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Instant Download Business Statistics 2nd Edition J. K. Sharma PDF All Chapters
Instant Download Business Statistics 2nd Edition J. K. Sharma PDF All Chapters
PLANT TAXONOMY 2nd Edition Sharma
Business Statistics
Second Edition
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Business Statistics
Second Edition
J. K. Sharma
Faculty of Management Studies
University of Delhi, Delhi
Copyright © 2007 Dorling Kindersley (India) Pvt. Ltd.
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ISBN 9788177586541
eISBN 9788131798669
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Preface to the Second Edition
The second edition of Business Statistics, while continuing to retain the clear, crisp
pedagogy of the first edition, adds new features and an even stronger emphasis on
practical, applied statistics in order to expand the decision-making ability of the
reader. Efforts have been made to assist readers in converting data into useful
information that can be used by decision makers in making more thoughtful,
information-based decisions. Thus, the text presents business statistics as ‘value-
added’ techniques.
J. K. Sharma
Statistical thinking enhances our understanding of how life works, allows control
over some societal issues and helps individuals make informed decisions. I am sure
after studying this book your skills in business decision-making and understanding
of the problems of business and industry will improve.
This book has been written as a practical response to the needs of students who
want to obtain a reasonable grasp of basic statistical techniques or methods in a limited
time. The emphasis throughout the book is on understanding through practice,
interpretation of results and their application to the real-life problems. Statistical
theory and derivation of formulae are deliberately kept to a minimum. This will
encourage students who lack confidence in their mathematical ability to understand
statistical techniques.
Each chapter of the book includes the necessary theory and methods of carrying
out the various techniques and analysis. A large number of solved examples and self
practice problems (all with hints and answers) are provided to motivate students to
apply statistical techniques to real data and draw statistical inferences. Other than
providing useful guidance to the students in several professional and competitive
examinations, this book should serve as core textbook for the students of
• BBA, BCA, B.Com.
• PGDBM, MBA, M.Com., MA (Eco)
• MCA, BE, B.Tech. (Computer Science)
I am indebted to all my students, friends and colleagues for their helpful input
while writing this book. In particular, I am thankful to Prof. V. K. Bhalla and Prof.
R. P. Hooda for their valuable suggestions and encouragement.
In writing this book I have benefited immensely by referring to several books
and research papers. I express my gratitude to authors, publishers and institutions
of all such books and papers.
I would like to thank the editorial team at Pearson Education, for their assistance
in bringing out this book. Thanks are also due to Mr. Dinesh Kaushik and Mr.
Pawan Tyagi for their cooperation in designing the layout of the book. Finally, I
am thankful to my wife and children for their patience, understanding, love and
assistance in making this book a reality. It is to them that I dedicate this book.
Suggestions and comments to improve the book in content and style are always
welcome and will be greatly appreciated and acknowledged.
J. K. Sharma
10.7 Hypothesis Testing for Population Parameters with Large Samples 336
10.7.1 Hypothesis Testing for Single Population Mean 336
10.7.2 Relationship between Interval Estimation and Hypothesis Test-
ing 337
10.7.3 p-Value Approach to Test Hypothesis of Single Population
Mean 340
10.7.4 Hypothesis Testing for Difference between Two Populations
Means 341
Self-Practice Problems 10A 345
Hints and Answers 346
10.8 Hypothesis Testing for Single Population Proportion 347
10.8.1 Hypothesis Testing for Difference between Two Population
Proportions 347
10.9 Hypothesis Testing for a Binomial Proportion 350
Self-Practice Problems 10B 351
Hints and Answers 352
10.10 Hypothesis Testing for Population Mean with Small Samples 353
10.10.1 Properties of Student’s T-Distribution 353
10.10.2 Hypothesis Testing for Single Population Mean 354
10.10.3 Hypothesis Testing for Difference of Two Population Means
(Independent Samples) 357
10.10.4 Hypothesis Testing for Difference of Two Population Means
(Dependent Samples) 360
Self-Practice Problems 10C 364
Hints and Answers 365
10.11 Hypothesis Testing Based on F-Distribution 367
10.11.1 Properties of F-Distribution 368
10.11.2 Comparing Two Population Variances 369
Self-Practice Problems 10D 370
Hints and Answers 371
Formulae Used 372
Chapter Concepts Quiz 373
Review Self-Practice Problems 374
Hints and Answers 376
INDEX 729–732
Statistical thinking will
one day be as necessary
Statistics: An Overview
Figure 1.1
Flow Chart of Reasons For Learning
Figure 1.3
Flow Chart of Process Improve-
This definition is quite narrow as it confines the scope of statistics only to such facts and
figures which are related to the conditions of the people in a state.
Quantitative data: • By statistics we mean quantitative data affected to a marked extent by multiplicity
Numerical data measured on of causes. —Yule and Kendall
the interval or ratio scales to
describe ‘how much’ or ‘how
• By statistics we mean aggregates of facts affected to a marked extent by multiplic-
many’. ity of causes numerically expressed, enumerated, or estimated according to rea-
sonable standards of accuracy, collected in a systematic manner for predeter-
mined purpose and placed in relation to each other. —Horace Secrist
The definition given by Horace is more comprehensive than those of Yule and Kendall.
This definition highlights the following important characteristics
(i) statistics are aggregates of facts,
(ii) statistics are effected to a marked extent by multiplicity of causes,
(iii) statistics are numerically expressed,
(iv) statistics are enumerated or estimated according to reasonable standards of ac-
(v) statistics are collected in a systematic manner for a pre-determined purpose,
(vi) statistics are placed in relation to each other.
As Statistical Methods Methods adopted as aids in the collection and analyses of numeri-
cal information or statistical data for the purpose of drawing conclusions and making
decisions are called statistical methods.
Statistical methods, also called statistical techniques, are sometimes loosely referred
to cover ‘statistics’ as a subject in whole. There are two branches of statistics: (i) Math-
ematical statistics and (ii) Applied statistics. Mathematical statistics is a branch of mathemat-
ics and is theoretical. It deals with the basic theory about how a particular statistical
method is developed. Applied statistics, on the other hand, uses statistical theory in
formulating and solving problems in other subject areas such as economics, sociology,
medicine, business/industry, education, and psychology.
The field of applied statistics is not easy because the rules necessary to solve a par-
ticular problem are not always obvious although the guiding principles that underlie
the various methods are identical regardless of the field of their application. As a matter
of fact, experience and judgment are otherwise more necessary to execute a given statis-
tical investigation.
