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EEE 4504 Exp - 02

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Islamic University of Technology (IUT)

Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Electronics Laboratory

Name: …………………………………... Student No …………… Section ………. Group…………

Course: EEE 4504 (Power Electronics Lab)

Student ID. : ………………

Experiment no.: 02

Name of the experiment: Study of Half wave and Full wave Control Rectifier Using UJT, SCR,


1. Resistors:120Ω,330Ω,680Ω, 1KΩ, 4.7K

Ω,22KΩ and 33KΩ
2. One AC Load (Bulb)
3. One SCR (BTA 151), TRIAC (BTAl2)
DIAC (DB3) or equivalent
4. Capacitor: 0.1 pF
5. One 1 0 0 K Ω a n d One 5 0 0 K Ω
6. One UJT (2N2646)
7. Diodes:1N4007
8. Project Board and Wires

Task-1: Study of Half Wave Control Rectifier and its Corresponding Wave

The circuit presented in this experiment implements a controlled rectifier using SCR where natural
commutation or line commutation is used. This circuit is used for half wave rectification.
The time after the input voltage starts to go positive until the SCR is fired corresponds to an angle
called delay or firing angle. For Vm as the peak input voltage and α as the firing angle, the output
voltage, Vdc can be calculate by,
Vdc = Vm (1+cosα)/2π.


1. Connect the first circuit as shown in the Fig: 1 to implement the half wave controlled rectifier.
2. Remove transformer and apply 12V DC supply from Project board.
3. Observe wave shapes across Capacitor and SCR gate.
4. Now connect the transformer and observe wave shapes across the load.
5. Vary the 100 KΩ POT and note the changes among the wave shapes for three different cases.

Prepared by: Muhammad Anowar Kabir, SDE. January 2020

Circuit Diagram:

Fig: 1 Single Phase SCR Controlled Rectifier (Half Wave)

Observed Wave shapes and Draw:

For 12V DC Supply

After Connecting the Transformer

Prepared by: Muhammad Anowar Kabir, SDE. January 2020

Task-2: Study of Full Wave Control Rectifier and its Corresponding Wave Shapes
using SCR UJT and Diode.
Single phase full controlled bridge rectifier for resistive load will be studied here using SCR and UJT.
For Vm as the peak input voltage and α as the firing angle, the output voltage, Vdc can be calculate by,

Vdc = (Vm/π ) * (1 + cosα )

= (Vm(1 + cosα )) / π

Idc = (Vm/ π R) * (1 + cosα )

Vm = (Vdc* π ) /(1 + cosα )

Circuit Diagram:

4.7 K
220V AC

100 K

12V - 0V - 12V
0.1 u F

Fig: 2 Single Phase SCR Controlled Rectifier (Full Wave)


1. Connect the second circuit as shown in the Fig: 2 to implement the Full wave controlled rectifier.
2. Observe wave shapes across 12V AC and load using oscilloscope separately.
3. Vary the 100 KΩ POT and note the changes among the wave shapes for three different cases.
4. Comment on your result for both Task 1 and Task 2.

Prepared by: Muhammad Anowar Kabir, SDE. January 2020

Observed Wave shapes and Draw:

Task-3: Study of Full Wave Control Rectifier and its Corresponding Wave Shapes
using TRIAC and DIAC.

The circuit presented here uses a TRIAC connected in series with the load and it is triggered at
proper firing angle to adjust the load power. RC circuit with variable resistance, R is used to
control the triggering signal and a DIAC will be used along with the RC circuit to improve
the triggering. In practice, this simple circuit is not feasible for sophisticated applications since
the resistance, R cannot be calibrated enough to give accurate firing angle.

Circuit Diagram:

R1 20K
To OSC-2 CH1

220V, 50HZ, AC R=R1+RV 680


C 0.1uF

Fig: 3 Single Phase Controlled Rectifier (Full Wave) using DIAC and TRIAC.


Prepared by: Muhammad Anowar Kabir, SDE. January 2020

This experiment needs care because 220V AC power supply is involved. Don't connect
the power supply first. First make all the connections shown except the power supply. Then
ask your course teacher to check the circuit and connect the power supply.

1. Connect the circuit as shown in Fig: 3 except the power supply connection.
2. Vary the resistance of the variable resistor and see the effect of the variation on the
brightness of the bulb.
3. Observe the wave shape on the oscilloscope. Record the changes in the wave shape
qualitatively with the variation of the resistance.
4. Why do we connect two resistances in series along with parallel to the load (Bulb)?

Observed Wave shapes and Draw:


Prepared by: Muhammad Anowar Kabir, SDE. January 2020

Questions (UJT):
1.What is an UJT and draw its equivalent circuit?
2.Why is an UJT used in SCR firing circuit?
3.Why is the isolation needed between Thyristor and firing circuit?
4.How is a pulse transformer different from other transformer?
5.What are the features of pulse transformer?
6.What are the advantages of using pulse transformer?
7. What is a firing circuit?
8. What is the load used?
9.What is meant by ramp control, open loop control or manual control with respect to UJT
firing circuit?
10. What is time constant of a circuit?
12. What are the merits of UJT firing circuit over RC triggering circuit?
13. What are the advantages of UJT pulse trigger circuit?
14. What is relaxation oscillator? Why is UJT used as relaxation oscillator?
15. What are the applications of UJT trigger circuits?
16. What is valley voltage?
17. What is the discharging path if the capacitor?
18. Draw the static characteristics of UJT.
19. What is negative resistance?
20. What is interring base resistance?
21.What is intrinsic standoff ratio?
22.What is the width of the triggering pulse?

Questions (Controlled Rectifier):

1.What is a full controlled rectifier?
2.What is a semi converter?
3.What is a dual converter?
4.How can we control the output voltage of a single-phase full converter?
5.How many lines are there in single-phase system?
6.What is the type of commutation used?
7.What is rectification mode and inversion mode?
8.Where is full bridge converter used?
9.What is the effect of adding freewheeling diode?
10. Why the brightness of the bulb varies with the variation of the resistance?

Prepared by: Muhammad Anowar Kabir, SDE. January 2020

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