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MCQ 12TH (Electricity) Assignment

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Class 12 - Physics
Time Allowed: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 50

General Instructions:

All questions are important.

1. The mobility of charge carriers increases with: [1]

a) increase in the average collision time b) increase in the mass of the charge carriers

c) the decrease in the charge of the mobile d) increase in the electric field
2. A wire of radius r has resistance R. If it is stretched to the wire of r

radius, then the resistance becomes: [1]

a) 16 R b) 2 R

c) 4 R d) Zero
3. Resistivity of a given conductor depends upon [1]

a) area of cross-section b) length of conductor

c) temperature d) shape of the conductor

4. Consider a current-carrying wire (current I) in the shape of a circle. Note that as the current progresses along the [1]
wire, the direction of j (current density) changes in an exact manner, while the current I remain unaffected. The
agent that is essentially responsible for, is

a) the electric field produced by charges b) the charges just behind a given segment of
accumulated on the surface of the wire. wire which push them just the right way by

c) source of emf. d) the charges ahead.

5. Two resistance filaments of same length are connected first in series and then in parallel. Find the ratio of power [1]
dissipated in both cases assuming that equal current flows in the main circuit.

a) 4 : 1 b) 1 : 2

c) 2 : 1 d) 1 : 4
6. Two similar head lamps are connected in parallel to each other. Together, they consume 48 W from a 6 V [1]
battery, the resistance of each filament is:

a) 4Ω b) 6Ω

c) 3Ω d) 1.5Ω

7. The masses of two cylindrical wires of copper are in the ratio of 1 : 3 and their lengths are in the ratio of 5 : 3. [1]
The ratio of their resistances will be:

a) 2 : 5 b) 1 : 5

c) 2 : 3 d) 3 : 5
8. Electric field (E) and current density (j) have a relation: [1]

a) E2 ∝ b) E ∝
j j

c) E ∝ j d) E ∝ j-1

9. According to Joule's law, if potential difference across a conductor of material of resistivity ρ remains constant, [1]
then heat produced in the conductor is directly proportional to

a) ρ b)


c) ρ −1
d) ρ

10. According to Kirchhoff’s Junction Rule, [1]

a) At any junction of circuit elements, the sum b) At any junction of circuit elements, the sum
of currents entering the junction must not of currents entering and leaving the junction
equal the sum of currents leaving it. must be positive.

c) At any junction of circuit elements, the sum d) At any junction of circuit elements, the sum
of currents entering the junction must equal of currents entering and leaving the junction
the sum of currents leaving it. must be negative.

11. Electrons drift with speed v in a conductor with potential difference V across its ends. If V is reduced to (
) , [1]

their drift speed will become:

a) v d
b) 2vd

c) 4v d
d) 2

12. For a metallic conductor, the correct representation of variation of resistance R with temperature T is: [1]

a) b)

c) d)

13. At 1000°C the resistance of a wire is found to be four times its resistance at 0°C. The temperature coefficient of [1]
resistance of the material of the wire will be:

a) 0.001

b) 0.004


c) 0.002

d) 0.003


14. The specific resistance of a conductor increases with: [1]

a) decrease in cross-sectional area b) increase in temperature

c) decrease in length d) increase in cross-sectional area

15. Two unequal resistors are connected in series across a battery. Then the [1]

a) potential difference across the bigger b) power dissipated in both resistors is the
resistor is greater. same.

c) potential difference across each resistor is d) current in the smaller resistor is larger.
the same.
16. Kirchhoff's current rule is based on the law of conservation of [1]

a) mass b) energy and mass

c) charge d) energy

17. The charge flowing through a resistance R varies with time t as Q = at - bt2, where a and b are positive constants. [1]
The total heat produced in R is:
3 3

a) a R
b) a R

b 2b

3 3

c) a R

d) a R


18. A steady current of 8 mA flows through a wire. The number of electrons passing through a cross-section of the [1]
wire in 10 s is

a) 5.0 × 1017 b) 1.6 × 1016

c) 4.0 × 1016 d) 1.0 × 1017

19. For a fixed potential difference applied across a conductor, the drift speed of free electrons does not depend [1]

a) length of the conductor b) temperature of the conductor

c) mass of the electrons d) free electron density in the conductor

20. Drift is the random motion of the charged particles within a conductor, [1]

a) along with a very slow net motion in the b) along with accelerated motion in the
opposite direction of the field direction of the field

c) along with a decelerated motion in the d) along with zero motion in the direction of
direction of the field the field
21. If a wire of resistivity ρ is stretched to double its length, then its new resistivity will: [1]

a) not change b) be double

c) be 4 times d) be half
22. Across a metallic conductor of non-uniform cross-section, a constant potential difference is applied. The [1]
quantity which remains constant along the conductor is:

a) current b) electric field

c) drift velocity d) current density

23. Kirchhoff's first and second laws of electrical circuits are consequences of: [1]

a) conservation of electric charge b) conservation of energy and electric charge


c) conservation of energy d) conservation of electric charge and energy

24. Identify the set in which all the three materials are good conductors of electricity: [1]

a) Cu, Hg and NaCl b) Cu, Ag and Au

c) Cu, Si and diamond d) Cu, Ge and Hg

25. What is the unit for specific resistivity? [1]

a) ohm cm-1 b) ohm cm2

c) ohm cm d) ohm cm-2

26. The SI unit of mobility of charge carriers is: [1]

a) m s-1 V-1 b) Ωs

c) Ωm d) m2 V-1 s-1

27. Which of the following wires of the same material will have higher resistance? [1]

a) radius is 2 mm and the length is 40 m b) radius is 1 mm and the length is 40 m