The purpose of this book is limited to discussing the fundamental principles and
methods of applied statistics in a simple and lucid manner so that readers with no
previous formal knowledge of mathematics could acquire the ability to use statistical
methods for making managerial decisions.
A few relevant definitions of statistical methods are given below:
• Statistics is the science which deals with the methods of collecting, classifying,
presenting, comparing and interpreting numerical data collected to throw some
light on any sphere of enquiry. —Seligman
• The science of statistics is the method of judging, collecting natural or social
phenomenon from the results obtained from the analysis or enumeration or
collection of estimates. —King
A. L. Bowley has given the following three definitions keeping in mind various
aspects of statistics as a science:
• Statistics may be called the science of counting.
• Statistics may be called the science of average.
• Statistics is the science of the measurement of social organism regarded as a
whole in all its manifestations.
These definitions confine the scope of statistical analysis only to ‘counting, average,
and applications’ in the field of sociology alone. Bowley realized this limitation and
himself said that statistics cannot be confined to any science. Another definition of statis-
tics given by Croxton and Cowden is as follows:
Inferential statistics includes statistical methods which facilitate estimating the charac- Inferential statistics: It
teristic of a population or making decisions concerning a population on the basis of consists of procedures used
sample results. Sample and population are two relative terms. The larger group of units to make inferences about
population characteristics on
about which inferences are to be made is called the population or universe and a sample
the basis of sample results.
is a fraction, subset, or portion of that universe.
Inferential statistics can be categorized as parametric or non-parametric. The use of
parametric statistics is based on the assumption that the population from which the
sample is drawn, is normally distributed. Parametric statistics can be used only when
data are collected on an interval or ratio scale. Non-parametric statistics makes no explicit
assumption regarding the normality of distribution in the population and is used when Sample: A subset (portion)
the data are collected on a nominal or ordinal scale. of the population.
The need for sampling arises because in many situations data are sought for a large
group of elements such as individuals, companies, voters, households, products,
customers, and so on to make inferences about the population that the sample represents.
Thus, due to time, cost, and other considerations data are collected from only a small
portion of the population called sample. The concepts derived from probability theory
help to ascertain the likelihood that the analysis of the characteristic based on a sample
do reflect the characteristic of the population from which the sample is drawn. This
helps the decision-maker to draw conclusions about the characteristics of a large
population under study.
Following definitions are necessary to understand the concept of inferential statistics:
• A process is a set of conditions that repeatedly come together to transform inputs
into outcomes. Examples includes a business process to serve customers, length
of time to complete a banking transaction, manufacturing of goods, and so on.
• A population (or universe) is a group of elements or observations relating to a
phenomenon under study for which greater knowledge and understanding is
needed. The observations in population may relate to employees in a company,
a large group of manufactured items, vital events like births and deaths or road
accidents. A population can be finite or infinite according to the number of
observations under statistical investigation.
• A statistical variable is an operationally defined characteristic of a population or
process and represents the quantity to be observed or measured.
• A sample is a group of some, but not all, of the elements or observations of a
population or process. The individual elements of a sample are called sampling
or experimental units.
• A parameter is a descriptive or summary measure (a numerical quantity) associated
with a statistical variable that describes a characteristic of the entire population.
(iv) Forecasting techniques are used for curve fitting by the principle of least squares
and exponential smoothing to predict inflation rate, unemployment rate, or
manufacturing capacity utilization.
Production Statistical methods are used to carry out R&D programmes for improvement
in the quality of the existing products and setting quality control standards for new ones.
Decisions about the quantity and time of either self-manufacturing or buying from out-
side are based on statistically analysed data.
Finance A statistical study through correlation analysis of profit and dividend helps to
predict and decide probable dividends for future years. Statistics applied to analysis of
data on assets and liabilities and income and expenditure, help to ascertain the financial
results of various operations.
Financial forecasts, break-even analysis, investment decisions under uncertainty—
all involve the application of relevant statistical methods for analysis.
Some specific areas of applications of statistics in social sciences are as listed below:
(i) Regression and correlation analysis techniques are used to study and isolate all
those factors associated with each social phenomenon which bring out the changes
in data with respect to time, place, and object.
(ii) Sampling techniques and estimation theory are indispensable methods for con-
ducting any social survey pertaining to any strata of society, and drawing valid
(iii) In sociology, statistical methods are used to study mortality (death) rates, fertility
(birth rates) trends, population growth, and other aspects of vital statistics.
An effective statistician
• is well-trained in the theory and practice of statistics. • has a pleasing personality and is able to work with others.
• is an effective problem-solver. • gets highly involved in solving organizational problems.
• has good oral and written communication skills. • is able to extend and develop statistical methodology.
• can work within the constraints of real-life. • can adapt quickly to new problems and challenges.
• knows how to use computers to solve problems. • produces high quality work in an orderly and timely
• understands the realities of statistical practices. fashion.
* Source: “Preparing Statistics for Cancers in Industry,” The American Statistician, Vol. 34, No. 2, May 1980.
Conceptual Questions 1A
1. What is statistics? How do you think that the knowledge 17. ‘Statistical thinking will one day be as necessary for effi-
of statistics is essential in management decisions. Give ex- cient citizenship as the ability to read and write’ Com-
amples. ment. Also give two examples, of how the science of statis-
2. Write a brief note on the application of statistics in busi- tics could be of use in managerial decision-making.
ness and industry. [HP Univ., MBA, 1996]
3. Discuss the meaning and scope of statistics, bringing out 18. ‘Statistics is a method of decision-making in the face of
its importance particularly in the field of trade and com- uncertainty on the basis of numerical data and calculated
merce. risks’. Comment and explain with suitable illustrations.
4. (a) How far can statistics be applied for business decisions? [Delhi Univ., MBA, 1992, 1993]
Discuss briefly bringing out limitations, if any 19. ‘Without adequate understanding of statistics, the investi-
(b) Define ‘statistics’ and give its main limitations. gator in social sciences may frequently be like the blind
man grouping in a dark closet for a black cat that is not
5. (a) Explain how statistics plays an important role in man-
there’. Comment. Give two examples of the use and abuse
agement planning and decision-making?
of statistics in business.
(b) Define statistics and statistical methods. Explain the
20. One can say that statistical inference includes an interest in
uses of statistical methods in modern business.
statistical description as well, since the ultimate purpose of
[Vikram Univ., MBA, 1996]
statistical inference is to describe population data. Does
6. Statistical methods are the most dangerous tools in the statistical inference differ from statistical description? Dis-
hands of an inexpert. Examine this statement. How are cuss.
statistics helpful in business and industry? Explain.
