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2 Looking at living things

2.1 Characteristics of living things (Book 1A, p. 63)

➢ Both animals and plants are living things. They have some common (1) _________________:

1 They can (2) _______________(運動). 2 They need (3) _______________(空氣).

3 They can (4) _______________(排泄). 4 They can (5) _______________ (生長).

5 They can (6) _______________ (生殖). 6 They can (7) _______________ to

stimuli (刺激).

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2.2 Observing living things (Book 1A, p. 67)

➢ Scientists study living things by observing their

(1) ___________________________ (外在特徵)
and (2) ________________________ (行為).

2.3 Diversity of living things (Book 1A, p. 72)

➢ There is a (1) _______________ variety of living things on Earth.

➢ The natural environment where a living thing lives is called a (2) _______________ (生境).
➢ Living things have special body features and behaviours that help them (3) _______________
to their habitats.
➢ (4) _______________ exist within the same kind of living things.
Examples of variations within humans:

 can roll tongue  cannot roll tongue  free earlobes  attached earlobes

➢ We can use a bar chart to show the distribution of certain variations (e.g. range of hand span,
height, weight) for easy analysis.

2.4 Classification of living things (Book 1A, p. 81)

A The need for classification (Book 1A, p. 81)

➢ Scientists classify living things according to their (1) _______________.

➢ (2) _______________ (分類) helps scientists study living things in an orderly way.

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B Classifying living things (Book 1A, p. 82)

➢ Scientists classify living things into two large groups: (3) _______________ and
(4) _______________.
➢ Animals can be classified into vertebrates and (5) _______________.
➢ Vertebrates have a (6) _______________ while invertebrates do not.
➢ Vertebrates can be further classified into five groups: (7) _______________,
(8) _______________, (9) _______________, (10) _______________ and
(11) _______________.

1 Classifying vertebrates (Book 1A, p. 86) Extension

Group of vertebrates General characteristics

Fish (魚類)
➢ Live in (12) _______________
➢ Have (13) _______________ (鰭) and slimy (濕滑的)
(14) ________________ (鱗)
➢ Breathe with (15) _______________ (鰓)
➢ Body temperature changes with the environment
 Shark

Amphibians (兩棲類)
➢ Can live in water and on land
➢ Have moist (濕潤) skin but no (16) _______________
➢ Breathe with (17) _______________, skin or lungs (肺)
➢ Body temperature changes with the environment

 Frog

Reptiles (爬行類)
➢ Body covered with dry, (18) _______________ scales
➢ Breathe with (19) _______________
➢ (20) ___________________________ changes with the

 Lizard (蜥蜴)

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Birds (鳥類)
➢ Body covered with (21) _______________
➢ Have a (22) _______________ (喙)
➢ Breathe with (23) _______________
➢ Have (24) _______________ (翅膀)
➢ Can maintain a constant (25) _____________________

 Pigeon (鴿)

Mammals (哺乳類)
➢ Have mammary glands (乳腺) to produce
(26) _______________ for the young
➢ Have fur or hair (毛髮) on the skin
➢ Breathe with (27) _______________
➢ Can maintain a (28) _______________ body temperature
 Chimpanzee (黑猩猩)

2 Classifying plants (Book 1A, p. 89)

➢ Scientists classify plants into (29) _____________________________________ and

(30) _____________________________________ according to whether they produce
flowers or not.

C The changing classification system (Book 1A, p. 91)

➢ The classification system that scientists are using today is largely based on the work of
(31) ________________________ in the 1700s.

➢ The classification system is subject to change when there are new discoveries.

D Using a key to identify living things (Book 1B, p. 92)

➢ Scientists use a (32) _______________ (檢索表) to identify (辨認) unknown living things.

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E Constructing a key to identify living things (Book 1A, p. 94) Extension

A key for identifying birds in the mangrove:

 Little egret (小白鷺)  Great egret (大白鷺)  Grey heron (蒼鷺)  Great cormorant (鸕鶿)

Birds in the mangrove

Body covered with only Body not covered with

white feathers only white feathers

Beak not Feet not

Black beak (33) __________ Black feet (36) __________
in colour in colour

(34) __________ (35) __________ (37) __________ (38) __________

_____________ _____________ _____________ _____________

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2.5 Endangered species (Book 1A, p. 96)

A What are endangered species? (Book 1A, p. 96)

➢ Living things that are in danger of extinction (絕種) are called (1) _______________________
______________________ (瀕危物種).
➢ Some examples of endangered species: rhinoceros, tigers, giant pandas, Chinese sturgeons,
pitcher plants and orchids.

