regions of a country (Kaufman, McClean, & Reynolds, 1988; Lynn, 1979), which could be associated with average regional
incomes (Almeida, Lemos, & Lynn, unpublished manuscript; McDaniel, 2006). Because there are no Portuguese studies on the
influence of geographic variables on cognitive test performance, the inclusion of these variables in the current study assume an
exploratory nature.
The investigation was carried out in a community-based sample of volunteers who were recruited at national health and
social security services and resided in all geographic regions of the Portuguese continental territory. This sample is represen-
tative of the Portuguese population and was used in a recent MoCA normative study published by our group (Freitas et al.,
2011). The inclusion criteria were as follows: age 25 years and older; native speaker of Portuguese and schooling in
Portugal; and the absence of significant motor, visual, or auditory deficits, all of which may influence performance on tests.
To ensure that participants were cognitively healthy adults, we also defined the following exclusion criteria: evidence of
loss of autonomy in daily living activities; history of alcoholism or substance abuse; relevant neurological or psychiatric dis-
eases or chronic unstable systemic disorders that impact cognition; significant depressive complaints; and medication with a
The assessment battery for the global assessment of each participant was composed of the following instruments:
(vi) Clinical Dementia Rating scale (CDR; Garret et al., 2008; Hughes, Berg, Danziger, Coben, & Martin, 1982),
which is a global staging tool for dementia that is based on the assessment of cognitive function and functional
capacity (in six cognitive-behavioral categories: memory, orientation, sense and problem-solving, community ac-
tivities, home activities and hobbies, and personal care). The scale is administered to the adult/elderly patients and
an informant through a semi-structured interview. The CDR was only administered to participants over 49 years of
age and when a close informant was available. In the current study, a global score of zero was used as a criterion
for inclusion.
(vii) Irregular Word Reading Test (Teste de Leitura de Palavras Irregulares; Alves, Simões, & Martins, 2009), which is
a tool for estimating premorbid intelligence that consists of a list of 46 irregular words that the participant reads.
(viii) GDS-30 (Barreto, Leuschner, Santos, & Sobral, 2008; Yesavage et al., 1983), which is a brief scale to assess de-
pressive symptoms in adults. It is composed of 30 dichotomous response questions that assess emotional and be-
havioral symptoms of depression (score range ¼ 0 – 30).
To enhance the representativeness of the observed distribution in the Portuguese population, the sample of 650 participants
was stratified according to the following sociodemographic variables:
Notes: PUA ¼ predominantly urban areas; MUA ¼ moderately urban areas; PRA ¼ predominantly rural areas.
The values (n) of the Portuguese population are expressed in thousands and represent the data of the resident population in continental Portugal aged over 24
years (Instituto Nacional de Estatı́stica, 2010).
S. Freitas et al. / Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 27 (2012) 165–175 169
(I) age (age intervals were: 25– 49 [“young adults”: mean age ¼ 38.12 + 8.086], 50– 64 [“adults”: mean age ¼
57.12 + 4.199], and 65 and over [“elderly”: mean age ¼ 71.96 + 5.433]);
(II) gender (women and men);
(III) educational level (four educational levels were considered, according to the number of school years successfully
completed in the Portuguese education system: 1 – 4 [primary education], 5 – 9 [middle school], 10– 12 [high
school], and over 12 years of education [university/college]; these categories match the divisions in the
Portuguese school system);
(IV) geographic region (Portuguese continental territory is divided into five geographic regions [NUTS-II classifica-
tion; Instituto Nacional de Estatı́stica, 2010]: North, Centre, Lisbon, Alentejo and Algarve);
(V) geographic localization (two geographic localizations were considered: coast and inland);
(VI) residence area (according to the Types of Urban Areas [Instituto Nacional de Estatı́stica, 2010], categorized into
predominantly urban areas, moderately urban areas, and predominantly rural areas).
(VII) marital status (categorized into “single” [single, divorced, or widowed participants] or “married” [married or
living in union participants]);
(VIII) employment status (categorized into “active” [participants with an active work situation] or “inactive” [partici-
pants unemployed, retired, or domestic]);
(IX) family history of dementia (only the information about first-degree relatives was considered relevant, and classi-
fication was dichotomized into “positive” or :negative”);
(X) depressive symptoms (operationalized by the total score on the GDS-30). Once the participants with severe de-
pressive symptoms were excluded, this study analyzed the influence of depressive symptom levels among non-
depressed to mildly depressed individuals on MoCA performance;
(XI) subjective memory complaints (operationalized by the total score on SMC; two conditions were considered: (a)
SMC participants and (b) SMC informants).