21. What characteristics are inevitable in virtually all data and
[Delhi Univ., MBA, 1999]
why is the understanding of it important?
7. (a) Define statistics. Discuss its applications in the man-
22. ‘Modern statistical tools and techniques are important for
agement of business enterprises. What are its limita-
improving the quality of managerial decisions’. Explain
tion, if any.
this statement and discuss the role of statistics in the plan-
[Jodhpur Univ., MBA; HP Univ., MBA, 1996]
ning and control of business. [HP Univ., MBA, 1998]
(b) Explain the utility of statistics as a managerial tool.
23. ‘The fundamental gospel of statistics is to push back the
Also discuss its limitations.
domain of ignorance, rule of thumb, arbitrary or prepare
[Osmania Univ., MBA, 1998]
decisions, traditions, and dogmatism, and to increase the
8. What role does Business Statistics play in the manage- domain in which decisions are made and principles are
ment of a business enterprise? Examine its scope and limi- formulated on the basis of analysed quantitative facts’.
tations. [Delhi Univ., MBA, 1998] Explain the statement with the help of a few business
9. (a) Statistics are like clay of which you can make a God or examples. [Osmania Univ., MBA, 1999]
Devil, as you please. Explain.
24. ‘Statistics are numerical statements of facts but all facts
(b) There are three known lies : lies, dam-lies and statis- numerically stated are not statistics’. Comment upon the
tics. Comment on this statement and point out the statement.
limitations of statistics.
25. (a) Define statistics. Why do some people look at this
10. Discuss briefly the applications of Business Statistics, point- science with an eye of distrust?
ing out their limitations, if any. [Delhi Univ., MBA, 1997] (b) ‘The science of statistics is the most useful servant
11. Describe the main areas of business and industry where but only of great value to those who understand its
statistics are extensively used. proper use’. Discuss.
12. Statistics affects everybody and touches life at many points. 26. Bring out the applications of statistics in economics and
It is both a science and an art. Explain this statement with business administration as a scientific tool. Also point out
suitable examples. any two limitations of statistics.
13. With the help of few examples explain the role of statistics [CA Foundation, May 1996]
as a managerial tool. 27. Give an example of the use of descriptive statistics and
14. ‘Statistics in the science of estimates and probabilities’. inferential statistics in each of the following areas of appli-
Explain the statement and discuss the role of statistics in cation in a business firm.
the management of business enterprises. (a) Production management
15. Are statistical methods likely to be of any use to a business (b) Financial management
firm ? Illustrate your answer with some typical business (c) Marketing management
problems and the statistical techniques to be used there. (d) Personnel management
[HP Univ., MBA, 1996; Delhi Univ., MBA, 2000; 28. Discuss the differences between statistics as numerical facts
Roorkee Univ., MBA, 2000] and as a discipline or field of study.
16. ‘Statistics is a body of methods for making wise decisions 29. ORG conducts weekly surveys of television viewing
in the face of uncertainty’. Comment on the statement throughout the country. The ORG statistical ratings indi-
bringing out clearly how statistics helps in business deci- cate the size of the viewing audience for each major net-
sion-making. [Osmania Univ., MBA, 1996] work television programme. Rankings of the television
programmes and of the viewing audience market shares (b) What is the population?
for each network are published each week. (c) Why would a sample be used for this situation?
(a) What is the organization, ORG, attempting to mea- (d) What kinds of decisions or actions are based on the
sure? ORG studies?
It may be noted from Table 1.2 that categorical variables are those which are not ex-
pressed in numerical terms. Sex, religion, and language are a few examples of such
variables. The numerical variables are classified into two categories:
(i) Discrete variables—which can only take certain fixed integer numerical values.
The number of cars sold by Maruti Udyog Ltd. in 2001, or the number of
employees in an organization are examples of discrete variables.
(ii) Continuous variables—which can take any numerical value. Measurement of
height, weight, length, in centimetres/inches, grams/kilograms are a few ex-
amples of continuous variables.
Remark: Discrete data are numerical measurements that arise from a process of count-
Figure 1.4 ing, while continuous data are numerical measurements that arise from a process of mea-
A Flowchart of the Research suring.
Process A flow chart of the research process is shown in Fig. 1.4.
The combinations of these characteristics of order, distance and origin provide the
following widely used classification of measurement scales:
Nominal Scale In nominal scaling the numerical values are either named or categorized
Nominal scale: A scale of
in such as way that these values are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive. For measurement for a variable
example, shirt numbers in a football or cricket match are measured at a nominal level. A that uses a label (or name) to
player wearing a shirt number 24 is not more of anything than a player wearing a shirt identify an attribute of an
number 12 and is certainly not twice the number 12. In other words, if we use numbers element of the data set.
to identify categories, they are recognised as levels only and have no qualitative value.
Nominal classifications may consists of any other number to separate groups if such
groups are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive. For example, based on a nominal
scale: each of the respondent has to fit into one of the six categories of nationality and
scale will allow computation of the percentage of respondents who fit into each of these
six categories
• Indian • Srilankan
• Nepalise • Bhottanis
• Pakistanis • Others
Nominal scale is said to be least powerful among four scales because this scale sug-
gest no order or distance relationship and have no arithmetic origin. Few examples of
nominal scaling are: sex, blood type, religion, nationality, etc.
Nominal scale is usually used for obtaining personal data such as gender, place of
work, and so on, where grouping of individuals or objects is useful, as illustrated below.
1. Your gender 2. Your place of work
• Male • Production • Finance
• Female • Sales • Personnel
Ordinal Scale In ordinal scaling the numerical values are categorised to denote qualita- Ordinal scale: A scale of
tive differences among the various categories as well as rank-ordered the categories in measurement for a variable
some meaningful way according to some preference. The preferences would be ranked that is used to rank (or
from best to worst, first to last, numbered 1, 2, and so on. order) observations in the
The ordinal scale not only indicates the differences in the given items but also gives data set.
some information as to how respondents distinguish among these items by rank order-
ing them. However, the ordinal scale does not give any indication of the magnitude of
the differences among the ranks, i.e. this scale implies a statement of ‘greater than’ or
‘less than’ (an equality statement is also acceptable) without stating how much greater or
less. The real difference between ranks 1 and 2 may be more or less than the difference
between ranks 4 and 5. The interval between values is not interpretable in an ordinal
Besides ‘greater than’ and ‘less than’ measurements other measurements such as
‘superior to’, ‘happier than’ or ‘above’ may also be used as ordinal scale.
