FortiSIEM 7.1.6 Release Notes

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Release Notes

FortiSIEM 7.1.6








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FortiSIEM 7.1.6 Release Notes

Change Log 4
What's New in 7.1.6 5
OS Updates 5
Rocky Linux Update 5
PostGreSQL Update 5
Bug Fixes 5
Post-Upgrade ClickHouse IP Index Rebuilding 8

FortiSIEM 7.1.6 Release Notes 3

Fortinet Inc.
Change Log

Date Change Description

05/07/2024 Initial version of the 7.1.6 Release Notes.

FortiSIEM 7.1.6 Release Notes 4

Fortinet Inc.
What's New in 7.1.6

What's New in 7.1.6

This document describes the content on the FortiSIEM 7.1.6 release.

l OS Updates
l Bug Fixes
l Post-Upgrade ClickHouse IP Index Rebuilding

OS Updates

l Rocky Linux Update

l PostGreSQL Update

Rocky Linux Update

This release includes published Rocky Linux OS 8.9 updates until May 6, 2024. The list of updates can be found at FortiSIEM Rocky Linux Repositories ( and have also been updated to include fixes until May 6, 2024. FortiSIEM
customers in versions 6.4.1 and above, can upgrade only their Rocky Linux versions by following the procedures
described in FortiSIEM OS Update Procedure.

PostGreSQL Update

FortiSIEM 7.1.6 includes PostGreSQL v13.14 containing the patch for CVE-2024-0985.
l If you are doing a fresh install of FortiSIEM 7.1.6, then the patch is included and there is nothing to do.
l If are upgrading to FortiSIEM 7.1.6, then the patch is included and there is nothing to do.
l If you want to remain on a version of FortiSIEM 7.1.4 or earlier, then you can't get this patch by running yum
upgrade, since Postgres changed the repo gpg key as per this change
( To get this Postgres patch, on the Supervisor,
run the following script:
curl -s | bash -xe

Bug Fixes

This release contains the following fixes.

FortiSIEM 7.1.6 Release Notes 5

Fortinet Inc.
What's New in 7.1.6

Bug Id Severity Module Description

1016660, Major App Server Supervisor will stop uploading incidents to FortiSIEM Manager if
1006507 there are too many incidents backed up on Supervisor.

1023244 Major Disaster For ClickHouse in Disaster Recovery Environment, after

Recovery switching to Secondary, historical queries may fail.

1010268 Major Generative AI Fortinet Advisor response shows information from other

1022966 Major Parser Improve phParser Syslog over TLS server processing to handle
more clients.

1013804 Major Query EventDB deployments: Queries with any group by large field
length value (> 4K) fails with 'Search Data Error'.

1025920 Major Rule Improve RuleWorker to reduce event drops during heavy load.
Event drops produce PH_DROP_EVENT_FROM_SHARED_
BUFFER error events.

1002055 Major Rule Sometimes for Service provider Organizations, disabled rules
may trigger incidents after upgrade to 7.1.4.

938498 Major Rule Sometimes phRuleWorker crashes on workers.

1003855 Major Rule, Report phQueryWorker, phRuleWorker and phReportWorker processes

may crash when group by attribute is too long.

1026841 Major System Collector may fail to upload config events due to mod_security

1025670 Minor App Server Raw Events in email incident notification (via custom template) is
truncated when Incident contains Windows Agent events.

1022684 Minor App Server Optimize App Server handling of incident detail and lookup-time
updates in System config for Elasticsearch deployments.

1022485 Minor App Server Windows Agents fail authentication with Supervisor in VDI

1021956 Minor App Server Remove Organizations from other CMDB tables (ph_drq_scope)
after an Organization is deleted from CMDB. This error can cause
disabled rules to get activated if the rule was active in the deleted

1020274 Minor App Server Investigation View doesn't load some incidents if there are 2
devices in Incident with the same name.

1019109 Minor App Server Improve App Server Task retrieval performance from Redis. This
can cause GUI to become slow with large number of collectors.

1015817 Minor App Server IPS CVE Check Integration is broken - Cannot get CVE list from
FortiGuard Services.

FortiSIEM 7.1.6 Release Notes 6

Fortinet Inc.
What's New in 7.1.6

Bug Id Severity Module Description

1012404 Minor App Server Org level admin cannot create System Rule Exception from Org

997457 Minor App Server After decommissioning an unmanaged device, create a new
managed device with same IP and its logs are dropped.

995640 Minor App Server Rule import from XML can bypass the rule name restriction that a
rule name can't start with numbers.

995638 Minor App Server CSV Export of Watchlist does not handle comma's inside value
(even if double quoted).

987938 Minor App Server phRecvDate cannot be used in GroupByAttr when using

978060 Minor App Server Notification policies with Remediation script is configured to run
on the collector, but is running on Supervisor.

905928 Minor App Server Attachments are not received in Case email notification.

1026042 Minor App Server, During Collector Upgrade, DownloadImage task for a particular
Upgrade collector status may stay in Inwaiting stage and may not proceed.