Statistical Analysis
All data analyses were conducted using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, version 17.0 (SPSS, v.17.0).
Descriptive statistics were computed for all sociodemographic and health variables. The observed correlations (using the
Pearson correlation coefficient; Cohen, 1988), Cronbach’s a coefficients, and corrected correlations among measures were
also calculated. The differences on the MoCA scores among subgroups stratified according to sociodemographic variables
were examined using Student’s t-test, analysis of variance, Tukey’s HSD, the Bonferroni post hoc test, and analysis of covari-
ance. Partial eta-squared (h2p ) was used as an estimate of the effect size (Cohen, 1988). The contribution of the variables age
and educational level was the subject of further statistical analysis. The correlation between MoCA scores, age, and education
was performed using the Pearson correlation coefficient (r) (Cohen, 1988). To investigate the significance of age (in years) and
education (years of schooling successfully completed) as influencing factors of the MoCA, multiple linear regression (MLR)
analyses were performed using the enter method. The multicollinearity was examined through tolerance and variance inflation
factor statistics (Meyers, Gamst, & Guarino, 2006), and the coefficient of determination (R2) was considered in the analysis of
effect size in the regressions (Cohen, 1988). Finally, the influence of health variables on the MoCA performance was inves-
tigated using MLR analysis, stepwise method, for variables with significant Pearson correlations. All data for this investigation
were collected by two neuropsychologists only, which allowed rigorous data collection and procedures. Therefore, the only
variable with missing data was SMC informants, as not all participants had a close informant available (n ¼ 156; 24%).
For this variable, the results correspond to 494 participants who had a close informant available.
The final study sample included 650 cognitively healthy participants (mean age ¼ 55.84 + 15.12, age range ¼ 25– 91;
mean education ¼ 8.16 + 4.72, education range ¼ 2 –27). The sociodemographic characteristics of the sample are presented
in detail in Table 1, taking into account the stratification variables as well as the other sociodemographic variables considered
170 S. Freitas et al. / Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 27 (2012) 165–175
in the study. The distribution of the study sample in several strata is comparable with the distribution of the target Portuguese
The observed correlations, Cronbach’s a coefficients, and corrected correlations among the different measures are presented
in Table 2. Table 3 summarizes the analysis of differences of the MoCA mean scores between the subgroups.
The sociodemographic variables that showed significant group differences (age, educational level, geographic region, area
of residence, marital status, and employment status) were targeted for further data analysis. Significant differences in mean age
Table 2. Observed correlations, Cronbach’s a coefficients, and corrected correlations among measures
Participants Informants
Table 3. Analysis of group differences on the MoCA scores (without control of the effect of covariates)
Variables MoCA M + SD t/F Post hoc
25–49 26.98 + 2.548 F(2,647) ¼ 95.130, p , .001 All groups differ.
50–64 24.46 + 3.432
≥65 22.71 + 3.668
Female 24.50 + 3.798 t ¼ 1.80, p ¼ .072 —
Male 25.04 + 3.419
Educational level
Primary 21.73 + 3.185 F(3,646) ¼ 194.996, p , .001 All groups differ. Significant linear effect:
Middle 25.65 + 2.501 F ¼ 435.895, p , .001
High 26.77 + 2.153
University 28.04 + 1.942
Geographic region
A. North 24.22 + 3.644 F(4,645) ¼ 8.765, p , .001 A = C, D
B. Center 24.28 + 3.841 B = C, D
C. Lisbon 25.76 + 3.395 C = A, B, E
D. Alentejo 26.11 + 2.713 D = A, B, E
E. Algarve 22.41 + 3.658 E = C, D
Geographic localization
Coast 24.80 + 3.715 t ¼ 1.546, p ¼ .122 —
Inland 24.19 + 3.382
Residence area
PUA 24.93 + 3.728 F(2,647) ¼ 4.175, p ¼ .016 PUA = PRA
MUA 24.60 + 3.362
PRA 23.73 + 3.604
Marital status
Married 24.40 + 3.569 t ¼ 3.652, p ≤ .001 —
Single 25.61 + 3.823
Employment status
Active 26.22 + 2.988 t ¼ 11.781, p ≤ .001 —
Inactive 23.13 + 3.649
Notes: PUA ¼ predominantly urban areas; MUA ¼ moderately urban areas; PRA ¼ predominantly rural areas; M: mean; SD: standard deviation; t: Student’s
t-test values; F: analysis of variance values; Post hoc: Tukey HSD and Bonferroni post hoc test analyses.