Oridinal scale is usually used to rate the preference or usage of various brands of a
product by individuals and to rank individuals, objects, or events. For example, rank
the following personal computers with respect to their usage in your office, assigning
the number 1 to the most used system, 2 to the next most used, an so on. If particular
system is not used at all in your office, put a 0 against it.
IBM/AT Compaq
Apple II Tandy 2000
Macintosh Zenith
Interval scale: A scale of Interval Scale An interval scale allows us to perform certain arithmetical operations on
measurement for a variable the data collected from the respondents. Whereas the nominal scale only allows us to
in which the interval qualitatively distinguish groups by categorizing them into mutually exclusive and collec-
between observations is
tively exhaustive sets, the oridinal scale allows us to rank-order the preferences, and the
expressed in terms of a fixed
standard unit of measure- interval scale allows us to compute the mean and the standard deviation of the responses
ment. on the variables. In other words, the interval scale not only classify individuals accord-
ing to certain categories and determines order of these categories; it also measure the
magnitude of the differences in the preferences among the individuals.
In interval measurement the distance between attributes does have meaning. For
example, when we measure temperature (in Fahrenheit), the distance from 30–40 is
same as distance from 70–80. The interval values in interpretable. Because of this, it
makes sense to compute an average of an interval variable, where it doesn’t make sense to
do so for oridinal scales.
Interval scale is used when responses to various questions that measure a variable
can be determined on a five-point (or seven-point or any other number of points) scale.
For example, respondents may be asked to indicate their response to each of the ques-
tions by circling the number that best describes their feeling.
Ratio scale: A scale of Ratio Scale The ratio scale has an absolute measurement point. Thus the ratio scale not
measurement for a variable only measures the magnitude of the differences between points on the scale but also
that has interval measurable provides the proportions in the differences. It is the most powerful of the four scales
is standard unit of measure-
because it has a unique zero origin. For example, a person weighing 90 kg is twice as
ment and a meaningful
zero, i.e. the ratio of two
heavy as one who weighs 45 kg. Since multiplying or dividing both of these numbers (90
values is meaningful. and 45) by any given number will preserve the ratio of 2 : 1. The measure of central
tendency of the ratio scale could either be arithmetic or geometric mean and the mea-
sure of dispersion could either be standard deviation or variance, or coefficient of varia-
Ratio scales are usually used in organizational research when exact figures on objective
(as opposed to subjective) factors are desired. Few examples are as under:
1. How many other organizations did you work for before joining this job?
2. Please indicate the number of children you have in each of the following catego-
Itemized Rating Scale This scale helps the respondent to choose one option that is
most relevant for answering certain questions as in the following examples.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Unfavourable Neutral Favourable
Type B
Unfavourable Favourable
(b) Itemized rating scale
Type A
Favourable Unfavourable
_________ : _________ : _________ : _________ : _________ : _________ : _________
extremely quite slightly neither slightly quite extremely
Type B
Favourable Unfavourable
_________ : _________ : _________ : _________ : _________ : _________ : _________
Type C
_________ : _________ : _________ : _________ : _________ : _________ : _________
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Type D
Favourable Unfavourable
7 6 5 4 3 2 1
set up by the investigator for data collection are examples of primary data sources. Any
one or a combination of the following methods can be chosen to collect primary data:
(i) Direct personal observations
(ii) Direct or indirect oral interviews
(iii) Administrating questionnaires
The methods which may be used for primary data collection are briefly discussed
Observation In observational studies, the investigator does not ask questions to seek
clarifications on certain issues. Instead he records the behaviour, as it occurs, of an event
in which he is interested. Sometimes mechanical devices are also used to record the
desired data.
Studies based on observations are best suited for researches requiring non-self re-
port descriptive data. That is, when respondents’ behaviours are to be understood with-
out asking them to part with the needed information. Diverse opinions in the diagnosis
of a particular disease could be an example of an observational study.
Certain difficulties do arise during the collection of such data on account of (i) the
observer’s training, philosophy, opinions, and expectations, (ii) the interdependence of
observations and inferences, and (iii) the inadequacies of the sense organs causing sig-
nificant variations in the observations of the same phenomenon.
Interviewing Interviews can be conducted either face-to-face or over telephone. Such
interviews provide an opportunity to establish a rapport with the interviewer and help
extract valuable information. Direct interviews are expensive and time-consuming if a
big sample of respondents is to be personally interviewed. Interviewers’ biases also come
in the way. Such interviews should be conducted at the exploratory stages of research to
handle concepts and situational factors.
Telephone interviews help establish contact with interviewers spread over distantly
separated geographic locations and obtain responses quickly. This method is effective only
when the interviewer has specific questions to ask the needs and responses promptly. Since
the interviewer in this case cannot observe the non-verbal responses at the other end, the
respondent can unilaterally terminate the interview without warning or explanation.
Questionnaire It is a formalized set of questions for extracting information from the
target respondents. The form of the questions should correspond to the form of the Questionnaire: A set of
required information. The three general forms of questions are: dichotomous (yes/no re- questions for extracting
sponse type); multiple choice, and open-ended. A questionnaire can be administered per- information from the target
sonally or mailed to the respondents. It is an efficient method of collecting primary data
when the investigator knows what exactly is required and how to measure such variables
of interest as:
• Behaviour—past, present, or intended.
• Demographic characteristics—age, sex, income, and occupation.
• Level of knowledge.
• Attitudes and opinions.
As such there are no set principles that must be used to design a questionnaire.
However, general principles of questionnaire design based on numerous studies and
experiences of survey researchers are shown in Fig. 1.5. A good questionnaire does,
however, require the application of common sense, concern for the respondent, a clear
concept of the information needed, and a thorough pre-testing of the questionnaire.
1. The wording and design of questions The writing of good questions is an art, and a
time-consuming art at that! In order to obtain valid and reliable responses one needs
well-worded questions. There are a number of pitfalls to be avoided:
• Open Ended Versus Closed Questions: Open-ended questions allow respondents to
answer them in any way they choose. Examples of an open-ended question are :
(i) State five things that are interesting and challenging in the job,
(ii) What you like about your supervisors or work environment,
(iii) What is you opinion about investment portfolio of your organization.
