QSP - Planning Cycle Poster
QSP - Planning Cycle Poster
QSP - Planning Cycle Poster
LEARNING FRAMEWORK • What do I know about this child, including: • How do I ensure that my observations are • How is documentation showcasing the
• What does the information tell me about • Do I address the ‘what’, ‘why’ and ‘how’ the • How is information about the child’s
what and how the child is learning? child is learning? strengths and capacities reviewed with
children, families, communities and other
• Where can this be found in my • What learning is happening? Have I
documentation? analysed what the child is learning, not just
documented what the child has done? • How does this link to the EYLF?
• What are my intentions for furthering • Am I using what I have observed and • How do I enrich and extend the child’s
THE learning and development? What strategies analysed to extend the child’s learning? learning, development and thinking?
and experiences will I provide? • Is it responsive to the child’s interests, • How do I design and plan learning
• When and how do I plan? abilities and strengths? experiences and learning environments?
CYCLE • Is the planning visible? • How can I build on the child’s current • How are plans jointly constructed in
• How are the resources decided upon? knowledge, strengths, ideas, culture, abilities, collaboration with the child and in
capabilities and interests? partnership with families?
• How will the learning opportunity be set up?
PLE AN • How will I set up and deliver the learning • Do I ensure program learning opportunities • How does it reflect play-based learning?
O IM activity and use the curriculum to support by using all aspects of the day? • How does it allow for the child to make
the child’s learning and wellbeing, including • How do I put the plans into action in ways choices and display agency?
routines, transitions, interactions, indoor that meet the child’s learning outcomes • How is it visible in the learning spaces so
and outdoor environments, group projects according to the EYLF? Is this visible? that the child can engage with it?
and investigations?
Are there any gaps?