S. Freitas et al. / Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 27 (2012) 165–175 171
and mean educational level between the subgroups were verified (Table 4). Based on this result, we proceeded with the analysis
of covariance to examine whether differences in the MoCA scores remained significant after controlling for the effect of cov-
ariates (age and/or educational level) and to estimate the effect size of each variable (Table 5).
The results indicated that after controlling for the effects of covariates, only the variables age, educational level, and geo-
graphic region contributed significantly to the explanation of variance of the MoCA scores. In the subsequent analysis, we only
considered variables whose effect size was medium—age: F(2, 646) ¼ 34.098, p , .001, h2p ¼ 0.095—or large—educational
level: F(3, 645) ¼ 117.459, p , .001, h2p ¼ 0.353. The variable geographic region revealed a small effect size—F(4,643) ¼
4.972, p ¼ .030—and, therefore, was not further examined.
Statistically significant correlations were observed between the MoCA scores and age (r ¼ 2.522, p , .01) and educational
level (r ¼ .652, p , .01). To examine the contributions of these variables and their interactions to the explanation of variance
of the MoCA scores, a MLR analysis was performed using the enter method. This analysis resulted in two significant regression
models. The first model—F(1, 648) ¼ 480.093, p , .001—included only the variable educational level (b ¼ 0.652,
Table 4. Analysis of covariates: group differences in mean age and educational level
Variables Age Educational level
M + DP t/F M + DP t/F
25–49 — — 10.64 + 4.688 F(2,647) ¼ 62.757, p , .001
50–64 7.75 + 4.289
≥65 6.08 + 3.989
Educational level
Primary 63.99 + 10.843 F(3,646) ¼ 57.631, p , .001 — —
Middle 53.69 + 14.454
High 48.69 + 14.523
University 47.50 + 16.008
Geographic region
North 53.53 + 13.741 F(4,645) ¼ 6.517, p , .001 6.91 + 3.891 F(4,645) ¼ 15.675, p , .001
Center 60.09 + 14.092 8.50 + 5.382
Lisbon 54.41 + 16.454 10.20 + 4.627
Alentejo 54.82 + 18.746 7.59 + 4.299
Algarve 63.12 + 10.624 4.94 + 2.703
Residence area
PUA 55.63 + 14.879 F(2,647) ¼ 2.094, p ¼ .124 8.60 + 4.871 F(2,647) ¼ 8.450, p , .001
MUA 54.43 + 16.408 7.79 + 4.298
PRA 58.62 + 14.456 6.46 + 4.064
Marital status
Married 57.24 + 13.431 t ¼ 3.527, p ¼ .001 7.65 + 4.551 t ¼ 4.842, p ≤ .001
Single 51.60 + 18.789 9.70 + 4.917
Employment status
Active 45.84 + 11.549 t ¼ 23.147, p ≤ .001 9.81 + 4.739 t ¼ 9.673, p ≤ .001
Inactive 66.16 + 10.829 6.46 + 4.065
Notes: M ¼ mean; SD ¼ standard deviation; t ¼ Student’s t-test values; F ¼ analysis of variance values.
Table 5. Analysis of group differences in the MoCA scores while controlling for the effect of covariates and estimation of the effect sizes
Variables Covariates ANCOVA Effect size
model, the two variables were combined, and no evidence of multicollinearity was detected. In this model, F(2, 647) ¼ 317.016,
p , .001, both variables significantly contributed to the prediction of the MoCA scores (educational level:
b ¼ 0.524, t ¼ 16.871, p , .001; age: b ¼ 2.293, t ¼ 29.426, p , .001. The b weights indicated that educational level
was the major contributor to the prediction of the MoCA scores, but age also contributed to the prediction. The adjusted R 2
value was .49, which signifies that 49% of the variance on the MoCA scores was explained by this model.
The health variables considered in the study were as follows: family history of dementia (16% of participants had a positive
family history), depressive symptoms (GDS mean ¼ 7.34 + 5.371, range ¼ 0 – 20), and subjective memory complaints (two
conditions: (a) SMC participants [mean ¼ 5.66 + 3.592, range ¼ 0 – 18] and (b) SMC informants [mean ¼ 4.15 + 2.735,
range ¼ 0 – 11]). The results of the intercorrelations among the MoCA scores and these health variables are provided in
Table 2, except for the family history of dementia, which showed no significant correlation with MoCA scores (r ¼ .00,
p , .001) or SMC informants scores (r ¼ .095, p ¼ .239) and a significant correlation with GDS scores (r ¼ .092,
p ¼ .019) and SMC participants scores (r ¼ .127, p , .01).