Figure 1.5
Principles of Questionnaire Design
A closed question, would ask the respondents to make choices among a set of alternatives.
For instance, instead of asking the respondent to state any five aspects of the job that are
interesting and challenging, the researcher might list ten or fifteen characteristics that
might seem interesting or challenging in jobs and ask the respondent to rank the first
five among these.
Closed questions help the respondent to make quick decision by making a choice
among the several alternatives that are provided. They also help the researcher to code
the information easily for subsequent analysis. Of course, care has to be taken to ensure
that the alternatives are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive. If there are over-
lapping categories, or if all possible alternatives are not given (i.e., the categories are not
exhaustive), the respondents might get confused and the advantage of making a quick
decision may be lost.
• Positively and Negatively Worded Questions: Instead of phrasing all questions posi-
tively, it is advisable to include some negatively worded questions also, so that it
minimizes the tendency in respondents to mechanically circle the points toward
one end of the scale. For example, a set of six questions are used to measure the
variable ‘perceived success’ on a five-point scale, with 1 being ‘very low’ and 5 being
‘very high’ on the scale. A respondent who is not particularly interested in com-
pleting the questionnaire is more likely to stay involved and remain alert while
answering the questions when positively and negatively worded questions are in-
terspersed in the questionnaire. For instance, if the respondent had circled 5 for a
positively worded question such as, ‘I feel I have been able to accomplish a number
of different things in my job’ he cannot circle number 5 again to the negatively
worded questions, ‘I do not feel I am very effective in my job.’ The use of double
negatives and excessive they tend to confuse respondents. For instance, it is better
to say ‘Coming to work is not great fun’ than to say ‘Not coming to work is greater
fun than coming to work.’ Likewise, it is better to say ‘The strong people need no
tonics’ than to say ‘Only the strong should be given no tonics.’
• Double-Barreled Questions: A question that lends itself to different possible answers to
its subparts is called a double-barreled question. Such questions should be avoided
and two or more separate questions should be ask. For example, the question “Do
you think there is a good market for the product and that it will sell well? could
bring a ‘yes’ response to the first part (i.e., there is a good market for the product)
and a ‘no’ response to the latter part (i.e., it will not sell well—for various other
reasons). In this case, it would be better to ask two questions such as: (a) ‘Do you
think there is a good market for the product?’ (b) ‘Do you think the product will sell
• Ambigious Questions: Questions that can be interpreted different by different re-
spondents should be avoided. For example, for the question such as: ‘To what
extent would you say you are happy?’, the respondent might not be sure whether
the question refers to his feelings at the workplace, or at home, or in general.
Because, respondent might presume that the question relates to the workplace. Yet
the researcher might have intended to inquire about the, overall degree of satisfac-
tion that the respondent experiences in everyday life–a feeling not specific to the
workplace alone or at home.
• Level of Wording: It is important to tailor the level of wording of questions in
accordance with the understanding respondents’. Jargons are to be avoided, and it
should be established in the pilot study that the respondents understand the con-
cepts. For instance, asking questions about ‘Trisomy 21’ might be inappropriate
while ‘mongolism’ or ‘Down syndrome’ could be intelligible. Using double nega-
tives should be avoided. In general, the questions should be simple and concise.
• Biased and Leading Questions: The wording of the questions should not lead the
respondent to feel committed to respond in a certain way. For example, the ques-
tion ‘How often do you go to church?’ may lead the respondent to respond in a way
that is not entirely truthful if they, in fact, never go to church. Not only can the
wording of a question be leading but the response format may also be leading. For
example, if a ‘never’ response were excluded from the available answers to the
above question, the respondent would be led to respond in an inaccurate way.
Bias might also arise from possible carry-over effects from answering a pattern of
questions. For instance, a questionnaire on health workers’ attitudes to abortion might
include the questions ‘Do you value human life?’ followed by ‘Do you think unborn
babies should be murdered in their mothers’ wombs?’. In this case, the respondent is
being led both by the context in which the second question is asked and the bias involved
in the emotional wording of the questions. Surely, one would have to be a monster to
answer ‘yes’ to the second question, given the way it was asked.
Finally, it should be kept in mind that even a good questionnaire might be invalidly
administered. For instance, a survey on ‘Attitudes to migration’ might be answered less
than honestly by respondents if the interviewer is obviously of immigrant background.
2. The structure of questionnaire A questionnaire may be structured in different ways,
but typically the following components are included:
• Introductory Statement: The introductory statement describes the purpose of the
questionnaire, the information sought, and how it is to be used. It also introduces
the researchers and explains whether the information is confidential and/or anony-
• Demographic Questions: It is usual to collect information about the respondents,
including details such as age, sex, education, and so on. It is best to position these
questions first as they are easily answered and serve as a ‘warm-up’ to what follows.
• Factual Questions: It is generally easier for respondents to answer direct factual
questions such as, ‘Do you have a driver’s licence?’ than to answer opinion ques-
tions. Often, this type of question is positioned early on in the questionnaire—also
to help ‘warm up’!
(iv) Opinion Questions: Questions that require reflection on the part of the respon-
dent are usually positioned after the demographic and factual questions.
• Closing Statements and Return Instructions: The closing statements in a questionnaire
usually thank the respondent for their participation, invite the respondent to take
up any issues they feel have not been satisfactorily addressed in the questionnaire,
and provide information on how to return the questionnaire.
17. If you feel that the price paid by you is very high, what should be the price accord-
ing to you:
5. Using the scale below, please indicate the importance of the following factors in your assess-
ment of the quality of a POM journal.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Most Very Important Somewhat Not
important important important important
at all
____ Acceptance rate ____ Number of issues per year
____ Methodological rigour of the published work ____ Age of the journal
____ Editor and editorial board members ____ Professional organization that
sponsors the journal
____ Authors who publish in the journal ____ Other (please specify)
6. At this stage of your career, how important to your career advancement is the quality of the
journals in which your articles appear? (Use the scale below)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Most Very Important Somewhat Not
important important important important
at all
7. At this stage of your career, how important to your career advancement is the quality of
articles you author/coauthor? (use the scale below)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Most Very Important Somewhat Not
important important important important
at all
8. How much weightage does your institution/college place on research and publication in
evaluating your annual performance? ______ (use a number between 0 and 100%)
9. What business degree(s) is (are) offered by the institution in which you teach? (tick all that
Undergraduate Masters level (MBA, MCA, M.Tech, etc.)
Doctoral; (M.Phil, Ph.D.)