 Chinese sturgeon (中華鱘)  Orchid (蘭花)

 Giant panda (大熊貓)  Pitcher plant (豬籠草)

B Effect of human activities on wildlife (Book 1A, p. 97)

➢ The (2) _______________ (絕種) of wildlife (野生生物) can occur naturally because of
(3) _______________ or (4) ______________________________.
➢ The rapid decrease in the number and kinds of living things in the past 50 years is caused
mainly by (5) ______________________________.

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➢ Causes for living things to become endangered:

Cause Explanation
Destruction of natural habits ➢ Human destroyed the natural habitats of many living
things to obtain (6) ______________________ (原料)
and new (7) _______________.
➢ Living things (e.g. giant panda) lose their homes (e.g.
bamboo forests) and may die.

 Destruction of bamboo forest

Excessive hunting and ➢ Some animals (e.g. sharks) are being (8) _________
over-exploitation _________________ (過度獵殺) to make medicinal or
commercial products (e.g. dried shark fins).
➢ Some plants (e.g. slipper orchids) are (9) _________
_________________ (過度採摘) for gardening or
medicinal purposes.

 Fishermen kill sharks

Introduction of (10) ________ ➢ Some living things which are not naturally found in
_____________ (外來物種) an area are brought to new places because of
(11) ______________ (貿易) or (12) ______________

➢ Some living things are introduced to new areas for

controlling (13) _______________ (害蟲).
➢ These living things may compete with (14) ________
 Mosquito fish introduced from
South America to Hong Kong __________ (原生物種) for food.

Pollution ➢ Some human activities produce harmful substances

that (15) _______________ (污染) the environment.
➢ Plants cannot live in polluted air and will die.
➢ Rubbish dumped in natural habitats can kill animals.

 A bird killed by rubbish around

its neck

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C Importance of protecting wildlife (Book 1A, p. 103)

➢ (16) _______________ (保育) of wildlife and their habitats is important because:

◼ living things are (17) _______________ (互相依賴) for survival (生存). The feeding
relationship of living things can be shown by a (18) _______________ (食物鏈).

eaten by eaten by

rotten leaves from crab seabird


◼ the loss of any kind of living things can (19) _______________ (干擾) the stable system in
◼ humans are dependent on other living things for the supply of food, medicine, etc.

D Ways of conserving wildlife (Book 1A, p. 105)

Ways of conserving wildlife Measures

I Carrying out studies about wildlife a Set up a visitor centre in the Hong Kong Wetland Park
II Protecting wildlife by laws b Reuse metal cans to reduce the amount of waste
III Reducing pollution c Set up the Mai Po Nature Reserve for nature conservation
IV Educating the public d Require a licence for owning endangered species
V Setting up and managing protected e Recycle used materials to make new products
areas f Organize tree-planting activities
g Reduce the use of electricity
h Observe the external features and behaviours of living

I: (20) ________ II: (21) ________ III: (22) ________, ________, ________
IV: (23) ________, ________ V: (24) ________

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2 Looking at living things
1 characteristics 2 move 3 air 4 excrete
5 grow 6 reproduce 7 react

1 external features 2 behaviours

1 wide 2 habitat 3 adapt 4 Variations

1 similarities 2 Classification 3 animals 4 plants
5 invertebrates 6 backbone 7 fish 8 amphibians
9 reptiles 10 birds 11 mammals 12 water
13 fins 14 scales 15 gills 16 scales
17 gills 18 hard 19 lungs 20 Body temperature
21 feathers 22 beak 23 lungs 24 wings
25 body temperature 26 milk 27 lungs 28 constant
29 flowering plants 30 non-flowering plants 31 Carolus Linnaeus 32 key
33 black 34 Little egret 35 Great egret 36 black
37 Great cormorant 38 Grey heron

1 endangered species 2 extinction 3 diseases 4 climate changes
5 human activities 6 raw materials 7 land 8 excessively hunted
9 over-exploited 10 foreign species 11 trade 12 transportation
13 pests 14 native species 15 pollute 16 Conservation
17 interdependent 18 food chain 19 disturb 20 h
21 d 22 b, e, g 23 a, f 24 c

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© Oxford University Press 2010 - 21 - Lesson Worksheet 1A

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