PCWA SW Parenting Programs V6

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Supporting Parents in South West WA

Free evidence-informed parenting programs delivered by Parenting Connection WA

NOTE: Attendance at all sessions is required where possible

Circle of Security® Parenting™ (COS)

8 x 2-hour sessions for parents of children from the 0-6 age group

Circle of Security parenting is based on attachment theory and focuses on the relationship
between parent and child. From a basis of observing and understanding a child’s needs, the
theory emphasises how the parent’s relationship with their child is key to success in everyday
parenting matters, such as concerning behaviour, emotional outbursts, and emerging
independence behaviour patterns.

Parents will:

• Learn how to identify their child’s need.

• Learn how to respond rather than react to their child’s need.
• Learn about their personal parenting experience.
• Remind themselves of just how important they are.

Bringing Up Great Kids – First 1000 Days

5 x 2-hour sessions for parents of children from pre-birth to 3 years age group

A parenting course that nurtures new parents and parents-to-be as they commence their
journey to support their new child.

The program covers:

• The importance of living in a safe and nurturing environment.

• Access to knowledge about brain development.
• Understanding how children grow and what they need.
• The opportunity for parents/carers to reflect on their own childhood.
• Attachment and connection with their new child.
Bringing Up Great Kids (BUGK)
6 x 2-hour sessions for parents of children from 2-12 age group

Bringing Up Great Kids uses ideas of mindfulness and reflection to support parents to review
and enhance patterns of communication with their children, to promote more respectful
interactions and encourage the development of children’s positive self- identity. It also
works to establish a new relationship context for children and their parents through facilitating
opportunities for positive exchanges. Bringing Up Great Kids draws from child-centred and
strengths-based perspectives, neurobiological development, attachment theory and narrative

Bringing Up Great Kids programs support parents to:

• Learn more about the origins of their own parenting style.

• Identify the important messages they want to convey to their children.
• Learn more about brain development and its influence on their thoughts, feelings and
• Discover how to overcome some of the obstacles getting in the way of them being the
kind of parents they would like to be.
• Discover ways for parents to find support and take care of themselves.

Bringing up Great Adolescents

6 x 2-hour sessions for parents of children from 12-18 age group

The program enables parents/carers to understand the adolescent brain in the context
of adolescent behaviour and focuses on building positive and nurturing relationships between
parents and their teen.

The program aims to support parents to review and enhance their patterns of communication
with their adolescent, to promote more respectful interactions and encourage the development
of positive self-identity.

*Please note: Various versions of the BUGK program are available other than what is listed above. Please
speak to your local PCWA Parenting Coordinator to find out more.
Tuning in to Kids (TiK)
6 x 2-hour sessions for parents of children from the 2–10 age group

The program is based on the concept of Emotional Intelligence which involves using your
emotion to guide you through life and will teach you how to Emotion Coach your child.

It’s about being able to use your own knowledge of emotions to make decisions, to self-
regulate, to manage anger and conflict, to help you in your relationships with people, and to
know and understand what is happening in social situations.

When parents focus on helping their child learn about emotions, they are more likely to:

• Have greater success with making friendships.

• Manage conflict with peers.
• Have better understanding and concentration, leading to higher academic achievement.
• Be more able to self-soothe when upset or angry.
• Have more stable and satisfying relationships as adults.
• Have greater career success.

Tuning in to Teens (TINT)

6 x 2-hour sessions for parents of children from the 10–16 age group

Research has shown that adolescents with higher Emotional Intelligence have better
concentration at school, are more able to cope when anger, have fewer mental health and
substance abuse difficulties and have more stable and satisfying relationships.

Would you like to learn how to:

• Communicate with your teen more effectively?

• Help your teen develop coping skills and resilience?
• Learn how to emotion coach your teen through difficult emotions?
• Understand why your teen behaves as they do?
• Help your teen develop emotional intelligence?
Incredible Years Programs (IY)
IY Babies Basic Program (Children 0–12 months). Runs over 9-14 weeks.
IY Toddler Basic Program (Children 1-3 years). Runs over 13-14 weeks.
IY Preschool Basic Program (Children 3–6 years). Runs over 14-20 weeks.
IY Preschool Attentive Parenting Program (Children 2–6 years). Runs for 6-10 weeks.

The Incredible Years program helps parents feel confident in their parenting decision making,
so they can raise resilient kids. There is no single ‘magic’ tool for parenting, but there are
strategies that help reduce conflict and oppositional behaviours.

The IY parent programs are designed to strengthen parent/child attachment, promote

prosocial behaviours and positive self-concept. The programs also equip parents with tools
to manage problem behaviours, stopping them becoming an ingrained pattern of behaviour.

In the Baby Parenting Program, parents learn how to:

• Help their babies feel loved, safe, and secure.

• Promote attachment.
• Encourage their babies’ physical and language development.

In the Toddler Parenting Program (Basic), parents learn how to:

• Help their toddlers feel loved and secure.

• Encourage their toddler’s language, social, and emotional development.
• Use positive discipline to manage misbehaviour.

The Preschool Parenting Program (Basic) strengthens parent-child interactions and

attachment, reducing harsh discipline and fostering parents’ ability to promote children’s social,
emotional, and language development.

Program 1: Strengthening Children’s Social Skills, Emotional Regulation and School Readiness.
Program 2: Using Praise and Incentive to Encourage Cooperative Behaviour.
Program 3: Effective Limit Setting.
Program 4: Handling Misbehaviour.

In the Attentive Parenting Program (Basic), parents learn how to:

• Promote their children’s emotional regulation.

• Social competence.
• Problem solving.
• Reading and school readiness.
Keeping Kids in Mind (KKIM)
6-session parenting program for parents and carers with children post-separation

Keeping Kids in Mind (KKIM) is a course for parents/carers experiencing conflict after

The course is designed to:

• Assist parents to see through their children’s eyes the experience of parental separation
• Develop greater understanding about how to support children following family

NOTE: Only one parent from each family can attend the program at a time.

Protective Behaviours Parent Information Session (PB)

1 x 3/4-hour session for parents of children in the 0-12 age group

Internationally recognised personal safety program aiming to empower children, young

people, and adults with strategies to promote safety, problem solving and resilience including:

• Assert their right to feel safe.

• Identify a trusted adult to talk to.
• Recognise ‘signs’ their bodies give them when they may be unsafe.
• Learn body safety rules and safety strategies.
• Learn the difference between safe and unsafe secrets.

Visit www.parentingconnectionwa.com.au
Follow us on Facebook @ParentingConnectionWA
Email: [email protected]

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