10. What is your academic rank?
Full professor Associate professor Assistant professor
Other (e.g., instructor, lecturer, etc.)
11. In which year was your Ph.D. degree granted? ______
12. How many POM-related articles have you authored/coauthored in referenced journals? (in-
clude any articles that are currently in the press) ________
Their disadvantage is that the unit of measurement may not be the same as required
by the users. For example, the size of a firm may be stated in terms of either number of
employees, gross sales, gross profit, or total paid-up capital.
The scale of measurement may also be different from the one desired. For example,
dividend declared by various companies may have breakup of ‘less than 10 per cent’
‘10–15 per cent’; ‘15–20 per cent,’ and so on. For a study requiring to know the num-
ber of companies who may have declared dividend of ‘16 per cent and above’, such
secondary data are of no use.
Robert W. Joselyn in his book Designing and Marketing Research Project, Petrocelli/
Charter, 1977, New York, suggested an approach for evaluating the usefulness of sec-
ondary data and understanding their limitations. The flow chart showing the steps to be
taken for evaluating the secondary data is shown in Fig. 1.6.
After data have been collected from a representative sample of the population, the
next step is to analyse the data so that the research hypotheses can be tested. For this,
some preliminary steps need to followed. These steps help to prepare the data for analy- Figure 1.7
sis, ensure that the data obtained are reasonably good, and allow the results to be mean- Flow Diagram of Data
ingfully interpreted. A flow diagram in Fig. 1.7 shows the data analysis process. Analysis Process
Conceptual Questions 1B
30. A manager of a large corporation has recommended that 33. Describe the three general forms of questions that can be
a Rs 1000 raise be given to keep a valued subordinate included in a questionnaire and give an example of each in
from moving to another company. What internal and ex- the context of a political poll.
ternal sources of data might be used to decide whether 34. One can say that statistical inference includes an interest in
such a salary increase is appropriate? statistical description as well, since the ultimate purpose of
31. In the area of statistical measurement instruments such as statistical inference is to describe population data. How
questionnaires, reliability refers to the consistency of the then, does statistical inference differ from statistical de-
measuring instrument and validity refers to the accuracy scription? Discuss.
of the instrument. Thus, if a questionnaire yields compa- 35. In a recent study of causes of death in men 60 years of age
rable or similar results when completed by two equivalent and older, a sample of 120 men indicated that 48 died as a
groups of respondents, then the questionnaire can be de- result of some form of heart disease.
scribed as being reliable. Does the fact that an instrument (a) Develop a descriptive statistic that can be used as an
is reliable guarantee that it is also a valid instrument? Dis- estimate of the percentage of men 60 years of age or
cuss. older who die from some form of heart disease
32. Describe the three basic steps involved in the develop- (b) Are the data on the causes of death qualitative or
ment and use of a written questionnaire prior to actual quantitative?
data analysis. (c) Discuss the role of statistical inference in this type of
medical research
36. Determine whether each of the following random vari- (c) Why would a sample be used in this situation? Ex-
ables is categorical or numerical. If it is numerical, deter- plain.
mine whether the phenomenon of interest is discrete or 39. Suppose the following information is obtained from a
continuous. person on his application for a home loan from a bank:
(a) Amount of time the personal computer is used per (a) Place of residence: GK II, New Delhi
week (b) Type of residence: Single-family home
(b) Number of persons in the household who use the (c) Date of birth: 14 August 1975
personal computer (d) Monthly income: Rs 25,000
(c) Amount of money spent on clothing in the last month (e) Occupation: Systems Engineer
(d) Favourite shopping centre. (f) Employer: Telecom company
(e) Amount of time spent shopping for clothing in the (g) Number of years at job: 5
last month (h) Other income: Rs 30,000 per year
37. State whether each of the following variables is qualitative (i) Marital status: Married
or quantitative and indicate the measurement scale that is (j) Number of children: 1
appropriate for each. (k) Loan requested: Rs 5,00,000
(a) Age (l) Term of Loan: 10 years
(b) Gender (m) Other loan: Car
(c) Class rank (n) Amount of other loan: Rs 1,00,000
(d) Make of automobile Classify each of the 14 responses by type of data and level
(e) Annual sales of measurement.
(f) Soft-drink size (small, medium, large) 40. Suppose that the Rotary Club was planning to survey
(g) Earnings per share 2000 of its members primarily to determine the percent-
(h) Method of payment (cash, check, credit card) age of its membership that currently own more than one
38. A firm is interested in testing the advertising effectiveness car.
of a new television commercial. As part of the test, the (a) Describe both the population and the sample of in-
commercial is shown on a 6:30 p.m. local news programme terest to the club
in Delhi. Two days later, a market research firm conducts (b) Describe the type of data that the club primarily wishes
a telephone survey to obtain information on recall rates to collect
(percentage of viewers who recall seeing the commercial) (c) Develop the questionnaire needed by writing a series
and impressions of the commercial. of five categorical questions and five numerical
(a) What is the population for this study? questions that you feel would be appropriate for this
(b) What is the sample for this study? survey
True or False
1. The scale of measurement of a variable is a nominal scale 10. Descriptive statistical methods are used for presenting and
when data are labels to identify an attribute of the ele- characterizing data. (T/F)
ment. (T/F) 11. A statistic is a summary measure that describes the char-
2. The statistical method used to summarize data depends acteristic of a population. (T/F)
upon whether the data are qualitative or quantitative. (T/F) 12. A descriptive measure computed from a sample of the
3. Statistical studies can be classified as either experimental population is called a parameter. (T/F)
or observational. (T/F) 13. Enumerative studies involve decision-making regarding
4. Learning statistics does not help to improve processes. a population and/or its characteristics. (T/F)
14. Analytical studies involve taking some action on a process
5. Statistics cannot be misused. (T/F) to improve performance in the future. (T/F)
6. All facts numerically stated are not statistics. (T/F)
15. Data are needed to satisfy our curiosity. (T/F)
7. Statistical thinking focuses on ways to understand, man- 16. A continuous variable can also be used for quantitative
age, and reduce variation. (T/F) data when every value within some interval is a possible
8. An average value computed from the set of all observa- result. (T/F)
tions in the population is called a statistic. (T/F) 17. A summary measure computed from sample data is called
9. Inferential statistics help in generalizing the results of a statistic. (T/F)
sample to the entire population. (T/F) 18. The summary numbers for either a population or a sample
are called descriptive statistics. (T/F)
Concepts Quiz Answers
1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T 7. T 8. F 9. T
10. T 11. F 12. F 13. T 14. T 15. T 16. T 17. T 18. T
It’s not the figures them-
selves . . ., it’s what you do
In Chapter 1, we learned how to collect data through primary and/or secondary sources.