A reliable evaluation of an individual’s cognitive performance must be based on robust normative data stratified according
to the sociodemographic variables most influential on and predictive of performance. The current study is essential for adapting
this instrument for a specific population. Furthermore, the study is relevant due to the widespread international use of the
MoCA, the lack of international studies that analyze a wide variety of variables that may influence one’s performance on
this test, and the absence of studies using stratified community-based samples in Portugal to examine the influence of socio-
demographic and health variables on cognitive screening instruments. The few studies available were limited by small samples
within restricted regional areas and only focused on specific variables. The use of a sample stratified by different levels of
sociodemographic variables and with a distribution close to that observed in the Portuguese population enhances the equiva-
lence with the target population and the confidence of conclusions drawn.
Our results confirm that age and educational level significantly contribute to the prediction of the MoCA scores, explaining
49% of the results variance. This is considered a large effect, according Cohen (1988), and a respectable result, according to
Pallant (2007). As expected, and according to previous studies of cognitive screening tests (Anderson et al., 2007; Bravo &
Hébert, 1997; Gallacher et al., 1999; Langa et al., 2009; Matallana et al., 2011; Mathuranath et al., 2007; Moraes et al.,
2010), our results confirm that older age and lower educational level have a significant effect on MoCA performance, increas-
ing the likelihood of obtaining a lower total score.
The influence of other sociodemographic variables on screening tests is further conflicting in the literature. In the present
study, gender, marital status, and employment status did not reveal a significant effect on the MoCA results. Regarding geo-
graphical variables, our results indicated no statistically significant differences between subjects living in the coastal and inland
areas. The differences observed among residents in predominantly urban or rural areas were not significant after controlling for
education. Finally, the observed differences between residents in different geographic regions showed a small magnitude after
controlling for age and education. Of note, these regional subgroups were not completely matched for age and education, which
may explain the results obtained.
Regarding the influence of health variables on MoCA performance, similar to a previous study (Mı́as et al., 2007), the
results suggest no significant association between family history of dementia or memory complaints evaluated by the informant
and MoCA performance. On the other hand, both depressive symptoms and subjective memory complaints of the participant
presented significant and negative correlations with MoCA total scores. Moreover, these variables also showed a significant
correlation between them, which is consistent with the well-documented association between these symptoms (Reid &
MacLullich, 2006). Considering the results of the MLR analysis performed, only the subjective memory complaints of the
participant showed a small contribution (9%) to the explanation of the variance on the MoCA scores. However, these data
regarding health variables should be interpreted with caution. Since they result from the analysis of performance of cognitively
healthy and non-depressed-to-mildly-depressed individuals, these findings should not be generalized to individuals with clin-
ical conditions. Additionally, the findings about the depressive symptoms and subjective memory complaints would benefit
from better operationalization of these variables. The inclusion of more specific and descriptive instruments may have shed
S. Freitas et al. / Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology 27 (2012) 165–175 173
greater light on the influence of these variables on MoCA performance. Furthermore, these findings must be complemented
with studies that consider patients with cognitive impairment and patients with depression.
Another limitation of the present study was the inability to completely match all of the age subgroups in terms of education
due to the higher education of the younger group. However, the observed discrepancy is, in fact, representative of the demo-
graphic profile of the country. This can be explained by the change in the school system in the last decades, namely the im-
position of higher levels of obligatory education, which has had a selective impact on the younger generations. The older strata
were characterized by a very low mean education. Another issue involves the classification of participants as cognitively
healthy subjects. To ensure cognitive health, we established strict criteria for inclusion and exclusion in the sample, as previ-
ously explained, and these criteria were confirmed in the clinical interview and neuropsychological evaluation. Furthermore,
for older participants, confirmatory information was also obtained through a general practitioner, community centre directors,
and/or an informant. However, given the sample size and geographical distribution of the participants, it was not possible to
perform a neurological consultation or additional diagnostic tests such as neuroimaging, which would have further ensured the
This work was supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia [Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology]
(SFRH/BD/38019/2007) to SF; and the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian [Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation] (Proc.74569,
SDH-22 Neurociências).
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Wu, M., Lan, T., Chen, C., Chiu, H., & Lan, T. (2011). Sociodemographic and health-related factors associated with cognitive impairment in the elderly in