Globalisation on
the Indian
The process of globalisation has had a profound impact on the Indian
economy over the past few decades. As India has become increasingly
integrated with the global market, it has experienced significant shifts in trade,
investment, and the overall economic landscape. This presentation will
explore the key aspects of this transformation and examine how globalisation
has reshaped India's economic development.
By Sparsh bhatnagar
Overview of Globalisation
and its Key Drivers
India's Economic Reforms and
Integration with the Global Economy
Liberalization and Privatization and Participation in Global
Deregulation Foreign Investment Trade Agreements
India's economic reforms in the 1990s, Privatization of state-owned India's membership in organizations like
including the liberalization of trade and enterprises and the relaxation of the World Trade Organization (WTO)
investment policies, have opened up foreign direct investment (FDI) and its involvement in regional trade
the economy to global markets. regulations have attracted significant agreements have further integrated the
international capital and expertise. country with the global economy.
Impact on Trade and
Investment Flows
1 Expanding Trade
India's exports and imports have grown significantly, with a more diverse
range of trading partners and a shifting composition of traded goods and
Impact on Domestic
Industries and Sectors
Impact on Employment and Labour Markets
Impact on Economic Growth and
Poverty Alleviation
Economic Expansion Poverty Reduction Uneven Impacts
Globalisation has contributed to India's Increased economic opportunities, job The benefits of globalisation have not
sustained economic growth, with creation, and access to essential goods been equally distributed, leading to
increased productivity, innovation, and and services have helped in the concerns about income inequality and
access to international markets and reduction of poverty levels in India. the need for inclusive growth strategies.
Challenges and Policy
Considerations for the
Addressing Protectionist Fostering Inclusive
Tendencies Growth
Balancing the need for open markets and Ensuring that the benefits of globalisation
global integration with the protection of are more equitably distributed and that
domestic industries and jobs is a key vulnerable groups are not left behind is a
challenge for policymakers. priority for sustainable development.