Whenever a set of data that we have collected contains a large number of observations,
the best way to examine such data is to present it in some compact and orderly form.
Such a need arises because data contained in a questionnaire are in a form which does
not give any idea about the salient features of the problem under study. Such data are not
directly suitable for analysis and interpretation. For this reason the data set is organized
and summarized in such a way that patterns are revealed and are more easily interpreted.
Such an arrangement of data is known as the distribution of the data. Distribution is
important because it reveals the pattern of variation and helps in a better understanding
of the phenomenon the data present.
may need a change and the classification can thus retain the merit of stability and yet
have flexibility.
The term stability does not mean rigidity of classes. The term is used in a relative
sense. One-time classification can not remain stable forever. With change in time, some
classes become obsolete and have to be dropped and fresh classes have to be added. The
classification may be called ideal if it can adjust itself to these changes and yet retain its
Quantitative Classification In this classification, data are classified on the basis of some
characteristics which can be measured such as height, weight, income, expenditure,
production, or sales.
Quantitative variables can be divided into the following two types. The term variable
refers to any quantity or attribute whose value varies from one investigation to another.
(i) Continuous variable is the one that can take any value within the range of numbers.
Thus the height or weight of individuals can be of any value within the limits. In
such a case data are obtained by measurement,
(ii) Discrete (also called discontinuous) variable is the one whose values change by
steps or jumps and can not assume a fractional value. The number of children
in a family, number of workers (or employees), number of students in a class, are
few examples of a discrete variable. In such a case data are obtained by counting.
The following are examples of continuous and discrete variables in a data set:
Table 2.1
Table 2.2 Raw Data Pertaining to Total Time Hours Worked by Machinists
94 89 88 89 90 94 92 88 87 85
88 93 94 93 94 93 92 88 94 90
93 84 93 84 91 93 85 91 89 95
These raw data are not amenable even to a simple reading and do not highlight any
characteristic/trend, such as the highest, the lowest, and the average weekly hours. Even
a careful look at these data do not easily reveal any significant trend regarding the
nature and pattern of variations therein. As such no meaningful inference can be drawn,
unless these data are reorganized to make them more useful. For example, if we are to
ascertain a value around which most of the overtime hours cluster, such a value is
difficult to obtain from the raw data.
Moreover, as the number of observations gets large, it becomes more and more
difficult to focus on the specific features in a set of data. Thus we need to organize the
observation so that we can better understand the information that the data are revealing.
The raw data can be reorganized in a data array and frequency distribution. Such
an arrangement enables us to see quickly some of the characteristics of the data we have
When a raw data set is arranged in rank order, from the smallest to the largest
observation or vice-versa, the ordered sequence obtained is called an ordered array.
Table 2.3 reorganizes data given in Table 2.2 in the ascending order
84 84 85 85 87 88 88 88
88 89 89 89 90 90 91 91
92 92 93 93 93 93 93 93
94 94 94 94 94 95
It may be observed that an ordered array does not summarize the data in any way as
the number of observations in the array remains the same. However, a few advantages of
ordered arrays are as under:
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— Oh ! maman, tu sais bien que je joue trop mal pour me faire
entendre !
— Mais non, mais non, tu ne joues pas mal… M. Morère, si c’est
lui qui t’intimide, ne s’attend pas à te voir un talent égal à celui des
Parisiennes qu’il connaît. Va vite au piano. Il n’y a rien de si ridicule
qu’une jeune fille qui se fait prier.
Agnès, à l’accent de sa mère, se sentit vaincue. Comment,
d’ailleurs, se dérober, quand tous se mêlaient d’insister ? Non pas lui,
cependant, qui, après un mot de politesse, se taisait, ayant sans
doute pitié d’elle…, ni le docteur Paul non plus… La lutte était
tellement impossible, qu’elle s’assit au piano, et un silence lourd
s’abattit sur le salon, d’autant plus absolu que le commandant ayant
émis une réflexion, sa femme lui avait lancé d’un ton courroucé :
— Mais, Charles, ta fille va jouer !
Oui, il fallait bien qu’elle jouât. Sa main tremblante frappa une
première note, qui résonna à son oreille autant qu’un formidable
bruit au milieu du recueillement général. Alors une émotion folle
l’envahit, paralysant son humble talent, brouillant les notes sous ses
yeux, précipitant ses doigts nerveux, ne lui laissant plus que le seul
irrésistible désir d’en finir à n’importe quel prix. Et les uns sur les
autres, les sons se précipitaient, éperdus, haletants, comme l’enfant
elle-même, qui était blanche jusqu’aux lèvres quand elle se leva,
ayant fébrilement jeté au hasard ses derniers accords.
Des applaudissements cependant y répondirent, la plupart très
sincères, car le goût musical était tout le contraire de développé
dans le petit cercle de Mme Vésale. Mais que faisait à Agnès cette
banale approbation ? Lui, André Morère, ne pouvait pas s’illusionner
comme les autres… Et quel jugement il devait porter sur elle ! Une
anxiété lui serra le cœur à cette pensée, si forte que ses paupières
s’alourdirent de larmes contenues, qu’elle refoula bravement. Mais
pourtant le courage lui manquait pour se mêler à la conversation,
même pour écouter Cécile, qui, sans nul embarras, campée au
piano, chantait à l’aventure un duo d’opérette avec le lieutenant,
pourvu d’une voix aussi sonore que son talent était inexpérimenté…
Pas plus, elle ne remarquait le regard sérieux du docteur Paul,
attaché sur elle qui demeurait assise un peu à l’écart, dans
l’embrasure de la fenêtre ouverte, le souffle de la nuit soulevant de
petits cheveux autour de son jeune visage pâli, les yeux sans cesse
attirés vers la pendule, dont les aiguilles lui semblaient avancer avec
une rapidité dévorante… Près de dix heures et demie déjà !… A peine
une demi-heure, André Morère avait encore à passer à Beaumont,
chez le commandant…
Mais était-ce possible ? Un mouvement s’était opéré dans les
groupes, parce que la commandante faisait offrir des sirops, et voici
qu’il venait la chercher dans sa solitude, avec ce regard d’ami qu’elle
trouvait si bon de sentir tomber sur elle…
— Mademoiselle Agnès, je vais, je crois, vous paraître bien
indiscret… Mais ne pensez-vous pas que vous abusez un peu du
droit d’être absente, de vous dérober à ceux qui vous entourent ?
