Water Scarcity
Water Scarcity
Water Scarcity
Water is a natural and essential resource, whether it is a biochemical component of
living beings or a livelihood of various plant and animal species. It is an important
element for human life, as it makes up 60 to 70% of our body weight, regulates our
internal temperature and is essential for all our functions. But water scarcity can be a
major threat, as it is the source of our life.
climate change/ drought (seca)
campos de golf
crescimento populacional
Due to this phenomenon, several consequences are triggered, such as: Scarcity of
clean water can lead to a lack of access to safe drinking water for drinking and
domestic use, causing public health problems such as waterborne diseases; social
conflicts, as competition for limited water resources can generate conflict between
diverse groups, such as farmers, industries, and local communities;
Besisdes that, scarcity can lead to the degradation of aquatic ecosystems, resulting in
decreased biodiversity and loss of natural habitats. This negatively affects wildlife as it
relies on water bodies to survive; it can also affect the tourism and agricultural
industries as they rely on healthy water to attract visitors and buyers.
Improvement of plumbing,
Thus avoiding water leaks in large quantities;
Use water consciously, thus avoiding leaving the tap running while brushing your
teeth, taking a shower, etc...;
Desalinate seawater for consumption, thus turning salt water into fresh water,
increasing availability and access to the resource;