c) radius is 2 mm and the length is 80 m d) radius is 1mm and the length is 80 m

28. If the length and area of cross-section of a conductor are doubled, then its resistance will be: [1]

a) quadrupled b) unchanged

c) halved d) doubled
29. Mobility is defined as [1]

a) the number of charges in motion per unit b) the magnitude of the drift velocity per unit
electric field voltage

c) the magnitude of the drift velocity per unit d) the magnitude of the drift velocity per unit
charge electric field
30. Nichrome or manganin is widely used in wire-bound standard resistors because of their: [1]

a) very weakly temperature-dependent b) temperature independent resistivity


c) mechanical strength d) strong dependence of resistivity with

31. On increasing the temperature of a conductor, its resistance increases because the: [1]

a) relaxation time increases b) relaxation time decreases

c) relaxation time remains constant d) electron density decreases

32. When no current is passed through a conductor: [1]

a) the average speed of a free-electron over a b) the average of the velocities of all the free
large period of time is not zero electrons at an instant is non-zero

c) the free electrons do not move d) the average velocity of a free electron over a
large period of time is zero
33. In metal with a positive Thomson coefficient, the current is passed from the lower temperature to the high [1]

temperature side. Then heat will be:

a) evolved b) enlarge

c) absorbed d) constant
34. The equivalent emf of two sources of voltages E1 and E2 which are in series with cathode of one connected to [1]

anode of the other is

E2 ×E2
a) E1 + E2 b)
(E1 +E2 )

E1 ×E1 E1 E2
c) d)
(E1 +E2 ) (E1 +E2 )

35. A cell of internal resistance r connected across an external resistance R can supply maximum current when [1]

a) R = 0 b) R = r

c) R = r

d) R > r
36. Kirchhoff's first rule ΣI = 0 and second rule ΣI R = ΣE (where the symbols have their usual meanings) are [1]
respectively based on

a) conservation of momentum and b) conservation of energy, conservation of

conservation of charge charge

c) conservation of charge, conservation of d) conservation of charge, conservation of

energy momentum

37. m2V-1s-1 is the SI unit of which of the following? [1]

a) Potential gradient b) Mobility

c) Drift velocity d) Resistivity

38. The heat produced by 100 W heater in 2 minutes is equal to: [1]

a) 14.2 kcal b) 2.8 kcal

c) 16.3 kcal d) 10.5 kcal

39. A hot electric iron has a resistance of 80 Ω and is used on a 200 V source. The electrical energy spent, if it is [1]
used for 2 h, will be:

a) 800 Wh b) 1000 Wh

c) 2000 Wh d) 8000 Wh
40. A 1250 W heater operates at 115 V. What is the resistance of the heating coil? [1]

a) 1.6 Ω b) 13.5 Ω

c) 10.6 Ω d) 1250 Ω
41. Pieces of copper and of silicon are initially at room temperature. Both are heated to temperature T. The [1]
conductivity of

a) both increases. b) copper increases and silicon decreases.

c) copper decreases and silicon increases. d) both decreases.

42. If the temperature of cold junction of a thermocouple is lowered, then the neutral temperature: [1]

a) becomes zero b) increases

c) decreases d) remains the same
43. Two resistors R1 and R2 of 4Ω and 6Ω are connected in parallel across a battery. The ratio of power dissipated [1]

in them, P1 : P2 will be

a) 3 : 2 b) 2 : 3

c) 4 : 9 d) 9 : 4
44. A metal rod of length 10 cm and a rectangular cross-section of 1cm × 1

cm is connected to a battery across [1]
opposite faces. The resistance will be

a) same irrespective of the three faces b) maximum when the battery is connected
across 10 cm ×1 cm

c) maximum when the battery is connected d) maximum when the battery is connected
across 1cm × 1

cm across 10 cm × 1

45. Fuse wire should have: [1]

a) high resistance, low melting point b) high resistance, high melting point

c) low resistance, high melting point d) low resistance, low melting point
46. Which one of the following is the correct representation of variation of conductivity of a conductor with [1]

a) b)

c) d)

47. The dimension of electrical resistance is: [1]

a) [ML2T-3A1] b) [ML2T-3A-2]

c) [ML3T-3A-2] d) [ML2T-3A-1]

48. The correct graph showing the variation of the resistance (R) of a cylindrical metal wire as a function of its [1]
radius (r), keeping its length and temperature constant, is:

a) b)

c) d)

49. In a dc circuit the direction of current inside the battery and outside the battery respectively are [1]

a) negative to positive terminal and negative b) positive to negative terminal and positive to
to positive terminal negative terminal

c) positive to negative terminal and negative to d) negative to positive terminal and positive to
positive terminal negative terminal
50. A wire of resistance 4 Ω is stretched to twice its original length. The resistance of stretched wire would be: [1]

a) 8 Ω b) 16 Ω

c) 4 Ω d) 2 Ω


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