CG Module 1 - Introduction & Overview of Graphics System - Aeraxia - in
CG Module 1 - Introduction & Overview of Graphics System - Aeraxia - in
CG Module 1 - Introduction & Overview of Graphics System - Aeraxia - in
1.Computer Art:
Using computer graphics we can create fine and commercial art
which include animation packages, paint packages. These
packages provide facilities for designing object shapes and
specifying object motion.Cartoon drawing, paintings, logo design
can also be done.
3.Presentation Graphics:
For the preparation of reports or summarising the
1) financial Report
2) statistical Report
3) mathematical Report
4) scientific Report
Computer graphics finds a major part of its utility in the movie
industry and game industry. Used for creating motion pictures ,
music video, television shows, cartoon animation films. In the
game industry where focus and interactivity are the key players,
computer graphics helps in providing such features in the
efficient way.
Computer generated models are extremely useful for teaching
huge number of concepts and fundamentals in an easy to
understand and learn manner. Using computer graphics many
educational models can be created through which more interest
can be generated among the students regarding the subject.
Specialised system for training like simulators can be used for
training the candidates in a way that can be grasped in a short
span of time with better understanding. Creation of training
modules using computer graphics is simple and very useful.
Today the need of visualise things have increased drastically, the
need of visualisation can be seen in many advance technologies ,
data visualisation helps in finding insights of the data , to check
and study the behaviour of processes around us we need
appropriate visualisation which can be achieved through proper
usage of computer graphics
8.Image Processing:
Various kinds of photographs or images require editing in order
to be used in different places. Processing of existing images into
refined ones for better interpretation is one of the many
applications of computer graphics.
9.Machine Drawing:
Computer graphics is very frequently used for designing,
modifying and creation of various parts of machine and the
whole machine itself, the main reason behind using computer
graphics for this purpose is the precision and clarity we get from
such drawing is ultimate and extremely desired for the safe
manufacturing of machine using these drawings.
1. A CRT has the electron beam directed only to the parts of the
screen where an image is to be drawn.
2. Produce smooth line drawings.
3. High Resolution
1. Interlaced Scanning
2. Non-Interlaced Scanning
1. Realistic image
2. Million Different colors to be generated
3. Shadow Scenes are possible.
1. Point
2. Line
3. Sector
4. Arc
5. Ellipse
6. Rectangle
7. Polygon
8. Characters
9. Filled Regions
Pixel or Pel:
The closer the dots or pixels are, the better will be the quality of
picture. Closer the dots are, crisper will be the picture. Picture will
not appear jagged and unclear if pixels are closely spaced. So the
quality of the picture is directly proportional to the density of
pixels on the screen.
P (5, 5) used to represent a pixel in the 5th row and the 5th
column. Each pixel has some intensity value which is represented
in memory of computer called a frame buffer. Frame Buffer is
also called a refresh buffer. This memory is a storage area for
storing pixels values using which pictures are displayed. It is also
called as digital memory. Inside the buffer, image is stored as a
pattern of binary digits either 0 or 1. So there is an array of 0 or 1
used to represent the picture. In black and white monitors, black
pixels are represented using 1's and white pixels are represented
using 0's. In case of systems having one bit per pixel frame buffer
is called a bitmap. In systems with multiple bits per pixel it is
called a pixmap.
Q7) Scan Conversion Definition
1. Point
2. Line
3. Sector
4. Arc
5. Ellipse
6. Rectangle
7. Polygon
8. Characters
9. Filled Regions
Imagine a picture you drew with perfect lines and curves. That's
a vector image. Rasterization takes that vector image and
translates it into a grid of colored squares – the pixels. The more
pixels used, the closer the rasterized image will resemble the
original vector image.
Q10) Resolution:
Resolution refers to the number of pixels packed into a digital
image. Think of it as the density of the tiny squares (pixels) that
make up the image. The more pixels you have, the higher the
resolution and the sharper the image will be.
Screen Resolution:
• What it is: Screen resolution refers to the number of pixels
that make up a display, like a computer monitor, phone
screen, or TV. It's expressed in width x height format (e.g.,
1920 x 1080 pixels).
• Impact: Screen resolution determines how much detail and
sharpness you see on your screen. Higher resolution means
more pixels, leading to a sharper and crisper image.
Image Resolution:
• What it is: Image resolution refers to the number of pixels
that make up a digital image (e.g., a photograph, graphic, or
screenshot). It's also expressed in width x height format.
• Impact: Image resolution determines the level of detail and
clarity of the image itself. Higher resolution images contain
more pixels and can capture finer details.
Analogy to understand the difference:
• Scenario: You have a high-resolution image (3840 x 2160
pixels) displayed on a low-resolution screen (1024 x 768
• Result: The image will be shrunk to fit the screen. You
might see some loss of detail because the screen doesn't
have enough pixels to display the full resolution of the
• Scenario: You have a low-resolution image (640 x 480
pixels) displayed on a high-resolution screen (1920 x 1080
• Result: The image will be blown up to fit the screen. This
can result in a pixelated or blurry image because the
software has to stretch the limited number of pixels to fill
the larger space.
In essence:
• Screen resolution is a property of the display device.
• Image resolution is a property of the image file itself.