1025801 Minor ClickHouse ClickHouse Log Integrity Validation does not work from
Backend Supervisor Follower.

990441 Minor ClickHouse ClickHouse Server does not clean up old unused AWS S3 objects
Backend occupying storage space.

987286 Minor ClickHouse ClickHouse - Add worker > Test may fail if the disk is already
Backend formatted.

1022689 Minor Docker, Linux agent event can't be uploaded through Docker Collector.

1024358 Minor GUI Duplicate 'Incident First Seen' show under CMDB Report
Attribute list.

1023547 Minor GUI Some Lookup Tables can not be imported in Enterprise version.

1021133 Minor GUI Severity of more than 1 selected system rules cannot be changed
WITHOUT creating a clone rule.

1011914 Minor GUI Incident > 'Run External Integration' Action is missing.

1007538 Minor GUI During rule editing, removing an attribute from GroupBy in Filter
Conditions (Step 2) does not remove this attribute from Action
(Step 3) - this causes rulesync issues.

1005651 Minor GUI Incident Explorer View is missing 'Other' Category.

997725 Minor GUI User GUI timeout in background browser tab logs out active
foreground tab.

FortiSIEM 7.1.6 Release Notes 7

Fortinet Inc.
What's New in 7.1.6

Bug Id Severity Module Description

983266 Minor GUI GUI removes spaces between words in 'Destination Organization'
and likely other attributes.

956930 Minor GUI After deleting Organizations and creating new one, user
sometimes fails to create archive policies for new organizations.

991802 Minor Linux Agent Linux agent on Ubuntu 22.04.3 does not start when using
Supervisor FQDN. Using Supervisor IP works.

987004 Minor Linux Agent, Linux agent 7.1.0 fails to parse Process names with spaces.

1006302 Minor Machine The Gaussian Model and Gaussian Mixture Models algorithms do
Learning not handle large data properly because of missing data

876167 Minor Parser During Testing Rules, parsed event attribute values containing
semicolon do not show correctly.

936491 Minor Performance After cloning a JDBC Performance Object, Test may fail.

1021803, Minor Query For ClickHouse, there may be result discrepancy between Search
1004011 on GUI and CSV Export.

996566 Minor Query For ClickHouse, it is not possible to do a group by on event

attributes with Uint64 values.

1025395 Minor System Restarting 'phMonitor' would result in the unnecessarily restarting

1018855 Minor System For phClickHouseCSVExport tool, device ip argument should

mean reporting ip.

938732 Minor Upgrade When collector upgrade fails, phMonitor.pre-upgrade should

move back to phMonitor.

1026025 Enhancement Data work FortiMail Parser does not parse logs from FortiCloud FortiMail.

1024781 Enhancement Data work Win-Security-4688 is not parsing CommandLine in new


1007504 Enhancement GUI Interface Usage Dashboard data cannot be sorted.

996423 Enhancement GUI Show Organization names in alphabetical order.

989168 Enhancement System Support change_ip operation for worker and non-licensed

Post-Upgrade ClickHouse IP Index Rebuilding

If you are upgrading ClickHouse based deployment from pre-7.1.1 to 7.1.6, then after upgrading to 7.1.6, you need to run
a script to rebuild ClickHouse indices. If you are running 7.1.2, 7.1.3, 7.1.4, or 7.1.5, and have already executed the

FortiSIEM 7.1.6 Release Notes 8

Fortinet Inc.
What's New in 7.1.6

rebuilding steps, then nothing more needs to be done.

For details about this issue, see Release Notes 7.1.3 Known Issue.
The rebuilding steps are available in Release Notes 7.1.4 - Script for Rebuilding/Recreating pre-7.1.1 ClickHouse
Database Indices Involving IP Fields.

FortiSIEM 7.1.6 Release Notes 9

Fortinet Inc.

Copyright© 2024 Fortinet, Inc. All rights reserved. Fortinet®, FortiGate®, FortiCare® and FortiGuard®, and certain other marks are registered trademarks of Fortinet, Inc., and other Fortinet names herein
may also be registered and/or common law trademarks of Fortinet. All other product or company names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Performance and other metrics contained herein were
attained in internal lab tests under ideal conditions, and actual performance and other results may vary. Network variables, different network environments and other conditions may affect performance
results. Nothing herein represents any binding commitment by Fortinet, and Fortinet disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, except to the extent Fortinet enters a binding written contract,
signed by Fortinet’s Chief Legal Officer, with a purchaser that expressly warrants that the identified product will perform according to certain expressly-identified performance metrics and, in such event, only
the specific performance metrics expressly identified in such binding written contract shall be binding on Fortinet. For absolute clarity, any such warranty will be limited to performance in the same ideal
conditions as in Fortinet’s internal lab tests. Fortinet disclaims in full any covenants, representations, and guarantees pursuant hereto, whether express or implied. Fortinet reserves the right to change,
modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice, and the most current version of the publication shall be applicable.

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