Avec son habituelle simplicité, elle dit, secouant un peu la tête :
— Je n’étais pas absente… J’étais bien ici, honteuse d’avoir si mal
joué… Mais il faut m’excuser, j’avais tellement peur !…
— Étions-nous donc si effrayants ?
Aussi sincères que sa pensée, ses lèvres avouèrent avant qu’elle
les eût closes, par un effort de volonté :
— Les autres, non… Mais vous, oui !
Il eut pour elle un chaud sourire qui l’enveloppa comme un
souffle apaisant :
— Si vous saviez quelle parfaite nullité j’ai toujours été devant un
piano, vous ne me feriez certes pas l’honneur immérité de me
considérer comme un juge redoutable… D’ailleurs, je vous assure
que vous êtes beaucoup trop sévère pour vous-même, probablement
parce que vous êtes de l’élite qui voit toujours un « mieux » à
atteindre ! Mais, pour ma part, je suis désolé de vous avoir été une
semblable cause d’émotion. Je sais si bien, par expérience, ce que
sont ces terreurs paniques qui saisissent quand on se sent écouté et
qui font perdre toute possession de soi-même… J’ai ainsi le souvenir
désastreux de l’une de mes premières conférences… Maintenant je
suis aguerri… Soyez bien sûre que vous vous aguerrirez aussi.
Il lui parlait d’un ton si délicatement amical, si encourageant avec
le même bon sourire, que sa détresse s’engourdissait à l’entendre. Et
puis elle le retrouvait tel que jusqu’alors elle l’avait vu à ses côtés !
Elle oubliait le brillant causeur, le penseur, l’écrivain qui étaient en lui
et dont elle avait eu la révélation pendant le dîner… De nouveau, il
lui redisait tout son plaisir d’avoir été guidé par elle dans sa visite à
la cathédrale qui lui laissait un souvenir enthousiaste, et il se plaisait
à en rechercher, avec elle, les merveilles, qu’elle l’avait si fort aidé à
bien pénétrer, ajoutait-il avec une sincérité bien plus absolue qu’elle
ne l’eût jamais supposé.
Et tout bas, elle se prenait à faire inconsciemment le souhait
irréalisable qu’il demeurât longtemps auprès d’elle, occupé d’elle, la
tenant sous l’éclair pensif de son regard. Elle ne voulait plus songer
que les minutes passaient, que l’heure allait sonner où il devrait
partir pour ne revenir peut-être jamais dans l’intimité de leur
Et déjà cette heure était arrivée. Le commandant approchait,
disant :
— Mon cher ami, si vraiment vous ne voulez pas accepter notre
hospitalité cette nuit, il est malheureusement l’heure que nous nous
mettions en route vers la gare, afin de ne pas manquer votre train.
— Merci de me le rappeler. Il faut absolument que je sois demain
matin à Paris.
Les lèvres d’Agnès eurent un frémissement. Allons, c’était bien
fini !… Il partait… Alors elle s’aperçut que, jusqu’à la dernière minute,
elle avait espéré contre toute vraisemblance qu’il consentirait à
rester. Que lui avait-il donc fait, cet étranger, pour lui rendre sa
présence ainsi précieuse, pour qu’elle éprouvât ce chagrin parce qu’il
s’éloignait ?…
Avec son aisance d’homme du monde, il prenait congé de tous
les hôtes de Mme Vésale, un peu en hâte, parce que le commandant
le pressait à cause de l’heure avancée. Il s’inclinait devant Mme
Vésale, la remerciant de son accueil en quelques paroles qui la
remplirent de plaisir ; puis il s’arrêta devant Agnès, lui disant, à elle
aussi, merci… Merci de quoi ? De l’avoir rendue bien heureuse durant
quelques heures ?… Et comme elle lui avait tendu la main,
respectueux, il se pencha très bas et l’effleura de ses lèvres, faisant
ainsi monter une fugitive lueur rose au blanc petit visage.
— Allons, Morère, partons ! appelait le commandant. Nous serons
en retard…
Il répéta :
— Partons !…
Il eut un dernier salut… Et la portière du salon retomba derrière
lui. Agnès entendit décroître le bruit de son pas… Puis, lourdement,
retomba la grand’porte qui se refermait. Il n’était plus là…
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Une demi-heure plus tard, le train l’emportait vers Paris.
Ah ! il pouvait, André Morère, parler de la faiblesse et de
l’inconséquence humaines. Qu’était-il, lui qui avait de la vie une
conception si haute et comprenait si bien le devoir de la faire
moralement belle ? Un homme plus intelligent que la plupart, il est
vrai, mais autant que les autres pétri de passion, faible devant la
toute-puissance de la femme aimée.
Est-ce qu’à cette heure, dans le wagon qui le ramenait vers Paris,
il n’était pas dominé tout entier par l’idée qui allumait une fièvre
dans son être nerveux, qu’il la verrait le lendemain, Elle ? Est-ce qu’il
n’avait pas déjà soif de sa présence, la désirant comme un altéré
soupire après la source d’eau vive ?… Est-ce qu’il ne tressaillait pas
d’une impatience douloureuse à la seule vision d’elle flottante en lui,
à la seule pensée de la visite qu’il lui ferait, de leur causerie, des
mots qui tomberaient des lèvres tentatrices, pareilles à un fruit
savoureux au parfum grisant…
Ainsi qu’on rejette en arrière un vêtement inutile, il laissait fuir de
son cerveau le souvenir des heures qu’il venait de passer loin de la
ville où elle était, oubliant le milieu provincial qui avait distrait son
esprit d’analyste, oubliant même la candide petite vierge dont l’âme
l’avait charmé.
Il ne soupçonnait guère qu’à cette même heure, l’enfant, sa
prière du soir terminée, demeurait agenouillée, le visage dans ses
mains, les prunelles obscurcies par une buée de larmes, tandis
qu’elle revoyait comme un songe très doux, irrémédiablement fini,
leur lente visite dans la cathédrale.
Et pas plus, il ne soupçonnait que le docteur Paul, retiré dans son
cabinet de travail, l’arpentait d’un pas machinal, se répétant qu’il
était fou d’espérer attirer à lui une chère petite fille qui paraissait
tout juste remarquer son existence…
27 octobre 189.
8 novembre.
1er novembre.